kas-not-cas · 7 years
Flirting with Death (6)
Summary: Y/N learns from Sam, Dean, and Jess that the city is run by four violent gangs. The Angels, Hellhounds, BMOL, and The Stynes. She’s beginning to wonder who she can and can’t trust in this city. 
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jessica Moore, Charlie Bradbury, Gordon Walker, Castiel Novak, Jody Mills, Garth Fitzgerald
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Violence, mentions of dead bodies, language, drinking, assault 
Word Count: 5,291 (oops)
Catch up here!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five 
A/N: This has been slow burning but things are starting to pick up. I promis there will be some steamy action in the next chapter! Thanks @eloginore for beta reading this for me. You literally sat here for two-three hours looking over this! As always feedback is welcomed!
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“I knew he was a menace!”
“Why haven't the cops done anything to stop him?!”
The people in the bar began to panic. They screamed and shouted out that Vigilante needed to be stopped, while others simply began panicking. You remained calm, looking towards Sam and Jess. Sam stood tall and rigid, his eyes locked on his brother, his body not cluing you in on what he was feeling. Jess, however, was the complete opposite. Her blue eyes wandered the room, as his grip on Sam’s jacket tightened. This was turning into one hell of a Friday night. You had a dead body in the alley, a bar in panic, and Vigilante killing young women.
People in the bar began shoving and pushing, trying to get the the exit. You, Jessica, and Sam stood still, as you watched Charlie and Dean. It was as if watching the two of them, made the rest of the room stand silent and still. Dean’s eyes were wide, as Charlie stared at the surface of the table. This was not the way you saw tonight unfolding, instead of a quiet and peaceful evening, it had turned into a living nightmare.
“Alright! Alright!” You whirled around seeing Detective Walker and Novak entering the bar. Other police officers followed them in, making sure no one left. “Everyone relax, and take a damn seat! No one is leaving this bar anytime soon.” Detective Walker looked around the bar, as Castiel loomed in the back. His blue eyes overlooked the room before stopping on your group of friends. “So if all of you want to get out of here in a timely manner, sit down, shut up, and let us ask you what we need to.”
Gordon  looked back at Castiel, following his gaze towards your group. As soon as his eyes met yours, his body stiffened, and he stormed through the crowded room towards you.
“Detective Walker, Detective Novak,” you said. “Burning the midnight oil this Friday night?”
Gordon simply scoffed at you, his eyes glaring daggers at Sam.  “If it isn’t Sammy Winchester.”
“It’s Sam.” He corrected, as Gordon eyed him up and down. “Shouldn’t you be questioning people right about now, detective?”
“Oh I am questioning people. I came to talk to your friend, Charlie.”
“Well the last time I checked my name wasn’t Charlie.”
“Sam.” Jessica tugged on his jacket, urging him to move out of Gordon’s way. “Let’s just get out of the way, and let Detective Gordon do his job.” Sam stayed still, him and Gordon continuing to glare at each other. “Sam!” Jessica yanked him with all her strength, finally breaking his eye contact with Gordon. “Be a bigger man and let him through.” With a final glare, Sam stepped out of the way, distancing himself from Gordon.
“Doctor Y/L/N.” Turning around you found Castiel standing behind you. “I hate to be a bother, but we’re going to need you to help examine the body.” You sighed, running a hand down your face, nodding at him. “The corner and CSI unit is taking pictures and notes right now. As soon as they load up the body, they’ll bring it to the morgue. I wish it could wait until Monday, but this could be Vigilante, and it’s important that we catch the killer before more people are killed.”
“I understand, it’s not an issue at all. Would someone give me a ride to the hospital?”
“I’ll see to it that one of our officers takes you there as soon as the body arrives.”
Castiel walked over to several officers, giving them orders. You sighed, looking back at the booth to find Charlie and Gordon had left. Sam, Jess, and Dean were sitting at the booth, whispering to one another. You made your way back to them, and as soon as they saw you coming they ceased their conversation, glancing up at you. Dean stood up, allowing you to slide  into the booth, before taking his seat next to you.
