#sure bet on the rangers I hope you lose all your money fuck you
toffoliravioli · 2 years
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chaniters · 5 years
Blood in the water
Part 8 of @kruk-art‘s Awan Cormac’s series. 
Awan mixes out some detective and thieving along with Steel and Anathema. 
Tried to write up something a bit funnier this time too!
“It’s like she’s everywhere now,” Anathema says watching Elyise’s billboard trough the car’s window. This isn’t the first sign you’ve seen, they’re all over the highways and TV. This one is massive, displaying her in a power pose in full costume. The fine print states her new slogan, which she accidentally said in an interview. If you recall she was crying about her mother’s death as the reporter kept pushing the questions “It’s not the powers or the cape that define a hero, but the sacrifices they decide to make”
“Reaper’s investing lots of money on her career,” you say leaning back. With Steel on the wheel and Anathema on the companion’s seat, you’ve got the whole backseat to yourself. “He’s even become her manager. I talked to him, and he says he thinks she can carry off his legacy now that he's’ retired.”
“Well, she’s amazing right?… Fighting her own supervillain mother… I thought that shit only happened in the movies they make”
“Not anymore,” Steel says taking a turn off the highway.  “And there’s already a movie in the works”
“Already?” you ask
“Yes. She’s a real inspiration. Doing things by the book all the time, even if it means fighting her own. Registered as a hero in under a week. Unlike some other people.” you can feel his gaze squinting at you through the mirror.  
“Well maybe you should ask her to join the Rangers” You say looking back.
“That’s a very real possibility” he answers dryly.
Eventually, Anathema breaks the uncomfortable silence that follows. 
“So what do we know about this scene?”
“Nine dead. And they’re saying it’s not pretty so I hope you didn’t have too much for breakfast” Steel answers “Because we’re almost there” 
-----------Half an hour later------------------
“This is fucked up,” you say circling around the bloodstains. Forensics already took samples and pictures so you have free reign over the scene. This isn’t the worst you’ve seen considering your past, but the killings in this warehouse are not something you’ve seen before.
“It’s really bad,” Anathema says looking at the corpse on the floor and the stains on the wall. “But I bet Steel’s seen worse right?” he adds nervously.
“No kid, he’s right” Steel answers looking at a severed hand, nearly split in two between the fingers. “This really fucked up. You have to be a really sick bastard to go all the way about actually dismembering people” 
Anathema goes silent, his first time in a murder scene bloody enough to put Steel off his game. He’s clearly feeling the pressure but trying to keep appearances while you and Steel are unphased. 
“Annie, why don’t you go talk to the forensics team, see if they can get us a first hand on the DNA results when they’re done?” you ask “We could end up catching the culprit from the database alone.”
“Aahh.. sure! I’ll go do that!” he says walking off trying not to look too relieved. 
Steel approaches, speaking in a lower tone as Anathema goes outside.
“You beat me to it”
“It’s good enough that he didn’t throw up in here.”
“I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen anything like this, even during the war. It’s sickening. And it makes me wonder what’s the worst thing you’ve seen Sidestep because you’re going through this mess like it was a walk in the park”
You frown lightly. Always looking for clues, this one. Can’t let your guard down for a minute. 
“It’s usually the living you should be scared off” 
“True enough. You’re the detective, or so you claim. What do you make of this?” 
Your gaze runs trough the crime scene slowly as you describe what your instincts are telling you.
“Seven males, two females, all dead and the cause seem to be severe, brutal slashing cuts. I haven’t seen a single stab wound, this isn’t knives we’re dealing with. Some sort of sword perhaps? The assailant also must be of incredible strength, enough to dismember with clean cuts, going straight through the bone. Went through them like paper” 
Steel nods slowly, seeing what you see as you continue your assessment
“The victims had an impressive array of firearms, and two of them are modded with extra strength” you add glancing at a thorn mechanical arm “And what’s more, they fought back as hard as they could. The attacker came trough this window, and their response must have been almost immediate” you point to the numerous bullet holes and cracks on the wall by the window. 
“The attacker did not use a gun, or at least none of the victims was shot, so unless it was bullet-proof we’re most likely going to get a clear sample of their DNA around one of the bloodstains on this wall. I mean, every shot here must have been aimed at them.” 
“They used heavy ammo too,” Steel says running a finger through a large crack. 
“I’ll defer to you on that, you’re the specialist. How much firepower would you say the victims were packing?”  
