supercxrpschild · 4 years
hearts to heal
hi, please read this prior to reading the piece !
so, i wrote this over the last few days. I was not in a good place, and I needed to write something cathartic. I wrote this because I feel so utterly alone and to have not one, but 4 people care so deeply about you, to hold you, to comfort you, take care of you - I crave it more than anything. 
there is a trigger warning for self-harm. it is not romanticed, this isn’t a story of giving up. it’s a story of family and hope - but please do be aware that there is scenes depicting it. there is also mentions of OCD, anxiety and depression. 
please be kind about this work, as i wasn’t sure whether or not to share it. 
Word Count: 2146 (i think my longest yet? it kinda got away from me...)
Alex frowned at the text she just received. It was from your school alerting her that you had not turned up to your first class.
“Something the matter, Director?” Brainy queries, leaning across the desk.
Alex looks up, “hm?”
“Your face has contorted into a displeased expression.”
“Oh, sorry Brainy. It’s all good, it’s just y/n. She didn’t turn up at school.”
Brainy furrows his brows, “That would make it day number 4, wouldn’t it, Director Danvers?”
Alex thought for a minute - he was right. She had been so wrapped up in work that she couldn’t keep track of days. She didn’t realise this was the fourth day within a week that she had been alerted by the High School of your non-attendance. What else hadn’t she noticed?
“Dammit. Brainy, I’ve gotta go. Do you think you could cover for me today? I know we have a lot of stuff going on but-”
“I will be happy to assume your duties for today, Director.” Alex smiles gratefully as she moves to go grab her stuff and head home,
“Thank you Brainy, I owe you.”
Alex rushed to her car, bumping into Kara on the way.
“Alex? Where are you going?”
“Shit, I’m sorry Kara, I forgot about our lunch today.” Kara shook her head and held her sister’s wrist, “Don’t worry about that, what’s up?”
“It’s y/n, she hasn’t been going to school and I just, I’ve been so busy here and we’ve barely even caught each other. I’m going home to check on her, I’m just so worried Kara, what if something’s really wrong and I just never noticed?” Kara moved her hand, so it was now holding Alex’s, trying to ground her some.
“Hey, whatever’s going on, it’ll be okay. You had a lot on this week, with the President visiting and then those alien’s taking hostages downtown. Y/n and you have an understanding for when work becomes like this. It’ll be okay.” Alex nods, rubbing her free hand across her face. “Now go get home to your girl, okay? And call me if you need anything. I’m with Lena tonight, but we can both come if need be.”
Alex thanked her sister again and then drove home, her heart beating out of her chest as she climbed the stairs to both of your apartment.
“Y/n?! Y/n, honey I got a text from the school – they said you weren’t there.” Alex called out as she dropped her bags.
“Y/n?” Alex looked around, everything was off and untouched.
As she walked around the apartment, she ran her hand through her hair, messing it from the slicked back style she had put it in a few hours before.
She walked into your room, breathing a sigh of relief when she saw your curled up in bed asleep. She debated for a moment on whether to wake you up or not, eventually going over and sitting by you, rubbing your arm softly.
“Mom?” you mumbled sleepily,
“Yeah honey.” You blinked the sleep out of your eyes,
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.” Alex said, her hand now moving the brush the hair from your face.
You shifted uncomfortably. It had been a good week of being able to hide everything from your mom, but it was never going to last forever.
“Y/n?, you wanna tell me why you haven’t been going to school?” You shook your head and tried to snuggle back down into your covers.
Alex moved so you were facing her again after turning away,
“Y/n, I’m so sorry I haven’t been here. But I’m here now and I need you to tell me what’s going on.” Your mom’s gentle hand threaded through your hair, though she chose not to comment on the state of it.
“I’m fine mom.” Alex used her free hand to move your face towards her. Your eyes were sunken in, dark circles under them. Your face was red and splotchy, and you looked exhausted.
“Baby, I can tell right now that you are not fine, so out with it.”
Tears began welling up in your eyes. You couldn’t break now, not after hiding things for months and months. What would she do when she finds out? Probably send you away, probably hate you.
You pushed the tears away, swiping at them furiously. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“I know you don’t want to, y/n.”
“Then why won’t you leave me alone?!” Alex sat shocked; you had never raised your voice at her.
“Y/n- ”
“No! I don’t want help; I don’t need help. I am FINE.” You huffed and turned away.
Alex decided to give you a moment. A moment so she could think about what to do next. She didn’t want to force you to open up to her, because then it would lack genuineness and could damage the trust between you both. But she was so damn worried about you.
Within that minute that Alex had left you alone for, you managed to get past her and lock yourself in the bathroom – Alex only becoming aware when she heard the door shut.
“Dammit y/n.” She whispered to herself before knocking on the door.
“What mom!? Am I not allowed to pee alone anymore?!” You and her both knew that wasn’t what you were doing; and knowing your mom – a badass DEO agent – you had very limited time before the door was busted open.
You felt below the sink, pulling the blade from where you’d hidden it. Wasting no time, you slashed at your thighs, the relief immediate.
Right on time, Alex forced the door open.
“Oh baby.” You looked up at her, begging her not to get any closer. “Let’s put that down, alright y/n? Then we can get you cleaned up and talk.” You shook your head, feeling yourself become unwound.
“No, please. I just, I just need to do it two more times. It doesn’t work if its only once, please mom please.” Alex cringed slightly, how didn’t she notice that you had been on a downward spiral? That your OCD was coming back full force? That your eating habits changed, that your anxiety and depression were spiking again – how didn’t she realise?
“Y/n, please put it down.” You scooted across the floor, putting as much distance between you both as you could.
“I need it mom, please.” Tears rolled down your cheeks with no sign of stopping. Alex was doing the most to keep hers at bay. She couldn’t do this.
