#surprisingly my wallet isn't crying
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here's what I got from day 1 hehe
I got the Ghost charm and prints from beloved rinny!! so happy to meet up with fellow Malaysian artists :D The stickers are printed from an artist I recognized which is bue_june (warning, very nsfw account) - cat!Ghost, sense of sight, I'm not sure who did the Konigs tho :3
#bue deal with some questionable content so before u come at me im merely just linking original art#keep your opinions to yourself - I mean it dont sour my mood! thank you!#i dont think the cosplayer should print and like distribute their art but well xD least he's not selling them? idk#excited for day 2#i dont think there's gonna be price cosplayer im gonna be honest cuz cod isn't even popular here HAHA#i do wanna take more pics with Ghost ones#last year there was a huge group but i didnt see them today!!! i wonder if they're not attending this year :(#maybe tomorrow WHO KNOWS#surprisingly my wallet isn't crying#yet#not many merch i was interested in#:3 i havent had this much fun in a while i reaally /really/ needed this#gummmyspeaks
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Part 2 KK3 Terry Silver
Contains: Arguments/passing out/small injury/swearing
(Fluff, no spice, just sweetness at the end. I feel like KK3 Terry should have more sweetness)
"How the hell could you be that stupid Terry?!"
"Your calling me stupid?! It was a simple mistake Y/N!"
"No! The other week when you accidentally put hand soap on your toothbrush instead of toothpaste, THAT was a mistake! You giving John $75.000 when he told you it was for the dojo, and he blows every last cent in a strip club, DESPITE him telling you he can't stay away from there when he has anything in his wallet, is not a simple fucking mistake Terry!!"
"He's my bestfriend Y/N! I can help out my friend can't I?!"
"And I'm your wife! I've known you since we went to high school together and we have been together since we were 19! Why wouldn't you listen to me when I told you not to throw your money away like that!"
"I didn't throw it away, I gave it to John!"
"It's my money! I earned it! I did! Not you! $75.000 is nothing to me, you know how much I have in my bank accounts!"
"That's not an excuse to act like a spendthrift! You worked hard for this money, you should take care of it"
"Like you could understand how to deal with this amount of money! Hey, how about this! Maybe when YOU have a successful career and make money like I do, then maybe you can have a fucking opinion!!"
Wow...now that hurt...you were completely taken back by that he just said. He knew you were trying your best to run your own business, he's known how difficult it was to have nothing and work your fingers to the bones, with no financial help from him or anyone else when you started. You used every cent you had to get a building for your company, go through legal routes, jump through hoop after hoop, take on and employ all the people who work for you now and even then every day was just as difficult for you. Trying your best to make your employees feel cared for, that would sometimes leave you either out of pocket or mentally deflated. This was an exhausting thing to do, and Terry knows better than anyone that you've put your blood, sweat and tears into your work. So why? Why the hell did he just say that to you? You'd never dream of saying anything so heartless to him, and yet...hear you are...hearing just that from the man you love. He was still angry, and couldn't contemplate the look of horror on your face, or the tears falling down your cheeks.
"Oh fuck this! I can't talk to you right now! I'm going to the dojo! Don't call me!"
He said, anger still etched in his voice. He stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. The moment he did, you fell to the floor, utterly heartbroken and hiding your face in your hands as you wept. Crying so hard you had to gasp to breathe properly, how could Terry ever treat you like that after all you've gone through together over the years? You were there for what felt like hours, but a while later, you stand up, brush yourself down, get your breath back and wipe away your tears, trying to hold it together so you can get to work. You were about to get in the car when you get a phone call, and surprisingly, it was John.
"Hey Y/N!"
"Oh? You don't sound happy"
"I'm not, what do you want?"
"Ok, so...Terry's come in and thrown a hissy fit, I have no idea why. He's stormed out and now I'm stuck teaching these classes all day by myself"
"What do you mean by yourself? Isn't Terry just having a breather?"
"Not really, he left the dojo and said (you deal with the lessons today! I can't be fucked!) And stormed out"
"So? What's that got to do with me?"
"I need your help. Please. I know you were a sensei a few years ago and I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate"
"Desperate huh? Like how desperate you were to spend $75.000 in a strip club?"
"Now I can explain that-"
"I don't want to hear your excuses John!"
"Ok fine, fine. Look, just...please? These kids will miss out on at least 5 lessons if I don't have someone hear"
"(Mutters swear words under breath) Ugh! Fine! What do you want me to do? Just so you know, I'm missing work at my own job for this"
"Oh thank you Y/N! Thank you! I'll explain everything when you get hear, see you soon!"
The second he ended the call, you put down the phone and try your hardest to stifle a scream of anger. It's built up in your chest, and you need to release it, thankfully, noone around could hear you shouting and swearing. A while later, you arrive at the dojo and enter to see a group very large group of children, all waiting in the main room while John is waiting. Nervously twiddling his fingers.
"Y/N! Oh thank god your hear! Ok, so hears the plan. These kids are all going to be in 2 groups, one for me, and one for you"
"2 groups? John there's nearly 100 kids hear!"
"Yeh, 50 each"
"John, I wasn't expecting this much, you know I haven't taught in years"
"I'm sure it will be fine, they're good kids, very well behaved. All we have to do is 5 lessons each and it's all done"
"Five lessons each?! John each lesson is an hour and a half long! Why didn't you tell me on the phone that you were THIS BUSY?!"
"I thought....you may not have helped me if I told you..."
"Ugh! Just give me the paperwork with the lesson plan, and stay out of my way"
"Your a life saver! Thank you"
John walks over to the kids, while you mutter under your breath
"I won't be a life saver if I ring your stupid neck..."