“Let’s just say they would have put my armor to the test”
“Now that’s unnerving. Alright, so the attacker broke in, messed them up while they kept shooting at it, broke through here, and entered this hidden room which they somehow knew was here, then stole everything inside these medical-supply boxes and finally jumped down the street this way” you say looking through the broken window.  
“Impressive” Steel nods “And It could be just right I'd say.” 
“There’s more. They had tons of guns, were hiding in a nowhere apartment on the bad side of town in a semi-abandoned building,  and they had a secure room hidden behind a false wall with broken needles and medical supplies behind them. I’m going to make a wild guess: They were dealers. Hero-drug dealers that is. That’s why the boxes are empty. The attacker took the drugs”
“You can’t be sure they were dealing hero-drugs” Steel complains
“Not from the scene. But look through the window” you say looking down. He joins you trying to see what you see. 
“You know who that is, right?” you say pointing at the stout figure with the top hat.  It waves back with a jovial smile revealing sharp shark-like teeth as it walks to the building’s entrance... 
“You’re right. Hero drugs it is. No way in hell Hollow Ground’s number one stooge would show up here otherwise.”
“We’ll need to talk to him. Lewie doesn’t show up to these things for nothing. This definitely must be one of HG’s places.”
Steel sighs. “Do we have to?” 
“He’s the only one who might know who did this”
“Agreed. But he won’t say a word to us. He must be just showing up to assess the damage. I bet he owns the building, that’s always his excuse”
“I can take Annie and then see what we can find meeting him at his office? He doesn’t really know us well. An I know you can’t stand talking to the guy”
Steel squints at you. “Are you trying to make me owe you one?”
“Not really, but it wouldn’t be terrible if you helped out next time I need something”
He studies you with a calculating gaze for a moment.
“Fine. You and Anathema go for it, he makes me want to squish his head every single time he gets within arms distance after the things he pulled on us”
“So you’ll owe me one?”
“I’ll think about it” he offers, but you know it’s a yes. 
“Great! Enjoy your crime-scene big guy” 
________Later, that afternoon____________
“Smells like fish in here. Can I open a window?” you ask without waiting for a response as you simply open it yourself.  
The big, shark-faced person sitting in front of you squeezes his plastic cup with a huge scaled hand while holding the forms you presented in the other one. Fish references are no to his liking it seems.  Anathema’s just reading a magazine on traveling he found in the reception room. 
“So let me get this straight Sidestep… You want a loan from me, for the purpose of -and I quote-  “Fucking fighting crime hell yeah”, but you won’t give me your real name, or your social security number. In the “Gender” item you just wrote “Enemy of the Patriarchy” and your occupation just states “Kicking evil’s ass”. No assets to your name, no previous employments, references, no bank accounts, insurance or anything. Also no driver’s license. … hm... And let’s not forget your address “1234 Chicken Dinner Road”. Excuse me but I’m not sure that’s an actual road here in Los Diablos…”
“Ok fine, maybe I don’t have all my paperwork with me, but I’m totally reliable!” you whine from your chair. 
 “I know you think I’m dying to get every hero to enjoy one of our exclusive loan products but this is really stretching it. Perhaps if you offered some fingerprints or took off your mask, we could…”
“Sorry! I think I got glue on my hands while putting on the costume today. Do you see? Can’t take it off” you say pretending to try.
He narrows his gaze at you, his annoyment palatable in your mind. 
“Do I kick them out boss?” Debra, the modded thug standing on the corner says looking at the two of you.
“I’m really really busy Sidestep. Perhaps it’s time you and your friend hit the road?” 
“What? You haven’t even read Anathema’s form yet!” 
“He’s just wasting your time!” Debra complains
“Not true! Anathema’s the one who wanted it, I just wanted to see how good my credit is… sorry. I just never asked for a loan before. Maybe I’ll do it better next time?”  you talk back.
“He’s asking for a loan too?” Lewie says turning to him, losing all pretense about being interested in you. Giving a loan to a ranger would be great publicity to him 
“What?” Anathema snaps out of his magazine as he’s mentioned.
“Of course he is. For his vacations. He’s taking several friends on a cruise for a few good weeks of wild fun, you know, the really good stuff.  And we know you've organized some of the best cruises for your own friends. Maybe you can help him out?”
“Well I have on occasion been known to organize legendary cruises, that’s true,” the Loanshark says with a smile that aims to be cordial but just looks plain murderous. He’s vulnerable to flattery, you sensed as much. 
