#supernatural alpha!sam x omega!reader
zepskies · 5 months
Make It Right
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Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Summary: He didn’t mean to claim you. Not like this. Not before he’s meant to die.
AN: This was requested by this lovely anon. I've written Dean returning from Purgatory, so here is Dean returning from Hell in season 4, but with a twist…my first venture into A/B/O! Sorry if I didn’t get the dynamics quite right, I’m still learning this one. 😘
(@luci-in-trenchcoats Thank you for the encouragement! 💜)
Word Count: 4,300
Warnings: 18+ only! For smut, A/B/O dynamics, angst, mentions of torture, PTSD, and hurt/comfort.
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You could’ve wept with relief.
You nearly did. Instead, you shuddered as his tongue swept along the fresh mark near the back of your neck.
A mark that claimed you as his.
Your core still quivered with the aftershocks of how hard you came around his cock, which was still buried deep inside you, locked in place with his knot. Dean nosed at your neck and shoulder as he tried to regain his breath, calm his wildly beating heart.
His skin was dewy against yours, especially where your thighs were hooked around his hips. He held himself above you so he wouldn’t crush you with his weight. You appreciated it, and you soothed up and down his sweat-slick back with grazing fingertips.
Through the newly formed bond, you could feel the frenzied haze of it all begin to clear from his mind, soon replaced by shock, and then, remorse. It made a tremor of worry churn in your belly.
“Dean?” you whispered. Your gaze met his with concern as you grasped his arm.
“What the hell did we just… I shouldn’t have…” His voice was coarse and his eyes filled with upset. “Fuck, this shouldn’t have happened.”
Dismay struck you deep, along with a pain that tore at your heart. Your only consolation was that the two of you were locked in this position, so he couldn’t slip away from you.
“How the hell could you say that to me?” you said. Against your will, your voice trembled. Tears began to sting in your eyes.
 Dean faltered. He blew out a breath and reached for your cheek.
“You know why,” he said. His face became edged with desperation. He shifted his thigh and accidentally tugged at the base of his knot. You both groaned at the pain that flared between you, where you were joined. 
Dean drew in deep, slower breaths in attempt to calm himself. His eyes shut, and his forehead dropped against yours.
“I’ve barely got three months left on my deal,” he said, through clenched teeth. “This isn’t…it’s not fucking fair to you.”
To you either, you wanted to point out, but you shook your head and held him close by the back of his neck. Your fingers trailed up into his hair, your nails brushing his scalp and eliciting a shudder from him.
Your touch both aroused him and soothed him. Your scent was everywhere, now mingled with his own that now covered you like a blanket. It was intense, and a bit overwhelming to his senses.
But it felt right.
“Don’t talk like you’ve already given up,” you said tersely.
It was with more vehemence than he expected. Dean pulled back a bit, just enough to meet your eyes. Your brows had drawn together, almost in anger. Your lips pulled into a frown.
“We’re going to find a way to break it,” you said. You reached up and held his face. Despite the strength of your words, your hands were gentle. “And I meant what I said, Dean.”
Between lusty sighs and the combined magnetic force of your heat and his rut and emotional tensions at their ultimate breaking point, the whispered words against his neck had come from the very center of you.
“Alpha,” you’d said, through abject need and burgeoning tears as you’d rubbed yourself against him. It was both biology and your heart’s longing. “Dean, I love you. Please…”
The tether of his restraint hadn’t lasted long after that. Because even though he couldn’t respond to you in words, he’d shown you in each and every action of his body molding with yours, wrecking you and claiming you on a dingy motel bed.
You deserve better, Dean thought, looking down on you now. You deserved more than what he had to give.
“I didn’t want to do this to you,” he said coarsely.
And yet, he still heeded the pull of you. Your guiding hands brought him down to your lips. It wasn’t the rough, manic, bruising kiss that had fueled your earlier passions. No, this was slow and warm and tinged with bittersweet.
Dean brushed sweaty strands of your hair away from your face. You held him to you and silently prayed that he wouldn’t let go either.
“I know,” you said. Even though the situation shouldn’t have warranted it, you giggled a little. “That makes you just about the most unselfish Alpha in existence.”
He snorted at that. His eyes took in your face, and further down, to the parts of you that weren’t covered by his body over yours. He let out a breath of defeat.
“No, I’m hella selfish,” he said. His lips quirked. “For better or worse, you’re mine, Omega.”
Your smile grew. “Good. Glad you’re finally caught up.”
Dean’s hand playfully tightened in your hair as he growled. It had little heat though, and you had the audacity to laugh. He shook his head and claimed you with another kiss.
You had to be just about the wiliest Omega in existence.
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Dean never gave up.
But he also couldn’t fight off Lilith, or the hellhounds that tore his chest open and spilled his blood on the hardwood floors of some poor family’s suburban house.
You screamed as if your very soul was being ripped apart, along with his skin.
The mark on your neck burned something fierce. It had you clamping a hand down over it as you sunk to your knees next to Sam and cried over Dean’s body, his unseeing eyes. It wasn’t right.
You would never be right again.
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It took about a week into your self-isolation. When you finally drew enough strength to get out of bed, you finally noticed it in the mirror—in the bathroom next to Bobby’s guest bedroom.
Your neck looked as if something had burned you. Your eyes widened in horror.
When you touched it, you hissed at the pain. The delicate nerve endings of your mating gland were even more sensitive and raw. Apparently, this was what happened when an Alpha mate died before their Omega.
However, even that pain was nothing compared to what you discovered, two months later.
Your mating gland had healed, and the claim mark was gone entirely.
You sank against the wall, all the way to the floor, and you cried until you were exhausted and frayed. Not even Bobby’s offer of a hot meal and a listening ear could penetrate your grief.
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You were ashamed of the way you lost track of Sam after it all went down. You’d descended into yourself, and Bobby had been the only one there to catch you. Sam had forged on by himself, down a spiral of revenge, you were sure.
He wouldn’t come back to Sioux Falls, nor would he tell you where he was when you finally got him on the phone. He claimed he was better off alone as he tried to find a way to save Dean, but there was something off in his voice. Something that told you whatever he was doing was dangerous, and wrong.
“Sam, don’t you dare make a deal,” you demanded, through frustrated and sorrowful tears. “Dean wouldn’t want—”
“Don’t fucking tell me…what Dean would want, okay?” Sam seethed. “If it were me, he wouldn’t stop. If it were you, he wouldn’t stop. So don’t tell me to stop.”
“I’m not telling you to stop!” you shouted back. “I’m telling you not to do something stupid! And I’m asking you to let me help.”
There was a long pause on the line. You tried to calm your labored breathing as you waited for him.
“If you really want to help me, do what you can from Bobby’s. I’ll check in when I can,” he said.
And the line went dead.
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Two more months had passed by the time you started to feel the barest hint of yourself again. You’d tried to go on a hunt with Bobby, but you really hadn’t been ready for it. Your head wasn’t in it, and that was how hunters got killed.
So you stayed behind and answered the phones for him. You pretended to be FBI and CIA and Homeland Security for fellow hunters trying to get their hands on police files.
You also helped Bobby with research and reorganized his extensive, and ridiculously chaotic home library. He was the only one you knew who could have A History of Paganism next to a guidebook on Chinese tea ceremonies.
But one night, you decided you were sick of sitting on your ass (and all the dust).
You were finally going out for a drink.
Bobby was locked at home in research for a case. You felt bad about bailing on him, but he insisted you were entitled to go out…
Not that you wanted to meet anyone. However, you did realize that you needed to reconnect with the outside world. You’d been staring at the peeling walls of Bobby’s house for four months now.
So you showered, found a simple black dress from deep in your closet, and started to blow-dry your hair. You didn’t do this often, but if you were going out, then you were going to make an effort.
You paused for a moment when a cramp hit your lower belly. You grimaced and pressed a hand there. A shiver ran down your spine.
Shit, not now, you thought. If this was your heat coming on, you would have to take another suppressant before you went out. You knew blocking your cycle wasn’t that good for you, but you hadn’t felt like dealing with it for the past few months. You just weren’t ready to go through another heat, whether by yourself, or with a stranger.
It…it was too soon.
After the cramping subsided for the moment, you continued drying parts of your hair, sweeping the brush through. With the hairdryer so loud in your ears, you didn’t hear the front door opening, or the resulting shouting and scuffle coming from downstairs.
Eventually, there was quiet. And then, heavy boots climbing up the stairs.
You saw the bathroom door push open out of the corner of your eye. You turned and nearly jumped right out of your skin.
Your scream echoed on the walls when you saw something that looked entirely too much like Dean Winchester.
Hit scent hit you then. Warm and musky, a hint of earthiness and soil, but no less familiar. It struck a blow to your chest and forced you to grip the counter for balance. You clicked off the hairdryer. 
The doppelganger raised placating hands, though his wide eyes slowly softened as a smile tugged at his lips.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said.
His deep voice was the same. He looked dirty and disheveled, wearing a familiar gray buttoned down over a black shirt, his usual jeans, and boots. If your memory served, they looked like the clothes he was buried in…
Your hands shook. “Wh…what the hell are you?”
Dean’s smile began to fall.
“Look, I know it’s hard to believe. But I’m me. I’m, uh… I’m back,” he replied. When he tried taking a cautious step forward, you brandished your hairdryer against him—your only feasible weapon.
“You…you back the fuck off!” you snapped. You opened your mouth to shout for Bobby, but before you could, Dean’s trademark smirk took hold of his face.
“What’re you gonna do, blow me to death?” he quipped.
After you broke through a bit of your shock, you spluttered with laughter. And then tears.
Dean’s lips quirked, but he moved towards you in slow steps. He took the hairdryer from you and set it down on the counter. With a slightly shaking hand, he touched your cheek. You closed your eyes for a moment, sucked in a breath, and inadvertently inhaled his scent once again.
Your heart pounded almost painfully in your chest. Your fingers curled into the front of his shirt. You realized it then. You didn’t need silver or holy water to prove it was him. You knew.
Your eyes opened and met his.
“Dean,” you uttered, brokenly.
He couldn’t fucking take it anymore. Dean pulled you into him by your waist. He held you as you shuddered and cried into his chest. His hand clenched in your hair, while the other pressed into the small of your back. It anchored him, and trapped you in the cage of his arms.
He buried his nose into your neck and had to squeeze his eyes shut past a telltale burn in his eyes. Your name fell from his lips, both longing and reverent. Your hold on him tightened.
His lips brushed against your mating gland, igniting sensitive nerve endings and making a tremble run down your spine.
“Alpha,” you whispered.
Dean’s insides clenched in response. He ached for you, just like he had soon after he’d been able to free himself from that pine box in the middle of nowhere. But his brows furrowed.
He pulled back from you, just so he could brush the bare skin along your neck with a gentle thumb.
“What happened to the mark?” he asked. He realized that he couldn’t feel you, not like before. And even your scent was different…like you’d never been claimed by him. Like you weren’t his. That realization hit him like a sucker punch to his stomach.
You frowned and leaned back so you could meet Dean’s eyes. It took you a moment to find your voice, and even when you did, it was uncharacteristically small.
“After…after what happened, it burned like holy hell,” you confessed. Your hands travelled down his chest, clinging to the open edges of his shirt. “Then it was a scar. Then, it was just…nothing. It was gone.”
Fresh tears burgeoned in your eyes. They spilled down your cheeks as your frame shook with a sob, but Dean gathered you back into his arms. As shitty as it was, he started to think this was actually for the better…
“What happened, Dean? How are you here?” you asked.
He shook his head. “I don’t know. Haven’t figured that part out just yet…but something broke me out.”
He knew it wasn’t you who made a deal. Your shock was too real to be an act. He knew, however, that he needed to find Sam.
That could wait though. Dean’s gaze roamed your face. He wiped away the remnants of tears from your cheeks, brushed his thumb across your lower lip. Your eyes met his. He saw your heartbreak begin to fade—into a desire that called to his own. Despite the voice inside that warned him to hold back, he just couldn’t help himself.
When he finally leaned in to kiss you, it felt like coming home. You held his face in your hands and rose up on your toes to meet him. His arms wrapped around your waist and brought you flush against him, but it wasn’t enough.
Kisses became more frantic, with labored breaths and hands moving to remove each other’s clothing. Your sexy little black dress fell to the floor, along with your bra and panties and the rest of his clothes.
“You’re filthy,” you laughed, between the sloppy meeting of your lips with his. 
Dean’s response was to peel back the shower curtain behind you and turn on the shower head, as hot as it could go. A growl sounded low in his throat before he bodily hefted you along with him into the shower and under the spray.
For a moment, he let the scalding water beat down on him. You grabbed the soap and drew it over his neck, chest, and shoulders. The suds trickled down his body, washing away the grime of the road, and whatever else he hadn't been able to wipe off after escaping his grave.
He blinked water out of his eyes as he took in the sight of your concentrated face, and your gentle hands washing him. Then the rest of your body, your curves that fit so well in his hands, your breasts that heaved along with your heavier breathing, nipples hard and aching to be touched.
Dean took the soap from your hands and put it back on the dish, shortly before he pinned you against the cold bathroom tile. He ravaged you with lips, teeth, and tongue along your neck, down your chest, and over your breasts. You moaned and held him to you.
You didn't care that your hair was getting soaked all over again. Your fingers ran through his now wet hair as he touched you and drew pleasure from your body.
Your lower belly was beginning to cramp in earnest now, and resonating deep inside you with heat. You felt a flood of slick forming between your legs as your core pulsed with need.
Your scent hit him in a powerful wave, nearly making Dean falter as his eyes rolled shut.
“Fuck. You’re in heat, Omega,” he choked out.
You nodded, though you had to fist a hand in his hair when you felt his fingers between your legs. They swiped between your drenched folds, gathering some slick and circling around your clit. You moaned loudly and arched against his hand. The back of your head pressed into the wall.
“Alpha,” you said. A whine sounded in your throat as Dean’s touch firmed in response. His thumb pressed and massaged your clit while two fingers slipped deep inside your tight channel. 
A shiver ran down Dean’s spine, along with your nails grazing down his back. Already he was painfully hard for you. He had a suspicious feeling that your heat was triggering his rut, because he was becoming desperate to be inside you. His whole body felt tingling and alive, and charged with need.
His lips sucked hard on those sensitive nerves between your neck and shoulder, making you gasp. Your inner walls fluttered around his fingers.
“That’s it, Omega. Want you to come just like this before I fill you up,” he muttered. He earned your vocal agreement in response.
But then it hit him.
Flashes of memory. Darkness and blood. Agony tearing at his skin and insides.
And then, inflicting it himself, on other souls just as damned as him.
Your moan of release just barely managed to pull him out of his own mind. He felt your wetness coat his hand. Goddamn.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised. And yet, while his body caged yours against the wall, he couldn’t force himself to continue. He couldn’t back off either. He was fighting every instinct in his body that demanded he take you, right here and now.
“Dean?” you asked, sensing his hesitation. You cupped his cheek, but he didn’t want to look at you.
“I can’t,” he ground out.
Your eyes widened as shock and dismay threatened to overtake you. “What?”
Dean’s eyes closed. He was trembling with the force of both his need, and his restraint.
With a frown of concern, you wrapped a thigh around his hip, but he wouldn’t heed your attempt to bring him closer.
“What’s wrong?” you asked. No, you demanded to know. Because your body was quaking with desire as well. You needed his knot, and you wanted nothing more than for him to make this right—to claim you as his.
