#supernatural crossover fic
"Probably because they don't have a grave," Danny said, pulling out his vape. "Final resting places are--HEY!"
Nightwing held the pilfered vape above his head. "Where did you get this?" he asked, scandalized.
Danny jumped for it, but Nightwing was too tall! Even at 5'7 he'd have to use his powers to reach the vape; he had no chance as a 9 year old. "We're in Gotham! You're lucky I didn't get cocaine instead!"
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eddiesxangel · 7 months
Stockholm Syndrom | Eddie Munson x Succubus!Reader
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cw: contains darker themes so if you don’t feel comfy don’t read it. obsessive behaviours, mind control, magic, religion (nothing specific) demon!reader, cnc? (the demon controls Eddie in a way) seduction, submissive Eddie, female!demon, descriptions of the reader as a demon, p in v, oral, mild suffocation, dirty talk, cream pie, cum eating, biting, breeding!kink? (Idk reader needs cum to survive)
WC: 3.7k
Eddie was abruptly awoken in the middle of the night and felt like something was off. He looked at the clock and saw that it was exactly 3:33am. He felt a burning sensation all over his skin like he was being pricked by tiny needles. He checked his temperature, but it was normal. He felt like his clothes were suffocating him and had an intense urge to take them off. They felt unusually tight and itchy as if they were made of a different material. Eddie couldn't shake the feeling that something was different, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.
As Eddie slowly regained consciousness, he noticed a peculiar smell lingering in the air of his room. It was a heady aroma, almost as if a candle had been blown out, yet none had been lit in his room for quite some time. He couldn't quite put his finger on the scent, but it was unusual and piqued his curiosity. As he lay there, his senses slowly coming back to him, he found himself increasingly intrigued by the mysterious fragrance.
He shuffled in his bed; taking his clothes off, he noticed a dim red light glowing from his closet. The more Eddie stared, the more he became hypnotized.
He wasn’t scared like he should have been. It was way too similar to the gates of The Upsidedow, but Eddie knew this was different. He felt a strange calmness and urge to go closer. He sat up, swung his feet over the edge of the bed, and suddenly everything returned to normal.
The shock in temperature jolted Eddie back into the confines of his warm bed. The February air seeped through the thin window pane of the new trailer that was graciously given by the government when his uncle was split in half during the “earthquake.”
He immediately went back to sleep, essentially forgetting about the whole experience until it happened again the next night.
3:33am, hot skin, smell of smoke, warm red light filling the closet, the need to discard his pyjama pants and boxers, but once he stood it all went away and Eddie was none the wiser.
For a week, this kept repeating, and it was no different tonight. 3:33am, hot, smoke, naked, but only this time Eddie stayed put in his bed. He had a feeling, seeded deep within him, not to move.
Eddie dared not to move, staring intently at the closet door. The trailer was empty but him; his room was dark, with only a faint red light inside the closet illuminating a small area around it. As he watched, the dim red glow started to grow brighter, casting a deeper orange hue throughout the room. The sight completely captivated him and couldn't take his eyes off the radiant light. He was so engrossed that he almost forgot to blink, and he continued to watch as the glow inside the closet continued to intensify.
Dry eyes travelled across the ceiling and down the walls, following the warm glow. Eddie's heart raced, but he wasn't panicked; he was excited to see what would emerge behind the sliding doors. Then, a shuffle emerged as if the clothes hung in the rack were being moved.
Eddie watched intently, waiting for something to happen. It felt like hours when it was merely seconds.
Then, out of the glow, slowly, the closet door slid inch by inch, your hand wrapped meticulously around the edge of the door, smirking to yourself that this silly little man finally let you out of your confines.
Your long, pointed, black nails tapped one by one against the plastic of the door before pushing it open with little effort, making the door rattle and shake against the track.
Typically Eddie would have let out a scream at the sudden loud noise but your aura was calming, almost soothing, like he didn’t have control over his emotions.
A sudden rush of blood traveled from Eddie’s heart to his cock, he hasn’t even seen you yet but all he could think about was how unbelievably turned on he was all of a sudden.
Eddie’s breathing increased as he watched the closet intently. He was frozen as his naked body lay there, cock growing hard by the second, but he knew he shouldn’t touch himself, not yet. If he waited, he would get rewarded. And god did he want to be rewarded.
You thought you’d teased your little play toy enough that you slinked one leg out, you were barefoot, lacquered black toes nails were the first thing Eddie saw, next was your dark red skin. Your smooth, thick leg stepped out from the door, and then your wide hip that bore only a dark loin cloth came into view.
You’ve waited, watched, and studied him for days to ensure he was the right fit.
You liked them slightly inexperienced, needy, desperate; you knew you could get him to beg for it, to feed you. The life of a succubus is not easy, especially for you when you have a certain type.
Eddie watched intently as you slowly exited the closet, fully showing yourself to your next target.
“W-who are you?” Eddie scanned your body, your long hair was covering your large breasts and the loin cloth was only covering so much of your middle. He was so transfixed on your naked skin that it took him a second to see your face, your beautiful face.
Your skin was a deep red; you had two blackened horns that curved up and over your head. Blacked-out wide eyes and full black lips. You opted to keep your wings and tail hidden as they would only get in the way.
“You’re asking the wrong questions, big boy,” you purred.
Eddie agreed as he took in your swollen breasts and thick thighs, your scary but intoxicating attributes, Eddie’s wet dream. He was but a stupid boy, mere human in the presence of a…you were… well Eddie had no idea but you were everything out of his wildest fantasy.
“I’m Eddie,” he introduced himself.
This made you giggle.
“I know you who you are Eddie” you purred again, slowly making your way towards his bed, your eyes locking in on what you needed from him most.
Eddie watched as your snake-like forked tongue licked your blackened lips, catching the white fangs that resembled that of a vampire’s.
“Why are you here?” Eddie spoke confidently.
“You want me to tell you? Or would you like me to show you?” You crawled onto the bed on all fours and hovered over the human. His wide eyes didn’t blink, and you moved above him. Your sharp pointed nail traced his alabaster skin on his cheekbones. A shiver ran through Eddie as this creature above him seduced him into submission.
“S-show me” he stammered.
“Good boy” you smiled showing your sharp teeth before taking his mouth on your own. Your leg swung over his hip to rest your naked pussy lips on top his already painfully hard length that was laying flat against his stomach.
A loud groan escaped Eddie’s throat as he moaned into your mouth. You rocked your hips over his cock only three times and before Eddie knew what he was happening, he was cumming.
“Oh my god oh my god” he was so embarrassed, how could this be happening?
“Mmmmm, that didn’t take long to get what I wanted.” You smirk before slinking down his body to collect the white hot cum that was leaking across his bare abdomen.
Eddie watched as your long wet tongue collected his seed, and he swore he was about to cum again just watching you enjoy yourself.
“I’m sorry I- I- I”
“Don’t worry big boy, l’ll be back for more” you wipe off the corner of your lip and walk back into your tiny portal without another word.
"Wait! What? Who?" Eddie stood up to chase after you but you're were gone.
What the fuck just happened? Eddie came from a make out and a dry hump and you, then you just disappeared?
The clock read 8:26am, causing confusion to Eddie, who was taken aback by how quickly time had passed. He wondered if he had dozed off and immediately awoken or had never been awake?
However, the only plausible explanation was that he must have had an exceptionally vivid dream. The kind of dream that felt real, right down to the last detail. The kind of dream that leaves you questioning what was real and what wasn't. Eddie couldn't shake off the feeling that he was still in the grips of that dream, and reality was just beyond his reach.
The whole day, Eddie couldn’t focus. His thoughts were all about you; he was consumed by you. Whatever you were?
Eddie had been gripped by a feverish obsession, unable to tear himself away from his room. He spent his days in a state of constant vigilance, scanning every corner and every shadow, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. Each morning, as soon as he woke up, he would rush to the closet, tearing through the clothes in a frenzied search for any sign of your presence. He tore apart the shelves, looking for hidden doors, false walls, any clue that might lead him to you. But despite his tireless efforts, he found nothing, and his search continued without end. Everything was underwhelmingly ordinary.
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Disappointment flooded Eddie as the hours passed, and you didn’t show up. But Eddie held onto hope that you would come back.
Wayne eventually started getting worried by day three when Eddie didn’t leave the room.
Three days and you weren’t back. He was held prisoner by his own thoughts and memories of you. He was convincing himself that it was just a vivid dream, but something in the back of his mind he knew was real.
He obsessively drew every exquisite detail of you, capturing every curve and line with care. He eagerly incorporated you into his Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, weaving your seduction into the magical world he had created.
As he worked to clean up the garage where he spent his days, he often found himself lost in thoughts of you, imagining your body and the sound of your voice. He couldn't resist the urge to doodle you on the workstations, bringing you to life in his own small way. He even started writing song lyrics about you, even though there was very little to go off of. It was like he couldn’t escape; you were a shadow holding him hostage. You were a whisper telling him he would never get away, and he didn’t want to.
You were now his whole world and he would do everything to try and get you back.
Eddie had been stranded in your world for three long weeks. He spent every night trying his best to stay awake, hoping to catch a glimpse of you. However, despite his best efforts, he would eventually succumb to sleep, and every morning, he would wake up feeling disappointed and frustrated.
The passing days seemed endless, and Eddie grew increasingly desperate to find a way back to his regular life. His friends noticed a change in him, he was adgitated, not wanting to talk to anyone, he only wanted you back.
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Tonight was no different, Eddie watched and waiting for the light to guide him back to you. But he was exhausted, hardly getting any sleep for the past three weeks. He passed out on his bed extra early, not even seven in the evening and was out like a light.
3:33am. Eddie gasped awake like all the other times, he smelled the burnt out candel, the room temperature changed. Eddie stripped himself of all his clothing as quickly as possible and lay still, hoping and praying to whatever dark angel that you were to come to visit him once again.
The room's glow brightened as you passed through your realm to Eddie's. You could hear his heart pumping faster as you got closer. You missed your little toy, but your hunger had been satiated, and you wanted to be greedy; it was fun to tease this human.
"Did you miss me?" You ask as you step out of the portal.
"Yes," Eddie quickly answered, sitting up against the headboard.
"Good boy." You praised as you saw he was already hard for you, not that he had much choice.
"What are you?" Eddie bravely asks.
"I'm a succubus, isn't it obvious?" you cock your head.
"What's your name?" he questions as you approach the bed.
"Nice try, you're smart Eddie, you know I can't give you that." You sit on his lap like you had that first night.
"What can I call you then?" He watches you trail your sharp claws along his chest as you hypnotize Eddie with your beauty.
"Don't worry about that" you cup his chin in your dark crimson palm, tilting his head up to yours so you can taste his lips. No human before him had tasted quite like this. You've been around for thousands of years, but something was different about this one.
"What do you want?" Eddie pulled away breathlessly.
"For you to stop talking. I'm starving." Your forked tongue licked a wet strip up from Eddie's collarbone to his ear before Eddie spoke again.
"But I thought you said you were hungry?" he stupidly asked, like he was about to get you something from the kitchen.
"Exactly." you deadpaned. Annoyed that he was still questioning what was happening.
Most men you find and haunt are more than ready and willing. You thought this one was. You watched him fro weeks waiting for your return, making sure he had become obsessed with you, and he had. But now he was prolonging his own pleasure, and you were getting hangry.
"I want your cock Eddie. Will you give it to me?" your saccharine voice pleaded as you ground your bare wet warm pussy over Eddie's cock.
Eddie found himself agreeing immediately without thinking about what that could mean.
"Good boy." You grip eddie's wrists, making sure not to scartch him with your claws before bringing his hands up your your full perked breasts. You flipped your long black hair over your shoulders exposing your nipples to the man benieth you.
"Holy shit," you hear him whimper under you.
"Oh, yes, Eddie, touch me" You fling your head back at the feeling of his hard cock graze against your clit, rocking your hips along his cock just like the last time.
This time, you may have placed a little spell on Eddie for him to last longer. You needed to have fun too, It has been too long and you were only a succubus after all, you can't help yourself.
"Oh my god youre so amazing" Eddie praised.
"We havn't even started yet, hunny" you cooed as you pressed his face into your breasts while still grinding your hips down on his shaft trying to chase your orgasm.
You stick your thin tongue in his mouth and explore his taste more. He was smoky just how you liked and earthy and a little minty.
Thank god your little spell worked because if you were on your brink of coming undone Eddie sure would’ve been long gone by now and your fun would have been over before it had started.
“Mmmmmmm Eddie you’re making me feel so good” you praised as his hands explored your body.
His calloused fingers graised your deep cherry skin, he timidly groped a fist full of your ass before you let out a moan of pleasure as his hands explored more of your body, tugging at the only piece of clothing you wore it slipped off effortlessly.
“More,” Eddie moaned into your mouth.
“You want me to sit on your face, pretty boy?” It was like you could read his mind… maybe you could.
You tuck his wild hair behind his ears before he excitedly nods his head yes before laying back for you.
“Anything for you” Eddie was at your mercy, all he wanted was to please you, to worship you, to have you, all of you.
“Mmmmmmm, my sweet, sweet boy,” you swing each knee around Eddie’s head so they are planted beside each ear.
Eddie wraps his hands around your plush thighs pulling your full weight onto his face and you don’t feeling an once of guilt about suffocating him. What a way to go.
Eddie couldn’t believe how you could taste so good, so sweet. It was a miracle he hadn’t come already, an act of god…or demon.
“Fuck you’re good at this for a human” you hummed as your pelvis grinds into on Eddie’s lips. His tongue was working wonders as it entered in and out of your tight hole. You were riding his face, and he was loving every minute of it.
Closer and closer and closer, you were feeling the waves of pleasure consume you, your orgasm gushing into Eddie’s tongue as he lapped at you like a wild animal who hadn’t seen water in weeks.
After a moment of taking in your bliss you sit up off Eddie’s face giving him a change to breathe.
You hear a gasp of air as your thighs unravelled from Eddie’s face. You look down to make sure you didn’t accidentally kill him but when you looked down his eyes told you he wasn’t experiencing anything but pure bliss.
He deserved a reward for pleasuring you so well so you crawl down his body to return the favour.
“Oh god!” Eddie cries as your serpent tongue forked around the head of his leaking cock.
“We don’t speak of him,” you pop back up fully serious.
“Nonononono I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Eddie pleaded reaching out for you before you could disappear, you forgave him. He didn’t know, he was a silly little human and you were still starving.
“I forgive you” and you do by showing him how your warm wet mouth could take all of thick cock. For a human he has the prefect sized cock for you. Not so small and you know it would fill and stretch you so good, you couldn’t wait.
