#support: siegbert
princepsumbra · 2 years
“Uncle! It seems you’re quite the popular man, today!” 
Crown prince grins down at disheveled blonde; with both Leo’s wife and son at the academy, of course they would be running him dry on this very special day. “I won’t keep too much of your time—I think Kanahara would make me pay for that. Here, uncle. Happy Birthday.”
A sizeable black box is offered to the dark mage. Inside resides a circular board whose pattern is split into colored squares.Two small boxes hold circular pieces, each with a different symbol on the top of the tile. 
“It’s a board game called Pai Sho. I’ve heard a lot about it, and it apparently has many different styles of play. I believe you and I would take a more methodological approach—but try playing with your son, and something tells me he’d make moves without thinking and keep things fast-paced. Why don’t we play a game later?” 
Kana roped him into not one, but two games of tag over the course of the afternoon. Leo knows his son wants to make up for lost time by expending every ounce of energy with his papa. If only he could have the energy to match. Elder Nohrian had to kindly but firmly put his foot down; otherwise the headache dully throbbing at his temples would soon bloom into a full migraine.
Not to mention the state of his appearance. His headband sits crookedly atop windswept locks. Royal purple cape is draped over one arm, golden clasps dangling loosely at his side. And of course his blasted collar inexplicably received a stain of some sort, though he blames his beloved for using the material to pull him in for a kiss before washing her hands.
A trip to the sauna seems in order. He is on his way back to his dorm when Siegbert catches him, a box in hand.
Tense features soften somewhat at the joke. "Indeed. You may be his next victim for a game of tag."
Leo accepts this rather hefty box, curiosity piqued. Lid is easily pried away. Attention turns back to his nephew as he explains the gift. A light has already sparked in Leo's eyes; a new strategy game is exactly the type of thing he'd enjoy.
"Pai Sho," he parrots back, focus again on the elegantly carved wooden tiles. "I will keep that in mind. Yes, perhaps tomorrow evening?"
For now, Leo replaces the lid. "Thank you, Siegbert."
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lustrous-dreams-art · 20 days
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honeydots · 2 months
Xander & Soleil Father-Daughter Support
tried my hand at what i'd imagine their in-game support would be c: accompanying fanart here!
Soleil: *Sigh* Xander: … Soleil: … Soleil: *SIGH* Xander: Is it really so much to ask that you focus, Soleil? Soleil: But this is boring! There’s way too much to do. Xander: Perhaps if you would participate in your duties as a princess rather than flirt with the women in town, you’d have more time on your hands. Soleil: Humph. I still don’t get why I had to get locked in here with you. You could’ve at least given me a pretty tutor! Xander: On the contrary, this method has brought me success before. Xander: I dealt with your father’s philandering in precisely this way, and he stopped toying with the feelings of women all together. Soleil: You know why he stopped flirting with girls? You got MARRIED, Papa! Xander: Study. Soleil: Ugh. Fine. Xander: … Soleil: … Soleil: You’re looking sleepy. Xander: I’m not. Xander: You won’t be getting out of this early. I won’t leave until you’re finished. Soleil: Yeah, because you’ll fall asleep and it’ll take me all night… Xander: And what was that? Soleil: Nothing! Just working. Xander: … Soleil: … Xander: … … … Xander: Zzz… Soleil: Oh wow. He’s actually asleep. Soleil: I don’t wanna wake him up. I guess I could leave now! Soleil: Though… I might need a nap, too. My eyes seriously hurt after staring at all this. Soleil: Hmm… Soleil: …Zzz…
Soleil: Papa! Xander: Hello, you. Soleil: Hi! Listen, I have big, big news! Xander: Oh? And what’s that? Soleil: I’m getting married! Xander: You’re what? Soleil: Yup! Isn’t that something? Xander: I… To who? Soleil: Who? Oh, well. It’s a… Secret. She’s really shy. Xander: …Is that so. Soleil: Uh huh. So, um, anyway. You don’t need to keep tabs on me anymore, because I’m gonna be completely faithful. Just like Dad, heh! Xander: Ah. Of course. Xander: Though, Soleil. You understand, as you’re a princess, that there is a certain procedure which must be undergone when it comes to marriage. Soleil: Huh? Xander: It isn’t something as simple as putting a ring on a finger, it’s a royal affair. Xander: You must introduce her to our family formally, as well as engage her in the courtship process—there’s etiquette to be learned, and we’ll have to make completely certain she doesn’t intend you any harm. Xander: Not just anyone can marry a princess, you know. Soleil: Oh. Soleil: Um. Okay. Yeah, okay. Soleil: I’ll… Introduce you to her. Sometime soon. Xander: Thank you. We’ll be expecting her. Soleil: …Okay. I’ll, uh, go tell her! Bye! Xander: Goodbye. Xander: … Xander: ...That girl.
