#sunrise food distribution
sunrisesyner · 1 year
The Benefits of Canned Food: Convenient, Nutritious, and Affordable
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This article explores the advantages of consuming canned food. The author highlights the convenience of canned food as it requires no preparation time and has a long shelf life. Additionally, the article emphasizes the nutritional benefits of canned food and how it can contribute to a well-balanced diet. The affordability of canned food is also discussed, making it an accessible option for those on a budget. Overall, the article promotes the benefits of canned food as a healthy and cost-effective food option.
0 notes
neptuneiris · 17 days
Cruel Summer (01/10)
Sunset's Bay
pairing: modern!aemond × fem!reader
summary: There are two sides to the city of Sunset's Bay, the rich who live in 'Crown's' and the poor who live in 'Black Waves'. What happens when a rich guy and a poor girl meet and inevitably fall in love? In the city where they live and with their status, that can't be possible.
words: 5.8k
series masterlist • next part
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I wasn't sure about posting this but if you like the story I will continue with it, it all depends on how you receive it😬
in case you like it, I want to advance that the story will be a kind of forbidden love by the fact of rich and poor hehe and I have a lot prepared, basically everything is already written, I just need to structure it in a better way
this has only been an introduction to the world of Sunset's Bay, so I hope you enjoy it and the warnings will be added as I post the chapters if you like it🤗
so enjoy!
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Sunset's Bay.
The hidden but mostly inhabited beach on the California Coast, with golden and white sands that slide into crystal clear waters of such a deep blue that it seems infinite.
According to Google, it is one of the most beautiful beaches in Northern California and where teenagers living in surrounding cities yearn to come every time a new summer begins.
Sunset and sunrise on these waters are beautiful, as they transform the horizon into a palette of vibrant colors, from warm shades of gold and pink to soft purple and the deep blue of night.
Every summer, the beach comes alive with exciting surfing tournaments, as well as Sunset's Pier, the midpoint of the beach where everyone mingles, transforms into charity events with live music, fireworks and lamp shows that illuminate the night with a mesmerizing light show.
Boat and yacht rides add a touch of sophistication to the coastal scene. This allows tourists to explore the waters beyond the beach, visit small islands up close and enjoy the serenity of the open sea.
But on top of all that, everything is meticulously maintained, most of it, like the clean, spacious beaches, adorned by palm trees swaying gently in the sea breeze.
And your favorite section, the volcanic stone cliffs that are distributed in specific locations on the beach, offering rocky walls as you sit on the seashore behind you and all around, emerging as natural guardians of the beach.
And from their heights, you can take in panoramic views of all the beauty of the landscape, encompassing the vast endless ocean and coastline to the endless horizon.
You always looked forward to coming here as a child when a new term at school ended and your mother was always willing to come and spend the vacations with your relatives, the Blackwoods.
They always welcomed you and your mother and together with your cousin Alysanne, you had an amazing summer.
Ever since you were little, you have always been tattooed with the memory of the sand on your feet, the salt air in your nostrils, the water enveloping you completely and the sun in full sunset caressing your whole face as you watched it on the horizon starting to descend on the shore of the beach with the cliffs behind you.
And now, that's all you know, a life in Sunset's and your frequent days at the beach.
Living with your aunt and uncle and Alysanne in a house big enough to also make room for you on the beach shore, this has been your home for exactly a year now.
And now summer has begun.
"Sam has sent a message."
You raise your gaze to Alysanne as you finish cleaning one of the tables.
"He says to meet him at the beach with the others in the evening. Do you want to go?"
You place a small smile on your lips.
"Table nine!"
You both turn your heads toward your boss, who looks at both of you as if he wants to kill you at any moment, and you quickly rush to serve the food, briefly wiping the sweat from your brow to keep working.
"Hurry up, Blackwood," Mr. Frey tells you reluctantly as you begin to pick up the orders on the tray.
You let out a long breath and glance at the clock briefly before going to serve, realizing that you will have to put up with this for four more hours and for the rest of the summer as well.
Unfortunately you and Alysanne have to work, as it has been for some months now at a seafood restaurant where the 'rich' people from this side of the city come to enjoy the delicious food.
And because of the summer, the work has increased. But that doesn't stop them both from having fun now that summer has begun.
So as soon as you and Alysanne finish your shift, you head home as soon as possible and start getting ready to meet your friends at the beach.
Previously going out and having fun was a problem for Alysanne's parents, your aunt and uncle were not the liberal type, but as soon as you both started working and helping them with the household expenses with what you could, they started to be more permissive and understanding.
And this is your home, the less ostentatious side of the city, but still genuine.
Once you join Sam and all the boys on the beach, you head for the small boat floating near the shore.
It is not a luxurious boat, much less can it be compared to a boat or yacht of the latest model, but it is a modest boat that has seen many summer seasons.
And it has taken them all to many spots on the beach and you have shared many anecdotes on it.
And as the boat glides through the calm waters, you and Alysanne enjoy the laughter and stories shared by the boys from the neighborhood, Sam, Daniel and Chase.
The three of them have been childhood friends of Alysanne's and when you came to live with her officially, she introduced you to them and now you all have formed a group of friends where you enjoy afternoons like these with Sam's boat and where you also go swimming and surfing all together.
The sea breeze caresses your faces and the sun slowly begins to descend as it paints the sky in warm golden tones, until the afternoon turns into night.
And on the beach, with a campfire in the center, the starry sky above and all together in a circle, you start burning marshmallows and drinking beer.
"And tell us..." speaks Daniel, watching you both curiously, "How about the slave life for the rich people?"
You and your cousin let out a small laugh.
"Slaves?" you repeat amused.
"Well yeah, come on, you said your boss... what's his name? Grey? Payne?"
"Frey," Alysanne corrects him.
"Yeah, that," he points to her, "He's a jerk or not?"
"And no concept of patience and prudence," you add.
"I imagine the ones who eat there are worse, no?" asks Chase.
Daniel snaps his fingers at him.
"Oh yeah, definitely. Jason Lannister has that vibe."
"I put him in the top one of the most hated, along with the Baratheons. And I have a feeling the Arryns do too, I don't know why," Daniel again looks at you both, "Right?"
"You work for them," Alysanne tells him amused, "Don't you know that?"
"Well, it's not like they can tell me much for cleaning their boats and yachts but... no–they're extremely nice, though..." he holds up his finger with a thoughtful expression, "Though I think there must be something wrong with them."
Alysanne lets out a snort.
"They're rich and live at Crown's, practically owning all the establishments on the beach just like the Lannisters, Baratheons, Tyrells and others leaving nothing for us, the poor ones, because they despise us," she says with an ironic but true tone "Of course there must be something wrong with them."
"One time one of them didn't leave me a tip," you say, remembering, "The Tyrell's."
Sam looks at you amused.
"Tips are not obligatory."
"Oh come on," you retort, with a touch of irony, "They're rich, they can have yachts and mansions, but can't they at least give me a five percent tip?"
"Yet it's not obligatory."
Everyone lets out a laugh.
"Yeah, it's not the nicest place to work and the customers aren't necessarily nice but the pay is good, after all," Alysanne says as she shrugs.
And that's true.
Even though it's not a good work environment, the necessity is what makes you not quit and endure as much as you can. Even though your aunt and uncle are taking care of you and taking responsibility for you, you know you can't continue that way forever.
You want to be independent, pay for your own things, especially you want to pay for college, but to do that, you have to work and now this is the job.
Besides it's useless to find work elsewhere when the owners are still the same; rich and arrogant. And you can't find work on your side of the city because the pay won't be much or maybe they won't even hire because they can't afford it.
But right now, being here enjoying the summer with your friends and your cousin, you allow yourself not to think about it and just continue to criticize the rich people.
And after many cans of beer, Chase picks up his guitar and you all together start singing in the most off-key and horrible way possible, laughing amongst everyone with the jokes filling the air, just like the heat of the flames and the aroma of roasting marshmallows.
"You had a party and didn't invite me!?"
Almost everyone together turns their heads unexpectedly toward the approaching outside voice laden with amusement and mild reproach.
And then they all see Cregan Stark with a huge grin and a bottle of beer in hand.
The guys soon start showing off at the mere sight of him, making jokes and greeting him with great enthusiasm, as Cregan greets them.
And you just watch Alysanne with a sly smile, amused by Cregan's sudden appearance, but of course, she quickly hides all traces of whatever her reaction is to seeing him, adjusting her expression to one of neutrality as she tries to appear disinterested.
But you know.
And you're amused at how she acts as if you don't know her.
Cregan Stark is the spoiled son of one of the wealthiest families in Sunset's, living in one of the most exclusive areas on the Crown's side.
His appearance reflects his status; brand name clothes, really expensive accessories, late model car and an attitude that denotes familiarity with luxury. However, despite his wealth, Cregan has proven to be different from other boys in his social environment.
Although he has access to all the luxuries, he does not carry with him the air of superiority and arrogance that many would expect from someone like him and that those of his class usually display.
In fact, Cregan became friends with Chase, who works for his family in the ports.
And it was Chase who introduced him to the group and although at first no one felt confident with him, Cregan instead of imposing his status, imposed a genuine and friendly demeanor that won the friendship of everyone in the circle.
Later everyone understood that he doesn't really enjoy being with people from the same environment as himself. The wealthy teenagers he usually hung out with, for the most part, were overly judgmental and arrogant.
So thanks to Chase, he found company with all of you, the guys from across the city who don't have a mansion and all the money in the world, but who are genuine and free of pretense.
Despite the looks people give Cregan for not understanding his choice of company, he deliberately ignores them. His parents don't say anything to him either, although he says they clearly prefer that he stop interact with you.
"I am deeply, intensely and extremely offended," he says expressing mock indignation, holding a hand to his chest, watching you incredulously but amused.
"Come on, man, don't get dramatic," Chase tells him giving him a friendly tap on the shoulder.
"Yeah, we're just getting warmed up," Sam encourages him.
"Besides..." says Daniel, in an exaggerated tone, "We can't send messages across the beach, us poor people have to use carrier pigeons like the olden days to get anything to you, but guess what... we're so poor we can't even afford pigeons."
Everyone lets out a laugh, enjoying Daniel's humor in implying the differences between the poor and the rich on the beach.
