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We would like to wish a Happy Holiday to all of our followers and supporters! ! Thank you for your support and help. We will look forward to seeing you all at future events and endeavors. We have more planned for 2018. #xokiahicaresinc #communitysupport #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #celebratewithus #newbeginnings #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #tealandpurpleroses #xokiahicaresincfamily #watchuswork #xci_events #xci_volunteersrock #xci_communityevents #volunteers #communityhelp #outreach #thankyoufromxci #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #keepyoureyesonus #makingadifference #supportinthecommunity #positivevibes
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Our project For The Love Of My Sister, will soon begin it's Monthly Book Club. Stay tuned for more information here or on their Facebook page: For the Love of My Sister #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #eyesmaynotsee #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare #tealandpurpleroses #xokiahicaresincfamily #watchuswork #xci_events #xci_volunteersrock #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #celebratewithus #newbeginnings #xci_projects #welovebooks #weloveoursupporters
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THANK YOU THURSDAY 26 Oct 17: This Week we would like to thank: Kika Millner for all of the support that she has provided to Xokiahi Cares over the years!! You are missed. VOTE: JUST A REMINDER: DON'T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY: WWW.EAGLERARELIFE.COM/CONTENT/TRACI-TC-JORDAN YOU CAN VOTE ONCE EVERY 24 HOURS FROM NOW UNTIL 7 DEC!! PLEASE HELP OUR ORGANIZATION COMPETE FOR $50,000 DONATION!!! #xokiahicaresinc#eyesmaynotsee #communityhelp #volunteerwork #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #thankyoufromxci
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Sharing information from GHURA, for those who are in need of this service. Please contact individuals on the image. #xokiahicaresinc #communitysupport #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #sharingthegood #studentvolunteers #guamservicelearningproject #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #angelheartbags #tealandpurpleroses #communityfeeding #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #xokiahikids #overcomingchallanges #XCIteamwork #womenbuildingbridges
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THANK YOU THURSDAY: This Week we would like to thank: Beaudy Marea Camacho and Fundforte for all of their support!! #thankyoufromxci #xcithankyouthursday #communityhelp #volunteerwork #noshame #fun-raisers #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #tealandpurpleroses #angelsgivingsoles #fortheloveofmysister #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #xokiahicaresinc
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We are here at Hornet Sports registering 5K participants! Come on By!! #xci5k #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein
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WHAT'S UP WEDNESDAY IS BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND!!!! So we are diving right in!! Coming up this week: Friday: 26 May 2017 - Carer's Kitchen Feeding at the Dededo Senior Center. Monday: 29 May 2017 - Our office will be closed for Summer break. We will reopen on 3 July 2017 Tuesday: 30 May 2017 - Our online ticket sales for our 15 July Sunset 5k will begin. #xokiahicaresinc #communitysupport #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #sharingthegood #studentvolunteers #guamservicelearningproject #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #tealandpurpleroses #angelsgivingsoles #fortheloveofmysister #angelsheartbags #carerskitchen
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Xokiahi Cares, Inc. has now accepting electronically appointments so we can better assist our clients. Book your appointment when you are up and we are not!! Https://xokiahicaresinc.setmore.com allows you to book the first available appointment for your need. Want to visit Carers' Closet? Have questions you need to have answered in person? Want to sign up for training?? You can do it all at this link. #xokiahicaresinc #communitysupport #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #celebratewithus #newbeginnings #carerskitchen #workingtogether #eyesmaynotsee #communityhelp #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #tealandpurpleroses #studentvolunteers #xci_studentservicelearning #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #appointmentswithxci
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Stateside Carers, LOOKING FOR COUPONS EVEN IF THEY ARE EXPIRED!!! In an effort to keep costs down for the organization when purchasing items for our clients and community, we are reaching out to you to send us coupons. Coupons for personal care items, dish and clothes detergent, food, etc. We are able to use the coupons 6 months after the expiration date at certain stores. These coupons enable us to purchase more items/ keep costs down for items we in turn donate to those in the entire Guam community. Please send the coupons to Xokiahi Cares, Inc of Guam P.O. Box 9695 Tamuning, GU 96931 THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!!! #xokiahicaresinc #eyesmaynotsee #communityhelp #outreach #thankyoufromxci #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #tealandpurpleroses #communityfeeding #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #sharingthegood #newmoves #movingday #makeusproud #womenbuildingbridges #womeninthecommunity #Tuskegee_RYS17