But Dean looked like he was in pain. He winced and pressed a fist against the wall by your head. He pressed his forehead against it.
You tried to comfort him with your hands soothing over his shoulders. There you finally caught sight of a mark on his right shoulder. It looked like a burn…a handprint. Your eyes widened with a small gasp.
He followed your gaze, but he eventually looked away with a frown. It was like he didn’t even want to acknowledge it, even if he didn’t know what it was. Whatever had hauled him out of Hell, he doubted it was anything good. 
“I’m, uh…” He breathed raggedly through his nose. “I’m not…the same.”
You had a feeling it was very difficult for him to admit that.
Four months.
That was how long he’d been lost to you. That was how long he’d been in Hell. You couldn’t even imagine…
You swallowed past a lump of sorrow, but you weren’t deterred. You grabbed his chin, forcing him to meet your eyes.
“You were my Alpha long before you claimed me,” you told him.
That affected Dean, probably more than you knew. He still shook his head though.
“It’s not right, Omega,” he said, even as his voice trembled. You don’t have a fuckin’ clue… You don’t know what I’ve turned into.
The water from the shower head was growing cold, but you’d never been hotter. The cramps were starting up again in earnest, making your teeth clench at the combination of pain and incredible arousal.
“I need you,” you said, through frustration, heat, and emotion all at once. “I would never leave you like this. I would never leave you.”
His eyes closed again, briefly. His breath came out harshly through his nose when you touched his cheek. Your touch was gentle, but it still ignited his skin and made every muscle in his body coil tight with strain.
It was hard to sort through the base instincts that were on the verge of taking over his mind, and then his body. Deep down though, Dean knew you were right. He knew you would never leave him. And that was kind of the problem.
“Alpha, please,” you said, through your own strain. Again, you took his face in your hands and shook him. It drew his gaze to your face. Your beautiful face that he’d seen over and over in the Pit, used as his own personal form of torture.
His whole body trembled.
You saw his distress, and it pierced your heart. You leaned up and brushed your wet cheek against his, while your fingers slipped into his hair in comfort.
“You’re here. You’re alive,” you said. “And you’re here with me.”
You nuzzled your way down his neck and pressed your lips to his mating gland, making him shiver for a whole different reason. You pressed your body against his and kissed, licked, and sucked at his skin.  
“Omega,” he warned, but the growl in his throat was more pleased than warning. He felt your nails graze down his chest and sternum, and soon enough your hand wrapped around his throbbing cock.
He sucked in a breath and pressed his face into your neck. His lips ventured tantalizingly close to the place you wanted him the most, and all the while you stroked him along sensitive flesh. Your thumb circled around his knot, and the dripping head.
“I know you need me too,” you said. You could smell his rut. Your lips edged at a smirk, and you decided to bluff. “But if you won’t make me yours, maybe I’ll find another Alpha who will.”
It didn’t take long before a vice grip closed around your wrist. Dean’s irises were rimmed with black when he met your gaze, half consumed by the Alpha as he pinned you harder against the wall. He grabbed your thigh and hooked it around his hip. And with the other hand he guided his cock to push into you and stretch your inner walls, inch by inch.
You both moaned in relief when he was firmly seated inside you. Your core throbbed around him in a spasm of pleasure. You cried out and rolled your head back against the wall, your nails sinking into his shoulders.
“Alpha,” you shuddered.
“I got you, Omega,” he ground out, just barely holding onto the tethers of himself. His fingers coiled tight into your wet hair and began to pound into you, a rough clip that had you gasping, toes curling as you arched against him.
His lips found your throat and laid a nipping kiss there. All you could do was hold on desperately. You knew he was close when his thrusts grew ragged, when it became harder for him to push into you with the swell of his knot forming. But it wasn’t until his fingers slipped between your joined bodies and circled more insistently over your clit that you came along with him, hard on his throbbing cock.
His teeth sunk into your neck, creating a newly forged bond through a haze of pain and pleasure. You cried out again at the force of it all—the sensations were nearly overwhelming, even more so than it had been the first time he claimed you.
And Dean nearly slipped in the tub.
“Fuck!” He managed to catch himself on the soap dish and the adjoining wall while you grabbed his arms steady. Shit, that really could’ve been disastrous, considering you two were now locked in place.
He glanced down at you. Through wide eyes and panting breaths, you broke first with a giggle. Dean’s lips curved with a smile. Soon enough, he was chuckling too.
The black around his irises receded, and he held you more gently and secure against the wall. After licking the line of blood clean from your neck with a slow, sensuous tongue, he brushed your wet hair back from your face. Then he turned off the frigid shower. 
“We really shouldn’t have done this in here. Shit,” he said with a laugh. How were you two supposed to get to your bed? Or at least get dry.
You giggled harder and dropped your forehead against his chest.
“It’s okay,” you said teasingly. “I think this is worth catching pneumonia over.”
Dean shook his head at your antics, but he pressed a lingering kiss to your temple. Smiling bright, you leaned up just enough to reach his lips. Your kiss was slow and tender; a release of your grief, a grateful thank you, and a reminder all at once.
“I love you,” you whispered. “That’s all that matters. We’ll deal with the rest afterwards.”
Dean expelled a long breath. He nodded after a moment, conceding defeat.
“I love you too,” he admitted. And he meant it, down to his bones. 
He knew that afterwards wouldn’t be as easy as you seemed to think, but there was no turning back now.
You were his. 
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AN: And there we have it! lol This was definitely a fun challenge. I might like to try my hand at A/B/O dynamics again in the future, but let me know what you think of this one. 😘💜
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Dean Winchester One-Shots
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Ko-Fi Me ☕
Dean W. Tag List:
@hobby27 @kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @this-is-me19 @emily-winchester @spnexploration @deans-spinster-witch @deans-baby-momma @iprobablyshipit91
@melancholictearz @nic-kolas @sanscas @sleepyqueerenergy @wayward-lost-and-never-found @thewritersaddictions @just-levyy @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @deanwanddamons @antisocialcorrupt @lacilou @adoringanakin @theonlymaninthesky @teehxk @midnightmadwoman @brianochka @branj19
@agalliasi @venicesem @chriszgirl92 @lyarr24 @ladysparkles78 @solariklees @deansbbyx @candy-coated-misery0731 @curlycarley @sarahgracej @bagpussjocken @deanfreakingwinchester @chernayawidow @beskarfilms @mimaria420
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785 notes · View notes
I was wondering if I can request a sam Winchester x fem reader smut and fluff, where maybe he's an alpha and he and Dean are out hunting or something and maybe they get ambushed but then are saved by omega reader, and Sam is head over heels for her from the beginning, but she is unsure cause of comments in her past saying that's she's weak or something and then maybe after a while he asks her out on a date and it goes well and they keep seeing each other and eventually smut
.⋆。Something Happens And I’m Head Over Heels。⋆.
Alpha!Sam Winchester x omega! plus size reader
When a mysterious hunter swoops in and saves the Winchesters at the last second, Sam falls in love at first sight but she’s been hurt by alphas like him before.
Warnings: smut, a/b/o, angst, monster death, canon typical violence, injuries, parental abuse/neglect (not just for the Winchesters), mention of parental death, consent checks, oral (m and f receiving), no penetration, confessions, sort of mutual pining, he falls HARD
WC: 6.1k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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The coppery smell of blood was now almost permanently etched into Sam’s mind. He had smelt blood straight from a wound and even blood that was weeks old but nothing had ever smelt like this before. The scent was so thick he could practically taste it. He gagged on the stale air silently, still cautious of how much noise he was making.
The walls of the abandoned warehouse were painted a rusty brown and when Sam looked closer, he immediately shut his eyes, trying to repress his nausea- it was dried blood, caked on so thick it looked like paint. His grip on the machete in his hands tightened until his knuckles were a deathly white.
Get in. Take out the vamps. Get out. He repeated to himself as he continued his journey into the heart of the nest.
From what he and Dean had predicted there were, at most, 6 vamps in the nest. And while normally that number would constitute calling in backup, Sam’s rut was only a few days away so he had the strength of three grown (and frustrated) men so they went in alone.
Sunlight leaked through the boarded up windows, providing the only illumination to guide his way. Vaguely, he could hear his brother’s footsteps from the other side of the otherwise silent building. Soon, the hall opened up before him, revealing a huge room absolutely full of bodies, both dead and undead.
His heart pounded in his ears as panic quickly overtook him. Their calculations were very very wrong- there were close to a dozen vampires littered around the room, each with at least three drained corpses around them. His hazel eyes went wide as he caught sight of Dean, only now entering the room on the other side.
He saw as Dean’s chest hitched, the situation dawning on him. They made eye contact and with an almost investable nod to each other, then slowly began to back out of the room. Even with Sam’s temporary strength, there was no possible way they could kill that many vamps safely.
His whole body was tense, both rearing for a fight and ready to run at a moment’s notice. 
The pipe appeared from thin air, practically materialising before him just as Sam put his foot down. The metal spun away from him before he realised what was happening and slammed into the hollow siding of the hallway. 
Everything froze and Sam held his breath. “Looks like we got some fresh meat boys!” He cursed under his breath and spun around just quickly enough to see the vamps rising to their feet, eyes blazing with bloodlust.
The plastic handle of his machete suddenly seemed incredibly slippery as Sam readjusted his grip on the weapon. They couldn’t kill this many vamps at once and they certainly couldn’t outrun them but they definitely weren’t going down without a fight.
Debris crunched under his heel as Sam planted his feet, his pupils contracted to a pin drop and his chest rumbled with a deep growl. His scent turned sour with his fury. “Bring it.”
His blade whistled as it slashed through the air, easily biting into the neck of the first vamp. Its head separated cleanly but Sam’s follow through was too long and quickly, the second darted towards him, razor sharp teeth bared. 
With a snarl, he planted a hand on its chest and shoved the monster back, giving him just enough room to plant the blade into its shoulder. It howled in pain but continued to charge forward, yellowing fangs glinting in the low light.
Sam’s shoulder jerked as he pulled the blade back out but before he could complete a second swing, another vamp threw itself towards his legs, quickly knocking him off balance. Fear prickled across his skin as his back slammed into the metal wall. There was a crunch and then pain shot up his right shoulder.
He tried to curse but all that escaped him was a feral growl that echoed through the building. A bulk of the nest now crowded the hallway, each pushing and shoving, trying to get at the hunter. Fangs sliced into his calf as more hands grabbed at him, ripping the blade from his hold.
Just as his desperate struggle to get free seemed fruitless, light filled the hallway and the dark figure of a woman was silhouetted against the afternoon sun. The vamps barely had time to react to the burn of the light before her arm cocked back and she threw a pipe into the middle of the crowd.
As soon as the thick metal hit the dusty ground, it set off an explosion, sending thick almost black liquid all over them. It sunk into their flesh, spreading through them like molten lava. There was a moment where everything froze and then a sound erupted from the vamps.
They screamed in pain as they clawed at their skin. Suddenly Sam was free but it was not his blade that struck down the suffering vamps. 
She moved with more grace than he ever thought possible, her own machete almost dancing through the air as she effortlessly operated their heads from their bodies. Within seconds, the warehouse was silent once more, leaving behind only the smell of blood and the most delicious scent Sam had smelled in his life.
Without a word, the hunter wiped her blade clean with the shirt of one of the vamps and slid it back into the sheath strapped to her plump thigh. “You hurt?” But all he could focus on was the little smear of blood on her full cheek, oh how badly did he want to reach out and wipe it away with his thumb.
Her eyebrows scrunched and gave him a once over. “That’s a pretty gnarly bite you got there, can you walk?” She reached a tentative hand to him, quite obviously taking note of the husky scent of his rut, and it was all Sam could do not to snatch it up and press his nose to the pulse point on her wrist.
She easily helped him back to his feet, laying a steadying touch on his toned stomach when he began to sway. His heart flipped and the world shrunk to just her. “Sammy!”
Her head turned to look where his brother’s voice had come, exposing her scent gland to the alpha who couldn’t help but take in a deep breath, eager for another whiff of what he thought his heaven smelled like. Old books, campfire, home. 
“Sammy, huh?” She teased, the beginnings of a smile tugging at her lips. His knees buckled. Yet before he could come up with a semi-articulate response, Dean barrelled around the corner, eyes wide and full of fear.
The biting scent of adrenaline came off of him in waves and the mysterious woman immediately cringed, her nose scrunching. Anger flared in Sam’s belly, his alpha screamed at him to pull her away from whatever was causing her such discomfort, even if it was his brother.
As soon as Dean saw Sam, his body sagged with relief. “Shit that was a close one.” He groaned but quickly, his tone changed when he caught sight of the plump woman standing next to his brother. “I see you found a friend, a very attractive one. Dean Winchester, and that is my gigantor baby brother.”
He easily slid up to her, his green eyes hungrily tracing her soft curves before settling on her face. Sam knew that move, he had seen it hundreds of times before but it was only now that he had a problem with it. “Y/N. You boys should know better to take on a whole nest alone.” 
Dean actually looked sheepish at her scolding and Sam’s alpha preened. “Strong omega. Perfect mate.” He purred.
“Well, we thought there were less. How the fuck did you kill all of ‘em so quick?” He looked around at the bodies in amazement, giving the one closest to him a kick. The skin where his boot touched crumbled into ash.
“Pipe bomb filled with blessed dead man’s blood.” She replied like it was obvious.
“Blessed?” Sam croaked out. Y/N shivered at the sound of his voice but quickly suppressed it as she spoke again.
“Like how you would bless holy water.” Dean nodded in approval, the hand holding his machete going slack as he forced himself to relax with the danger gone. But Sam still felt incredibly wound up, especially as his brother approached her. 
“That was badass, for an omega that is.” Sam didn’t miss the way she flinched, however minute it was. 
“Yeah.” She smoothly took a step back from him, her body twisting beautifully as she moved towards the exit. Unconsciously, Sam began to follow. He needed to be close to her, to soothe the ache in his chest.
Dean gave a quizzical look to his brother but he was ignored as Sam limped behind her, his alpha slowly stealing control from him, rut now dangerously close. 
“So do you wanna go get a drink with us to celebrate, I think we owe you a round.” But she waved him off as she walked to her slightly busted up truck. He watched the way her hips swayed, the dark material of her jeans perfectly hugging her ass in a way that made Sam’s mouth go dry.
“Bars aren’t my thing. Maybe I’ll catch you another time. Try not to get yourselves killed.” Her machete is thrown into the passenger seat with far more force than necessary, making the hollow siding reverberate as she climbed in after it.
The engine roared to life, quickly breaking Sam from his trance. But before he could even take one step towards the truck, she was gone, leaving behind only echoes of her scent.
She couldn’t stop thinking about that alpha no matter how hard she tried to forget him, even though it had been weeks since the unfortunate encounter. There was just something about the way his big hazel eyes had looked up at her as she saved his life or the sound of his voice. But most of all, his scent was almost seared into her mind, a delicious mixture of gunpowder, pine forest and chocolate.
Never in her life had she smelt something as good as that and it was slowly killing her. Alphas were dangerous, alpha hunters doubly so. They were violent and aggressive and more pigheaded than she ever thought possible, and they hated omegas.
Sure, they liked fucking them but they refused to claim them. Omegas were just rut bunnies, a tool to get off so they could go back to killing monsters. And an omega hunting? She had been laughed out of more hunter bars and backups than she could count. So it was best to just forget him, she didn’t think she could bear it if he was like the others, if he was like his brother.
