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You guys back home go support this! Anyone living outside the area share with your friends so they get more coverage. This is fantastic. Posted @withrepost • @supr.mrkt Leave a 😋 in the comments if you have your free tickets to SÜPRFEST. There are going to be SO many amazing people, dishes, and experiences there and we are just 2 weeks away. There first 200 people in attendance get a free meal on us, so visit suprfest.com TODAY to RSVP! (Link in Bio). The gift bags with paid tickets are EXTREMELY LIT with self care goodies from @drhauschkausa @drbronner @sweetgreen @eathowl + more! SÜPRFEST: South Central’s first vegan festival is happening October 19th, tell all 👏🏾 your 👏🏾 friends 👏🏾! . . . . #hoodhealers #suprmarkt #suprfest #suprfood #leimertpark #southcentral #southlatostay #healthehood #producetopeople #blackandbrown #businesses #viral #explorepage #vegansinthehood #vegansouthcentral #plantbased #VegansofLA https://www.instagram.com/p/B3S9RWLli2g/?igshid=1e2ekg6ayq854
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@suprmarkt is our non profit partner for this year's Mercado Sagrado. We recently caught up their founder, Olypmia Auset in @tidalmag -check out the story under ‘Current’ on their website. . And and you’re in LA and want to learn more about SÜPRMARKT and Olympia’s passion for making healthy food available to all, come listen to her talk at Mercado Sagrado, tomorrow, Sunday at 10:30am. . . SÜPRMARKT is offering their 1 for 1 program at Mercado Sagrado this weekend. Every package you purchase brings fresh food to someone in need, and keeps you eating healthy as well. . . . . #endingfooddeserts #suprmarkt #mercadosagrado #mercadosagradotalks
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Tag 21: Steine und Vögel
Nachdem ich morgens aufgestanden war ging ich zu der nächsten “Spark free wifi” box um mit meiner freundin zu telefoniren. Wärdend diesem telefonat bekam ich eine Facebook nachricht von einer Dame, die ich ein paar tage zuvor kennengelernt habe. Sie war grade in te anau und fragte mich pb ich auch noch da bin. WIr trafen uns in einem cafe und redeten ein bisschen. Danach mussten wir beide in den suprmarkt und kauften etwas ein, jeder für sich.
Nachdem wir an meinem hostel vorbeigelaufen waren um mein zeug abzulegen wollten wir in das “Bird Sanctuary” um uns ein paar Neuseeländische vögel anzusehen. Andere würden das warscheinlich nicht spannend finden, aber wir beide hatten einen heidenspaß.
Als wir alles gesehen hatten machten wir uns auf den rückweg, kamen aber absichtlich vom weg ab und liefen mehrfach über die steinstände die den see te anau eingrenzen. Die steine sind sehr schön und ein paar von ihnen flach genug um sie springen zu lassen.
Wir redeten über unsere reise bis dahin, über unser zuhause in den Niederlanden bzw in deutschland, und kamen nach einer menge umwegen in meinem hostel an.
Els hatte inzwischen mitbekommen dass ich am vortag pfannenkuchengemacht und noch zutaten da hatte, um mehr zu machen. Nachde wir also pfannenkuchen gegessen hatten wollte sie auch was kochen, um mir ein spezielles Holländisches gewürz zu zeigen also gingen wir nochmal los um hühnchen und kartoffeln zu kaufen.
Nachdem wir auch das gegessen hatten, machte sich els auf den heimweg und ging auch ins zimmer zurück um mich schlafen zu legen.
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This 26-Year-Old Entrepreneur Founded SÜPRMARKT To Address The Food Desert in South LA
In the South LA food desert, finding organic food can be difficult. Enter Olympia Auset, the 26-year-old entrepreneur that founded SÜPRMARKT, a pop-up organic grocery store for the community. from Forbes Real Time http://www.forbes.com/sites/toriutley/2017/07/28/this-26-year-old-entrepreneur-founded-suprmarkt-to-address-the-food-desert-in-south-la/ via IFTTT
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26-Year Old Black Woman Entrepreneur Launches Low Cost Organic Grocery Store Olympia Auset, founder of SUPRMARKT 26-year old Olympia Auset, a native of Los Angeles and a graduate of Howard University, grew tired of having to travel 2 hours by bus every time she wanted to buy healthy vegan food.
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We’re thrilled about this year's partnership with @suprmarkt and their mission to make healthy food available to all. Founder, Olympia Auset will present the following talk at Mercado Sagrado: . Spirituality and Social Justice: how to make our values real . Living and learning through the awakening experiences of Vippassana Meditation, Inippi ceremony, and many other transformational, synchronistic events in her journey, Olympia Auset has became steadfast in her commitment to creating infrastructure for a better earth. Having lived in neighborhoods across Los Angeles, she has become very familiar with the differences in creativity, potential, and happiness which accompany differing food landscapes. She knows that no collective shift can be had without engaging the least empowered people, and no empowerment is possible without access to quality food, and has set out to create a building block for our collective upliftment with SÜPRMARKT. . . Olympia Auset founded SÜPRMARKT in July of 2016 and since its inception, has provided more than 500 cases of organic fruit, veggies, and seeds affordably in South LA, a community which has 1.3 million residents but only 60 grocery stores. 23.5 million Americans are food insecure and SÜPRMARKT brings affordable produce to the people and places that need it most, in a weekly pop-up and subscription service poised to create a culture of equal access and conscious consumerism across the board. With innovation, information, and inspiration as the heart of its operations, this is the climate SÜPRMARKT is working to change. . Sunday, November 5th at 10:15am . . . . #suprmarkt #fooddesert #beyondorganic #mercadosagrado #southLA #topangacanyon #farmersmarket #culturalshift #newearth #socialjustice #community
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