serendipity1974 · 8 years
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This is not today's #SunriseInRebelshire. This is a #Totes #Latergram, taken during yesterday's #sunrise. This morning I slept in, in small part because it is grey and gloomy, but mostly because I stayed up too late watching telly. I am dying for coffee. Unfortunately I have to fast for a medical appointment. The dreary weather feels appropriate. So rather than bask in the warm glow of the Sun while sipping the sweet elixir of the gods, I'm thinking a long hot shower is my only hope for kickstarting my fuzzy brain. #CoffeeIsMyfriend #imissmyfriend #MorningMusing #SerendipityIsRandom (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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#Monday. #SunriseInRebelshire. #NYC. My Rebels went back to school today (#hellyeah)! When they woke up each of them came in for snuggles and a little quiet time with mama - Maybe because they knew they would not be spending the day with me? Whatever the reason, it was a lovely way to start the day. Of course, #MondaysAreHard, and already my week has been turned inside out. I must go grocery shopping today. This means all the cleaning, meal prep, and work I needed to get done will have to wait. I'm not really bitching - because all that's really not important. Minor irritations that are truly meaningless in the grand scheme of things. This morning the Sun rose in a crystal blue sky and it was beautiful to witness. #MondayMotivation? Yeah, we've got that. #MorningMusings (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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A few shots of your #Sunday #sunrise over my slice of the #NYC #skyline. Yes, I'm slightly obsessed with #clouds, and #pinkclouds in particular. Apparently I'm also feeling a little alliterative at the moment. Could be I need more #coffee...#justathought #MorningMusings #SunriseInRebelshire (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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I'm convinced fog is just Mother Nature's way of saying, "Meh." No, really, it's just a bunch of clouds that are feeling so low they literally got dragged down. The Sun comes out, tries to perk things up, lighten the mood. But the clouds just lay there, quietly muttering, "If you want us to move you're going to need to burn the energy. We can't even." #FogOfApathy #LowLyingClouds Saturday's #SunriseInRebelshire has been suspended. #MorningMusings (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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Some days, no matter how beautifully they begin, it is a struggle to focus. On such a morning, a stunning purple and pink #SunriseInRebelshire might be discarded because of the #blurry #silhouette of my #nycskyline. But why?! Is it a perfect photograph? Perhaps not. Yet the colors are no less beautiful because the image isn't sharp. From a different perspective, perhaps it perfectly memorializes the moment, the feeling when you're just waking. (I had, after all, literally just opened my eyes. My first conscious thought was to capture this sky.) Or I could claim it was meant to be #softfocus, as I implore you to embrace it for what it is. Maybe I could boast that while it has less in common with a photograph from #AlfredStieglitz and more with a painting by #GeorgiaOKeeffe, it is intended to be a product of blending their aesthetics. All of this is, of course, an afterthought. My random musings and justifications for why I'm entitled to share this imperfect reality with you. Honestly, though, who cares? I'll send it out into the void because it speaks me, and as I always do, I will hope it speaks to someone else. If you've read this far, please know how glad I am it spoke to you. #MorningMusings (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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What can I say? This day began in the middle of the night. It has been chaos and anxiety, tears and tantrums. As tired and weary as I am, however, there was also this light. For that, and so much more, I'm filled with gratitude. #ThankfulThursday #MorningMusings #SunriseInRebelshire #NYC #orchids (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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#ThoseHighlightsTho! 😎😍🤓 The beauty of a #sunrise isn't only painted out on the sky or clouds. For a moment this morning my slice of the #NYC #skykine seemed to be standing in front of pink marble. Given the limits of my iPhone, however, I couldn't capture what my eyes could see. Turning my #focus away from the horizon allowed me to appreciate the color and quality of the #light itself, and the exquisite way it kissed the edges of all those balconies. Such are the details that set the old master painters apart. Such are the #littlethings I am glad to occasionally stumble over. When I am lucky to do so, such are the things I remind myself to stop and give my full attention, before the moment passes. #SerendipityIsRandom #MorningMusings #SunriseInRebelshire #itsthelittlethings (at New York, New York)
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serendipity1974 · 8 years
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#HappyMonday! No, #seriously... I know I usually lament that #MondaysAreHard, particularly one with the Rebels off from school. However, today began with some pre-dawn cuddles and then a cup of coffee brought to my bedside. My big Ninja Pirate Fairy mug actually, filled with LOVE (aka perfectly prepared coffee), and delivered by my sweet Boy. All completely unprompted. Although it is cold here in #NYC, it is clear and the Sun is shining on our slice of #skyline. I'm reminded of this #quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." #QOTD #MLKday #BeFierce #BeKind #BePositive #SunriseInRebelshire #MorningMusings (at New York, New York)
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