Soleil: …Hi, Papa. Xander: Soleil, what’s that expression for? Soleil: I, um. I need to confess something. Soleil: There’s no girl, I’m not getting married. I just didn’t want you to know I was out flirting again. Soleil: It was all a ruse. I’m really sorry I lied, I probably got everyone so excited. Xander: Soleil… Xander: Thank you for telling me. Xander: Though you don’t need to worry, I didn’t tell anyone. I knew from the beginning that you weren’t really engaged. Soleil: Oh, man. Was I that obvious? Soleil: …So I’m in huge trouble now, huh? Xander: It’s true that your actions aren’t exactly becoming of a princess. But I would like to clarify something with you. Xander: I’m not particularly upset that you’re flirting. But I’ll be strict with you if it gets in the way of your duties, as it has been. Xander: It was just the same with your father—he was causing trouble, and I felt I needed to step in to prevent it. Xander: You don’t need to lie to me. If you’d like to to spend your free time with girls, you’re welcome to. But it mustn’t continue to hinder your learnings and responsibilities as a princess of Nohr. Soleil: Oh. Soleil: Wow, I wasn’t expecting that. I really thought you were going to be angry with me. Xander: No. I only want you to understand. Soleil: I think I get it. No, I KNOW I do. Soleil: I admit that I was putting things off for a little too long. Soleil: I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll devote more time to my princess things. Xander: I’m glad to hear it. And thank you for being honest with me. Soleil: I’ll make sure I tell you when I really get married, okay? Xander: Alright. But not too soon. Soleil: Well of course not, Papa! I haven’t met all the women in the world yet!
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gallant-gained · 1 year
“Ophelia and I are rather close now. But at first, well...”
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“She rather hated me.”
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spearingskies · 2 years
Quality Family Time feat. a Robbery ❁ Hinoka & Siegbert
@perfectionist-prince ; Any Weapon +1
Under normal circumstances, Hinoka is really not the right person for a party, and even less of the right person for a fancy ball. And especially for a fancy ball that doubles as a mission - how are they expecting her to chase and capture a potential thief while wearing a whole long dress that she nearly trips on while just walking normally?
She has never been much of a... well, actual princess, she supposes would be the way to put it. Perhaps, once upon a time, she was meant to be. The memories of her earliest childhood, though few and fuzzy by now, still return to her sometimes, showing a Hinoka so drastically different from who she is now that she would not blame anyone for thinking it was someone else’s memories imprinted on her.
(Maybe, in a way, it was. One could say that Hinoka died together with father, or was taken from Hoshido together with Kamui, and it wouldn’t be wrong.)
But that is, in the end, not who she grew up to be; picking up a naginata at the age of seven, and growing up to be a warrior princess, one of Hoshido’s most feared and respected generals... All that is to say that she is not exactly comfortable in this situation. She knows, obligation, it’s a mission, but... seriously.
But there is something that makes it not so bad in spite of it all, something that puts a smile on her face nevertheless; the company of Siegbert. To play couple with her son is a peculiar situation that she, frankly, thinks little of; most importantly, it’s an opportunity to spend some time with him at long last, after months - years perhaps, as far as he is concerned - of separation. They just happen to have to be on guard for a robber while they are at it.
Having finally finished (hopefully) adjusting her hair (how can this short hair require so much attention good gods), she sighs and finally exits the suite to join Siegbert. The white dress with some red accents - at least the color scheme is familiar to her - is admittedly pretty, and maybe a bit less problematic than she had anticipated. So far, at least, and she has had it on for a matter of minutes. How she is expected to catch - or fight - a thief in this, she still has no clue, but they will figure it out as they go.
Upon seeing Siegbert outside, she cannot help but feel herself blush.
“Goodness, I look so silly...”
