thefireroars · 4 months
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Moon 0 | Moon 1 MallowClan | Moon 2 HeatherClan | Moon 2 MallowClan
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Sunspring Expedition
Artist: Chris J. Anderson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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apochdraws · 2 years
Sometimes you just gotta hold your girlfriend’s hand while she reads her favorite book.
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cats-of-eden-valley · 4 months
Do you have any other wip names for the prides that you didn’t use that I could mayhaps steal? 👀🙏
AKGDJDSS so goldspring was sunspring for awhile but i kinda realized that putting sun in the name would emphasize some connection between GS and hiverne that wasn't really present so i had to decide between leaning into Hiverne related stuff or changing it to something more fitting
i also considered Flamespring but Idk. smth bout that wasn't doing it for me.
and i actually DID find in my notes the other night another name I'd written down for Windveldt, which i considered for their old name: Flame Singers
ultimately scrapped it though because it's not...idk. i think im looking for a somewhat unique naming scheme, and Flame Singers isn't scratching that itch for me
and bogden and coldbank didnt go through any iterations! one and done (though i did consider coming up with other options, never went through with it)
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theallianceclangen · 7 months
Moon ??? - 0
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the small refuge was filled with cats from four different clans, who had never met before, but had something in common, everyone didn't want to talk about what happened.
They didn’t want to talk about the water.
Of fire.
Of the loss.
Of the monsters.
the Violetclan leader, Cressstar, looked through the sea of fur before speaking "am I the only leader here?" no one spoke, but that silence answered his question. the leader's sibling, Blightbreeze, stepped forward "so I guess you'll all be part of our clan now!"
"...What?" a cat turned around, indignation written on its face, Sunspring, the golden fur warrior tom of Rosyclan, bared his teeth, almost growling
"If you think we're going to end our clan's legacy just because no one else has nine lives, you're a fool!" another spoke to the left of them, Slatepelt, an elder of Weedclan.
then a great argument began between the four clans, no one seemed to agree with anyone and it seemed that they were about to test their claws on others.
"Enough! You're scaring our kits!" Snapjump, Weedclan's she-cat healer spoke over everyone's voices. This made everyone stop and look at the pile of kits, different bloods, different clans, huddled close to each other, whimpering and crying and a single one in front of them, Ravenkit, an angry expression with tears in his eyes, ready to protect the little ones.
a cat snorted "it seems like they are more adult than us" Scorchfeather, the brown she-cat meowed, his tone was mocking but still sincere...everyone felt embarrassed.
everyone remained silent, thinking about what to do next, a welcoming breeze passed by them, carrying the smells of the past, their hair stood on end and their eyes widened.
above them a spirit hovered, a guide.
The cat took them to a cave in the bottom of a mountain, the inside of the cave was filled with crystals with a blue and magical glow. the guide stopped and crouched in front of a larger crystal with four cats in it.
"Weed, Violet, Bird and Rosy"
The cats seemed surprised and struggled to pay respect to their founders.
Violet gave everyone present a judgmental look.
Rosy purred before saying "Rowanbug"
Weed smiled big "Sandsun"
Bird yawned before saying the last name "Pheasantfur"
Sandstar received nine lives and choose Sladepelt as deputy
Rowanstar received nine lives and choose Rustbite as deputy
Pheasantstar received nine lives and choose Eaglelily as deputy
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moonpawscathoard · 3 years
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I have the vaguest idea of these characters in a comic format and made this in the span of two days so it looks like it was made in two days haha.
Not my best work, but I like the general vibe.
Anyway, if y'all want me to make more comics just tell me, I love drawing and writing comics, but watch me turn this into an ask blog on accident.
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according-to-shlorp · 3 years
For some odd reason, I’d love to see Terry and Korvo watch ‘Sunspring.’
I can only imagine Korvo’s reaction to it, being confused as fuck, and rant about it. While Terry claims he understood the meaning behind the movie and loved it. Though, the ‘meaning and plot’ Terry thinks the movie is about is far off. Because the movie actually doesn’t have much meaning to it.
The Replicants also watch it at a point. I’d think Jesse and Yumyulack would fight over what the movie was truly about and it’s meaning.