Grabbing your bag, you pulled out your cell phone, pulling up your Note app, while Sam and Dean whispered to each other. “Honestly, Sammy, why do you let that asshole talk to you like that?” Dean’s voice was quiet, but it was almost like he was struggling to stay silent. His voice was strained with anger, as he tried to keep his cool. “If I were you, I would have torn that dick bag a new one. Honestly you can’t let him walk all over you like that.”
“What was I supposed to do, Dean? Start a fight with a detective who works under Captain Zachariah? Yeah, no thanks, I’ll avoid doing that as best as I can.”
You placed your iPhone down on the table, suddenly more intrigued with their conversation. “Whose Captain Zachariah?” Your three friends gawked around the room before Dean turned towards you.
“Let’s just say he’s on the top of my shit list.”
“Dean!” Sam hushed his brother, taking another quick glance around the room. “Do you have a death wish or something? If one of these cops heard that, you’d be in a world of trouble.” Dean scoffed, setting his arm to rest on the top of the booth, right above your head. “I’m serious, Dean, you know what he’s capable of.”
You cocked up an eyebrow, not really sure of what was going on. It was still your first week in this new city, and you still had a lot of things to learn. “Sorry, I’m still the newbie to your wonderful city. But could you go more into detail about who this guy is?” Dean dropped his arm down, resting it over your shoulders. He pulled you closer to him, making it look like he might be comforting you, but, in all actuality, it was to tell you the dirt on this Zachariah guy.
“People may look at Zachariah, and think he’s the best man on the police force. But what people don’t know is that he’s in the notorious gang, The Angels.” You gave him a look that screamed, ‘Don’t try and pull my leg.’ and seeing that expression, he leaned in closer towards you, his breath tickling your ear. “Don’t let the name fool ya; they’re one of the worst gangs in the city.”
A chill went up your spine, as he pulled away. You heart was thundering from within your chest; it seems as though this city wasn’t a great as you had assumed it was. Sam and Jessica, were looking at Dean with worried eyes. Dean simply licked his bottom lip before looking down at you, checking to see if you took in the information he had just thrown at you.
“One of the worst gangs in the city? You’re telling me there’s more than one?”
“Our perfect city isn’t just all Starbucks coffee and rainy days. This town is corrupt with liars and bloodshed, Y/N.” Dean took a sip of his beer, placing the now empty glass on the table. “There’s four gangs that basically run the town. The Angels, Hellhounds, BMOL, and The Stynes. Four terrible, sick, and fucking disturbed gangs that will ignore every law, and hurt whoever the hell they want.”
“It’s been like this for years; there’s always some kind of drama going on. And no matter what, the cops can’t seem to stop it.”
“Yeah that’s all thanks to The Angels, Sam, with Zachariah pulling the strings, there’ll never be justice.”
Your body was stiff, as you looked around the room at the cops. It was crazy to think the police could-no, was probably tainted with a gang leader in control of the department. You were going to have to be on better behavior whenever Gordon came into the morgue. For all you knew, he was one of The Angels. One wrong move, or comment, and you could end up sleeping with the fishes.
“Wait, if Zachariah is in the police department, should we be more careful around Castiel? I know you’re good friends with him and all, but it could be dangerous.”
Dean poured the pitcher of beer into his and Sam’s glasses. “Don’t worry about Cas; he’s one of the good guys.” He took a long drink, nodding towards Castiel, who was talking to some other officers. “He was in a pretty bad place when we first met, but he’s on our side nowadays.” Sam nodded in agreement, sipping his own beer.
“Your side?”
“Team Free Will.” Dean grinned widely, showing off his white teeth. “One day, we’ll run all these bastards out of our town. One way or another, we’ll make sure it happens.” He handed you the glass you were drinking out of before filling it up with the amber-colored liquid. “So what do you say, Dr. Y/L/N? Now that you know the truth, will you join us?”
Without hesitation, you picked up your glass, clinking it with Dean’s. “Sign me up for Team Free Will. I don’t let bullies push me around.” Dean’s hand squeezed your shoulder, and pulled you closer towards him. The smell of his leather jacket, cologne, and whiskey filled your senses. It was an intoxicating smell. If he smelled this good, then you were dying to know what he tasted like.
