#supercorp fwb au sneak peek
amaltheaz · 3 years
I've been thinking a lot about fwb au in these past few days after this week's episode and John Legend's Conversations in the Dark came on and I immediately decided that it was a sign and that it's very fwb au and that I'm doing a re-reading this weekend. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
This was such a lovely message to wake up to and what perfect timing too as I thought about working on fwb au today too 🥰
I hope you will enjoy the re-read and just know while you're doing that, I'll be writing about these two 🥰
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Have a good weekend, friend! ❤️❤️❤️
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pippytmi · 5 years
Supercorp fwb/oblivious gal pals to eventual lovers au (if you want to lol)
for a second i was confused™ omg i was like “did i rb a prompt list recently” ? but WAIT is this a response to my tag asking someone to tell me what to write? bc if that’s the case i love you and you only anon 💕💕💕
the thing is that i am writing a sc fwb au atm (sadly it’s not really gal-pals-esque though). but i’ve been severely lacking in inspiration for this fic so it’s stubbornly stayed at 18k words and idk how to keep going! if you want a little sneak peek for it tho...i got you
“Will you come home with me?” Lena asks, tightness exploding into a question she can’t take back.
Kara traces the corner of her mouth thoughtfully, and waits so long to answer that Lena regrets asking at all. “Yeah,” she says at last. “Yeah, okay.”
Lena convinces herself it’s nothing serious, to have sex with the same girl within a span of a few weeks. She brings Kara up to her bedroom in the townhouse, lets Kara slip her jacket right off Lena’s body, eyes following the movement as she carefully sets it aside.
They’re both too careful this time around. Hesitant, dancing around each other, like one wrong move might end this at any second. Kara’s shyness is somehow more endearing like this, her hands sliding under Lena’s shirt to settle on her waist, kissing so softly from her neck up to her jaw like it would be wrong to approach the situation any differently.
All at once it’s too much. “Kara,” Lena says, unable to take it. “Kara, don’t—don’t.”
Kara backs away. “I’m sorry, was I…”
“No, trust me, you are so”—Lena pauses—“you’re so good at this. I just don’t want you to hold back. This doesn’t mean anything, so don’t…worry.”
Something in that cautious expression falters. “Right,” Kara says. “It’s, um. Not a big deal.”
“Exactly.” Lena waits with bated breath, and an untucked shirt and smudged lipstick, before she hastily continues, “I know that’s not what you want. So if you want to go, I won’t hold it against you. We can forget this ever happened.”
“You’re always saying we can just forget anything that happens between us,” Kara says. “Does that work, at all?” Now there’s an underlying fondness in her voice that’s hard to ignore; it makes this harder to swallow.
“Well, I wouldn’t know,” Lena says. “I’ve been terrible at it so far.”
This prompts Kara to crack a smile, however small. “Then how should we approach this?” she asks. “I’m not even sure what you want.”
Lena stops to really consider. What does she want? Because she isn’t sure she even wants Kara. Maybe just the idea of her. Maybe just the freedom that sneaking around with her would bring. Maybe just the feeling that she’s wanted, for once.
Aloud she hedges, “Something…casual? I don’t want to hurt your feelings, Kara. So if that’s not an option for you…”
“Are you asking me to be your fuck buddy?” Kara interrupts, not at all thrown, but seemingly—intrigued. “Really? I thought that only happened in movies.”
“Ashton Kutcher? Natalie Portman?” The amusement in her smile quickly fades into an embarrassed quirk of her lips. “You don’t get the reference.”
“I don’t,” Lena says, bewildered as to how they’ve gotten to this point.
Kara wrinkles her nose apologetically. “Sorry, did I ruin it?” she says. “Let me try that again. Um.” She shifts backwards, clears her throat for emphasis. “I can do casual. If that’s what you want.”
“Yes, really.”
“So you won’t mind,” Lena says, “if we don’t be friends outside of this. Just—meet up to have sex sometimes. No strings attached.”
“No strings attached, that’s funny, that’s the name of the…” Kara trails off, likely at the exasperated face Lena knows she’s making. “And you still won’t get the reference.”
“I’m beginning to question why I’m even attracted to you at this point,” Lena says, obviously half-joking, but it makes Kara laugh.
And she really has a pretty laugh, the kind that’s distracting; it’s very carefree, very real, and something about it makes a strange feeling curl at the bottom of Lena’s stomach.
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amaltheaz · 3 years
4, 24, 25, 30 for the writer meme if you feel like it?