John addresses the children, half of them are wearing brown belts, the others in black. All the brown belts were to go with you, and the black belts with him. Taking his group into training room 1, you introduced yourself to the brown belt group and take them to training room 2. It had been a while since you had thought students, but John was right, they were well behaved. And the lessons were not bad to do at all, very busy, but not bad. However, as the lessons went on, with different children swapping and changing throughout the day, it changed from very busy to over the top. Each lesson was harder and harder on you, you hadn't eaten today, not drank anything and there was absolutely no time to think about stopping for a breather. Every time a lesson packed up and left, the next one would enter, and you'd have to start the whole process again and again and again. You had finaly finished your final lesson, hours after starting the day, and you wouldn't let the kids see as they left, you holding onto the window sill so you wouldn't collapse onto the floor. Once noone was there, you made your way to the womens bathroom, splashing water into your face and leaning against the sink to catch your breath.
"Hoooo god, what a day...oh god my head is killing me..."
Holding your head as it pounded, you try and think if there was any money in your purse for the vending machine in the main hall. One of the toilets suddenly flushes and a young girl from your last lesson walks out to wash her hands.
"Oh, hello sensei L/N"
"Hi Cassie"
"You uh, you don't look so good. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, I just need a break and a drink"
"Oh ok, you were a great teacher today by the way"
"Thank you Cassie, that's nice of you to say"
"Will you be teaching again?"
"I'm not sure, I'm just covering for sensei Silver today"
"Ok, well it will be nice if you do come back"
"See you later!"
"Bye Cassie"
Looking into the bathroom mirror when she left, you see the water droplets fall from your face, but your vision starts to change. It's almost...smoky? Wavy? And your not moving, but it looks like your swaying from side to side. Before you know it, you only remember a sudden pain at the side of your head when you fall down, hitting your head on the sink and passing out on the floor. Cassie, who's just close enough to hear this, runs back into the bathroom to see you lying on the floor.
"Oh my god! Sensei Kreese! Sensei Kreese!!"
John ran to the sound of Cassie's voice, she sounded scared and that just made him run faster.
"Cassie! What is it-oh god! What happened to sensei L/N?"
He asks, kneeling down to you and checking you over
"I-I don't know! We-we were talking a few minutes ago, she said just needed a break. And once I left the bathroom, I heard a loud noise and came to find her hear. Is she going to be ok?"
"I think so, she's hit her head on the sink, that'll bruise up quickly. I'll call the ambulance now, they'll help her"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Cassie, I promise. Why don't you head home? I'll stay with her until the ambulance arrives, and I'll call your mother later to let you know how she is"
"O-ok sensei"
Poor girl was still a little shocked by what happened, but John was with you know and he rang the ambulance service to come and check on you. However, you statted coming around before they made it to the dojo.
"Uugghh....my head..."
"Hey Y/N, just take it easy ok? You hit your head pretty hard"
"Hit my head?"
You ask, slowly sitting up against the wall, John supporting you as you do.
"How did-hhhsss! Ouch! Fuck me that hurts! Yep, I remember snacking my head on the sink now"
"Cassie shouted for me to come and help you"
"Wait, she saw me? Oh god is she ok?"
"She's fine, a little shocked but fine. I've told her I'll keep an eye on you and let her know how you are later"
"That poor girl shouldn't have seen me like that"
"And YOU shouldn't have ended up like that. What happened Y/N?"
"Its was just so busy today that I didn't have time to eat or drink anything, that all. Once I do that I'm sure I'll be fine"
"You haven't-Y/N! Why didn't you say anything?!"
"Because, correct me if I'm wrong. But someone begged me to help them with a job they didn't tell me was going to both physically and mentally drain me, without proper time to prepare"
"I.....I'll give you that one. But inbetween lessons, you should have told the class you were taking ten minutes to have a break"
"Again, there wasn't time John. Now, can you help me up please?"
"Maybe it's best of you stay there for the moment, I can hear the ambulance coming down the street"
"Oh god John, you didn't call an ambulance did you?"
"Of course!"
"I'm fine! There was no need to do that"
"Y/N! Your head had swollen and bruised to the size of a tennis ball, and you were unconscious! And you think your fine?!"
"I'm fine now, just help me up please"
"Hell no!"
"I said no!"
Moments later, the ambulance crew rush in, see both you and John on the floor and ask what happened. You explain what you remember, and John tells them his side of the event, and tells them what Cassie said too. They check your blood pressure, temperature, anything else they think is necessary, then tell you and John that they're going to take you to the hospital to get your head checked, but they think it's nothing major.
"Ok, cool. And if I'm fine I can leave the hospital once I'm checked over?"
"I think so miss L/N, but we'll take you now just to be sure"
You were surprisingly calm through this, but John looked worried as hell.
"What's the matter John?"
"How the hell am I going to explain this to Terry?"
"You aren't"
"Your not going to tell him because he doesn't need to know"
"What the hell do you mean he doesn't need to know?! He's your husband and you've had an accident!"
"Me and Terry aren't having a good day today, and I'd rather not bother him with my issues"
"But Y/N-"
"I said no John! Don't tell him what happened to me today! Or do I have to do to you what I did on the night of your 24th birthday?"
"Ok ok, I won't tell him....but you will right?"
"I'll think about it. With how angry he was this morning, I'd doubt he'd come home all happy. And I'll just sleep in the spare room down the hall, I don't want another fight to occur"
"Hang on, you said he was angry this morning. Is that why he was angry when he came hear?"