Incoherent murmurs were leaving Eddie’s mouth as you bobbed, licked and lapped at his hard length.
“Fuck! Oh, baby! I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way…. Oh, shit, look what you’ve done to me…” Eddie didn’t even know he was speaking as he was so drunk over you. You could tell he was a blubbering disaster so close to coming. No matter how much magic you had over him, the power of an orgasm was always stronger.
“How do you want me, Eddie? Tell me”
“Don’t care” He shook his head no.
“You want me to ride you? You want to show me how man you are by having me under you? You want to fuck me so hard and fast my face will be imprinted into the mattress? You wanna stick it in my ass?” You trail your fingers down to your clit, getting wet again, just thinking about all the fun ways you could have with Eddie.
“All of the above!” Eddie grabs you to get closer to him, so he can kiss you. Everything within Eddie is telling him to ravage you.
“Don’t worry my pet, this won’t be the last time you see me, you taste too good to let go just yet” you twirl a tangled chocolate wave around your talon.
“Thank go-odnees” eddie stuttered and you smirk at your silly human before pushed him down, needing him now. Your hunger ravished you; it was taking over your control.
Eddie shuffles quickly before guiding your wide hips down over his weeping cock. He watches as your hot red pussy envelopes him like you were made for it. And you were. Your body can shape itself to be made for whoever you are with.
“Made f’me” Eddie moaned as your hot wet demon cunt slips over him, wrapping him in the most pleasure he has ever felt.
“You like my tight demon pussy baby?”
“Fuckin squeezing me so good!”
“You gunna let me milk your cock big boy?” your pussy flutters around his bare cock.
“Yes, fuck yes, please, I need to cum in you.”
“Stuff me full, baby!” You picked up the pace as you started bouncing up and down on his cock.
Eddie was hypnotized by the way your breasts bounced up and down as your magic was starting to wear off, the need for Eddie to cum was all consuming.
“Need your cum!” You cried as you throw yourself forwards to sink your fangs into Eddie’s neck as you broke the spell, his hot deep spurted up deep inside you.
As soon as his cum hit your cervix, your own orgasm unleashed, forcing you to cry out as your pussy fed. Your body suctioned up every last drop from Eddie, draining his cock dry.
“Holy shit” Eddie lay there, breathless even if you’ve done all the work.
“Good boy,” you sit up to go. You got what you came for.
“Don’t leave, I love you.”
“Oh my silly, silly boy” was the last thing you said before disappearing into thin air.
Eddie couldn’t believe what just happened. He lay in bed, drained in all aspects, for hours. He was dazed and confused and not in the way he usually was.
The only thing that broke him out of the haze was the knock at the door of Wayne asking him to help him out front of the yard.
Eddie's eyes flickered open, feeling disoriented and a little confused. He tried to brush off the strange interaction with you as if it were just a very vivid dream. He slowly exited the bed, stretched his arms and legs, and went to the bathroom. The cold tiles of the bathroom floor sent a shiver up his spine, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that was lingering in his mind.
Eddie turned on the shower, letting the water cascade down on him, washing away the last remnants of sleep. He lathered up with soap and shampoo, taking his time to enjoy the warmth of the water. After he was done, he reached for his toothbrush and toothpaste, scrubbing his teeth clean until they gleamed.
As the steam cleared from the mirror, Eddie glanced up and froze. There, on his neck, were two small puncture holes that he couldn't explain. It was the only evidence that last night had actually happened.
He belonged to you, his Dark Angel.
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Tags: @seexyyprincess @xxbimbobunnyxx @voyeurmunson @impmunson @mayaluvzyou @quinn-munson @ali-r3n @tlclick73 @thepurplelovewitch @asimpforthe80s @stretchedoutonthegrass @starksbabie @ghost-proofbaby @goosterroose @thewayitalknj @hellfirehottie420 @peachysink @lofaewrites @catherinnn @dirtyhellfireclub @hereforshmut @lovinnscarletknight @basicanti-socialb-tch @hsllfirescoops @munsonsbtch @douxiesaurus @taintedcigs @splendiferous-bitch @florabells @thorfemmes @dirtyhellfireclub @remuslupingf @mouthfullofmunson @oneforthemunny @fallenxcherub @lolzskye @bamquinn @seductiveplumber-blog @yourlittleangel7777 @lesservillain @cuddle-calum-luke @munsonology @lizzylynch1 @american-idiot-jpg @take-everything-you-can @gravedigginbbydoll @purplehazed-h @corrodedcorpses @penguinsandpotterheads @urhoneycombwitch @allthingsjoeq
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julesthequirky · 5 months
The Choice: Chapter Thirteen
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn’t be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there’s a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters: Fem!Reader, Dean, Beau, Soldier Boy/Ben.
Warnings: Female masturbation, female fantasy, language, typical Soldier Boy behaviour, cheesy euphemisms.
W/C: 1,596
A/N: I can only apologise for how long it took me to get this chapter out. I don't really have any excuses, except for the fact that I had a bit of a break, wrote some other ideas knocking around, and then had another break. I wish I could keep a schedule, but they don't work for me. I struggled with this chapter, struggled to push the story forward to get to where it needed to be.
A/N 2: I can't believe it's only day three! As a writer, I, too, forget the concept of time within the story. And it's not until I read past chapters that I realised how slowly time goes by.
The hot water splashed down, and you leaned your head back, getting a face full of the spray.
Was Ben right? Was Dean jealous? Or perhaps he had just been mad. He slept in the next room. A wall was shared, after all. He had to have heard everything. But Dean had no reason to be jealous. He hadn’t shown any inkling that he wanted anything more than platonicness.
Ben knew how you felt about Dean. About Beau. He’d seen all your interactions with the hunter and nearly bitten your head off in Walmart when he found them ‘impersonating’ him. Ben was an enigma. One moment he was flirty and casual, bantering with you, and the next, he was aggressive and damn near violent, threatening anyone that gets on the wrong side of him. And it was him you had fooled around with first. Not Dean. Not that you initially intended to mess around with any of them.
Water ran down your body in rivulets, and your hands followed the flow. Again, Dean, in complete ecstasy, slipped into your mind. Would he grip the shaft tightly? Would he squeeze to feel the intensity of pleasure? Would he stroke his thumb across the slit, rubbing pre-cum across the mushroomy head of his cock?
Below, you throbbed, and again, your mind turned to comparisons. Would Dean be as wide? Would the head of his cock feel so pillowy against your entrance? Would it pulse as strongly? Would he feel as heavy and as thick as Ben?
You shuddered, arousal burning through your body as you tried to wipe those thoughts from your mind. It didn’t feel fair. Dean was his own person. But…Jensen…Jensen was the man who played them all.
Your hand reached for the shower head. It unhooked from the wall attachment, and you changed the head settings. The water sprayed out powerfully in a more concentrated manner.
You gripped the shower head and the shower bar with your other hand. And before you could think yourself out of it, you turned the shower head upside down.
You gasped. A sharp inhale of air. Your hand tightened, gripping the shower bar. The jet of water shooting up from the shower head pelted your clit with intensity.
You bowed your head, hair dripping into the shower floor, pulse spiking as Dean masturbating occupied your mind.
You changed the angle of the shower head, and your knees almost buckled. Your toes curled, and you shook as you fought to contain yourself.
Your pussy clenched.
Your eyes squeezed shut. Dean, touching himself, left your mind, and Ben replaced him. You shook your head, trying to get Dean back. But Ben stayed. And he stood in all his glory, shameless, hand wrapped around his cock and giving lazy strokes, wearing that damn smirk.
Then, his words from yesterday came to mind.
“Would you suck me off as prettily as you suck my fingers?”
And in your mind’s eye, you were on your knees, pleasing Ben, wrapping your lips around his cock. You saw yourself sucking, could feel the weight of him on your tongue, could taste the saltiness of him.
In your mind, you watched as the rapture completely took over Ben. His head leant back, eyes closed, and his fingers fisting your hair. He cursed under his breath as you slowly dragged the man’s soul from him.
Would Dean react the same way? Or would he watch?
Heat swamped your gut at the thought of Dean watching you suck him off. Your body shook, edging closer to that inevitable brink.
You’d please him. Who? All of them.
Beau. With his cheeks tinted pink, and looking at you hungrily sent you hurtling over the edge and crying out, your legs almost buckling from the strength of your orgasm.
The shower head clattered to the floor, continuing to spray upwards. You leant against the steamed-up shower wall.
You hadn’t done that in a while. Not with a showerhead.
The TV played in the background. Some football game Ben had put on that Beau was absorbed in. With three men living with you, sports were perpetually on.
After breakfast, Dean excused himself and headed upstairs with a coffee, claiming he needed to decipher the language on the frame’s box, reinforcing the idea that maybe he was mad at you. He’d asked to use your laptop to aid him in his research, and you were compliant, handing him the device and the cable. You had written the password on his hand, desperately trying to ignore the sparks rushing up your arm.
Trying to read with Ben glancing at you occasionally was nigh-on impossible. All you wanted was to relax with a steamy romance between a Rugby player and a sassy fan. At least this one wouldn’t come to life.
Ben nudged you from where he was sitting beside you. You glared at him as he rudely pulled you out of the world where fans have hot instances with insanely built Rugby men.
He leaned his head closer.
“If you needed help installing a pipe in your bathroom, you could have come to me.”
What the shit?
You tilted your head in confusion. What the Hell was he going on about?
“You know….”
He kept his voice low so as not to capture Beau’s attention. This was something he wanted to keep between you both.
“I’m just saying you could have come to me.”
You shook your head.
I shake my head and try to get back into my book.
“You need installations in your bathroom? Y’know I’m a dab hand at DIY.” Beau asked, finally turning away from the TV.
“What, no.”
Ben snorted and shook his head.
“Ya hear that, Y/N? Beau is a dab hand at installing pipes in a bathroom.”
Ben’s tone was a little sarcastic for your liking. And whatever he was alluding to, you just weren’t getting. Ben wasn’t one to mince his words, so why was he being so elusive? It didn’t make sense.
You sighed, closing the book you’d barely read anything of.  You placed it down and stood up.
“Ben, could I see you in the kitchen, please?”
You saw Beau’s quirk of his eyebrows in your peripheral vision as you started walking out of the living room.
 Ben followed you into the kitchen. He closed the door behind him, a smirk on his face. You stood there, leaning on one hip, arms folded against your chest.
“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but it’s gotta stop.”
Ben’s smirk grew wider as he stepped closer.
“Aw, c’mon. I’m only messing. Besides, maybe next time you have a solo flick fest in the bathroom, you should remember that some ears are far more acute than others.”
You stood stock still. Shit. He’d heard everything. That’s why he was teasing the Hell outta you.
“So, c’mon, what prompted this solo session?”
Your cheeks burned. Could you tell him? Probably should. He was only gonna bug you otherwise.
“It was what you said about Dean…”
He grinned wickedly.
“Doll, if a man beating his meat has you wetter than the Pacific Ocean, then baby, I don’t mind doing a little corn shucking just for you.”
You blushed. You actually blushed. Maybe it was the cheesy euphemisms, but Hell, they made you redder than a tomato.
“You gunna listen to him?”
You scratched the back of your neck, unsure. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were gonna do. The thing was, Dean wasn’t the only one concerned. Beau was, too. That meant that Beau thought the same as Dean. Or similar. Beau had mentioned intentions, and it was such a dad thing to say.
“Because, if you did, it’d be real shitty of you.”
Fuck. This was all you needed. Ben would hold a grudge. You knew that. But Dean. Dean had your heart. It was stupid. And yeah, you wanted to make him happy. But the real question was: what would make you happy? And that you didn’t know.
Sighing and easing yourself in a seat, you rested your head in your hands. Your phone buzzed. You slipped the gadget from your pocket. Your brow furrowed upon seeing a message. It was from your mother. Wondering what she wanted, you clicked it open.
Mom: Dear Y/N, Mark mentioned to your father and me that he saw you in Walmart with a man. He thinks it's your boyfriend. Is he? Why haven’t you said anything to me? I’m your mother. Your father and I insist on your presence at dinner tonight, 7:30 PM. Don’t be late. Dinner will be at 8. Your father said texting you was more likely to get your attention. He also said to bring your man. Sincerely, Mom.
Fuuuuuuuuck. You didn’t need this right now. You groaned, letting the phone clatter to the table.
Fucking Hell.
“She can fuck off.” You muttered.
Ben snorted, taking a seat beside you.
Yeah. At this moment in time, you had too many problems. You were not bringing Ben around your mother and her partner. However, it made you smile at the thought of her clutching her pearls when Ben cussed like a sailor as he spoke with his mouth full. Then it faltered. Ben, behaving as he does, would double down her efforts to get you with Cole. No. It would be best to pick someone else. But who? And would Ben understand? Probably not.
You faced him.
“Yeah. My mother’s invited me to dinner and wants to bring my so-called boyfriend.”
Tags: @yvonneeeee, @curlycarley, @angelbabyyy99, @sassy-pelican, @k-slla, @deans-spinster-witch, @ashdoctor, @eretsupremacy89, @fanfic-n-tabulous, @deans-number-one-fan, @afro-hispwriter, @tiredstrangerr, @zemosdarling228, @justjensenandhisalteregos, @ladysparkles78, @nescavaneck, @winharry, @stellasfictionalworld, @mishkatelwarriorgoddess, @freefallthoughts, @realityshifter111, @slvtforhotchner, @hobby27, @grxyveins, @emily-roberts, @jamerlynn, @mimaria420, @kr804573, @just-levyy, @leigh70, @eexphoria
If for some reason you aren't tagged, or I've missed you as I went through to update my tags, lemme know. And A, we'll grumble about Tumblr together, or B, I'll chide myself and update the tagsheet.
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petite-phthora · 9 months
Please don't shake the cat
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 13]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
Private chat
RedHood: *picture*
RedHood: this yours???
Seeing the picture of Ellie clamped onto Red Hood’s arm Danny lets out a sigh while rubbing his forehead. He takes a few seconds to look at the picture while deciding on how to reply.
Private chat
Danny: you don’t happen to be in Mexico right now by any chance, do you?
RedHood: No.
RedHood: I was out patrolling when I was suddenly bitten by her.
RedHood: Thought it might have been a criminal or stray cat or something like that at first.
RedHood: I was not expecting a feral teenager, but I can’t say this is the first time it’s happened.
Danny: damn, she was supposed to be in Mexico 😕😥
Danny: I guess this is what she was trying to tell me with that cryptic message she sent me huh
Danny: and the stray cat analogy isn’t too far off to be perfectly honest 🤔
RedHood: So you know her?
RedHood: Can you help me get her off? I’ve tried prying but she’s got some sick ass jaw strength.