"Stop, seriously, why didn't you guys tell me you were doing this?" Cregan asks, taking a seat on the logs.
"I heard there's a party on your side of the beach and I figured you'd be heading over there," Chase tells him, "Which you did, didn't you?" he points to the beer in his hand.
He lets out a long breath.
"Yeah but it was pretty fucking boring."
"Boring?" you repeat incredulously, "A party with a DJ, champagne and yachts I highly doubt is boring."
"Well, not that it wasn't fun," he says looking around and observing everyone, "But I wanted this, to be with you guys, the atmosphere."
"And how did you know we were here?" asks Alysanne curious.
"I didn't exactly know," he smiles at her, "So I just decided to come and try my luck."
"Oh man, stop it or you'll make me cry," Daniel jokes, holding a hand to his heart.
"He loves us, doesn't he?" asks Sam, with a smirk.
"Yeah, he definitely loves us."
Everyone laughs and you watch discreetly as he and Alysanne start throwing their little looks at each other.
"Party with DJ and yachts? Man, if I were you, I'd be enjoying that," Sam confesses, shaking his head in a gesture of incomprehension.
"It's not big deal and people are hateful, believe me."
No one argues with him about that but you too sometimes wish you could have fun like that, have the experience of going to a beach party like the rich kids in the movies, just once.
But the time will come, someday, there are still many summers left to enjoy.
The conversation flows as the boys settle around the campfire, the warmth of the fire contrasting with the cool night breeze blowing in from the sea.
The atmosphere is filled with laughter and banter, and the relaxed beach setting becomes the perfect backdrop for a night of genuine camaraderie.
Cregan, with his carefree and genuine attitude, seems to fit right in with all fo you and that he values sincere company over superficial luxury.
And you don't know exactly how much more time passes or how many beers that Daniel brings back the theme of the rich party on the other side of the beach.
"Hey, Cregan," he says, leaning forward with a mischievous expression, "Since you're here, why don't you take us to that party? I'm sure it's not as bad as you say."
Cregan raises an eyebrow, amused but surprised.
Something about Daniel's words clicks in everyone's head, even yours, so you quickly exchange glances with Alysanne. And Cregan notices how everyone starts to truly consider it.
"Do you guys really want to go to that party?"
"And why not?" asks Alysanne, with an grin, "I'm sure we can have fun, even if we're not part of the rich circle."
"Yeah, and besides..." adds Sam, with a persuasive tone, "It would be interesting to see what the other side of the city is like from the inside. We've never been to a party like this."
Cregan seems to think about it for a moment, looking at the boys with a mixture of doubt and amusement.
"Seriously you guys are telling me this? The rich haters?"
You shrug.
"The rich hate us too."
"And that's precisely why we want to go," Sam says, gesturing animatedly, "We want to try something different. And who knows, maybe we'll give you a good reason to have a little more fun at that party. Right, Chase?"
Everyone looks at Chase, who shrugs.
"I guess that wouldn't be bad."
"But you haven't thought this through," Cregan insists, "As soon as they see you all, they'll know you're not like them."
Everyone looks at themselves and well... he's right.
The rich, especially those who are the same age as you, have a radar to recognize someone who is just like them... or not.
But you don't blame them, since you have them too, the difference is that you don't make disgusted faces or criticize in whispers as soon as you notice.
You notice your two-piece bikini top is wrinkled and is clearly second hand, besides your worn-out sandals. Alysanne is also in the same condition as you and the boys... well, they're worse.
Sam's shirt is torn, Chase's is torn, and the clothes are visibly secondhand.
"We have better clothes at home," you tell Alysanne and she nods.
"And we take our shirts off and stay in shorts," Daniel says, in solution, "Are we at the beach or not?"
"And if something goes wrong, we can always run out and come back here," Alysanne suggests.
Everyone nods and basically watches Cregan with puppy dog eyes, hopeful that he will take you to his kind of people.
"What do you think, Cregan?"
Cregan is silent for a few seconds, his gaze sweeping over the group around him, analyzing and thinking about all the things that could go wrong. And he doesn't pass up the abandoned cat look that Daniel and Sam throw at him.
And finally, he lets out a laugh and a resigned sigh.
"All right, all right. I'll take you. But if we have a bad time, don't say I didn't warn you."
"That's what I like to hear!" exclaims Sam, raising his arms in victory.
"We won't regret it."
"We may not but the rich will."
"Thanks, Cregan," says Alysanne, patting him on the back.
You frown as you watch her gesture and also notice Cregan's confused look for a moment, but go back to watching the boys.
"Well, then let's go before I change my mind."
You put out the campfire, pick up the trash and with laughter they all very animatedly walk away from your spot on the beach, heading first towards the trash cans and then towards Cregan's car.
"You do know Cregan likes you, don't you?" you say to Alysanne, walking a little further away from the guys.
She gives you an incredulous look.
"Oh come on and you like him too, don't deny it."
"Of course I don't."
"Of course you do."
"You're crazy."
"And you won't stand a chance if you keep treating him like just a dude."
"Oh yeah, yeah, whatever you say."
You let out a laugh, understanding that it will be difficult for her to accept and share it with you, so you give her time. The guys behind you laugh too, with the echo fading into the salty air, leaving the sea breeze and the sound of the waves behind.
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The difference in locations is completely noticeable.
You leave behind the small wooden houses, the unkempt streets, the establishments where you and your friends can shop, the bicycles and old cars, to move to large neighborhoods with green grass, trees and bushes on every corner with huge luxurious houses, almost mansions with modern cars and expensive decorations.
The guys are excited and so are you, as you have never explored these sections of the beach before, which are completely exclusive and with access for the rich people.
Obviously there are entrances with booths and security guards, so Cregan's appearance alone proves he's a Stark and he's allowed in without objection.
And soon enough, you arrive at the party.
"Oh my goodness, look at this," exclaims Alysanne, wide-eyed as she takes in the scene.
"That's a Prestige F4?" asks Sam in surprise, eyeing the luxurious yacht in the distance.
"Seriously, how much money do these people have?" mutters Daniel, in shock.
"More than you'll ever have," Alysanne tells him with a smirk as you all walk onto the beach illuminated by the party lights.
"You don't know that," Chase replies to her, pretending to be offended, "Maybe someday I'll get rich and buy one of those," he points to the yachts.
"I'm very offended that you didn't invite us to your parties sooner," Daniel says to Cregan, putting a hand to his chest as if he were badly wounded, "How could you hide all this from us?"
"Don't draw too much attention to yourselves, guys," Cregan asks with a mixture of concern and amusement in his voice.
"We won't," says Sam, "We'll just enjoy ourselves apart from the others but inside, you get it?"
The music starts to get louder and soon enough, we are inside the party.
Blue and purple neon lights illuminate the white sand, creating a dazzling contrast against the night sky. Waves break gently on the shore, almost muted by the music vibrating through the air.
There is indeed a DJ from a raised platform and most of the people here dance in the center to the music, some with cocktails in hand, bottles of champagne or recording the moment on their phones.
Near the dock, several luxurious yachts are docked, all decorated with lights flashing to the rhythm of the music. There are people inside them, enjoying the party from right there.
Some people get off the yachts to join the party on the beach, while others stay on board, enjoying the view and the exclusivity it offers.
If not beer, there is a bar offering a variety of exotic drinks and gourmet appetizers, such as sushi, caviar and canapés.
And throughout the party, groups of people are spread out, chatting animatedly, laughing, toasting and dancing. There are also party games, such as beer pong and spin the bottle.
While others gather around improvised campfires farther away near the sea, where the atmosphere is more relaxed, watching the spectacle around them.
The air is permeated with the smell of sea salt mixed with expensive perfumes and the sound of laughter and music all along the beach.
It is a party that clearly reflects the wealth and status of their hosts, as well as the people present; pure spoiled kids with rich parents.
"Are we going to have fun or what!?" exclaims Sam excitedly, fully entering the party and everyone follows.
Chase convinces Cregan to be worrying since most of the people here are in their own world and he doubts drunkenly checking to see if they have the latest model Iphone or what.
And honestly you relax too as everyone here is having fun and you along with Alysanne look more presentable in nice bikinis.
They are second hand still but they are more cared for than the others you have.
Sam quickly orders drinks, surprised and excited to have gotten a bottle of champagne, then Cregan and the others take him and you and Alysanne to a more secluded spot.
You make a space for yourselves on the sand, a bit secluded from everyone, having the view of the huge luxurious houses, the cliffs in the distance and also the illuminated yachts on the dock behind you.
Pretty soon you have your beer and start enjoying yourselves just like everyone else, not worrying too much and just pretending you are one of them all.
Mingling with the rich at Sunset's pier is one thing, since the pier is the center of the entire beach and there are no prejudices there, but now pretending to be one is completely different.
You find yourself watching everyone around you when Alysanne nudges you slightly and points her gaze to a specific spot.
"Look at that."
You follow her gaze and see a group of girls.
"That bracelet is from Pandora, I saw it on Instagram."
From here you can see how their gold and silver necklaces and bracelets sparkle. Also the bikinis they have on are beautiful, certainly brand name. There is also a girl with a Guess bag and they all have the latest Iphone model in their hand.
And you turn to Alysanne with a shrug.
"Why are we judging when it should be the other way around?"
"We're not judging, we're just noticing the differences between girls like them and girls like us."
You both let out a laugh.
"You definitely want that Pandora bracelet, don't you?" you look at her amused.
"And you don't?"
The two of you continue to observe or rather admire all those rich girls who have fancy accessories when suddenly you hear a specific boast behind you.
You turn your head and see the dock, noticing how some impeccably dressed people are boarding one of the larger yachts docked near the shore.
And there they are.
You think as you make out those distinctive black, red and silver hair.
Of course they couldn't miss a party like this, the sons of the most influential families in the city, the Lannister's, Baratheon's and Targaryen's, practically the elite of Sunset's.
You've seen Cerelle, Tyshara and Loreon Lannister before on the Sunset's Pair, their red hair gives away who they are instantly. They always brag about their luxurious yachts, cars, jewelry stores and everything else they own.
Their father, Jason Lannister, has built an empire based on shipbuilding and port development.
From what you understand, his company designs and manufactures some of the most advanced and exclusive ships for the world's elite.
