mealsforsquares · 6 years
Steak and Potato Tacos
So I needed to get food on the table very quickly, as often happens. We’ve all been especially busy lately, and there just hasn’t been much by way of cooking lately, so it’s the sort of thing that has been happening*.
To get rid of a bunch of leftovers, I’ve been sort of making impromptu tacos out of them, so I’ve been keeping a lot of tortillas around, which have occasionally been making appearances in other things. So it was a matter of warming a few of these up to get some potatoes inside some hungry humans.
I had just gotten back from the grocery store where I had purchased some thin-sliced steak for some absurdly low price -  normally I don’t bother with the stuff but it cooks up quick and I had already decided that this was what I was going to do with it, but I had to start with things that took a bit longer to prepare.
I cut a couple of potatoes up into smallish cubes and tossed them with some avocado oil and some of a salsa and pico spice blend** and ran them through the air fryer for sixteen minutes, stopping halfway through to shake them a bit. It’s a miracle, man. It does potatoes very quickly with no fuss. I really can’t recommend it enough as a potato-cooking machine.
I got a pan very hot under the broiler, then salted the steak and popped it in the pan under the broiler for a minute and a half or so, then pulled the steaks out and let them rest.
I had some mayonnaise put together from having made tuna salad earlier in the week***, so I dolloped a bit of that on the bottom of the tortillas as an achor, then sprinkled some chiffonaded basil over that. I laid the steak down on top of that and topped it with some homemade steak sauce****, instead of taco sauce. I laid a few drops of hot sauce over the top, topped the whole thing with the crispy spiced potatoes and rolled the whole thing up.
Everyone was happy and fed, and I felt pretty good about it, even though I basically wrapped up a hash in a tortilla. I’ll allow it. Also mayonnaise is a reasonable substitute for crema only this highly-specific circumstances.
* the reason, in fact, for the lack of updates is that there just hasn’t been that much actual cooking going on - there have been a lot of sandwiches and suchlike, and it just hasn’t been about meal prep very much. Mea culpa.
** Penzeys, man, they give this shit away and I end up with it, and I can’t stop acquiring these things.
*** this didn’t get written up, because: tuna, mayonnaise, celery seed, salt, pepper, capers, onion powder, garlic powder the end.
**** I don’t have the recipe laid aside, but next time it comes up I might write it up, probably around christmas when I make it as a gift.
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