“Dear Sidestep. What the heck are you doing to me?” Anathema whispers gently at your ear pulling back at your suit’s shoulder fabric. 
“What does it look like I'm doing my dear friend Annie? Getting you a free vacation” you whisper back with an equally charming tone, smiling at Debra and the Loanshark as if this were your normal interactions. You’re also sending them a mental command to distract them from the whispering because sharks have a very good hearing of lower sounds. 
“Yes, I know that. But have you considered I don’t want to ask for a loan from a literal loan shark?” he says pulling you even closer.
“Remember the time I got the wrong door and accidentally entered Steel’s room once and he had a two-hour fit? Well to get back at him I stole his ranger manual and sort of never gave it back. I’ve been studying your regulations, and you’re allowed extraordinary expenses during investigations. This is an investigation, and the loan is an extraordinary expense. You can have the Ranger’s pay for it” 
“That can’t be a real thing,” he says squinting at you. 
“Perhaps you forgot the time Ortega went to investigate those mobsters in the casino and lost all that money on the dice table to overhear their conversation…?”
“Uh… that’s not... right”
“Of course it’s not, but it’s legal,” you say handing the Loanshark the paperwork you filled in for Anathema
“Ohh what have we here” the Loanshark goes over the forms. “Now this is a completely different story” he adds going over the pages. “We can do things kid. Great things! How many grands do you need for this cruise…?” he says standing up “Have you gone over destinations yet?” 
“Ehr... no?” Anathema goes on.
“Give him the whole speech Lewie. I don’t think he’s ever had so much money at once before, least of all spent it”
“I will! Come here my new best friend!” he says patting his back “Follow me to the other office. We have to discuss this over drinks. Me and the rangers! I knew it would happen one day. We’re going to talk business!”
“I’ll be out of your hair Lewie... I’ll show myself out” you say sending another distracting command, specifically to Debra this time. 
“Wonderful, wonderful. Your friend leaves you in good hands Anathema. This way please”
“... help…?” Anathema whimpers as the Loanshark guide him away. 
You head out to the streets pretending to leave while actually maintaining the mental command to distract Debra so she doesn’t make sure you’ve walked far enough. She just acts as if you had already left for good. 
As they turn a corner, you start climbing the rooftops making your way back. A single push of a button activates the scrambler you had prepared for The Void, freezing all the Cameras in a loop, while turning the alarms in the building offline. You knew that thing would come in handy. A single jump and you enter trough his office’s window. That’s why you opened it from the inside it in the first place. 
Time for the fun part. Snooping around his stuff…
You sensed stray thoughts about his ledger being in the room. It takes a few moments before you find the safe, hidden under the carpet. The hatch’s lock is relatively easy to pick, but the computerized code lock on the actual safe is not. 
It takes a painfully long amount of fiddling before you manage to plug in the cellphone you modified to the electronic lock. Normally a lock like this would be impossible to crack, but you’ve got access to the farm’s top-of-the-line black-ops decryption protocols programs… another thing Nathaniel thaught you. 
It had been a while since you felt this thrill… They could get back and find you anytime. A quick scan reveals Debra hasn’t returned to the security desk yet, preferring to check on Anathema.  He seems to be playing along with your plan, distracting the Loanshark just long enough for….
*Bleep* the lock goes, as the safe opens. 
“Yes!” you whisper to yourself as you check the contents. 
Several ledgers, and a few labeled data-rods. And a lot of money. You get to work immediately, taking quick pictures of each page with your phone. It takes a painfully long time, but you have to do it, the Loanshark’s old-school and he believes nothing’s safe inside a computer so everything he knows about Hollow Ground’s operations should be here. 
You sense they’re about to be done with their chat as you finish the last pages. 
You scramble to check out the data-rods. The labels are all names of relatively known people…politicians, and some heroes. You notice several dedicated to Ortega. One reads “Public drunkness, barging at the casino”. Another one goes “Unlawful arrest of citizen -me- claiming he’s blackmailing witnesses”. The next one goes “Crazed claims about me working for Hollow Ground and threats of violence”. And the last one simply reads “Marshall Charge, getting to second base with Lady Blades”.
Wow. Lady Blades? That villain was one of Ortega’s first enemies when he was just a sidekick. Clearly the Loanshark is digging dirt on Ortega and has found a fair share of it. It’s not a real surprise since Lewie is the closest thing Hollow Ground has to a spokesperson, and Ortega’s been trying to get him to talk for ages. 
