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Hoy me acompañó un michi surubi 💜
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Llego a casa y encuentro surubi en mi paila
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Paraguay Fishing $325 Daily
Paraguay is a sporting destination frontier. This small country is a beautiful tropical paradise. The people are friendly and it is a safe destination. The fishing for big Golden Dorado and Surubi catfish is among the best in South America. The Dorado here can reach 35lbs and the Surubi catfish can exceed 100lbs. We focus our fishing on the mighty Parana River. Read more;- https://argentinehunting.com/paraguay-fishing/

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Names generated from French forenames and minerals, excluding the letter combo "Te"
Abertz Acharne Acrolinger Adettase Adoran Affeties Akine Alasot Alauin Alcis Alenagne Alethen Alinel Almene Alque Alsben Altiniene Alzin Amakie Amalas Amane Amantinoé Amium Ampie Anabasse Anawar Anbuksine Ancrane Andorre Ankah Ankine Anoph Anthome Antiantine Aplinacum Aralsiocer Arcocroce Ardel Arine Astonine Auden Auelleer Aurentie Avane Awakdie...
Badorard Barliant Barne Bartz Baschle Batalar Bauroutne Berdine Berhovine Berianhied Berie Bertine Betine Beuche Bichrick Biechal Biseine Bisminald Boeptomse Bogel Borazo Botacinès Boune Bouse Breeksotum Bricren Brine Brint Broscle Brumse Brégolope Bueller Buetase Burronyx Caccolepic Cafferlen Cahes Calce Camure Cargum Carkeile Cartzeme Caruis Cashne Catrayllin Caven Caverianue Cellase Cemel Cergum Chabauline Challiale Chaul Chaël Cheddium Chert Chiatral Chile Chlombene Chloville Chrolie Chryne Chumbas Chäfel Chèlexis Cladia Clanie Claron Classine Claumieul Clayane Cline Cliobswie Coffetrot Coine Colactince Collient Colum Contibne Copine Corne Cretar Crodenne Croma Crone Cuble Cuparomen Cupilitz Curan Curiderose Cyardorind Cymonyx Dandia Darbene Darleine Darse Daward Dockin Dowleude Dultrolie Dumieck Dymice Dymonis Emeline Evide Farne Felle Fellinet Ferne Ferovin Ferssimon Fertz Fethenicon Flomic Fluar Flucia Flude Fludlase Flume Flumene Fluoise Frafton Framilmque Frand Frany Frapide Frard Fregre Frenardine Frédrée Fukhand Galine Gamel Garde Gennes Genorsa Gesleud Gettie Glabine Glanne Glauchle Goistic Goliel Gorscocie Granger Grapmarmi Grase Greile Grellmet Grodum Grosia Grozo Grusond Gunne Géline Haggede Hamine Heddersone Hedrolde Helenielle Hellum Helparagas Hentale Herie Herlinne Herroxmant Hertz Hetricie Hierse Hiletan Hofis Horane Hucobick Hupre Hurine Hydreine Hydricer Hylluorben Hübne Iasean Ichin Iline Incar Iobice Jacque Jances Janne Jeane Jearne Jeaul Jettran Jevia Johales Kathuauel Kegede Keland Kellochèle Kerin Keverise Knore Krogaramel Kröhne Laenium Langhin Lantil Larin Laucoline Lazzonna Lesentana Logral Lonyuyal Lucchris Lucchrois Luchale Luchie Ludianle Luordier Luorthul Lybdene Lémyros Machmine Maline Mande Mandine Manemphan Mangtover Manor Mantarne Manès Marce Marince Marpie Marry Massanie Maulferce Mawal Maxisèle Maymose Melenble Menzeu Mermax Mespilgade Metonde Mirie Mohel Monnazur Mosérène Motaine Muilosel Munelis Mustane Mélinne Mélène Nabré Nadorpham Nalad Nerthor Niseune Nshid Ordia Oreelle Ornum Orphine Osine Ospier Otibisèle Otoraddiny Parssamar Pasenium Patkaël