You look down at your thigh, blood dripping. You didn’t notice your mom flipping open her watch and pressing the button that had your aunt rushing through the door within the minute.
“Kara, please, I can’t – I don’t wanna hurt her. I don’t know how to stop her.” Kara took over, seeing her sister’s frantic state and pulled you into her lap, shushing you softly. You were no match for her kryptonian strength as she threw the blade towards your mom, who then flushed it.
You wailed and wailed, trying desperately to get out of Kara’s grip. She never wavered, just calmly whispering to you. Eventually, Alex pulled herself together and sat down on the bathroom floor with you both, noticing you beginning to stop fighting.
“My sweet, sweet girl.” She whispered, holding your face in her hands, kissing away the tears of anguish and suffering.
“Mommy.” You reached out from your Auntie Kara’s grip, latching onto Alex. “’m sorry mommy, ‘m sorry.”
“Shhh, shhh honey. It’s all okay. I’ve got you.” Alex paid no attention to the blood that was getting over her clothes. All she cared about was holding you tight.
Kara sat quietly, watching her niece and her sister who were both clearly in pain and scared. Alex usually always had control of situations, so when Kara came in to see her frozen and desperate it scared her.
“Hey, I think we should have a look at your leg, y/n.” Kara said softly, not wanting to break up the mother-daughter moment; but being the only one who got a good look at your thigh, she knew the depth of the wounds.
Alex tried to ease you off her, coaxing you until you eventually let go. She didn’t realise the damage you’d done. Not only the new, deep cuts; but the hundreds of scars covering your skin. She felt like she’d failed.
“Baby, I think you need stitches for a couple of these.” Alex said, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“I’m not getting stitches. It’s fine, Mom.” Kara interjected,
“They’re pretty bad sweetheart.”
You shook your head. “I’m not going to a hospital. You can’t make me.”
Kara looked at Alex, trying to see if they were on the same page.
“We could call Lena, then her and I can do it.” Your mom says, nodding to Kara who pulls out her phone.
Kara lifted you onto the bathroom counter. There were some perks to having two people trained in some sort of medicine in your chosen family, you guessed. They could perform small things like this. But sometimes, like today, it just didn’t make things any easier. Your Aunt Kara tried to talk to you, keeping your eyes on her as her sister and girlfriend cleaned your wounds and stitched them up. You had tears of pain dripping down your face, but your bared it. Just.
“We’re done, y/n. You did so well darling.” You blushed slightly at Lena’s praise. Reaching for your mom, she had no hesitation in pulling you into her arms, albeit struggling a little.
There was a knock at the door, and given you wouldn’t let your mom go, Kara went and answered it.
It was Kelly, who had brought over homemade soup, bread and some ice-cream.
With you still attached to her hip, Alex kissed her girlfriend and whispered a small thank-you. Kelly smiled knowingly and rubbed your shoulder.
The four older women would do anything to make sure the youngest of their family was okay, and seeing you so obviously not, was painful.
“Should we eat something bub?” Alex asked gently, you shook your head. “Kelly brought your favourites.” You shook your head again,
“Don’t wanna eat.” Alex sighed. You’d truly slipped so far backwards.
She tried to put you down on the couch, eventually compromising so you were sitting on her lap. It was a long hour of persuading and encouragement from all four women, but you ended up eating something.
Kara tried to lighten the mood, talking about anything and everything to keep your mind off the food. It worked for the most part, but you just couldn’t stop thinking about how utterly fat you were. You shouldn’t need to eat.
It felt like you were just a lifeless sack, being passed from one person to another; your brain having difficulty processing what was going on until it was happening. Your mom placed you into a full tub, scrubbing your dirty hair and body. There was faint commotion somewhere else in the apartment, but you couldn’t focus long enough to figure out what it was.
Kara and Lena worked on changing your bed, giving you fresh sheets and blankets. Kelly called a couple contacts she had that were good at working with adolescents. It would be hard to bring up the fact that you have to go back to therapy; you weren’t too fond of it. But Kelly was happy to help make it as comfortable as it can be, even looking for someone who was in the same building as her so she could be there if need be.
Lena offered to braid your hair while your mom, aunt Kara and Kelly talked outside. You welcomed the attention and began to drop off as nimble fingers threaded through your freshly washed hair, despite it only being the afternoon.
“You can go to sleep darling, it’s okay.” Lena said gently as she finished the second braid. You surprised her by turning into her and nuzzling her neck; desperate for the comfort wherever you could find it after isolating yourself for so long.
Alex walked in, telling Lena that both Kara and Kelly had to go back to work, at least for an hour or two.
“I’m happy to stay if you both need someone here?” Lena replies, smoothing your hair as you get nearer to sleep.
“Thank you, Lena. But we’ll be alright; plus, I’m pretty sure the other two are coming back tonight, if you want to come too. They’re worried about her.” Lena nods,
“I am too.” Alex realises how much you mean to all four of them. This little girl, who was maybe not so little, had such a huge part of their hearts – hearts that now ached alongside yours. Though, hopefully, they would be hearts to help heal yours, too.
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mayeeeeyy · 3 years
Supercorp Fanfic Rec
Masterlist This is a list of the supercorp/supergirl fanfiction that i have read from different authors here on tumblr. 
Superkid's masterlists
Supergirl Masterlist
Supercxrpschild’s Masterlist
DC Entertainment Universe
Master List:)
Supergirl Masterlist
Kassies-Take Masterlist
Master list
Lena Luthor Masterlist
Single mom Lena/Kara? Any?
Do you have any good Supercorp+kids? Thanks ❤
1000 followers blurbs/headcanons masterlist
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camslightstories · 4 years
Not the same anon but do you have any recommendations for Lena x child reader or Lena x reader having child together?
