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Just an idea that popped up… during the week...
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This idea cropped up during a hyperfixation.
What if our momster reader had the luck of collecting all the sons from the formerly Great Diamond Authority?
How she managed to collect them all is up to you:
Fluffy got her paws on a Gem artifact (on accident or on purpose, it's up to you) and gathered the bebes on instinct
They all exist on the same planet, and she found them during her travels. (Meaning they all had different fathers)
All sound ludicrous, but I needed some sort of justification as to why all Diamond Stevens/children would be in one world.
[Note: All Diamonds in this piece will be "Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz" sized, because I can't imagine how draw a massive gem on a small child's chest, let alone a child's head. That idea itself is already taken anyhow. ]
Dunno, just wanted to show this.
If y'all like it, I'll probably show more.
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She's full of ignorance, but it's not very blissful.
You said you don't remember much... how much do you exactly remember?
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"But... overtime I just stopped trying to read into it... after all, ignorance is bliss, right?"
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Just a short comic of lil quartz returning home.
If I didn’t it wouldn’t look right.
The “action” starts next few posts, but it may range from short comics to art dumps to posts with stories in Descriptions.
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SU AU: My way
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"She WHAT!?"
The shrill squawk of an especially large mutant macaw sounded through the woodlands, startling a flock of birds out of their roosting spots in the trees and caused a few deer to scatter for cover.
"She did-- but you--! Why would--!?" Centi's mane bristled as her shock as everything she had heard sank in. She already had a bad feeling about those star-bearing bounty hunters, but the information she was given was just too much to bear. "H.... H-How could she!?" In an instant, her shock replaced itself with fury.
"Th-They know you’re part human, yes? A-And their whole thing is to protect them! How dare they subject you to that... that TORTURE!" Centi snapped furiously, her maw already dripping with acidic substance in thick globs.
"I knew those guys were bogus already, but this is BEYOND MESSED UP!!" Tri-T snarled furiously, treading her talons across the dirt, leaving deep claw marks in the ground. "We should've trashed them when we had the chance!"
Lil Quartz shrank, biting his lip at his aunt Centi's outburst. He knew telling his aunts, typically aunt Centi, about his Crystal Gem experiences wouldn't be simple, but he didn't think think that they'd react this terribly.
"I- uh--" He tired to speak, but the angered roars of his enraged aunts spoke over him.
"They WON'T get away with this! We will make them pay!" Centi seethed, her pincers snapping involuntarily.
She started bouncing from foot to foot, practically foaming at the mouth in rage. "GAH! When I get my talons on that good-for-nothing twig of a gem--!"
"Calm down, both of you." Came Fluffy's stern voice, breaking the two gems out of their furious banter. "Before we go and make any rash decisions, we should at least let him finish."
The two gems calmed down, with Centi fiddling her hands together and Tri-T murmuring in her throat.
"Y-Yeah! I-It's not all bad..." He glanced up at his fluffy mother, with a thankful smile before continuing. "Because at least I got to learn more about myself! Like my dad, my ukulele skills..." he trailed off, feeling hesitant. "...my... um..." He looked up at fluffy, as if asking if it was okay for him to say it, in which she nodded her head once with a gentle smile. He nodded back and stated with a subtle bitterness; "...My birth mom."
The two gems exchanged concerned glances between each other.
"...B-Birth mother?" Centi repeated with uncertainty. "You mean...?"
"Rose Quartz... yeah." Lil Quartz confirmed, with a soft, tired sigh. "There's just.... so much to her I don't know. I mean, not even her own teammates know all the things to her. And... I don't think I'll ever be able to rest if I don't know her full story..."
The two gems remained quiet, with Centi somewhat sensing the direction he was taking, while Tri-T remained confused.