Y/N swallowed thickly, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. Even his name was pretty, Sam like some guardian angel or an ancient warrior. He was strong and tall and packed with muscle. Her omega constantly reminded her of what a perfect mate he was, how he could provide for her and her pups, how safe he made her feel.
With every mile she drove away, her soul burned, urging her to turn the truck around and drive straight back to him. But her willpower was stronger… for now at least.
But until that day came, she would do what she did best- hunt.
“C’mon Sammy, you’ve been sulking for weeks. She was just an omega!” Sam glared at his brother over top of his beer, the fifth of the night. He couldn’t just forget her, not when he had never met anyone like her before, not when the very thought of her made his heart clench and butterflies fill his stomach.
It had been easy to learn all about her from Bobby and Rufus. They both sung her praises, describing her as immensely intelligent and well versed in all sorts of lore as well as being cunning enough to escape a den of werewolves with only a screwdriver and a half-empty lighter. With every story they told and little fact they divulged, Sam fell even deeper in love with her.
She was an enigma of the best kind.
“You’re being an asshole Dean, what exactly does her presentation have to do with her value as a hunter?”
“Jesus Sammy.” Dean scoffed. “What crawled up your ass and died?” Sam rolled his eyes and stood from the old booth.
“I’m going back to the motel, text me if you aren’t coming back tonight.” He walked out of the bar before he could hear Dean’s protests.
The biting winter air calmed his anger some but that simmering disappointment in his brother was still there. Y/N was not just an omega yet for some fucking reason, no one else agreed. It made his blood boil.
Stuffing his hands into his jacket, Sam began the short walk back to the motel. A part of him wondered if Dean was right, they had only met once and it was for barely ten minutes before she was off again. But so much more of him wondered why she was gone, why they had never seen her before or even heard of her. She was a great hunter so why did no one call her for backup.
With his head down and lost in his thoughts, the tall hunter didn’t notice the familiar truck parked in the spot by his shared room until he almost walked right into it. 
The tip of his boots stopped right before the back tire as he gazed at the vehicle in amazement. She was here. His eyes darted along the row of rooms, searching for any indication of where she might be. His pulse sped up as he finally caught a whiff of her dizzying scent. 
His heart jumped as he realised that it was coming from the room right next to his, a coincidence that he would be eternally grateful for. Warmth bloomed from his chest as he cautiously raised his hand and knocked on the ancient looking door.
There was a shuffling from the other side and then slowly, the door creaked open. Sam groaned softly as a fresh wave of her scent washed over him. It was raw and overpowering and immediately went to his cock. 
Her eyes were bleary with exhaustion as she looked at the alpha on her doorstep. “Sam?” His chest rumbled with a pleased sound at the way she said his name. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m in the room next door.” His eyes wandered down the length of her curvy body which was now only covered by an oversized shirt and some fluffy socks. One of her hands nervously tugged on the hem of the shirt in an attempt to cover more of her naked thighs.
She shuffled her feet nervously as if contemplating something before she stepped to the side. “You can come in if you want.” 
There was not an ounce of hesitation in Sam’s mind as he stepped into her room. His chest puffed out in pride at being allowed to enter the omega’s space. She followed behind him after locking the door but still kept her distance. She was obviously wary of him and for the life of him, Sam couldn’t understand why.
An awkward silence settled over the pair, neither one of them knowing how to begin the conversation. She avoided making eye contact as the slightly older hunter forced himself to stop looking at her thick thighs. 
“Why-“ “I-“ They both spoke at the same time. Y/N laughed softly under her breath and Sam watched as she finally relaxed, taking a seat at the edge of her bed. His own smile began to grow and took the liberty of sitting opposite her on the arm of the couch.
The room was so small that their knees were barely inches away from each other but neither wanted to move any further away. “Bobby said you had asked about me.” She said bluntly if not a little bashfully. A blush spread across Sam’s face and suddenly he felt incredibly small.
“Yeah I did.” He admitted. “I was curious about you.”
She tilted her head in confusion. “Why?”
Taking a deep breath, he rested his elbows onto his knees, making himself as small as he could. “You just… captured me, I’ve never met a hunter like you before and I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I wanted to know more.” She sat straight up as her eyes narrowed.
“You wanted to know how an omega could hunt.” She snarled. 
“No! No, you being an omega has nothing to do with it. I asked Bobby because well, I couldn’t believe how clever you were. I mean come on, blessed blood? I don’t think anyone else has come up with that idea. You took out that whole nest by yourself!” He rushed to defend himself. He laid a large palm onto her knee as if that could drive his point home but all it really did was make his mind go blank except for the thought of just how soft her skin was.
Sam expected her to lurch from his touch but to his surprise, Y/N nudged her knee even closer to him, albeit slightly warily. “It wasn’t the whole nest.” She muttered shyly with her head tilted downwards, exposing her collar. Sam’s alpha grumbled happily at the submission but he swallowed the noise down, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
“Even if it wasn’t, we- I would have been dead without you and that’s why I wanted to find you, to learn about you because I wanted to thank you and maybe, get to know you a bit more.” The expression on her face grew more pensive as she looked into his eyes.
“You don’t care that I’m an omega?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that I don’t care about that, but that part has nothing to do with you hunting.” His fingers curled into her flesh, sending a fresh wave of her scent through the room. “You being an omega is far from a detriment in my eyes.” His voice dropped lower, becoming husky and laced with arousal. 
Her thighs squeezed together, trapping his hand between her warm legs. Sam leaned forward even more, their foreheads almost touching. He watched as her gaze flicked to his lips. “You can’t mean that.” She whispered but it was directed at herself, as if she were trying to remind herself of something.
With his free hand, the alpha gently brushed his fingertips along her jaw before his palm settled against the soft swell of her cheek. “You’ll be like all the other alphas out there.” But still, she leaned closer, resting her forehead against his. 
“I promise I’m not.” Her fingers tentatively worked their way into the buttons of his flannel and Sam’s heart skipped a beat. The silence that fell between them now was far from uncomfortable. Y/N took in a deep breath, swallowing down the alpha’s scent before she groaned quietly.
“You wouldn’t stop an omega from hunting?” Sam shook his head. “You wouldn’t force them to be subservient?” 
“Never.” He vowed as his lips brushed against her cupid’s bow. Her chest hitched.
“What about claiming?” Sam’s hand skirted higher up her legs until the calloused tips of his fingers disappeared beneath her night shirt. Heat radiated from her core as slick soaked through her thin panties.
Sam was almost delirious with lust and apparently, Y/N was the same. Her pupils were blown wide, the blackness consuming the natural colour of her irises. “Hypothetically?” She nodded, knowing that this conversation was veering into far from hypothetical. “Only when they’re ready, and I will be fine if they never are.”
She smiled widely and just as she leaned forwards to kiss him, there came a pounding on the door. “Sam!! You in there?!” At the sound of Dean’s voice, she threw herself back as if she were a child getting caught with their hand in the cookie jar. 
Sam actually whined as his hands were ripped from her skin. “Yeah Dean.” He growled, quickly standing and shielding her half-naked body through the door was still firmly shut.
“Sheriffs just found another body, we gotta move.” Y/N sat up on the bed, her interest now focused on the case.
“Was it the pawn shop owner’s wife?” She piped up.
There was a pause and then, “Y/N? Damn Sammy, you need an extra 10 minutes? Cause we definitely have time if you do.”
“Dean.” Sam warned, but the omega’s soft touch upon his hand stopped him in his tracks. 
Y/N’s eyes blazed with a fire he had never seen before as she lifted herself from the now crumpled bed sheets. Her gaze was hard and firmly set upon the door as if she could see right through it to the idiotic alpha outside. Sam watched as the omega melted away and was replaced by the hardened hunter.
“Go. I’ll catch up with you two later. I have something to take care of.” Sam’s heart dropped to his stomach and he opened his mouth to protest, to insist that she come with them. Not because he thought she needed any sort of protection but that he didn’t think he could bear to be away from her for even a second. But then her glare settled on him.
He tried to turn his wrist to capture her hand in his but she pulled back from him quickly. “You should stay here, where you’re safe.”
He would never admit to it, but Sam cowered, shrinking in upon himself as Y/N’s lip turned downwards. “Go.” She snarled and before he could even comprehend what her sudden change in demeanour meant, Sam was out the door and his alpha howled with shame.
She rejected him and he had no clue how to fix it.
Somehow, through the incredibly awkward tension and the less-than-perfect hunt, all three of the young hunters now found themselves in Bobby’s living room, a heavy air between them.
Y/N nursed a beer and a slightly swollen cheek as well as the angriest look on her face. Even Dean cringed away from her line of sight like a little boy escaping a scolding. “Any of you wanna tell me exactly what happened out there?”
Bobby shoved an ice pack into her awaiting hand before leaning against the desk at the far end of the room. “Just bone-headed alphas getting in my way.” She snarled and took a pull of her drink, her scent now bitter like stale coffee. 
“Y/N, now’s not the time.” Bobby sighed, his head dropping between his shoulders. The omega turned her glare to him but he did not falter away like the boys did. “Hunts are always gonna be tough but you gotta work with the cards you’re dealt with and trust your partners. And these boys are the best you could ask for, alphas or not.”
Her growl echoed through the room before she slammed her beer down and stormed off. A bedroom door slammed shut soon after, rocking the foundations of the house. “That girl.” Bobby muttered, shaking his head mournfully.
Sam looked up the stairs longingly, part of him wanting to follow after her but also knowing that doing so might only worsen the already rocky relationship between them.
“What is her deal anyway?” Dean sat forward on the couch, planting his elbows onto his knees. Bobby’s hand curled around his tumbler of whisky, knuckles turning pale.
“You boys weren’t the only ones to grow up under the thumb of an obsessed hunter but the only difference between you is, she had both parents. Both alphas, both life-long hunters, and both believed that omegas were beneath them in every way. She was bait.”
Sam and Dean sucked in a breath, they both knew what that meant. Omegas would be stripped of all weapons or protective symbols and then sent into bars that vampires frequented or told to go for a walk in the woods where werewolf dens were. Their scent was the sweetest and the most appetising. Most of the time, the omega would make it out with minimal injuries but there were some hunters out there who would let whatever monster they were tracking down have a little treat before killing them.
“She got smart, learned how to gank monsters using whatever she could find and yet her parents took all the credit. They got lazy, letting her do the hunt while they went to go drink or do whatever the fuck else besides trying to protect their daughter. And one day, when she was recovering from a witch’s curse, they decided to get the hunt done themselves. They were slow and stupid. Y/N found them two days later, completely ripped apart. She’s been hunting alone ever since.”
“Shit.” Dean leaned back on the couch, running a hand through his cropped hair. “I figured she was just bitter about an ex or something. I- Sam!” The youngest Winchester sprang to his feet and before anyone could stop him, he pounded up the stairs and threw open her bedroom door.
Y/N sat against the headboard, eyes squeezed shut and chest heaving with barely controlled panic. Sam didn’t hesitate to yank her into his arms, forcing her face into the crook of his neck as he held her tightly. She thrashed against him, her warning snarls only ceasing when she finally inhaled his scent.
Tentatively, she placed her hands on his muscular back as Sam’s arms tightened around her shoulders, his head resting on top of her own. “You don’t need to worry anymore, omega. I’m right here.” Sam pressed his lips to the crown of her head, giving her a gentle kiss. “No one will ever hurt you again, not while I’m around.”
Her soft body slowly relaxed into him and the alpha could feel the weight being eased from her shoulders. “You can’t know that, it’s an impossible promise to make.”
Sam’s left hand slid up the soft curve of her arm, his fingertips gently brushing along her neck before settling on her jaw. He tilted her head up just enough so that she could meet his hazel eyes. His gaze flickered over her face, settling on her lips for a moment too long before finally looking longingly into her wide eyes.
“Because I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, happy and loved, no matter what.” Her breath hitched and for a moment, doubt crept into Sam’s mind. “Because you deserve so much more than what life has given you and I want to fix that.” He rushed to add on, hoping that she would not reject him once more. 
But then, Y/N rocked forward and captured his lips in the best kiss of Sam’s life. 
The world blurred around them as their lips danced together. Sam could taste the beer she had drunk but also something else- something that was just her. His hand fell to her neck making her moan loudly into his mouth as his thumb accidentally brushed against the raised skin of her scent gland.
His knees buckled as her scent suddenly filled through the room, emptying his mind of everything except her. Her nails dug into his back, the kiss quickly became something more. 
“Wait wait wait.” Sam reluctantly ripped himself from her but she wasn’t letting go that easily. She pulled him back into another kiss which he was barely able to pull away from. “Wait babygirl. Are you sure you want to go any further?” His right hand, which she now realised was low on her back, the tips of his fingers brushed against the swell of her ass, pressed her further into his toned stomach. 
Y/N whined trying to chase his lips but a warning growl from Sam had her obediently silent. “I need a clear answer, omega.” He raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Please, I want you, all of you.” She managed to get out through the heavy lump of arousal in her throat. Sam smirked, his alpha preening at her desperation and her acceptance that he was hers. Yet he still did not kiss her again. Part of him wished for her to beg, to scream and cry for him after her rejection. 
His thumb pressed down onto her scent gland, immediately making her eyes grow hazy. “Then prove it.” 
Her hands flew to his belt buckle, trembling almost violently as she struggled to open it and gain access to what she was craving. She growled in frustration, ripping the leather apart Y/N was finally able to pull his dark jeans down enough for his cock to spring free, unburdened by any boxers. 
Sam could barely hold back a groan as she moaned loudly at the sight of him. Her eyes flicked to his but quickly returned to the long and thick cock just a hair’s breadth away. The old hardwood groaned with the impact of her knees as she dropped in front of him. “Omega-“ He tried to say but suddenly her mouth was on him. 
A saltiness exploded on her tongue as Y/N licked up his tip, lapping at the pre-cum that was already gathered there. She mewled, eager for more of the alpha in her mouth. Her lips pulled tighter with each inch she swallowed down, her jaw already beginning to ache even though she had barely taken half of him down her throat. 
Sam’s hands balled into fists, his knuckles paling with the force. He watched with bated breath as the omega’s eyes hardened and she forced down even more of his cock. “Babygirl- fuck- slow down.” Now he was the one begging but she refused to listen. 
She pulled back slightly, just enough that the fat head of his cock rested on the back of her tongue and then she pressed forwards again, now able to brush the tip of her nose against the groomed thatch of hair on the base of his pelvis. Sam threw his head back and moaned loudly, his cock already throbbing with the edge of ecstasy. 
“Omega stop.” Her movements ceased but he was still deep down her throat. Her eyes were wide with a questioning gaze, the colour of her irises completely swallowed up by her pupils. The room was thick with their scent, and had he been in the right mind, Sam would wonder if the two men downstairs could smell them. 
Delicately, he cupped her hollowed out cheeks and dragged her from his cock. She whined in protest as she was ripped away from him and Sam couldn’t help but chuckle. “So good for me, so perfect. Can I take care of you now?” He cooed, rubbing his thumbs across the apple of her cheeks. 
Her eyelids fluttered and she nodded enthusiastically. 
She went limp in his arms as Sam pulled her to his feet, letting him guide her soft body back onto the creaky mattress easily. She bounced once, her tits jumping towards her chin with the movement though they were still confined by her bra. 