Paurianne Peandium Penne Periele Phenne Pherinoît Philin Philina Phuaryonis Phylana Phynerne Pididiobon Pidone Piebine Piene Pigibbille Plabier Pougue Pringerine Proene Puhyllume Putic Pyrocie Pyrocolie Pyrone Pääkköne Quampe Quarne Quert Quettase Ragne Rahne Reane Reyerriane Rhanie Rhodum Rhophame Rocevianie Romettorna Romice Ronine Roodiose Ropid Roprith Rucieris Runiquauy Runzanne Réminde Saingel Salin Sambotis Sanownlum Saplorice Saroxene Sarse Satazzine Sather Schasclane Schemen Scherime Scine Scoli Seazuline Seucre Sharile Shaël Sklonyx Sodametone Sodickie Sondgine Sonne Spale Stine Stütz Sulgine Surane Suriose Surubie Sylle Sérène Sévedel Taaffen Tahiline Taide Tanne Tarosinie Thale Thock Thoren Tonargen Trocorend Troneshie Tsaven Tsine Tsugine Tsule Tupridie Tyrine Ukucolin Ulauline Ulinald Urezine Urromick Urélène Valde Valémesis Vervé Wainonal Wakaël Weerickine Welsicore Werel Wicalum Wodozo Wolline Wolum Xafonie Xavalaum Xenocli Xiersum Xocias Ytonne Yttine Yvord Zactibne Zhocoscold Zirce Zirès Zuranie
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“Suddenly a genius, I’m suddenly a fool”
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even tho it’s probably more in character if ruby was the angry one, i just love sapphire being absolutely furious
(this is in reference to that growl that garnet had in response to bd’s bitchiness)
#su#steven universe#stevenuniverse#su sapphire#sapphire su#susapphire#sapphiresu#steven universe sapphire#stevenuniversesapphire#su ruby#ruby su#suruby#rubysu#steven universe ruby#stevenuniverseruby#ruby#sapphire#swearing#swearing tw#together alone#su together alone#steven universe together alone
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When I tell you my wife is my favorite person...
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Howdy y'all! I went through a stint of listening to the song Ruby Rider on repeat so I had to make something for it. I spoofed a poster of an old western film called "Heart of the Golden West" * * * * #art #drawing #stevenuniverse #rubystevenuniverse #rubyrider #suruby #digitalart Will be a print https://www.instagram.com/p/BwGnf0AH61h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ragy9knpy2od
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I apologize for my inactivity! Take a wedding Ruby!
#ruby#stevenuniverse#suruby#weddingdress#rubysu#stevenuniverseruby#rubyxsapphire#wedding#digitalart#clipstudiopaintex#cspex#fanart#sufanart#my art#SoulsArtBook#SoulsDraws
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Jasper cri
So i made this originally to fit both the crying Markiplier meme and the new SU promo:

But then i was told that, Mark looked like Jasper (because he's crying over PD)
SOOOO I decided to make this:

My moustache.... your moustache... PINK MOUSTACHE!!!
#stevenuniverse#steven#universe#Markiplier#memes#garnet#amethyst#pearl#Stevonnie#supearl#suamethyst#sugarnet#ruby#suruby#susapphire#greg#pink diamond#blue diamond#jasper#yellowdiamond#whitediamond#lapis#lars#sadie#emerald#fluorite#rutile#rosequartz#padparascha
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Pink Sapphire is worried that Sapphire is leave without Ruby. Ruby is very upset sad. She is trying cheerful to get Ruby to better with Sapphire will back to fusion again.