"I don't want to talk anymore about it John, ok? I'll see you later"
And that was the last thing you said to him as the ambulance crew took you to the hospital. John watched you all drive away, and he really did want to tell Terry what happened, he felt so much guilt. He knew Terry loved and adored you, and if even a single hair was put out of place on your head, Terry wouldn't think twice about making sure you were ok. But he remembered how adamant you were about not telling Terry, with the threat of shaving all his hair off and waxing his eyebrows off just like she did when you were all drunk at his 24th birthday party. So what could he do? Keep quiet? Or risk his hair to salvage yours and Terry's relationship? An hour later you were being discharged from the hospital with no issues occurring from your fall. It was as you expected, low blood sugar and dehydration from not eacing or drinking. And as for your head, there was no internal damage or signs of concussion, just a whopping great bruised lump on your head. They recommended painkillers and plenty of rest, you told them you would, but just the painkiller part was easier said than done. It was too late in the day now to go to your own work place, so you just went home instead. You weren't shocked to find that Terry was not there, in fact, you didn't know where he was at all. He wasn't at the dojo today, and he wasn't hear now, so god knows what he was doing to calm down, he did look very angry about this morning. Your mind was rushing with thoughts on what you could have said instead, or done differently, but there was no answer coming to you. So you try and take a shower to clear your head, it worked, but only a little. You had got a few things from yours and Terry's bedroom and headed to the spare room, up teo flights of stairs and down a long corridor, anything to avoid another fight. You swear, you loved him with all your heart and soul, but jesus christ he can be such a grumpy, arrogant and petulant child sometimes! Ugh! Back in the day when you first started dating, angry fights tended to end up in steamy makeup sex, but now that seems to have gone straight out of the window. God he can be so infuriating! Taking your book and starting to read, it helps you take you mind off Terry, the argument, the stressful day and the whole incident in the dojo bathroom. Your head still throbbed, but not half as badly as it did earlier in the day. A good 2 hours went buy as you read your book, anger was gone, the painkillers had kicked in and you were feeling calmer than you had all day. The moment you were about to turn to another chapter, you hear Terry's car speed into the drive way, hearing the sound of the car breaking and him getting out and running to the door. You could even hear him fumble around with his keys.
"Ugh, please don't come up hear. I don't want another argument"
You say to yourself, just as you hear the front door burst open.
"Baby?! BABY?!
"Oh? Baby now is it? Your not in the mood to hear his apologies, you just wanted some peace and quiet, because if not, that anger you were feeling earlier was going to come back. The sound of him running through the rooms of the house was heard from the room you were in, he sounded desperate to see you.
"Baby?! Are you in hear?! Shit! BABY?! WHERE ARE YOU?!"
Remaining silent, you don't answer him, still wanting to avoid confrontation. You hear him in your bedroom, and that's shortly followed by the sound of him running up both flights of stair and down the long hallway, straight to you, bursting through the door. He held onto the doorway, sweaty, out of breath and a panicked tearful look in his eyes.
"Baby! There you are!"
He said relieved to see you, collapsing to his knees at the side of the bed where you lay. You don't move to touch him, and when reached his hand out, you moved away and looked away.
"Why didn't you answer me!? I was shouting your name through the whole house!"
"Did it occur to you that I didn't want to talk to you? Not after the morning we had"
"Y/N! Why the fuck didn't you tell me about what happened at the dojo?!"
Oh shit....he knows....
"As I recall, the last thing you said to me this morning was (don't call me)"
"I didn't mean don't call me if something bad were to happen to you! For fuck sake Y/N an ambulance took you to the fucking hospital!"
"So what? It's done now, why worry"
"WHY WORRY?! Jesus fucking christ-your my wife Y/N! My best friend and the love of my life! Why the hell wouldn't you tell me what happend to you?!"
"Well it appears John already did that"
You say slamming your book shut, throwing it on the bed and getting up to stand beside the window, not wanting to be that close to him right now. Terry stood, but stayed where he was, hands gripping his head in frustration.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want to talk to you today. What happened at the dojo was an accident and I'm fine"
"Oh really? Says the woman with a bruised lump on the side of her head the size of a fucking tennis ball?!"
"It's not like I'm concussed Terry"
"But your still hurt!"
"SO WHAT?! You didn't give a shit about me this morning did you?! Why the fuck would you now?!"
"Of course I give a shit about you Y/N, I love you. I love you to death!"
"Then why the hell would you say what you did?!"
"Say what I...what? What did I say?"
"Oh forget it, if you don't remember, it is very clear now that it wasn't important to yo-"
"Baby, baby! I know we argued. But what did I say to you that hurt you?"
"Oh don't play dumb! I'm not falling for this!"
Hating this moment, you storm past him and leave the room, trying to avoid him. But he follows after you, wanting to get to the bottom of this. You reach the kitchen before Terry has a chance to get infront of you and stop you.
"Get out of my way Terry"
"Not until you tell me what I said"
"You know what you said to me! YOU SAID IT!!"
"I remember telling you that lending money to John was a mistake, and it's my money and I can do with it what I like!"
"Yes! You did! And you told me I couldn't have a fucking opinion on it until I had money like you and had a successful career!"
Silence, and Terry's face fell, now he remembers saying that to you, and guilt washed through him.
"Oh, let me guess? You FINALY remember now huh? You remember saying that to me? Knowing how hard I try to have that career? Spending every cent I had, pouring my blood sweat and tears in making a career for myself, having no financial help from anyone! You've seen me at rock bottom Terry! You've seen me at my lowest when I cried myself to sleep! Worried about how to keep my business going, keep all the staff paid and happy when it came out of my bank account! Doing everything I can, and spending every hour of the day trying to build this and have something to be proud of! The whole process of this felt like I was climbing a ladder covered in spikes! And you.....what you said to me felt like you kicked me off that ladder...leaving me right at the bottom..."
