#sure there will always be disagreements but straight up bullying and harassment and making people feel unsafe and uncomfortable is never ok
leqclerc · 4 years
diff anon but i agree bcs i had similar experience! 2019 was hell, some ppl on here even refuse to speak of charles by name when talking about him. it was so hard to find ppl who support both seb & charles. but my IRL friends don't know F1, i usually also watch with my dad but he's just a casual fan, so sticking it out here is the only option. now the atmosphere is much better, in part bcs of blogs like you! thank you for simply spreading good vibes & positive energy ❤ (& sebchal worms ofc 👀😳)
Ah, thank you 💕🥺 I’m happy that I can help in some small way! And yes, the worms are vital 👀👀
I’ve heard the same thing, yeah. :/ I understand having favourites - and, equally, having people/characters you just can’t stand - but for the most part if I don’t like someone I just...don’t blog about them? Whereas I feel like some people absolutely revel in their hatred and vitriol and take more pleasure in tearing down the person they dislike (and their fans) than they do talking about things they actually enjoy. 
I have to say I’ve been in...worse fandoms in terms of fan behaviour, where bullying was “normalised” by people who felt they had the moral high ground and that their horrific behaviour was somehow “justified” because they were the self-appointed good guys...where influential groups/users actively encouraged witch hunts and harassment and sending threats and all of that disgusting stuff. I’ve seen far too many real people be hurt and made to feel unsafe and uncomfortable in fandom spaces because some of the more rabid fans felt the need to defend fictional characters to the point they blurred the lines between reality and fiction, and on top of that felt absolutely no remorse. But that’s less of a compliment and I guess more of a commentary on what’s, unfortunately, seen as “normal” in certain fandoms/fan communities and...honestly it’s horrifying and inexcusable. 
Not to mention the past year has been extremely difficult for a lot of people for a variety of reasons. Many people use fandoms as an escape or respite from their real lives, to talk about the thing they love and share or make content. So I would never want to contribute to making this a negative, unsafe space for anybody, because no one deserves that, regardless of what they ship or who they support. There’s an actual person behind that screen, and some people should really think twice before typing something that could potentially have massive consequences. 
But also...I think everyone’s entitled to curating their own online experience by utilising the tools that are there for that purpose. If there’s content out there that’s upsetting to you, or that you’re just tired of seeing, there are ways of filtering tags, either through Tumblr’s built-in feature or third party extensions like XKit. If someone’s behaviour is upsetting to you, there’s always the block feature. It’s not personal, and it doesn’t make you a bad person or anything. Those tools are there for a reason. Just because it’s online doesn’t mean it’s not real or that it can’t hurt, or that your trauma is somehow less valid. Take care of yourself, always 💕
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
🎟 Wed 11 March 🍆
Only two days and already I got so spoiled, ready for live Louis content every day but guys... it's not happening yet. The next three scheduled shows are off and the ones after that are in serious doubt, this is so sad y'all. With Berlin, Paris, and almost certainly Stockholm cancelled or postponed the next date up is Amsterdam the 19th, which is unlikely to go ahead, then the UK shows. LTHQ has not given an official update, which is drawing criticism, but they are clearly scrambling on setting up for the long haul, adding three (big!) Mexico dates for November. I would guess they're hoping to come back to the European cities on the other end of the scheduled dates as well, and I hope very much they can, both because I want the Louis shows to happen and because it would mean this virus had been contained before the fall season causes a resurgence of infections.
Meanwhile here's Niall though, blithely tweeting that we should buy his tour tickets for next month! Um dude if sales are slow right now I'm thinking it's for a reason? I just don't know if it's the best time for that but you do you I guess. Anyway Late Late Show continues, last night he had a skit and played PALLOM, they seem to have got the HBWW thing back on track with today's lyric ("when did I first know? I always knew" from Black and White) getting posted nice and early, he's doing a giveaway of some of his truly excellent merch, and most exciting of all, the phone number from the NTMY video is active again! There's a song snippet on there!!!
Harry had a slew of pre-recorded interviews air all at once for the down under ticket releases. Apparently his brief flirtation with candor is over and he's back to normal: asked what Cherry is about he hems and haws at great incomprehensible length before finally saying "I try not to kind of explain too much you know." Well that's certainly true but he's happier to talk about (and show off) his Safe Sex shirt. That interviewer, who obviously knew what was up, spotted the tiniest sliver of it and said so that's a Keith Haring shirt huh? Harry's response was only ahh yes it umm says safe sex on it but he did take the opportunity to fully bare the graphic picture of two men jerking each other off for the television viewing audience. Others disagree but to me his face says that he had not planned on that call out or on getting those cartoon dicks out in the interview but he sure did go right ahead and do that!
W magazine posted about the jewellery 'campaign' featuring Zayn (and only Zayn) that was sent to the press yesterday to say "In a way, the real star is Gigi Hadid!" because Zayn, like, has a tattoo that's visible in like one of the pictures that's for her? Lolllllll very subtle my dudes I'm sure wow. As I said before about this 'campaign,' major Hadid shenanigans afoot! I love how Zayn's patented do-nothing-but-still-get-a-headline trick is now being expanded so neither him OR Gigi are doing anything! A true inspiration to anti-work anti-capitalists everywhere!
FIMQ has set her accounts to private after being doxxed. The person responsible for the premeditated attack (please shut the hell up about the made up pretext, it was completely fabricated as was made very clear by the attacker) bragged about getting away with literally attempting to ruin someone's actual real life because they posted things they didn't like about a couple celebrities. There is NO excuse for this! A headcanon disagreement or made up idea of what two rich white men think about what's happening in our online fan communities (hint: they don't really care that much except insofar as they need to for business reasons) is NEVER a justification to bully, harass, or threaten, what the FUCK is wrong with anyone who thinks this is somehow okay? Doxxing is a serious and terrifying abusive violation and threat. We use this as a defense against rapists and Nazis and other aggressors if necessary, we do not doxx people for making fan content you utter fucking monsters. I'm eyeing the grown ass adults out there making excuses for this behavior because they also think that a couple pop stars aren't together or are straight REAL FUCKING HARD TODAY. (To say nothing of the unbelievable homophobia of thinking being wrongly called gay is such a terrible thing but we won't talk about that...)
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