Lil Quartz took a deep breath. "I... I need to know who she was! Who she truly was!" His voice took on a desperate edge as he clutched at the yellow star on his shirt. "That Pearl's reaction to me finding that sword in that lion's mane... She said she was one of Rose's oldest subordinates!" He started to breathe heavily as the memories of that day flooded his mind, and a mix of rage and despair flooded his mind. "And the fact she didn't even know about the lion--!"
Lil Quartz paused as he felt Fluffy lightly nuzzle the top of his head, and her warm breath instantly soothed the cold dread that was beginning to spread through him. He drew in a deep, shaky breath, steadying himself before continuing his explanation.
"Bottomline... we'll never be able to live in peace with Rose being so... obscure." He crossed his arms. "I know there was more to her than she let on. And I want to know what other secrets she could be holding."
The two gems exchanged a look between each other worriedly.
"But... how are we gonna do that?" Tri-T asked. "Didn't she lead those Crystal Gems? So... do we--?"
"No." Lil Quartz was quick to interject, breaking away from the group to walk upto the roosting pink lion. "Not yet at least. He can help us with starting."
Centi and Tri-T stared at the Pink big cat with uncertainty.
"Er... How?" Centi asked.
"One thing..." Taking a deep breath, Lil Quartz dunked his head into the lion's thick pink mane, and much to the corrupted pack's shock, he sank into it completely. After a few seconds, a medium sized chest is tossed out of his mane, startling the three gems before Lil Quartz poked his head out, taking a deep breath. "See? His mane is kind of like a pocket dimension." He smiled slightly. "And he has the ability to make portals using his roar! He can take us to places she has been!"
"That's sick!" Tri-T jumped with excitement. "Maybe he can work as a mobile den for us!"
Lion snorted in protest at the idea, but Lil Quartz shook his head. "There's no oxygen in here. I think it would work better as a storage space.
Centi looked worried, as she wrung her paws together. "Lil Q... are you sure about this...? I mean... this all seems so... dangerous..."
"I can't take my experience with those Crystal Gems lightly." Lil Quartz stated with an air of resolve. "If they don't know all about their own leader, then there must be something bigger to all of this. I need to know... I have her Gemstone... and that alone carries a lot of weight..."
Centi hummed. The solemn look on his face caused her metaphoric heart to twist. She couldn't imagine having to bare the gemstone of an enigmatic rebellion leader, let alone one who made the decision to leave a child with such an emotionally unstable team.
She herself started to wonder just what Rose's motives actually were...
After giving Fluffy a look, she nodded slowly. "We'll be here for you every step, Lil Star."
Lil Quartz smiled. “Thanks, guys…”
He then sighed, stepping out of Lion's mane, holding up the tattered flag of his late mother, staring at it in contemplation.
"Time to find out who you are. My way."
I'll admit, I don't fully like the way this turned out, but you get the general idea.
The pack has been formed and the idea is out.
I probably will fix up the dialogue when I find motivation.
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SU AU: Home
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Next morning, Steven had awoken to the scent of freshly cooked meat, causing his belly to rumble. Slowly, he picked himself up and stretched in a cat-like manner; arching his back and stretching his arms out in front of him. With a long weary yawn, he stumbled out of the cave, and was greeted with the lukewarm summer breeze whipping through his hair and the peaceful bird song in his ears. he couldn't help but feel a light smile come to his face.
For months the only things he had woken up to were the Pearl or Garnet prodding him awake for a mission, and stiff, overly fragrant air. The only good part about that experience was the breakfast, but even then, it wasn't Fluffy's fire-fried cooking.
Stars, how he's missed this.
He made his way into the clearing, where he found his Mother Fluffy was in the middle of the camp, sitting at her fire pit making breakfast with Centi beside her while Tri-T was sharing a her meal with lion.
Steven smiled joyfully at the display. He knew that they were always placid and open-minded towards other animals, but he somewhat didn't expect his feral kin to accept Lion so easily. They were much more understanding of him...
he trotted up to the group of gems, catching their attention almost immediately.
