bookwyrminspiration · 2 years ago
Keeper Summer
Over the 2022 summer, on Shannon Messenger's Instagram, there was an event called Keeper Summer; deleted quotes from Stellarlune and video compilations of various moments in the series were shared.
However, since that was on IG and the videos were hard to sit through, I've compiled everything here so you don't have to click on a bunch of links and go searching for things.
This went on for several weeks, two things shared each week, so there is a fair amount of scrolling ahead.
Deleted lines and videos were alternated during the event, but I've grouped things together for simplicity's sake. Additionally, there were some mistakes in the videos, so I've corrected the most obvious; however, I wasn't editing or verifying quotes, so things may be off.
Compilation Videos
(the moments in each video are in reverse order leading up to number one, and in each video number one is listed as "your favorite moment!" for the viewer to substitute in their own personal favorite moment)
Each quote is in it's own indent, the book it's from listed in parenthesis at the end (excluding the first, where all are from Nightfall)
Six Times Sophie and Amy Had the Best Sister Vibes in Nightfall:
Her sister snorted. "You make it sound like you're Super Elves. All you're missing are the capes Sophie bit back a smile. "Actually...we do wear capes--but not because of that." Her sister stared at her like Sophie had just admitted she had a detachable head.
"Who are you?" her sister asked, backing away from the guys standing slightly behind Sophie. "That's Fitz," Sophie said, pointing to a dark-haired boy whose teal eyes flashed as he offered a smile that would put any movie star to shame. "And that's Keefe." "Keefe gave her sister his famous smirk, reaching up to smooth his expertly tousled blond hair. "Don't worry--we're all in the Foster Fan Club." "They're my friends," Sophie clarified when her sister shrank back another step. "You can trust them."
But her sister was still trembling by the end, and her eyes were red and puffy. "I know this isn't going to make any of it better," Sophie said, holding her sister tighter. "But I've done this before. The part where it all feels hopeless, and like it's never going to come together. and you know what? Somehow, it does. It's never perfect. But it's usually better than I'd been fearing."
But before Amy stepped into the light, she told Sophie, "Thank you. For today. And for all the scary things you've been doing. I don't know how it's all going to work out, but...I'll be fighting for the happy ending too."
"Take care of yourself, okay?" Sophie whispered. Her sister nodded. "And you keep...saving the world." Sophie smiled through her tears. "I'll try." Neither of them said goodbye.
Nine Reasons We <3 Fitz Vacker:
"Oh." Sophie didn't have much more to say than that. Except, "Well, now you know how weird I am." "Uh, I've always known that," Dex said, sitting on her other side. "But Remember? I like weird." "Me too," Biana chimed in. "Me three," Fitz added, smiling so wide when she met his eyes that her heart fluttered. "We could all use a little more weird in our lives." (Exile)
"I'm telling you the truth, Sophie. I don't know what else to say." "Okay," she agreed. If he refused to be serious, so would she. "Fine. I'm an elf. Am I supposed to help Frodo destroy the ring and save Middle-earth? Or do I have to make toys in the North Pole?" He let out a sigh--but a smile hid in the corners of his mouth. "Would it help if I showed you?" (Book 1)
Keefe glanced at Fitz, then back to her. "Telepaths," he grumbled. Fitz grinned at her, and this time everything inside Sophie turned fluttery. (Exile)
"Well, it's like you're saying, 'Hey, Sophie, take everything you've ever learned about anything and throw it away.'" "Actually, that is what I'm saying." He flashed a smug grin. "Humans do the best they cane--but their minds can't begin to comprehend the complexities of reality." (Book 1)