"Baby, I didn't mean-"
"Save it! The last thing I wanna hear is more bullshit from you. If you give a damn about me at all, you won't follow me, and you won't talk to me again tonight. Get out of my way"
You storm past him and straight back upstairs to the spare room, there was no way anything else was going to be accomplished tonight. Anger burned inside of you, and you wanted anything that would calm you down. However, it was clear that Terry didn't listen to you as he stormed back into the room you were in.
"No! I've fucked up and you've fucked up too! I'm not leaving until I've made it up to you"
"I told you I didn't want to talk to you again tonight Terry!"
"I know! But I can't leave you so angry when I'm the reason"
"For god sake Terry! You-hang on! You said I'VE fucked up?!"
"You didn't tell me you hurt yourself at the dojo!"
"It's not your problem!"
"Your my wife Y/N! Your problems are my problems too. It hurt me that you didn't tell me what happened to you!"
"Yeh? Well it hurt me what you told me, despite knowing all the pain I went through to try my best!"
"I.....baby I didn't know how much that affected you"
"Didn't you? Did the tears I had in my eyes not give ANY kind of indication?"
"I didn't realise ok! So what? This is my punishment now? Not being able to comfort my wife, or know when she's been in danger or pain?"
"It was just a fainting spell! That's all!"
"YOU SUFFERED ON YOUR OWN!! That's the fucking point!.....Y/N, in our wedding vows we made a promise to eachother to be there in the darkest times, and help eachother through both emotional and physical pain. I HATE that I upset you so much that you didn't tell me about this, I HATE that what I've said to you had made you feel so alone, so down...enough where you don't tell me about you getting hurt. I am so so sorry about this morning, for everything I said, I didn't mean it. I was just angry that you didn't trust me"
"You think it was because I didn't trust you? Terry it was about you having trust in the wrong person. You gave John money that he threw away. And you didn't even bat an eye. All I was trying to do this morning was try and tell you that you need to be careful with who you give your money too, and when you've worked so hard to make it too. I'm someone who grew up with nothing, you know that. In my eyes, still to this day, $1000 is a LOT of money, and I would never spend or use that amount so easily or frivolously. So seeing the man I love just GIVE $75.000 and not care about it, it's difficult to see. And you know that I want the best for you, for your future. And it's not going to be the best future if the money you spend your life and time making, is going to be thrown away"
"You just don't get what it's like having the money I have! You could never-"
The moment those words came out, he stopped. He stopped because he knew he's fucked up again. You feel defeated, lowering your head to the ground, then back up again with tears in your eyes, and trying so hard not to cry hard. Taking a deep inhale, you turn your head away, avoiding Terry's gase, which is now filled with guilt.
You say, quietly and broken.
"Baby I didn't mean it-I wasn't trying to put your career down again I swear! I just-I was trying to make a point-what? What're you doing? Baby please don't pack things in your overnight bag"
"I...really don't want to be around you right now Terry"
"But I'm sorry! I want to make it up to you please!"
"I told you down stairs that I need some time to myself, and that I didn't want you to talk to me for the rest of the night. You didn't listen to me, you didn't do as I asked, and now the whole situation has gotten even harder to cope with"
"Y/N please just stop packing your things ok? Please-"
"You know! At this very moment! I really don't care what you have to say. I need some space, and I'm going to take it. I'm going to go and stay in a hotel for a few nights"
"Oh for fuck sake Y/N please! Don't do this!"
You just ignore him, walking past him with your bag of essentials and clothes. He follows you down the stairs, begging, pleading you to stay.
"I said I'm going to stay in a hotel, and that's that. I need some space from you right now"
"Just stay in the spare room you were already in baby"
"That was the plan until you barged in and we started this argument"
"Stay please! You told me a few days ago that you haven't revived a full paycheck yet! You can't afford a hotel!"
"Like that's going to stop me! Anywhere is better than hear right now!"
And that was the very last thing you said before storming out of the house and slamming the door behind you. Terry angrily throws a stool across the room, shouting and swearing out loud in frustration. Once you get into your car, you drive away as fast as you can in the dead of night. But it was still a lot to keep inside. Pulling over at the side of a road about 2 miles away, you shout and scream in the car, hitting the steering wheel and letting all the anger out. God that man made you so angry! You drive to a motel instead of a hotel instead, hoping Terry wouldn't have connections to any of them and coming to talk to you before you were ready. This place was far away, and a bit run down, but the room you were given was surprisingly comfortable. Throwing your bag of things on the floor and curling up into a ball on the bed, you stayed there, thinking, crying, hating everything that had happened today. Your phone began to ring, and of course it was Terry. You didn't pick up, and neither did you answer any of his texts.
[Y/N I love you, I love you so much. Please can you answer my call? I want to apologise for everything. You mean the world to me and I haven't shown you that recently. I miss the sound of your voice. Please pick up the phone?]