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gentlenekomata · 2 years
fairytale research | Sakura & Siegbert
A village’s plea comes to the monastery: almost all of their children have vanished in the last couple days. A natural cause for great concern to be sure, and Garreg Mach does not hesitate to send you and some Knights to check out the situation. The distraught parents are not able to tell you much, but they recall a vague rumor of a “unicorn” appearing in the nearby woods, and the children wanting to see and befriend it. Sounds like the best shot you’ve got. [Grants Riding +1]
 starter for @perfectionist-prince​
Many rumours hovered around the monastery, but one for sure was the most interesting one for Sakura: mystical creatures. She has always been fascinated by these kinds of creatures, especially the ones she used to read and observe in her fantasy books, fantasizing in finding one on her own, during an exploration maybe, and treasuring the moment she could grab that fantasy in her hand and touch it with incredulous eyes. Yeah, it was indeed a great daydream, but something suddenly became reality: as a matter of facts, some villagers came to the monastery few days ago pleading for a help in finding some lost children in a nearby wood. Apparently, the villagers were convinced that their kids were dragged into the forest not because of some bandits or some rogues, but because of a ‘unicorn’.
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That word immediately resounded in the petite girl’s mind, as she was casually walking by the corridor, overhearing those conversations between the villagers and some knights: they were organizing some research teams for finding those children, but merely considered the rumour as some sort of fairytale, not giving that much importance as Sakura actually gave to it. Can’t miss this chance! she muttered to herself as she swiftly moved towards the exit of the church, throwing aside the broom she was using for mopping few moments ago and hastily searching for some travel supplies – you’ll never know for how long you’ll be away from home. Packed the necessary stuff, she soon got to walk towards one of the exits of the monastery, though immediately realizing she wasn’t much of a help to go by herself in a place she’s never been into.
Stood in place for a moment, her cheery smile darkened a little as she thought she could lose the only opportunity to find one of the mystical creatures she has always been after in her whole life. This, until she spotted a familiar figure chatting with other soldiers and knights, definitely her granted pass for joining the research for the unicorn.
“Siegbert, hello!” she waved as she approached his slender figure, a genuine smile reappeared on her rosy lips. “Are you in one of the search team, perhaps?” she inquired, hands on her bag full of supplies and ready to take on adventure.
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stophangiingdjs · 10 months
replaying revelations and im making my favorite meme infant (nyx!siegbert)
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chickenmcnuggies · 9 months
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Update 2.0.0 of Unofficial Gay Fates is here! After over three years of working on this project, we've finally hit 2.0.0, and wanted to make this update a little more special. This update adds in a new title screen for the mod, changing the 'Fates' on the title screen to a rainbow. This is edited for each route of the game! In addition, the cutscene that plays upon attaining your first S support now has two gender-neutral figures, instead of a man and woman's. Big thanks to Tru for making both of these edits!
In addition, we've also added another paralogue edit, this time for Shigure. As both Jakob and Felicia appear in the intro depending on your Avatar's gender, there are two different variants. One for if Jakob is married to Azura, and another if Felicia is.
As for added supports, 28 have been added! They are as follows:
Romantic: Effie x Nyx S, Laslow x Ryoma, Hana x Effie S, Reina x Benny, Silas x Saizo, Niles x Izana, Nina x Hisame, Saizo x Camilla, Jakob x Leo, Niles x Azama, Anna x Orochi, Jakob x Izana, Saizo x Xander, Asugi x Siegbert, Scarlet x Hinata
Platonic: Silas/Gunter, Niles/Soleil, Elise/Beurka
Parent Child: Hinoka/Soleil PC, Camilla/Asugi PC, Azama/Nina PC, Niles/Mitama PC, Silas/Asugi PC, Saizo/Sophie PC, Izana/Nina PC
Sibling: Shiro/Soleil Sib, Mitama/Nina Sib, Sophie/Asugi Sib
As per usual the mod can be found at it's gamebanna page here (X), and you can watch all the uploaded supports here on youtube (X)
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thot-farm · 4 months
More feh characters ideas but I can't remember what I said in my last post so there might be repeats. (Mainly fe14)
Leif and Líf duo
Dimitri and Xander duo
Líf and Sharena duo
Líf and Elise duo
Sharena and Elise
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Xander as a maid for that butler banner or whatever it is. Maybe Xander Azura duo because all Azura does besides sing and kill is shove food in her face in her supports /j
Maybe Xander Azura songstress duo.
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Sumeragi with Rajinto
Garon with Brynhildr/Siegfried (I personally want Brynhildr, I think Malig Knight Garon is canon. I don't see him just switching to an axe after losing/passing on Siegfried if he was a paladin unless he was a great knight which I just doubt, maybe Katerina or something had Siegfried🤷‍♀️.)