RedHood: Which would have been pretty cool any other time, but it’s currently not really working in my favor.
Danny: I’m so sorry about her 😓 😓
Danny: we’ve been trying to teach her to ask for consent first
Danny: but it’s still a work in progress 😅
Danny: of course I'll help you get her off!! 😊🙃
RedHood: Great! You’re at your apartment, right?
RedHood: I’ll be there in two shakes.
Danny: please don’t shake the cat 😰
Danny: she’ll get grumpy and might latch on even tighter
Danny: I’ll come to you instead 🙃
Danny: you said you were patrolling, so crime alley, right? 🤔🤔
RedHood: Well, yes, but I doubt you’ll be able to get up where I am right now.
RedHood: Let me at least come down to the ground first and I’ll tell you how to get here.
RedHood: Danny?
Jason looks down at his unread messages with a slight frown. He puts his phone away and looks back at the teenager on his arm.
He gives his arm a small shake, causing her to growl at him which immediately makes him stop.
Right… No shaking the cat.
Jason lets out a weary sigh before looking down over the edge of the building to the ground below. He’s trying to think of the best way to get down with only one functional arm when a voice breaks him out of his reverie.
“Hey, Hood. I’m here!”
He turns around, slightly alarmed that there’s a second person who managed to sneak up on him tonight.
Damn, he’s getting rusty
Though from anyone whom he had been expecting to see, he had not been expecting to see the guy he messaged a minute ago standing behind him on the roof.
“How did you get here so quickly? And for that matter, how did you even get up here?” Jason asks confused.
“Oh, I flew” is Danny’s casual response, which gives Jason more questions than have been answered. But before he can decide whether he should bother asking for clarification Danny already moves on to the next topic.
“Anyway, let’s see what we can do about this,” he says, approaching Jason’s arm and the girl that’s hanging off of it.
“Good luck,” Jason says, holding out his arm a little better and watching bemused as Danny and the teen have a stare-down.
“Ellie, what did we say about biting others?”
The teen, Ellie, narrows her eyes and growls at him. Danny just crosses his arms and gives her an unimpressed stare.
“Nah-ah, you have to let him go. We ask before we bite someone. It’s called consent. Don’t make me get Jazz to give you another lecture”
It’s clear to Jason that Danny’s attempt at talking to her isn’t working when the teen proceeds to glance at Jason calculatingly before giving Danny a challenging look and biting down harder.
Apparently, it’s clear to Danny as well, as the next thing he does is let out a put-upon sigh before declaring “Well, I gave you a chance. Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way”
Danny then grabs a hold of her and tries pulling her off of him.
What is his life? Jason thinks as he’s standing there while Danny tries to physically pull the teenage girl, who decided his arm looked like a nice snack, off of him.
Though luckily for him, it seems to work as not a few seconds later Danny has pulled her off of his arm and is now holding the teenage girl with a bloody mouth up by her armpits.
Danny sets her down with a sigh but before he can speak up, the teen crosses her arms and levels Jason with a sharp look that makes him straighten up.
“Thou winneth this round, Red-Helmed Knight of the Night. Though thou should be prepareth, as the upcoming trials will be even more toilsome” Ellie declares while pointing at him, uncaring of the blood on her face.
“And I,” She points a finger back at herself for emphasis, ”Sir Ellie of the Infinite Realms, will—” she gets cut off when a fly enters her mouth.
Danny moves to help her but she holds up a hand to stop him, using her other hand to thump on her chest a few times.
She spits the dislodged fly out onto the floor and glares at it.
“Curse you! Foiling my monologuing once again!” she yells after the fly as it flies off.
Jason turns to Danny.
“So is she your sister?” he asks curiously. And totally not trying to fish for more information about Danny and his family.
Instead of Danny answering the question though, Ellie cuts him off.
“I’m his love child with the mayor of our town.”
Danny gives her a disgusted look.
She looks back at Danny with a shit-eating grin on her face.
Yeah, definitely siblings.
“I love my dads!” she says proudly, her eyes still on Danny.
Danny gives her a deadpan look in response before it changes to a more mischievous one.
“Oh, I’m sure Vlad would love to hear all about how you reclaimed him as a father figure—”
“Oh Ancients, no. Don’t even joke about that” She fake gags at him before turning back to Jason.
“Can I change my answer? I’m his bodyguard” She says, pointing her thumb at Danny.
That makes both Danny and Jason raise an eyebrow at her, though Jason’s can’t be seen through the helmet. They speak up at the same time.
“A bodyguard, huh?”
“No, you’re not, that’s Frighty”
Danny’s statement makes Jason pause and turn to look at him.
He’s got a bodyguard?
Ellie shakes her head happily.
“Nope! I took over the position. My knightly title isn’t just for show, y’know? I earned it fair and square!”
“When did this even happen? And why was I not told?” Danny asks, bewilderment covering his face.
Jason stays silent as he tries to make sense of the conversation.
“About…” Ellie takes a moment to think about it “3 months ago? I think it was when you were dealing with some time chores. And I thought it’d be a nice surprise, so… Surprise!” she exclaims, doing some jazz hands at the end of the sentence.
“What did you even do?”
“I snuck up on him and threw a Fenton Wii remote at his head which knocked him out cold. It counted as a win so I earned the position by right of conquest and gained my knighthood” She says with a shrug.
“Huh… think that would’ve worked for Pariah Dark as well? Would’ve made things so much easier…”
Ellie gives another careless shrug as Danny lets out a small reminiscent sigh. Meanwhile, Jason stands awkwardly to the side.
“Well, either way, I’m proud of you. Do you have a video?”
“Tucker filmed it for me, yeah”
They high-five with grins on their faces. At this point, Jason lets out a small cough which has the Fenton siblings turn around startled and proceed to then give him identical sheepish smiles.
They really look like they could be twins…
“Ah, sorry Red Hood. And again, I’m sorry for Ellie.” Danny says, rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush on his face.
“I’ll take her back home. And uhh… see you next time?”
Jason gives him a smile from under his helmet.
“Sure, if you’re still up for that next date?” Jason trails off with some hope.
His words make Danny’s blush darken.
“Ah uh, yeah! Yeah, of course! The next date! Uhmm, I’ll text you! Or you can text me. That’s fine too!”
Next to him, Ellie rolls her eyes and makes some fake gagging motions. She then grabs Danny by his arm and starts dragging him away.
“Come on, Loverboy. You can and your paramour can flirt later. When I’m not there… and after he’s passed my trials” she says, muttering the latter part low enough that Jason can’t hear. But, judging by the way Danny’s head snaps back to her and how his brows furrow, he did hear.
Just as Jason goes to reply, giving them a thank you and a goodbye of his own, perhaps even an offering to help them get down from the roof, he picks up on movement behind him.
Quickly turning around has him regretting not leaving the rooftop earlier, as he watches the Bats (and birds) land.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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tofics · 9 months
Out Of This World
Chapter 1
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x fem!Reader x Dean Winchester
Summary: You and the Mikaelsons are fighting a powerful witch that's trying to take over New Orleans. The only solution: banishment to another universe. However, the spell goes... wrong, and it's not the witch that ends up in another universe, but you. - At the same time, over a thousand miles away in a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, an alarm goes off: a rift has opened up. The Winchesters and their angel partners in crime decide to investigate. What will they find when they get to New Orleans?
Word count: 4949 words
Warnings: cursing, violence, murder, mention of blood, allusions of panic attacks.
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You skidded around the corner, barely missing a stack of cardboard boxes by an inch. You jumped around it, almost flying past the pile. Your blood was rushing in your ears, your heart almost jumping out of your chest, pumping the adrenaline through your body. Behind you, you heard the evil snicker of your persecutor, hard on your heels. Before you knew it, you reached a wall that cut off your path abruptly. A dead end. You were cornered.
Slowly, you turned around. There she was, a sneer cutting across her face. Despite the few feet between you, you could see the glint in her dark eyes. Again, the witch laughed triumphantly.
"Really? An evil laugh for an evil witch? How terribly cliché," you pressed out between two wheezes. There was a sharp stitch on your right side. Running had never been your thing anyway. You leaned down and rested your hands on your knees while trying to catch your breath. Once this is over, you really have to get into better shape, you told yourself.
The witch was still sneering at you, taking her sweet time to make a move on you. You could imagine that she was enjoying this thoroughly. What started as a challenge for power, trying to dethrone Niklaus and his siblings as rulers of the French Quarter, had resulted in a bloody, messy, magical war. For months, she had been threatening the Mikaelsons and everyone that stood by them. Where threats didn't work, death followed. Quite a few of the Mikaelson's closest followers and allies had lost their lives to the woman in front of you, and yet, you were sure to rank high on her win list: as Elijah's girlfriend, she'd probably enjoy your death a lot more than any of her previous kills. This particular death would strike them hard. Shake them to the core. Possibly - hopefully - destabilize them to a point where they'd fall apart from within and she could easily pluck them apart, one by one, until all of the siblings where gone.
"Not even a true Mikaelson, and yet you're just as snarky as the rest of them. What an obnoxious trait. So full of yourself, all of you. It's a disease. But, not to worry. I'll have that cured in no time," the witch quipped back at you, with so much sweetness in her voice that it made you gag.
"Who's full of herself now?" you muttered to yourself. The sorceress in front of you tsk-ed at you and got into casting stance. She reached into her cloak and brought a fistful of something to her mouth before blowing into her closed fist. Black dust spewed out from between her fingers and hung in the air in front of her like black glitter. You straightened at the sight of her palms turning towards you, the first few words of a spell that was sure to bring you death (and a painful one at that) slowly meandering out from between her lips like a snake, inching itself towards its victim relentlessly.
Okay, feel free to intervene any second now, you thought, trying not to glance around for the rescue that you knew was coming. This plan had been weeks in the making and you weren't about to foil it by giving anything away by accident. Soft dark clouds, looking like droplets of black ink in water were forming around you, slowly at first, then faster and faster. Your eyes began to water as the dark vapor drifted closer and started to engulf you. It stung in your nose, giving off a terrible sulfur stench. You tried your best not to inhale it, but soon you were completely enveloped in the black mist. The first breath burned a straight trail down into your lungs and set them on fire. You began to cough, grasping at your throat, slowly choking on the dark magic the witch was blanketing you with.
Your lungs felt like they were on fire, both from the growing lack of oxygen and the vapor that was eating itself into you. Your legs started to give out underneath you and you fell to your knees as you gasped for air.
Any... second... now... you thought, every word feeling heavy in your brain, as if every word weighed a ton. Just as your vision started to flicker and blur, you registered movement out of the corner of your eye. Something whisked past you from behind you at top speed. You heard an "oomph", followed by the sound of a body being smacked to the ground. Almost instantaneously, the black vapor that surrounded you fizzled away and fresh air finally streamed into your lungs.
You wheezed and sputtered, now on your hands and knees as snot dripped out of your mouth and mixed with your tears and spit on the ground. You were relieved to finally be breathing oxygen again, your lungs however still felt like they were on fire and your throat was about as dry as sand paper.
While you were catching your breath, a lot of action was happening in front of you. Klaus had tackled the witch to the ground and Elijah had shackled her, rendering her immobilized. He grabbed her by her collar and dragged her up against the left wall of the alley. Meanwhile, Freya came out from behind the boxes you had almost run into, hands up and feverishly mumbling, casting the incantation that was supposed to free you all of the witch's evil.
You felt a hand on your back first, and then you were lifted to your feet. Hayley was on your left and Jackson was to your right; both of them had an arm slipped through yours to hold you steady. They shot you concerned looks as you were still struggling for breath. You weakly smiled back as a gesture of I'm okay, don't worry about me.
Freya continued casting in front of you. Her voice grew louder and stronger with each word. Despite clearly being outnumbered, the evil sorceress laughed, seemingly amused by Freya's casting.
"Silence." Elijah's eyes were dark with fury as he ordered the witch to quiet, but her laugh just turned shrill before Klaus struck her across the face. Her laugh briefly sputtered as she sunk down, forced to her knees by the force of the blow. Blood dripped from her split lip and smeared across her teeth. It turned her sneer into a bloody grimace.
"You're making a grave mistake, Niklaus Mikaelson."
Now it was Niklaus' turn to laugh.
"I doubt it, Athea." He bend down on one knee in front of her. "On the contrary, actually. You know, I've got my fair share of enemies in this town. But even they have agreed that we must rid this beautiful city of this plague." Niklaus grabbed Athea by the jaw and locked it in place so she was eye to eye with him. "Now, since we cannot seem to kill you - a very annoying obstacle, I must say - we had to find a different way to get rid of you, didn't we."
Freya started to stumble, the weight of the casting taking its toll on her. Immediately, Elijah was by her side and put a hand on her shoulder. It steadied her in more than just one way. She was reaching the pinnacle of the incantation and needed her brothers' power to cast the final piece of it.
"Klaus? Less talking, more killing?!" Hayley called out from next to you. Klaus smiled in return and got back on his feet to join his brother at Freya's side.
"Right you are, little wolf. I so wish we could drag this out, but alas, time is of the essence. Farewell, Athea. You will not plague this world ever again." Klaus put his hand on Freya's open shoulder with a content smile on his face.
Freya started on the last few sentences of the spell. The air in the alley started to flicker like heat over pavement on a hot day. The hair on the back of your neck started to stand up as you felt a buzzing sensation all around you, as if someone had charged the air with electricity.
Then, Freya spoke the final words. For a moment, everything in your vision seemed to sharpen. It was eerily quiet.
Then, a massive beam of light erupted from all around you, turning the world into nothing but a bright white.
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Over a thousand miles away from New Orleans, in a bunker in Lebanon, Kansas, an alarm went off. The buzzing sound vibrated through the entire place, accompanied by the red flashes of warning lights.
"Oh, what now," Dean Winchester growled. He had just begun to sort through his equipment that he'd need for the next few hours: a whole day of working on the cars in the garage of the bunker. Throw in some beers and some rock music, and you had Dean's favorite kind of day off. They'd just come back from a hunt the day before and he had been looking forward to fixing what needed fixing and mending what needed mending. He went into auto-mode when working on a car; it took his mind off things and allowed him to relax.
Dean put the wrench down that he was holding and wiped his hands on the cloth stuck in his waistline. He sighed. "Can't get one damn day of peace around here," he mumbled to himself and left the garage to head to the war room.
When he arrived, he found his brother Sam and both the angels Castiel and Jack already gathered around the map table. As he approached it, he could make out a blinking light at the south of the United States.
"What is it?" Dean peered at the speckle of light blinking feverishly on the map. Sam answered him. "It's... a rift." He looked around at the men gathered the table before he scratched his neck. "I guess the update does work. This is the first one to pop up since we tweaked the settings. At least the first one to be registered."