#pink sapphire sapphiresona#pink sapphire#steven universe oc#steven universe#rubysteveuniverse#ruby#sapphire#suruby#su ruby#su sapphire
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american states and names + egyptian and hindu deities BUT excluding "h"
Adald Addlemen Adjeffe Adury Agane Aleri Alley Amillazie Amptarley Anatt Anded Andelaws Andellia Andrand Anetton Angusa Anneack Anter Anton Apenria Asese Astep Atrad Bagana Bagney Baken Ballay Bapritz Barjort Barmoryn Barson Barunesta Bater Beacecian Beann Becia Bekar Belip Benda Beravanne Berres Besta Beter Bettle Birez Blana Blant Blexie Boodiance Borgeeda Bowarce Braftona Brence Brica Britterr Brollin Broylouis Bukyam Burins Burna Caleon Cames Camill Cammanu Canall Carice Carle Carnsuzmu Carry Caser Clamarez Clarnave Cluck Clyolyne Cobbikay Cober Cocklas Cocky Colfra Colsexana Compotta Coney Conzuez Coree Corton Cousey Crazelans Crickbull Crins Crosird Cryamanan Dairada Dardson Dargina Darisema Darni Davison Debrina Dedgelma Dedwis Delmoor Dendred Derew Derste Devio Dinsenna Donarri Dorta Dowatton Dowley Drana Draviri Drett Duanu Duaro Dudella Dufma Durson Durton Duston Ebbstiz Edersong Edevira Edwil Eider Elauffor Ellaratie Encelod Errass Errter Erson Estevitte Eulkey Farkard Farudd Fayya Fitjes Flodge Floist Flowleen Flynew Folleb Fosey Framald Frand Frett Gabilsen Gambin Garda Gares Garonson Garus Gayyandy Geods Gerrison Giamarr Gibarus Gilmare Gliva Goollice Gorti Grell Grill Gristi Guelini Gupada Gupatrie Gutedez Gwertinas Irenn Iscia Jacela Jacobama Jacquen Jacquez Jagnie Jaguez Jajia Jajille Janati Jannie Jarce Jarda Jasteel Jaultz Jeatt Jeffelmas Jefie Jestumart Jetter Jodrickma Joeley Jonlee Joroelson Josayd Joyer Jullixis Jully Junce Jundesa Jusey Kanleo Kaurce Kelan Kelmenny Kemart Kence Kesaupet Kevera Kimer Kingee Knewtong Knoram Krandeve Kryatiley Kubee Kubers Lamery Lanne Ledwillis Lerri Lerson Levala Levere Linerris Lorey Lucill Luckbuder Lupaye Lyncon Lynorne Maceckwer Maces Makse Maley Mamile Mando Manet Manninan Maray Marayyan Margana Marlson Marussie Masatt Masimon Mates Matfity Maver Mayati Mayss Mcclinc Mccun Mccut Mcfarley Mcken Mckles Mckna Mclurry Meley Melinall Melles Mensexas Menson Merisine Mernatta Mernt Merry Mettenn Micke Micton Milliet Minetta Minioto Mirandez Mitjeffy Mittet Monana Monna Montie Mookestes Mooll Moolor Morren Morreti Mossers Mostaynor Mulds Mundel Murgie Muson Myrdari Myroley Natris Neill Nella Niise Nirge Nonlan Nowel Nowle Nowmeli Nuellin Nupefer Odmanet Odson Olgarott Olitt Olmating Openney Ortarter Osema Padon Paguy Parmary Parrani Parree Pasaacdox Patenda Patie Patiney Patmack Patra Patre Paudian Peany Pensony Perya Pottlen Powley Prayne Purtan Rafton Ramanut Rancia Randerr Ratac Rbereeddi Renturk Rericase Ricurton Riden Riffer Rillyn Rivels Rocke Rollery Rolmes Rolmon Rommerie Ronatawni Ronnen Ronnolley Ronone Rosret Rostark Rowen Rusen Sable Salfer Samey Savici Segerson Serti Sianie Sielbens Simet Sinakalf Sister Slose Snyatant Sopear Sosekey Spita Stankan Starey Steffort Stelen Stened Stergelia Sticto Stielton Stist Stondna Suaden Suruby Suzmarry Suzmurina Sward Swars Swins Swison Tacdavan Tacra Taffey Tamadacon Tance Taning Tantrald Taravia Tarcia Tards Tegour Texanuti Todgel Tondriss Toney Tonia Traks Traliel Trana Trervan Umand Vellessie Vellindra Viagnie Vidackine Vince Vinge Vinsondia Virgilla Visist Vistvives Wadac Walaks Walez Wallie Wallsam Wamurnan Wardodge Wardorne Warri Warrin Watin Wayyala Weenputed Werucise Wille Wilston Winie Wintep Witjean Wookama Yamica
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