But no. You told him you need space, and no matter the hearty or sweet texts he sent, that wasn't going to change. Declining his next call, you turn your phone off and throw it with the rest of your things on the floor. You'd had enough of him, and just wanted some peace and quiet. This entire day had been too much for you, and it would seem crying yourself to sleep was the final thing to top it off, which is exactly what happened when you watched TV in your motel room. Waking up the next morning with a headache and dried tears on your face, you sit up and brush a few strands of hair from your cheek. Letting out a long yawn, you walk over to the table with the complimentary coffee and make yourself one. You finished it before grabbing a shower and ordering room service for something to eat. Once you were fed, clothed and comfortable on the motel bed, you allowed yourself to think over what happend yesterday and what you were going to do. You thought a lot, about weather it was just Terry who was in the wrong, and you can see that he was right, you were in the wrong too. You thought about how you would feel in his shoes, and if something bad had happend to him without telling you, you'd probably go just as crazy as he did. So yes, with that part, you were at fault. But Terry was too, and yes he tried to apologise last night, but you could still see the anger he felt when talking about money. You couldn't stand this anymore, this needed to stop, and it needed to stop now. You turned your phone back on, saw the missed calls, but sent a text to him instead.
[I want to talk in person. I'll see you at home]
Once you sent that text, you went to the front desk, gave your key back and headed back home to talk to Terry. You hoped he had calmed down, and you could both have a sensible conversation this time. And of course say sorry yourself. Entering the house, you see Terry sat on the living room sofa, which he quickly stands up from the moment he sees you.
"Y/N! I'm glad your back. Please, let me ex-"
"No Terry...me first...Look...I'm sorry about what I did, ok? I was so angry last night that I couldn't see how not telling you what happend to me would affect you. This morning I put myself in your shoes, and I understand now why you acted like that. I would be scared and worried if you'd been hurt too, and heartbroken that you wouldn't tell me. At the time, I didn't know that was what your were feeling. So for that, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Terry"
"It's ok baby, I promise. Like you said, I was scared for you. And the whole argument we had didn't help. I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you, and treated you. I remember the times you struggled to make your career a real thing and I've seen the darkest days you've faced along with it. I had no right to tell you those things, and I didn't have the right to talk down to you when all you were trying to do was support me and help me keep what I earned. Oh god baby, can you please forgive me?"
Without hesitating, you drop your over night bag and go straight to him, both of you hugging eachother tightly. It felt upsetting and wonderful all at the same time to finaly release this anger and frustration, to then feel Terry's arms around you again. It truly was an emotional roller coaster. The tears flowed and you just continue to hold him, wanting to feel his comfort and embrace for as long as you could, how could that argument have gone on so long and blown up so much? Thank god it was over now, and there was no more fighting. You felt Terry kiss your head as he held you, and he rested his chin on you as he calmly said.
"You were only gone for one night but I missed you so much. When we argue for one day, it feels like weeks. I hate when we fight Y/N"
"Me too Terry. I would say let's not fight anymore, but we're a couple, and there is no couple in the world who doesn't argue"
"I think we need some kind of word to say when things are getting too much. Something to say when the argument has gone too far, and we both need some time to have a breather or to have some personal space"
"Why don't we just say pause? Like when you pause a film or a game"
"Sounds like a good idea, I like it. So our argument is finished now, so when when we have another, we should do that shall we?"
"We can definitely give it a try"
"Alright then, then that's what we'll do. Look at me"
He says sweetly, wiping the tears from your cheek and kissing you sweetly.
"I wanna make it up to you. Why don't you grab a shower and I'll set up some popcorn and a film for us in the bedroom?"
"Sweet popcorn, not salted?"
"I'd love that Terry. Thank you"
Again, he kisses you sweetly, god you missed his lips. They were so soft, they felt so good against yours, it was like a craving. Taking your time in the shower to relax, you felt a little more yourself when you dried off and got dressed. Your comfy pyjamas were the perfect thing to wear after a hot shower, they were so soft and smooth against your freshly moisturized skin. When you came back to the living room, Terry had lit some scented candles, turned the lights off and had a bowl of popcorn and chocolate covered strawberries waiting on the table. He came in, saw your smile and he felt so happy to see you.
"I hope this is a nice way I can say sorry to you babygirl"
"It's perfect Terry. And you don't need to do all this for me to say sorry to me Terry. All I ever need is a kiss"
"Then that...babygirl.....can definitely be arranged......"
Link to part 1 below 💚
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Taken Away Forever
Martin squeezed his eyes shut as he gripped his bleeding stomach. The knife in his side really caused pain to course through every inch of his body and made his face pale and his forehead sweat. He knew he couldn't remove it so he didn't bleed out as fast as he would if it was taken out.
He hated that he was alone. He had always been afraid of dying alone, and that seemed that was going to be the case. Which was absolutely terrifying. He wasn't supposed to die until he and Chris were much older. Not at twenty-four. He still had so much things to do...
Despite the fact they had stabbed him, Martin couldn't bring himself to hate them. He knew that sometimes, desperate people did something they didn't want to do to keep themselves fed, sheltered, or having clothes on their back. Sometimes even to do those things for someone else, usually their child.
That didn't mean he wasn't scared, because he was so scared. He was so scared of leaving Chris and the rest of the crew. He was scared that he would never get to make things up to Chris, that he wouldn't get to hold his brother again. He was scared that he would never creature adventure again; there were still so many creatures he hadn't seen yet. He was scared that he would never get to see his parents again, never get to tell him that he loved them.
Martin shifted— he didn't know why he did it— and gasped out in pain. Every inch of him just exploded in more pain. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he tried to keep them down. If anyone found him, regardless of who they were, he didn't want to be seen crying over something so... unimportant.
"Fuck, this hurts." Martin wasn't usually one to swear, but it slipped out. It made him feel dirty when he swore, so he had a dislike for it. He didn't care when other people swore (though, he did tease Chris and tell him not to swear whenever he did).
He reached for his communicator, but found that it was missing from where he normally kept it. He felt around to see if he could find it, to see if it was put somewhere new in the rush of him leaving to get fresh air in the city. But Martin couldn't find it.