“That’s my girl. I knew you were a smart one!”
“Dean,” Sam nearly whispered, looking directly behind the two of you. “Walker.” Both you and Dean turned around, watching Gordon usher Charlie toward one of the waiting paramedics where Vanessa was sitting. Jessica got up, rushing towards your redheaded friend, while the three of you remained at the booth, watching Gordon, as his eyes roamed around the room.
His cold, dark, brown eyes locked onto yours, and he headed in your direction. Your stomach turned, and Dean’s grip on you tightened as he arrived at your table. He looked directly past Sam and Dean, acting as if they weren’t even present.
You swallowed hard, biting down on your lip, as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Sorry to interrupt, but I received word that the body has been picked up. The coroner is currently en route to the hospital as we speak. So that means you’re going to be coming with me to the hospital to do your job.”
You glanced at Dean, hoping he would give you some indication or clue of what you should do. Being around Gordon Walker was stressful enough, because he’s a douchebag. But now that you knew he was probably working for a gang that made things a whole lot worse.
“Detective Walker,” a female voice came from behind him, “looks like I’ll be the one taking her to the hospital. Apparently you need to stay here, and focus on questioning the witnesses in the bar.” Gordon rolled his eyes, stepping out of the way to reveal a woman standing right behind him.
“Mills. . .” The woman standing before you was beautiful with short brunette hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a police uniform that was a light blue color. On the front of her shirt, she wore a silver badge, which read ‘Sergeant’ on the top of it. She had a stern look on her face, as she placed both her hands on her hips. “You’re gonna stay put,” Gordon briefed. “It’s a short drive, so I’m gonna drop her off, and be right back before anyone knows I’m gone.”
“Well, sorry to tell ya, detective, but I’m going off of specific orders from Detective Novak. He insisted that you stay here, and help him with the questioning.” Jody motioned her head towards you, giving you a warm smile. ‘Dr. Y/L/N, come on; I’ll get you to the hospital.”
“Here.” Dean got out of the booth, allowing you to get out yourself. “So I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, around six?” You grabbed your purse, smiling up at him.
“That sounds great. I can’t wait.”
“Let me know if you need a ride when you’re finished working.” He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly. “I’d be more than happy to pick you up, and drop you off.”
“Thanks, Dean,” you hugged him back, “I’ll call you later.”
You said goodnight to Sam and Jessica before Sergeant Mills escorted you to her police car. The ride to the hospital was quiet. Jody was often answering the dispatcher through the radio. So you just sat in the back, gazing out the window, as she pulled up to the hospital’s side employee entrance. You opened the door, telling her “Thank you” before shutting it.
“Hey, Doc.” You turned around, seeing Jody leaning towards the open passenger window. “If you ever need anything, let me know. Oh, and stick with the Winchester’s. They’ll keep an eye on you.” She smiled again, nodding towards the hospital. ‘I’ll make sure you get in safe. Have a good night, Y/N.”
“Thank you, Sergeant!”
With a final wave, you headed inside the hospital, taking the elevator down to the morgue. Garth was standing in the hall, waving at you, as you hurried across the tiled floor to meet him. “Hey, Y/N.”
You unlocked the door to the office, and then the morgue, allowing him to roll in the body bag. ‘So much for a nice Friday night, huh?”
“Yeah, so much for that.” You went through the cabinets, and found a spare set of scrubs. “It’s just one thing after another in this town, isn’t it, Garth?”
“You can say that again.”
You quickly changed in the office’s bathroom before joining Garth in the morgue. “So tell me about our victim.” You pulled your hair back, and helped him lift the body bag onto the cool, metal table. “Is it typical Vigilante style?”
“Well,” Garth whispered, as you unzipped the bag, “off the record. . and I mean way off the record.” He helped you lift the body so the bag could be removed. “This really isn’t Vigilante’s style.” You furrowed your brow looking up at him, as his pager went off. “Crap, looks like we have another call.” He glanced down at the girl for a second before looking back at you. “I better get going, Y/N. I’ll see you later.” He took off running down the hall, leaving you and the dead girl in the morgue.