"Where is it?" Jack, the younger of the angels chimed in. He leaned forward to get a better look at the map. "From what I can tell... New Orleans." Sam replied after checking a few parameters. There were a few seconds of silence between the men before Dean cleared his throat. "Alright." He rubbed a hand over his face as if trying to wipe the exhaustion away that was written all over it, but to no avail. He looked exhausted and worn down. "Guess we have no choice but to check it out. Cas, get your things, we're leaving in thirty. Sam, you stay here with Jack and keep an eye on the table, 'case few more of these turn up. We'll call you if we need back up." Sam nodded and sat down to check through the table's settings while Jack slowly sunk into the chair next to him. There was a hint of disappointment in the young angel's eyes, but he didn't disagree with Dean. He knew that the older Winchester didn't fully trust him and that he had to keep his head down to earn that trust back.
Castiel and Dean left the war room in direction of their respective rooms to gather their belongings for the trip. Once they were out of earshot, Castiel leaned over to Dean. "What do you think this means?" Dean shook his head in response. "I've got no idea, but it can't be good."
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The explosion of light faded just as quickly as it had started. Your eyes took a moment to adjust. Black spots danced in your field of vision and there was a penetrating ringing sound in your ears. You moaned and held your head as you stumbled around while your body tried to recover. Slowly, the ringing faded away to a barely noticeable hum and your vision cleared up too.
Once you could clearly see, you stood up straight. Your brain took a moment to register what your subconscious had picked up on within nano-seconds: something was wrong. Where just a moment ago Elijah, Freya and Klaus had stood, there was no one. Hayley and Jackson were gone from your side as well. Even the witch wasn't there. Athea's disappearance was somewhat comforting - after all, that had been the goal all along - but your stomach churned at the sight of the empty spots where your family and friends should have been.
Did the spell transport all of them? you wondered while temporarily frozen in place. It was like your body had to catch up to what your brain was processing. A slow sensation of panic crept up your spine and filled your limbs with an unpleasant tingling sensation. This hadn't been part of the plan. They weren't all supposed to disappear. Just Athea. "Okay, breathe," you told yourself and forced yourself to follow your own order. You took a few deep breaths and unclenched the fists that your hands had formed into, stretching out your fingers a couple of times before you quickly shook your shoulders loose. You can figure this out.
For a lack of a better option, you head towards the entrance of the alley. Perhaps they got thrown back by the power of the spell, you mused. After all, you'd been further away from Athea and the siblings. That didn't explain Hayley and Jackson's disappearance, but you figured you had to start somewhere.
Your legs were still a bit wobbly, presumably from both the near-death experience of choking on magical vapor as well as being light-bombed. You took it slow, taking your time with each step until you were sure that you wouldn't keel over. The extra time it cost you to reach the entry of the alleyway gave you plenty opportunity to inspect your surroundings for any clues about where your people might have disappeared to. You looked around for any signs of foul play while the never-ending feeling that something, something just wasn't right nagged at you. Something was off.
That's when it hit you.
Your stomach lurched as you reached the entrance of the alley where you'd carried out your big plan and you realized what exactly was wrong. There had been spray paint on the wall behind where Klaus had tackled Athea to the floor. Nothing groundbreaking, just a tag someone had quickly sprayed on the bricks. Now, however, the wall was bare. It was still the same old brick wall, covered in specks of dirt here and there, but there was no spray paint on it. The stack of boxes that you'd almost knocked over was also missing. It should have been to your left, but it wasn't. In fact, there wasn't a single card-box in sight. The alleyway wasn't exactly 'clean', but it wasn't nearly as packed with litter and trash as it had been just a few moments ago.
"No... no, no, no, no." Your whisper grew more panicked with each syllable. The faint humming sound in your ears picked back up as your blood began to rush through your body again. Panic rose in your chest and tightened its grip until you felt like you couldn't breathe, oxygen be damned.
The spell had worked. They had successfully sent someone to an alternate universe, just like they had planned. It just wasn't Athea who'd been transported from one universe to another.
It was you.
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Elijah experienced the finale of their plan take place on various levels. He heard Freya cast the last piece of the incantation. He felt it, too, the energy that flowed through his and his brothers arm into Freya, their conduct for the spell. Once his sister spoke the final words he felt a massive tug on his lifeforce, taking a piece so big that if he wasn't immortal, he was sure he wouldn't have survived it. They had known that the spell they had found was ancient, dark magic. The scripture had made vague points about how costly it was, but they had been sure that with his and Klaus' energy combined, they'd be able to supply Freya with all the mana that was required for the incantation to work. Still, the final piece of the cut into him with a kind of force that he'd never experienced before. It forced him to his knees and weakened his senses all at once.
Elijah didn't know if his vision blurred or if it was the air around him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Klaus go down as well. Almost the same second the energy was sucked out of him, he felt it in the air around him, charged and ready to explode at the slightest spark. He moaned, unable to move. His hand was stuck to his sister's shoulder through her magic. It felt like it had fused to Freya and they were now linked together for eternity, hand to shoulder and shoulder to hand. The energy around him grew denser and pressed on him, it trickled over his skin and left sizzling trails.
Elijah's muscles spasmed under the electric force and he groaned. A buzzing sound had built in the back of his head and was now stretching toward his frontal lobe, where it pressed against the bone of his skull from the inside. He thought his head might explode until suddenly, everything became very still, like the quiet before a storm. It lasted for about a nano-second until the energy that had condensed around him blew up and drenched the world in light until all he could see was white.
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When he came to, Elijah was on the ground. Pieces of pebble were piercing through his skin where it had become exposed from his suit shifting. The buzzing sound had given away to a ringing in his ears and the growing pressure on his skull was gone. Instead it was replaced by a booming hammering sensation that sent rhythmic thrills of pain through his head. He groaned and shifted his weight so he could sit up. His eyes were still sensitive to the light and he had to partially shield them so that he could see anything, despite the light in the alley having returned to normal.
He first saw Freya. She was down on her hands and knees, shaking and panting. Next to her was Niklaus, who seemed to be recovering from the same ordeal as Elijah; the spell had knocked him out flat as well.
Elijah's gaze drifted forward. He felt the area under his eyes trickle as anger shot through him. There, hunched against the wall, lay Athea. She seemed to have been knocked back into the bricks by the force of the spell as blood was running down from the back of her head. Elijah smelled it, but it wasn't the reason for his vamp face to come to the surface. It was his anger, mixed with frustration. Clearly, the spell had worked. They'd paid the price for sure. He couldn't be killed, but he felt like he was just about as close to dying as he could be as an immortal.
So why was she still here? What had gone wrong?
He rose to his feet, fueled by anger, frustration and worry. Athea may temporarily be blacked out, but she would soon come to and he knew what she'd do then. He staggered over to the witch and grabbed her by the hair to pull her close. He was tempted to rip into her throat right then and there, to watch her lifeforce spill out of her and form a puddle beneath her useless body. But he knew it was no use. The Mikaelsons had learned soon enough that Athea had set herself up good and made sure that she couldn't be killed. Not for long, anyway. She always came back.
Elijah snarled and pushed her head back, appalled by the woman in front of him. She'd caused him and his family so much pain over the last few months and he wanted to see her pay for it. This spell had been their last hope. He had no idea what he was going to do now. How he was going to protect his family, or Hayley. How he was going to protect you.
"What... what happened?" Freya coughed behind him and crawled over to them.
"It didn't work! That's what happened!" Klaus shouted, his voice full of fury. His brother had always had a temper, but this time, Elijah felt it was justified.
"It did work, Klaus. You felt it. The spell worked. I don't understand why she's still here." Freya crawled closer to inspect Athea's unconscious body.
"Clearly, it bloody didn't! This was all for nothing!" Klaus' rage was boiling and he took it out on the wall in front of him. His fist left a cracked imprint on the bricks.
"Niklaus," Elijah warned. Niklaus' anger may have been justified, but there was no time for antics. They had to come up with a plan and they had to do it now.
"Elijah?" Hayley's voice was tinged with fear. He began to turn around to console her. "It's alright, Hayley, we'll find a w-" He abruptly stopped when he spotted the gap between Hayley and Jackson. Both of them were still standing as if they'd just been holding you up a second ago, each of them with a raised arm that had been looped through yours. Elijah got up and walked over to them as if in trance.
"Where's Y/N?" he asked. Neither Hayley nor Jackson answered him. They had no answer. Elijah rolled his sleeves up as if getting ready for battle. It was a subconscious move, a displacement activity. He felt the gnawing feeling of panic set in in his stomach.
"Hayley. Where's Y/N?" he repeated in a calm, quiet demeanor. His auto-pilot was taking over. Hayley looked at him and he saw the shock and fear in her eyes. "She... Elijah, she disappeared..." she whispered as tears welled in her eyes.
Elijah stumbled back as if her words had struck him in the face.
"No... no..." Freya was coming up behind him and stared at the spot between the two wolfs where you had been standing just a few moments ago. "But... that's impossible! It's not possible! The spell was customized to Athea, not Y/N!"
"Freya." Although Elijah said her name like a statement, the unspoken question hung in the air. His sister turned to look at him. Fear and confusion were battling for dominance on her face. "Elijah, I don't know what happened. It's not possible. None of the words I said even remotely referred to Y/N. I have no idea how..." She trailed off. Then laughter came from behind them.
"You fools! I told you you were making a grave mistake! Ha ha ha!" Athea cackled as they turned around to her. Blood was still running from her mouth and her face appeared sunken in, with dark circles forming under her eyes. She continued to laugh while she occasionally sputtered and coughed up more blood.
Klaus was the first to react. He whooshed over to her side and grabbed her by the scalp. "What did you do, you useless bitch?" he snarled at her, but Athea just kept on laughing.
"Did you really think I was going to walk into your trap like that?" Athea sneered at Klaus as a red line trickled from her mouth. Again she coughed and spat out more blood.
"No... how...?" Freya's eyes widened in shock as she registered the meaning behind Athea's words. She'd known all along what they had been up to and had somehow... what? Manipulated the spell? "A spell of this character can't be manipulated! She doesn't have the power! I needed you two to even try to pull it off and even then we weren't sure it was gonna work. There's no way she could have altered it on her own." Freya was thinking out loud while she paced around.
"Then how did she do it? Did she have help?" Jackson's rusty voice cut in. He looked around as if he anticipated a line of enemies to come out of hiding at any second and attack them.
"I don't think so. A circle to back her up would have needed to be massive and they'd have needed to be physically attached to her, like Klaus and Elijah touched me. No, she..." Again, Freya trailed off and hesitated for a moment, then she quickly walked over to Athea.
Their enemy witch looked worse by the second. Her skin had taken on a greyish tone and the circles under her eyes had turned a dark purple. Her face, however, still had a stoic, defiant expression all over it. Freya knelt in front of her and grabbed the sorceress by the shoulder. "How did you do it? How did you hijack the spell? That's the only way you could've done it!" she shouted and shook the woman in front of her. The commotion caused Athea to cough again and blood splattered across her chest. She gave Freya a crimson red smile. "Wouldn't you like to know, Freya Mikaelson."
Klaus wrapped a hand around Athea's throat and squeezed slightly. "Tell us what you did, or I'll rip your head off right here and now." His fingers pressed into her throat with more force now, visibly obstructing the witch's airflow. She gasped for air but still... smiled. "Don't waste your strength on me, Niklaus. My time has come anyway." She gasped and coughed again before she continued. "I knew what you had planned and I knew I didn't have enough power to stop the spell. I knew my time in this world was coming to an end, but I wasn't going to go without a fight." She wheezed and the air in her lungs rattled and blubbered. "What did you do!" Klaus shook her by the throat as his voice echoed through the alleyway.
"I hijacked the spell," Athea replied hoarsely and gave another of her bloody smiles. There was a sense of triumph in voice. "But how?" Freya implored. She had no idea how a spell of this character could be manipulated, let alone hijacked. Unless... Athea cackled. "A good witch never reveal's all her secrets. Isn't that what the mortals say?" Klaus tightened his grip on Athea's throat and pushed her up the wall. Her entire weight was now on Klaus' grip around her neck; her feet dangled a few inches above the ground. "There's nothing good about you, you old crone," he growled. "Enough chitchat. Tell us what you did, or I'll rip you apart limb by limb, no matter how many times it takes until you sing." The witch didn't reply. She gasped for air, but her hands didn't claw at Klaus' hand like any other person might've done. Below them, Freya knelt down and inspected the ground. She soon found what she was looking for and rubbed a pinch of the black powder between her fingers.
"Klaus." The hybrid didn't relent his grip on Athea's throat, so Freya started again. "Klaus, it's no use. She's dying anyway." "Whatever do you mean?" Elijah approached the three of them from behind. Hayley and Jackson followed on his heel. "Just what I said. She's dying." His sister held out her hand to him and showed him the black stains. "When I was still with Daliah, she once told me about the myth about the fruit of the tree of life. Supposedly you could use its dried remnants to redirect any spell or curse thrown at you with ease, but no one had found a fruit in centuries. It was presumed to have gone extinct." Freya gestured over to Athea as she continued. "I have no idea how she got one... but this is what she must have used to redirect the spell to Y/N."
"Okay, great, that's one question answered. But why is she dying? I thought she couldn't die?" Hayley defensively crossed her arms in front of her chest. "She can't, not in a traditional way. But this spell is so old and so powerful, it overwrites any other spell. It becomes the default setting. Any power that she invested into enchantments to secure her life must have been redirected into our incantation, to uphold her end of the bargain, so to say. She traded Y/N for herself. Even if she only hijacked the spell and didn't try to counter it, it must have cost massive amounts of mana." The Mikaelson witch paused and briefly looked down. "So much, in fact, that all of her previous enchantments weren't enough. So she's paying with her life."
"Aren't you a clever little witch. It's a pity Dahlia lost control over you. We could have benefited from a clever one like y-" Athea was abruptly cut off when Elijah zoomed over to her and ripped off her head. It fell to the ground with a soft thump and rolled a couple of times before coming to a halt a few feet away from its previous body.
"Freya," Elijah said as he got his handkerchief out and cleaned a few bloody stains from his hand. "Tell me you know how to bring Y/N back, now that you've discovered the reason for this... mishap." The threat in his voice wasn't meant for his sister. He'd stared at the bodiless head on the ground as he had spoken.
"That's just it, brother. I have no idea."
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A/N: It's here! I'm so excited! 🥳 This was so much fun to write and I can't wait to get started on the next chapter. This one got kind of long, but I felt that that was necessary to set the whole story up properly. The next chapter(s) might not be as long 😅 Depending on how much time I can find in the next days it should be up by next week.