In addition to this, Lannister also owns a network of ports and shipyards on several coasts, allowing him to maintain a steady flow of wealth through port fees and contracts with global corporations.
This influence has given him a prominent place among the city's powerful and his family has inherited not only his fortune, but also his imposing and domineering character.
So it is no surprise that the Lannister's are typical spoiled children with clearly very wealthy parents, as are the others, especially the Baratheon's, Cassandra, Maris and Floris.
Known as much for their tanned skin and peculiar dark hair as for their arrogant attitude, they always seek to be the center of attention at any such social event.
Cassandra, the eldest, has a dominant bearing and never misses an opportunity to show off her status. She is also the best known of the daughters to go out every now and then with a boy from an important family either from the city or abroad.
Next, there is Maris, the quietest of the three and the most reserved, but still, as you have heard, just as spoiled and boastful as her older sister.
And finally, Floris, Cerelle's best friend and supposedly the most arrogant, capricious, shallow and boastful of the three.
She is the one who seems the sweetest at first glance, but her spoiled nature soon becomes evident when something doesn't go her way.
You also know that there are two other children, a daughter and a son, Ellyn and Royce, but apparently Ellyn prefers to stay at home and Royce does not live here.
Her father, Borros Baratheon, is a most important and influential shipping magnate and merchant in the region, known for his connections with outside businessmen.
He owns one of the largest commercial fleets operating along the entire Pacific coast. You don't know exactly what it's about but the guys have talked about how his company specializes in logistics and shipping goods across the ocean or something like that.
And finally, the sons of the most powerful family in the entire city and the entire country, the Targaryen's.
Viserys Targaryen is known as the most powerful man in the entire country and by extension his entire family as well. He owns one of the largest and most influential corporations in the region.
Your uncle Ben always had a kind of admiration for him, though your aunt always expressed her dislike of him, as well as the other families, for simply being other greedy money-rotters who drive up the costs of the city for all that they invest to elevate their status and leave you poor people increasingly difficult to make a living.
You honestly couldn't agree with her more, but the Targaryen's have been forging their main empire here in Sunset's for a very long time now and there is nothing that can really be done about it.
The Targaryen business empire focuses on multiple sectors, but they are best known for owning a very prestigious bank, where they serve wealthy elites and large corporations, as well as financing large scale projects, such as real estate developments, technology or even public infrastructure.
You understand that he has built and manages shopping malls, corporate skyscrapers and exclusive developments in major cities across the country, as well as high profile tourist destinations like Sunset's.
So basically all of them and him especially have total control over the financial resources of the region, as well as infrastructure and development in the most luxurious sectors.
Although Viserys and his wife Alicent are no longer seen as much at events this side of Crown's and on the pier, their influence still shapes everything that happens here.
Sam snaps you out of your thoughts when you feel him tap you on the shoulder and you turn your head towards him, confused and attentive.
"What are you looking at?" he asks you amused, sitting down next to you and offering you a new bottle of beer.
"Oh, no, nothing, just..." you shake your head, taking the beer and not paying attention to the son's and daughter's of rich parents.
But Sam had followed your gaze before.
"I know, they're beautiful, aren't they?"
You immediately watch him intently.
"The yachts," he tells you as if it's obvious, "Imagine spending a whole weekend on one, just doing this..." he points to the beer and all the partying, "In the middle of the ocean."
You let out a small laugh.
"That's your biggest dream, isn't it?"
"And for the yacht to be mine, obviously," he says excitedly, turning his gaze back to the dock where they all are, "If I used to see them from afar and feel envious, now it's torture to have them so close."
You look to where he sees and he has a very good point. They could live perfectly well on one of those yachts and there would be no problem, which is also one of your dreams.
"Oh, come on Sam," you give him a friendly smack, looking at him again and you notice the gleam of longing in his eyes, "Surely your charm can make a girl from Crown's fall in love with you and let you enjoy the amazing yachts."
He looks at you incredulously.
"A Crown's girl with someone like me? Are you kidding?"
"It's not impossible," you shrug.
"Oh yeah, here at Sunset's everything is impossible if you don't live on this side of town."
And that's another good point and very true.
Daniel joins you and Sam's little group and you stop paying attention the moment you turn your gaze back towards the yachts and them specifically.
This time you focus on the Targaryen's, Helaena, Aegon and Aemond.
Surprisingly, despite being in the top tier of the wealthiest and most powerful family in the entire city and country, compared to the Lannister's, Baratheon's, Tyrell's, Arryn's, Stark's and Greyjoy's, they are not so smug, superficial and arrogant.
Although, come to think of it, the only exception is Aegon.
The eldest of the brothers, he is characteristic of his carefree and arrogant attitude. His life is summed up in parties, girls and excesses. Everyone knows him, he is the soul of the party and drives all the girls crazy.
For him, life is a game where he always wins. Sometimes he seems like the typical privileged son who has never had to strive for anything, but his power lies precisely in that.
Then there is Helaena, the only sister among the Targaryens who has a pleasant and gentle presence.
Although she is rich, the richest of them all and extremely beautiful, she doesn't abuse it, she doesn't show it off, she's not shallow or arrogant, besides she's always looking out for her siblings.
She is the kind of person who doesn't need to shout to be noticed and with just a quiet smile, she earns the respect and admiration of those around her.
You know a little about her as Chase has a little now not so secret crush on her and honestly you don't blame him, she is absolutely beautiful and even kind, which is rare due to her provenance.
And finally there's Aemond, who of all them, he's always been... different.
Where Aegon is shameless and carefree, Aemond is calculating and serious. Always impeccably dressed, with an expression that doesn't say much and keeps him at a safe distance from most.
From what you've heard, he's extremely intelligent, he's also reserved and quiet, the complete opposite of Aegon.
There is also a rumor about him about his left eye, something about an accident as a child and where he apparently wears a prosthetic.
You don't really know much about it or him but he's always been intriguing and mysterious, in a way.
You focus on him specifically, watching him from a distance, curious, as he takes a seat on the deck with an expression you can't read as it doesn't tell you much.
You watch as his short silver hair moves slightly in the wind and breeze, as well as he watches everything around him intently, to again focus on his siblings and Floris.
Floris is his girlfriend, apparently they have been dating for a few months now and have given a lot to talk about since no one expected Aemond to even date anyone.
But there they are.
You watch as Floris approaches him and takes a seat on his lap, looking radiant in a tight dress and a huge smile on her face, but he, on the other hand, remains expressionless.
Floris murmurs something in his ear, to which he responds with a slight smile, but averts his gaze to the horizon. However, she gently takes him by the jaw and leaves a soft kiss on his lips.
They begin to kiss and you look away, trying to refocus on the party and enjoying yourself here with your friends.
However, being here with all these wealthy people, especially the Targaryen's, you can't help but feel that divide about the rich and the poor at Sunset's.
You feel like you live in two different worlds, where they, the rich, live a life completely oblivious to the concerns of the people on the other side of town, in Crown's.
While you and the others work in the restaurants, clean their yachts, boats, houses and make sure their lives are comfortable.
They float above it all, the Targaryen's, Lannister's, Stark's, Baratheon's and so on, attending parties and making decisions that only benefit their own.
But you, the poor, the ones who live in Black Waters have nothing, you don't have the money, the influence or the power. Even the name of your side of town is a mockery to them, the rich, in despising even more the poor who don't have what they have.
But that's the life in Sunset's Bay.
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torihakaraublog · 26 days
Obey Me! NB "The Aquascape of Revitalization" Pop Quiz
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This event was fantastic! <3
plot was interesting, but not overly complicated
cards were super cute
felt like everyone had a role to play
outfits were designed well
Think it really helped that it was 4 lessons instead of 2. Pairing each brother with a sea creature with similar problems created good self reflection - if anything they could have gone into it more.
Nice that two characters had connection to the aquarium already; Levi who has been there for events, and Beel who works there part time (that's so responsible of him saving up money to buy himself food!). A few of the others stated visiting before as well; Mephi taking his brother for example.
They even slipped in a little 'protect the environment' message xD
Was super cute when the squid clung to the dolphin TwT they missed each other!
Mammon's solo scene where he sets up a peral bracelet making/fishing stand (plus makes us one) is very touching. He could have made the whole thing about making a buck, but he saw how important the aquarium was to everyone and put those thoughts aside and used his skills to make something that could help instead. :3
Other highlights
Beel boldly stating he wants to kiss us (apparently the octopus influence).
Mammon ripping his pants. ?? bit off ??
Hanging out with Solomon + the polar bears.
Simeon and Diavolo fighting over us. (tho I think distributing flyers from the air is counterproductive on the whole enviro thing...).
Satan being a cutie.
Beel sucking ink off our fingers.
LOTS of Lucifer kisses.
Levi making Ruri-chan macaroons for a collab felt a bit out of place?
Levi was going just feral this whole event (not a rare occurrence lol). I included one below cause...wow O.o
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I wanna make those little octopus buns (?) that were on Beel's card. They looked so cute and tasty *drools* Also squid ink pasta sounds SO GOOD.
Barbatos Birthday 2024 🎂
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Yasss our favorite butlers birthday!
Not all the characters were in this, if I remember think it was only; Levi, Satan, Asmo, Bel, and Diavolo? Lucifer and Beel also made brief 'appearances'. WHERE WAS SOLOMON.
Solomon its only polite to show up for your pactmate's birthday! Though maybe Barbatos didn't want him there lol
Was a very sweet birthday, the others are setting up a surprise party (which Barbatos easily deduces) while you take him out for the day. Get to see a beautiful glowing sunrise + lake while viewing flowers and having sandwiches you prepared.
Acid Tulips - Barbatos' birth flower!
Hell Hummingbirds - smallest bird in Devildom. Wings change colour based on the viewers emotions (multiple people can see different colours at the same time). Positive emotions (ex. joy or happiness) have similar colour shades. Can colours be seen on camera? (forget if this was answered).
