#survivor of four death games she is and a fatal casualty of each one too
bibiana112 · 2 years
Hey do you ever think about how in the timeline(s) where Akane is in the K suit, she’s the one convincing Clover to betray Tenmyouji because ‘no one in their right mind would trust a stranger’ while he allied unhesitatingly, apologized for presuming they would trust him, and remarked that he didn’t expect it to hurt like that? Because I do
No actually, I mean I probably noticed that at some point and went damn girl but I never really *thought* about it until now like yeah. There's. There's some stuff going on there I'm gonna have to refer you to Grace for this one she's the vlr gal my only thought here is how insanely in character Akane is at all times there's like not a single tell that actually all these three people do know each other poor Junpei there recognizing Clover and Alice but not being recognized back damn him and Clover should be besties this timeline sucks man
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