klbwriting · 7 years
Preference: When You’re Sick
Fandom: Supernatural
Character: Dean
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Dean is a ‘suck it up Buttercup’ type of guy when it comes to himself but when you’re sick just call him Dr. Winchester.  The moment you first sneeze or get a runny nose he is digging through the first aid kit for cold medicine and God forbid you get a migraine or you are confined to your bed with no light or sound for two days, just to make sure it’s gone.  You know it’s just because Dean cares about you so you can’t get too angry at him babying you, and plus he always is willing to make you homemade chicken soup when you’re sick so sometimes you would pretend just for that.
Character: Sam
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Sam tries his best, he really does.  The man can take on monsters and deal with all kinds of gross things but the moment he hears you throw up he almost vomits himself.  Once you’re done with the puking he’ll gladly help you back to bed and get you some ginger ale or crackers, making sure to leave you with a bucket and a towel just in case, checking on you often.  And once you’re done being sick he knows you’ll need a nice shower so he makes sure to have all your supplies in there with the fluffiest towels and a pair of his sweatpants and tshirt since he knows you like how big they are on you.  If you ask he’s willing to join you in the shower too. 
Character: Cas
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You sometimes have to decide whether you want to be sick or just let Cas take care of it.  If you decide to let him take care of it he easily wipes it away with his grace, even when he doesn’t have grace to spare. Which was why you decided to deal with the horrendous cold you had at the moment.  You tried your best to hide it, Kleenex stuffed in your sleeve and eating cough drops like candy.  Then he heard you sniffle one too many times, getting suspicious.  He saw you drink some Nyquil and when you drifted off he used his grace to heal you in your sleep.   In the morning you were glad you felt better and glad Cas hadn’t had to waste his grace on you.
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klbwriting · 9 years
Preference: Karaoke Night
Fandom: Supernatural
Note: This wasn’t a request but in my Nyquil induced coma last night I had a dream about this and just couldn’t get it out of my head so here it is!
Character: Dean
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It was tough getting Dean to go to karaoke night with you.  He remembered doing it as a demon and well, he didn't like those memories.  You finally convinced him by telling him you wouldn't make him sing and you would even sing him a song.  A kiss or two from you seal the deal and he was soon seated at a table, beer in his hand, watching as you bounced on stage happily.  You dedicated the song to him, but without actually naming him, and smiled.  "This song isn't a love song, but it almost seems written about the guy I love," you said, smiling at him, noticing a blush settle on his cheeks as he tried to hide his smirk.  He listened to you sing, noticing a bit how the song kind of was describing him, but not too much.  Maybe you didn't know him as well as he thought you did.  Then you sang: "You've been up and down down, You've been low low low,
Troubled sea so deep, Troubled home no sleep, You've been flying so high, Avoiding the road, Pretending to not feel alone, Pretending to not feel alone" He swallowed hard and smiled at you as you came back down to sit next to him.  He told you it was good, still blushing.  So maybe you did know him.
Character: Sam
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Sam laughed as you pulled him into the bar, having noticed the karaoke night sign in the window.  You planted him at a table, going up to the DJ and seeing how long the wait was.  He ordered the two of you drinks and laughed when he saw you jumped on stage.  You were his best friend and he adored you.  In fact, he harbored deep feelings for you that he was too afraid to pursue, seeing how most of his relationships ended up with his partner dead or having to run away.  But that night you weren't giving him a choice.  You were in love with Sam Winchester and well, tonight he was finding out.  "This song, well, as cheesy as this is, the guy I'm with, well I'm in love with him and this song, this is for him," you said, blushing furiously.  You avoided looking at Sam's reaction but his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open a little in shock as he listen. "So come a little closer, There is something I can tell ya, You are such a roller coaster, And a killer queen you are" He was still staring in shock when the song ended.  You headed back to the table, all eyes on you to see how this played out.  You stood nervously for a second before Sam wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his lap and kissing you senseless.
Character: Cas
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Cas liked the idea of seeing what this karaoke was about.  He'd heard you talk about it and was curious so when he asked to go one night you gladly accepted.  You went to the bar, him asking questions the whole time you were waiting to sing.  You teased and flirted with him, him calling you his 'little piece of Eden's sin' like he normally did, making you blush and kiss him.  When you were finally called up you told him to listen, that the song was for him and went on stage.  The song he noticed a bit dark but still sweet. "Babe, there's something tragic about you, Something so magic about you, Don't you agree? Babe, there's something lonesome about you, Something so wholesome about you, Get closer to me" He blushed at some of the words, noticing that they did seem to describe the relationship he had with you, an angel and a hunter, a piece of pure heaven and a killer of demons mixing together to be each other's piece of Eden.  He was overcome with feeling for you and when you finished he didn't even wait for you to come off stage before sweeping you up into a deep loving kiss.
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