Fear built up inside of him. It swirled with anger at the person and himself for the briefest moments before being replaced with regret. He wouldn't get to finish his animal life list. Martin wouldn't get to tell his brother that he loved him one last time.
Martin slowly opened his eyes, the street light blinding him. He has always been more sensitive to light than most people, but it was only amplified by his pain. Sure, the sensitivity was annoying at times, but he had ways to deal with it and it was what it was.
He tensed up when he heard footsteps approaching. He turned his head away and shut his shut, scared that whoever it was would finish him off. That or hurting him more then leave him to die when they saw that he didn't have a wallet or any money on him anymore. He probably did have expensive equipment on him, but the person wouldn't know that.
They put their hand on his chest, a familiar, yet unfamiliar smell coming from them. It was surprisingly comforting. "Deep breaths, hun," the stranger spoke softly. "I'll call an ambulance here soon, just keep breathing. You're doing great."
Martin slowly opened his eyes again. "Who are you?"
"My name is Martha Zacks." She looked familiar somehow, like she could've been related to someone he knew, but he couldn't place it through the pain. "What's your name?"
"Ma-Martin Kratt."
She nodded with a comforting smile. "How long ago were you stabbed, Martin?"
"Ten min-minutes ago."
Martha nodded again and called 911. She answered every question they asked calmly, keeping her jeweled hand on his chest to feel his heart beat. It was slowing, but it was still there. That was all that mattered to her.
"They'll be here in five minutes," she informed after hanging up. "They'd be here sooner, but the hospital isn't very close. Your job is to stay awake and keep breathing. Do you think you can do that for me, hun?"
Martin hesitated before nodding. "I think so..."
He hoped so. There way no way in hell he was going to leave Chris and the Crew like this. Especially without saying any kind of goodbye. They all deserved to have one if he really was coming to his end.
The blond didn't want Chris' last memory of his older brother to be of them fighting. It had been a really nasty one that ended with Chris loudly making the false claim of hating Martin, a statement that Martin knew wasn't true, but still stung to the core. Martin ran off to get some fresh air and cool down.
Which led to this situation. Stabbed and bleeding out in a city, and Martin hated cities, much preferring small towns or the wilderness. There was a stranger there, so Martin wasn't truly alone, but he still felt alone. Martin wanted his baby brother, to hold Chris close and tell him that everything was going to be okay.
He saw a blinding light at the top of his vision while the rest darkened. Martin was vaguely aware of Martha swearing and saying something else, but his mind blocked it out. He was so very tired...
Chris was reading in his room to help himself calm down. Thirty minutes ago, he and Martin had gotten into an argument over something that really didn't matter. But things had been getting tense around the Tortuga since they had to quarantine while everyone was sick. Martin and him had been stuck in the same room for just over a week. So just the want for the only copy of a power disk caused an explosive fight.
Someone knocked on the door, bringing the brunet out of his book. He scoffed and stomped over to the door, swinging it open. "Not now, Martin," he growled angrily, not bothering to look at who it was.
"I'm not Martin," Aviva said softly. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but for once, Chris was too angry at everything to really care. "Can I come in? It's important."
Chris moved to the side, rolling his eyes. He assumed that she was hear to talk about the fight. "I'm not talking to Martin, nor am I apologizing to him."
Aviva softened and sighed. "Chris... Martin's dead."
His heart stopped beating for a moment, sinking down to his stomach in dread. "He's what?"
"He died ten minutes ago. Martin had been mugged and stabbed. A woman called an ambulance that arrived right after his death. They tried everything they could do to bring him back."
"No. He can't be dead," Chris denied. "He was fine an hour ago! Martin ca-can't be gone." He hid his face in his hands as a sob shook his body. It was such a heartbreaking scene. Not even a minute ago, Chris was so angry, he wanted nothing to do with Martin. Now he was crying and trying to deny his brother's death.
No matter how upset with Martin he was, Chris never wanted him to die. They were best friends. They rarely argued, and when they died, they would take some time to cool off and then talk about things. Which always had cookies and hot chocolate or chocolate milk. That can't be gone forever, it can't have been taken away forever.
Aviva put her hand on his shoulder. "I know, Chris. I know it hurts. I know you don't want to accept it, but you deserve to know that he's gone. I know he loved you more than anything."
"The last thing I told him was 'I hate you'. I didn't think he was going to die, and I-I didn't mean it. He died thinking I hate him, but I've never ha-hated him."
"I know you didn't." She looked at him in concern then opened her arms. "Do you need a hug?"
He nodded and fell into her arms. He broke down, allowing himself to sob without holding anything back. His role model, his best friend, was made all because he needed to get fresh air after an argument. After an argument with Chris. How was he supposed to ever forgive himself?
Chris felt so foolish and upset at himself. He let a creature power disk that he had wanted take his brother away for the rest of his life.
Part Two
#wild Kratts#chris kratt#martin kratt#jimmy z#aviva corcovado#Koki#angst#oneshot#tws for death#tws for blood#martin kratt angst#chris kratt angst#angst without a happy ending
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On Family
On Chinese New year the mother of the body, who would be a stranger to me if not for memories and stuff I was informed about by people who have been out and interacted with her, gave me a red packet. At the time it didn't mean much. I knew how to play the game, talk the talk and pretend I wasn't an impostor, especially since by then I was getting along well with the twins and hence communicated quite smoothly.