Continue reading here: Chapter 2
Feedback is greatly appreciated! Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist ☺️
@vicmc624 @foreverrandomwritings
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szlez · 5 months
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Enochian - my art masterpost for @cdrcrossoverbang
I was incredibly lucky to be paired with MalicMalic in this reverse bang. In my wildest dreams, I couldn't imagine that my art would inspire such an amazing story! Thank you MalicMalic!
To the point, if you're a SPN & The X-Files fan you cannot miss this gem of a story! The fic is a blast full of easter eggs and clever use of all similarities in the show! Absolutely brilliant!
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Don't Look Any Further
Crossover Universe: The X-Files
Author: MalicMalic
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55810504
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crazyinluvfix · 6 months
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summary: Sera Salvatore moved to Beacon Hills for a break from the supernatural. But her life was once again turned upside down when she and her two best friends get thrown head first into a world of werewolves and mystery. But it’s hard for her to protect her friends when a single werewolf bite is what could kill her for good…
( you can also read this on my ao3 or my wattpad )
1:1 WOLF MOON ( pt. 1 )
1:1 WOLF MOON ( pt. 2 )
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voiider · 3 months
DP 2010s Crossover Angst Week
You look down only to see me
Day 3: Bleeding out in an alley
Fandom: Justice League Dark
Tags: blood and injury, blood transfusion but the blood is ectoplasm, ghost king danny fenton
Words: 2,697
Read on AO3
The thing is, John’s not even on a job when he finds the kid. He’s looking for a bar after finishing up a favor for the Justice League, now he's in some podunk town in America where nobody will know him. He’d pop over to his preferred pub in Bournemouth if it wasn’t four in the morning over there. So, he’s looking for an American Bar. Eleven at night was a respectable time to go for a drink. He just has to find the right place. Nothing mainstream, something off the beaten path. Nowhere that’ll have college kids taking selfies and pictures of their fancy high-end drinks and twenty-somethings trying to hit on him just because he has an accent. He has standards. Low standards that include a shark but do not include anyone who has never used a corded telephone.  At least King Shark knew what dial-up was. 
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frost-queen · 1 year
Family Business //part 6 (Reader!Winchester x Spencer Reid)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her, @vviolynn, @evilcr0ne, @staple-your-mouth, @spilled-coffee-cup, @skywitchbaby, @ara-a-bird
Summary: Escaping by a hair, you are back on the run. This time things might be worse for you. Having a moment of peace, you all wonder what to do next, but not even a job notification can give you long peace. What would come out of it with a new one taking on a spot in the team? [Series list]
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Spencer held your hand tight, anticipating the moment. The sound sounded again as you pulled Spencer with you, taking a run for it. – “They’re running!” – Derek called out in the midst of the confusion. You pushed the glass doors open sprinting outside. Dean pressed the horn loud urging you to get a move on. Sam stood by the car, holding his phone up with some equipment. The sounds coming from his phone boosted. If you had the time you’d laugh at it. – “In the car!” – Dean ordered slamming his hand against the doorframe.
Sam unplugged his phone, tugging it in his pocket. You pushed Spencer forwards ordering him to go in a direction. He went around the car opening the front door. Dean blinked surprised at Spencer popping his head in sight. – “No!” – he called out not wanting him to ride shotgun. Spencer lifted his head up, looking over the roof. Out of the precinct ran his familiar team.
You had run over to Sam, grabbing him by his jacket. He opened the door as you pushed him inside. He stumbled on the backseat as you kept hitting his feet for him to make room for you. – “Reid don’t do this!” – Derek called out. – “Too bad.” – Spencer said jumping in the front seat despite Dean’s disliking.
“Sam move your big feet!” – you shouted as you were half in the car. Legs still on the ground. A gun shot got fired as it started you. It bounced off the roof above your head. Dean started the engine. – “Hang on.” – he called out hitting the gas. – “Sam!” – you yelled out as you almost got flung out of the car. Sam grabbed your arms, pulling you inside. Just as another bullet went your way.
One of the local officers was firing at you. Hotch pushed his arm down with a glare. – “Don’t shoot!” – he ordered loudly. You were able to shut the door still struggling to sit down properly while the car was moving. Dean’s eyes widened when he saw Derek stand in the distance. He had to spin the wheel rapidly to avoid him. The tires shrieked as you got flung to the side right onto Sam. Spencer was holding on tight to the dashboard fearing for his life. He never liked cars and the way Dean was racing made him panic.
Because of the quick maneuver, Dean had to spin the wheel back to avoid hitting another car parked. The car swung back as you got flung to the other side. Your head hitting the side of the car. Sam had held on tight so he couldn’t fall on you. Dean finally was able to get the car steady, racing off the parking lot. – “Everyone good?” – Dean asked checking his rearview mirror to look at Sam and you. Sam held his thumb out, out of breath to answer properly.
Spencer swallowed nervously adjusting his tie. – “Y/n you good?” – Dean asked needing a clear response from you. You touched your head, looking down at your fingers. Seeing specks of blood, you knew the knock on your head from the car had been hard. – “All good.” – you said hiding your hand. You wiped your fingers dry on your shirt hoping the wound wouldn’t be that clear to them. – “That was insane.” – Spencer said with a loud exhale. Agreeing you slapped Sam hard against his arm. – “Au!” – he called out startled. – “Who’s stupid idea was this?” – you asked loudly. – “You Dean?” – you blamed as he shook his head. – “It was your boyfriends stupid idea to just waltz into the station.”
You shot a glare at Spencer for being so reckless. He turned around in his seat to look at you. – “I couldn’t just leave you in there.” – he answered as you slapped him as well. – “Au! Sorry.” – Spencer outed rubbing his arm. – “And the stupid animal roars? Who’s stupid idea was that.” – you called out seeing that Sam held his finger up with shame. You wanted to slap him again, but slapped Dean’s arm instead. – “Hey! What was that for?” – Dean replied loud. – “For letting him do it!” – you answered. – “We got you out didn’t we?” – Dean spoke back. You exhaled deep letting yourself fall back in the backseat.
Touching your forehead you started to feel the headache from the bump come in. Your brothers and Spencer interpretated it as you wanting to be left alone. Dean kept driving wanting to be sure no one was following him. He knew the problem wasn’t gone but at least they got you back. That was all that mattered at the moment. To be reunited with family. Dean let go of the steering wheel with one hand wanting to search the glove compartment for something. – “Let me.” – Spencer suggested wanting to help out.
“I got it.” – Dean grunted out still struggling to open it. – “Just let me help.” – Spencer offered again as Dean gave up. – “Fine! The map.” – he said. Spencer searched for the map unfolding it. Dean glanced to the side trying to get a glance of the map. Sam came closer grabbing the back of Spencer’s seat. Moving his arm over it, he wanted to point at something on the map. – “We could go here. This route is long and calm. We could for sure stop on the way for some stuff.” – Sam spoke making Spencer move his shoulder out of the way. – “Sure what do you say Y/n?” – he asked turning his head to look at you.
You shrugged your shoulders. – “Anything that could give me some painkillers.” – you answered. – “Are you in pain?” – he asked as suddenly his eyes widened. – “Did they hurt you?” – he freaked out. – “No!” – you said loud. – “I just have a headache.” – you reassured him. Dean drove till the third small convenience store just to be certain. All four of you got out of the car. – “I’ll gas up.” – Dean said moving to the gas pump. – “Bring me some snack!” – he pointed at Sam who answered by gestured his hand up.
A little bell rang as you opened the door. – “You go get us some drinks.” – Sam said motioning to Spencer. Spencer nodded walking to the back of the store. You parted ways with Sam. Sam in search of snacks and supplies. You in search for some painkillers. You came into the pharmaceutical row. Searching the shelves, you came across some bandages. It made you stop hesitantly to grab them. Touching your forehead again, you felt the wetness under your hair.
Sighing loud, you took them. You then grabbed the painkillers just as Spencer rounded your row. Under his armpits he carried a few water bottles. – “Hey uhm… is this good enough?” – he asked for validation. You hummed soft seeing him sigh relieved. It was then that he noticed the bandages in your hand. – “Are you alright babe?” – he came closer grabbing you by the wrist. It was only then that he noticed the wettened darkness in your hair right by your hairline. – “You’re bleeding!” – he called out worried, tightening his grip around your wrist. – “It’s nothing.” – you reassured him. – “I bumped my head against the car, that’s all.” – you told him.
“Still! You should’ve told us.” – he spoke as another woman came in the row. The way she was looking at you made you feel uneasy. What if your face was already spread out on the tv. Warning people of the dangerous killer. You grabbed Spencer by the arm, pulling him with you out of the row. – “We’re leaving.” – you whispered to him, meeting up with Sam near the counter. You dropped the supplies on the counter, waiting impatiently as the cashier took his time to scan the items.
Behind him was a tv playing the news. They were speaking off political things, but how badly you didn’t want to see your face pop up.  Spencer noticed how anxious you were, grabbing your hand. Sam paid as you grabbed almost all of it, leaving the store in a haste. Spencer smiled sheepishly at the cashier, taking the remaining things you forgot to gather in your arms. He left with Sam as they saw you hurry over to the car. – “What?” – Dean called out confused as you opened the trunk, throwing everything in. – “Car now!” – you said making him jump in action.
Spencer and Sam sped up getting in the backseat as you had taken the front seat. Dean started the car without questioning. On the main road he dared to ask what made you freak out. – “What happened?” – he asked glancing over to you. You exhaled deep, letting yourself slide down your seat. – “I have this feeling my face is going to appear on the tv.” – you told them. – “I felt like everyone in that store was looking suspicious at me.”
“They probably weren’t.” – Sam said moving a hand to your shoulder. – “In case you forgot I’m still wanted for murder. Perhaps even more now that you broke me out of the police station. It won’t take long before they start searching with choppers or so.” – you answered in a panic. Dean tapped your knee harshly. – “Hey! Snap out of it! They aren’t going to find you!” – he reassured you in a loud tone. His words didn’t ease your worries. – “We’ll camp in the woods for today.” – he offered in the hopes to ease you more. You slowly nodded, turning away to stare out of the window.
Dean drove off road heading into the woods imprisoning the main road. A road where he had passed barely any other car. He drove to an opener space between the trees. The four of you got out to take a breather. Dean decided to check on the guns. Sam went to have a look around to be certain the coast was clear. You were leaning against the hood, arms crossed. Spencer cleared his throat coming in sight, waving the bandages and painkillers in his hand. – “Did someone call for a nurse?” – he said in an attempt to make you smile.
You barely smiled as he approached. – “I… I uhm… I never got the chance to ask you about… you know.” – he started moving some hair aside. – “You mean my lock-up?” – you responded. He nodded taking some wipes to clean your wound. – “It… it… I don’t know.” – you sighed out trying not to focus on the stinging. – “They said I could get 30 years Spence.” – you told him. – “You aren’t getting 30 years Y/n. You didn’t kill anyone.” – he responded lowering his hands to grab a new wipe. – “I know that. You know that but they don’t.” – you explained with a sigh.
You turned your head to look away. Spencer breathed out soft, turning your head back by your chin. –“We’ll figure something out. I don’t care if I have to forge evidence or not, but you aren’t going to prison, Y/n.” – he told you making you smile faintly. – “So you’ll take 30 years for forgery.” – you teased giving him a soft nudge against his chest. Spencer smiled. – “Maybe they’ll let us spend 30 years together?” – he joked setting his hands on the hood around you. – “I doubt it.” – you scrunched your nose making him tap your nose.
He grabbed a bandage, covering up your wound with it. You took a deep breath, your mind caught in a thinking process. Spencer hummed loud to get your attention. Wanting you to share your thoughts with him. You exhaled deep. – “I…back there… I had this feeling that Hotch was believing me. That he could tell I was innocent. I can’t be certain, but it felt nice to be believed even if it was just a mirage.” – you outed making Spencer wrap his arms around you. – “He loves you; the teams loves you. Hotch will do anything in his power that you are unharmed.” – he answered. You grabbed your head, shaking it. – “I just feel like I am losing my mind.”
Spencer brought your hands down. – “You aren’t.” – he whispered cupping your cheeks. He kissed your lips tenderly as it warmed your heart for a moment. Sam and Dean returned to the car as the sun was lowering. The four of you got back in the car. Spencer and you in the back, Sam, and Dean in the front seats. All of you were munching on some snacks. – “So what do we do now?” – Spencer asked curious. Dean took a deep breath. – “I don’t know.” – he said. – “We don’t have many options.” – you told them.
“Either I leave the country, or I turn myself in.” – it was bittersweet but the harsh reality. – “You aren’t going to do any of those.” – Sam made clear. – “We’ll just… just…” – Spencer sighed. – “Those are worries for tomorrow. Let’s not think about that tonight.” – he continued. You snuggled up to him as best as you could in the car. Sam and Dean lowered themselves in their seat to lay better. Spencer kissed your forehead wrapping an arm around you.
Exhaling peacefully you closed your eyes to catch some sleep. Dean looked back to you with a saddened smile. How he wished you hadn’t been the target. He couldn’t sleep that much so he decided to get out of the car. He came sitting on the hood, watching the stars. He turned his head hearing a door shut. He huffed humored seeing Sam join him, offering beer. He accepted it as Sam joined him on the hood. – “What do we do?” – Dean questioned. Sam sighed deep. – “I’m not sure but we’ll figure something out.”
Spencer shot awake at the horn going off loud. – “Wake up sunshine!” – Dean teased as you woke up as well. – “What is it?” – Spencer asked rubbing his eyes. – “We’ve got work to do.” – Dean answered as Sam showed him something off his phone. It took Spencer a few moments to clearly see it and read it. You read along over his shoulder. – “Are you serious?” – Spencer questioned. – “Yep!” – Dean said. – “Isn’t that dangerous with Y/n. What if people are looking for her? I’m not putting her in more danger then before.” – he interfered as you hugged his arm, finding it sweet how caring he was.
“Hey, our job doesn’t stop. It’s around the clock no matter what.” – Dean spoke back with some arrogance as if Spencer wouldn’t understand. – “Relax we aren’t putting Y/n in any openness.” – Sam interrupted. – “That is why you are coming with us scholar boy.” – Dean mocked with a laugh. – “Me? Go hunting with… with you two?” – suddenly he felt shaky as you calmed him down by stroking his back. – “Y/n will stay in the car out of sight, and you’ll be an extra.” – Dean clarified. – “So… so what will you have me do?” – He was very curious about his task and if he was up to it.