With a heavy heart, you began your meticulous examination of the body. You removed her jewelry before removing her clothing, making note of any marks on her body. And to your surprise, this was not at all your typical Vigilante victim. In fact, you would bet one million dollars that this was not the work of Vigilante. There was something extremely wrong about this murder.
Examining the body, you found no sign of the pentagram like marking on her body. And you knew for a fact that symbol was like his signature. The girl herself didn’t even fit the profile of his typical victims. From what you could find with her driver licence information in the MVD database was that she only had two parking tickets to her name; a clean record. She had never been arrested for rape, murder, kidnapping, or anything that would make her a prime subject for a Vigilante victim.
Even the way that she was killed was off. She wasn’t burned alive, or stabbed to death with a knife coated in salt. No, this poor girl had been strangled to death, and her eyeballs had been gouged out. You knew without a doubt that this was not the work of Vigilante. And that brought you to an even bigger issue.
If Vigilante wasn't the killer, then who was responsible for this horrendous crime?
You needed to get this information to Detective Castiel as soon as possible instead of the rest of the Homicide Division, since the rest of them clearly couldn’t be trusted. You covered the body with the white sheet, before storing it in one of the refrigeration units. Once the body was properly stored, you headed into your office. The faster you got this information to Detective Castiel, the sooner he could start looking into other possible suspects. You sat down at your desk, looking through your purse for your phone.
“Shit.” You grimaced, pulling your wallet out, finding your iPhone was missing. “I must have left it on the table at the bar.” You leaned back in your chair, sighing loudly, as you ran your finger through your hair. “Of course I would do something stupid like this.” Sitting up straight, you began looking through the stacks of papers on the desk. Maybe Dr. Simonson had a card or note with their numbers on it. “Smooth move, Y/N, smooth move. . .”
When you didn’t find it on the desk, you began looking through the drawers. As you opened the bottom drawer, finding nothing but files within, the door to your office opened suddenly. You sat up straight, closing the drawer, to find Detective Walker standing in the doorway. He glanced around the room before his eyes locked onto your own.
“Detective Walker,” you said, pushing yourself out of your chair, “I’m so glad you’re here.” You made your way around the desk to stand in front of him. “I forgot my phone at the bar, and so I’ve been trying to find your number, but I’ve had no luck.” He just stared at you while you spoke, not seeming to care about what you had to say. “Well none of that matters now that you’re here.” You grabbed the file on your Jane Doe victim, handing him the manila folder. “I completed my examination on the body; cause of death was strangulation.” Gordon opened the folder, flipping through the pages as you spoke. “The girl had marking on her wrists and ankles, meaning she was probably tied up. Both of her eyes had been gouged out, and there were cuts and bruises all over her body.”
“So does that mean this was the work of Vigilante?”
“What?” you asked, cocking up an eyebrow at him. “No, this was not the work of Vigilante at all.” You motioned towards the file, knowing that your report stated that it was most definitely not the work of Vigilante. “Detective Walker, it clearly states the opposite. This was not Vigilante; it was most likely a poor attempt to be a copycat killer.”
“Really, because I see otherwise.” Gordon closed the file, placing it down on a file cabinet. “What I see here, Doctor Y/L/N, is Vigilante becoming more and more violent. He’s turning into the coldhearted killer I always saw him to be.” He took a step towards you, causing you to take a step back. “I see this as a perfect opportunity to get the police more involved, to prove to everyone that Vigilante is a monster that needs to be taken down.” With every other word, he stepped closer towards you, and you in turn took a step back with each of his, until your back hit the wall. “It would be unwise of you to misuse this opportunity, doctor.”