Katerina and Ikona. Their names exist in fates so they might as well get faces.
Then obviously a Xander Katerina duo and a Garon Katerina duo and an Ikona Sumeragi duo and a Ryoma Ikona duo since the other Hoshidan siblings don't remember Ikona? (I think that's how it is at least) Like I feel that Hinoka should have a faint memory, even if the siblings were 1 year apart and Ikona died right after Sakura, Hinoka would have been like 3 years old.
I don't know what weapon Ikona would use or if she would be a staff, I'm pretty sure it said Mikoto used Fujin yumi, so maybe Ikona did to?
I think Katerina would be a paladin and that's why Xander chose to be one.
Witch Camilla, Nina, Orochi, Ophelia, or Elise.
Spear fighter Hinoka even though infantry sucks.
Takumi Takumi duo
Azura Camilla duo
Ryoma and Askr because I already have confused them so many times (I don't know how one is a cow and the other is a lobster.)
Ash and Ryoma (Rock lobster.)
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Alfonse and Líf
Ike and Hinata
Sylvain, Lorenz, Hinata and Laslow.
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A heros day in the life drawing of Xander and Leo chasing Sylvain off for going near Elise like Seteth would for Flayn.
Flayn and Elise duo (they already have the exact same personal skill (Lily's poise) they might as well be paired.)
Lysithia and Camilla.
Xander that does wield a bow so there is a Xander for every weapon.
Leo with his ice sword
King Leo with Siegfried and King Leo with Brynhildr, one can be like fallen leo or whatever.
Hinoka with Rajinto
Alt where Sakura became queen so I can forget about Queen Camilla's existence (that unit infuriates me but if there is 2 units who make no canonical sense I'll be okay.)
More Kazes. 8 more to be precise.
Laslow Oliva and Odin Lissa like Selena and Cordelia
Caledori and Severa.
Shiro and Forrest
Oboro and Forrest
Fallen Chrom and day of devotion Lucina specifically.
Laslow Odin duo
Any male corrin
Summoner and Alfonse so we can make it official. We already know they are in love 🙄.
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onyxedskies · 3 months
the funniest part of ophelia and siegbert's supports is that ophelia is literally a princess she just can't know that
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emblemxeno · 1 year
I will never forgive Tree house for the corhajat support. I guarantee you if it was localized properly Rhajat wouldn't be so despised. I doubt she'd be ede//leth popular. Not even close. But I feel she also wouldn't be one of the most hated fe characters.
During Fates' heyday it probably would've been met with flack cuz the big left-y opinion was the very liberal "uhm Rhajat thinking it's gross to marry a woman is PROBLEMATIC, all forms of love should be treated equally, UGH" way of thinking.
But over time, and as progressive decpitions of queer media and thinking have become more commonplace, it would've been looked at much more favorably. Gaygnst like Rhajat's can be weird to write if not handled well, but I'd say many gay, bi and pan people can very much relate and appreciate a character not only being told that their feelings for the same gender aren't gross, but are reciprocated. At least that's how my train of thought going from early 2016 to now was lol.
Plus from a writing standpoint it just really conveys Rhajat's character well. And correct me if I'm wrong, but not only did we lose Rhajat's unique F!Corrin support from localization, but I think they also did the same thing to M!Corrin's support with Siegbert to kind of equal it out? So we ended up losing two supports in the process.
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happycricketbox · 10 months
top 5 fire emblem moments !!
That one convo in FE7 where Hector and Matthew were talking about whether Hector thinks he could replace Uther after his death - all while hiding it from everyone else
Final battle of TMS where Itsuki and friends defeated Medeus with the power of J-pop
Siegbert and Soleil's C support where soleil was changing without closing the door and siegbert's reaction to that is by yelling WE'RE OUT OF DOORS SOLEIL
Whenever Alm or Celica sees a cat
Emmeryn free falling and the subsequent battle that follows
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honeydots · 10 months
how would soleil and seigbert be as siblings??
omg. well first i like to hc siegbert as the older one (usually a year but w/e works), partially bc i like the whole "im the older brother and i MUST act like one" scenario it would inevitably produce. i think he'd end up protective of soleil, but this causes issues bc soleil would also be protective of him, albeit in a slightly different way, but ultimately i think they'd end up clashing in this particular regard lol. i don't think they squabble too often (beyond siegbert chiding soleil and soleil going hehe whoops *continues skirt-chasing*), honestly their biggest hurdle to overcome imo is that dual-attempt at protection which might end up requiring xander or laslow to step in. OTHER than that tho i think they'd get along well as siblings, it's not like they hate each other in-game--they'll just also have the occasional "daaaaaaaaaaaad siegbert is nagging me again make him stooopppp" peppered in there lolol
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iturbide · 1 year
I'm curious, what would your ideal FE be?
