#surprisingly i dont have any ships with that dynamic exactly,the closest i think i have are my saints row bossgat (which is more of them
luvsavos · 10 months
(AA again) oh word? You are interested? Honestly looking back perhaps it isn’t so much as…an interpretation so much as…how he reacts with my friend’s hunter…she has decided that they’re…they’re very clearly in love with each other but no one knows if they’re dating or not (not even them). Her huntress’ name is Phoenix, which actually matches the meaning Aidie’s name (it’s actually Gaelic, and it means “little fire”, which we both decided suits him very well, and also there’s a god with the name)
oh that is an absolutely a+ dynamic, i love the "are they dating??? [shrug emoji]" dynamics so much they're SO much fun to write and explore and i love seeing other people's ways of going about them
the matching name meanings ohh🥺 that's so good omg i ADORE that
also yes aiden's name meaning Does suit him very well, and 👀 i didn't know there's a god with that name too
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