I do! Have a great day! Some of them maybe be headcanons, so yeah! I also included SuperCorp kids so... I couldn't find others, I don't know why but if i find them I would recommend them,
Adopted Teen Reader by @vultureinajumpsuit
Imagine having a baby with Lena  by @writing-imagines 
If You had Lena Luthor make tea for you by @super66legends87
A Hero in the Making by  @super66legends87
Angels to Devils by @super66legends87
Mission Failed by @super66legends87
Betrayal by @supergirl-writingz
A Tutor by @super66legends87
My Biggest gift by @supercxrpschild
Family Matters by @the-wlw-cafe
Best mom ever by @imagine-lcorp
It’s A Luthor’s Life by @super66legends87
Sick Fic by @supercxrpschild
Insomniatic nights with Lena by @supercorpkid
Lena’s assassination attempt. by @supercorpkid
Why is it when something happens it is always you two? by @supercorpkid 
To be a Hero by @imagine-lcorp
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
1k Celebration
Tumblr media
Hello lovelies!!! Crazy to think that we’ve made it this far!! For my 1k, I will be hosting a writing challenge!! I’ve never really done something like this before, so please bear with me!! The theme for this writing challenge is Fall/Winter I was going to do Halloween, but I decided to have it be more, there will be Halloween prompts thrown into this though!! Everything is explained below the cut!!(Also, I lied about posting this later, I got too excited XD)
1) You don’t have to be following me, but it would be much appreciated!!
2) You can write for anyone from DC, Marvel, and Victorious.
3) It has to be at least 500 words, if it’s more than 1k then please put the “read more” tab in
4) You can have two of the options available(I’m allowing two per prompt/trope), but songs only one person can have.
5) It can be a smut, just have the appropriate tags placed, no rape, incest, etc.
6) Please include the tag “MarvelsDC22 1k celebration” and tag me in the post once you finish!
7) The due date will be March 1st, so that I can be for sure back home by them and have time to get them all organized! But if you need extra time or something, reach out to me and we can work something out!
Stuck in a house due to a snow storm
Having to take your hot neighbors younger sibling trick or treating- @imnotasuperhero​(w/Wanda)
Accidentally wearing the same/matching costumes to a party
Fake Dating
There was only one bed
Murder Mystery - @wokeupinawalnut (w/platonic Avengers)
Bed sharing/Huddling Together for Warmth
Single Parent
“How did you get lost in the kids corn maze?!”
“Thought you said you weren’t scared of anything?”
“Did you hear something?”
We are going to die”
“Trick or treat!”
“You need to believe me, please!” - @thewitchandtheassassin​(w/Kara)
Oh my god, are you okay?!”
“Is that... Blood?”
“Aren’t you cold?” “No” Person A gives coat to Person B anyway
“Want some hot chocolate?”
“Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal”
“My car broke down and now I’m freezing my ass off, come get me”
“Shut up! Santa is real” - @imnotasuperhero​(w/Wanda)
“Oh look... Mistletoe”
“Having issues putting the star up?” “Is that a short joke?”
“You’ve never seen snow before?”
Person A falls through thin ice into sub zero water; person B rescues them and tries different remedies to prevent hypothermia. - @imagine-lcorp​(w/Lena)
“I’ll warm you up” - @c-is-writing​(w/Carol)
“This is my first time celebrating Christmas/Halloween”
1) Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
2) A Little More Summertime - Jason Aldean
3) Hurt - Johnny Cash
4) Mistletoe - Justin Bieber(I hate myself for this one)
5) Last Christmas - Wham!
Tagging for boost: @empyreanwritings​​ / @imagine-lcorp​​ / @hopingforbarnes​​ / @natasha-danvers​​ / @wlw-in-space​​ / @missmonsters2​​ / @wokeupinawalnut​​ / @thewitchandtheassassin​​ / @lesbian-deadpool​​ / @supercxrpschild​​ / @veteranwerewolf95​​ / @rianncreates​​ / @worlds-in-words​
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ao3feed-supercorp · 4 years
by supercxrpschild
Song-fic based on Betty by Taylor Swift from her new album 'folklore'.
a highschool au
Words: 1065, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Andrea Rojas, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Nia Nal, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Folklore, Betty - Freeform, Highschool AU, a little bit of angst but happy ending :), yes i listened to taylor swift's new album, the whole thing is supercorp, SuperCorp, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Alternate Universe - No Powers
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/2ZSIuDY via IFTTT https://ift.tt/2ZSIuDY
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by supercxrpschild
Song-fic based on Betty by Taylor Swift from her new album 'folklore'.
a highschool au
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ao3fanfic-supercorp · 4 years
by supercxrpschild
Song-fic based on Betty by Taylor Swift from her new album 'folklore'.
a highschool au
Words: 1065, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Andrea Rojas, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Nia Nal, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Folklore, Betty - Freeform, Highschool AU, a little bit of angst but happy ending :), yes i listened to taylor swift's new album, the whole thing is supercorp, SuperCorp, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Alternate Universe - No Powers
0 notes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZSIuDY
by supercxrpschild
Song-fic based on Betty by Taylor Swift from her new album 'folklore'.
a highschool au
Words: 1065, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Andrea Rojas, James "Jimmy" Olsen, Nia Nal, Winn Schott Jr.
Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Additional Tags: Folklore, Betty - Freeform, Highschool AU, a little bit of angst but happy ending :), yes i listened to taylor swift's new album, the whole thing is supercorp, SuperCorp, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Alternate Universe - No Powers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZSIuDY
0 notes
supercxrpschild · 4 years
help me hold onto you - part 3
hello!! I have my last exam tomorrow and then i am officially done with my third year of university!. thank you all for being patient while i worked on my final assesments and worked through some personal stuff. I’m still not doing great mentally, but I’m hoping with uni over tomorrow, I’ll have a lot more time, energy, and motivation to write. 
love you guys!