But he was also the boy who'd shown up on her class field trip and shown her where she really belonged. The one who'd let her cry on his shoulder when she had to leave her family, and who'd gone out searching for her in the middle of nowhere, just because he'd heard her voice in his head. "Okay," she said quietly, hoping she wouldn't regret the decision. "So what do we do next?" (Everblaze)
"Empaths," Fitz grumbled. "Just keeping you honest. So spill. What did you see in the Mysterious Miss F.'s mind?" Fitz turned to Sophie, and even in the dim light she could see the red flush in his cheeks. "I might have seen some other stuff--but it wasn't really thoughts. It was more like...feelings." (Neverseen)
His mind went quiet, and Sophie figured he'd dozed off with the others. But right as her mind started to drift, he added, I'll always be here if you need me. (Lodestar)
"So that still freaks you out, huh? that might be proof that it needs to happen." His eyes locked onto hers, refusing to let her look away. And when she swallowed, it was so loud, she was sure the entire world heard it. "Or," he said. "We could skip the talking." "And do what?" she asked, hating her voice for cracking. "Any ideas?" He was so close now, she could feel his breath warming her cheeks. (Lodestar)
Nine Reasons We <3 Keefe Sencen:
"Embrace the sparkled, Foster," Keefe told her. "They look good on you." (Flashback)
Keefe let out a sigh that sounded more like a groan. "And I thought secret Telepath conversations were the worst. Just so we're clear," he told Tam. "I'm the president of the Foster fan club. And we're closed to new members." (Neverseen).
Keefe smirked. "No big deal. I would rock that metal diaper. But I say that this hearing will be done in an hour--and if I'm right, you have to call me Lord Hunkyhair from now on." Sophie shook her head. "You guys are terrible." "That why you love us!" Keefe draped his arm around her shoulders. "you should get in on this, Foster. I'm sure that devious mind of yours can come up with some particularly humiliating ways to punish us if we're wrong." (Flashback)
When she didn't answer, he took both of her hands, and she couldn't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes. There was no teasing glint to be found. Just pure determination when he told her, "Because Team Foster-Keefe is going to win." (Nightfall)
"So is it strange coming here and not being the one on trial?" keefe asked, checking his expertly styled blond hair in a shiny facet on one of the jeweled walls before he followed Sophie into Tribunal Hall. "Because I'd be happy to help you break a few laws if you're feeling left out." "Me too!" Ro--Keefe's bodyguard--jumped in. (Flashback)
"Fine--but you should at least have to write an epic poem in my honor. here--I'll help you. 'Ode to Keefe Sencen--that brace, lovable nut. He may not have teal eyes, but he has a really cute--'" "KEEFE!" (Lodestar)
"You can ignore it all you want, Foster, but sooner or later you're going to have to solve the triangle. Or should we get real and call it a square?" "I have no idea what you mean." "I'm pretty sure you do. I bet if I were there I could feel your mood shifting." "Right, because I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to strangle you with my thoughts!" (Lodestar)
Keefe's smile looked sad but determined as he stepped back and took Sophie's hand. "I'm always with you, Foster. Whatever you want, I'm in." (Flashback).
Six Moments We Wished We Could Be Friends With Linh IRL:
"So do you," Linh said, spinning her brother around to face her and resting her hands on his shoulders. "You stood by my side all the years I fought with my ability. I'll stand by yours through whatever comes--whether you open yourself to this darkness or choose to keep it far away. And I know you can handle it." Tam gave Linh's shoulders a gentle squeeze before he stepped away. (Flashback)
"No, I think it means we shouldn't pass judgement until we see how things play out. Actions never tell the whole story. Good can be done for the wrong reason. And bad can be misunderstood." (Lodestar).