Sam’s plaid slipped over his head quickly, followed by his undershirt, leaving him completely bare to the omega who was still fully dressed. Her thick thighs pressed together under the weight of his gaze, needing any sort of friction against her core or she felt she would go mad. 
His touch was hot, even through the thick denim of her jeans, as he slowly crawled up the length of her body, absentmindedly kissing the little flashes of skin where her shirt had risen on her stomach, her wrists, her collarbone until he finally reached her lips once more. 
He gripped a plump thigh in one hand, the other holding his huge body above her as they lazily kissed. His hips settled against hers, immediately fanning the flames of desire between the two. She wiggled beneath him, fingers desperately pulling at the buttons of her own flannel, bumping into his hard chest with each unsuccessful attempt. 
Sam let his hand drift from her thigh to the button of her jeans, popping it open with a calm ease that made her omega preen. Long fingers slid into her pants, immediately finding her panties completely soaked through with slick. As soon as his rough fingertips brushed against her covered clit, Y/N threw her head back and howled, her hips canting up to chase his touch.
With her neck now exposed, his lips found their way to her hot skin, nipping and sucking as his fingers pushed her panties to the side. Nails dug into the strong muscles of his back as he gently traced the length of her. “So wet for me. I’ll make you feel so good, omega.” 
Before she could even take a breath, her pants were ripped down her legs along with her panties and discarded across the room. Sam’s eyes were fixated on the apex of her thighs, hungrily licking his lips at the sight of her laid out before him. 
Without any warning, he dove in as if he could no longer stop himself. Pleasure shot up her spine in a way she had never before experienced. Sam nosed at her clit, groaning happily as more slick poured from her. He tried to be gentle at first, to ease his way into her but as soon as she clenched tightly around his tongue, Sam knew that there was no going back, that he would do this every day, multiple times a day if it were up to him, for the rest of their lives.
“Sam!” She cried, her hips bucking from the bed, making the old bed springs scream in protest with the sudden movement. Sam growled into her cunt, the vibrations sending a mind-numbing spark through her body, and grabbed her wide hips to keep her pinned down. Now unable to escape his mouth, Y/N was forced to feel every stroke of his tongue and each flick of his large nose against her clit. It was overwhelming, overpowering and tortuous in all the best ways.
The edges of her mind were beginning to go fuzzy just as small black dots grew in her vision. She grabbed at his hands, their fingers intertwined as she held them to her covered chest, desperate for more of the alpha’s touch like she could never get enough of him. Sam’s head bobbed with each furious thrust of his tongue, lapping up everything she was giving him. Her chest heaved as she struggled to breathe. Her body strung tight with her impending release but still it did not cum.
She lifted her head from the pillows and opened her mouth to beg the alpha to cum but instead, she saw how he was nestled between her thighs, his own body tightly pressed to the bed sheets as his lean hips rolled down. He was humping the bed, furiously so, all because of her taste. 
The omega shattered in his arms, her orgasm washing over her like nothing before. She was silent only for a moment, too washed out in pleasure to make a sound but then, she screamed. Her cum coated his tongue and Sam couldn’t stop his own orgasm from slamming into him- her sounds, her taste, her warmth, it was all too much for him and the alpha spilled himself onto the moth-eaten duvet cover.
“Alpha.” She sobbed, her soft arms reaching out to him. “Wan your knot!” Part of Sam winced at her tears but his alpha was howling in pride at leaving the omega a desperate puddle of lust and need for him. He wrapped her up in a comforting embrace, twisting both their bodies so that she could lay mostly on top of him.
“Shhh omega. You will get it, but not today.” She stiffened in his hold but he was quick to reassure her.
“I want to earn it, your trust and your mark.” He smiled and kissed her softly, cupping her jaw in one massive hand. “Let me work for it, please.”
Her shy smile knocked the breath from his lungs, her eyes shining with the beginnings of love. “Yeah okay.” Sam relaxed back into the bed, deliriously happy as Y/N laid her head on his bare chest, hand over the heart that beat only for her.
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jwnchstr · 8 months
my alpha | sam winchester
title: my alpha
characters: alpha sam winchester x omega reader
summary: you're destined to be mated with your own teacher and both of you made a beautiful family together.
masterlists | sam winchester one-shots
for one year you're studying at the community college, attend his classes, speak to dr. winchester countless of times, not once your body (or his) reacting towards each other. well, except for today.
dr. sam winchester is a lawyer, but he spends his spare time teaching at the community college you're in. law is his major, unlike you. you're a writing student, but taking a law class is a compulsory elective. not taking law class or fail law class, you're unable to graduate.
there was not an issue with meeting dr. winchester in class for the past three weeks. okay, well, maybe there was. for an example, your heart skips a beat every time your eyes locked with him; your knees went weak every time he's near; you were suddenly nervous to talk to him. for the past three weeks, though there was not much of an issue, but you've became quiet in his class.
your heat just ended last week. that makes it even weirder.
you try to ignore the uncomfortable-ness. despite sitting in a cold room, you feel hot. your t-shirt is suddenly too tight for you and is sticking to your skin. your heart rate is fast like you just run a 100 metre sprint. you're sweating under your armpit. your lips are pale. you cannot concentrate in class.
your friends notice something–something is not right with you today. they ask if you're okay and you know you can't lie because it's so obvious that you're indeed not okay, but you how do you tell your human friends that you're having some kind of animalistic reaction because of your dynamic? you end up telling them that you're having a headache (in which, isn't wrong either).
and throughout the class, you and sam keep on locking eyes and every time that happens, you feel slick coming out of your vagina. "oh, god. not now," you tell yourself inside your head even though you're still clueless to what's happening to you. you're not in heat. in fact, your heat just ended. and you're not sme–
ohhh, your eyes flutter–or is that your heart? that smell. oh, god, that smell! it's so... it's so sweet and manly and strong... and it's urging you to go towards that smell, scenting him, claim him, embrace yourself around that sme–
you open your eyes (you didn't even realise you were closing your eyes) and there they are again–sam's eyes. something in those eyes made the small voice inside your head say "GO!" is this your soulmate calling? is this your omega voice telling you that you're finally found your mate? but, isn't it supposed to say "mate!" or that only happens to certain people? is your case special?
you really want to leave dr. winchester's class because you can't sit under his stare anymore. you need to go to the washroom and clean yourself because, gosh, you're so wet down there. but law is a difficult subject so whether you like it or not, you stayed.
you stayed and you stayed and you stayed some more when the class was dismissed. you waited until the class is empty. you lie to your friends, telling them that you have a question regarding your assignments. and although you feel weird, although you don't understand what's happening to your body, but old enough to understand that indeed you've found your mate.
you didn't move from your seat even though your omega is keen to run from the alpha just because she likes to be chased and she knows that an alpha likes to chase. you keep your eyes away from sam, afraid that there'll be more slick coming out from your if your eyes locked with his again. and you're shivering as your eyes watched sam's shadow approaching you.
sam stands opposite from you, on the other end of your table. you watch his long fingers taping the table. "you're in heat."
his voice. gosh, his voice. his voice was louder, clearer, and a pitch higher when he's lecturing but when it's only you two in the room, his voice drops a few notes lower making him sounds more manly. his voice more raspy and sexy.
you're hot and you're cold. you're sweating but you're shivering. you're shaking but you're scared. you're pale but you're alive. you want to leave but you can't. your body hurts, but even sitting still don't do justice.
"no," you say with a shake of your head. "my heat ended a few days ago."
you thought sam knew why both of you are suddenly longing for each other's touch and presence so you waited to hear the answer coming from sam's mouth, but nothing came. there was pause and that made you look up to his eyes. goddammit, you wished you didn't do it because just a second after that, you're on your feet with sam's arm around your waist and his nose at the crook of your neck.
"alpha," you moan.
sam's reacting positively to your voice calling him alpha. he's excited. you can feel him on your stomach. and you're excited too. though sam's nose is between your neck and shoulder blade, scenting you, but you know he can smell your arousal.
he lets out a sigh with a mix of a groan. one arm around your waist, the other is gripping your thigh. it's like he's angry. it's like he can't wait to do things to you, but he's still trying to keep himself sane. it's like he's patient yet not. "mmm, you smell so good, 'mega."
"what's happening? i'm not in heat. then why–"
"maybe it's the bond. i'm in a... i'm in a rut."
"then–" you gulp. you don't want to touch sam before getting the answer, but it feels so good to be wrapped around the alpha's arm, to be touched by him, to be surrounded by his scent. "why–why are you in school? aren't you suppose–"
"omega," he said.
one word–one word that means a lot. one word that means "i don't need to be anywhere else". one word that means "i don't need to lock myself in an abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere." one word that means "i have what i want here. you."
you let sam touch you. you let sam guide you touching him. you let your own emotion drowned into sam's smell. then suddenly, sam is panting.
"alpha, are you okay?" you ask, genuinely worried.
sam cannot answer your question properly. he's sweating so bad. he's raking his tie like it's the most annoying thing in the world. his eyes are diluted, distant. his alpha is dominating him. and with your sweet scent... he's becoming insane. all he could do was grunting with his hands all over your body as if two hands are not enough touching you.
"alpha, we're–" you hiccuped when you feel sam's hand in between your legs. "we're in class. alpha, you can't–"
you gasped when sam roared and kissed you heavily as if to shut you up and make you forget wherever you are now. and maybe he succeeded because, after that, you forgot where you are.
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you smile at your alpha, who is already handsome and neat in his suit, but is still busy making breakfast for you. "hey." your eyebrows furrowed. "are you not working today?"
"i am. why?" sam licks a nutella that accidentally got stuck on his finger, showing a pair of cute dimples on his cheeks.
"nothing. you're... you're already in your uniform. you shouldn't be running around the kitchen." you step towards the kitchen counter and take a sit on one of the tall stool in front of sam. two mugs were ready to be drank. you grab yours, which is the opposite colour of your alpha's. "you made me tea? you know i don't mind coffee."
"i know." sam gives you smile so sweet that makes your heart beats faster. "but i also know you prefer. i got to get work now. what time is your class?"
"10," you answer simply before taking a sip of tea that your alpha made for you. once the taste hits your taste buds, you feel as if the world changed its colours. "oh, jeez, this is so good!"
sam's heart grows hearing your compliment. something with the compliment, and the way his omega drinking tea he made for her, makes him puffing his chest. and how he wish–oh how he wish– he could kiss you all day just because you like his tea he made for you.
"want to ride together?" your alpha offers.
"what, oh..." you stutter.
sam is a brilliant man. he's a good lecturer. he's a good lawyer. you're proud to have him as your mate. but also, you're still new to this relationship. you're still adjusting to the situation because who knew your mate is your own teacher? you're not ready to be seen together by the whole campus especially that you know dating your lecturer is against college's rule.
you know sam understands behind your "why, oh..." as an omega, you know you can't say no when your alpha is offering you something. it's not even your decision either or not you go public with your mate. and because of these, you're ready to be yelled, to be punished by your alpha. you keep your head down as you prepare yourself for any kind of force against you.
but to your surprise... none came.
none of the above came.
sam was already at the front door, ready to leave for work when he offered you a ride so when he sees you as if ready for punishment, sam walks back to you and kiss your temple.
"finish your breakfast, omega. see you at 10."
your heart warms. you feel like breaking down. all these times... all the tales mated people tell you, the stories your friends tell you about the men in their families and lives, you know how lucky you are to have sam as your mate.
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the relationship with sam isn't easy. obviously, as mentioned earlier, he's a teacher. you're a student. it's illegal to have a relationship with a teacher despite being mated. though not everybody understand your dynamic especially that the university is mostly populated by humans, but life must go on and yours and sam's relationship ended up being acknowledged by the university's dean.
you live in the hostel provided by the college. good for sam, he rents a house outside though nearby the college so it's shorter form him to travel from his house to the college (even though he has outside work most times). when the dean knows you've been living with sam on and off, he decides that it's better you live with sam now.
like live with him as real mates. which also means you and sam carpooling together to college; which means being seen together publicly; which means you have to accept that this is now your life. and you do. it's no one's fault here.
and it's somewhere after three months of relationship. you're in law class with your friends, waiting for sam to arrive (you don't know why he's late and you're annoyed that he's late and you can't help wondering where he's been though you refused to text him or call him) and your friend says, "you look sparking."
you pulled a face. "what does that mean?"
your friend, joined by other of your friends, are giggling to themselves while your wait for their answer. you look sparkling, what does that really mean? didn't you look pretty before? did you look like an ugly cockroach before? even if you do look sparkling today, then why is sam–
speaking of the devil. there he comes striding inside the class. good. it's been ten minutes you're waiting for his arrival, for his presence. didn't he know that you're being extra sensitive today? he should kn–
now he's looking as if he's uncomfortable in class and he just entered! while setting up his laptop to the projector and opening the presentation slide for today, he's can't stop looking his right and left and back and the class, scrunching his nose as if something smells so bad in class. his eyes catch yours. his eyebrows knitted. then, barely any reaction on his face, he gets back to his laptop and begins his lecture.
excuse me? what's wrong with him today?
slowly, you smell yourself. you wonder if the invisible smell comes from you. but yes, as you expected, it's not. in fact, you smell exactly how you left home this morning. you smell like you. yes, the class room is a mixture of bad breath and sweat, but sam never even bothered before?!.
"is something smells funny to you?" you ask your friend.
you nod your head. "okay."
your heart started beating faster as thought running side your mind like a flashback you don't want to remember. if it's not the room, if it's not you... then...
you hear your heart breaking. it's been only three months since you mated with sam. you helped through his rut. he helped you through your heat. he makes breakfast for you. you cook him dinner. of course three months are not that many ruts and heats, but how could he cheat on you already?
you can't focus for the rest of the class. your mind is elsewhere. and every time your eyes accidentally lock with sam, he makes sure he looks away immediately. god, how can you still sit in the class room?
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something is different. it's not the building; it's not him; it's not the morning meeting; it's not his coffee or your tea. but something is different.
he's been so busy while making you breakfast this morning to notice anything different coming from his omega, but as soon as he arrives your college after a meeting with his client, there is this smell that feels so soft like a fresh cloth from the washing machine. this smell is so sweet like a mixture of rose and vanilla and fresh-baked cookies. this smell makes him feel like home, so homey that he can sleep on the floor of the building with this smell.
he follows the smell. and to his shock, this smell is coming from his class. the class he's about to teach in a few minutes. law class. the class you're attending. yes, the class of his omega. there are other omegas in the class, but does it make sense that this is coming from you? he really can't tell now. all he knows is that this smell–or scent–is no stranger to him.
once he dismissed the class, while the students are leaving one by one, sam scents every one of them. humans, alphas, omegas. and he knows he has to be discreet because he can't let his omega–you–to notice that he's scenting other omegas when his omega is right in front of him. it's like he's asking for a death sentence.
and just like he expected, none of them smells like this smell. the humans smell like urine. some of them even smell as if they bathed in a pool of cologne. the alphas smell like... well, alphas. sam received growls from most of them. the betas are okay, nothing so significant. the omegas makes me him cough and gag so bad.
gosh, why the hell is he scenting them?
once everybody left, sam closes and locks the door. the smell didn't leave with the rest of the students. it stays. and that worries sam even more, but excites him at the same time. he was worried because he thought he mated with the wrong mate (or is it possible that he has more than one mate?) and he's excited because his omega smells so, so, so good.
