Saved - Chapter Four
Pairings: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Warnings:  Angst, abuse, sexual assault
Word Count: 1600
Tags: @goddessofmischiefs  @akshi8278
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
   You gaze at the hot chocolate in your hands and against every instinct, you fight the constant pull to return to your Alpha. You take a sip with closed eyes, savouring the velvety smooth texture and sweet burst of chocolate. You scan the building for the tenth time since entering, the few Alpha's in the café were mated and remain seated, completely oblivious or uncaring of your presence in your corner booth. There are a few new Beta's lined up to receive takeaway coffees, uninterested in dine-in occupants. The fact that you are the only Omega sitting alone has not changed, and you remain on full alert.  
   You find yourself questioning your decision to leave Dean three days ago. As a result, you are back on the street, using some money Sam had given to you in case of emergencies; however, that money is running low. At the time of leaving, you were thinking of sparing yourself the pain of being sent away. You now realise that in your desperation to save yourself from more pain, you forgot to think about the consequences of leaving the safety of the bunker.  
   You recall the conversation you overheard between Dean and Cas; "I'm saying, what if she is better off far away from me? What if I should send her off to live with Jody and the girls where I know she would be safe?" You listened as Deans voice rose in tone and speed.
 "Do you think that's what she would want? Is that what you really want?" Cas was clearly the voice of reason here.
 "Want has nothing to do with it!" 
   Your heart aches at the memory and you wonder if Dean would have actually sent you to live with this Jody person. You shake your head to break away from the thought. Of course, he would have, you accepted him as your Alpha and in doing so gave him the right to protect you, you thought to yourself. 
   Now is not the time to be sentimental, it is time to move. You skull the rest of the hot chocolate, now lukewarm and place a five-dollar note on the table. With your backpack secure, you made your way out of the café and down the street. It is late afternoon, and the sun is beginning to set, a clear sign that it is time to start looking for somewhere safe to stay. At this point, you aren't sure what town you are in, though you know you can't be far from Lebanon and there is a chance that Dean could be looking for you. A small park catches your eye, and after some careful exploring, you find a cozy spot near a small pond. You sit down and pull out a book that you borrowed from the bunker's library. You feel bad about taking it, but you figure that one day you would be able to return it. 
   Half an hour passes, and the sun has almost set completely, leaving you with poor light to read in. As you place the book back in your bag, a familiar scent filled your nose. By the scent he is giving off, you could he is agitated and worried, and you almost jump into his arms, the only thing stopping you is his words to Castiel. Confident that you are found you move to stand up to discover that Dean has continued walking. You breathe a sigh of relief, although confused. You have no idea why he wasn't able to smell you. 
   You head off in the opposite direction, now unable to stay in the park.  Dean knows you are in this town and is very close to finding you. You walk quickly down the footpath, past the café and around a corner into a dark and dirty alley. Despite the bile that threatens to rise, you force yourself to keep walking. With the added smell you hope that Dean will not look for you here. 
   The further you head into the alley, the darker it gets and before you have time to register the second person you are pushed up against the damp wall. 
   An Alpha. 
   Their hands are cold and wet, and they leave a trail of grime as he runs his arms up and down your body. 
   "Aren't you precious?"
   The Alpha's rancid breath hits your nose and breaks you out of your frozen state. 
   "Get off me!" You push at his hands as hard as you can, but the Alpha moves forward, pressing his body against yours. 
   "Now, now Omega, don't fight. You won't enjoy yourself as much if you're struggling." He leans his head down and sniffs your neck, searching for any trace of a mate. His mouth widens into a toothy grin when he finds no evidence. You haven't been in Dean's presence for three days, and even then, your physical relationship was practically non-existent.
   As you continue to weakly push at the grimy Alpha, you wonder if Dean could sense your panic. You know that it isn't unknown for an Alpha to be able to sense their mates' intense emotion.
   "Relax little Omega, you and I are going to have some fun." The Alpha beams down at you, his teeth, crooked and broken. He reaches down and pulls your backpack off, throwing it off to the side. "You won't be needing that anymore."
   You cringe away in disgust, overwhelmed by his filthy scent and the selfish vibe that he gives off. The Alpha runs his lips across yours greedily, his hands pinning your arms above your head, his lower body pressing you forcefully into the wall. 
   "Stop! Get off me!” You cry out between his attacks. 
   "One more word out of you little Omega and I'll..." The Alpha is interrupted by a vicious growl that rips through the alley and echoes off the brick walls. He pulls away from you, mad at having been disrupted, anger apparent on his face. You take advantage of the opportunity given to you and attempt to move away from the Alpha, but he grabs your arm before you even manage two steps. 
   "What do you want? We are a little busy." The Alpha spits at the faceless man standing before us. 
   "I want my mate." Four simple words that knock the air from your chest. You stand there in shock as Dean moves closer, his scent almost knocking you off your feet. The closer he gets, the clearer he became, and you can just make out the outline of his face from where he is standing. 
   "There are no mated Omegas here, you'll have to keep looking. If you'll excuse us." The Alpha's grip tightens around your arm, and he begins to drag you away from Dean and the safety you know he can and will provide. Seeing him stand there makes you regret ever leaving him. 
   "Hand her over. I won't ask again." Your eyes are glued on your Alpha's face as he makes his way towards you. "I can have two more Alpha's here in seconds. You don't really want to fight, do you?"
   The Alpha's grip on your arm loosens slightly at the idea of fighting, and though you are sure that Dean wouldn't need Sam and Cas to help him beat up one guy, you are glad that they are nearby. 
   After a few more moments, the Alpha pushes you forward into Dean's arms, "Fine have her, she's not worth it." 
   Dean growls lowly at the insult as he wraps his arms around you and leads you out of the alley. He remains tense and silent as he guides you down the path towards the black car you recognise as Baby. Dean opens the passenger door, and a firm hand pushes you into the car and slamming the door behind you. He climbs into the driver's seat and starts the car without a word. 
   "Dean, I..."  
   "Don't." He cuts you off tersely without sparing you a glance. 
   You spend the car ride going over all the reasons why you shouldn't have left in the first place, and compared them to the one reason that made you. You feel like an idiot. 
   Turns out you are only one town out of Lebanon, and you are back at the bunker within half an hour. You unbuckle your seatbelt and you step out of the car, feeling safe for the first time in days, despite the fury that is flowing off Dean in waves. 
   "Inside now." You follow Dean slowly down the stairs and through the front door, a warm blush forming on you cheeks at the sight of Sam and Cas standing next to the giant map table, the disappointment and concern clear on their faces.
   "Sup guys?" You joke as you come to a stop at the bottom of the steps.  Sam's mouth twitches in amusement at your words, but Cas remains stoic. Your Alpha growls lowly next to you, and you cringe at your carelessness. Under normal circumstances, Dean would love a joke, but today is not normal.
   "With me, now." Dean doesn't wait for a reply before marching down the hallway. 
   You take a deep breath following him through to your bedroom. Dean shuts the door behind you blocking your only potential escape. You glance around at the room, your eyes falling on the unmade bed. You meet Dean's gaze for the first time since reuniting with him, and you're taken aback by the raw emotion. 
   "Alpha..." You trail off, not knowing where to start.
   Dean closes the distance between you and hooks his fingers under your chin. 
   "You have a lot of explaining to do little Omega."
Chapter 5
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