Word Count: 1009
part 1, part 2 
Lena sighed as she watched Kara sleep, her head laying on your bed in the medbay. She could tell how attached Kara had become to you within a matter of days, which worried her in case things didn’t work out. She didn’t want to see Kara hurt; and more than that, she didn’t want you going into the foster system after so much trauma – trauma that was largely her family’s doing. 
“Hey,” Lena jumped as Alex entered the room, suddenly being pulled from her thoughts. 
She turned to face the red head, “Hey”. 
Alex furrowed her brows, “You should be getting some rest too.” Lena waved her off. 
“At least go and get a coffee or something? Some fresh air?” Lena shakes her head again,
“It’s fine, I’m used to sleepless nights.” Alex sighs, placing the paperwork she was holding down at a bench. 
“She’s gonna be okay.” Lena feels a hand placed comfortingly on her shoulder. 
“Which one.” Lena laughs sadly. 
“Both of them. Kara’s strong, Lena. You know that.” Lena nods, she does know that, what she doesn’t know is if she is. “And, y/n, well she has us three to make sure she’ll be okay.”
Lena crosses her arms, “I really do hope so. I can’t imagine what my mother put her through.” 
Alex looks sideways to the brunette, “You know that none of that is your fault.” 
When Lena doesn’t answer, Alex tugs her by the arm, forcing her to look at her. 
“Lena, you didn’t even know that your mother had people running CADMUS while she was in prison, you couldn’t have known what was going on. We didn’t even know there was another facility. Please don’t blame yourself.” Lena nods ever so slightly, Alex squeezes her shoulder, 
“You are not your family, Lena.” The brunette’s green eyes shift. She hasn’t felt like this in a little while, Kara usually kept Lena’s thoughts about herself at bay; but it’s also been a little while since her family has done something this bad. 
The pair stood in silence for a little while before your heart monitor started to spike. Kara woke up frantic, 
“What’s going on? Is she okay?!” Lena grabbed hold of her girlfriend’s hand while Alex checked you over, 
“It seems like she’s just having another nightmare, the sedative I gave her must be wearing off.” 
Kara’s eyes welled with tears as your face contorts in anguish. Alex pulls both Lena and Kara back as your movements become more erratic. 
“Y/n, y/n, hey you need to wake up, alright? C’mon, you got this, just wake up honey” Alex tried to get through to you when all of a sudden you bolted upright, hands gripping the rails of the bed. 
Alex quickly held your face in her hands, allowing your eyes to focus on her instead of darting around the room. “There we go, you’re safe y/n.” 
“Alex…” When Alex turned to Kara’s voice, she followed her gaze to the bed rails, of which had been bent right where you were holding them. 
You looked down and immediately pulled your hands back. They can’t know, they can’t know! 
“Ah!” your hands flew up to cover your ears, every sound increasing until you could hear people down the street talking, people’s heartbeats, the wind… 
“Hey, y/n, what’s wrong?” Alex tried to pry your hands off your ears, 
“Too loud, make it stop!” Alex looked toward Lena and Kara who both looked equally confused and concerned.
Your gaze was frantic, you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t focus. 
Alex motioned to Kara and Lena, pulling down the rails of your bed and wrapping her arms around you. The other two followed suit, Lena sat moved to sit behind you and Kara on the other side from Alex, so you were now held all around by three strong pairs of arms. You felt your heart rate begin to decrease as you breathed deeper. 
When they felt as though you had settled, Kara and Alex let go of you. Lena, however, stayed behind you and let you lay your exhausted body against her chest.
There was a period of silence, Alex didn’t stop looking at your charts, trying to figure out what happened. Kara stood biting her thumbnail, silently conversing with Lena as she sat behind you combing your hair back. 
“What’s wrong with me?” Lena didn’t quite hear you, 
“What’s that, sweetheart?”
“What’s wrong with me?” 
Alex heard and sighed, sitting on the edge of your bed. 
“I don’t know, y/n. But I promise you, we will do everything we can to figure this out, okay?” 
You nodded, leaning back against Lena again, trying to allow yourself to be cared for as her nails scratched your scalp lightly while her fingers resumed threading through your hair. 
Kara suddenly got a concentrated look on her face, 
“Alex, there’s a disturbance downtown-”
“Go, we’ll be okay.” Kara nodded at her sister before changing into her suit and speeding off. 
Alex then decided to give you some more medicine so you would sleep again – she said it was to give you some rest, but as soon as you nodded off, she pulled out a needle. 
“What are you thinking Alex?” Lena asked, watching as her friend drew blood from your arm. 
“I’m going to run a couple other tests, DNA tests.” Lena furrowed her brows. 
“Why? Didn’t you do that when we brought her in?” 
“I did, but I didn’t test for alien DNA.” 
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
Could you do one with baby danvers getting a really really bad sunburn even tho her sisters told her to be careful and apply sunscreen and make sure to drink water. And now is miserable with a bad sunburn and a fever ?
Word Count: 480
hope you like it :)
“Y/n! slow down!” you rolled your eyes and slightly slowed you pace, you were just so excited to get to the ocean.
You turned around to face your sisters, Lena, Kelly and Nia. They were all carrying bags and other various supplies you’d need for your day on the beach.
“Do you wanna at least carry something?” Alex jabbed, clearly struggling with your bag as well as her own.
“Fineeee, but once we get set up, I wanna be the first one in the water!” Your sisters and friends laughed at your determination as you grabbed your bag from Alex’s outstretched hand.
Lena laid out the towels as Alex and Kelly struggled with setting up the umbrellas they’d brought for cover.
“Nia, Kara – race you to the water?” Alex cleared her throat, making Kara turn around and see her mouth something.