At the party everyone gives Barbatos their favorite tea. LOVE THIS IDEA. The birthday cake is made with tea leaves Barbatos has been enjoying recently :3
Ended with enjoying a private moment in Barbatos room sipping tea hes made for the both of you <3
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aegisshielded · 1 year
Winter Passes, Snow Melts || Return to Garreg Mach
As the harsh winter cold fades more and more with each rising of the sun, Felix feels a bitter sense of dread coat his tongue. He wakes each day in his childhood bedroom with an acrid taste in his mouth that accompanies the sour thickness of sleep that coats his cheeks and teeth. He sighs as he eats his breakfast alongside his mother and father and looks out the window to see the snow melt slowly but surely. With each passing day, the roads become more and more visible without the added effort of shoveling the snow away. 
Felix spends the entirety of the winter season in Fraldarius territory. During autumn, his parents call upon him to return home and assist in the massive effort to ensure that all who live within their borders prepare for the oncoming harsh cold. Every day since his arrival, Felix is busy with chores and errands, a nonstop hustle from sunrise to sunset consisting of chopping firewood, hunting, smoking meats, pickling crops from the autumn harvest, and delivering supplies throughout the territory once all is prepared for each household in need. The tiring work only ceases once the blizzards begin and leave Felix trapped within the confines of the Fraldarius family’s home, an outdoor cat stuck indoors. 
Those blizzard days contain only nagging and pestering from his mother and father. They interrogate Felix about his time thus far at Garreg Mach, eager for gossip to share between themselves. Each time they start up with their questions, Felix absconds and hopes they will not find him, but he quickly realizes that there is nowhere to hide that his parents do not already know. He tries to bide his time and train but fails with nowhere in the manor to properly do so without accidentally knocking some collectible over. He receives quite the lecture when he breaks not one but two very ancient vases. 
So, when he gets word that he is to return to school, he is filled with a bittersweet sense of relief. On the one hand, he is desperate and eager to relieve himself of his parents’ constant pestering. On the other hand, he will be back under the watchful eye of the Monastery staff. At least the professors won’t pull him by the ear like his mother still does. With a bag filled with food and gifts to distribute to family friends, Felix saddles up on his horse and prepares for the trek back to Garreg Mach. He waves his parents goodbye and does not look back, amber gaze on the path forward back to school.
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lilyblackdraws · 1 year
Chapter 2 of an Arknights fanfic starring one of my ocs that I wrote a while ago.
The mess hall was fairly empty when Rita entered. She had just barely missed lunch time. There was still food available, but she just sat down at a table near the entrance and slumped over. For a good week now, she’d been subjected to a harsher physical training regiment than anything she’d experienced before. Her case of oripathy had left her with slight breathing problems whenever it flared up, which only made the physical backlash of the training she wasn’t used to worse, so she’d often just be lying around in her time off, much like right now. Rita knew that she should eat something, but her closed-up throat really made her not feel like going for it. She could only take shallow breaths, so she feared she’d just cough it all up, and that’s aside from how it’d be fairly uncomfortable.
This was mostly from overexerting herself and less so due to her medical condition.
Rita rolled her head from side to side while she could slowly feel herself recovering.
“Are you well?” Rita could hear a soft, airy voice from above. She then felt someone sitting down next to her and turned her head.
“I’ll be fine in a moment,” Rita answered. She could only see a pair of pale hands and a frilly white sleeve resting on the table from the angle her head was resting at.
A moment later her visitor lowered her head, spreading her long, cold-blue hair on the table and gazing at Rita with eyes like the night sky just before the sunrise. It was almost more like she was looking through Rita more than at her.
“You don’t look so good. Are you sure you’ll be fine?”
Rita figured that she must be looking fairly out of it right now, what with her liquified posture, dead eyes and shallow breaths.
“I just need some rest, thanks for your concern.”
“You could rest better in your room, I imagine.”
“I wanted to get something to eat after training, but this is how that ended and now I just don’t feel like getting up yet.”
“I see.” Her voice had a pleasant melody to it. Rita sighed. “Should I get something to eat for you then? There should still be some leftovers from lunch.”
“Oh that would be great. If possible, could you find something that’s easy to eat?”
“That should be doable. I’ll be back in a moment.” Rita could briefly feel her visitor’s hand caressing her shoulder before she left.
She put her palms onto the table, resolved to at least get up to sit properly and managed to do that just fine. It’s not like she couldn’t do that. Sometimes it just feels good completely slump over like that. Her breathing felt mostly fine again as well. Rita took another look around the hall. There were a few other operators around. Most of them minding their own business, some chatting with each other. She looked to the counter where the food was distributed. A blue-haired liberi was returning from there with a tablet in her hands. Frilly, white shirt, simple, white pants. Her steps so light that her hair wasn’t at all shaken. It was like she was hovering. A mirage of an existence, and the whole way to Rita’s table, she stared at her with those piercing night-sky-like eyes and a faint smile. She sat down to Rita’s left again and placed the tablet in front of her. A good-smelling vegetable stew. Nice. Rita took the spoon and twirled it between her fingers as she stared at the bowl. “You should eat before it gets cold,” her visitor said. She was leaning forward and looking at her from the side, with her head resting on the back of her left hand.
Rita didn’t know many of the other operators yet. She had become wary of getting close to others due to her condition. “So, what’s your name? If you don’t mind,” Rita asked before helping herself to a spoonful of stew. It was a bit lukewarm, but that was okay.
“It’s Astesia. Uhm... Well, that’s it. How about you?”
“Rita. Or Riwaldi, if you prefer that.” Rita thought about saying something else, but preferred to eat a bit more for now.
“You’re quite frank, aren’t you?” Astesia had changed to a more upright posture. Was she about to go?
Their eyes met again and Rita let the moment linger. She wasn’t sure if Astesia was aware of her staring.
“Rita is fine. It’s a nice name.” Astesia laughed quietly. “I just used my first name as my codename. A bit of a missed opportunity, isn’t it?”
Rita took a moment to swallow and take a breath. “I always thought codenames were given to you. For something you made yourself known for.” “That does sound pretty realistic. I think most of the operators here chose theirs.”
“As for missed opportunities, I just mashed my first name and family name together, so don’t feel bad or anything. As long as it sounds nice and is easy to use it’s fine, isn’t it?”
“You think so? There are a lot of ways to express yourself with it. I didn’t care much in that moment, but thinking back on it... Ah, well.”
To Rita, this felt like a bit of an odd topic to talk about on first sight. She had met her fair share of people to have introductory non-committal smalltalk with, and something like names never came up. But then again, if it’s just your regular name all you do is introduce yourself and it’s a done deal. This was a different environment and like Astesia said, ones codename can be a means of self-expression. Was her own carelessly put together one an expression of her ambivalence in that moment?
“Can’t it be changed? Shouldn’t be a big deal, right? And since it’s your first name as well, it wouldn’t feel too weird.”
“But think of the paperwork. Our codenames get used in all of the files, I don’t want to go through that.”
“You’re not the one handling the paperwork though.” “That’s true, but I still don’t think it’s worth worrying about. It’s not like I’m dissatisfied with what it is.”
Rita nodded as she finished eating. When her bowl was empty, Astesia reached for the tablet, but Rita stood up and took it into her own hands. “Thanks for your help. I’ll be fine from here. This time for real.”
Astesia also stood up. “Alright then. Glad to have met you, Rita. Until we meet again.”
She waved goodbye with a smile and left on soundless soles.
Rita returned the tablet to the counter and went back to her own room. Once there, she opened her window and took a shower. After that, she sat down by her window and looked outside. There wasn’t much to see and she wasn’t really looking at anything. With her hands idle, one of them wandered to her throat, her fingers trailing along. She had to will herself to not do that. It was a habit she had developed and didn’t like. Whenever her hands weren’t busy, one of them would go there.
Instead, she took a ball into her right hand and idly threw it into the air over and over again, while locking her left under her thigh.
Rita had placed the case with her custom-made pole into her closet, so she wouldn’t have to always see it.
She didn’t exactly resent it, but it would take a while before its presence wouldn’t give her a bitter taste in her mouth. Not that she wasn’t used to tasting bitterness by now.
She was cleared for simple missions in her new role, but hadn’t been assigned for anything so far.
Rita wasn’t assigned to a fixed squad and she doubted that would ever be the case. When she thought about it reasonably, she came to the conclusion that it would be better for everyone involved if she was. A group of operators where they could complement each other’s skills and who also would be okay with her being there, but finding such a group just wasn’t likely.
Eventually, Rita felt like she had gotten enough rest. There wasn’t much to do in her room and she didn’t have anything else scheduled for the day.
Maybe she should pick up some kind of hobby, or at least get some books to read.
For now, Rita got up and left her room with no particular goal in mind.
“Oh, Rita, what’s good?”
Rita heard a fairly familiar voice rolling the one r in her name into many, followed by an arm being placed around her shoulders.
“Hey, Ely. I’m just taking a walk.”
“Training’s taking a toll on you?”
“Yeah, kinda. It’s a bit harsh.”
“You’ll get used to it. Anything else happening? Made any friends yet?”
“Nope, none whatsoever,” Rita answered with a smirk.
“You wound me. Here I thought we had something special already.” Elysium took his arm off her shoulders.
“Well, I did have a bit of a chat with Astesia earlier. Seems nice.”
“Astesia’s a bit of a mystery. She’s into astrology, does readings sometimes.”
“Huh. That’s a rare hobby.”
“She’s pretty serious about it. Well, it was good to catch up, but we’ll have to part ways here. Toodles!” Elysium waved goodbye as he left in a different direction than the one Rita was going towards.
Rita went upstairs to the deck. It was close to nightfall, but the temperature was pleasant, so there were still a few people around.
She went to take a walk around the deck. Take in some air, enjoy the dusk.
When Rita finished her round, she spotted a familiar blue-white figure leaning on the guard rail towards the setting sun.
After briefly weighing her options, she walked up to her and leaned onto the railing with her back. “Hey, Astesia.”
Astesia abruptly turned her head to look at her, wide-eyed.
Shen then smiled. “Good evening, Rita. Are you feeling better now?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m all good now. Thanks. You’re enjoying the sunset?”
Astesia nodded.
“You like the starry sky?”
“I do. But it’s too cloudy today.”
“It’s still pretty nice.”
“You’re not even looking, Rita.”
This could’ve been a moment to answer with one of several cheesy lines.
“I got my fill when I was taking a walk around the deck just now.”
“There’s always more to see in the sky.”