"what?" you ask with an eyebrow raised. you're irritated with sam. first, he was being weird today. second, he was late for class. third, he can't think you didn't notice him scenting those omegas?!
"come here." sam was resting half of his bum against the teacher's table.
"omega," he warns. "come. here."
the omega inside you are keen to follow her alpha's order, but you can't back down now. at least, not today. there were so much happening today and you're mad at your alpha.
"how about you come here."
instead of being angry at you, sam takes that as a challenge. with a blink of an eye, he's right in front of you. so close that you can smell the papermint in his breath. with his fast movement, you almost tumble backwards yourself, but sam is sam. he's quick grab your wrist and pull you into his arms. and just like the first time you and sam found out that you're mates, sam has his nose on your mating gland.
you wiggle to get free. "sam, i have class."
sam scents you heavier while you're still trying to get yourself free. but the harder you wiggle, the tighter sam's arm around you. it causes more friction and makes sam excited rather than letting you go. "did you–did you change your perfume?"
"perfume?" your heart breaks. seriously, something isn't right. the next time you open your mouth, your voice comes out squeaky. "since when do i wear perfumes?"
"let me go."
sam doesn't respond to your request, but keeps on smelling you and smelling you and smelling you.
"seriously, sam, just tell me."
"tell you what?" sam genuinely looks confused.
"that you have another omega."
"what?" this time, sam lifts his head from your mating gland. his arms loosened around your waist. and finally, with one push, you succeeded let yourself free. he laughs humourlessly. "what the hell are you talking about?"
"alright, that's it. i'm leaving."
no, you didn't mean you're leaving sam, but you're leaving the class because you have another class in two hours and you need something to eat. you're not in a good mood. you're sad. you're angry. you're hungry. if there's no glucose consumed by your body, you know you won't function for next class.
however, you didn't get to go to next class because you have a bad headache. once you reach the house you and sam share, you cannot stopped vomiting. you manage to drink some plain water. you tried to have biscuits, but all of them bile out a few minutes after.
when sam comes back home that evening, and found sleeping on the bathroom floor, he panics.
"y/n? shit. y/n, hey, wake up." he softly slaps your cheek to wake you up, brings you up to his lap and moves the hair on your face. you look so pale and it scares him so much.
you unconsciously mewl when sam's scent hits your nose. and you stir and push yourself close towards sam's chest. his scent calms you down. you feel a hand rubbing the top of your head. "omega, what happened?"
"i–d–know." you manage to answer weakly. "i just..." before you could finish your sentence, you're feeling nauseas again. and you quickly turn towards the toilet bowl. you don't want vomit on your alpha.
"let's go see doctor."
you're too sick, too tired, too weak to protest. plus, you're mature enough that you understood that this isn't because of food poisoning. this isn't because of pre-heat hormones. this is something else.
you nod your head. after washing your face and brush your teeth and changed into sam's shirt (because for particular reasons and especially right now, sam's shirt is the only clothe that your omega body is accepting), sam drives you to the clinic. special clinic for werewolves. and it's far enough that you threw up a few times more on the way.
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you have started showing on your six months of pregnancy. you can't hide with baggy t-shirts anymore. you can't hide with your sweatshirts anymore. you can't even hide with your alphas extra, extra, extra large shirts anymore. and give up hiding it but you're still wearing sam's t-shirt as your maternity clothe because it's so comfortable and makes you calm throughout the day, on campus, without your alpha nearby.
sam is giving out informations for your assignments. and being a good student you are, you scribble notes so you won't forget even though you have more than 4 hours in a week to ask him about the assignment. while jotting down, you accidentally drop your pen and, something... a thing that if your alpha isn't a mature, possessive kind of alpha, you knew war could've happened.
sam was too far to the front to help you. and your stomach is too big for you to bend down and pick up your pen yourself so whether sam likes it or not, another alpha student in the class helps you. he bends down, picks up the pen, gets up, returns the pen to you, and smiles back at you when you say thanks to him. then, you return to your work, oblivious to how the alpha student eyeing your pregnant belly.
sam was fuming. but he's still in class. and he didn't want to lose his job especially now that both of you are expecting, he knows he wants all the luxuries to be given to his pups.
while still lecturing, he approaches you. and you can't help but to eye him warily because you know that this must have something to do with the alpha who helped you just now. once he's right beside you, he stops. he rests his hand on your shoulder at first as if to tell everyone in the lecture room that you're claimed, you're his. then, you feel his fingers caressing your mating gland.
and you shiver. and purring. and you can't stop yourself from submitting to your alpha in public, resting your head against the back of his hand. but you just had to. it's your dynamic. and you can't stop yourself especially when your alpha is showing dominance, especially when you're carrying his pups.
the humans find it cute, some make gagging sound, but with your dynamics, the situation becomes tense. the alpha who helped you keeps clenching his jaws, felt as if his ego is being torn down. other alphas look away, wishing they're anywhere else but here. betas are like humans. other omegas in the class room are glaring at you, wishing sam is caressing their mating gland or showing dominance towards them.
then, while sam's fingers are still on your mating gland, you feel something against your stomach.
"oh." you wince. you don't think it hurts, but definitely caught you off-guard. it's so hard that you feel as if your pups are trying to get themselves free from the cocoon of your belly.
"omega?" he asks, felt you jumped just now. his eyes caught your hands rubbing your stomach and he starts to panic.
"um, n–nothing, s–sir." it's wrong to call him sir, but again you're in– "oh." you jump again when there's another kick. good, that's good. the doctor says you'll be expecting kicks from your twin pups. that means your pups are healthy, but there's a problem.
you run your hands on your stomach to feel for another kick. there it is again. good. yes. just like what you want to feel even though it's so damn hurt, but why do you only feel only a pair of legs when you're pregnant with twins?
"ex–excuse me. i–i need to go to the toilet."
without waiting for sam's answer, you quickly stand up and head for the toilet as fast as your belly can bring you. once inside the toilet you lock the door (good thing the toilet is empty), wanting some privacy. you caress your stomach. up and down. left to right. trying to soothe your pups. you push your stomach here and there, trying to feel another pair of kicks, but there's still none.
you start to shake. your eyes watery. "please, moon goddess, please don't–"
suddenly, there's a knock on the door. "omega?"
as soon as you open the door, sam have his hands cup your face, asking if you're okay. but you're shaking and crying and anxious and worried about your pups that the sentence that came out of your mouth merely sounds like, "alpha, i'm– s–s–sorry. i– didn– the– pups– pups– they– hurts–"
"no, no. i'm not mad at you." sam's thumb brushes your cheeks, wiping your tears. he tries his best to purr for you so you'd come down. it's not good to be in a state like you are now for the pups. plus, he can't get answer from you when you can't speak. "tell me. tell me what happen and i'll help. sshhh, it's okay. i'm here. i'm right here with you."
"the pups–" you hiccup. "the pups–"
will sam be mad at you if you tell sam that one of the pups isn't kicking? will sam put all the blames in you because of that? will sam lock you inside your house after you tell sam about his pups?
"what happened?"
"kick. they– he– kicks."
hearing that sam sigh. his face lights up. and he smiles from ear to ear. "really?"
you nod your head. to prove him, you take sam's big hand and rests it on your stomach. sure enough, one of the pups kicks the father's hand. and sam looks as if it's the happiest day of his life.
then, something dawns on him. "but... they're twins..."
"that's what i– that's– sam, what's happening?" you burst again.
you love them. even though they haven't been born yet, but you have already love them. you don't want to lose both of them or either of them. you don't. you can't.
"let's go to the hospital." he grabs your wrist and starts leading you out of the building.
"what? you can't– you're having a class."
"they're dismissed."
"dismissed? but the class just started."
"it ended a second after you left. now let's go."
in the car towards pack hospital, you continue caressing your stomach to feel the kick of the second pair of legs. you even take sam's free hand and push it around your stomach as a trigger for the second pair to wake up. because who knows if the second pup is more attached to the father's, right? but to your dismay, there is none. still.
"hey, don't worry too much. i'm sure everything will be alright," sam says in the car. he can't see your lips turned downwards. his alpha hates to see his omega sad. but what does he know about a pregnant omega's feelings?
you ended up in the ward for a follow up.
soon, you realised the doctor was right. the other twin is the passive one though expected also being an alpha. he was sleeping and relaxing when his brother was active. that night, you feel the second kick and you and sam are overjoyed that both of you accidentally woke up other patients.
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both you and sam are getting ready for class. sam is fixing his tie in front of the tall mirror while you're putting on your trousers. you approach your alpha to help him with his tie (one that he pretends he doesn't know how to tie the tie) and in front of him, you feel a gush of water coming our of your vagina like a water fall.
you look down. your trousers are fully wet. well, what else do you expect? it's water. not merely slick. there's a big black spot on the carpeted floor. the only good thing here is that, it's not blood, though it still has a distinguishing smell.
"oh, no! alpha." you reach for your big alpha with one hand and hold your belly with the other. you're yet to feel the contraction but the water is making you uncomfortable.
sam looks down with eyebrows knitted on his temple. he knows. he understands. he knows his pups are coming. he's ready but not prepared for them to come today!
sam is not thinking about his job anymore. he's barely thinking about the pungent smell. he's not thinking about the hygiene. he picks you up and places you inside his car. he kisses the top of your head before he runs back inside the house a bag and other supplies. before he leave the house, he makes sure that everything is in safe condition, only by that time, you're starting to feel the contraction.
dammit. you thought being in heat is already a torture...
sam manages to drive under speed limit but fast enough to arrive at the pack hospital before your delivery. but throughout the journey, you're already crying without tears, suppressing the contraction pain. it hurts, it hurts so damn much that it makes you re-thinking your life choice.
sam tried to be a great alpha by massaging your back. he takes off his coat and wraps it around your shoulder, hoping it'll help you with the pain. but right now, there's nothing else that could you ease with that. even with his purr, even with his kisses on your mating gland once both of you're in the hospital room and you're already in hospital gowns.
you're in the delivery room for 16 hours. 16 hours of breathing. 16 hours of massaging. 16 hours of crying. 16 hours of laughing. 16 hours of blaming your alpha for putting you through this. 16 hours of discussing either or not you want more pups (you discussed with your alpha that you want as many children both of you can produce and your alpha agreed with that). 16 hours of talking to distract you from the pain. well, only one thing way helps: the one when your alpha finger you, but even that only works for a short time.
and then, finally, after 16 hours of through these all, two beautiful alphas came out of you. the doctors are quick to clean them before returning them back to you and your alpha for claiming and skinships. and your world can't even be more beautiful than this.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 months
Winchester’s Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Word Count: 984
*Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnaubingo true mates
A/N: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N II: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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Dean angrily stomped down the hallway and burst into the exam room, yelling, “Do you have any idea how fucking backasswards this state is, Dad!”
John blinked in surprise. Dean rarely spoke like this towards him as a Subordinate Alpha, which meant something was very off. Sam's ignored inquiry was another red flag. “Dean, what happened?”
“Do you know what they mandate done to prove ownership of O’s?” John was about to respond when the doctor reappeared, clearly unnerved by the angry scent rolling off Dean. “I need to speak to you privately, Mr. Winchester.” John doesn’t answer them back. “Dean, you got all the paperwork squared away?”
Dean acknowledged it was complicated, shifted his focus to the doctor, staring oddly at Sam, and barked, “You’re not his type, Doc!”  John ignored Dean's outburst and ordered them to wait outside the O’s room. They walked to another exam room, shutting the door. The doctor handed him a file. “This is the reason I asked to speak privately. It concerns your sons and the O.”
John read the first page. “The O’s file is flagged in the database? It was part of a lot taken during the bust of an illegal Pack distributor, and federal law requires spaying before resale?” The doctor interrupted, “Since I just examined it, I can attest this O is still fully intact. Heaven knows how Helms got hold of it.”
Anger crossed John’s handsome features, and snarled, “That son of a bitch! Her original purchaser accused Helms of selling them misrepresented goods. No wonder that Alpha sold her so cheaply.” He flipped to the next page and continued reading.
The next thing John was aware of was that he was seated on the floor. He knew most people would find this situation impossible, but he had had too much personal experience with the unbelievable to doubt it. “Mary’s obstetrician never said anything about us having twins!”
The doctor rolled a stool over and sat down before the big Alpha. “Was her physician at a government clinic?” John affirms the question, which makes the doctor sigh. “I bet she had an amniocentesis performed.” At John's expression, they said, “Some of their OBs order testing even if the ultrasound or blood work doesn’t show anything concerning.”
“Why would they do that?”
“Money. They use it to determine the sub-gender and designation because there are those among the elite wanting specific types of newborns. And twins with designations of Pack Omega and Breeder Alpha? It would’ve created a bidding war.”
John felt his lips moving, unable to vocalize the questions spinning in his mind. He did not want to believe the information when the doctor gestured to the results in his hands.
“I’m not lying about Sam and the Omega being twins.” John shook his head. “But I saw the ultrasounds. I would have known if I had a daughter!”
“With the older equipment, they could have already loaded someone else’s tape in the machine to fool you. And were you present during delivery?” John responded negatively.
“They drugged your mate, so she won’t remember the birth to smuggle the newborns out of the hospital directly. Something must have gone wrong since they only got your daughter, but it doesn’t explain how she ended up with that illegal distributor.”
John flashes back to seeing Mary and remembers how out of it she seemed after having Sam. Later, a shorter man appeared out of nowhere when he took Dean to the nursery, holding him up to see his new brother through its large window. He doesn’t remember their conversation, but Dean’s comment about not letting the man with the spooky eyes get Sammy stuck with him.
John's voice is hoarse. “How can she be a Pack Omega? And Sam a Breeder? They don’t exist anymore!”
“We might have evolved into civilized beings but still carry our ancestors' genetic makeup.” The doctor tapped a finger against their lips, “There was a theory that the reintroduction of Wild Pack DNA could reactivate Breeder genes within certain bloodlines, which would explain why the twin turned out a Pack Omega. She is your son's true mate.”
The doctor's words, certain bloodlines-true mate, pounded like a drumbeat, repeating in his keen mind and boarding on deafening when it hit him.
All this has something to do with Mary's death too.
“As that character in Jurassic Park said, life finds a way.” The doctor looked pained. “I must report all these results to the federal authorities by law. They will request a local retainer immediately and take them into custody. But since you have a court date,” the doctor calculated by wall clock, “In roughly thirty hours. I won’t send the results until then.”
John grew suspicious. “Why delay it?”
“I may participate in this system, but I’m not heartless. I have pups myself, and I’ve just dropped a metaphorical bomb on you. If these weren’t extenuating circumstances, you’d have legal recourse against Helms.”
John nodded in acknowledgment. “Thank you. Are you obligated to tell all my pups about these findings?” The doctor replied yes but gave a pointed look, “Your party has left before I could notify them.” They paused to ponder a moment.
“Perhaps this is an unexpected blessing. The judge must accept these test results, negating your son’s conviction because now they’ve been brought together, their wolves won’t allow them to be separated easily.”
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John left the office but slipped out of the clinic's rear entrance instead of returning to the exam room. He walked out of the security cameras' range and pulled out his phone, dialing a number he swore never to use again. It rang twice before answering.
“I told you to lose this number, you son of a bitch!”
“It’s about my pups.” There was silence, then, “I’m listening.” John released his held breath, “Bobby, I need your help, or I’m gonna lose them all.”