“Hell yeah y/n – loser buys the ice-cream later!” Nia challenges.
“Did you put sunscreen on, y/n?” you sighed.
“I did before we left.” At least, you think you did.
“Should probably put some more on bub,” You waved her off,
“It’ll be fine, I’ll reapply later!” You looked at Nia, “Okay ready?” before you’d even finished, she’d taken off.
“Hey, no fair!”
Later, you went and bought the ice-creams for everyone and brought them back to your spot on the beach.
You all talked and laughed for ages. You and Kara then decided drag Lena and Alex into the water while Kelly and Nia filmed on their phones, sure to get a scolding from the other two later.
When it was time to go home, you were starting to feel dizzy. And by the time you got in the car, you were so exhausted that you fell asleep with your head rested on Kara’s shoulder.  
“Kiddo, we’re home.” Kara nudged you gently as Alex got out of the drivers seat. You mumbled and slowly got out of the car, Kara following.
Alex frowned at you as you walked into yours and Kara’s apartment.
“Y/n, you’re sunburnt. Like, real bad.” Kara turned to look at you to see you shivering,
“I thought you said you put sunscreen on?” You shied away sheepishly.
“Y/n Elizabeth Danvers, how many times did we tell you to put it on! And I don’t even remember seeing you drink water today.” Alex said as she felt your burning face,
“Alex please, I feel awful. I’m sorry I forgot.” Your sisters relented and started getting cleaned up from the beach before helping you ease your bathing suit off your red raw shoulders and helping you into a lukewarm shower.
You sat in front of Alex as she rubbed aloe vera gel into your burning skin, feeling miserable and sorry for yourself.
“What’re you gonna do next beach day?”
“Listen and put sunscreen on.”
Alex finished and then placed a kiss on top of your hair,
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
Help me hold onto you - part two
Thank you for loving this story!! I’m super excited for it :) 
part one
heres part two!! 
Word Count: 1153
Your first night at Lena’s apartment was rough, to say the least.
“Y/n, do you want to go have a shower before dinner?” You nodded and let Kara lead you to the bathroom while Lena started getting dinner ready.
Standing in the bathroom, you looked around. Smooth white tiled walls, black sink and just the right amount of reds thrown amongst it. Hands guided alone the cold vanity, feeling the soft towel Kara had given you.
“Wow” you whispered to yourself. Even the small things you could remember from before your time at Cadmus; you couldn’t remember ever seeing something like this.
You turned on the shower and carefully followed Alex’s detailed instructions on how to cover your injuries before getting in.
“Hey Love” Lena smiled as Kara snaked her arms around her waist. “Darling, I love you, but I am trying to cut up these veggies.”
Kara pouted and rested her head on Lena’s shoulder. “Veggies suck.”
“Veggies are good for you.” Kara pouted more; Lena laughed and put down the knife and carrot so she could kiss her girlfriend.
“You’re such a dork.” The blonde smiled into the kiss,
“But you love me.” Lena sighed lovingly,
“That I do, my love.”
Their banter was cut short by a sudden loud bang. Both women immediately sped upstairs, stopping outside the bathroom when they heard cries.
“Y/n? Sweetheart, can we come in?” Lena tried,
When she didn’t get a response, Kara listened in with her superhearing. Together they decided it would be easier just to open the door and assess what was going on.
You were huddled in the corner of the room, sopping wet and naked. Your hair was dripping all over the place and you were shivering from the cold.  
Porcelain was smashed across the floor. It looked to be the toothbrush holder that sat on the vanity.
Lena began cleaning up the shards as Kara tried to talk to you,
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, y/n” You curled into yourself, bracing for the pain.
Instead there was a soft towel being wrapped around you and you were being pulled into strong arms. You remained rigid as you were rocked back and forth, soothing sounds coming from Kara as she tried to get you to relax.
Kara looked to her girlfriend, her face conveying how helpless she felt. Lena knew how much the blonde hated feeling like that.
“Sweetheart, do you wanna go put some nice soft pyjamas?” Lena asked gently, hoping the ‘and then we can talk’ was implied.
You didn’t respond, so Kara just lifted you up and took you to your new room, guiding you through putting the pyjamas on and then brushing out your wet hair. It was so long, and so much of it was damaged and breaking off; making getting rid of knots extremely difficult.
You let Kara lead you out to the living room. Lena was waiting there, the half-chopped vegetables long forgotten as they sat on the bench.
Curled up, knees pressed against your chest; you looked warily at Lena and Kara.
“I didn’t mean to” you whispered,
Lena furrowed her brows in concern, “we know that darling, we aren’t mad.”
Confused, you looked up to meet her green eyes.
Kara nodded as well, “I promise we’re not. We just want to make sure you’re okay?” You nodded quickly and put your head back down.
You couldn’t tell them how exactly the toothbrush holder ended up on the floor. That meant having to explain to them what they did to you all those years at the Cadmus facility.
Lena looked at Kara, trying desperately to figure out what they should do. Eventually, Lena took action and suggested that maybe it might be a good idea to have something to eat so you could get some much-needed rest.
“How about a grilled cheese and maybe an apple? I’ll leave this soup for tomorrow so you can get into bed, okay?” You nodded and Lena got up to go make the food.
Sitting on the couch, you tried to listen as Kara showed you the TV and the shows she liked – trying to see if one appealed to you. But everything was so overwhelming you found yourself just nodding along while her words were muffled.
After eating the sandwich and apple, Lena took you up to your room and made sure you were comfortable in bed before bidding you goodnight.
If only it was that easy.
Lena and Kara were only asleep for an hour when the screams started.
You were thrashing around so violently that Kara had to tell Lena to stay back while she tried to restrain you, so she didn’t get hurt.
God, you were strong. Kara didn’t understand why she struggled to hold you down.
