#sure hope it ain't my appendix since that was suggested
dodger-thirteen · 9 months
FINALLY GOT MY DAMN TEST RESULTS. Called the urgent care again, was routed to the contact center (CC) again. Talked to the LOVELIEST HUMAN BEING /notsarcasmatall who listened to me explain the situation. They tell me that I should have gotten my results within 5-7 business days, and we are way past that, so they're going to call the location and put me on the phone with them.
So, I told them what happened the last time, when the CC forwarded me to the location and no one picked up and I had to leave a second message asking "WTF mate." They were like "okay, let me call them and talk to them first, make sure you can actually talk to a person there."
So they put me on hold, and I wait a while. They come back and are like "okay, so they have the test results and they say they are on the portal on their end, but for whatever reason, they aren't showing for you. So they said you'll have to make an appointment to discuss the results."
Me: Okay, but then I have to pay my co-pay again.
Them: I know. :( But that's all they're giving me.
Me: Is it possible there just isn't a box checked that should be or something?
Them: Hm...let me call them back.
Only, this time, they keep me on the line instead of putting me on hold. I caught on pretty quick that I was to keep my mouth shut and just listen. They talk to the front desk attendant (FDA) again, who seems to be having just not a good day or hates their job (fair) and is just NOT IN THE MOOD to be dealing with this.
Finally, the contact center person is like "okay, but if [she] makes another appointment, [she] has to pay [her] co-pay again for test results from an appointment [she] has already had."
FDA: *long-suffering sigh* Hang on. *puts us on hold*
CC: You get all that?
So we're on hold for a bit, then the FDA comes back to confirm my birth date and puts up back on hold. Waiting, waiting.
FDA comes back on the line.
FDA: The provider will put the results on the portal shortly, when she's done with her current patient.
Then she basically hangs up on us. And my CC person is back on the line with me like "okay, you got all that, right?"
Me: So...they said the results were on the portal, when they weren't, but now because we made a fuss, they are actually going to authorize the portal to show my test results.
CC: Yep!
Me: What a wild ride. Thank you so much for your help.
I am honestly sad that I didn't get a prompt for a review for my CC person because they were awesome and so nice.
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