#surviving lucem
lunaefall · 2 years
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I really love the symbolism in Liv's Empyrea outfit with her resembling an angel sent to help humanity and provide a sense of hope.
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They even put the imagery with her descending from the skies towards a church, with the setting shrouded in darkness while Liv is the embodiment of the light shining in the skies, and it looks like she's radiating it to provide a sense of hope and salvation.
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But then you look into her eyes, and their pink colour is gone. And they match the white of the rest of the outfit, but in contrast, they look lifeless and like a far cry from the sense of hope the rest of the outfit brings, pretty much reflecting the hidden struggles and the consequences of Liv using this frame at her own expense.
In many traditions, eyes are said to be windows to the soul. And in Liv's soul, there's just pain, sadness and torment now.
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bigkickguy · 7 months
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i just think lee and noan should hold hands !!
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snowlilly · 7 months
Top five games you would like to live in!
Rune Factory 4: Although the games are all in the same world 4 is my favorite. Adventuring AND chilling on a farm. Make three dragon gods water your crops and bribe another with pancakes. The Horse. Life is good
Pokémon: Once again I'm getting baited by "you can pet god". If I had to pick a region I'd say Alola because I LOVE Ultrabeasts even though I would probably have sunburns for life. Wouldn't wanna go to Galar because the gyms are noisy
Dragalia Lost: There's a lot of cool creatures and magic. If I saw Marishiten nobody would be able to stop me
Arknights: I don't care if there's a rock cancer pandemic and a race war going on Oni and lizard people are real
Xenoblade Chronicles X: gorgeous environment and your own personal Gundam but there's so much shit that will instantly murder you if you take two steps in the wrong direction on your daily walk
Honorable mentions:
CrossCode: I really love the setting but I know I hate MMOs in real life.
Punishing: Gray Raven: I don't care if there's a machine rabies pandemic and a class war going on androids are real- wait a second
Etrian Odyssey: the FUTUREEE isn't that much different actually. Magic is real but Oni and lizard people are not, so that's an L. But more importantly I don't wanna be near the superbosses or the dragons because it's on sight for them
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shin-to-buri · 2 years
how i sleep after going through what is quite likely the most beautiful, poignant and haunting deliberation on life and death ive read
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sinsofsinister · 2 years
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salva’s twitter + playlist    ↳ templates: x, x | actual playlist: x
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aetherose · 3 months
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It's time.
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toastthewolfie · 1 year
me with PGR:
When I first started playing: awww, this is a really cute game with a great concept! I think I’ll keep playing :33333
Me after finishing chapters 13-17: *sobbing* WHAT THE FUCK MAN-
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fenrhi · 1 year
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murasakinokuukyo · 9 months
Surviving Lucem made me cry so many times. Everyone's so desperate to survive and keep on fighting. They were all reaching their limit, Liv most of all. Yet, in the face of despair, she chooses to step up and make a sacrifice. Liv: Empyrea, an angel descending from the heavens, removing everyone's pain by taking it into herself, all because she loves them. The frame is completely white, lacking the pink her previous frames had, since it is an empty vessel meant to take in the virus. Liv, in her MIND, getting impaled by the punishing virus and still having enough strength to aid Lucia. I love those girls so much. Liv's empathy and all-loving nature is why she will forever be my favourite character.
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muraenide · 4 months
First impression of WuWa after being 1 hour in, spoiler-free:
Mid-tier storyline. There are a lot of issues with their story-writing, such as MC halo being too strong, no wow elements, and info-dumping too early in the game.
Janky controls. I'm playing on mobile but as a PGR (kuro's other game) player, I think PGR and WuWa are so far in comparison it's difficult to believe knowing that they were created by the same company. Sometimes the buttons don't respond even though I've tapped them. Phone (12GB RAM) also heats up really fast. I think they might put optimization on low priority until later.
This is more of a personal preference but I don't really like games who shove a random female character in my face where she is instantly suspicious or doesn't like me for no particular reason (especially when we/the Rover) hasn't done anything yet. Unfortunately, this character is also the look-alike of one of my PGR wifeys so I'm sooo sad. Silently praying that she has more character development eventually.
WuWa gives me the feeling of another game with a dense female cast. An hour in and every single character I meet are girls? I have no preference of characters but when a game has an imbalance of males and females it's always the start of a slope.
I hate to be that person but I think they took too much from gen.shin. I do love Kuro as a company and I hope their game succeeds, but it's also my honest opinion that they needed more time to create their own brand and branch away from the "gen/shin clone" accusation.