“There we go, shhh, you’re alright.” Kara whispered as you slowly woke up, only to start crying in pain.
“Kara” Lena said as she neared you both, gesturing for her to look down at your pyjamas.
Blood seeped through in multiple different places.
“She must have torn her stitches.”
A heart wrenching cry tore from your mouth, “h-hurts”
“I know, y/n. Can you let me lift your shirt up for me, please?” Lena spoke gently, trying not to worsen the situation. You slowly peeled the shirt up, tears falling as it caught on the multitude of stitches that had ripped.
“Kara, I think we need to get her back to Alex.” Kara nodded and left the room to call her sister.
Soon, you were back in the DEO medbay – even more scared and confused.
Alex yawned as she walked into the room, clearly not thrilled about having to be at work past midnight though she tried to hide it.
“We put pressure on them all to stop the bleeding, but I think it’s still causing a lot of pain for her.” Lena told Alex who layed you back; immediately resuming the routine for when she needed to give you needles.
“Y/n, focus on Kara and Lena alright? I’m going to give you an IV with some medicine that’s going to help you sleep and help the pain go away.”
Kara stroked your hair as you pleaded desperately with your eyes. You didn’t want more needles. No more tests. No… no…
Kara continued her movements as you drifted into sleep, sighing deeply when she realised you were there.
“What on earth happened?” Alex asked, focused on cleaning and restitching your wounds.
“She had a nightmare, Alex. It was terrible. I just, I don’t understand… she was moving so violently and was so strong I struggled to contain her. ME Alex.”
Alex furrowed her brow, “You haven’t blown your powers, have you?”
“You know I haven’t done anything strenuous since we rescued her.”
She did know that, but Alex was just hoping for a simple explanation.
Turns out, nothing about this situation was going to be simple.
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
Headcanons for being the actress casted as baby!danvers on supergirl
Tried something a little different! Let me know what you think 🥰🤍
It was your first big acting gig you landed and you were beyond excited 
You were also terrified because it meant moving to Vancouver and living on your own for the first time 
Being the youngest of the cast, even younger than Nicole, everyone seemed to take you under their wing as soon as they met you. 
Melissa and Chyler knew you were the one as soon as they met you for a chemistry read and ever since, they became like your big sisters in real life too. 
Chyler liked to mother you – reminding you to eat and making sure you got home safely, especially after you had a bit of a breakdown about being alone and scared. 
The rest of the cast adored you too, you spent nights with katie, nicole, andrea and azie, joining in on their true crime podcast obsession. Though you were left out of the wine aspect, nicole always snuck you a small glass. 
Katie knew how much you loved reading and it seemed that every week you’d go into your trailer and there’d be a new one sitting there with a little note atop of it saying how she thought you’d enjoy it. 
Nicole and you often had meme wars – that you won, but she’d never admit it. 
You hated filming really emotional scenes because you hated being so vulnerable and you were scared you weren’t good enough, but whoever was in the scene with you, be it melissa, chyler, katie or whoever, always comforted you afterwards. 
Sometimes they’d take you back to their trailer. One particularly bad day, when you were already struggling, chyler had to sit and hold you for quite a while before you felt somewhat okay again. 
Cast dinners were always fun and extremely chaotic, the banter never ending. You teased the boys like they were your big brothers. 
In the end it sucked having to move away from your family for a while, but you found a new one. 
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
lena x daughter!reader - the best student
Lena x daughter!Reader, Lena has to go to a parent teacher conference and of course reader is doing really well. So Lena is really proud and they spend the next day doing things together, shopping etc.. KS
this was super cute 🥺 
Word Count: 621 
“Yeah babe?” Lena was taking her time getting ready for your parent teacher conference, and you were so inpatient! You just wanted to get it over. You were a good kid, you got good grades, but for some reason parent teacher conferences always made you nervous.
“C’mon mom we gotta go!”
“Y/n, honey, we still have plenty of time! I’m just going to freshen up, okay? It was a bit of a long day in the lab.”
You sighed and sat on the couch, swinging your legs. Lena appeared about 10 minutes later,
“Alright my little impatient one, let’s go.”
You held your mom’s hand as her high heels clicked along your school’s hall.
“It’s this one mom.” The classroom door came into view, Lena knocked on it and soon was greeted by your teacher, Ms Phillips.
“Hi, you must be Ms Luthor,” she smiled warmly, you held onto your moms hand as you both sat down and they both began talking.
“Overall, I am really pleased with y/n. She is the perfect little student, such a help around the classroom and always hands in her assignments on time.” Lena thanked her and they shook hands. You said bye to your teacher,
“See you on Monday y/n!”
As you skipped back to the car, Lena laughed at you.
“You are so silly, sweetheart. You had nothing to worry about!” you feigned surprise, “Mommm, I wasn’t worried!” Lena nodded as if to say ‘sure’.
“Well, I’m really proud of you darling.” Lena smiled and cupped your cheek before she started the short drive back to your apartment.
“What do you say we spend all of tomorrow together? I think you deserve a reward baby.” Your eyes lit up,
“Really?!” Lena laughed and nodded, “Thanks mom!!”
The next morning, you crawled into Lena’s bed and you two slept in – a rare luxury for Lena.
You decided to go out to breakfast, getting pastries and hot chocolate before going to your favourite store – the bookstore.
“Can I get 2 books mom?!” You were bouncing on your feet as you walked to the entrance,
“Sure baby, go pick them out okay?” Lena smiled as you rushed over to the books, picking out a couple you’d had your eyes on for a while.
You two went to a couple more stores before picking up your favourite food for a late lunch/early dinner and headed home to eat it.
You had a shower and got into your most favourite pyjama’s while Lena did the same. Soon you were both settled on the couch with Tangled playing in the background.
