septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Somehow, Jameson has familiarized himself with all the neighborhood children. He knows all their names and they'll call out to him and say hi when he passes them on the street. They'll invite him to join their games and he'll sit and listen if any of them are having problems. I don't know, JJ in my head just seems like a Mister Rogers type.
That sounds beautiful
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I'd kidnap Henrick and put him in a place where he could finally get a proper good night's rest for once.
“Hmh, I suppose I could cooperate with that.”
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
When did Henrik realize that if he wouldnt give up the Schnudes, people would just draw them?
Everybody looooves the doc bod ^^”
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
I have a feeling that if they did manage to get Jameson to join in, his pranks would be really soft. Like he would wear a sheet and say "Boo!" then excitedly ask if he scared them. Or he would draw mustaches on his brothers faces to match his.
He would absolutely draw mustaches on them, absolutely.
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
How do you think Human Marvin would be with Golden Chase?
Mmmm, he’d be nervous. He’s agitated around dogs as it is, and one that’s eager to jump on him would freak him out a little. Human Chase would have to run some interference. 
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Aw. Did Jackie pick him up a lot when Schneep was a puppy?
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
That still must have been traumatizing for Jackie. Does he still get nightmares about that incident?
Oh, definitely. Jackie has a lot of nightmares involving him, as you can imagine.
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Please tell me any of the Septic bros (sans Anti) have at one point in time squished JJ's cheeks.
Of course they have!
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Pole dancing, the Septic bros XD
“How – how do you two do this so easily?!” Chase demanded as he landed in a heap on the floor, drawing self-important grins from Marvin and Jackieboy and a squawk of pain from Schneep on the other side of the room as he smacked his head on the pole. Jameson, for his part, buried his face in his hands.
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Last one for the night: the Septic bros will do anything they can to preserve JJ innocence. Now that Jameson has access to the internet, he could be exposed to all types of things that are beyond risque. The poor bean could be scarred for life. And if putting a few child locks on his phone and the television could prevent that, what's the harm. Bonus: Due to it being a running joke in the community, he was bound to find out at some point. But they all nearly fainted when JJ asked what vore is.
Oh, good heavens...
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Jamie explores different avenues of platonic affection and gives his bros cheek kisses on a particularly good day. They are all paralyzed with cute. Chase is probably squealing on the floor. Oblivious Jamie is wondering why they're all acting so peculiar. This is the proper of way showing affection for those you love, is it not? Did he do something wrong?
He absolutely gives them cheek kisses and they will learn to like it! It is proper and good and he just wants to love them
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
How many times does Bing have to learn the hard way? Eric coming to Google bruised and battered, refusing to say who did that to him. But Google's got eyes and ears all around. Eventually, Google gets Bing and himself alone in a room to confront him about Erik. After throwing a couple insults about the kid at him, Bing realizes they aren't alone and the other Googles emerge. Emblems and eyes glowing, they circle him like a pack of wolves. It's time to remind Bing of his proper place.
This has me genuinely nervous-laughing ^^”
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Are you following Mark's Battle Royale thing? I placed my bets on WeeWoo
I haven’t been at my computer much today, so I haven’t seen much of it ^^”
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
1 and 27
Who’s your celebrity crush?
I don’t really have a crush at the moment (haven’t gotten a crush on a real person in a while) but Dean O’Gorman is 👌
How long before a trip do you pack?
Usually the week before or two or three days if I want to cut it closer!
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
I imagine Eric would be a bit more attached to Edward at first, though he and Google wouldn't be on bad terms. Then one day, Google finds a sobbing Eric on the ground trying to reattach the prosthetics Wilford ripped off of him because he was "playing" with the fresh meat a bit too rough. Knowing all too well the feeling of being toyed with by that maniac, Google gently carries him to Edward to get patched up. Bonus points if Eric curls into Google's chest
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septic-dr-schneep · 6 years
Desist; Chase and Jameson. Chase surely isn't going to want JJ in the sidekick business after this
“Don’t go back out there,” Chase whispered, his voice cracking as he watched Jameson fumble to tie his cape with clumsy, casted fingers. “Please, son...please don’t go.”
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