#supergirl 3x12 lb
lycanhood · 7 years
Supergirl 3x12 “For Good” Liveblog
Ha Winn creepin on Superman
“Oh good Mon-El is here.” said no one ever
“Mon-El’s right.” said J’onn just this once
Someone please mention Smallville, I need it
I see you Lexie Grey reference, you’re hurtful #stillnotoverit
Alex thinks she’s funny. When in fact she’s just adorable
Ugh Lames ick
Lena is the big boss
He’s a little bit right though, she belongs at L-Corp
Whoa I didn’t even think about climbing out the trunk! That’s a great idea! I would have just died
Kara had ZERO patience for Edge! Did yall see how she CAUGHT THOSE KEYS!?!
Idk, Edge, if I recall you’ve lost at least twice already, am I right?
Oh no Lena’s guilty face
I’m sure Supergirl would be happy to help right, Kara? *wink wink*
I wish we could all just fucking stop lying to Lena, damn. She really can’t trust anyone
“I’m afraid of needles” ironic
WHAT ??? Color me confused
Alex “Lena is your boss, but she’s also your friend, and maybe you should trust her with the truth” things she should say to Kara, please
Source at the NCPD? Maggie is that you?
Finally acknowledging season 1 happened, nice
Oh no they zooming in on this coffee cup, here we go
Eve doesn’t understand the urgency.
Nice roll, James, but I’m gonna need to see Kara fretting over Lena, please
SHE’S AT THE DEO!!!!!! This is not a drill!
Alex, being a doctor YAY!!! Give me more of this all the time
They saved her! Kara and Alex together!!!
I’d rather it be Supergirl interrogating Edge, but I’m not really picky about who beats him up
It would be so easy for Edge to guess that’s James, like come on
Kara looks so pretty right now.
Geez, that’s not comforting, J’onn
“I wish, I had been carrying you in my arms.” -Kara Danvers to Lena Luthor
“Well, I know you” oh what you guys kissed liked twice so now you know her better than Kara? Get outta here!
Narrator voice: she did not feel better
BRENDA!!! I’m actually super glad to see this witch.  Season 3 has really dropped the ball with Cadmus. It’s like they just forgot it and Lillian and Jeremiah even exist. We should have been talking about and looking for them for the last 11 episodes. It’s been a really annoying plothole for me. Just try and give me a little consistency, CW, come on, I believe in you
I guess we all know where Lena got her great taste in coats
Well...I think lots of mothers would probably kill for their children, but whatever she’s xenophobic
I don’t accept this Mean Girl!Lena canon bullshit, she’s always been an angel
“Why would you want to be Cat Grant when you could be Lena Luthor?” that’s some good shit
I hate that I find myself agreeing with so much of what Lillian is saying. Is this my villain origin story?
Sam looks great. What is this shirt even?
God, look at the way Alex is looking at Sam, damn
Nooooo! This better not be some foreshadowing bullshit for Alex adopting Ruby when this is over. I can’t handle it
Kara, honey, why are you standing like that? It’s SO gay tho
Lena is confessing all to Kara! I love it
You are awesome
2. You are SO SMART!
SHE HAS TROPHIES!?!?!!? *Jots that down for fanfic purposes*
*full on crying* I just love them
Lena, this dress? Because Kara missed out on it last time?
“Don’t grab women, Sweetheart.” That’s MY Supergirl
Lena’s like “So um I’m gonna save your life...but I’m definitely gonna brag about it first.”
That bodyguard didn’t have to die!!
KARA! Holy shit she’s adorable.
She’s being really reckless with her identity today. I like it
Drag her, Kara! DRAG HER!
Brenda is rocking this suit tho
Winn is so #relatable honestly
Haha Alex’s face
Mon-El, we don’t need you right now! Why are you bossing Alex and Winn around? GO AWAY! Pretty please?
Lena’s face when she’s sees Mon-El sums up exactly how I felt when he came back “The fuck? I thought we got rid of you!”
“You know where to find me. My name is on the building.” I love smug!Lena
Can we please see you tell her about it later? I want to see these best friend convos!
Oh no, I’m starting to like Lillian, dammit
Alex, this is a great sweater!
“You are as hot -uh I mean - healthy as an Olympic athlete.”
“I don’t know how I lived my life without you guys...a month ago?”
“You seem to be everywhere these days.” Yes, that’s one of the more annoying things about him
That’s actually sort of nice, Mon-El. Good job not being unbearable
FOUR!?! We are so screwed
Go get her? That poor girl hasn’t done anything wrong yet. She might not even know what’s happening. She’s probably just as confused and scared as Sam.
What’s with this sonic scream thing? Black Canary? Silver Banshee? Why would her powers be any different than Sam’s?
Not to sound totally bias (which I am) but all of the Lena-centric episodes are awesome. Yeah, I said it. I don’t even care if they are about her maybe being evil, as long as she doesn’t actually go evil. It seems like maybe she realized what I’ve been trying to say… GO BACK TO L-CORP! Be an amazing scientist and business woman, reclaim your desk and your Jess. Sam needs a mental health va-k anyway
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