It was a few days ago that I stared at it on the table where I'd left it. I noticed the picture on it - a family, two grandparents, two parents and two kids, looking joyful and sitting around enjoying a meal. I was hit with a wave of deep sorrow and longing ive never felt before when it came to family. I dont know my biological parents after all, and the only blood related person I knew was my brother...and, suffice to say, that didn't go well. I never tried to find my own family either, I guess 'the League' (not the name of the group but, let's just call it that) was the closest we got to family. Which wasn't much since we were just using each other. Sure, we got close, but all of us had different reasons to stay distant. I didn't have any friends either, except for the idiots who joined 'the League' I suppose, but we were more determined to fulfill our own goals more than we found each other annoying.
Anyway, since living in the outer physical realm, I've slowly grown to learn about the mother, the other parent, and the family theyre connected to. At first, I didn't feel any attachment to them at all, but now, I definetly do. Theyre not family in the conventional sense, but I guess I'm alright being a member, even if I am an imposter.
I was so drawn to the picture today I finally caved in and ripped away the other parts of it until only the picture was left. Such a casual cruelty to display this happy family in front of me. Does such a family exist somewhere, do these people truly all feel like themselves, loved, connected in more than blood? I kept the picture like it was a photo of a child some parent keeps in their wallet and stares at in the movies. My eyes wandered over to the kids - a boy and a girl. The boy grinning next to his grandfather, and the girl next to her grandmother, looking carefree. Another pang of pain hit me and I realized i desperately wanted to be that boy in the picture. It reminded me so much of me and my late sister, a kid I never got to meet save for blurry memories and a vague presence in my mind. He, or I - we erased that fully. My sister is gone and I will likely never meet her. I didn't quite cry, but I certainly was feeling emotions that would, if more intense, would lead to crying.
Its the first time I've truly felt viscerally the envy, the yearning for a family. Because of printed art on paper it weighs on me still to realize the extent my entire worldview was warped because of the diet of delusions fed to me by Providence. He handed me shitty building blocks and it isn't a sturdy foundation I unearth under the shoddy work I've done of building my sense of self. It's nothing. Old brick dust, the dead bodies of cockroaches maybe. I've smashed those odious thoughts of his and all I have are bits of old brick that rub red streaks onto my shoes in protest, as if trying to mark me to get me back for breaking them. To my own surprise, I realize I do not hate this fictional family. I would have, a long time ago, but I guess I am changed, truly, and that at least is something.
The body's grandmother dying didn't make me feel anything at first, but today, when I looked at the art of the grandmother on the red packet, I felt myself say 'well, I guess this is another thing that is fictional'. Surprisingly, I find myself grieving for a person I didn't even know, except that's not true anymore. I learn more about her, the family, through both conversations with my little brother and outside convos by the mother.
And even though the envy and longing causes physical pain, I wouldn't trade this for anything. To feel is a wonderful thing, even if it is grief. I 'miss' the grandmother when my brother does now, rather than simply being aware of the feeling and knowing it isn't me feeling them. Today I ate dinner with the mother. After I didnt try to pretend and say its my mother and I know her, and went 'lol I'm an impostor', I feel like I have gotten to know her more, and it's not so bad.
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Utahime is scared. She and Gojo have hooked up a couple of times and they like each other (a lot) but because of the world they live in, they can't properly be together. Her period is 1 month late. One day, she just tells him. "Satoru, I'm pregnant". What would he do? How would he act? I'd like to know your thoughts about it.
"What do you plan to do?"
"I don't know." Utahime sighed and buried her face in her hands. "I don't know, but I think I want to keep it."
She turns to him, sighs and lets out a dry laugh at the stiff, quiet expression on his face.
"Don't worry." She tells him with a smile. "I can do this alone."
Pfft. Gojo starts to smirk. And before Utahime could cry in shock, he jumps her and takes her down with him, pinning her beneath him over the bed.
"I'm not letting my first born be a bastard." He laughs at her like she was crazy. "You know I did pretty well with the Fushiguros, right?"
"Ha!" This time, it's Utahime who laughs at him. "You just opened your wallet every time! Everyone else did most of the work!!"
"What about the students? If I leave you alone, they'll end up weak like you." He teased. And that earned him a good headbutt. "We're already parents to all these kids anyway. What's one more?"
"You're insane!!"
"And I can finally tell my baba (grandma) to suck it. She's always told me you're too good for me, you know?"
"You're an idiot!!"
"Besides, I've never been short of telling you how I feel about you." He smiles down at her. "So, it's just a question of if you love me back."
"Whichever it is, I'll be around. I always am."
"You're a moron." Utahime frowns at him and cups his cheeks. "I'm having your baby, you idiot." She sighs as his head rests on the crook of her neck. "Of course, I do."
"Of course, I love you too."
Pretty sure simp Gojo will use this as an excuse to finally get married to Utahime. Haha! I don't see them going this far without being in love. They would tie the knot!
In their world, when has anything been proper and normal? Most of the time, it isn't. Especially the stronger clans. But damn hell, what does Gojo stand for? What does he and his friends always do? They fight against the system! Damn if Gojo and Utahime won't fight for their unborn baby. This plotline is just super romantic - I can't OTL
There're a lot of external factors that'll be dipping into this situation. But as for Gojo, I can't see him not taking responsibility for the woman he loves and their unborn child. :D
Pregnancy out of wedlock is a sensitive issue. Having it or not really depends on the mother's values. It's Utahime's decision in the end. In my HCs, Gojo will be there supporting her every step of the way. Also he's the Gojo clan head, I wouldn't worry so much! Like how there'll be opposition, there'll be supporters too. The Gojo clan being overprotective over their first lady - that'd be too cute. Haha!
I can see them fawning over Utahime-mama and dissing Gojo-papa and making him shoo away! - You've done your job! She's pregnant! Now scram!! Hahaha!!!