Linh peeked her head over his shoulder. "This is fun! I never get to see Tam blush." She pinched her brother's cheeks, and Tam rolled his eyes and stalked into the Healing Center, with Linh giggling right behind him. (Flashback)
"I was wrong to fear this. The water doesn't get to command me anymore. Only I command it. And I think I can save the city." (Nightfall)
Linh grinned. "I think I need to get Happy Shadow Thoughts embroidered on a tunic for you--with a bunch of smiley faces." "I definitely think I need to see him wear that," Sophie agreed. 'Especially if it's pink." "Hot pink," Linh decided. "With sparkly letters." "And it should say Angry echoes--beware! on the back!" Sophie added. (Flashback)
Six Foods We Wish We Could Eat From The Keeper Series:
She couldn't tell what was in Calla's famous starkflower stew, but Mr. Forkle was right. It truly was life changing. Every bite felt like home, warming her from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and making her feel safe, happy, and loved. (Neverseen)
Mallowmelt turned out to be a gooey cake that tasted like fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies soaked in ice cream and covered in frosting and butterscotch. It melted on her tongue and was, hands down, the best thing Sophie had ever tasted. (Book 1)
For once Dex had good taste in candy. It was sweet and chewy--like caramel mixed with peanut butter and filled with cream. (Prattles, Book 1).
But it was worth it when Keefe gave her the last bite of the butterblast, which was chewy like a doughnut but tasted like pancakes hot off the griddle and was filled with some sort of thick, maple-y cream. It was quite possible the most amazing thing she'd ever put in her mouth--and that was saying something, considering she lived in a world with mallowmelt and custard bursts and ripplefluffs and pudding puffs. (Flashback)
Edaline smiled. "Chocolate, butterscotch, and lushberry. I made them this morning." Brant pried open the lid, pulled out a square purple puff that looked a bit like a colored marshmallow and took a bite. Pink juice dribbled down the scar on his chin as he smacked his lips and stuffed the rest in his mouth. "Aren't custard bursts the best thing you've ever tasted?" he asked Sophie, spitting bits of crumbs. (Everblaze)
Six Times Iggy Was The Best Pet:
"Plus, he's so cuddle, and my room feels so empty at night and--" "You want to keep him in your room?" Sophie interrupted. Biana's cheeks flushed. "I know he's your pet. I just thought it might help me sleep." "He snored like a growling bear," Sophie warned. "But if you want to brave it, I can tell Iggy likes you." "I like him, too." Biana slipped her fingers through the bars of the cage and Iggy snuggled against them. (Neverseen)
Biana tried nudging Dex's shoulder. And flicking his ear. And kicking his leg. Nothing worked--until she put Iggy on Dex's pillow. One good Iggy burp in the face and Dex was sputtering and coughing and looking very disoriented. (Lodestar)
Vivid nightmares of her human family, trapped in their old house, surrounded by fire. She knew it wasn't real, but she still woke up shivering every night. It got so bad she slept with Iggy on her pillow so she wouldn't be alone. (Book 1)
Tears burned her eyes and she grabbed Iggy and nuzzled his fuzzy nose, trying not to feel so alone and afraid, and wishing she could go back to a time when she didn't have to worry about things like fading and kidnappers and memory breaks. (Exile)
It wasn't until her lungs burned that she realized she'd stopped breathing. She hugged her chest as her body shuddered. Iggy crawled up her shoulder and snuggled into her neck, like he knew she needed a friend. (Book 1)
Seven Times Ro Was The Best Bodyguard:
"Pretty sure she's not talking about your wound--in case you didn't catch that," Ro told him. (Nightfall) She shrugged when Sophie glanced at her. "What? He's a clueless guy. Figured I should help him out."