“Fine,” Rita said with a chuckle and turned around. She could feel her hair and feathers sway in a sudden gust.
Good thing neither of the two were wearing a hat.
“So you do astrology? I heard from Elysium.”
Astesia frowned for just a moment before putting her small smile back on her face.
“It’s... my passion, yes.” Rita felt like her eyes had lost a bit of their sparkle just now.
“Did I touch on something sensitive?”
“Oh, it’s a bit touchy, yes.”
“Sorry about that, let’s not dwell on it then.”
“It’s okay. What did you do before coming here?”
“I was the lead in a marching band.”
“Marching band? So you’re a musician?”
“Oh, you’ve never seen one? It’s a little different, I guess. My job as the front was more like dancing. But not ‘dancing’ dancing... I guess I did take dancing lessons though.”
Astesia laughed softly. “Sounds fun. Maybe we can dance together some time.”
Looking at Astesia, Rita figured she’d be thinking of some high-society type of stuff with that.
Astesia reached out with her right hand and when Rita looked at her with uncertainty,  followed it up with a playfully dismissive gesture.
“You’re funny. I really wouldn’t mind though. You’re just the right height, Rita.” Astesia, who wasn’t much shorter than Rita, leaned a little closer.
“Being of similar height makes it easier, yeah.”
She nodded. “You’re fairly tall. It’s nice.”
The last rays of the sun were shimmering in Astesia’s bright eyes as the two looked at each other.
Astesia put her hands on Rita’s hips.
“Mhm, this’ll work.”
“I didn’t expect us to start right here and now.”
“Oh, sorry! I got a bit carried away there, didn’t I?” Astesia raised her hands.
“No, it’s all good. I’ll have to pick out some appropriate clothes then.”
“The same goes for me.” Astesia made a gesture as if waving a skirt, while she was still wearing the pants Rita had seen her with earlier. “Though there’s not much of a need to dress up.”
“It’s about the atmosphere. Even if there’s no one to put a show on for, you know?”
Astesia pondered Rita’s statement for a moment while looking at her.
“That sounds kind of nice. Dancing under the stars.” She turned her head to the cloudy sky, as melancholy washed over her expression.
“So, what do you do on Rhodes, Rita?” Astesia asked after putting her smile back on her face.
“I work HR sometimes. At the moment it’s a lot of training.”
“And in the field? It’s combat training, right?”
“Sure is... Well, I’m supposed to be with the vanguards, but it’s not going so well.”
Astesia tilted her head. “Is that so? Never seemed so bad to me. Isn’t it just scouting, light combat and securing a position?”
“It’s less about the task itself and more that there are problems with me working with others. We shifted my role a bit and that’s why I have to get better at defending myself.”
“That’s tough. There are a lot of operators that I find questionable for being put onto the field. You at least made the choice yourself, right?”
“It was my own choice, yes. I don’t regret it, it’s just rough going, you know?”
Astesia nodded. “I’m sure it’ll get easier.”
“What’s your deal then?”
“Swordplay.” Astesia took a step back and mimicked holding her weapon.
“They kinda just let me do my thing. I was already trained in ceremonial techniques, but it was easy enough to apply them to combat.”
“Pretty fancy stuff. Dancing, ceremonial swordplay, the way you carry yourself so elegantly, you must be some kinda big deal.”
“Hmm, no not really. It’s just stuff that interests me,” Astesia lied with her usual smile.
“I see. That’s cool though.You got a lot going on.”
“I’m sure you have ‘a lot going on’ too. Most people do. You can tell me, if you like.”
Rita put the back of the fingers of her right hand on her neck and looked away.
“No, there’s not much to know here. I’m just someone from a big city in Kazimierz, had a pretty good education, joined a professional marching band, took part in some small-scale performances and now here we are.”
“I think that’s alright enough to be interesting. Most people end up doing manual labor or office jobs.”
“That, or the military. Fair enough, you’re right. It feels ordinary to me, because it’s what I’ve experienced.”
Rita yawned. She was fairly spent. “It’s getting pretty late. Let’s meet again?”
“I’d love to. I’ll stay here for a little longer. “
The two exchanged their room numbers and decided on when they’d meet again.
Rita left the deck, the image of Astesia’s eyes, sparkling like the starry night, not leaving her mind. She wasn’t sure what to make of her, but was happy to have made a friend.
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travelwithgeyka · 1 day
Why do I travel?
My passion is travel, I just love visiting new places, immersing myself in local cultures of life around the world, and discovering the unexpected!  Stepping off a plane, I’m always in a hurry to get my passport stamped, reclaim my luggage, and walk out of the arrivals hall ready to begin a new adventure.  Traveling allows me to disconnect from my everyday life and feel free. The joy I get from knowing I will be meeting and experiencing new things in life is such an unexplainable feeling.
I started traveling more in 2019, which was my visit trip to Villahermosa, Mexico. I remember having to go in a canoe inlet for 3 hours with just a tour guide and the others who had joined me on this trip. It wasn’t only the canoe ride, it was more to the fact that I was afraid of riding them, but to get to the destination this was the only means to get there.  I had to face a great fear I was not expecting to have to face right off the plane.  There was a timeline to the places we needed to get to, so I had to get the courage and step on it.  During this trip I learned so much about their culture, how they have indigenous people living off the land, and that the only way to get to them is with the canoe. I was able to speak with them and obtain an understanding of how they lived on a day-to-day basis.  Many of them were very poor and to obtain medical care they had to be transported to the mainland by boat or canoe whatever was available, now the thing was that at night the river was completely dark, and no light post guided your way to the mainland.  Most of the time they had to wait until sunrise to be able to make it safely. For food they ate whatever they would catch from the river, which was yet another thing I had to overcome, you see I do not eat any type of seafood.  They served you the best plates and food they had with their very limited resources and if you did not eat them, it would be considered disrespectful.  I had to overcome and eat the fish they provided us to eat, which quite honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought it would that I ended up eating 2 pieces.
In 2020 I traveled to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip. Even though the culture is similar to where I am from Puerto Rico, their dialect is different.  I had to learn that there were certain words that we are not able to use because their meanings were different.  I remember visiting a place that they called “Little Haiti”, it was a neighborhood habited by Haitian refugees.  What made this stop so interesting was that they had what they called a “gatekeeper”. This person was the one who protected them and anyone that wanted to enter this place had to go through them and ask permission.  I remember stopping there for the first time and seeing the guide speak with him as we would bring clothes and candies for the kids on this trip, he informed us we were able to distribute what we had brought but we were not able to take any pictures for security purposes.  There was one child approximately 4 years old, that approached me to get some of the candy we brought for them but all I can sense from them was fear, so I held out my hand to them so that they knew I was not going to harm them in any way. They finally came close to obtaining the candy bag and they gave me the biggest hug which made me break down and cry.  How many times do we not appreciate what is placed in front of us and the resources we have back home?  These people have nothing, they live in shacks and work in the corn farm in front of where they live.  They live in constant fear of being caught and taken back to their native country of Haiti.  Many of the children did not have it nor did they go to school, I hope one day to return to this place and see these children go into successful adults. The mission field gives you a great understanding of the daily struggles different nations go through and gives us insight on what to pray over. 
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healthcarehubhh · 2 months
Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris Extract Market will grow at highest pace owing to increased usage in functional foods and dietary supplements
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The Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris Extract Market involves the extracts obtained from the mushroom and fungus species Cordyceps Sinensis and Cordyceps Militaris. These extracts have high nutritional value and are known to benefit immunity, sexual performance and physical endurance. Cordyceps extracts provide various amino acids, polysaccharides, nucleosides and many other bioactive compounds. They are widely used as ingredients in functional foods and dietary supplements for their immunomodulatory, anti-fatigue, anti-tumor and antioxidant properties. The Global Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris Extract Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1,072.5 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 10.% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris Extract Market are Lubrizol Corporation, Naturalin bio-resources co. Ltd., NU SKIN ENTERPRISES INC., Quyuan sunnycare Inc., Shanghai Kangzhou Fungi Extract Co. Ltd., Xi'an Saina Biological Technology Co. Ltd. (Herbsino), Dalong Biotechnology Co. Ltd., Health Choice Limited, Nutra Green Biotechnology Co. Ltd, Sunrise Nutrachem Group Ltd., Ojas Farms, Golden Vital Agro Herbal Private Limited, MycoForest. The key players capture a significant share of the Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris Extract Market owing to their wide distribution network and product varieties offered for this market. The growing demand for functional foods and dietary supplements is expected to boost the growth of the Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris Extract Market during the forecast period. Technological advancements have enabled efficient and high yield extraction process of bioactive compounds from Cordyceps. This has augmented the availability of various Cordyceps extracts based on specific applications. Market Trends Increased usage of mushrooms in herbal and alternative medicine practices has positively impacted the commercial cultivation and harvesting of Cordyceps species. Cultivation techniques are improving to meet the growing demands from nutraceutical and pharmaceutical sectors. New extraction methods using enzymes, pulses electric field etc helps recover higher amounts of health promoting polysaccharides and other extracts. Standardization of extracts has increased the reliability and consistency of products made from Cordyceps Sinensis And Militaris. Market Opportunities Emerging applications in cancer care and anti-ageing products will drive new opportunities in the market. With rising health consciousness, clean label and organic certified Cordyceps extracts are garnering attention for usage in cosmeceuticals as well. Novel delivery formulations like tablets, capsules and beverages will promote everyday consumption of Cordyceps supplements.
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alwaysaqueene · 3 months
The Phoenix Queen — Relta/Lunaruz Fun/Misc Facts [Part II of ?]
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CW: death, child death, death by heir, aging, colonialization mention, slavery mention,
It was rumored that Relta accelerated King Ares’s resignation from the throne by driving him mad enough to have the Council declare him incompetent. However, this is false and his madness was real unfortunately. He had what we now call PTSD due to the multitude of wars he was involved in.
Relta’s father was actually second in line to the throne of the part of Lunaruz his family rules, but his elder brother died at sea. This caused King Ares to loathe sending Relta overseas for any reasons, despite the advances in naval technology. He insists she pray to King Zeus, King Poseidon and Queen Amphitrite for safety. Due to her connection to dolphins because of her ties to Lady Aphrodite, Relta has never had a dangerous sea voyage.