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Part VI
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2 @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch @ilovetaquitosmmmm @strawblueberrys @mishkatelwarriorgoddess
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miss-madness67 · 5 months
The Smell of You (Sam drabble)
When you meet your Alpha.
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Harvelle’s Roadhouse for hunters is in a way you have never seen before. Rugged men and women mingling with each other makes the smell of Alpha all the more potent. It’s no surprise most hunters are Alphas, but it is still bothersome considering your presentation as an Omega. You try to avoid as many people as you can as you navigate through the crowd. Your suppressants keep the attention of others away most of the time, but you prefer to avoid physical contact if you can. In the busy bar, there is no sign of your best friend, Jo. You think maybe she has gone behind the counter to help her mother, but Hellen is expertly managing the customers on her own. Where the hell has Jo gone to?
The door of the establishment opens and closes yet again, but you’re too busy looking for your friend to glance at the newcomers. Finally, in the mass of bodies, you spot Jo animatedly talking to Ash in a corner of the place, near the jukebox. With a smile on your face, you make your way over. Just as you reach them, something else happens. Your friend looks from over your shoulder at something -someone- behind you. And before you turn around, before you look at him, you smell him. People often say that when finding your mate, all of your concentration would be taken away and the only focus would be on them. You want to agree, but more than that, all that you can focus on is the smell. Oh, so sweet and yet so masculine. You wish to melt on him like butter, you feel reborn. Finally, as you look up, your eyes clash with Sam Winchester and nothing else seems to matter. You are his.
Taglist: @desimarie12 @hobby27 @coppernickeldime @sweetwerewolfqueen @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @perpetualabsurdity @deanswaywardgirl @seppys-return-to-madness @mrspeacem1nusone
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babyjackdaniels · 4 months
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spnexploration · 1 year
Pack Masterlist
So, I didn't really mean to start a new series when a scene came to me, but we're at over 8k words in the doc now so it's pretty official that I have, in fact, started a new series...
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Madison (the werewolf from season 2 "Heart" 😆)
Note: This is not a poly fic but I will be leaning into Pack dynamics where Pack members seek comfort in physical contact with other Pack members. So if you're after something poly you could probably read that into some subtext here, but if you're not into that then don't worry.
Series summary: Omega!Reader is thrown into a world she's not expecting when her mate turns out to be a hunter, and she's not used to Alpha & Omega Pack dynamics.
Warnings: canon-level violence, probably a bit of smut, A/B/O dynamics, there will be hugging and sleeping with (literal sleeping, not sex) Pack members who are not your mate. Individual chapters will carry their own warnings.
Supernatural writing masterlist
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(image from google)
Chapter 1
Your newly-found mate, Dean, leaves you in the care of his brother.
Chapter 2
You accompany Sam and Madison on the case.
Chapter 3
Dean explains.
Chapter 4
You go home to sleep.
Chapter 5
You head back to the bunker with the Winchester
Chapter 6
Madison opens your eyes...
Chapter 7
Sam and Dean leave you and Madison in the motel room.
Chapter 8
Sam takes Dean to hospital.
Chapter 9
Sam comes to sit with Dean with you.
Chapter 10
Dean gets out of hospital.
Chapter 11
Dean is suddenly sick.
Chapter 12
Dean remains in the local hospital clinic.
Chapter 13
Dean comes home.
Chapter 14
Dean and you go to the doctor
Chapter 15
You try to follow the doctor's orders
Chapter 16
Miscommunications abound...
Chapter 17
Dean calls a family meeting.
Chapter 18
The reader learns a number of things about her new life.
Chapter 19
You need some air.
Chapter 20
You're feeling better.
Chapter 21
You start learning some lore
Chapter 22
The morning after your night alone.
Chapter 23
Your heat continues.
Chapter 24
You've finally been marked!
Chapter 25
Your heat and Dean's rut are over.
Chapter 26
The Pack heads out on Claire's hunt.
Chapter 27
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maximumkillshot · 8 months
Supernatural Masterlist
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Welcome one and All above 18 for the most part!
Here you will find all of my Supernatural works!! ENJOY!
She Wouldn’t be Into a Guy Like Me- DeanxReader   Warnings: smut (unprotected [don’t party without a hat at home kids]), language,angst, LONG? yes, WORTH IT? HELL YEAH
As If Hunters Are a Thing, Right? Part I-    Warnings: angst, descriptions of depression, character deaths, vivid imagery of crime scenes, drinking
Tear Me Down Pt 1- DeanxReader     Warnings: angst,drinking, gore, possession, descriptions of said possession, slight self esteem issue if you really look hard, just a whole slab of Sadness really
Tear Me Down Pt 2 “Now”- DeanxReader    Warnings: bit of angst in the beginning, depression, descriptions of possession, FLUFFY AS ALL HELL, make out (if that needs a warning?)
I Can’t Explain It- DeanxReader  Warnings: Angst with a wee bit o’ fluff 
“I Know My Baby Better Than You Anyway”-   Warnings: smut (unprotected [don’t party without a hat at home kids]), language, the reader being a bit of a smart ass, slightly insecure reader, super fluff at the end
Until The End of Time-    DeanxReader   Warnings:OK this is what I call, SUPER FLUFF… It is semi lethal at times… I figured that a Monday needs a little !Pregnant ReaderX!Daddy Dean love.
How Can I Put This?-   SamxReader Warnings: negative body image of the reader, Sammy being Cute as all hell, semi-fluffy, almost smut (Coming in Part 2)
“How Can I Put This?” Part II_ “Well In That Case”-   Warnings: SMUT with protection (yay I remembered!), oral sex (Female receiving GRAPHIC), dry humping, All around dirty (seriously I need to go to church now), IT’S LONG y’know like Sam?, fluff at the end, Pairing: SamxReader,   A/N: I have never said this before, but seriously, this is for 18+ users! I had to stop writing for a bit because I got all worked up. This is your only warning…enjoy! I’m Actually Thinking the Contrary of Disgust-   Warnings: negative body image of the reader, language, fluffy, Dean’s a sweetheart in this one, implied smut at the end, Sick reader  Pairing: Dean x Sick!Reader  Characters: Reader, Sam, Dean A/N: I came down with a really bad cold and it inspired this! Dean is a supersweetheart in this one.. the fluff is super strong! enjoy the fic guys!
Where Do I Sign?- Warnings: Language, Mentions of Mental Illness, Depression, Anxiety, Mentions of Medication and being without said Medication, General Angst… This one is heavy but gets fluffy… you have been warned.   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, other characters are mentioned   A/N: Hello everyone, so this is a piece that I came up with yesterday! The lovely @emoryhemsworth Beta’d this one for me so thank you once again sweetheart and Congratulations on your graduation!!!!
Writer’s Block- DRABBLE   Warnings: for the first time none really! Just gets a bit steamy at the end, enjoy my people! Pairing: Dean xReader  Characters:Reader,Dean A/N: This is a drabble that I came up with when I had writer’s block a while back. I think that now’s the perfect time to release it since my other fic isn’t quite ready yet so enjoy this drabble in it’s place! The other one should be out some time in the coming week. 
I Will Never Deserve-  Warnings: some descriptive language, cursing, fluffy Dean, angry Dean, whole bunch of Dean feels really, insecure reader    Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Reader x Dean, Sam   A/N: Ok so I kid you not this happened to me. I have been interested in a guy for a while (relationship wise). We haven’t talked in forever and then a few months later, he starts to conversate with me and basically asks me to be in a threesome…. with himself and his girlfriend…I DIDN’T DO IT! I altered parts of the conversation that I put in. So this fic is a bit of what I wish someone would have said to me… of the Dean variety.   (all the way up to the read more line is the basic summation of what happened)
She’s Mine-Warnings: A/B/O dynamics (claiming, knotting, the like), cursing, semi NSFW GIFS,  longgg as fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkk but worth it (trust me)   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam, Cas   A/N: Ok so this is my first time trying A/B/O dynamics… I had a very good fried of mine @emoryhemsworth Beta this for me and she did an awesome job! So shout out to her!!  Also @kittenofdoomage I hope your proud!! I’ve been inspired by your A/B/O pieces for a while and I hope you enjoy this piece, you are a legend!!!
It’ll Always Be You- Warnings:SMUT, semi NSFW (Barely) gifs, Language, Nervous!Dean, tiny bit of angst, Long as all hell but worth it for the ending!   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam   A/N: Hello People! This is my so so so late admission for @mamaredd123‘s 100 quotes challenge! I am so sorry this is so late. Both my sister and I had surgeries and that put a whole halt to my writing endeavors. I am so happy with the product and I hope that y’all are too.
Since I Saw You- Warnings: None, Unless you aren’t a fan of tooth-rotting fluff, some awkward stuff maybe if you squint.   Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Y/N   Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Y/N   A/N: Hello People! Ohh two fics in less than a week? What is going on with me? Well here is my first RPF. This takes place right at the beginning of Supernatural! I mean no disrespect towards Danneel or anyone else in the fic. This is 100% a work of fiction and not meant to harm or hurt anyone at all! Please enjoy! Also let me know if I did good! I’m an insecure writer and I needs the validations!
Needed You (Imagine)-Warnings: Only one, mention of a bad hunt… Other than that a sprig of angst n a giant pile of fluff. Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack, Reader.    A/N: Anonymous asked: Can I request a Jack imagine?Why yes you can, nonny. Yes you can.    For this one I am not sure where you wanted me to go with it, so I am going to try a different approach, I hope you like it! I’ve never written for Jack before but let’s give it a go!
Grandma Got Fucked Over By A Reindeer-Warnings: None really, description of a murder, some cussing, implied future smut, but nothing happens, promise!   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Y/N, Sam Winchester, Jack   A/N: This is for @atc74 ‘s Cards Against Christmas Drabble Challenge. I had so much fun making this. I don’t even know how to define this genre, maybe a crack fic? Enjoy people!! 
Jealousy-Pairing: Dean X Reader   Situation: undercover office hunt where Dean get Jealous of reader getting attention from men that work in the office.   Genre: Smut/Fluff    Warnings: SMUT, FLUFFY AS ALL HELL, !Jealous Dean   Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader,    Characters:  Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader,   A/N: Is this a drabble? NO….. DO I CARE? NOT EVENN A BIT!!! I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK! THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE, Thank you so much for submitting!
For You- Warnings: SMUT, Angst, the lightest bit of BDSM…. Fluffy Smutty Dom Demon Dean…. Yes you read that correctly… I didn’t think it was possible either… but hey, here we are.   Pairing: Fluffy!Dom!Demon! Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam  Winchester, Castiel, Reader.   A/N: Here’s another piece for the 606 challenge!!! I’m sorry it’s been a bit, classes started up again and I’m drowning in work, but I was able carve out time for this fic. I am slowly working on When You Call as well so… NOBODY PANIC THERE IS A PART 12 on the way (I may or may not be aiming for this weekend… *wink) In the meantime, please enjoy this fic!
I’ll Tell You What, Winchester- Warnings: None Really, future smut implied   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader.   A/N:This is from my 100 follower celebration, so I decided to move it to the 606 because I really want to do some gifs as well. Special thanks to @jayankles who submitted this a while ago (So sorry that it took this long.)
The Pie-Warnings: LETHAL FLUFF(look to tags to avoid spoilers), idk what else but yeah, there yah go!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN!!!!   Pairing:Dean Winchester x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester,   A/N:Yet another Drabble Done for the 606 celebration/challenge!!! @mamaredd123 Submitted: How about a Dean x Reader, no particular genre, go with a drabble… “How could you forget the pie??”THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUBMISSION AND….ENJOY THE FLUFF
She’s  A Knockout- Warnings: Some angst, some spoilers for s14, some fluff, cursing because c’mon it’s me we’re talkin’ about, also some allusion to sexy times.   Pairing: Dean x Donna    Characters: Doug, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Donna   A/N: ONWARD WITH THE 606 CHALLENGE!!! I know I haven’t posted for this in a while, but this submission from @adoptdontshoppets that just started singing to me tonight. The submission is:“Whatcha doin’ here Dean?” + Dean x Donna + Dean shows up at the sheriff’s office to ask Donna on a date + I vote for fluff ‘cause she says ‘yes.’ Though angst if she says no could be interesting too. 🙂 Maxi’s 606
For You Part 2- Warnings: depressing memories, some provoking Demon!Dean, metions of sexy times,  it’s really a prepper for part 3…. if you want it.   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader   A/N: If you want part 3 tell me so!!
The Letter- Warnings: Some angst, Jealous!Dean, Sam’s just being Sam, Mentions of Hell and sexy times, nothing too bad, Pg-13 at best… not even really, FLUFFFFFFYYYYY   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Random Dude, Reader (Of course)   A/N: Hello all, I wasn’t able to post over the weekend, but hey! I’m doing it now!!! Enjoy everyone.. It’s FLUFFYY and as always…. GIFS AIN’T MINE!!
Tethered-Warnings: angsty PAIN OWWWW   Pairing:Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader   Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader, (If I said who, it’d be a spoiler.)   A/N:  This was from @jayankles Thanks so much for the gifs hun!!
Sweet Birthday Bash- Warnings: None just lethal fluff, really   Pairing: None   Characters: Ana,Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester , Cass and Jack are mentioned   A/N: This is for the wonderful @anathewierdo to celebrate her birthday!! From her crazy tia Rowena (Vicky)
Right-  Warnings:lethal fluff, smut too, nothing too explicit since tumblr is having an existential crisis…   Pairing: Emory x Dean Winchester   Characters: Emory,Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester , Cass and Jack are mentioned   A/N: Happy birthday to my girl @emoryhemsworth !!! I’ll join you at 24 in a few months!!!
I Need Help-Warnings: Mental Breakdowns, mentions of Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, depression, and other illnesses, small bit of cursing, fluff, angst, y’know the common roller coaster!   Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader   Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader, Jack    A/N: Hey so… I had an episode. This what I know Dean would do for his number one girl… if she lived with what I have…
Make it Better- Warnings: ANGSTY AF, like it’s bad for a while there, then it gets better. Some cussing possible, mentions of S14 stuffs.   Pairing: Dean x ReaderCharacters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader, OMC Luke, (Multiple other charaters mentioned   A/N: This is from an ask by @carribear31 Her ask reads:  So I have an idea, it could be angsty. Going back to beginning if seadon 14. Dean is free from Michael and comes back to the bunker to find all the AU hunters there. Him and reader have been together for awhile but seeing all these other hunters need her for this and that makes him feel unneeded and useless and even a bit jealous when he notices one other hunter seems to seek her out more then the others. Now with Dean feel sorry for himself and pushing her away she must prove they belong together. Happy ending please! Thank you!
You Had Me - Warnings: Fluff, Smut (I’M DIRTY DON’T JUDGE ME), unprotected sex (always wrap it before you tap it), asshole OMC who has a problem with plus sized women   Pairing: Dean x Reader   Characters: Y/N, Dean Winchester   A/N:Anon asked: Hey I love you’re writing!💕 can I request a dean x plus size reader where the reader is super quirky and shy also super insecure but does all there research and one day the reader gets ask on a date but gets setup and deans comforts his feelings maybe smut?Here you are Nonny!
SERIES LIST (Any Fic series with more than 2 parts):
“When You Call” Masterlist- Ongoing. Main Feels: Angst, Fluff, Smut! A/B/O Dynamics
“All I Could Do” Masterlist- Ongoing. Main Feels: Ansgt, depression, it’s not for the faint of heart, honestly
The Zeppelin Shirt Masterlist- Ongoing. Main Feels: SMUT 18+ only, I could not be more serious with this, honestly. Some angst.