You glared at him, your heart racing as watched you. “Are you telling me that I should lie on my report?” You were disgusted with even the thought of lying about this. When Gordon didn’t answer you, your temper started to rise. “You’re telling me to lie about who murdered this young woman? Why the hell would I do that? Her real killer would be allowed to wander the streets as a free man! So that he can kill again whenever he’s given the chance.” Your chest was heaving, as you stared at Gordon in disbelief. “There’s no way in hell that I’m going to lie on my report. This is wrong on so many levels. Shame on you for even suggesting this!”
You were trying to get passed him, to get away from all this nonsense. But the second you started to squeeze passed him, his hands slammed against the wall behind you, pinning you between the wall and his own body. Your heart was thundering in your ears, as Gordon watched you with unamused eyes. This crooked cop was actually being serious about this. No wonder Sam couldn’t stand this guy. He was a class ‘A’ asshole.
“I believe that would be an unwise decision.”
“No, your idea is unwise, and completely insane!”
“Look, I get it, you’re new her-”
“No!” you interrupted him, getting in his face, and causing him to pull his head back. “This isn’t because I’m new to this city, and I don’t understand the protocol. This is you being a dirty cop, trying to blame someone else's crime on the known serial killer roaming the city!”
“I’d watch that tone, Dr. Y/L/N.”
“No I will not watch my tone, because this is sick! This family deserves justice, and you’re going to blame it on someone who didn’t even commit the crime. That is wrong on so many levels. I should report you to your superiors for even suggesting that!”
Gordon slammed his hands on the wall, closing the space between you. Causing you to pull away from him, until the back of your head was touching the wall. “Now listen here, you little bitch.” Your jaw dropped, and you opened your mouth to say something, but Gordon clasped his hand over it. “You had your fun, ranting and yelling at me. Now be a good girl, and let the grown up speak for a minute.” You huffed through his hand, continuing to glare daggers at him. “Now you see, Y/N, you’ve wound up in a pretty sticky situation here in Seattle. You have no idea what kind of shit you’re dealing with. There’s gangs, murder, and all sorts of nasty things you’ve probably never seen before.” Your eyes wandered the room, looking anywhere and everywhere but into his cold, dark eyes.
“So, I’ll go ahead and give your one warning.” He tightened his grip on your jaws, leaning even closer towards you. “You work for us now, whether you like it or not.” You winced as his fingers started digging into the side of your cheek. “Dr. Simonson was smart enough to do what we wanted, and you’d be smart to follow his lead.”
Your mind started racing, as you thought back to your conversation with Sam, Dean, and Jess at the bar. The Angels were basically in control of the police department, which meant Gordon was probably one of them.
“If you don’t do what we say, well, then, let’s just say you’ll be lucky if you end up on one of those cool, metal tables you know all so well. But who knows? My boss can be very creative when it comes to ideas for punishments. So be smart, and don’t even think about running to my superiors about this whole situation. Because they’re monsters compared to me.” Your nostrils flared as you struggled to breathe, your eyes starting to water, as he tightened his grip even tighter. “So, I think I heard you wrong the first time. It was Vigilante who killed the girl, wasn’t it, doctor?”
“Yo, Y/N!” Gordon turned around, as the door to your office opened. His hand remained on your face, as you focused your own eyes on the door. Standing there before you was Dean Winchester, holding your iPhone in his hand. He stopped cold in his tracks, as he took in the scene in front of him. “What the hell is going on in here?!” Dean put your phone on the desk, and stormed towards Gordon, fists clenched tight as he growled. “So messing with my little brother and threatening him isn’t enough for you, Gordon?” Dean grabbed him by the back of his shirt, yanking him away from you. “Now you’re stooping so low to assault women?! Oh Castiel is going to hear about this!” Dean held onto Gordon by his necktie, and pulled his fist back, ready to strike.
“Stop!” you screamed, jumping in and grabbing Dean’s wrist before he could hit Gordon. “Dean, let it go.” Turning around, you gave Gordon a ‘go to hell’ look. Dean’s other hand released his necktie, and Gordon took a step back with a sudden hiss of breath between his teeth.  “Detective Walker was just leaving.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“Right, I was just leaving.” Gordon straightened out his necktie, and stepped around you and Dean, heading towards the door. “But heed what I said, doc. Keep that in mind before you do anything.” And with that final word, Gordon left your office, heading down the hallway towards the elevators.