OST is amazing.
I always love Kuro's muted colours scheme. It's very good for my eyes.
Characters and animations are all really beautiful. I could visualize the theme of the game.
This has always been my opinion of Kuro ever since I started PGR 1.5 years ago. Kuro's strongest asset/brand has always been its battle mechanics. The gameplay/fighting mechanics are amazing for people who look for a challenge in these games. I feel gens/hin's fighting mechanics are overly simplistic and the easiest way to get strong characters is to c6 everyone. In PGR it's very easy to score high even as a F2P player if you have the skills. WuWa's battle mechanics are a bit complicated/confusing at first but it allows a lot of combination and the moves are also very satisfying and cool to watch. It has a lot of flexibility to pull off a series of moves that makes fighting really fun. But I can also see how it won't work for certain people.
I like how the world seems to be more futuristic rather than the overused medieval fantasy theme.
It's a bit mundane/boring for now. However, PGR's early storyline is also very slow in the beginning but after I got to the back, I think braving through the front was very worth it. Especially since WuWa is partially written by the same writer who wrote the Surviving Lucem (the very first arc in PGR that really turned the tide for the game), I would still give WuWa a chance. For now, I'm not sure how well it'll do in the future but I genuinely wish for Kuro's success.
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lunaefall · 2 years
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I'm just thinking about how much Liv's colour palette contrasts against so much of PGR's setting being so dark and gloomy. She basically embodies the light she tries to bring into the world, with her pink and white colours standing out like a beacon in the dark night.
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Then there's this artwork of her vision of earth, which for once is in lighter colours, but Liv herself is in shadows. This reflects her vision of a better world even if it comes at the cost of losing herself, whether in terms of her M.I.N.D breaking or even her death.
I'll never be able to express just how much I love Liv and Surviving Lucem, goddamn it.
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Specially for this.
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You know? It's good that they dedicated all a chapter for Liv's development. BUT IT WAS SO HARD ;;-;; All the way I was crying and wanted to hug her and tell her "it's okay" (like if that's gonna work....) But when THIS happened I couldn't hold myself. I know they wouldn't die here but it stills hurt. I had to make a huge stop to recompose.....
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everybody in the pgr tag crying over surviving lucem vs me still on chapter 6 because im slow as hell w the story. literally going lalalala i have no idea whats going onnn
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dead-mistral-bot · 1 year
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kept thinking that the lines sounded familiar . ...after all, he's already said them once in survival lucem
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dawn-of-tomorrow · 2 years
Survival Lucem in about/less than 2 weeks~
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fenrhi · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Hello! Thank you for your ask, I don't often receive stuff in my askbox.
This is a difficult question to answer. I don't really have a "top 10", because my tastes change quickly also I have a fish brain and I forget what I watched/read but I'll do my best.
I'll use 5 girls and 5 guys from stuff I currently like for my list:
1 - Liv (PGR)
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In a world ravaged by the Punishing Virus, which destroys human bodies and turns electronic devices into killing machines, Liv makes the decision to fight on the battlefield to protect humanity. Liv is what we could call a "Martyr Archetype": pure, honest, kind and ready to die for others in the blink of an eye. Virtually flawless. This Archetype is not something I'm particularly drawn to and it can get annoying in the wrong hands, but PGR just makes it work. I got attached to Liv ridiculously fast, but more than that, I'm amazed by the care PGR put in her character arc.
We get to see how Liv's sad childhood shaped her as a person, her desperate need to be useful, how meeting her friends Lee and Lucia changed her....And we get to Surviving Lucem, which is the BEST chapter so far in terms of writing, and it's a Liv Chapter. She has to protect refugees against endless waves of monsters, while having a very limited amount of supplies and no exterior help. And it's just..... you can really FEEL the hopelessness of the situation in your bones. You can see the refugees fighting among each other for crumbs of bread. You can see them crying their deceased loved ones, wishing they could join them soon. You can see how Liv curses her own weakness, but still refuses to let anyone under her care die. The problem though, is that her kindness isn't enough. She cannot save everyone. And that realization will eventually lead her to accept a suicide mission, which........she does survive (barely), but the ending of Surviving Lucem implies the side effects are gonna be so bad she's gonna wish she was dead instead.