You’re about to close the safe when one last rod catches your interest. Its label reads “Riley.  Ask first before using”. So he’s got dirt on her too? Weird since she’s only just now become a public hero persona. The Loanshark would never admit to having a boss. Hollow Ground doesn’t officially exist. Whom else could he ask about this? And it says Riley, not Elyise? 
The rod could contain anything, and this could ruin her chances of entering the rangers. You’re not going to let him blackmail her. You plug the data-rod and copy it as well before setting it back. You’re not sure why you’re doing this even... There’s something funny about this being in the Loanshark’s safe. 
Time to free all these people from his clutches. 0
You take a small device from your inner pocket and set it into the safe around the data-rods. A press of the button and it starts buzzing before emitting an electrical discharge that fries all the electronics inside.
The Loanshark might find out it was you at some later point, but you’re not going to let him keep dirt on half the city. Charge and Elyise can thank you later. 
Footsteps approaching… you get out through the window, jump off a few rooftops and land on the streets before deactivating your scrambler, the alarms inside his building going back online. You don’t sense anything from Debra so they don’t suspect. 
Turning around the block, you find Anathema waiting for you nervously.
“Did you get it?” he asks as you approach
“Oh, I got it. And some extras too”
“Great. Because he’s waiting for me to make a final decision about the loan”
“So are you going to take it?” you smile
“ Of course not! I’m not going to owe anything to that asshole!” 
“Well, I could give you a loan myself now!” 
“You? How? You never have any money!”
“Lies. I have a job now!” 
“And what’s that?”
“Stealing from assholes!” you say letting him take a peek of the Loanshark’s money in your pocket.”
My fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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chaniters · 5 years
I’ve been promising to write this series for so darn long... Finally got an idea on how to start it. Hope you enjoy it! (Sentai themed. This is just the first part, introducing the setting!) 
"You'll never get what you want, you maniac!"
"Now now, Governor... let us keep calm. My terms have been most generous."
"We can't negotiate with terrorists! You know that!"
"I do. But we both know what will happen if I use my disintegration touch on the West Coast's entire gold reserves"
"Ha! The Rangers will stop you!"
"I doubt that, considering I locked them down myself in one of the vaults." You let out a loud cackle.
You got him. You can hurt the system right where it hurts. Money. If the reserves are out, west-coast dollars will lose all value, destabilizing its flourishing economy, the only reason it's status as a free economic zone was never revoked.   And a place like the farm cannot operate in the main country. They have real laws there. Still, it isn't a sure bet. A million things could go wrong if you actually destroy the economy. Too unpredictable. But you know they'll have to relent.
Unpredictable is something the politicians at play hate just as much as you do.
"W... Damnit! Damn you freak...! You wouldn't dare do it! Do you know how much chaos that would cause?"
"Of course I do Governor. And there are many other banks for me to visit after this one, you know... unless you want to tell the world you can't your valuables safe?"
"Go to hell!" he yells exasperated. "I know you won't do it! There's nothing for you to win in this! Why don't you just steal some of the gold?" He doesn't get it. He can't understand that you don't care about money at all.
"You test my patience governor. Perhaps a little demonstration is in orde..." You are interrupted by a loud siren noise from the Governor's office. "What is that?"
"It's the citywide alarm system... what's going on? Are we at war?" the Governor turns to one of his aides, who fumbles a remote control to turn on the TV.
You activate a console on your helm to watch as well. Is he trying to gain time? Maybe you should make a third of the gold reserve evaporate... that ought to make him reconsider.
The Governor's TV settles on the main news channel, as do you.
Mia Ochoa is in Los Diablos according to the labels, reporting from under a table, as pieces of ceiling fall all over. She appears to be at a bar. What the hell is going on and how did you not catch up on it sooner?
"... there is a very unstable situation on the ground, that is unfolding very quickly. The floating disc descended from high altitude at great speed and emitted a blue ray over the fields, which released a swarm of humanoid creatures armed with energy weapons. They are firing indiscriminately on civilians!"
"Quickly! Call all of Los Diablos police stations! Contact Los Diablo's Mayor! Send in the National Guard!" The Governor seems to be going into overdrive mode as his aids run back and forth.
Mia goes on with her reporting.
"I will try to get some images for our viewers! I remind you, we are risking our lives doing this so we might not be able to get the best takes. Also, we might see graphic violence!"