“Babe pass me the brush?” you were engrossed in the movie and mindlessly nudged the brush toward your mom to which she smiled and shook her head. Lena positioned herself behind you and started brushing your damp hair; she loved doing your hair, but you were getting so big you didn’t need her to do it anymore, so she cherished these moments.
Lena could feel you relaxing as she twisted your long hair into two soft braids. As she tied them off, you climbed into her lap and rested your head on her chest, closing your eyes.  
“Sweetheart, why don’t we go snuggle in bed?” you nodded sleepily and allowed your mom to lead you to her room.
She pressed a kiss to your forehead as she turned off the lamp, “Goodnight y/n, I love you.”
“Love you mom, thank you for today.”
“Always, my love. Have the sweetest dreams.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
request! part two of baby!danvers abusive boyfriend
Your last post is so good! Can we pretty please get a second part where Alex comes to the rescue bu taking care of her little sister and finding her abusive boyfriend!
I am so sorry for how long this took, I expected to have it up a few days ago but uni work + life got in the way. I hope this is alright!!
here’s a link to part one since it has been quite a while since i got the request oops https://supercxrpschild.tumblr.com/post/615823712150831104/angst-8-11-with-kara-and-bd-where-bd-is-the
Word Count: 936 
please be mindful that this work has a trigger warning for mentions of abuse
“Alex please, just come over with your medical stuff okay? I promise I’ll explain when you get here. I don’t feel right explaining over the phone and I wanted to call before she wakes up.” You clutched your head in pain as you heard Kara talk in the next room.
Kara cursed softly, “Alex she just woke up, I promise we’ll explain when you get here. Love you too.”
You sat up in bed, your face throbbing and everything hurting. Kara walked back in with a small smile on her face, “Hey y/n, how’re you feelin’?”
“Sore.” You said, barely audible. You hated yourself for letting it get to this point. Hated that you were weak and stayed with him as long as you did.
Kara sat beside you in the bed, placing a hand on your shoulder. You flinched away from her, “Sorry I um, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s alright honey, its okay.” Kara waited for you to initiate contact this time, and only wrapped her arms around you once you had scooted closer.
“Alex is coming over.” You pulled away.
“Kara please. It’s not a big deal, let’s just all forget about it.” Kara shook her head,
“We can’t and you know that.” Of course you did. But you didn’t want to admit it. Admitting it made it all real. You still loved Steven and there was a part of you that thought you knew the real him. He was different when he was angry, but it was always okay afterwards. He just went a bit too far this time.
“Kara? Y/n?” It was a little while later when you both heard Alex enter the apartment. You started shaking hearing your eldest sister’s voice. It almost felt as though you disappointed her.
“Hey Alex,” Kara said from the doorway. Alex came over and gave her a hug, then saw you sitting in the bed. The daylight had shown just how bad everything really was and Alex nearly had a heart attack seeing the condition you were in.
“Oh my god! y/n?! what happened? Kara who did this? What’s going on?” You started to tear up,
“Kara please, just leave it alone!” Alex was beside herself trying to work out why you were acting this way.
Kara swallowed the lump in her throat, trying to balance staying loyal to you and doing what’s right. “Y/n, she was at … Steven’s house –“
“Yeah she told me?” Alex said, then it dawned on her.
“Did he do that to you?” the silence answered her question; her fists clenched, and she had to take a moment to calm herself down and remind herself that you were her priority right now.
“Okay, okay. Y/n, let’s have a look at your nose, alright?” Alex sat in front of you as Kara retook her spot beside you.
Alex held your face in her hands, “Kara, did you see where it’s broken?” Kara pointed to where she saw with her x-ray vision.
“I’m gonna have to put a splint on it, at least for a week.” Alex said, digging around in the bag of medical supplies she took from the DEO when Kara called.
“Y/n, this might hurt, okay?” You didn’t respond, Alex waited a moment and then placed the splint on your nose. You flinched as she taped it into place.
“Is there anything else?” Alex looked to Kara,
“I cleaned most of the cuts and bruises last night.” Kara said. You were staring off into space, dissociated.
Alex spotted a place of dried blood that Kara must’ve missed. It was hidden in your matted hair. “I think there’s a cut on your head sweet girl, can I take a look?” you nodded – so softly that she wasn’t sure if she saw right.
Kara scooted closer to you, held your hand. Alex pulled back your hair, wiping over the area and was relieved to see it was just superficial.
“Do you wanna maybe, take a bath or something bubs?” Kara asked as Alex finished. You nodded and Kara super-sped to get the bath drawn.
“All ready for you little star.” She smiled softly. You thanked her and closed the door, tears spilling out as soon as you were alone.
“I’m gonna kill him Kara.” Alex’s voice was dangerous, low.
“Alex, please just, calm down a little before you go find him. I want to see him suffer as much as you do but please don’t get yourself arrested.” Alex nodded, too fired up to pay much attention to Kara’s advice as she grabbed her helmet and went down to her bike.
“Kara?” You called out softly,
“Yeah sweetheart?” You looked down in shame,
“Um, can you… Can you help wash my hair? My arms hurt too much and, um”
“Hey, of course I can honey.” You gave her a small smile as she started, silently thanking her for not mentioning the bruises that littered your naked body.
Alex came back hours later, mindful to calm herself down before re-entering the apartment. You were sitting between Kara’s legs as she brushed your hair, finally freeing it from all the knots.
“He’s at the police station, Maggie’s dealing with him.” Your chest tightened and you started to hyperventilate,
“Hey, hey, y/n, you need to breathe for me, alright? Can you breathe for Ally?” Alex used the nickname from when you were little, hoping to soothe you.
“Ally and Sissy are here little star. You’re not alone, okay.” Alex and Kara held you in their arms.