The Situation Masterlist- Ongoing. Main Feels: Hilariously funny... Dean’s a Chick and let’s just say that he’s having issues adjusting womanhood
Disposable Masterlist- Ongoing... Main feels: PAIN PAIN PAIN
Plenty of Woman Masterlist-  Ongoing. Main Feels: Past traumas, Dean trying to fix some real bad shit he did in the past to the reader. There will be fluff and smut spattered around in my humble opinion, not guarenteed though, as all stories take a mind of their own over time. (individual warnings will be in each fic themselves… for the love of everything read and follow them!)
By The Books Masterlist- Ongoing. Main Feels: Lot of school work, flirting, smut to follow. Individual warnings will be in each fic themselves.)
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“Don’t Provoke Dean”
Chapter 2
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She had no idea where she was going, but her Omega told her to run hard from the pack leader. She knew she was faster than him, which meant he had to be smart or wait for her to get tired. She huffed, losing her jacket, she scented the air, searching for water. She moved around trees, avoiding bushes to prevent leaving her scent. Her human mind, still somewhat alert, began to question if she wanted to be caught.
She knew how she felt about him but was uncertain of his current intention. She was scared she pushed him too far and broke their friendship. Her Omega said differently believing this to be a mating run. She disbelieved the hopeful side of her. No one had ever punished her since she was packless. Being packless protected her from a lot of harm, but it also meant if an Alpha tried or did anything, there was no one to protect her or demand recompense on her behalf.
Every time she thought of Dean Winchester, her Omega would whine and whimper, saddened to be away from him. She had never understood the pull toward him, which had always been there. Since he seemed to not show any sign of it, she always assumed it was one-sided and just a biological instinct she ignored.
The run was making her realize just how tired she was of fighting whatever this was between them. She had never been afraid of Dean Winchester since they met. Right now, however, she was afraid of herself, of her Omega, because she wanted to be caught and had no idea what would happen when he did.
Dean, ever the hunter, knew after the first hunt with Y/N, they were scent-bonded. He never told Sam but wouldn’t be surprised if he knew. Sam was psychic and seemed to read people well. He caught her scent again and followed it. Her arousal became stronger, the vanilla becoming more buttery. The Alpha knew their situation was ideal: no wind and weather mild but for the humidity. He knew he could wait her out, but that meant she would stop simply due to her tiredness, he wanted her to want this just as much as him. His Alpha was a simpering mess every time she was near and he was done. Dean was going to mate her, and then neither of them would have this stupid argument ever again. She would be his Omega and he would get to keep her, forever.
Having hunted with her enough, he knew how she thought. He ran along the river, knowing she’d probably try to hide her scent. Oddly, once he was at the river, her scent didn’t lessen, it seemed stronger. He continued to follow it and after a few hundred yards noticed it weakened. He paused, scenting and tasting the air. He backtracked, thinking she must have done so as well. He was very wrong.
Once he was back at the river, where the scent guided him, he was knocked down to the ground. Instantly recognizing his Omega, he rolled to outmaneuver her but failed. She had him trapped in a headlock. He was getting too old to wrestle like a horny teenager. He was horny and knew his eyes were red. He was holding his Alpha from truly surfacing, worried he would scare her. He was a special Alpha who partially changed when completely in sync with his wolf. He was able to get out of her headlock and saw her.
Y/N was like him.
Her gold irises, beautiful in the moonlight that was making her freckles, somehow, glow. Her fangs had dropped as she encircled him. She had short, black claws in place of her fingernails and multiple tuffs of thin fur matching her Y/C hair on both hands, up her upper arms, and he bet it was along her back some too. Her scent wrapped around him: the woodiness of the sandalwood, the light, floral earthiness of strawberry, and the deep butteriness of the vanilla. The image of a sweet, floral strawberry rose pie on a window sill came to mind. It reminded him of the one Missouri made once, he secretly loved it but denied it when he was a kid. He inhaled his mate’s scent deeply.
Y/N growled at the Alpha. She was not some weak Omega waiting to be caught. No, she decided to trick him and get the jump on him before he did on her. Her plan worked perfectly until he got away. Despite her height advantage over him (being nearly a foot shorter than him), he was very good at wrestling and it was something they tended to do when bored at the bunker. She swiped at him, Alpha’s being quick to heal, his chest was already free of the mark by the time she’d knocked him off his feet and began working to pin him to the ground. He easily flipped them with his Alpha strength as his Alpha surfaced and he shifted as well.
Just like Y/N, Dean’s hands were covered in fur matching his dirty blonde hair that went up the back of his arms and down the back of his neck onto his whole back and down. His fangs dropped and he growled, dominantly, demanding her submission. She repositioned her feet and turned within his grasp onto her front but he kept her wrists in his hands. A wrong move for her as it allowed Dean to bite, without breaking skin, the back of her, pinning her Omega in place. Y/N’s Omega had no choice but to obey, and went pliant in his grip. She closed her eyes and waited. Her breathing came out in heavy pants. He carefully released his bite and leaned down next to her ear, licking the tender spot below and back of her ear causing a shiver to run down her body. Dean growled approvingly.
He nosed along her, placing sloppy kisses along her neck and inhaling at her mating gland. He licked and nipped her mating gland, increasing the scent of her Omega arousal. He softened his grip on her wrists as he continued to tease her mating gland. She whined as he continued.
“You have me,” Y/N’s voice broke with the admission. “Please,” she begged and huffed as she pushed her jean-cladded ass and thighs against his abdomen and pelvis.
He smiled, unseen, and kissed the back of her neck. Shivers ran down her spine each time he did. “Good girl.” She whimpered in response.
“Alpha,” she moaned, squeezing her thighs together.
“Impatient,” he stated, thrusting his leg between her legs. He leaned down next to her ear, breathing heavily. “You are mine, Y/N. I know you’ve felt it.”
She could feel tears flooding her eyes. He did. He did, and her mind celebrated.
He placed several kisses on the back of her back and quickly moved to limit his weight on her. “I’m sorry it took me so long to see, Omega,” he half growled and half whined.
She reached back, grabbed his neck, and turned her head into his face, attempting to nuzzle and comfort him. “I’m sorry…I…gave up,” she whispered, nasally from the tears she wouldn’t let fall.
He sat back, allowing her to roll back over. Her shirt and jeans were covered in dirt and grass stains. Dean figured he was the same but ignored it. It doesn’t matter. Red eyes met gold, silence encompassed them for several long moments as Dean looked over her face. Whatever Dean seemed to be searching for in Y/N’s face, he must have found it because the next thing she knew, he surged forward, kissing her. His arms wrapped around her, his leg returned between her thighs, and she reciprocated—one hand in his hair and the other holding the shirt on his back.
Dean pulled back, panting, gasping for breath. “You’re…you’re mine, Y/N.”
“I am,” she agreed, breathlessly. She whined. “Mate me, Alpha. Please,” she panted. “Please, Dean.” Her eyes searched his face.
“You’ll be mine?”
Tears began to fall down her cheeks. “I’ve always been yours, Dean. I—I—I love you.”
Dean passionately kissed her, mostly a gnashing of teeth and tongues. He slipped one hand between them, unsnapping his jeans and then hers, and pulled hers down. She wiggled to help, lips always touching, as he haphazardly pulled her underwear down in the process to where she had one leg out of her underwear and jeans. Dean smiled at this. She let go of his shirt and worked to help him with her jeans, and then when he leaned back, she followed him to help him with his. She reached in and grabbed his thick Alpha cock. He hissed at her touch and moaned as she pulled him out.
Moaning at the sight of Dean’s gorgeous erection, she laid down, grabbed his shirt with both hands and pulled him on her, wrapping her legs around him. “Fuck me, Alpha,” she demanded growling.
His eyebrows rose in surprise at her assertiveness as he went with her, one hand behind her head, leaning on his elbow as he took himself in hand positioning himself at her entrance. He looked down as he slowly pushed into her slick shiny pussy. Y/N groaned, reveling in the stretch. He touched everywhere inside her channel, and she practically purred at the feel.
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Dean grinned, surprised by her sounds, and enjoyed them. “Like that, sweetheart?” His voice was deeper, guttural, and dancing goosebumps along her skin.
“Yes,” she breathed. “Full, so full, oh.”
Dean stilled but Y/N gritted her teeth. “Don’t you stop.”
“Yes ma’am.” He pulled back and thrust hard into her, both moaning in unison. He repeated the motion again and again as he built up a rhythm, both of them groaning in pleasure. Dean watched her writhe on his cock and felt her walls flutter around him. Y/N’s eyes were closed, mouth open panting as she held onto Dean’s biceps, meeting him thrust-for-thrust, over and over and over. Soon, she could feel his enlarging knot teasing her entrance. She tried grinding against him each time he bottomed out, pulling a growl from her when she succeeded
“Knot me,” she begged.
“Hold on, Darlin’,” Dean panted against her open mouth. He thrust harder, forcing his increasing knot in and out of her. Shudder after shudder with each jab of his knot’s partial entering, until his knot reached full size. A handful of thrusts later, he pushed it within her and the pressure against her sweet spot pulled her over the edge. Her walls squeezed around Dean’s knot and he bit into her swollen mating gland, coppery liquid rushing onto his tongue. He growled, feeling spend after spend coat Y/N’s inner walls as she gushed, coating his pelvis and her thighs in her juices, screaming through her orgasm as everything seemed to go dark.
To be continued…Part 3
Part 1
Tag @harmonity-vibes
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captain039 · 1 year
White picket fence.
Wincest x reader
Sam alpha
Dean alpha/omega
Reader omega
Warnings: Incest, AOB, scenting, nesting, harassment, poly couple
Finding the bunker was the next best thing, a place to go back too, a bed of your own. Well this bed was a little dusty and old, not really comfortable either.
“Hey” you glanced to Dean who had knocked on your door.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“Wanna go shopping?” He grinned and you frowned suspiciously but nodded and followed him.
“Sammy!” He yelled finding him at the table reading.
“We’re heading out” he said and Sam frowned and you shrugged.
“Um, ok” Sam just nodded and you went to him. You leant down and Sam smiled a bit giving you a soft kiss.
“Be safe” he said and you nodded going to Dean who grinned.
“Bye” he said to Sam before leaving.
“Where are we going? Please tell me where not buying an arsenal” you groaned.
“Nope” he had this grin that wouldn’t leave, he was up to something.
“Dean” you huffed.
“Furniture shopping!” He said and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh come your beds crusty man” he icked and you made a ‘fair’ face.
“Besides the place could use some décor” he smiled.
“Whatever you say” you said.
Dean rented a trailer first before heading to whatever furniture store was close.
“How are we paying for this?” You whispered to him.
“Credit cards” he smirked perking up as he saw the bedding.
“Oh boy” you muttered.
“This one?” Dean laid down sighing contently as you laid by him.
“Oh yeah” you hummed closing your eyes.
“Do you two need assistance?” You jumped hearing the sales woman.
“Yes” Dean grinned and stood as did you.
“We would like three of these in a queen” he smirked at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Alright then, did you want to keep browsing? Bed frames or anything?” She asked smiling.
“Also yes” Dean nodded already having his eyes on something.
“And he’s gone” you said.
“New house?” The sales woman asked.
“Yeah” you chuckled, if that’s what you want to call a secret underground bunker.
“He seems overly happy doing this” she commented.
“Yeah I don’t know” you shrugged. He waved you over and you excused yourself.
“So there’s black, white and oak in this, it’s simple, cheap and nice” he said.
“One of each colour?” You asked.
“I’ll have white, Sammy will have black and you can have oak” you said.
“Read my mind” he said and you smiled. You wandered off while Dean talked to the sales woman. You looked at appliances, a new microwave wouldn’t hurt.
“New house?” You frowned at the words. You glanced to the alpha who gave a smile.
“Oh yeah” you nodded awkwardly going back to checking prices.
“Yeah me too, thought it was time to set up you know?” He stepped closer, a little too close.
“Yeah it’s nice” you shrugged stepping away.
“Are you in your own?” He asked and before you were about to back away and speak you ran into someone. You gulped a bit knowing Deans figure and scent.
“No she’s not” Dean said, scent defensive and sour. The other alpha held his hands up and left and you sighed sagging a bit against him.
“Ok?” He asked and you nodded not used to people talking to you like that. He rubbed your arms in comfort before you turned around, taking a small step back.
“Is it all paid for?” You asked and he nodded smile returning. You helped him the best you could with lifting everything into the trailer.
“Is it gonna fit through the door?” You called from the other side of the trailer.
“Yeah it’ll fit” Dean said throwing you some rope.
After tying it down you headed back to the bunker. Dean parked by the entrance and you got out.
“I’ll get Sam” you said and Dean nodded getting out. You opened the doors and walked down to get Sam who was still reading.
“Hey” you called.
“Hey, got everything?” He asked and you nodded.
“Gonna need your help and he frowned but nodded following you.
“What’s this?” He asked you.
“Furniture!” Dean said happily.
“Huh?” Sam said confused and Dean rolled his eyes.
“For our rooms dumbass” Dean huffed.
“No I get that I just” you hit his stomach lightly and he stopped.
“Just help me carry it” Dean said.
After everything was inside you all collapsed on the couch.
“I don’t wanna do that again” Dean commented.
“I second that” you said hearing Sam chuckled.
“Oh we got you black hope that’s ok” Dean said to Sam.
“Sure” Sam nodded.
“I don’t wanna ruin your nesting, I just thought we’d be in one room is all” Sam said and you smiled to yourself.
“We can share beds, that’s why I got the big beds” Dean grinned.
“Besides princess here likes her own room” he pointed to you.
“Only cause I move a-lot” you huffed.
“And we’ve said we don’t mind” Dean said Sam agreeing.
“Also Sam snores, I need some sleep sometimes” Dean teased and Sam hit him making him chuckle.
“Sometimes we argue” Dean said quietly and you nodded.
“But, I think it’s good to have our own rooms, still enough room for fun times” Dean winked making you roll your eyes.
“Do you ever not think with your dick?” You asked.
“Only when I’m not around you” he grinned and you fake gagged.
“Oh come on princess” he smirked.
“You love it” he added.
“Do I?” You dragged out.
“My mark says so” he pointed to your neck, a cocky look on his face.
“His mark says so too” he added and you flushed. You lifted your hands to cover the marks on your neck, one either side, right for Dean and left for Sam. Sam had the same for Dean and you on the left. Dean had you on the right and Sam on the left. People often gave weird looks at the two bite marks either side of your necks, but never said anything, to scared too. Dean was very protective and proud of his marks and would bite someone’s head off if they bagged them.