Queen Macha, after being banished for her affair, kept in touch with Relta until Relta’s ascension to the throne. Relta ceased contact then due to knowing two things: (1) Macha was pro-marriage for Relta, and would impose one upon her and (2) [REDACTED]
King Ares was genuinely a good father to his younger daughter (until her death), but was stern and cold toward Relta due to wanting to shape her to be a monarch that followed in his footsteps. This caused Relta to resent him, especially for sending so many suitors her way until she was coronated. Yet, in his retirement, Relta seeks help for his mental state and visits him on the island near Lunaruz (“Herucila”) where he lives post-resignation.
This island existed after Lunaruz came to exist, and is considered part of Lunaruz in the same way Sicily is part of Italy today. All resigned monarchs go there to spend their days, and it has the highest average age range of all of Lunaruz due to this and the health properties of the foods provided naturally by the island. Heruclia is kept a secret from others and hidden with magic as to protect its resources.
Relta was born at sunrise on the Summer Solstice, or Litha, which was seen as part of her tie to phoenixes upon studies conducted by historian who study her reign. However, during her life, this connection was not made and is incorrect. Many conclusions about Relta and her reign are incorrect, unfortunately.
Relta once was kidnapped by anti-monarchists rebels (or at least anti-Relta as monarch rebels), and unfortunately had to kill them. She was only fifteen and was horrifically traumatized by it, since the deaths were brutal in nature unintentionally. This is part of why Relta is insistent upon self-defense being mandatory for all to learn if physically and mentally able and has had masters develop disabled-friendly self-defense tactics so those with disabilities can keep safe as well.
Under Relta’s reign, crime rates were nearly 0, and under her heir’s reign, they did reach zero. This is attributed to Relta’s dismissal of the class system and form of wealth distribution.
The Council is a group of former monarchs’ spirits that oversee the current monarch’s actions and also serve as advisors. Relta changes this slightly, bringing in mortals from Lunaruz to also put in their perspectives. This was “blasphemous” to many, yet seemed to solve several problems in Lunaruz.
Relta asks her heir to slay her upon her resignation, if her spouse is deceased only, as she wishes for peace rather than going to Heruclia to live in what she feels would be boredom and mind-numbing anxiety due to being around her father again. Her heir refuses, however, and appoints live Relta to The Council due to her successes during her reign. Relta resents this slightly, yet is honored her opinion is valued.
Relta is into some kinky stuff. Just sayin’
Relta, upon her coronation, wears the king’s crown regardless of her marital status
The color of Relta’s magic is a light lavender, almost white, and it shows when she creates magical weapons for battles.
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
March 24-30 2013
It's Holy week. We also have electricity bills that are enaring to be oaid. But we can pay alter after the due date.
I was planning of going to a vacation alone but that's fine. I got my passport but where will 5k get me.
It's really crazy.
I asked Mansoor what he will be doing. He said just family gatherings. I asked if he can take me to the beach because I haven't been there ever since my parents don't ever allow me.
He said, okay.
"I don't have enough money though."
"I'll answer for it "
"Huwag I cat let you do that."
"Pay me back it's okay."
I wasn't concentrating in class anymorem Tuesday, we presented our culminating activity. And there are photos of us together with Mansoor again wit the kids.
"Uy, bagay!" Said the others.
"Next!" I said.
By Wednesday, Roxanne arrived already. Tina is also here and we kinda fought because of my attitude.
Psych Stat was doing PSS applications. So we learned that. The girls don't like Regine and avoiding her because of her negativity towards everything. She literally bring stormy clous over at anyone.
I asked a day off for tomorrw just in case we don't return in time.
"Ano, we don't have budget for like a room. There's just a parang covered for our things. Then may CR naman per may fee."
"Okay, that sfood enough for me." I said.
We plan to go by Friday. He has some family thing Thursday. I think his parents are quite good and fine. His siblings too.
Thursday, I just spent the time doing chores in the morning, then went out to the hill station cafe to edit videos before I go to my work. I do some studying too especially for stats.
I cooked food a night before. Just some fruits.
Then Friday morning at 5am, I met up with him at the bus station. We bought Jollibee foods. I'm really feeling fluttered wit him sitting together wit me.
"You know you get to know a person better when you travel together." I said.
"Test ba to?"
"Sinasabi ko lang."
The trip was just about an hour. We went down and flagged down a trike.
And we were lucky to catch the sunrise. I took a lot of photos. And photos of him. By 8, the sun is shining. I changed and wore a bikini bra and sports shorts. I'm wearing some light coverup underneath since I don't want to show my whole body with some distributed fats all over.
I saw him looking and was shyung away. He really is a good person.
He taught me how to swim but I gave up almost immediately.
"Bahala ka pag tinapon ka sa dagat." He said.
The sun was torture in the morning. Good hing he lent me a cap. We walked around and he answered for my food and drinks.
We swam a bit more but we are just on the sand talking and having jokes. Then taking photos. We had a quiet time as we both read after lunch. At 2, we showered. Separatelynoff course and ready to go back.
We caught a bus back home at 3. So tired so I slept on his shoulder. He allowed me to sleep on his lap since I also brought like a small pillow.
We reached the city at 5 and had coffee at Luisa's first. Then walked somewhere behind SM just to watch he sunm it's corny romantic sure but tis beautiful.
I went home at 7. The mother and daughters are still there. Tina slept in Ran's room and Keisha too.
Tina was talking to me but I shut the door.
I slept and wke up hours later and did some video edits. I asked Mansoor if he's okay to let me upload some photos. He said it's okay but warned me that we will get teased a lot for it.
So I just picked the ones that subtly shows him. I have him copies. All of it. Except the ones I look ugly in off course.
I started blogging again. Then sketching.
I slept late and woke up late Saturday. Just did chores and later went out to town and studied at a cafe.
Then I headed to work. We have a lot of customers aoaprenytly
March 24-30, 2013Sunday, March 24It's Holy Week, and I'm juggling paying electricity bills and planning a potential solo vacation. However, with only ₱5,000, it's challenging to figure out where I could go. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I asked Mansoor what his plans were. He mentioned family gatherings, so I asked if he could take me to the beach since my parents never allowed me to go.
He agreed.
"I don't have enough money, though," he told me.
"I'll cover it," I said said.
"Huwag, I can't let you do that."
"Pay me back, it's okay," I insisted.
Monday, March 25
I was distracted in class, thinking about the upcoming beach trip. We presented our culminating activity, and there were photos of me and Mansoor with the kids. "Uy, bagay!" the others teased. I brushed it off, saying, "Next!"
Tuesday, March 26
Roxanne arrived, and Tina was here too. We had a fight over my attitude. In Psych Stat, we learned about PSS applications. The girls are avoiding Regine due to her constant negativity. I asked for a day off tomorrow just in case we didn't return in time."Ano, we don't have a budget for a room. There's just a covered area for our things and a CR with a fee," Mansoor informed me."Okay, that's good enough for me," I replied.
Wednesday, March 27Mansoor had a family event today, so I spent the morning doing chores and then went to Hill Station Cafe to edit videos before work. I also studied for stats. I cooked some food the night before, mainly fruits.
Thursday, March 28I spent the day doing chores and editing videos. I also prepared for our beach trip by packing my bag and getting everything ready.
Friday, March 29At 5 AM, I met Mansoor at the bus station. We bought Jollibee food, and I felt butterflies with him sitting next to me. "You know you get to know a person better when you travel together," I said."Is this a test?" he joked."Sinasabi ko lang."The trip took about an hour. We flagged down a trike and caught the sunrise, taking lots of photos. By 8, the sun was shining brightly. I changed into a bikini bra and sports shorts with a light coverup. I saw Mansoor glancing at me shyly. He really is a good person.He tried teaching me how to swim, but I gave up almost immediately. "Bahala ka pag tinapon ka sa dagat," he teased.The sun was harsh in the morning, but he lent me a cap. We walked around, and Mansoor covered my food and drinks. We swam a bit more, then sat on the sand talking and joking, taking more photos. After lunch, we had quiet time reading. At 2, we showered separately and got ready to go back.We caught a bus home at 3, and I slept on his shoulder during the ride. He let me sleep on his lap with a small pillow I brought. We reached the city at 5 and had coffee at Luisa's before walking behind SM to watch the sunset. It was corny romantic, but beautiful.I got home at 7. Tina, Keisha, and the mother were still there. Tina tried talking to me, but I shut the door. I slept for a few hours, then woke up to do some video edits. I asked Mansoor if he was okay with me uploading some photos. He agreed but warned we’d get teased a lot. I picked ones that subtly showed him and gave him all the copies, except the ones I looked ugly in.I started blogging again and sketched a bit. I stayed up late.
Saturday, March 30I woke up late, did chores, and then went to town to study at a cafe. Later, I headed to work, which was busy with many customers.
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analytss · 5 months
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Fresh Ideas: Sunrise Synergies in Frozen Food Distribution
As one of the leading frozen food distributors, Sunrise Synergies ensures that you get the best selection of frozen goods. Trust us for quality and reliability. Contact Us: +1 (201)-904-5795
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allinlist · 6 months
Eid al-Fitr
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Eid al-Fitr is a widely celebrated festival for the Muslims and this year, 2024, it likely fall on the 10th of April. Based on the calendar of lunar, the Eid al-Fitr has been commemorated right after the halt of the Holy day or month of Ramadan while the Muslims people fast from sunrise up to sunset, therefore, Eid al-Fitr has been known as well as a ‘Festival of the Breaking Fast.’ Many individual observe the festival through visiting family and friends, making special sweets and foods, exchanging gifts that are the same with the festivity. In lots of South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan, the elders of the public give their children the gifts of money that is called as ‘Eidi.’ Some other religious traditions are also seeing Muslims going to their special morning prayer during the Eid day. Once the prayer ended, all Muslims in their congregation and be it your friend or a stranger are exchanging Eid greetings through hugging each other.
