#sunset twilight happiness dream peace boketto
theleafthatfelloff · 4 years
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I have been a fan of sunsets for a really long time now, but the one that I would never want to lose out on, is the sky after the sunset. The sun lingers there for one moment more and then it goes away, beyond where the eyes can see, leaving one, gazing into the horizon, seeking more of the alluring scene.
What strikes the match to my heart is the twilight !!! To me, it is really not about the love and dynamics of the sun and the earth or for that matter the sea. Beaches are indeed places of recreation, but they are also places of redeeming the everlost soul.
The setting sun bleeds me, opens up all my wounds and all the thoughts come gushing out of my mind into the space I stared at. I neither looked at the sky, nor at the horizon seperating it from the sea. I just stared, blankly, into space. All my thoughts blatantly refused to line up; on the contrary they rushed out like children coming out of a school. The twilight dims and slowly leaves one into darkness, like a fading away end of a movie.
The waves sung the ballad of their seperation from the sun and now retired to shine in the moonlight, but their sound makes my heart race; race even faster than the horses of thoughts that came out of my mind. I want to be at peace and yet I am deprived of it, making me realise how much more I have yet to give. All the smiles, all the laughter, all the wails echoed from the memories that tussled with my thoughts, made me break down little by little, mostly the shields I wore, to save myself from people.
The little ember of my clogged up thoughts, my hidden feelings, longed to be brought out and rekindled with love and care, not to generate a forest fire, but to start a small bonfire, giving enough warmth for pure souls to rest and lie beside. The sky lights up in a strange orangish-pink glow, like someone melted metal at a higher temperature and let it flow through the sky into my heart, only to char it forever.
I get up slowly, it felt like 2 of me appeared; one, sitting cross-legged still staring into goodness knows what, feeling the gust of the wind, with tearful eyes and another, who slowly got up because apparantly time doesn’t permit me to stay outdoors alone, but in denial that I will be living for a longer time than now.
I walked up the stairs, whose underlights now shone bright, for the moonlight wasn’t enough to guide one up them, into the city, uphill again. Moving towards my resort, I approached a less walked pathway, with thickly woven trees, looking like they were aflame and they bled along with me. The light lit my face and my heart settled, settled for what I thought was life, and my legs walked; walked on the path that destiny had in store for me, alone.
Twilight puts up a smile on many faces, but it also quietens people like me, whose mindless thoughts run astray and create chaos in their and others lives too. But, even better, they give them the recharge of happiness and peace that they can spread to those near... and those... far (dear).
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