“He won’t hurt you again.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
no one can hurt you now
baby!danvers ptsd
So. This one’s a little bit different. I wrote this a few nights ago as i was coming out of a really bad PTSD episode, I hadn’t had one that bad in quite a while so it took a lot out of me, hence me being a bit absent these last few days. 
I hope this is okay, its pretty personal and took a lot to edit and stuff but it did help me. 
Please be advised that this has a trigger warning for child sex abuse, it is not directly mentioned but please still take care of yourself and use your discretion when deciding if you should read it.  
word count: 980
You were just going about your day as normal. You had a few classes early in the morning, then got back home to the apartment you shared with Kara where you spent the afternoon studying.
You were going through the motions, made your regular lunch, did everything you usually do. But something just wasn’t right. You put your head in your heads as you leant on the dining table.
“What the hell is wrong with me today” you whispered to yourself, balling your fists in your hair.
You couldn’t concentrate on your work anymore so you closed your textbooks and threw them on your floor before flopping down on your bed, a tear of frustration sliding from the corner of your eyes.
After forcing yourself to calm down you got back up and got back to work, deciding that distraction was probably best, and you’d eventually be okay again.
But it didn’t happen.
“Heyyy y/n!! I bought pizza and cupcakes for later!” Kara walked in the door, home from work.
If you’re a good little girl, I’ll get you a treat, maybe even a cupcake!
You shuddered. You hadn’t thought about that in so long.
When Kara turned around, you plastered a smile on your face.
“Awesome, thanks Kara.” Kara beamed as she placed the food down and shrugged off her coat.
During dinner you just nibbled on the pizza. Nothing tasted good, so you excused yourself and told Kara you were going to have a shower.
“Are you alright y/n?” Her eyebrows were knitted together in concern but you waved her off, assuring her that you were fine.
It hit you light a freight train as you were washing your hair. You didn’t feel real, it felt like you were transported back to being five years old…
Get off me! Please, please get off!
“GET OFF ME!! PLEASE!!” Kara was in the bathroom before she even registered what you were saying, having already been listening because she felt something off with you. She ripped open the shower curtain and saw you curled into a ball, crying and screaming.
“Y/n? Sweetheart?” Kara turned off the water and knelt down beside your naked body, not caring that her jeans were now soaking through.
“Hey, hey, y/n, I need you to look at me” Kara tried to stay calm, but she was beside herself watching you in so much pain.
“I, I can’t h-he , he’s here, I-” Kara furrowed her brows and looked around,
“Bubs, there’s no one here.” Your breathing wasn’t slowing, “C’mon let’s just get you out of the shower and into something warm, honey. Those cupcakes are still waiting for you!” Suddenly your sobs intensified, and you drew away from Kara’s touch.
“Okay, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Kara’s blue eyes were glassy with tears, she felt helpless.
She sped and grabbed her phone from the lounge, calling Alex who assured her she’d be there as soon as she could and just to stay with you until she got there.
“Kara?” Alex called out. You had calmed down slightly, but still hadn’t let Kara touch you.
“In here.” Alex rushed through the apartment, then saw you huddled in the corner of the shower, soaking wet and shivering now.
“Oh sweetheart.” She could hear your breathing still ragged and the cries you were trying to silence.
“Alex, she, she was screaming, and her eyes are just vacant, and I can’t get her to let me touch her.” Alex placed her hand on Kara’s shoulder, reassuring her that she did nothing wrong.
“I think it’s a PTSD episode Kara,”
“She hasn’t had one of those in years” Kara whispered,
Alex smiled sadly and tried to reach you, “Y/n? You’re with us, your sisters. Kara and Alex, we’re here and we’re not going to let anything happen to you. You are safe.” You sniffled and looked up, you were out of the flashback but exhausted and embarrassed.
“A-lex” you whimpered,
“Hey little one, let’s get you warm and dry.” You nodded and reached out to Kara, who took a towel and scooped you up in it.
Alex found your favourite sweats and slipped them over your body while Kara busied herself with drying your dripping hair until Alex took over so she could change her own clothes.
“Y/n, you don’t have to talk okay? But we’re here if you want to.” Your eldest sister said as she ran a comb through your hair.
“I I haven’t thought about it in so long Alex, I don’t know what happened I don’t know why it got so bad.” Alex held you tight and shushed you,
“Hey, sometimes things come out of nowhere and we don’t know why. It’s completely okay. PTSD doesn’t exactly follow the rules.”
Kara came out from the bathroom and sat on the other side of you, “Exactly y/n, I mean you know how mine comes out of nowhere.” You nodded.
“I just, I feel so scared and, and young, like I’m back there with him and I can feel him. I just want this feeling to go away.” Kara pulled you into her arms and you settled into the familiar warmth.
“You’re not sweetheart, and we’ll hold you until that’s all you feel.” Kara smiled softly and kissed your cheek, wiping away tears that had started falling again.
“Promise you won’t leave?”
Alex followed Kara and kissed your temple, “promise babygirl. Try and get some sleep, we’ll be right here.”
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supercxrpschild · 4 years
B!D being obsessed with tik tok.
just a lil one! i can totally imagine this ahaha  word count: 124
“C’monnnn Alex, Kara agreed to do it!!” Alex huffed and rolled her eyes, sipping her scotch.
“Okay but I’m gonna need a bit more to drink” You jumped up and down and high-fived Kara.
Soon you were in fits of giggles trying to teach them both the ‘blinding lights’ choreography.
“It’s just like you’re running in place and then move your arms like you’re swimming!”
“This is ridiculous y/n!” Alex flopped onto the couch.
“Pfff, Alex you’re just saying that because you can’t get it!” Kara teased, hands on hips.
“Kara you haven’t gotten it either…” you said,
“Well, I’m better than her!”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, this might be the first, and last, tiktok you get them to agree to doing.
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