This is just answering that situation posted. I have a million HCs, but them getting preggers like that is never in any of them. I really see Utahime and Gojo being careful if they do have sex. i.e. Utahime always being miles away from Gojo when she's ovulating. AHAHAHA But in all seriousness, given their age and high IQ and EQ, safe sex is a no brainer. They should be fine hahaha
The real question is - does Gojo know how to love? That's a question I'm sure Gege won't be answering at all haha. He seems to hate Gojo's character based on the interviews. But surprisingly, a number of his "heartless", "cold fighter type" characters have a depth to them. Even Toji was given depth - that he was powerless against the will of the sorcery clans, that he was a heartless man who fell in love with a warm, loving woman.
Dude, Gojo's a good man. Trust. Haha. If the side character villain Toji was given depth - what more with Gojo? Ahahaha
You know how Gojo uplifts all his students. He was never biased against Maki even when she had no power. He sees potential in every one of his students. He keeps promoting them all for heaven's sakes haha. When he calls Utahime weak, it's just in jest, it's just him trolling her because she gets mad easily, stubborn, proud too. Ahh they're honestly so cute. Pretty sure they help each other out when recommending students for promotions. UwU
A baby with the beautiful woman you love and trust? Damn, Gojo'd be one lucky papa.
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━━━━━━━ the perfect blend ; tendō satori
summary — barista!tendō can't stop thinking about you
word count — 808
genre — headcanon ; coffee shop au, fluff
warning(s) — cursing, not edited
a/n — ahaha okay but can y'all imagine tendo and ushijima as baristas/cashiers at a coffee shop? like ushijima's 6'0 clueless intimidating ass trying to take coffee orders during rush hour? i'm crying real tears right now
so let's say tendo is in college, working at a local coffee shop by campus to make some extra money for his tuition
he usually works the espresso machine but per order of grumpy ushiwaka whose dad owns the coffee company rip, he ends up taking the register for just one day
little did he know though that the first person he'd end up having to serve is someone that he finds absolutely breathtaking that's you boo uwu
you were a classmate in one of his general classes, and after a small group project and being paired with you for a presentation, he had fallen head over heels for you and your little cute quirks
"you're as whipped as the cream we serve," came tsukishima's quiet remark in passing as you came up to the register to place your order
secretly he's happy though
"h - hey y/n"
you were going through your bag searching for your wallet when you heard your name being called, and lo and behold when you saw tendo. you couldn't have gotten more flustered
because spoiler alert: you like him aka the bold red headed guy who shows up to class with treats he's made himself to share too
"i didn't know you worked here," you said, hoping your cheeks were only warm and not noticeably so
he shrugged, hands shaking trying to act nonchalant "yeah, ushijima and me both haha"
*semi awkward silence ensues before manager kuroo sends tendo a text message that reads "get the fuck to work. yer holding up the line with all that bad flirting"*
"sooooo, what can i get for you today?"
and so began a little ritual between the two of you where tendo takes the register every week according to your schedule so he has the opportunity to talk to you that much longer
if anyone noticed the flush in both of your cheeks every week which even baker lev of all people had noticed they didn't say anything
kuroo even had a bet going with one of the other managers akaashi for how long it would take for y'all to get together kuroo put 20$ on within a month and akaashi scoffed before putting 30$ on within two weeks
honestly you two are so cute
tendo always manages to write something on your paper cup sleeve before handing you your order
literally you're so confused because when did he find the time between taking orders on register and helping tsukishima and rookie barista goshiki with different drinks
little do you know tendo actually has a stash of sleeves he snatched from work that first time he saw you so he can write you messages at home i'm SCREAMING isn't that so cute??
"you mocha me crazy (from ur fav redhead)"
"i cannot espresso how wonderful you are -10do"
"hope u bean well. good luck on ur exams haha -tendoremifasolatido"
without a doubt each one puts a smile on your face because hello??? this is tendo??? he's everything and more
BUT ANYWAY back to your regularly scheduled program the good stuff...
barista tendo plans a whole thing to ask you out which includes roping in stoic ushijima who is surprisingly happy to help "when you're happy, you do well at work and good work means good business according to my father" and baker osamu "what do i get if i help?" "half my tips for the day"
so the day finally comes and kuroo's grumbling because he now owes akaashi 50$
you end up coming in during a slower time for the coffee shop courtesy of tsukishima suggesting that you come in then since it's less busy because tsukishima couldn't resist tendo's bugging is a nice person
"hello y/n. nice to see you today," came ushijima's quiet voice
you smiled. "hey, i didn't know you were working register today."
"ah... yes, i am." silence. "y/n you should try a latte today. they're... very good."
"oh." you nodded as ushijima seemed very motivated today. "okay. i'll take any latte then."
and so tendo started scheming working on your drink while having osamu prepare his part
before long, tendo serves you your order himself in person coming out from behind the counter to where you had sat at a table
a vanilla latte (that ushijima had decided would be good) decorated with a pattern of hearts from the milk foam, a specially baked bread formed in the shape of a heart, but no note
instead, tendo sheepishly looked at you as he set it down and before you could say you hadn't ordered anything besides the coffee
"i like you a latte y/n... do you want to go out with me?"
of course you say yes and maybe after his shift you two go on a small date for some food or something uwu
#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu imagine#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x y/n#haikyuu x you#tendou headcanon#tendou imagine#tendou x you#tendou x reader#tendou x y/n#tendou satori headcanons#tendou satori imagine#tendou satori x reader#tendou satori x you#tendou satori x y/n#coffee shop au
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