#survivoirs ( merrick )
viagothedandy · 2 years
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@survivoirs​     //     sent a meme !     //     "  How  many  times  are  you  going  to  try  that ? "     //     - Merrick  (  my  vet  muse )  watching  Viago  try  to  rattle  the  bars  of  the  cage  he  woke  up  in  because   he  was  brought  in  as  a  bat  ASDFGHJKL  because  i  loved  when  this  happened  to  lazlo  ok  shush .  Anyways  he's  taking  a  lot  in  rn  because  guess   vampires  are  real
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          Fingers  tightly  clutching  onto  metal  bars  ,  which  are  too  close  together  to  wrap  hands  around  them  entirely  to  try  to  bend  the  cage  that  the  vampire  is  trapped  in . How he got into this predicament , Viago doesn’t know .  One  second  he  is  flying  over  the  city  on  his  way  home  after  having  a  delicious  meal ,   and  the  next  he  is  waking  up  trapped  like  a ...  bat  ,  this  man  looking  at  him  like  he is some sort of  ... experiment !    
“  You  can’t  keep  me  in  here ! ”     Growled  as  he  shakes  entire  body  to  try  to  make  the  cage  rock  but  it  only  trembles  enough  to  make  Viago  dizzy  .  He  huffs ,  shooting  a  glare  at  his  captor .     “  I  am  a  normal  human  person ,  you  cannot  just  keep  me  in  here  like  some  animal ! ”
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gentlepyrate · 2 years
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one merboy for @survivoirs​​   //   MERRICK
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It's rare, very rare for Stede to get a day all to himself and an excuse to spend it away from home. The opportunity is offered maybe once a year, if he's lucky, and he always spends it the same way.
He heads as far as he can from Barbados, out to the beach, finds a secluded spot, sheds his clothes, and dives in.
He'd been 12 years old when he'd discovered what he was, thankfully alone. Watching his legs merge and grow scales should have scared him, but it had just felt like shedding a heavy jacket at the end of a long day, like a weight had been lifted - it still still feels that way, even years later, as he jumps into the water and happily shifts to his true form.
He goes far.  As far as he can. As far a he can manage before he gets too nervous and turns around, sees how far land has become and swims back. He goes far enough to see passing ships, hiding far beneath the waves to ensure they won't catch him - he doesn't want to be caught, can't let his little secret ruin the family, no matter how low the chance of someone seeing him and recognizing him as Stede Bonnet might be.
That fear isn't strong enough to let him watch a man drown, however.
It's sundown by the time he catches up to the boat, followingit out of interest (he'd always liked ships) before he hearsthe sound of someone hitting the water, glances over to see a flurry of bubbles and movement.
He waits, getting more and more nervous and he doesn't hear anyone call man overboard, and after maybe ten seconds, the tension snaps, and he darts forward, wrapping his tail around the stranger and bringing him up to the surface.
" You almost drowned! "   Stede announces as if they possibly hadn't noticed, sounding a little frantic about it. There's no way up the ship from here and he doesn't really want sailors to see him and he doesn't know how to solve this - maybe he just has to swim him to shore? Oh, what has he done -
" Are - are you okay? "   He's hacking a bit, Stede can't tell if it's salt water or surprise, but he's concerned either way.
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