“Nothing much you can leave the hardcore hunting to us. You’ll just have to run around and lure it to us.” – Dean couldn’t help himself but smile, checking on Spencer through the rearview mirror. – “So I’m just bait?” – he specified with a slight panic. – “That’s right Daphne so buckle up.” – Dean joked. – “But Daphne always get’s caught in Scooby Doo.” – Spencer called out. – “Then you better not get caught.” – Dean answered stepping on the gas.
Spencer swallowed nervously leaning back in his seat. – “It will be alright Spence.” – you said trying not to smile. Picturing Spencer’s first hunt seemed overly funny to you. Spencer quirked his eyebrow at you, trying to figure out if you were smiling at him or laughing about him. You quickly kissed him to stop overthinking it. Spencer sighed deep feeling a bit anxious about his first hunt of the supernatural.  
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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"...The first and only therapist I ever saw tried to vaporize my sister in order to influence certain students at my school to commit suicide."
Harley stared down at the kid, nodding with understanding. "That's rough, buddy."
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ladyveronikawrites · 3 days
I'M YOURS TO KEEP, SO SINK YOUR TEETH INTO ME 18 + (Chris Motionless x Nicholas Ruffilo)
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Friends in Sin Kinktober 2024
Motionless in White Kinktober 2024 - DAY ONE
🥀For @ao3userfeistycadavers Friends in Sin Kinktober 2024 Collection
-crossposted on wattpad
🥀Pairing: Vampire! Chris Motionless x Vampire! Nicholas Ruffilo
🥀Summary: In this dystopian regency tale, Christopher drags the prince to the city for a night of fun and fright.
🥀Content warning: Supernatural Au, breath play, blood drinking, blood sharing, blow jobs, use of magic,
🥀Author's note: Title comes from Blessthefall's 'Drag Me Under". Story inspired by N. Dune's "Within Her Magic". Shout out to @nerdraging4point0 for being my lovely beta reader💜pics of inspiration (all sfw) chris // nick // the twins 💜Dividers by @saradika-graphics
🥀 word count - 2k
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Nicholas groans as he rolls out of bed. Peering up at the setting sun and rubs his eyes warily, a yawn overtaking his whole body with a stretch. He doesn’t know how long he’s been cooped up in his father’s mansion- a punishment for the lack of an heir - but what his father doesn’t know is how he’s been intentionally making himself infertile from a concoction of magical herbs. Nick is tired of his family's traditional bullshit. 
He dresses quickly in ripped jeans and a tight black cotton turtleneck shirt his secret boyfriend stashed for him in the depths of his walk-in closet. After sliding on a pair of boots he’s only worn twice in his life, he drapes himself in a long leather trench coat his boyfriend insisted he wear tonight.
Nick sighs deeply, rolling his eyes as he sends a silent prayer to the void that this night doesn’t go horribly wrong, and he jumps out of the window.
In his bat form, it doesn’t take him long to reach the edge of the city when he knows his boyfriend will be there. They've done this before, but not this risky yet Nick doesn’t have a fuck to give anymore. 
He shifts back into his human body, hair loose and wild against the cool breeze surrounding him. For a heartbeat- if he had one - he drinks in his lover’s appearance and smirks. 
“Fuckin dork,” Nick huffs a laugh, gripping the collar of his love’s coat to pull him into a deep kiss. It’s slow and unhurried, a wet tongue sliding between a pair of lips where they exchange hot breaths and hushed moans. Cool metal brushes against his skin when sloppy kisses mark his cheek and trail down his jaw. 
“We should go, Christopher,” Nick mumbles. The lips pressed against his throat suck an annoyed mark onto his skin. “Seriously,” his voice is flat with an edge of irritation. 
“Relax babe,” Chris whispers hotly in his ear. “We’ve got all the time in the world.” Chris ignores Nick’s request as he continues to pepper kisses on his tattooed skin.
“What if he finds out?”
“I’ve missed you so much,” Chris whines ignoring Nick’s concern, grabbing his lover's hand he whisks them away into the neon city lights.
Nicholas still gets nauseous when Christopher takes them at supernatural speeds, despite them traveling this way almost daily. He wretches behind a large burning metal canister in the dank alleyway, wiping his mouth with his hand, he swallows down more bile. 
“You ok, my love?” Chris asks caressing Nicholas’ cheek which flushes against his touch. 
“I’m fine,” he scoffs pulling away, attempting to hide his embarrassment but he knows Chris sees right through it. 
“C’mon, let’s go dance until the sunrises.” Chris winks, lifting Nicholas’ hand to press gentle kisses to each knuckle.
At the bar, Nicholas settles his stomach by tossing back some bright fluorescent blue liquid Christopher thrust into his hand before disappearing onto the dancefloor. He knows that any minute now, Chris will be returning to drag him to the dancefloor. It’s their usual song and dance; literally, at least once a month when the moon is at its fullest, he takes the chance – when the neighboring territories get restless – Christopher finds them a new spot to get lost in. He knows it's only a matter of time before the King finds out, but he doesn’t care. 
What could possibly be worse than living a lie anyway? 
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The glass hardly makes contact with the granite bar top before Nicholas feels himself being dragged away from the booth.
“Darling, you will just love what I have found.” Nick’s eyes go wide when the crowd parts for two very beautiful beings. The neon strobe lights cast an ethereal halo around them. His fangs lengthen on instinct alone and he wills himself to calm down. Feeding may be one of the reasons Chris brought him out tonight – to help him gain strength from all the diluted blood from the hospitals and magical elixirs.
Ever since the slow decline of the human race, supernaturals have expanded across the territories to restore the earth from the poison of overconsumption and overpopulation. The lush green forests Nicholas would run wild in as a youngling were quickly bulldozed and destroyed to be turned into infrastructures for the new city. He watched as the world went from bright green and clear skies to cold concrete and gray. Small aspects of the old world still remain in these long-forgotten cities. 
“Wow,” is all Nick can muster as his brain filters through the loud electronic synth and the dense air around him. He barely registers the bodies dancing and grinding around him – his attention fixed on them. It’s their alluring scent that hits him first as they approach him, both blonde with clear blue eyes and light-tanned skin that has seen more sun than he has. But they don’t have the typical scent of other occult. 
Nicholas stands frozen in time as the female approaches him with her simple long white dress and long pin-straight tresses. It’s carefree and unhurried as if she wasn't afraid of being prey tonight, even though she is. With outstretched arms, she pulls the tinted glasses from his eyes causing him to blink a few times. Her skin is clear of ink, branding, or other indication of being owned.
“You have gorgeous eyes.” She smiles as she places them on her face before turning her petite frame and grinding up against him. Nicholas doesn’t stop the groan that settles deep in his throat. Her body pressed up against his feels so– 
Suddenly large warm hands grip his hips as a solid chest presses against his back. Nicholas tenses to the unfamiliar touch as the scent overwhelms him. 
The male. 
“Relax little prince,” his male’s soft sultry voice sends a shiver down his spine. “Your hottie already threatened to rip us into pieces if we misbehave.” The male doesn’t stop his teasing when he trails kisses down Nick’s jaw and the exposed skin about the turtleneck. Nick leans back into him craving more of his touch. He feels something warm like static electricity hovering over his skin, pulling him in, enticing him to slide his hands over the female in front of him. 
“It’s ok, just a little magic. But we aren’t controlling you — just enhancing your mind to what you already desire.”
“Looks like you all are having some fun.” A deep chuckle rumbles from behind him. Nick’s eyes jolt open when fingers grip his chin. When he meets his lover’s eyes, he finds them darkened to onyx and shimmering in lust. Pressure deepens around his jaw as Chris pulls Nicholas from the twins and into his embrace. Chris leans down and sucks Nick’s lower lip between his teeth. Nick presses his hands against Chris’ chest, as Chris threads his fingers through his hair, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss. The world around them slows as the two share a heated moment that leaves them both a little breathless.  
When the two ancient vampires' part, Christopher guides the group to the back where there’s a scattering of leather sofas. The vampires discard their coats onto an empty seat, and then Nicholas turns to the female. The most beautiful sound comes from her parted lips when Nicholas drags her onto his lap. 
“What’s your name, human?” he asks softly, tucking a loose strand of her bright starlight hair behind her delicate ear.
“Daphne, your Highness.” Nicholas watches as she lowers her gaze in submission. 
Being the royal outcast, most pay no mind to him – which he prefers – yet this subtle act has him completely and utterly flustered. “Don’t worry my prince, I will take excellent care of you,” she leans over to whisper in his ear. 
He feels the gentle pull of magic relax him as he leans back and puts his arms around her waist. As she grinds against him, she peppers sweet kisses to his cheeks and jaw. He gasps when she sucks at the delicate skin of his throat, pressing herself harder against his erection. Instantly his fangs extend, and he can’t help when he yanks at her strands pulling her away. 
Getting the hint, she stretches her neck long and his vision focuses on the tender flesh of her throat, a small vein pulses in time with the music surrounding them. Nicholas wraps his strong arms around her, holding her tightly. Inhaling her sweet scent, he drags his nose across the bare skin, and it pebbles instantly. She shivers gracefully and a small moan tumbles from her lips when he kisses and licks at the crook of her neck.
“May I taste you?” He practically moans against her skin, his lips grazing the large vein on the side of her neck. “Please,” he whimpers sucking in a sob.
“Of course, your Highness.” She gasps when his fangs scrape at first, then her body melts into his with a soft moan when he pierces her skin. Her blood tastes of petrichor, of the lost forests, before the humans depleted the earth. The magic in his veins yearn for her, for the land before time. 
Feverishly, he digs his nails into her hips, grinding against her as he takes another pull of her blood. He’s so close to climax it’s almost painful. It’s then he hears the male moan beside him jolting him from the trance. 
Daphne sighs softly when he detaches his mouth from her. Nicholas wipes his mouth on the back of his hand ready to excuse himself to wash away the blood but when he looks down, his brows burrow. Where red usually lies is an unusually clear substance. He looks over to Daphne and his mouth drops open. Her clear blue eyes are now bright green, her ears are pointed, and the wound on her neck is now healing. 
Nicholas tenses, eyes alert despite the edges of his vision darkening. 
“Nick, it’s alright,” Chris’ words slur slightly. “They are here to serve us.” Serve us? “Your father-” Nick turns to find the male silencing Chris with a kiss. He watches as Chris yanks at the blond, bringing his lips to the pale column of his neck. Chris flicks his gaze up to Nick before sinking his teeth in. The male’s mouth slacks into a perfect ‘o’ shape and his eyes roll back. The sight only has Nicholas aroused all over again. 
In a blur, Nicholas finds himself being pinned to the couch by the throat. Chris has always been one to be a little reckless, especially in public because of his exhibitionistic nature. Nick will gladly let him be the center of attention if that means he can sink into the shadows. 
“You good?” Chris pants, grinning wildly. Nick answers with a wicked grin, digging his nails into Chris’ hips and thrusting up into him. The friction against his jeans isn’t enough and it’s driving Nick feral. Chris leans down capturing his moan in between his lips. In the corner of his vision, he sees Daphne fall to her knees and the male stands behind her pushing her hair over to the other shoulder to offer her neck once again. Chris spears his lips apart with his tongue as he grinds against him. 
“Open up, darling,” Christopher commands and Nicholas obeys. Chris turns to the female and doesn’t hesitate when he bites down on her neck. She moans loudly and starts to shake, but the male clamps his hands on her shoulders to keep her steady. He detaches himself from the girl and spits the fae blood into his lover’s mouth. 
Nicholas swallows every bit, the magical blood instantly setting his veins alight. It’s all tongue and teeth this time when they kiss. Suddenly, there’s heat around his neck and it’s hard to breathe — Christopher’s element of air. Nick whines when they part, but only for a second when Chris pulls him from his jeans. He sucks him down fast and in no time at all Nick is shooting hot cum in the back of his throat, panting for air. Chris dutifully licks and sucks him clean - releasing his magic –  before crawling back and pressing a chaste kiss to his boyfriend’s lips.
“That…was…amazing,” Nick pants. “Where did the twins go?” 
Christopher gently pulls Nicholas upright and wraps his arm around him. “Probably to get a drink or dance.” Melancholy grips at Nick’s stomach briefly. He nuzzles himself against Chris as his senses begin to dull. “We will see them again,” Chris promises. “Now let’s get you home before the King finds out.” 
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tysm for reading and reblogging❤️
👑Royal Readers👑
@deathblacksmoke @mysticdoodlez @sitkowski @snarkysolaris @collapsedglasshouses @shilohrosechicken
@cookiesupplier @iknownothingpeople @dominuslunae @agravemisstake @the-ancient-fae
@itsafullmoon @philomenie @th4t-em0-k1d @baddestomens @rumoured-whispers
@blackveilomens @sorrowsofsilence @tearfallpixie @nerdraging4point0
@omensbrainrot @awkwardalex @latenightmusiclover
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julesthequirky · 6 months
The Choice: Chapter Twelve
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn’t be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there’s a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters: Fem!Reader, Dean, Beau, Soldier Boy/Ben.
Warnings: Language, typical Soldier Boy behaviour, smidge of angst,
W/C: 1,623
You closed the bedroom door as quietly as you could. It clicked softly. Ben’s form shifted, duvet rustling.
“Where’d you go?”
His voice rasped, full of sleep.
He grunted.
You pulled one side of the sheets back and slipped into bed. Ben didn’t wait for you to get comfy. His heavy arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer. He slipped his hand under your pyjama top, seeking skin, fingers splaying across the side of your body. He nuzzled your hair, beard lightly scraping across your scalp, lips moving as he murmured by your ear.
“Preferred it before you changed.”
You felt his lips spread into a smile before kissing you and settling back down.
You didn’t reciprocate. Just laid there, facing the ceiling, a million thoughts running around in your head.
He had the potential to impregnate you. Possibly more than any other male on the damn planet. You sure as Hell weren’t dumb enough to think he wanted more. No, it was just a bit of fun. And for you? You were already attached but weren’t dumb enough to believe he’d fall for you.
“We forgot to use a condom.”
Ben hmmed into your hair.
He didn’t care.
How could you explain it? The differences between you both. He wouldn’t understand.
“It’s kinda a big deal…”
Ben huffed. He had been happy. Content, even. Now, he was annoyed. And that was down to you.
“Didn’t hear you complainin’ bout it earlier.”
No. You hadn’t, had you.
“ ’sides, thought you wanted to get knocked up anyway.”
It wasn’t like that. Yeah, you wanted a baby. But you wanted more.
“I want a family.”
He scoffed.
“Family fucks you up.”
His words left you feeling deflated. Empty. Alone. Hell, it wasn’t like you were proposing to him or even telling him you wanted to be with him. Then why did it feel like a rejection? Did you want him? To be with him?
Don’t be absurd.