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The day of Eid al-Fitr changes every year base on the Islamic calendar that will rely on the lunar cycles. Each year, the day shifted through about one 10-day margin that falls earlier and earlier. The Eid al-Fitr occasion is being loved by Muslim community from around the world and it is being celebrated for three days. Right after the month of abstinence and fasting, the Muslims are celebrating the festival with so much fanfare. This is the day also when the ‘Zakat’ the compulsory type of charity for the Muslim people who is able to pay it, is paid. The Zakat, which amounted to 2.5% from the actual or gross net of the Muslim household, has been given to a less fortunate in the society. ‘Fitrana’ is one more form of charity which is given also during this time. This kind of charity aimed to rectify any unintentional mistakes an individual may have done while fasting.
Many states celebrated the Eid al-Fitr base on their specific traditions and cultures. In the part of Middle East, the people are offering morning prayers through going to the specially assigned area known as ‘Eid-gah’. The Eid-gah is normally a huge empty space. Unlike the other Muslim prayers, the Eid morning prayers don’t have that special call for the prayer. In some other countries such as Malaysia and Pakistan, the people are visiting their friends and their families, taking along special food items and gifts. These countries’ customs are also seeing people making exclusive food dishes such as ‘sawaiyan’ and ‘sheer khurma’ on the Eid morning. The sweet stuffs are made from sugar, dry fruits and vermicelli milk. The South Asians also referring Eid al-Fitr being ‘choti’ Eid which means the little Eid. There had been two Eid festive in Islam; the Eid al-Adha has considered the ‘larger’ festival as it remembers the end of their Hajj pilgrimage with animals sacrifices such as goats, cows, camels and sheep.
1984 - Iran’s Special version of Eid Stamps
Iran country publishes and distributed special edition of Eid al-Fitr stamp that highlight the Eid crescent plus the mosque with the congregation.
2000 – Yearly 2 Eid al-Fitr
Since the Eid al-Fitr will fall on the unlike day each year on the calendar of Gregorian, 2 Eid al-Fitr festive are celebrated, one in the beginning of every year and the other one during the end.
2006 - Egypt Rise in the Sexual Assault on the Eid al-Fitr
There is the drastic rise in the sexual assault cases during the Eid al-Fitr in Egypt.
2012 - 3-Day Eid Celebrations in Tunisia
Tunisia officially declared the 3-day Eid al-Fitr festivity with preparation for the festival beginning days before.
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Eid al-Fitr marked the halt of the holy month of fasting and Ramadan of the Muslims people and is observed during the primary three days of the Shawwal, the 10th month of the calendar of Islam. Eid al-Fitr can likely be celebrated but will depend on when Ramadan begin in individual country.
2. What happens during Eid al-Fitr?
Muslims are usually wearing new shoes and clothes on the Eid al-Fitr. They’re also visiting their friends and family, and ends the day with the special meal. Women commemorate the occasion also through applying mehndi or henna on their feet and hands.
3. Why are they celebrating Eid al-Fitr?
It’s widely believed that their Prophet Muhammad got his first exposure of Holy Quran during the month of Ramadan. The Eid al-Fitr had been a joyous occasion also that celebrated all the merits of Islam and it unifies people.
4. Why the Eid al-Fitr become important?
a. It is an observance of good times
The Eid al-Fitr marked the halt of Ramadan and that is the month-long custom of abstinence and fasting. Muslims do not drink or eat anything from sun up to sun down. Ramadan is the time of expression for the Muslims as they’re made to comprehend what the needy surrounding is going through when there is nothing to drink or eat. The Eid al-Fitr, therefore, is not the time only of returning to normal life, however it is a reminder also of the things that the Muslim should be thankful about.
b. It is an observance of gatherings
Celebrations and merriment abound during the Eid al-Fitr. The people are visiting their friends and their family, often going for some overnight stays.
c. It is an observance of food
The Muslim prepares special food stuffs during Eid al-Fitr. It can be sweet dishes such as ‘sheer khurma’ or the savory platters that consist of mutton or chicken, it is a festivity of food and of being thankful for it.
5. How to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr?
a. Observe it with family and friends
Eid al-Fitr festivity is best enjoyed with family and friends. It marked the finish of Ramadan together with the others by holding a get together, online or offline, then indulging in some of the good merriment and also food.
b. Go gift shopping
When the Eid al-Fitr rolled around, brands and companies take out their special seasonal products. It is the ideal time to get special gifts for your loved ones and to let them discern that they are remembered.
c. Cook delicious foods
The Eid al-Fitr has been called also as Sweet Eid or ‘meethi’ Eid because this festivity sees several Muslims households enjoying the occasion through making sweet dishes. Some Muslims are trying new recipes while some preferred the old favorite sweets. Either way, the festivity will certainly be the sweetest.
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Zakat means purification. The Zakat that comes from the Syriac Arabic that means ‘purification,’ is meant for ‘purifying’ the soul and the wealth of Muslims.
Zakat is compulsory. To those that can afford it, who are wealthy enough, the Zakat becomes compulsory, that they should give it to the less fortunate.
Zakat as one of the Islam pillars. There are 5 pillars of Islam which a Muslim should always uphold, and so one of them will be Zakat.
Zakat eliminates inequality. It is meant to eradicate the socio-economic variation that communities face.
Zakat is valid after a year. It becomes compulsory for the Muslim people after a year of holding them the Nisaab sum of wealth and that is the minimum porch of wealth.
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sunrisesyner · 2 years
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Sunrise Synergies is one of the best ready-to-eat food providers in USA and offers a variety of labels for all our products.  As you peruse our item classes, you’re certain to find every one of the items and brands you love, which will keep your kitchen loaded and all set.
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drmaqazi · 7 months
Routine maintenance is needed for all Human beings, but this is how our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) maintained his daily routine.
We have 24 hours in a day. We can do a lot of tasks in a day. But still, we complained that we don’t have enough time to do things. The problem is time management. We just don’t manage our time.
As a Muslim, we have a great example of our Nobel Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam). We have to know the daily routine of (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam).
So here is something about Prophet’s Daily routine that we should try to follow to be successful in life:
Morning: The Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) woke up at Fajr after a short nap that followed his long nightly Tahajjud prayers. After the prayer, the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) would recite Dhikrs appropriate for that particular time of the day. As we all know that angels come in Fajr time to distribute the wealth so we have to pray and remained awake after Fajr.
After Fajr he remains in the mosque and discusses the problems of his companions. He shared his views and advised them according to their problems.
After Sunrise: After sunrise, he came back to his house and recited Du’a and asked for Food. If food were available, he ate it. But if not then he fasted. After he visits his family, he would go back to the masjid and pray two Rak’ats, then he would sit in the masjid and the companions would gather around him.
This was a known time for everyone in Madinah to come and see the Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) if they wanted to spend time with him, ask him anything. He never said no to anybody.
Noon: At noon he went to the mosque for Zuhr prayer. If it was Friday, he celebrated it with his companions. Then he delivered the speech about any topic of that day. And then he did his regular task.
Afternoon: He usually didn’t have an afternoon meal. According to sources, we have to know that he just had a meal of two times morning and evening. So, he went to the mosque for ‘Asr prayer. He would visit his wives after every afternoon prayer and ask how they were and what their needs were.
Evening: He waited in the sunset for the Maghrib Prayer. Then after prayer, he liked to spend time with his family and spent the night there.
Night: The Prophet (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam) would lead his Companions in the night prayer. After the prayer, he went back to his house to do rest and to sleep.
Late Night: Then after some sleep, he woke up and worship Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) with full determination. As narrated by his wife, A’isha (RadiyAllahu ‘anhaa).
May Allah (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) give us the Courage, the Wisdom and the Strength to follow the example of our Beloved Last Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu ‘alaihi wa Sallam), because his example is the best for us to follow, as he lived all his life according to the Guidance from the Holy Qur’an, Ameen, Thumma Ameen.
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thipham0302 · 7 months
Virtual Sketchbook #2
Unity & Variety: Unity refers to the cohesive relationship between elements in a design, creating a sense of harmony and completeness. Variety introduces diversity and contrast, adding interest and preventing monotony.
Balance: Balance involves the distribution of visual weight in a design, achieving equilibrium and stability. There are three types of balance: symmetrical (formal), asymmetrical (informal), and radial.
Emphasis & Subordination: Emphasis directs the viewer's attention to certain elements within a design, creating focal points and hierarchy. Subordination involves reducing the importance of certain elements to support the dominant focal point.
Directional Forces: Directional forces guide the viewer's eye through a design, creating movement and flow. This can be achieved through lines, shapes, or implied movement.
Repetition & Rhythm: Repetition involves the consistent use of visual elements throughout a design, creating patterns and establishing a sense of unity. Rhythm is the variation in the repetition, creating a sense of movement and progression.
Scale & Proportion: Scale refers to the relative size of elements within a design, while proportion involves the relationship between those elements in terms of size, quantity, or degree.
These principles are fundamental to various forms of art and design and can be found in countless examples across different mediums and disciplines.
Unity and variety in everyday life could be a garden with various types of flowers and plants (variety) arranged in a cohesive and visually pleasing way (unity).
Balance is a well-balanced meal, where different food groups are proportionally represented to provide nutritional harmony.
In a photograph of a family, emphasis might be placed on the smiling faces of the parents, while the background is subordinated to highlight the main subjects.
In a painting of a winding river, the curves of the riverbanks and the direction of flowing water create directional forces leading the viewer's eye from one point to another.
In music, the repeated beats and patterns create a rhythm that drives the song forward, while variations in melody or tempo add interest and complexity.
In architecture, the scale of a building relative to its surroundings and the proportion of its components, such as windows and doors, contribute to its overall aesthetic appeal and functionality.
I vividly remember the transformative effect of color during a sunrise hike in the mountains. As the sun gradually illuminated the landscape, the sky transitioned from deep indigo to a warm orange hue. The changing values and intensities of color created a breathtaking spectacle, altering my mood and perception of the surroundings. The saturated tones of the sunrise infused the environment with a sense of hope and serenity, leaving a lasting impression on my emotional state.
If I were to pick a color scheme for my life, it would be analogous colors, particularly shades of blue and green. These colors evoke a sense of tranquility, balance, and connection with nature, which aligns with my preference for a calm and harmonious lifestyle. Analogous color schemes, where hues are adjacent to the color wheel, would represent a continuous flow of experiences and emotions, seamlessly blending and complementing each other throughout the journey.