And do you have any particular FE concepts in mind?
So, fun fact: I actually talked about this a while back.
...and by 'a while back,' I mean 'five years ago,' because time is soup.
So because that's a heck of a lot longer than I remember and a lot changes in that amount of time, let's come at this fresh and see what changes and what doesn't.
So I still really want to keep the lead character concept: dual sword/mage older sister and priest younger brother (with natural promotion to dual healer/mage) is a nice shift on the usual Fire Emblem formula, where we rarely see female Lords in the lead who are set to inherit the throne or male healers (and I can't recall the last time one was a prince, barring Brady with Chrom as his father and I guess Forrest though he's not in the immediate line of succession since he's Siegbert's cousin meaning Xander and Siegbert would need to be removed from the equation before he'd be in line for the throne but since Leo's a prince I think that technically akes him one too and now I'm just going down a rabbit hole of technicalities).
Intro/tutorial would be fairly run-of-the-mill, border skirmish type thing against a small incursion from a neighboring nation and going out to take care of it. But something I think would be fascinating is an expansion on the usual mid-battle recruitment and the option to spare foes that we saw at times in Three Houses: I want every main chapter enemy to have a name and unique portrait. I want there to be a frankly ridiculous number of characters who could theoretically be recruited depending on who approaches them, and I want every enemy to have an option to spare them even if they're not recruited.
Think of it: you go into battle and you see that every enemy is an individual. Every enemy is someone you can engage with. And you can approach any one of them with any of your units and talk to them. As you play, you start to get to know the different personalities of your units: someone may have a kind and gentle approach that's more likely to convince someone who's not exactly keen on fighting -- but that same approach might get steamrolled over by another person that's more set in their ways. Conversely, one of your units might be blunt and straightforward, and could butt heads in a constructive way with someone like that, but whose approach would scare off a more timid foe. Maybe approaching another unit with a character just recruited in the same battle can be helpful -- one of them bringing a friend or close ally over, because they don't want to hurt each other -- or maybe it can backfire spectacularly, with the enemy unit accusing your new ally of stabbing his comrades in the back, which shuts down all attempts at conversation.
It could be an interesting risk/reward system that encourages getting familiar with your various units beyond just their mechanical strengths and weaknesses: knowing their personalities and being able to employ them to take enemies off the field and bloodlessly thin the ranks could be a lot of fun -- plus, it's something that's not required. You don't have to try and bring them to your side -- you can breeze past those little dialogue snippets and just take them out if you want. And at the end of combat, if they weren't recruited, you have an option to spare them or kill them. If you spare them, you might see them again in another battle, and maybe they'll remember you: maybe you'll have another chance to recruit them, and more success the second time around because your actions challenged their preconceived notions about you. If you kill them, though, you might run into someone else later on -- a sibling, a relative, a friend -- who can't be reached at all because their quest is one of vengeance against the one that murdered someone they loved.
And then: what if that built into Supports. What if recruiting units off the battlefield had long-running effects based on how that unit was used? If someone was initially hesitant to join you, and then you bench them permanently, maybe they desert your force after a while because they felt isolated and lacked any kind of community since no work had been done building a new support network for them. Maybe someone else was a little too eager to join based on their impression of your army, and if you build out their Supports it becomes clear that their character has goals that are entirely at odds with the main characters' -- but because those Supports also gave them an understanding of the disconnect, they end up betraying you at some point to get what they want. Recruitment becomes a mechanic that needs to be considered, rather than just a 'collect them all' thing, because indiscriminate recruiting can backfire on you down the road.
With that many characters, of course, it would be completely insane to have all of them as combat units -- so what if some recruits unlock camp options. Maybe they're hesitant to fight against their own people directly, but they want to help and learn more about your force, so they offer non-combat skills: cooking, hunting, fishing, foraging, various sorts of combat/weaponry training, medical aid, merchant services. Similar to Three Houses monastery activities, you can pick a couple of combat units and send them to do different tasks that help keep your forces in fighting shape, building support bonds and learning things about the non-combat units in the process.