"Hunkyhair and I still have plenty of chaos to cause, don't we?" (Unlocked)
"I swear, watching boys try to communicate is like watching amoebas," Ro told Sophie during the long silence that followed. "You just stare at their blobby little bodies and think, 'How do these things even function?'" (Legacy)
Ro whistled. "you know, when you're trying to impress a girl, it's probably better if you don't almost kill her." (Nightfall)
"It's simple: a traitor's a traitor, and they need to be punished so everyone understands there are consequences for treason. If you're not willing to end him, lock him up and destroy the key. Or better yet, leave it hanging in his line of sight so he has to stare at it forever, knowing he'll never be able to reach it." (Flashback)
"Ugh, you guys have really out-sparkled yourselves with this place. It's basically begging me to smash something." (Flashback)
Seven Times Tam Threw Major Shade:
"Then you don't have to do this," Sophie told him. "Seriously." He tugged his bangs over his eyes. "No. I guess I'll just...send my shadow into your head, and if my instinct don't kick in, I'll try to send some happy shadow thoughts or something to see if it makes the echo less angry." (Flashback)
"Dude--this guy uses more hair products than I do!" (Lodestar)
"No, you won't," Sandor told her. "You're much too smart to resort to such reckless behavior." Sophie's eyebrows shot up. "You sure about that? You've seen how much time I spend with Keefe." "I'll give her some pointers, too," Tam volunteered. "I picked up lots of tricks at Exillium." "And I have lots of prank elixirs," Dex added. "How many weeks fo you think the new guard would last before they'd run screaming back to Gildingham?" Tam wondered. (Flashback)
"How did you sleep?" Lady Gisela asked behind him, and tam kicked himself for flinching--but he hadn't heard the door open. "Awesome," he told her. "Nothing says 'sweet dreams' like a concussion. You should try it sometime. I'd be happy to knock you out." (Legacy, Tam's POV).
The world shifted into focus, and she realized she was staring at the ceiling of the healing Center, with a bruised, weary Dex leaning over her and boy next to him with black hair and silver-tipped bangs. "It's about time," Tam said, then winked one of his silver-flecked blue eyes. "Leave it to you to find a completely new way to almost die." (Flashback)
"What exactly are we looking for?" Tam asked. "Keefe doesn't hit me as the Dear Diary type--though if we find one, I call dibs." (Lodestar)
Six Times We Wished Dex Was Our BFF:
"Hey," Dex said--and when Keefe didn't respond, the bed shifted, like Dex had sat down beside him. "I'll see what I can come up with, okay? And if I can't figure it out, I'll check with Tinker. Or I can always have Sophie enhance me. Sometimes that helps me find the right answer." (Unlocked, Keefe POV)
"I know the stick part is weird," Dex said, "but I needed this thing to broadcast in all six technologies. The elves, orges, trolls, goblins, and dwarves were easy to figure out, but I had no idea what to do for the gnomes. I tried solar-powered stuf, but it still seemed too techie." Only Dex would decide to jab a gadget with a stick. "You should've heard him squeal when it worked," Fitz said. 'i thought a banshee had snuck into the room." (Neverseen)
"I kinda like Foster the Great," Dex went on, oblivious to her annoyance--or perhaps because of it. "But I still feel like we could do better. Hmmm. Wait! I've got it!" He paused for a beat, dragging out the suspense before he leaned in and whispered, "The Fos-Boss." (Legacy)
"I'm sorry I didn't check on you. I begged my dad to let me help with the Everblaze--mostly so I could make sure you were okay. But he said I wasn't experienced enough to handle quintessence. So I stayed up all night, watching my panic switch in case you called me. I even kept my shoes on so I wouldn't have anything to slow me down. But you never called." "I'm not going to drag you into danger, Dex." "But I want you to. That's why I made you that ring." (Legacy)
But before he leaped away he asked, "Still best friends, right?" A soft smile curled her lips, and her heart pulled back into place. "Forever." (Nightfall).
Deleted Stellarlune Lines
“Trees dig their roots deep into the earth, preparing for the wind to try to knock them down.” Flori sang the words like they were lyrics in a song.
“I’m not a tree,” Sophie told her. “I have to do more than protect myself.”
Ro draped her arm around Sophie's shoulders. “Nope, you’re not getting rid of me, Blondie. We’re in this together!” 
Lord Cassius’s eyes narrowed. “It’s strange how quickly life can change, isn’t it? One minute, you’re a highly respected Emissary. The next …” 
“Yeah, we all feel very  sorry for you.” Ro mimed gagging.
Ro smirked. “Only Lord Pretentiouspants would have a private thinking spot.”  