"Lil Q!" Tri-T jumped to her feet and ran over to the boy, to which he instinctively leapt onto her back. Tri-T then proceeded to dance in place and run aimlessly around the camp, laughing joyfully, while Centi and Fluffy watched adoringly. "Man, you know how much I've missed doing this!"
Steven laughed to himself, feeling his heart swell with happiness at her nickname. "I missed this to!"
After a brief run around the camp, Tri-T had stopped, though she was still bounding in place.
"Hey! Didja know about this big pink Fluffy feline? He appeared when you appeared! Isn't that cool? Big Q said that he might be an ally to you? Is that true? Where'd he come from??" Tri-T spoke with rapid succession, her words almost blurred together with how fast she spoke. Even if he's used to her hyperness, it still sort of overwhelmed Steven's still tired mind.
"Tri-T, take it easy." Centi chided. "Lil Quartz just got back from being a... Crystal Gem. We should give him time to settle back in before overloading him with questions."
"Yes," Fluffy Quartz nodded. "Besides, he hasn't even had any breakfast yet, haven't you, dewdrop?"
As if to answer for him, Steven's stomach growled audibly, causing him to blush in modesty. "N-Not yet."
"Oh right!" Tri-T remembered, tilting her body forward so Steven could slide off. "I saved you the biggest carp!"
Steven smiled and nodded.
He knew that eventually, he'd have to answer some of those questions about his lion. They needed to know what he's learned so they could at least be prepared for what could come.
But at the moment, he put those worries to the back of his head as his focus was on the plump, young carp being handed to him.
Enough of the Crystal Gems for one morning now.
Perhaps after a good breakfast, he'd unwind with a nice wrestling game with Tri-T... or perhaps look for big pine cones with Centi? Maybe make flower crowns with Mama Fluffy!
He didn't know where to start. All he knew was that he was back where he felt happiest.
He's had too much Crystal Gems in one sitting and needs to unwind.
We'll get back to the action, but I think some nice fluff would be nice as he readjusted.
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We... are corrupted gems!
We live in disarray!
Without a sense of thinking...
We always start a fray!
That's why the people of this world flee from...
Fluffy Quartz. (Y/N)
And Centi.
...And Steven! Little Quartz!
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Welcome to the Raised In Corruption AU blog!
It's as simple as it sounds; instead of the Crystal Gems or The Diamonds raising him, a pack of corrupt gems do the works!
This is the master post!
It'll lead you to various scenarios, ref sheets, Headcanons, and simple drawings! All of that good stuff. Stick around, make yourself comfy!
Since many of these are hyperlinked; you might want to check in here from time to time to keep in touch with where my ideas may go!
If you're on mobile, you'll have to access the Q&A here. This should cover your questions on how this AU works!
Comic here!
Here's a pilot comic!
There's a ask "sandbox" blog to!: mainly for funsies/extra fact you wanna know [note: some facts may be reconned/no longer canon.]
To join the Discord, please DM me!
Just the appearance of how the cast looks and the information on them. :3 [note: May change over time]
The Feral Gem Pack/Future forms
Lil Quartz "Steven"/Future Form
Extra tidbits that'll apply to the lore of this AU :D
Feral Gem terminology
Steven's abilities
[More TBA]
Non-canon scenarios
Stuff that aren't relevant to the story and are most-likely a result of a whacky concept that crops up. Fanart is prominent here. [Note: May become Canon with enough favor :3]
Multiverse Momster
[More TBA]
Oneshots + extra
Just extra parts that involve art and occasionally a oneshot story that is Canon to the AU :3
Below here are spoilers somewhat to the comic! 👇
Pilot Scenarios/lore [probably in order?]
These are older scenarios that are outdated + altered from the current AU. [⚠️may hold spoilers to certain scenes that may occur]
First meeting Connie
The truth is out
Crystal Gem arc
Relationships with everyone
Truth arc
"She's not my mother!"
Corrupt gem rebellion
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