One thing I definitely want to see though is a reversal on the stereotypical Divine Dragon and Evil Dragon dichotomy. I want the main characters to talk about their Divine with absolute reverence, I want them to refer to their Divine as their protector and guardian, I want them to make their Divine out to be so kind and compassionate -- and then at some point deep in the game, I want it revealed that their Divine is the one that's seen as that world's Ultimate Evil. I want their Divine to look incredibly daunting, too, big and dark and toothy and terrifying -- but the main characters have nothing but respect for it, and it's eventually proven (maybe through calling it for aid against the threat of the neighboring nation's Divine) that their faith is not misplaced nor mistaken, and their Divine is everything they claim it is.
I still really like the split narrative concept, too, with the two siblings having different stories and different objectives: the kidnapped brother would likely have missions emphasizing escape or endurance (which takes advantage of his status as a healer), while the questing sister would have more objectives to rout an enemy or defeat a particular foe. Odds are that the narrative would begin with a single straightforward story, then split at the kidnapping, and only join together again at the very end before the closing chapters (so you could bring your favorites from both sides of the story to the final confrontation, but wouldn't get all the out of battle/camp stuff).
And above all: I wouldn't want it to be a story that ends with unification under a single banner. A lot of Fire Emblem games have this as their 'ideal' final state, and that's just never worked for me. I would want every nation to remain independent -- maybe with more connections, an openness to diplomatic discussion and free trade, possibly some leadership changes -- rather than having one country dissolved into another.
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randomnameless · 4 months
I think there was a misunderstanding with my point during the "Corrin age" ask; i said that you can only get Corrin to being 6 when Ryoma got jealous of them if you use a EN-only line in Camilla and Hinoka's support, with there being no implication anywhere else in the game or the artbook that they were a young child when that happened. I must have yapped too much during my explanations, so sorry for that.
As for the Deeprealms, there actually are optional maps where Anankos sends Vallite soldiers to try and invade the MyCastle and you need to rout them, so the game's claim that the parents sent their children to the Deeprealms because MyCastle wasn't safe due to invasions is pretty well-supported and set-up by the game itself; still, you make a good point that it's weird how no one questions who or what the Vallite soldiers are and where they're coming from.
No worries lol,
Sometimes I read too fast and miss some stuff!
Bamboozled by the lolcalisation again then, it sucks but damn if Fates has really been warped by the lolcalising team... I guess the negative feedback regarding FE14's lolcalisation was sort of taken to heart, given how FE16's lolcalisation isn't as far off or added as many random details that completely destroy the plot as FE14 did, but it still missed, imo, sort of, the point of that feedback...
And yet, given the sales of FE16, I really wonder if a non-lolcalised version of the game, aka, a localisation à la FE7/8 would have sold as much as Pat's Fire Emblem Treehouse. We will never know!
Anankos'n'pals are trying to invade My Castle... but I thought we also had to fight Faceless in the Deeprealms when we recruit the children characters?
I'd have said even if MyCastle is under attack, at least the parents/the group is here to protect it, but sending baby!Siegbert in another realm where his dad cannot protect him or look after him would have been more risky... Ditto for Corn and the Kanas (we were not attacked by Anankos but by random bandits iirc?).
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spearingskies · 2 years
TFW Your Mom’s Your Teacher ❁ Hinoka & Siegbert
Truth be told, Hinoka has no idea whether or not Siegbert was told that she was coming to the Academy. Obviously, her blood siblings knew, what with the distance between her and them, and her and Nohr (not to mention Fódlan) being just a little bit smaller, allowing for more communication and less secrecy.
By the time it reached Xander, the decision was more or less a done deal, and would only have been reversed had the expressed an urgent need for her assistance. With his promise that he had everything covered with Nohr’s reforms and reconstruction, Hinoka was free to go.
(In all honesty, she still could not help but feel like he simply did not want to trouble her, but to press him for details on the struggle of the country she spent years at war with may have simply added even more to his burdens. She did, however, made damn sure he knew she can hop on Hajime and rush back anytime if he needs her.)
(She loves Xander, but by the Dawn Dragon’s big shiny scales, is he bad at relying on others.)
But that is a concern for another time; if she does not trust him, she should have never come here. And she does. With that in mind, after making her way through the Black Eagles dormitories, she stops in front of a door she knows to be his.
Her heart flutters with excitement. It has been quite a while...
Raising her hand, she knocks three times. She does not say a word; if this is indeed a surprise for Siegbert, then let it be a solid one.
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