otaku553 · 7 months
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More reluctant king sabo au! I realized recently that this au is an excellent excuse for drawing sabo in pretty outfits that he would be absolutely miserable in :)
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verstappentime · 6 months
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f1 driver erik from superposition (the big gay mutant race car driver fic) by @plesiosaurid on twitter ♡ full fic | newest chapter
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I know it wouldn't make sense for Essek to show up in the narrative at the moment, but alternatively it would be very funny to have a highly disgruntled Verin in Jrusar commanding a battalion of echo knights because he was recently promoted for "you're in the military, no getting comfortable," reasons, and promptly got voluntold to go help out with whatever's happening in Marquet, as a sign of good will and maybe some religious and political outreach.
And then he runs straight into some punk with a beacon in their head. Imagine. Everyday Verin Thelyss wakes up indeed.
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rocketbirdie · 2 months
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twin stinger photo shoot~!
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teejaystumbles · 2 years
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In any universe you are my dark star I want you to want me Why don't we rely on chemistry? Why don't we collide the spaces that divide us? I want you to want me (x)
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cringecorp · 2 months
(to the tune of short skirt/long jacket by cake)
i want a girl whose hair is curly
i want a girl whose hair is straight
i want a girl with hair that is quantum mechanically
in a superposition of two different states
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chimaerakitten · 7 months
Ok wait wait I think it’s time we find out how this breaks down so
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thedarkmatterbox · 4 months
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JASON: No. Come on. No. I’m good. I don’t dance.
DARK MATTER 1.06 Superposition
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etudiantfantome · 1 year
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El Ashleigh
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veiledfox · 2 months
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"They even talk about me to others...? Sheesh, yet another point to them for baffling me. Yes, I'm Artig."
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
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“You wanna do this? Hold my hand.”
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verstappentime · 8 months
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superposition by borninsideatornado, chapter 6
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entropy-the-cat · 5 months
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Simple explanation for People Who Are Not Into Physics But Still Curious: In quantum mechanics, there's a problem things can't actually be measured. Instead you need to describe everything as a wave where the wave has x probability to end up in state A and y probability to end up in state B. When you find out which state the wave ends up in (upon observation), you reduce the function. So Wigner's friend is a thought experiment explaining this concept in the relatively early days of the field. Wigner goes to visit his friend who has The Wave-Particle™️, knocks on their door, friend exits and says "Oh hi, Wigner, wave just particled itself into state B" and so Wigner can update his math without personally observing the particle, someone did it for him. But there's a little problem. Enter Wigner's friend extended thought experiment. Wigner's friend will not always observe the same thing. And due to there being probabilities, the friend themselves has potentially observed both A and B before Wigner knocks on the door. Which is to say, the friend exists in the superposition of the probabilities and alternate results, just like the particle itself. And were this friend actually two friends observing the particle, maybe they wouldn't even see the same outcome. Tl:dr Quantum mechanics is whack In other words, friendpilled maxxvisitor Wigner is so done with his friend reporting different particle spins (+1 and -1) at the same time.
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bookofjudith · 1 year
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I want you to want me
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westiec · 1 year
that poll about MDZS vs CQL fandom tagging is making me want to again bang the drum of
because like some people do want very specifically one or the other but a lot of other people don't care as long as the blorbos are there and that kind of tag was unparalleled for that style of fandoming while leaving the version-specific subtags available for fics that dealt specifically with those canons
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