But he was right. Family did fuck you up. You could attest to that. Just look at the fraught relationship you had with your mother. But you wanted to be better. You wanted to create happy memories with a husband and a kid.
“Go to sleep, sweetcheeks.”
Yeah. You should. But the thought of getting pregnant occupied your mind.
Ben said he was on the way to Vought Tower when he suddenly appeared at your home. And in Walmart he’d already mentioned Homelander being his kid. Both Homelander and Ryan were born biologically as Supes, not injected like the rest. It meant that if you did get pregnant, the kid would be the first Supe to enter the real world.
Fear slammed into you, taking the breath from your chest. You’d be all alone, with no idea how to raise a child with powers. How would you explain it to authority figures? Would they take the child away? A child you’d so desperately wanted. Gone. And probably used as a weapon by the government. No, you’d have to keep the child a secret.
When you managed to sleep, dreams of Ben’s kid coming into his powers and destroying the house, the town, and you plagued you all night.
You jerked awake after a particularly nasty dream where Ben’s kid erupted in a ball of flames in your arms. Cold sweat covered you, strands of hair stuck to your forehead, and your mouth felt like you’d eaten cotton balls.
The warm, calloused hand on your breast pulled you from your reverie.
“You kick. Whatcha dreamin’ bout?”
Yeah, you’d woken up a few times that night. You didn’t answer him. Couldn’t. You were unsure what to tell him. Guilt settled in your chest as Ben nuzzled closer. He was feeling extremely touchy-feely after last night. But you weren’t. Because if you weren’t careful, he would end up between your legs again.
Regretfully, you pushed his hand off your breast. The cool morning air caused your skin to break out in goosebumps. You missed the warmth of his touch on your skin as you moved away.
He huffed. “What’s gotcha ass so wound up?”
“Just tired.” Was your monotone response.
It wasn’t a lie. You were tired. But dear God, you couldn’t cope with another one of those dreams.
“Was hopin’ for some mornin’ nookie.”
His fingers slipped over your thigh, seeking the apex.
“ ’m not in the mood.”
Ben shrugged and removed his hand. “Suit yaself.”
Behind you, the sheet rustled, and you felt the mattress lift.
“I don’t know what you think I’ve done, but I’ve been nothing but a gentleman.”
You turned, ready to remedy the situation. Ben stood gloriously naked, sporting a semi. He looked like a Greek god, sculpted to perfection.
“I’m sorry. I’m just…I’m freaking out.”
Ben walked around the bed, moving to the built-in wardrobe.
“About what?”
You stayed silent for a beat. You stared down at your fingernails.
“What if I get pregnant?” It came out in a whisper.
Ben sighed. You looked back up and watched as he stepped into underwear, pulling them up his legs and tucking himself away.
“Then you deal with it.”
“I don’t know anything about raising a Supe.”
Ben turned to you, lifting an undershirt on.
”Who said you’d be on your own.”
Your brows furrowed, then. “You would stay if I did?”
“I’m saying I’d do the right thing. I wouldn’t let you drown.”
He kicked yesterday’s sweatpants back on and left you to ponder his words as he headed into the bathroom.
Downstairs, Beau and Dean were clucking away like hens in the kitchen. Your name cropped up on more than one occasion.
“You talking about me.”
Ben had decided to shower while in the bathroom, so instead of sitting there, you decided to grab a coffee and at least try to wake up.
Beau passed you a fresh steaming mug.
“Just natural concern is all.”
“You need to be careful—”
You eased yourself into a seat and held up a hand to Dean. You took your first sip of coffee and savoured the fresh taste. Fuck. There was no way you could go back to shitty instant. Dean had ruined you.
God. You didn’t want to hear it right now.
“Can I please have some peace for five minutes? Is that too hard to ask for?”
“He’s gonna break your heart, and you’re too dumb to realise that.”
You turned to him, mouth falling open, offended. And hurt. It felt like a punch to the gut.
“Woah, okay. Dean’s just looking out for you. We both are.”
“I’m not an idiot.”
“Ain’t no one calling you one, darlin’,” Beau reassured. “We were just discussing if Ben’s intentions were the same as yours.”
Intentions? What the Hell was this? Some kind of weird intervention?
You scrubbed a hand down your face. It was far too early to be doing this.
“I don’t know what last night was. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did. I’m not stupid, okay. I know that it’s not anything to him. Just a bit of fun.”
Dean stood, leaning against a counter with his arms crossed over his chest. He quirked his brows at it being a bit of fun, and for some reason, you felt your neck and cheeks flame from embarrassment.
You gulped down some coffee, scalding your throat. Both Dean and Beau were quiet. Water dripped from the tap, and your stomach gurgled, reminding you that you hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon.
“Maybe…maybe…and It’s a crazy thought. Maybe you shouldn’t sleep beside Ben.”
You blinked in surprise. Excuse me? What? Had you heard that right?
“You picked straws. Ben pulled the shortest. You know that.”
“Yes. I know that. I’m just lookin’ out for ya. And I know Beau agrees with me.”
You looked from Dean to Beau. He opened his mouth, looked at Dean, and then back at you.
“We’re concerned, that’s all. He ain’t a good guy, and what Dean’s proposing is not a bad idea. We’re lookin’ out fer ya.”
You couldn’t believe it.
“Your noses ain’t so clean either. You thought it was funny to take the piss outta Ben in the store. And you’ve left him out of whatever bromance this has become. You guys are the mean guys here. At least Ben’s just being himself.”
You didn’t want to hear any more. You pushed back the chair and left the kitchen with your coffee mug before they could say something else.
You hoped Ben was out of the shower. Hell, at this point, you were thinking of getting back at them by indulging Ben with some morning nookie, as he put it. But you knew you’d just feel guilty after, and you didn’t want to use Ben to get back at Dean and Beau.
You stormed into your room and plonked your mug on the dresser. Ben stood in the middle of the room, drying himself, smirking and shaking his head.
“He likes you. Why’d you think he’s ridin’ yer ass so hard? Sweetcheeks, he prolly heard me fucking you so hard. And d’ya wanna know something? I bet it turned him on something real good. Hearing your screams. I bet he jerked himself off. I would’ve.”
You blinked.
“Stop being so crude.”
You barged into the ensuite, leaving Ben to chuckle to himself.
But Ben had got to you. Images of Dean flashed inside your mind. Images of him sitting in bed, head leant back, eyes closed, with his hand wrapped around his cock, fist surging up and down. Heat washed down your body, along with the familiar prickling of arousal. And you wondered. Were they the same size?
Tags: @yvonneeeee, @curlycarley, @angelbabyyy99, @sassy-pelican, @k-slla, @deans-spinster-witch, @ashdoctor, @eretsupremacy89, @fanfic-n-tabulous, @deans-number-one-fan, @afro-hispwriter, @tiredstrangerr, @zemosdarling228, @justjensenandhisalteregos, @ladysparkles78, @nescavaneck, @winharry, @stellasfictionalworld, @mishkatelwarriorgoddess, @freefallthoughts, @realityshifter111, @p33tamallark, @hobby27, @grxyveins
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alicetallula · 15 days
Detroit : Become Human Reverse Big Bang 2024 - Get a Life and Learn to Live by LadyDrace - 20.09.2024
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It was a pleasure to work with @ladydrace on this Supernatural AU for the @dbh-bb 😊
I had a lot of fun exchanging ideas and collabing 💜💙
Banner - Get a Life and Learn to Live by LadyDrace - 20.09.2024
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Done using ink pens, gel pens, alcohol marker, alcohol markers, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the title and credits
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Banner as is - Hank's purple hawaiian shirt and Connor's tie on top of it, both strewn on the floor - Get a Life and Learn to Live by LadyDrace - 20.09.2024
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Done using ink pens, alcohol markers, gel pens and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
Hank in the Shower - Get a Life and Learn to Live by LadyDrace - 20.09.2024
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Done using watercolors, ink pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, gel pens, metallic ink pens, graphite pencils, acrylic paint pens and Photoshop for the water and fog effects
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
HankCon ready for battle - Get a Life and Learn to Live by LadyDrace - 20.09.2024
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Here the drawing that was done for claims at the time :3
Done using watercolors, ink pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, gel pens, metallic ink pens, graphite pencils, metalliic watercolors and acrylic paint pens
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
HankCon Kiss with Fireworks - Get a Life and Learn to Live by LadyDrace - 20.09.2024
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Done using watercolors, ink pens, colored pencils, alcohol markers, a metallic ink pen, graphite pencils and Photoshop for the fireworks and light effects
AO3 post / DeviantArt post / Instagram post / Pillowfort post / Twitter post
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Let's be honest. If humans ever find out that the Autobots and Decepticons were real aliens, most of them really don't care. Many folks either have friends, family, classmates or coworkers who are Toons thus nothing can really faze them. Oh? Megatron threatens to blow up the Earth? Cue a bunch of Toons sabotaging EVERYTHING.
War is boring so why not have some fun? Any Cybertronian artifacts on Earth would be deemed irretrievable since they are most likely within the vicinity of a Toon. Only way for anyone to make strides on this insane planet is with help from a human.
Megatron just squirming as trying to catch an organic without alerting one of those THINGS is going to be very very difficult.
Omph, I would say it would depend on the universe. Something like G1 will be for light-hearted when combined with Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but something like TFP or IDW would be darker. I mean, they're not human, so rights for them would be a long process across the century (or longer if we want to delve into a universe where all forms of cartoons were able to come to life).
I personally find it hilarious if there's actually more alien visitors in these kinds of crossovers, but humans think it's a running joke or a ridiculously long setup since they got used to a variety of space-themed Toons.
It doesn't help that Daffy Duck still has his Duck Dodgers costume, and the theme song plays whenever he comes across a Cybertronian.
Actually, retract it all. It's definitely G1 because the Autobots love basketball, and everyone knows Space Jam, so it really doesn't help with the Cybertronians' "we are from a completely different planet" stance.
Oh no, the 'bots will be hounded by scouts, both human and Toon, for the yearly games. Nothing gets Americans more riled up than their sport teams.
The 'cons join because they refuse to be left out.
Michael Jordan gets literally roped into another golf hole to be their basketball coach. Again.
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tobias-hankel · 9 months
❤️2023 Quan-Tea-Co Fics Recs🖤
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The wonderful members of our discord server, Quan-Tea-Co, have written a lot of fanfics this year - this is the rec list!
🖤 SFW No Ship Fics
the friendship we have is a rare find by cherubcurls, Gen, In and out. “I've got this.” she affirmed to herself breathily, looking down at her hands that held two cups of coffee rather than one, still steaming, still fresh. Her heart swelled with affection. She grinned, “We've got this.” OR; Penelope and Spencer agree to meet up to have a study session before finals. A couple of things change and they end up not studying at all.
and i saw my life in photographs of faded memories by whateverislovely, Gen, Morgan reminds him just a little too much of the football players who bullied him relentlessly all through high school and even college. He’s big and imposing, with bulging muscles and a look on his face that says, Are you kidding me? when Hotch informs him that Spencer is the newest member of the BAU team. Five times Spencer misinterprets Morgan's intentions, and one time he's finally able to straighten things out.
where do we begin to get clean again by whateverislovely, Teen, Spencer often participates in toasts with the group using water or tea or potato chips instead of alcohol. This fic explores the events that may have led him to stop drinking.
silence like a cancer grows by whateverislovely, Teen, Diana doesn’t forgive Spencer for having her institutionalized… at least, not right away.
❤️Mature No Ship Fics
Surrender by @starzzyeyed, Mature, He doesn't want this, not really. He never wanted it. But he's in too deep now, and getting out seems less and less possible as the days trickle on, like sand through an hourglass. Or: An in depth look at Reid's addiction, and what it might have been like for him.
what’s this, the consequences of my actions? by cherubcurls, Mature, Because Spencer wasn’t used to safe. He needed adrenaline to pump through his veins and soften the blow for him to have a good day. His family never really liked how violent he was. OR; Spencer comes back home from a particularly horrible fight and his Dad is less than amused.
Solved Game by Boots17, Mature, Solved game: a game whose outcome can be correctly predicted from any position, assuming that the game is played perfectly. A season 12 canon divergence in which Mr. Scratch dies a little too early, Reid accepts the plea deal, and Cat Adams plays a very long game. Years later, the two finally get their rematch.
Ships are under the cut
🖤SFW Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid
A Gentle Touch Hurts So Much by ProfessorWorm, Gen, Spencer has unaddressed childhood fears dredged up by Aaron’s attempt to help him recover from his knee injury.
Day 4 - FFC - Second Love by a1_kitkat, Teen, Spencer never much cared for anniversaries, neither does Aaron… this time there’s an exception.
There Are Secrets That We Still Have Left To Find by @starzzyeyed, Not Rated, Spencer Reid is seven years old the first time he comes out to anyone. Three times Spencer comes out, across three different points in his life, all with three very different outcomes.
❤️NSFW/Mature Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid
Subscribed by AestheticTek and @goobzoop, Explicit, After stressful cases, Hotch finds that camming in lingerie helps him to decompress, while Reid happens to stumble upon the most attractive man that greatly resembles his biggest crush, his boss.
The Absence of Sound by BluePenguinLightning, Mature, The sudden onslaught of sounds startled Spencer Reid awake, not that he ever slept well anyway. He hadn’t slept well in two hundred and seventy-four days. In all honesty, he wasn’t even sure how he managed to make it that far. In which Reid somehow manages to survive a sadistic psychopath but that's only the beginning.
kill your indulgences by cherubcurls, Explicit, Hotch was his; his to keep, his to possess, his to feed on. “No,” he tried to mumble. As best as he could with his canines still firmly lodged onto his throat. “Mine.” OR; Hotch lets Spencer feed on him.
The Boy by house_of_lantis, Explicit, Lord Aaron Hotchner is one of the most ruthless rulers of the City. But despite his fearsome reputation, Lord Hotchner is respected by his people and beloved by those closest to him. He strives to bring order and justice to the City and to protect it from anyone who dared threaten it. Spencer is the newest addition to Aaron’s private harem, stolen from his previous master. Affectionately nicknamed the Boy, he is the exclusive body slave to Lord Hotchner and he learns to navigate the politics of the harem.
Hide and Seek by Highway58, Explicit, An Unsub fixates on the BAU Team, determined to make them his passion project. Spencer Reid is his ultimate target but in order to get to him, he has to go through the people he holds most dear in his life.
Heathen by Highway58, Explicit, The dreams would not stop. Ever since the unexpected case in Las Vegas when he forced himself to confront his painful past, Spencer Reid had not been able to sleep. The visions haunted him relentlessly... he couldn't resist the need to forget it all. Something was happening to him. Something he'd been suppressing for most of his life, ever since that one moment in his childhood he couldn't--wouldn't--face. Soon, very soon... he wouldn't be able to resist his own biology. Even though he had no idea it was even part of him. He was just a Beta... right? Spencer Reid approaches a crossroads he never imagined he could face.