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Oooh okay, lemme see... (all supercorp fics btw)
1. A Million Tiny Suns by @thelnjames
- this is one that will always be the top of my list because I am just so in love with it. It's the first of a gorgeously-written series that is so very underappeciated so I will appreciate it as much as I can
2. The Comfort of Lies by wordsarehard
- this is tagged slow burn and boy, does it live up to the name so very deliciously
3. The Science Guild (How Kara Danvers Became A Nerd icon) by dreiser
- a very much loved and very very missed fic
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Hmmm, probably infidelity? I'm very sensitive to that kind of story so I generally avoid them. Jealousy fics can be fine and fun but I draw a strong hard line at infidelity. I know it can be a really good plot device but my personal feelings would definitely not make that good, lol
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
I do! I have different playlists for different fics I'm writing for. Since I'm working on fwb au, here is the playlist for that one.
I encourage readers to send recommendations that they feel could be added to the list 🥰
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Here you go ❤️❤️❤️
Lena nods in agreement, taking another look around the hall. Everybody does seem to be enjoying themselves which is all she can really ask for really, especially for an LCorp event. “I’m going to take this as a win anyway,” she murmurs before turning back to Jess and Sam. “Are we still on for brunch tomorrow?”
“How about we make that a late afternoon lunch? Since Ruby is sleeping over with her friends tonight, you and I, Miss Jess,” Sam points to Jess with a playful smile on her face, “have an after-party of our own.”
Jess rolls her eyes, shaking her head. “You can't say shit like that if you want me to wingman you.”
“But it's fun,” Sam whines. She sighs when Jess doesn't react and only stares back, unperturbed by Sam’s pouting. “Urgh, fine,” Sam concedes, throwing her hands up in the air. “But only because you really are a great wingman, and Kara and I made a bet that I intend to win.”
Lena frowns slightly in confusion. “What bet, and why am I not invited?” she asks, interrupting her friends’ banter.
Jess snorts. “You already have your own after-party. Don't be greedy.”
“Still, would’ve appreciated an invite,” she mutters under her breath, the petulance practically dripping in her tone.
Ask me a thing!
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amaltheaz · 4 years
Hi friend, hope you are well how is fwb doing?
Hello, friend! Fwb au is doing... somewhat good. To tell you the truth, I'm currently working on a smutty one-shot set in the fwb universe and it's allllllmost finished!
It was originally in the chapter itself but when I looked at the chapter as a whole, I realized it wasn't vibing with what I wanted for the final chapter. The thing was that, I already had such a big chunk of it written and I didn't want to chuck it so I decided to make it a separate one-shot 😂. The plan is that once I'm done with this, I can give the final chapter proper attention.
Until then, here is a tiny tiny sneak peek for fwb au, which I hope will tide you over ❤️
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amaltheaz · 5 years
Hi friend hope everything is going well. No pressure and ignore if you want but can you give us a sneak peak??
Hello friend!
Everything is going okay. I just came back so I've been mostly dealing with my jet lag. I've also been working on a couple of Valentine's Day fics, one of which will be posted up sometime next week. The other one took a little bit of a meandering turn so it might take a little longer 😂
But since I finished the other Vday fic, I was wondering whether I should work on fwb au and this ask was a sign for me to do so 🥰
So just for that, here is your sneak peek, my friend ❤️. This isn't from the next chapter but the chapter after it.
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amaltheaz · 5 years
Hi friend, would it be possible to get a sneak peek at fwb?
Hello friend!
So I have tried posting this TWICE now but Tumblr is a butt apparently. Anyway, I'm sorry I took a bit to reply to this but I’m gearing to get into nanowrimo mode and I am... Nervous lmao
And since I am going into nanowrimo mode, here is a huge sneak peek to hopefully tide you over until I can pick it back up again. This is set in Midvale after Kara’s earth birthday party 🥰
It's been hours since she had her last drink and in the time it has taken them to clean up, Kara feels herself sobering up further. And though her mind has started to clear, she still feels a little— floaty, like she’s walking on air, like there’s nothing but sunshine in her chest. It's a feeling that's been coursing through her all night, before she even touched an alcoholic drink. It has her being more tactile with everybody than she already is, has her melting and leaning into the embraces that they seem to happily give her in return. Drunk on love, is what Alex had called it, laughing in delight when Kara had cuddled up to her before she left for her walk with Parker.
Perhaps her sister is right and she’s sure that everybody else must have noticed this, must have noticed the constant way that she kept reaching out to them. She wanted piggyback rides with Kal-El, wanted Lois to run her fingers through her hair and braid it. She was absolutely beside herself when Ruby, so near to sleep, came to sit and curled up right next to her. Kara just couldn't get enough of it but at the same time, it’s also almost overwhelming really, how this energy seems to buzz and vibrate within her and even though it's the end of the night, it's still so very much there.
