#surely surely you have a preference between a felon fascist bigot and a generally decent human being who has done good things
artielu · 4 months
A few people have expressed confusion about my tags saying that Trump is not going to jail despite the fact that he's been convicted of 34 felonies.
The reason he isn't going to jail is not because he's a slippery fucker with a stacked deck.
It's because he's a first time convict and the felonies are only class E nonviolent. While the sentencing guidelines are for up to four years jail per conviction, the guidelines are a *range*. For a first time conviction, it would be extremely rare to get jail time, especially if the convicted felon is not black and poor (hi systemic racism, I see you're still fucking here).
This guy is white, old, has at least some money to pay lawyers to appeal (allegedly - his lawyers keep not getting paid and getting sanctioned and/or disbarred), and it's a first time conviction and for a nonviolent felony.
Note that if he had been convicted previously of other felonies or any violent felonies, this would be a different conversation, fucking looking at you, Republican senators who refused to impeach for Jan 6 or trying to get zelynsky to manufacture dirt on Biden.
So. You still gotta vote. You gotta vote for Biden and straight Democrat for Congress. If you don't, Trump can seriously still win the election and be back in the white house with the nuclear codes and a chance to put several more bigoted, ultra conservative people on the Supreme Court bench. You think our civil rights are fucked now with a 6-3 majority? Watch what happens if it's a 6-3 majority where the conservative justices are all in their 50s and will be on the Court for the next 30 years. That's another generation of Americans under Christofascist rule.
You don't have to love Biden. You just need to hate trump more than you dislike/hate Biden. Surely, surely you prefer Biden to Trump.
And I like Biden. He's done a lot of good things, and some things I don't like. But I like him. And I really hate Trump.
You need to vote blue. Nothing else matters if we lose the white house and congress again.
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