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The Clan's resident poly gay medicine cats Reedflower (shadowclan), Toadskip (thunderclan) and Sunspring (skyclan)
Reedflower- A serious and intelligent cat. Reedflower is a very dignified cat- they care a lot about how others perceive them and so take great care to ensure that they are always presentable when they go to gatherings or the Moonstone/pool. Reedflower has always been very bright and excelled through their training, and isn’t afraid to get experimental with their treatments, but they will never administer anything to a patient they think could even be remotely harmful. Despite Reedflower’s general seriousness, they allow themselves to relax and have fun around Toadskip and Sunspring, and will often joke those two have a bad influence on them, 15/10
Toadskip - A relaxed and friendly cat. Toadspring is a cat everyone wants as a friend, they are very laid back and are always welcoming to any cat that approaches them and will happily chat with them regardless of their clan. Toadskip is a very comforting presence for sick or injured cats, they always seem to know exactly what to say and do to help their patients feel at ease, many of their clanmates say that they would make a great parent if they hadn’t become a medicine cat. Toadskip loves nothing more than relaxing with their mates under the moonlight, Toadskip is very cuddly and has been known to doze off purring with both of their mates on either side of them, 14/10
Sunspring - An energetic and skilful cat. Sunspring often brims with enthusiasm- they love being a medicine cat and they love being in SkyClan, and this often shows - they will often happily chirp while gathering or organising herbs and they almost always have a positive attitude. Sunspring is an extremely skilled healer, they always seem to have everything under control and are great at improvising when they need to. Sunspring hardly ever seems to take a break, they just feel so energetic and compelled to get on with something - but they will try their best to settle down if Reedflower or Toadskip ask them to, 15/10
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Was watching Sunspring (the AI sci-fi film w/ Thomas Middleditch) last night and
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they really did him dirty with this shot ahshdnnfnf
Likes he 5’11” which is not that short but he looks SO SMALL ANDNDNFBJJD
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table-top-horror · 3 years
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The height difference!
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wenaturalists · 3 years
‘Drinkable book’ has opened an entire field of opportunities for both future innovation and community growth. And more importantly, towards a future where everyone can have safe drinking water.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 1 year
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Sunspring Expedition
Artist: Chris J. Anderson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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artoooooor · 4 years
Sunspring | A Sci-Fi Short Film Starring Thomas Middleditch
You should see the boy and shut up.
Nie wiem, co tutaj.
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badolmen · 4 years
Is this what having a stoke feels like?
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theallianceclangen · 6 months
At each gathering the list will be updated
Leader: Sandstar - a medium furred light brown tom Deputy: Honeybee - a long furred black speckled tom Medicine cat: Snapjump - a short furred dark brown tabico she cat
Warriors : Bitestalk - a short furred pale grey smoke tom Crowtree - a medium furred light brown tom Falcowhisker - a short furred white and brown tom Dahliapatch - a long furred brown tom
Apprentices: Foxpaw - a short furred brown smoke tom Rowankit - a medium furred dark brown bengal she cat
Elders: Slatepelt - a short furred grey ticked tabby she cat Darkspeckle - a medium furred dark ginger tom
Leader/King: Cressstar - a medium furred black tabby tom Deputy/princess: Blightbreeze - a short furred black she cat Medicine cat/prince: Merrytail - a long furred dark grey bengal tom Warriors: Sleekstone - a short furred brown rosetted and white she cat Patchfur - a long furred dark grey she cat Alderclaw - a medium furred brown bengal she cat Hillbloom - a medium furred brown bengal she cat Apprentice: Queen: Adderhare - a short furred dark brown smoke tom Kit: Weaselkit - a medium furred grey and white tom Birchkit - a long furred light brown speckled tom Bogkit - a long furred dark ginger tom Brightkit - a medium furred light brown marbled tabby tom Elder: Mousewater - a long furred brown ticked tabby she cat Foxheart - a medium furred dark ginger tom
Leader: Pheasantstar - a long furred light brown tom Deputy: Eaglelily - a medium furred ginger speckled tom Medicine cat: Goldcrestheart - a medium furred dark ginger she cat Warriors: Hummingbirdwhiskers - a medium furred dark grey torbie she cat Vulturepatch - a long furred dark brown tom Falcowhisker - a medium furred dark grey bengal she cat Magpiepuddle - a medium furred dark ginger ticked tabby tom Sandpiperspeck - a long furred dark grey rosetted she cat Nuthatchfreckle - a medium furred dark ginger rosetted tom Blackbirdstep - a medium furred silver marbled tabby she cat Apprentice: Ravenpaw - a medium furred white and black she cat Kit:
Leader: Rowanstar - a long furred golden tabby tom Deputy: Rustbite - a medium furred dark ginger marbled tabby she cat Medicine cat: Greenwhisker - a medium furred grey bengal tom Warriors: Heavypool - a medium furred dark ginger ticked tabby tom Sunspring - a short furred white and pale ginger tabby tom Sootbeam - a long furred dark grey rosetted she cat Emberdapple - a medium furred dark brown rosetted tom Scorchfeather- a long furred dark brown she cat Elders: Flowerdusk - a long furred grey smoke she cat Brownspirit - a long furred brown bengal tom
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iamvictoriaanne · 5 years
Ars is excited to be hosting this online debut of Sunspring, a short science fiction film that's not entirely what it seems. It's about three people living in a weird future, possibly on a space station, probably in a love triangle. You know it's the future because H (played with neurotic gravity by Silicon Valley's Thomas Middleditch) is wearing a shiny gold jacket, H2 (Elisabeth Gray) is playing with computers, and C (Humphrey Ker) announces that he has to "go to the skull" before sticking his face into a bunch of green lights. It sounds like your typical sci-fi B-movie, complete with an incoherent plot. Except Sunspring isn't the product of Hollywood hacks—it was written entirely by an AI. To be specific, it was authored by a recurrent neural network called long short-term memory, or LSTM for short. At least, that's what we'd call it. The AI named itself Benjamin.
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