Once the second the door shut, you exhaled a sigh of relief, and released Dean’s wrist. The room was spinning, and you grabbed onto Dean’s jacket, trying to steady yourself. Seeing your shaking figure, Dean led you towards your desk, pulling your chair out for you. Sitting down, you took deep, calming breaths, as Dean took a seat next to your desk, watching you closely.
“Are you okay?”
“No,” you sighed, running your hands over your face, “no, I’m not okay.” You covered your mouth, you stomach turning. “Christ, you weren’t kidding about these gangs ignoring the law.”
Dean placed his hand on your shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. “What happened? You can tell me, Y/N. Remember, we’re Team Free Will.” You took a deep breath, your eyes stinging as tears threatened to escape. “It’s okay. Take as much time as you need to calm down.”
You took about five minutes to calm your breathing before you could even think about talking. Once you calmed down, you told Dean everything. From Vigilante not being the killer, to Gordon attacking and threatening you. It was like poison spewing off your tongue as you relived the hour’s last moments. And no matter how angry or emotional you got, Dean just nodded, listening to your whole story objectively.
“Can you believe that?!” You were so angry about the situation that had just occurred. Dean stood back, watching as you cleaned off your desk, and locked up the office. “That son of a bitch wants me to lie on my report about the killer!” You slammed the door shut, locking it, and shoved your keys in your bag. “Threatening me if I didn’t do what he wanted me to do.”
“Yeah, welcome to Seattle, sweetheart.”
“He was willing to forget about the true killer, and blame it on someone who's going after scumbag criminals!” The two of you started walking back towards the elevators. “Gordon Walker is officially on my shit list! I swear to God, if he ever threatens or touches me again, I’ll kill him myself!”
“See, that’s one of the reasons why I like you so much.” A blush crept over your face as you looked at him while stepping into the elevator. “You see all the bullshit and lies that corrupt this city. You’ve experienced it firsthand, and you’re not going to take that shit.” The doors shut, and Dean leaned against the railing, shoving his hands in his pockets. “You seem like a straightforward woman, and I really like that about you. Just when I think I got ya figured out, you show me a different side of yourself. I just find, myself wanting to know more and more about you.”
The elevator dinged as it passed each floor, and you found yourself staring at this tall, mysterious, and caring man in front of you. He had done so much for you this week, there was no way you could ever make it up to him. “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual, Dean.” His eyes met yours, as a smile spread across his cheeks. “I can’t wait to get to know you even more. You’re one heck of a guy.”
“I’m not that great of a guy,” he chuckled, as the elevator met the lobby, and the two of you stepped out. “I’m a high school dropout, you’re way too good for me.”
“Yeah, and you’re the high school dropout who saved me more times than I can count this week.”  He led you towards the Chevy Impala, unlocking the door for you. “I think you’re way too good for me.” You slipped inside, and Dean shut the door behind you, before getting in himself. “I mean, seriously, I’ve never had guy stay out late to give me a drive home after work. You’re the nicest guy I’ve ever met.”
“Well, give it time.” He laughed as the Impala roared to life, and he backed out of his parking spot. “Once you get to know me better, you might actually start to get sick of me.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
The drive back to your apartment was quiet, just the sound of the Impala’s engine roaring. You were pretty disappointed that it was such a quick drive to your place from the hospital. Dean pulled up to the front of the building, and sighed as he put the Impala in park. You glanced towards the building before looking back at Dean. He frowned slightly before giving you a weak smile, and you returned his smile.
Dean draped his arm over the back of the seat. “So, are we still good for six tomorrow night?”
You cupped some of your hair behind your ear.  “Yeah, that sounds good to me.”
“Great.” He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, biting it gently, as you played with a strand of your hair. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“I am too.” God, you felt like a teenager again, like the night after your first, real date. The anticipation of what was going to happen next was killing you. Dean leaned in a little closer towards you, his eyes meeting yours, waiting to see what you would do.
“So, tomorrow. . .”