Honestly, Miss Foster, you really should try managing your anxiety. Lord Cassius told her. You endure so much unnecessary stress. 
I’ll keep that in mind once I don’t have people constantly trying to kill me, Sophie snapped.   
But Sophie wasn’t ready to give up on Keefe yet. Even if everyone else was. 
Either way, Sophie had lots of weird feelings about family. It was so odd feeling like she had too much—and not enough—all at the same time.  
Hear that, Sophie?” Stina asked. “You’re earning the Neverseen’s respect. Doesn’t that make you feel super-great about your recent life choices?” 
“I gotta say—the more I think about it, the more it seems like a super bad idea to mess with people’s memories," Ro told her.    “I agree!” Sophie said. “And I say that as a Telepath!  
And that was the end of Keeper Summer! If you made it this far, congratulations! It's fitting the whole summer into one post, but hopefully there were some things you enjoyed :)
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eithneland · 9 months ago
A mad scientist meets an SCP after kidnapping them from The World Of The Living
important to read
THIS IS A CROSSOVER between the Scp Foundation world and "Bleach" the anime
this is part one to this scenario (part two is up)
Sarita is an original oc that I came up with also they go by they/them because, because :3
I am a fan of Mayuri Kurotsuchi but I'm not good at portraying his character as accurately as I would want to.
I might lose motivation or run out of ideas and the updates might slow down but I will try updating daily.
author's note in the end
Tumblr media
It was a regular Thursday.... until it wasn't. It was like members from squad 12 said: everything was fine, until it wasn't. Their captain had done it again, went to The World of The Living for a mission and brought a rotting corpse back?
"Captai-" One squad member runs up to Mayuri who had the 'corpse'(?) over his shoulder, carrying it. Mayuri didn't wait for the poor squad member to finish before turning to them and with a grin and ordering "Go prepare the lab for a new.... specimen" his eyes turn to the limp 'corpse' he had over his shoulder. The squad member didn't hesitate, as asking questions could be the end of them and they ran off, going to prepare the lab for tests.
Mayuri walks over to the lab and then, to the horror of that person, Mayuri straight up hands them the corpse "Strap it to the surgical table and give it seductives" Mayuri says, walking to a computer and starting to make a file for that 'corpse'. The member of the squad tenses up and starts strapping the subject to the surgical table, struggling to do so, as their body may be thin and frail but it is completely limp, like the corpse they are. Then the member puts them under anastegia, not sure why, but not daring to question The Captain.
Then Mayuri lets one of his assistants to enter the corpse's physical description in the file and walks to the surgical table where it is laying, one squad member is looking at it in horror and then imidiatly starts pointing at the corpse, panic in their voice as they try explaining what happened to The Captain "Captaincaptaincaptain-'s.han-" the member gets cut off by Mayuri's mocking and amused voice "Of course it moved! I wouldn't bring a simple corpse here without reason! I already have problems with Yamato for the 'ethical' part of my experiments!" he says it as it is the most obvious thing in the world and like he hasn't brought back corpses before "for science".
The squad member shuts up, pressing their lips together. "Good, good. You shut up, now go." Mayuri calls out. The squad member doesn't wait for another word and imidiatly speed-walks out of the room, going to do what they were doing before.
Mayuri then takes slow steps towards the frail 'corpse' on the surgical table. "My, my... how interesting!" He looks the corse in the eyes but... the corpse is looking at him, their tired bloodshot eyes wide open in shock and a hint of fear in them.
"Aren't you an interesting thing?" Mayuri says in a mocking tone, looking down at the experiment, Nemu next to him ready for orders. "Tell me.... What is your name subject-01UZ?" Mayuri grins, his teeth showing.
"My name.... is Sarita..." The corse says, their voice trembling slightly as they look the unknown man in the eyes.
Author's note:
also sorry if i have any spelling mistakes or grammar errors English isn't my first language :3
btw this is an original idea<3
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