Setting up your rooms was slow, you laid the new mattresses out on the floor near the lounge next to each other like one big bed. Dean often ended up on either Sam’s or yours bed. It was nice to do these things though, putting together the furniture with beers and laughs when Dean didn’t understand the instructions. Day by day the rooms slowly looked like normal people rooms. It was strange being able to call this your room. Dean loved it, he loved his bed and the idea of his own room, never actually had one before. Sam was a little reluctant to stay in his room, he preferred to sleep with either you or Dean his alpha ness kicking in. All three of you was usually a tight fit but with the bigger beds it was better, but not really. You slept well when you were with either one of them, but you moved a lot, you usually tossed and turned, needed a soft blanket and about a million pillows before you’d fall asleep. Despite them both saying the didn’t care you sometimes needed your own bed and space. First few nights was weird, it was nice but weird having your own room. Sam didn’t sleep in his room, no the alpha was determined to have his scent on yours and Deans bed before he was satisfied and finally tried his room. Course when he did you’d woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and walked to Sam’s room wrapped in a blanket. He had smiled and lifted his quilt so you could come under. He wasn’t asleep in the first place but he relaxed when he tugged you to him. By three a clock you think Dean rolled in. He was groggy, grumpy for whatever reason he mumbled. He climbed into Sam’s bed and cuddled up to you grumbling something before he fell asleep again. When morning came you smiled tucking yourself more against Sam in content. Dean mumbled in his sleep, clutching you tighter which made you smile again. Sam had chuckled quietly at Deans noise and pressed a kiss to your head whispering a soft good morning. You hummed lifting your head to look at him. His hair was out of whack and you chuckled only to hear Dean grunt in annoyance.
“Can’t we sleep in one time” he said and you laughed quietly with Sam.
“Our body’s have clocks Dean” Sam said.
“Screw my clock” he said as you rolled over to face him. He smiled then, opening his eyes.
“Morning” he grinned and you huffed before kissing him.
“Mm definitely good morning” he added and Sam laughed.
“Who wants pancakes?” He grinned and you nodded laughing. This was your white picket fence.
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Please vote and lets see what all we have going on!!! So exciting! I know y'all love my stuff and Im excited to share all this stuff with you guys!! I do have a new series in the works!! I also have exciting stuff in the works!
I have currently 7,638 followers...I am working on doing a giveaway once we hit 8,000 followers!! Send me suggestions on what you'd like to see for a giveaway, also reblog this, like it, comment on it and lets blow this post up so we can get things moving in the right direction!!
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zepskies · 4 months
Poll: Fic to "Podcast Fic"
Thanks to the lovely admins over at @spnfanficpond and @talltalesandbedtimestories, one of my SPN stories will be made into a podfic! I'm very excited, but I also need your help. 💕
If you're interested, which story would you enjoy listening to in podfic form? (Links and summaries below the poll.)
I tried to include longer stories or chapters in the options, but if there's a different SPN story (or series chapter) of mine you would prefer, please list it in the comments below! 💜
Stories Mentioned:
(Links and summaries below the cut.)
Choosing Him You’re forced to make a decision between Sam and Dean. - [Sequel to “Dean gives you an impossible choice.” Contains both Sam and Dean endings.]
Smoke Eater (Part 1) Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real.
Midnight Espresso - (18+) You’ve never taken Dean’s flirting seriously…until he asks you for an impromptu Spanish lesson.
A Wish to Build a Dream On (18+) Dean has been harboring the archangel Michael in his mind for weeks now, putting a strain on your relationship. When Dean makes a wish that accidentally brings his father back from the dead, you get to meet the (in)famous John Winchester. But as always with magic, your boyfriend’s wish has unintended consequences.
Big & Tall - (18+) You steal Sam’s shirt. But that simple theft comes at a big price.
Make It Right (18+) He didn’t mean to claim you. Not like this. Not before he’s meant to die. [Omegaverse/ABO dynamics]
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me-and-my-3lovers · 1 month
A Bond Never Meant to Be
Alpha!Castiel x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Apocalypse!Castiel
What happens when you are trapped in a room, ready to be tortured by your boyfriend’s evil doppelgänger?
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: SELF HARM/ MUTILATION, SUICIDE, Forced Claiming, angst, Torture, There are other ones I just can't think of
Italics are your thoughts
"You are quite the interesting specimen." The voice sounded like Cas but not quite, it was too mean, too calculating. "Take the bag off her head." He commanded. Your eyes didn't need much time adjusting to the dim room, seeing Charlie and Ketch were being tortured by angels in military gear. What towered over you was Castiel, not your Cas, he smelled smelled... off, but he looked identical. "It'll be so easy breaking an omega."
"Don't you touch her," Ketch tried to sound intimidating, but he was coughing up too much blood for that, "You'll regret it."
"There has not been an omega in this world for decades," This evil Castiel bent over to inspect you, "I wouldn't even have to break her mind like the red-head." He turned your head over to see Charlie, slumped over and unconscious. You were too scared to speak, watching as this Castiel smiled down at you. "I can smell your fear, delicious. Don't worry my little omega, I won't hurt a hair on your pretty little head. You will be telling me everything I want to know, of your own volition."
"Screw you! I will tell you nothing!"
Castiel chuckled at you little outburst. Moving closer to your ear he whispered, "You will tell me everything you know, one way or another."
You couldn’t breath, the world stopped and shattered. He claimed you.
"You Bastard!" Ketch screamed, earning himself a blow to the kidneys, "I'll kill you."
"Now, you are going to be a good little omega and tell me where the rebels are hiding," Castiel started petting your hair, "Before I have to kill both of them."
The next few moments went by in a blur, you think it was Sam and Dean, maybe Mary too, who came busting in guns blazing. Evil Castiel ran out the door while his subordinates got stabbed with angel blades. You remember Ketch trying to tell them to check on you, and then you were free, Sam cut the ropes holding you to the chair and gave you his jacket.
"You ok?" You could only nod. Sam tried to shake your shoulders before walking you outside. You were grateful for the jacket, it smelled like home.
Cas was right outside when you opened the door, you could see him stabbing his doppelgänger and then a bright flash of light. You walked over to your Cas, falling into his arms, unable to suport yourself anymore, and Cas carried you bridal style away from the building. Cas smelled wrong, he didn't smell like your mate anymore.
"Are you ok?" Cas asked when he felt your tears on his trench coat.
"I'm fine, I just want to go home." You sniffled a bit, "everything'll be fine when we get home." You were exhausted, falling asleep on your way too the base.
When you woke up you were on a bus, Charlie was sitting next to you.
"Where are we going?"
"Back to your world, the rift is still open." The bus stopped and everyone was rushing out. Charlie was right, the rift was still open, but it looked weak, like it might close at any moment.
When you tried to get up your legs gave out and you fell back on the seat, everyone on the bus evacuated except for you, stuck there like a newborn fawn. You made no attempt to get up again, or call for help, you were just laying on the bus seat, no will power left to move. You wondered if anyone would come back for you, you hoped they didn't.
Coming back would waste time they didn't have, and maybe I deserve to be stuck here. You thought to yourself. If I die, is my soul stuck here? Would Cas forgive me? He shouldn't, I someone else claimed me, taking away our life together.
"There you are sweetie,"
"Gabriel," He lifted you up and ran out of the bus.
"I know, I'm your hero, but the rift is closing and Lucifer can only hold back Michael for so long." You turned and saw Michael and Lucifer locked in combat, and Lucifer didn't look too hot. "Sam Dean! Go! I Got her!"
Sam and Dean waited until you were right behind them before going through. "It's gonna be a tight squeeze, hold on." Gabriel said, holding you tighter.
The rift closed right behind you and Gabriel, no chance for Michael or Lucifer to come back through.
"Cassie, looking for someone?" Gabriel said with a shit eating grin.
"Can you just take me to my room?" You whispered in his ear.
"But everyone is celebrating, and you haven't even seen Cas yet,"
"Please Gabe..." You sounded so weak that Gabriel listened and took you back to your room and laid you on your bed.
"I'll have Cas come back with chicken noodle soup." Gabe promised, You nodded your head before he closed your door.
You got up from your bed and went to your dresser for your hunting knife. You cut your hand and started drawing warding sigils with your blood, making sure you wouldn't have unwanted angels sneaking in. Next you grabbed a sock to try and muffle the sounds of what would come next. Moving to your sink, you turned on the water and shook off Sam's jacket, removing your shirt, you saw the mark on your neck. It looked red and angry, with dried blood all over it.
There was only one way to get rid of a mating bond.
You balled the sock up and put it in your mouth. You hesitated for a moment. This was the most painful thing an omega could ever do to them selves, and there'd be no going back from here. I'd never be able to have a mate ever again, Cas could never claim me. Is it worth it?
You plunged the knife into your mating gland, the pain crippling you. You couldn't hold back the scream the escaped you.
"Y/N!!" you could hear dishes shatter and Cas yelling outside your door, "Are You hurt?! What's going on?!" The knob jiggled but the door didn't budge, "Open the door!"
You wanted to go towards him, to have him heal you, but you couldn't. He won't be able to look me in the eyes after this, all I'll be to him is a weak disappoint. You dragged the knife through the wound to open it up enough to see inside.
"Sam, Dean!!" Cas was shouting for the brothers. "Please, open the door, let me in," he leaned on the door, "I know you're hurting, I want to help you."
The tears falling down your face weren't from the pain anymore. You don't want to help me, at least you wouldn't if you knew what he'd done. Through all the blood and tears dripping down your neck and chest, you could see your mating gland in the mirror.
"Y/N, Open this door!" You heard Dean banging on the wood, "Open it or I'm getting an axe and chopping it down!" He tried frantically jiggling the knob, "Why can't we smell you anymore? WHY CAN'T WE SMELL YOU ANYMORE?!" You heard dean bang on the door one last time before running off, probably to get the aforementioned axe.
"'Mega, please, I still need you." Cas plead through the door.
Cutting through whatever veins or soft tissue was connecting your mating gland to your body, you pulled it out and threw it in the trash can next to you. You felt light headed and airy, the world seemed dull and scentless. You closed your eyes and took a deep inhale, there was nothing, no fear or anxiety or anger in the air, just nothing. The world seemed darker too, colors weren't as sharp anymore and everything seemed to be more grey and black.
"It's ok Cas, everything's ok." you called out.
"Open the door, please!" Cas called out, "Open the door for me."
He must not have heard you, "Everything's fine." you call out again while closing your eyes, everything's fine. In fact, everything's better than fine. Life couldn't be better.
You woke up next to Cas in your bed, both of you tangled up in the bedsheets. Cas cupped your cheek and kissed you hard, "I love you so much y/n, more than you'll ever know." Cas's hand moved down to stroke your mating gland, "I can't wait to claim you 'mega."
"Well," you rolled to straddle Cas, your hands resting on his solid chest, "don't wait too long, an omega can only handle so much teasing." You chuckled, pulling Cas up for another kiss.
"Once we get back from the Apocalypse world, I promise." Cas sat up to look you in the eyes. "I'm very good at keeping my promises."
"I'll be waiting mister." You chuckled before kissing him again.
Dean finally broke through the warding and brought down your door. Cas was the first one inside and rushed to your body. You were lying on the ground, eyes closed and covered in blood, the knife still in your hand. Cas cradled you, trying to heal the wound in your neck.
Dean came around to grab Cas' shoulder. "Cas, is she...?" Dean trailed off, not being able to think about loosing you.
"She's not- she can't be-" no matter how much Cas tried, your body remained still, cold and lifeless.
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Winchester’s Folly
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*Updated 3/24
*Part I
*Part II
*Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
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If you want to be tagged when I update this fic, Supernatural fics or when I write Negan fics, send me an ask.
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trektraveler · 1 year
A Writer's Review.... Promised by jawritter
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I am a writer. I was born to be one, its my joy and my torment. And it is my honor.
I find new and utterly fantasic stories here daily and I am honored to be a contributing member of the writing community! Each and every one of these authors is a gem. They selfelessly share their intricate worlds with us so that we can escape! It is a public service and vital to my personal well-being. There are not words to express my gratitude.... but that doesn't mean I won't still try to find some!
As writers, we read. Even more than we write. So... what do we read? Here is an in-depth review of one of my favorites! Along with a few other recommendations. I intend to post reviews regularly. I've got quite a list of stories I adore, but I'm always lookig for more! So please share this review and send a few reccomendations my way! Tag your own stories, tag other people... I don't want to miss any of them! Thank you all and share the love!!
Story Name: Promised
Author: jawritter
Character Pairing: Alpha!Jensen x Omega!reader
Length: 10 Chapters, 25,084 words total
Story Type: Series - ABO, AU Real life, Mob dynamics, Age gap
Author’s Description: In a world where your presentation can be a blessing or a curse, a newly presented Omega will come face to face with the harsh reality of Alphas, Omegas, and pack alliances that are expected to be upheld with the union of your two families.
Warnings:  ABO dynamics! Smut, unprotected smut, knotting, claiming, mating, heat, rut, language, overly protective Jensen, age gap! 19-year-old reader, 41-year-old Jensen, virgin reader, loss of virginity, sort of an arranged marriage, hint at possible mob type settings.
My Two Cents:  They say you never forget your first, and that is certainly the case for me!  This absolute gem of a story was my introduction to the world of ABO fan fiction (aka Alpha/Beta/Omega) and I’ve been hooked ever since!  This may be in part to the perspective of the reader, who is a novice.  Young and naïve to the world in general as well as to the complex dynamics between Alphas and Omegas.  This allowed me to discover and understand this unique concept at the same pace the reader did. 
Our dear author is truly a master at quickly establishing the relationship bonds between the main characters and their prospective families and friends.  I greatly appreciate this quality in a story.  Background information is crucial in a well-developed character but can be clunky when not handled with finesse.  Here, those relationships are woven in seamlessly to the over-all plot but never weigh the story down.  Bravo!
Another highlight are the physical descriptions.  Anyone who knows Jensen Ackles from his work, can easily imagine him in a reader insert story. 
That is, after all, why we are all here! 
Yet this story is filled with vivid details that even I hadn’t thought of in my wildest daydreams!  There is a visceral warmth to this version of Jensen that I find beyond appealing.  I find myself rereading this story most often when I am feeling uncertain in my life.  When I need to feel that someone strong is in charge, so I don’t have to be, Alpha Jensen has me. 
Favorite Chapter: Chapter Nine. Here we get to see Jensen let loose his primal Alpha instincts that he’s kept under careful control up until this point.  And its glorious!  It has the best elements of how vicious Demon Dean could be and focused it in a powerful man who is willing to do anything in defense of his mate.  Fantastic!  He’s desperate and he’s truly dangerous in this chapter.  And I am here for it! Favorite Line: “You know, before I came here tonight with Y/n I promised her something…. I promised her I would protect her. You made me break that promise.. I don’t appreciate that. I’ll be spending the rest of my life making it up to her….”  “I told her if you tried anything I’d rip your throat out….. With my teeth…”
Jensen’s vision went red, All he saw was red… 
Why I Love it:  It’s the perfect length.  I read one shots and they have their place, but I always find myself wanting more of that world!  But let’s face it, some series’ (although awesome!) are long, and that’s a commitment.  I don’t always have the luxury of time, this length strikes just the right balance.  I get Jensen in a protective but not possessive role.  I get a naïve reader who is innocent but not spineless.  I get steamy sex scenes.  I get an interesting but not over-bearing mob dynamic.  There is plenty of threat but not much violence, which is a nice change up. 
Mood I’m in When I Read it– I’m a strong person, but there are times when I need someone else to be strong.  I need to be comforted.  I need to believe in love and escape.  And when I am feeling over-whelmed, I often come here and let Alpha Jensen take the reins for a while.  He does a great job!
I Want More! : If you loved this as much as I did, here are some other stand-out stories that you might enjoy… Feral @jawritter Can We Fix Us @jawritter If Its Meant to Be (Alpha Beau x Omega Reader) @jawritter Unleashed @supersleepygoat Reasons @merethehunter Feral @luci-in-trenchcoats The Things We Don’t Believe In (Alpha!Sam x Omega!reader) @thecleverdame
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