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CARERS, WE ARE AT 405 FB LIKES!!! THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! WE WILL CONTINUE TO WORK HARD IN THE COMMUNITY AND SERVE IT WELL!! #xokiahicaresinc #eyesmaynotsee #communityhelp #outreach #thankyoufromxci #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #tealandpurpleroses #xokiahicaresincfamily #volunteerwork #noshame #fun-raisers #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare
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OUR APP IS HERE!!! XCI ON THE GO!! DOWNLOAD IT TO YOUR PHONE TO KEEP UP WITH OUR EVENTS, SIGN UP FOR VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES, CONTACT US, PURCHASE TICKETS, BECOME A VOLUNTEER, AND MUCH MORE!! ANDROID: http://d2wuvg8krwnvon.cloudfront.net/appfile/d002d6eaec94.apk IPHONE: http://snappy.appypie.com/user/download-plist/appId/d002d6eaec94 OUR APP IS FREE! IT IS CREATED AND SUPPORTED ON APPYPIE! #xokiahicaresinc #eyesmaynotsee #communityhelp #outreach #thankyoufromxci #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #fun-raisers #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #sharingthegood #newmoves #movingday #communityservice #makeusproud #can'tbestopped #thatsomeonewasXCI #actionnotwords #tealandpurpleroses
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! We want to thank all of the volunteers that came out today to help with the community feeding. We were excited to see everyone for our first feeding of the new year!!!! We had 30 guests, 7 volunteers, and dipped 65 plates of food. We had a great meal of Hotdogs, pickles, drinks, desserts, and rice!! What a great way to greet 2017!! See you all next week!!!😀😀😀 #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #eyesmaynotsee #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare
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We will be cleaning up around and painting the Community Bus Stop in front of the Guam Home Center. Come out and join us. 23 September 17, 8:00am - 2:30pm. Paint, water, and snacks will be provided. There may be limited brushes and pans, please bring some if you can. POC: TC 787-3622 or email [email protected] www.SignUpGenius.com/go/30E0A4AAFAD23ABF49-xciguam #communityhelp #outreach #thankyoufromxci #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #eyesmaynotsee #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #xokiahicaresinc #xokiahicaresincwesupportu #busstoppaintingwithXCI
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We are in need of volunteers to help us wash cars on 18 March 2017 from 8 - 4pm for our community fundraiser. You can sign up for 2-4 hour increments. To sign up, send us an email: [email protected], call our office at 989-9240, or inbox us. We need your help in order to make this a successful event. Xokiahi Cares, Inc is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. See what we do in the community: www.xokiahicares.org Test our APP: http://snappy.appypie.com/html5/xci-on-the-go #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #eyesmaynotsee #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare #tealandpurpleroses #xokiahicaresincfamily #watchuswork #xci_events #xci_volunteersrock #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #celebratewithus #newbeginnings #carerskitchen #tuskegee_rys17
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We would like to thank everyone who supported our event on 18 February 17 with donations. They are appreciated. If you missed our event, don't worry. We are still taking donations at our office. Please call us at 671-989-9240 to set up a time to deliver. Thank you again for your support!!! We want to give a special thank you to Speaker Theresa Terlaje for also making a donation of personal care items for our cause. We appreciate you "seeing us". @thereseterlaje #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #sharingthegood #guamcommunity #eyesmaynotsee #carerskitchen #fortheloveofmysister #angelsgivingsoles #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare #tealandpurpleroses #xokiahicaresincfamily #volunteerwork #noshame #sharingthegood #keepyoureyesonus #makingadifference #youcanhelptoo #communityhelp #outreach #thankyoufromxci
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Hello Carers, I had the please of attending an awesome event here in Guam, a great melting pot of people!! #xokiahicaresinc #eyesmaynotsee #communityhelp #volunteerwork #noshame #xokiahikids #angelheartbags #fun-raisers #XCIteamwork #positivevibes #XCI_wegivebecausewecare #supportthekids #supportinthecommunity #givingalittleofyourself #xcistudentprojects #howcanihelp #countmein #24hrchildcare #guamcommunity #guamsfirst24hrchildcare #sharingthegood #newmoves #movingday #communityservice #xokiahicaresinc #studentvolunteers #tealandpurpleroses #angelsgivingsoles #fortheloveofmysister #carerskitchen #watchuswork #xci_events #xci_volunteersrock #xci_communityevents #workingtogether #wearegonnakeeppressing #celebratewithus #newbeginnings
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