Such a fun game. 10/10 would recommend to everyone
2 - Selena (PGR again)
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Selena is my "sad and pathetic little kitten", as the Tumblr Users say. Selena is first introduced as a young woman with amazing artistic talent. She can write plays, she can sing and play the violon and the flute, and she's quite popular too. In short, she's living her best life. But a meeting with a robotic soldier (Construct) will trigger her descent into hell. The dude in question absolutely tears her to shreds over her play glorifying war, saying she's insulting his dead friends. And Selena, after much agonizing about the place of art in a world destroyed by war and her status of privileged person, goes "okay guess I'll become a Construct to see how war looks like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
AND OF COURSE it goes horribly wrong. What was supposed to be a "simple" mission turns into a nightmare, as Selena watches (and hears) her comrades get cut into pieces. We also get multiple paragraphs of her getting tortured by her enemies, and at some point you just want to tell the writers "ok that's enough :D"
"But does she get saved in the end?" yes, but not before her carcass gets dropped into Evil Red Water, and she turns into some uglyass monster and she receives hundreds of bullets in her face.
Being Selena is suffering. Liking Selena is also suffering.
3 - Dominique (VNC)
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Domi is one of the few female characters made by Mochijun that I really like *coughs* sorry my queen I just prefer your male characters, so she deserved a spot on that list. Domi has everything going on for her: smoking hot chara design, flirty and kinky personality, a pinch of sadism, cool ice powers, one-sided romantic feelings for a childhood friend, tragic past involving a twin aaaannnnnd my favorite: intense self-loathing. I considered dropping the manga if Mochijun decided to kill her in the Amusement Park Arc. Thanksfully, she didn't.
And now I wait for more Domi Content
4 - Coco (WHA)
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Coco is the main character of critically acclaimed, universally loved manga "Fuck Around And Find Out". After accidentally turning her mom into a stone statue, Coco (previously regular human girl) becomes a witch apprentice in an atelier supervised by Professor Qiffrey, the shadiest man in this manga. What I REALLY love about this manga is how it constantly challenges Coco's opinions, how it forces her change and adapt to the darker sides of Witch Society, how she struggles with the notions of "right" and "wrong". And how, despite everything she saw, Coco still holds on to her desire to help others.
Sometimes you need hopeful and refreshing stories like that just ignore the current arc theres nothing hopeful about it
5 - Miranda (DGM)
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Miranda's story really resonated with my lonely, cringefail child self, because it's the story of a woman who's described as a "good-for-nothing" and "a gloomy, weird woman". But Miranda is not just relatable, she's inspiring too! She fails so many times, but she always has the courage to try again. She accomplishes great things and makes friends despite everyone else telling her that was impossible. What an icon
1 - Soushi and Kazuki (SNF)
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"Fellas, is it gay for two guys to be the emotional pillar of a show, to represent the central thesis of said show, to symbolize love in its rawest, most devastating form?"
Soukazu permanently altered my brain chemistry at the tender age of ten, so I just HAD to put them on this list. They're a deadly combo of relatable and tragic. They're each other's most important person. They push each other to live on in an apocalyptic world invaded by aliens. Anime waifus and husbandos come and go, but they're eternal.
....I guess this is the part where I say "check the #soukazu tag on my blog for more content"
2 - Kamui and Camu (PGR again)
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Aaah, Camumui.... my current obssession....Despiste the fact that PGR very obviously skipped steps when it comes to the development of their relationship, my heart melts every time I see Camu getting really protective of Kamui, and Kamui acting really relaxed and friendly around Camu (for context, Kamui committed Body Theft and Camu wanted to get his body back by killing Kamui). Started from the bottom, now we're here!
What's funnier is that PGR will happily shove Camumui in your face at any given moment, for no reason. Like Kamui mentioning Camu likes ice cream and he's very good at licking (bro what am I supposed to do with that information)
3 - Murray (PGR again)
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My Dear Sussy Otoutou-kun! He's probably my favorite NPC in PGR. He's the kind of guy who would willingly walk in a death trap and make deals with enemies to achieve his goals (protecting the brother he's hopelessly fond of). He's been lucky to survive so far, but all his 6D chess moves are gonna bite him in the ass someday. I just hope the writers will have mercy on him (;-;)
4 - Noé (VNC again)
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My sweet baby angel to whom I give my life! My cinnamon roll too good too pure for this world! He's handsome, naive, stubborn, he will kick your ass if you piss him off, he has amazing homoerotic tension with every man he meets and he has a tragic past! It's like he was made for me
5 - Oberstein (LOGH)
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This is Bebert. He's my little squeak squeak. He has no redeeming qualities and his list of crimes is as long as his cape. I love him and I think of him every day.
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