Ain't Always Gold by Highway58, Explicit, Omega Spencer gets knocked up by his Mate Aaron Hotchner in the wake of Emily's death and he doesn't know it until it's about to kill him.
Call Me Daddy by goobzoop, Explicit, Aaron teaches Spencer how to date, but it’s not women he’s making him better for. It’s himself.
Let Me Be Your Only Choice by TobiasHankel, Explicit, After Spencer is kidnapped by Hankel, the team expects to find the omega scared and possibly beaten. They didn’t expect to find Spencer next to a dead Alpha and dying from bond rejection. With limited options and a dying Spencer, Hotch is forced to make a decision that Spencer can’t even consent to in order to save his life.
Every Version of You by goobzoop, Explicit, Hotch's whole world comes crashing down the moment he witnesses his husband get injured right in front of him. Spencer makes it through, but the road to recovery is more difficult than he could have ever imagined. Or, amnesia fic!
A Fool There Was by reasonablerodents, Explicit, Hotch is using Spencer to take out his frustrations regarding his failing marriage. Spencer is so desperately in love with him that he’ll put up with anything- just as long as he can be close to Hotch.
Touch The Leather by reasonablerodents, Explicit, “Well, the problem with shoes is- um, they’re dirty, there’s a staggering amount of bacteria even on the cleanest ones, I don’t want…” He trails off again, swallowing hard. Or: Hotch wants Spencer to prove how much he loves him.
Room on the Third Floor by Matthew1972, Explicit, One minute Aaron Hotchner is walking free, contemplating a forever with Spencer… the next he gets snatched away. Locked up in a cage to the whims of an unsub unlike any other he's ever faced. A hunter and wildcat shifter trafficker. But then, his inner panther and human self alike refuse to be tamed and collared to live out his days as the wildcat alone. To be another victim sold. Will his defiance become his downfall? Or does Aaron get to return home to Spencer and see through on his proposal?
🖤SFW Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Maybe Someday Soon by @justjasper, Teen, "Derek talks about you." The Morgan women know that he's in love with Reid. They also know that he is absolutely clueless about it.
Washed Away by TobiasHankel, Teen, It had been over a year since Spencer Reid went missing after he was kidnapped by Tobias Hankel. He was presumed to be dead, but Morgan refused to believe it and move on. After a case takes the team back to the same state Spencer went missing in, Morgan might just get the answers he has been looking for.
❤️ NSFW/Mature Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Spun Hearts by JustJasper, Explicit, After a harrowing case Morgan needs control, and Reid needs a fix, and they wind up in bed. Reid sees this as a potential evolution of their relationship, but Morgan is adament that he's not gay. The path towards what they both want isn't a simple one, and a recurring case brings some painful things to bare as they both try to navigate what they are to each other.
When We're Together, Our Bodies They Start Fires by JustJasper, Explicit, 2x06, "The Boogey Man", Reid sits in a police station practicing trying to lockpick a pair of handcuffs with a paperclip. Some short time later, he misses a hangout with Morgan, who goes to check on him.
🖤 Other Ships
Home by KatrioneSpecterRossi, Explicit, Emily Prentiss/David Rossi, Usually when there's a disturbance in the middle of the night, it involves Emily waking up from a PTSD-induced nightmare with her gun pointing at her bed partner's head. This time when she wakes up, it's for a very different reason...that turns out being a great deal more fun.
Level Pegging by Starzzy, Explicit, Elle Greenaway/Spencer Reid, “I don’t need, or frankly have the time to have sex,” he manages at last, somehow forcing his feet to move and take him forwards to the coffee maker. He almost forgoes the sugar entirely, wanting the bitter taste to wake him up from this walking nightmare he seems to be living in right now. “All I’m saying is, you wouldn’t be my first,” Elle says as she comes up to stand next to him.
❤️ Crossovers
I Used to Dread the Thought of Falling Quickly by Chaotic_Librarian, Explicit, Supernatural, Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Spencer Reid/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Spencer Reid/Dean Winchester, Spencer Reid/Sam Winchester, Spencer Reid knows how to stumble into odd situations. But being kidnapped and then promptly flirted with? Seduced? by two of the FBI's Most Wanted? That has to take the cake. That, however, won't stop him from falling in love.
Entertained by Chaotic_Librarian, Explicit, Supernatural, Spencer Reid/Sam Winchester, Sam's sitting on his bar stool on the miniature stage again, his guitar in his lap.  Another stool serving as his table with a half-drunk glass of whiskey, he looks out across the mediocre crowd.  Typical Wednesday. That's his preferred crowd, anyway.  Joanne managing the bar, Pauline working the floor, and him on the stage as cheap entertainment.  Strumming his guitar and singing country songs he learned by heart years ago.  Sometimes he'll do requests.  But not often.  Not a lot of Kansans approach the stage when he's playing.  They just let him do his thing.
I Must Admit that I was Reeling by Chaotic_Librarian, Explicit, Supernatural, Spencer Reid/Sam Winchester, Aaron Hotchner/Dean Winchester, Spencer goes way too far to get closure on his fling with Sam Winchester. Because it was just a fling, right? It's not like they're meant to be, right?
To Love And To Be Loved In Return by reasonablerodents and Starzzy, Mature, Grease (1978), Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia/Derek Morgan, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner accepted a long time ago that he was never going to be able to be his true self. Not only was it illegal, it was highly unlikely that he’d ever find someone willing to be in hiding with him for the rest of their lives, unless America got a whole lot more open and accepting. That all changes when Spencer Reid transfers to Oakdale to finish his senior year.
Thank you everyone for making such great works this last year! The Quan-Tea-Co server is open to new members as long as you are over 18 years old. Invite Link.
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crazyinluvfix · 6 months
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FATAL ATTRACTION - a stiles stilinski story
summary: Sera Salvatore moved to Beacon Hills for a break from the supernatural. But her life was once again turned upside down when she and her two best friends get thrown head first into a world of werewolves and mystery. But it’s hard for her to protect her friends when a single werewolf bite is what could kill her for good…
WARNINGS: mentions of blood
a/n: this is just the intro ! future parts will be longer, that’s where the story really begins ;)
series masterlist
1.8k words
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Beacon Hills was supposed to be a sanctuary from all things supernatural.
After what felt like over a century (because it was), Sera Salvatore needed a break.
Which was admittedly a little hypocritical considering she herself was a vampire, but she was desperate for an escape from all the drama and chaos that her family - namely her brothers - had brought to Mystic Falls. So she decided to start afresh, again.
After only one year of living back in her hometown, she picked up and went to the furthest most point in the continental United States, which just so happened to land her here. From Georgia, all the way to sunny California. It would be a nice change.
She was fortunate enough that she could pass as quite young whenever she settled in a new place. With the help of makeup, clothing, and a healthy amount of dishonesty she managed to blend into freshman year at Beacon Hills High without anyone even batting an eye.
It was now one year ago today that she had started her first day, which turned out to be a breeze.
January 3rd, 2010
“You’re humiliating,” I expressed my annoyance flatly as I stood by the door, waiting for my brother to let go of my jacket that he had been straightening before I left the house.
He patted my shoulder with a motherly smile as if he was sending his child off to kindergarten, then took a step back to play the role further.
“Have you got everything?” he asked as he nodded to my bag.
I let out a breathy chuckle. I didn’t hate him as much as I let on… mostly.
“I packed you a blood bag for lunch,” he continued, that smirk of his right at home on his smug face - never a dull moment.
My hand reached for my keys on the side table as I walked backward towards the door, shaking my head to stop my lips from forming a smile of their own. “How thoughtful,” I retorted sarcastically.
But just as I was about to step outside I stopped to say one last thing, “Thanks for helping me move in and all,” my tone was much more genuine than it typically was when speaking to him, but I really was grateful.
Moving across the country would’ve been infinitely harder without his company on the road, and without being able to play the little sister card and sit back while he does the heavy lifting. But… and I would never admit it… but even now, starting a new school was just as scary as it always has been and a part of me liked that I had my big brother there to see me off.
I quickly cut our sappy little chat short with another comment, “But, I expect you to be gone when I get home.” I arched an eyebrow and pointed a finger at him.
He was definitely the fun brother, but with fun comes impulsivity - a trait that must be genetic, and must have skipped my twin - and with impulsivity comes a long string of ‘animal attacks’. And that was exactly the drama in question that I wanted to escape, so I had brought along a surplus of blood bags to hold me until I found a more permanent solution.
He held his hands up in surrender, “I’ll be out within the hour.”
“Okay. I’ll see ya,” I said finally as I stepped outside, hiding from the brisk winter cold in the confines of my leather jacket.
My words were met with another smile and a nod from my brother before he spoke again. “Tell me how it went when you’re home.” The protective mother was back. But this time, it wasn’t just a joke, he was lucky we had no witnesses since he’d hate to ruin his tough-guy persona.
I almost laughed at him again, but I didn’t. As humans me and my brothers were incredibly close, but over time that faded. Me and our other brother never really settled that, but over the past year back in Mystic Falls me and the eldest fell back into old patterns.
“I will,” I gave in with a joking eye-roll. “Bye Damon,” I waved his way.
“Bye Seffie,” he returned, getting a kick out of my suddenly sour face.
Seffie. A nickname he saddled me with at the age of 4 and has stuck with me ever since. But my real name was a mouthful, so I chose to go by Sera - a fact Damon will insist on disregarding for the rest of our eternal lives.
As I walked away my once friendly hand gesture turned into a middle finger as I heard him laugh behind me and shut the door as I made my way to my new school.
The moment I stepped foot in the doors I noticed some heads turn, some overheard whispers from passers-by that fuelled my ego just that bit more as I walked up to reception and signed in.
First-period English went smoothly, then it was History which ironically was focused on the confederacy (not me and my siblings' proudest fight). And it was safe to say the teacher was thoroughly impressed with my knowledge on the subject, little did he know I quite literally lived it.
But after class was when my day took a turn.
“1076, 1076,” I repeated under my breath as I went to scour the halls for my new locker, but the break rush made my search all the more difficult with what felt like a million people charging around.
But finally, I seemed to be in luck as I read the numbers to my right; 1080, 1079, 1078, 1077, and…
I took a deep breath and a frustrated sigh at the smug-faced, blond jock who had just practically booked it into my side, knocking all of my books out of my hands, and causing me to jump at the deafening sound of them hitting the tile floor. ‘Great,’ I thought satirically. The prick didn’t even bother to look back! Let alone be kind enough to help me pick them back up again.
But someone else did. In fact, two other boys seemed to have played witness and immediately came scrambling up to my side.
“Hey, uh-” the one with darker features and a crooked jawline, giving him a somewhat goofy smile stuttered, stopping after his friend who stood politely next to him not-so-subtly jabbed him in the side with his elbow, causing him to bring a hand to it and shoot his friend a glare.
“What he meant to say was, do you want a hand with that?” The slightly taller friend with the buzzed brown hair asked after his friend's failure to do so.
I could do nothing but laugh slightly at both of their clear excitement and reply with a smile, “I’d love one.”
Picking up books was a simple task that I most definitely could’ve done myself in probably half the time, but nothing compared to watching them both drop to the floor and bat at each other's hands in a frantic competition to ‘help the most.’ My smile grew wider and I brought a hand up to rest on my forehead. This was already a refreshing change since none of the boys back home would have ever done the same.
Soon, they both stood back up in front of me, proud looks on both of their faces as they put the books in my open locker for me.
“Thank you,” I chuckled in response.
“No problem,” the more hyper one added before quickly speaking again at a constant, lightning pace. “I’m Stiles, by the way,” he gestured to himself, “and this is my buddy, Scott,” his hand moved over to pat the other boy on the shoulder.
“Nice to meet you, Stiles and Scott,” I nodded back at them, still trying to bite back an amused grin, “I’m Sera.”
“You’re new here right?” Scott spoke again with an innocent look of pure curiosity.
I put my hands together behind my back and rocked on my heels slightly, “Mhm, started this morning,” a somewhat nervous chuckle left my lips, which the one called Stiles seemed to pick up on because he quickly interjected.
“I mean, we’d be happy to show you ‘round if you wanna hang with us,” he offered, a hopeful shrug on his shoulders and a pout on his lips.
“Wouldn’t we, Scott,” he then batted the back of his hand against his friend’s arm, glaring at him to respond.
Scott quickly blinked and nodded rapidly, “Oh, yeah, of course.”
I bit my lip in contemplation, they did seem awfully nice. “I’d love to, but I’ve gotta go to the office quickly, but maybe I’ll catch up with you guys later,” my counter seemed to be accepted without a second thought as I studied their expressions.
When I stepped backward I noticed how they didn’t leave just yet, so I said, “Bye boys, I’ll see you around,” with a small wiggle of my fingers as a wave.
“See you around, Sera,” Stiles repeated as he and Scott both mimicked my step back, his hand raising up to do a little salute before we turned our backs to each other.
I could not help the quiet giggle that escaped my mouth after I was out of their eyeline, but I also could not help but hear what they were saying to each other down the hall.
“Why the fuck did you salute?” Scott whispered, hitting Stiles back in retaliation for earlier.
“I- I don’t know, okay?” Stiles replied slightly panicked.
My smile grew. What idiots.
As for the conversation with the receptionist, it went smoothly with a little help from my immaculate ‘people skills’.
“I’m sorry but we insist on transcripts. And your immunisation records seem to be missing,” the lady said, peering over her glasses as she looked through my files.
My sigh was followed by me leaning forward, looking into her eyes as I watched her pupils dilate - she just had to make this more difficult.
“Please look again, I’m sure you’ll find everything you’re looking for.” A proud smirk laced my lips as she did exactly that, nodding and sending me on my way. Too easy.
During lunch, I did end up joining the boys at their table, taking a seat next to Stiles and definitely not missing the wide-eyed look he gave to Scott, along with his stuttered breath as I leaned over him to reach my pen that had rolled across the table.
The portrayal of vampires in Twilight had always annoyed me due to its incredible inaccuracy, but it was beyond amusing how easy it was for me to read their minds, even without special powers.
That day had ended with new numbers in everyone’s phones and Sera scoring a new ride to school and back every day in her new friend’s beaten-up old Jeep (which she thought had enough charm to distract from the deafening sound it made when running).
And from that moment forward, the three were inseparable.
hope you enjoyed !
this was basically to just tell you what to expect from the rest of the series. might not post it all on here unless you want me to so check out my ao3 and wattpad ( @crazyinluvfix ) like and comment x
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