“Yeah, tomorrow,” you whispered, leaning in towards him, your lips inches apart. You could feel his breath against your own mouth, as you got closer towards him. God, this was seriously going to happen.
“What’s up, bitches?” Both you and Dean separated from each other, jumping as someone poked their head into the Impala’s open window. “Oh crap, I’m sorry, am I interrupting you?”
“Damn it, Charlie!” Dean gripped the steering wheel, as you watched Sam and Jess waving from the front of the building. “Why do you have to cockblock me?”
She just smiled, her face starting to swell slightly, but for the most part it looked a lot better now. “Oh, come on, Dean, I’m just teasing you.” She looked at you licking her busted lip. “I just saw the two of you here, and I couldn’t resist.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, nerd.”
“I love you!”
“I know.”
You sighed softly, leaning over, and kissing Dean’s cheek. “Thanks again for the ride, and rushing to my rescue. I’ll see you tomorrow at six.” Dean smiled, watching you as you exited the Impala. “Have a good night.”
“You too, I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.”
Both you and Charlie watched as your three friends drove off. It wasn’t until Dean turned at the corner that you and Charlie strode into the apartment complex. She was quiet, stealing glances at you, as you both entered the elevator. But it wasn’t until the doors started to close that she finally spoke up.
“So if you plan on banging tomorrow night, can I get a heads up? Something tells me you’re a screamer, and I would prefer not to hear my best friend screwing my neighbor.” Your cheeks burned as you stared at her in shock. “What! It’s just a question?!”
Flirting with Death Tag List: @nighmaredean @lucifer-in-leather, @docharleythegeekqueen, @mysaintsasinner supernaturalyobessed, @isis278, @ariannnawinchester   @janaenaenae @deanfuckingwinchesterrr @jaleeni @leather-moccasin-hero @gallifreyansass @mattiepieluv @acreativelydifferentlove @end-lessnights @superwhomerlockinuum
Forever Tags: @percywinchester27 @the-cucumber-who-lived, @waywardjoy, @sammylynne321@jalove-wecallhimdean, @britney8793, @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms,@castiellerblueeyed,@nathaliabakes,@kristaparadowski,@relationshipyard,@curlycas,@slapinthefacetoyourlullaby,@jessiedangerous @selina-kyle89 @jordangardner19@clarita25booklover-blog @impala-dreamer @queenofthe-bitches,@omgreganlove, @jojotink78, applesugar88, @isis278,@thisisthelilith,@10200512,@growningupgeek@fuckyeahfeysand@megafrontliner311@fangirl1802 @typicalweirdbookworm@nerdwholikesword @sociallyimparedme  @riversong-sam@theroute63 @tmccarney @fantasticimpaladoctor @its-my-perky-nipples, @smoothdogsgirl, @little-castiel13, @wonderlandmoonrose7, @deansbaekaz2y5 @starswirlblitz @secretlyfurrydragon @kms1000 @brooke-supernatural16, @queencharley @fabulouslyboredeveryday @therosecolouredpost  @createdbybadappreciation @notesfromalabprincess @just-meh-and-me-dogs @colorfuluniversewhispers @dancingalone21 @pizzarollpatrol @maddieburcham1 @benjerry707 @misguidedconqueress @deanfuckingwinchesterrr @faegal04 @greek-geek481 @gallifreyansass @livelovelike555 @you-didnt-see-that-cuming @we-are-band-sexuals @fandomsandstuffff @petrovadixon @kaylynnw428 @spngirl00 @fairytalesexistxx @mizzzpink @selene-stormborn @milkymilky-cocopuff @freakintasticfan @sandlee44 @likesiriusly @bulletscrossbowpie @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @sm0l----bean  @potterhead1265 @uniquewerewolfsuit @vacam79 @captinewinchester @team-archangel
Dean/Jensen Girls: @torn-and-frayed @mrstheorossix3 @ioanashalala @summer-binging-spn @atc74 @betterlattethennever @anokhi07
Tagging: @supernatural-jackles @deanscherrypie @mrswhozeewhatsis @d-s-winchester
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