Kara thinks about maybe taking a midnight flight to try and tire herself out when she walks in her bedroom to find Lena zipping her duffel bag closed, already scrubbed clean and dressed for bed. Lena smiles readily at the sight of her.
“Hey you, all done?” she asks, to which Kara only nods in reply before lazily padding over until she can circle her arms around Lena to hug her, resting her chin on top of Lena’s shoulder. It doesn't take long for Lena to reciprocate the gesture, her arms going around Kara’s shoulders. “You okay?” Lena asks softly when Kara lets out a quiet but heavy sigh.
She nuzzles her nose into Lena's neck before pressing a soft kiss to the sensitive skin there, smiling at the rising goosebumps. “I’m just— tonight made me really happy.”
She hears a quiet chuckle in her ear just as Lena’s hand cups the back of her neck. “I can tell,” she says quietly.
“Is it because I can't stop smiling? I think my cheeks are for sure starting to feel it.”
Lena’s responding hum vibrates between them just as she start to play with the baby hairs at the nape of Kara’s neck. “Partly, but I think that it’s something more than that.”
Kara presses her forehead to Lena’s. “Yeah, I think so too,” she sighs, her eyes closing.
Lena’s arms squeeze around her waist and doesn't say another word as Kara shuffles them from side to side. She likes this, loves it even. Loves the way that Lena starts to hum quietly, almost like a purring sound and Kara feels the vibration right on her chest. She loves the firmness of Lena's hand on her neck, how her fingers are weaving and tangling in the thick of her hair.
That's when she feels it, the slight breath of a sigh across her lips. Her eyes open again to meet Lena’s, dark green in the dim lighting of her bedroom and Kara waits. She waits for Lena to say a word, to make a move, to do something. She can trace the faint hint of wine and toothpaste mixed in together. Kara licks her lips, her breath already shaking in anticipation. Her gaze falls to Lena’s lips, watches how they curl into a tiny smirk and Kara thinks of the dark red of Lena's lipstick that she wore all night, wishing that she had had the chance to kiss it off Lena’s lips.
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amaltheaz · 5 years
Hi friend, sorry to bother but do you think there will be an update on fwb au? No rush at all. Thank you !
Good morning dear!
It's not a bother at all. I'm working very slowly on fwb au. It currently sits at 5000+ words but I'm not actually even... close to halfway to finishing the chapter, lmao. Plus I've been getting ideas for so many different stories that I've been awfully distracted by them.
How about a sneak peek to see you through?
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amaltheaz · 5 years
Hey hope everything is awesome on your world. No pressure whatsoever mainly curious, can you give us a sneak peak of nfwb?
Good morning, friend! Things aren't too bad over here but it could always be better! And I assume you mean to ask for fwb au because nfwb just made me think of that Hozier song 😂. But yes, I can totally give you a sneak peek of fwb au!
She rolls her eyes before turning back around in the direction of her shower, glancing back at Lena behind her with a pointed gaze. It isn't until she’s got her boots along with her skirt thrown off to the side, when she hears Lena’s footsteps following close behind.
The heat of the water feels good in her hair, down her back as she turns to watch Lena climb in to join her. There's something about seeing Lena naked under the fluorescent light of her bathroom, something about the way Lena’s eyes move over her in this narrow space that makes Kara reach out for her. With her hands on Lena’s hips, Kara pulls her into her, bringing her under the water. She nuzzles into Lena’s neck. “Do you need it a little hotter? Cooler?”
Lena hums quietly, the sound vibrating between them. “It's perfect.”
“Good.” She reaches for her shampoo beside them, giving it a shake and making a mental note that she needs to get a new bottle soon. Lena plucks the bottle from out of her hand, gesturing for her to turn around which she dutifully does. Lena’s shampoo-covered hands eventually go through her hair and her eyes flutter close, far too content to enjoy the scrape of Lena’s nails that she isn't sure how much time passes before she breaks the quiet between them. “So how was your meeting? Did it go well? But more importantly, what did you bring for lunch?” she asks, grabbing the bar of soap in front of her.
The rush of her questions has Lena chuckling and Kara can easily imagine Lena behind her, shaking her head in amusement. “It did. I’m very happy to be done with all of that for at least a week until the next meeting with that lot. And I got us Vietnamese today,”
Her stomach growls at the very mention of the food waiting for them. “Ooh, my belly is very excited,”
“Your belly is always excited,” Lena teases drily as she reaches around to pat Kara’s stomach.
Hope you liked it! ❤️❤️❤️
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