Fuck. Mia Ochoa does not back down, you have to give her that.
The film crew creeps to the bar's door, and soon enough, you can see the armed soldiers. They seem to be wearing similar outfits and move in a robotic fashion. Drones? Worse of all, there is a giant spinning metal disc floating above them. They start firing again and the Mia Ochoa and her camera crew go back inside.
You mute the governor's and the news channels open a third one to Mortum's lab.
"Doctor, are you seeing this?"
"Afraid so Retribution."
"Is this for real?"
"I think so. Never seen anything like this."
"Thank you. I'll get back to you later...I'll be at the lab soon" You close Mortum's and Mia Ochoa's channels and focus on the Governor again.
"Afraid I'm going to have to leave you Retribution," he says.
"WHAT?" you ask outraged.
"I've got a bit of a situation on my hands, can't you see?"
"But the gold reserves..."
"Are irrelevant if I lose an entire city to an alien invasion. All I can say is please don't do it? Thank you"
"..." awkward silence as you have no idea what to even say after that.
"Anyways, I really have to go so..."
"WAIT!" You plead, the roles reversed.
"What for?"
"There might be a win-win situation here... you know what I want. And you have a bit of a situation in your hands. What If I helped deal with it...?"
"You mean work for us? Fight off those things"
"Yes," you say finally.
"I could consider it...yes... You know what if all you want me to do is close that camp of horrors from the feds, I can do it. I'll fucking evict them from the entire West Coast if you want. But I want results!”
“Oh, I’ll get you results! I’ll exterminate those things so fast they won’t know what hit them!” you say energetically
“Also, I want you to release the rangers. We need all hands on deck"
"...fine" you grumble with a complete loss of your previous enthusiasm.
A wave of cold anger flows through your body as you walk towards the smaller vault. You've never done any of this out of revenge or seeking fame, but having someone steal your thunder like this when the governor was right at the palm of your hand..., even if it's an alien... it just makes your blood boil. Whoever's responsible is going down. Big time.
"HARDER!" Steel commanded as Herald flung him at high speed against the vault's reinforced gate at great speed. Ortega and Argent joined with a combined strike, but the gate remained impervious.
"Fuck! It's no use!" Charge cursed outraged. Argent continued slashing at the metal, only creating superficial marks. Herald looked defeated, and Steel just studied the gate with his sensors, trying to find a weakness. There was none.
"You're right" he let on sitting on a pile of gold bars. "He got us good this time"
"FUUUUCK!" Charge went on kicking a few bars against the wall. Argent just kept slashing.  
"That's not helping" Herald muttered while trying to get signal with his cellphone.
"At least I'm doing something!" Argent replied breathing heavily. "You'll never get signal! We're in a sealed VAULT!"
"The kid's right" Steel spoke tiredly. "Even if we can’t get signal we have to get someone to open it from the outside. It's not going to magically open just because you..."
And then the gate did just that, unsealing itself.
The Rangers gathered together, shocked to see Retribution on the other side.
"What gives? Lost something here?" Steel asked sarcastically walking over the gate ready to fight. The other rangers assume fighting stances behind him.
"Only my time." His terrifying voice lacked the characteristical aggressiveness this time. "Come out already, we've got a lot of work to do," he said motioning them out.
Steel looked puzzled but then advanced striking a warrior's pose. "I don't know what game you're playing or what you're planning, but it will never succeed! And we'll never EVER work with you!"
"Well tough luck hunk because you're totally going to be seeing a lot more of me! Oh, and by the way, you better hurry to Memorial Park unless you want to be late for your first alien invasion!" He said, before pressing a palm to the bank's wall which instantly dissolved, creating a circular hole for him to escape with his jump jets.
"The fuck?" Steel was astonished
"Did she just call you hunk?" Charge asked with a wide grin.
"What do you mean she? Retribution's clearly a guy!" Steel replied.
"Oh wow... I didn't think you were into...him"
"Wha... No, I mean... I never meant it that way..."
"Come on... first I learn you're gay, now you're really wanting that one to be a guy... I can see where this all leads Chen!"
"Yeah right," Ortega was cracking in laughter by now.
"Hey I've got phone signal finally," Herald says. "The Mayor's calling us! And the Governor too! We've got to go to Memorial Park right now!"
"Let's go, Herald... They'll catch up when they grow up" Argent said hurrying to the Ranger's helicopter dragging floating Herald by his arm.
Steel and Ortega soon followed.
My fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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