I quite like flowers. And here is a project I did with my friend. Even though I follow Christianity and my friend follows Buddhism, this is a wonderful gift as well as an unforgettable memory that my friend and I created before I immigrated to another country with my family.
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Group 4: 
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https://www.timesofisrael.com/officials-at-least-146-dead-after-halloween-crowd-surge-in-seoul/Links to an external site.
Rescue workers and firefighters work on the scene of a crushing accident in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, October 29, 2022 (Lee Ji-Eun/Yonhap via AP)
There was a tragic incident during Halloween festivities in Seoul, South Korea, resulting in numerous casualties. The stampede occurred in the Itaewon district, where a large crowd pushed forward in a narrow alley near the Hamilton Hotel, a popular party spot.
The tragic incident in Seoul calls for several types of changes and reforms to prevent similar occurrences in the future: Emergency response, public awareness, regulatory oversight, event planning.
This tragedy underscores the importance of prioritizing public safety and taking proactive measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.
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https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/11/weather/midwest-non-winter-el-nino/index.htmlLinks to an external site.
Snow shovelers during a snowstorm in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on February 22, 2023, during a snow-filled winter. Winter has done a 180 in the city year-over-year and now the city has less snow than Nashville. Craig Lassig/AFP/Getty Images
The event being depicted is an unusually warm and snowless winter experienced across the Midwest and Great Lakes regions of the United States, attributed to a combination of factors including human-caused climate change.
The situation where winter has "gone missing," highlighting the abnormality of current weather conditions and the impacts on various cities and regions. It alerts readers/viewers to significant changes in climate and weather patterns, raising awareness about the broader trend of winter becoming the fastest-warming season and the global decline in snowfall due to climate change.
This calls for urgent action to address climate change and mitigate its impacts, including policies and initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to renewable energy sources, and implement adaptation measures to cope with changing climate conditions.
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colorfulfishbreeds · 1 year
Red Panda Guppy: An Amazing Fish & Great Advice From Aquarium Specialist
 Red Panda Guppy is a beautiful, exotic, and extravagant fish that will add a vibrant look to your aquarium. Because of the vibrant colors on their skin, guppies are also known as million fish and rainbow fish. The red panda guppy's energetic red color makes the tank appear lively.
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Male guppies are slightly smaller than female guppies. They adapt quickly to any environment or ecological condition. Guppies are one of the most widely distributed tropical fish in the world, and every aquarist prefers them to make the tank look bubbly and energetic.
Information in General
The Red Panda Guppy is a stunning aquatic gem that entices people with its stunning appearance and endearing personality. This essay discusses the Red Panda Guppy's origin, vital statistics, personality, physical appeal, different color variations, habitat needs, food preferences, complicated reproductive processes, common health problems, and special care needs. It also discusses how the breed gets along with the other fish in the tank, as well as the legal issues that come with owning one.
The Red Panda Guppy is native to Asia's green waterways, particularly the rivers and streams of India and Bangladesh. It exemplifies the beauty of the water in these areas.
The Red Panda Guppy is a small fish with an elegant shape. It reaches an average size of 1.2 to 2.4 inches (3 to 6 cm), adding to its allure as a charming aquatic companion.
Lifespan: In a well-kept aquatic habitat, the Red Panda Guppy can live for 2 to 3 years, giving fans plenty of time to admire its aquatic beauty.
Temperament: Because the Red Panda Guppy is calm and friendly, it blends in with the other fish in a community aquarium. This creates a tranquil environment in the water.
The Red Panda Guppy has a lovely color pattern on its body. Its streamlined body with bright patterns demonstrates how fast and gracefully it swims.
Varieties and colors: The Red Panda Guppy's captivating charm manifests itself in a variety of intriguing varieties, including:
Red Panda in the Sunrise Because their colors are a mix of red, orange, and yellow, guppy resemble a beautiful sunrise.
Sunset Red Panda Guppy has red, orange, and pink shades that blend together to resemble a warm sunset.
Requirements for Habitat and Tank
Red Panda Guppies are native to Asia, where they live in slow-moving rivers and streams with aquatic plants. A well-designed aquarium can be made to resemble their natural environment.
Tank Size: A tank with a capacity of 10 to 15 gallons (37.9 to 56.8 liters) is adequate for a small group of Red Panda Guppies. Larger communities require larger tanks to allow for graceful movement.
Water parameters: It is critical to maintain stable water conditions. Aim for a pH of 6.5 to 7.5 and a water temperature of 72 to 82°F (22 to 28°C), which corresponds to their natural aquatic habitat.
Prepare the tank. Add live or fake aquatic plants, a fine-grained substrate, decorations, and hiding spots to make it look like their natural habitat. These items provide comfort and safety, just as a peaceful aquatic habitat should.
The Red Panda's Diet Guppy consumes everything, but it is picky about what it consumes. A diet rich in high-quality flake or pellet foods, as well as live or frozen treats like brine shrimp and daphnia, provides the best nutrition.
Eating habits: The Red Panda Guppy is an enthusiastic and active eater that feeds mostly from the water's surface. Using a schedule of small, frequent meals ensures that the animal gets all of the nutrients it requires while reducing the possibility of overfeeding.
Red Panda Guppy reproduction is viviparous, which means they have live babies rather than laying eggs.
Breeding requirements: A good environment with places to hide and living plants is required for breeding to be successful. Having the right mix of men and women is also important.
The birthing process: Males display their bright colors during courtship. Females give birth to live fry after mating, which must be kept separate or given a safe place to grow up.
Common Health Issues
Despite their strength, Red Panda Guppy can contract common fish diseases such as ich, fin rot, and parasitic infections. It is critical to remain vigilant and cautious.
Preventive Actions
Water Quality: Regular water changes and effective filtration systems help keep water clean and stable, which is beneficial to everyone's health.
Nutritional Balance: A well-balanced diet provides you with all of the nutrients you require to stay healthy and active.
The quarantine protocol involves placing new fish in a separate tank known as a "quarantine tank" before introducing them into the main aquarium to prevent disease transmission.
Particular Considerations
Because they are friendly, Red Panda Guppy get along well with other fish species that aren't aggressive. People should avoid putting them in the same tank with fin-nipping or aggressive fish.
The Red Panda Is a Spectacular Gem People are awestruck by Guppy's vibrant colors. It is a prismatic gem that enhances the beauty of the underwater world.
 Legal Aspects: There are currently no laws prohibiting the ownership or breeding of Red Panda Guppy. Still, being a responsible and ethical pet owner entails adhering to local regulations.
In a nutshell, the Red Panda Guppy is the most stunning example of aquatic art. Aquarists are fortunate to be able to care for and enjoy the vibrant presence of these aquatic treasures because they are conscientious and dedicated. Fans help protect a beautiful work of art that enchants the aquatic landscape with its vibrant charm and timeless allure by combining responsible stewardship and unwavering commitment.
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businesspr · 1 year
Sustainable Practices in Mulberry Farming
Mulberry Market, a term that resonates with both tradition and modernity, is much more than just a collection of sweet, juicy berries. It's a thriving industry with a rich history, and it's poised for a fruitful future. In this comprehensive article, we delve deep into the Mulberry Market, exploring its origins, current trends, economic significance, and the myriad opportunities it offers. Whether you're a seasoned investor or simply curious about the world of berries, join us as we embark on this juicy journey through the Mulberry Market.
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Mulberry Market: A Brief Overview
Mulberries, those delightful little bursts of sweetness, have been a part of human cultivation for centuries. They belong to the Morus genus and are known for their distinctive flavor and nutritional benefits. Mulberries come in various colors, with red and white varieties being the most common.
Key Market Segments
By Product Type
Small Leather Goods
By Distribution Channel
Retail Stores
E-commerce Platforms
Travel Retail
Online Marketplaces
By Form
Companies - Industry Segment Outlook
Bolt Threads
Silk Road Holdings
Body Shop
Sunrise Agriland Development & Research Pvt. Ltd.
Top Line Foods
Peony Food Products
Yaban Food
Ken Muir Ltd
Sevenhills Wholefoods
Nans Products
Xian Yuensun Biological Technology Co. Ltd.
The Historical Roots of Mulberry Cultivation
Mulberries have a storied history, with their cultivation dating back to ancient civilizations. In this section, we explore how Mulberry Market's roots trace back to:
1. Ancient China: The Cradle of Mulberry Cultivation
In ancient China, mulberries were revered not only for their delicious taste but also for their role in silkworm rearing. The mulberry leaves served as the primary food source for silkworms, a crucial step in silk production.
2. The Silk Road Connection
The Silk Road facilitated the exchange of goods and cultures across continents. Mulberries found their way to Europe along this ancient trade route, introducing the fruit to new regions.
3. Renaissance Europe: The Mulberry Craze
In Renaissance Europe, mulberries gained popularity among royalty and the aristocracy. King James I of England even attempted to promote mulberry cultivation to support the silk industry.
The Mulberry Market Today
Fast forward to the present day, and Mulberry Market has evolved into a diverse and dynamic industry. Let's explore its current landscape, including:
4. Mulberries as Superfoods
Mulberries have made a resurgence as superfoods, packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. Their health benefits have propelled them into the spotlight of the wellness industry.
5. Commercial Mulberry Farming
Commercial cultivation of mulberries has seen remarkable growth, with dedicated farms catering to both fresh fruit and processing industries.
6. Mulberry Products Galore
The market now boasts a plethora of mulberry-based products, from jams and wines to skincare items, capitalizing on the fruit's versatility.
Economic Significance of the Mulberry Market
The Mulberry Market isn't just about delicious berries; it's a robust economic player. Here's why it matters:
7. Employment Opportunities
Mulberry cultivation and processing provide employment opportunities in both rural and urban areas, contributing to livelihoods worldwide.
8. Export Potential
Mulberry products, particularly silk and textiles, have significant export potential, boosting international trade.
9. Supporting Sericulture
The silk industry heavily relies on mulberry leaves, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these markets.
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Challenges and Innovations
Like any industry, the Mulberry Market faces its share of challenges. However, innovation is key to overcoming them:
10. Pests and Diseases
Mulberry trees are susceptible to pests and diseases. Research and development in pest management are crucial for sustainable farming.
11. Sustainable Farming Practices
The shift towards sustainable farming practices, such as organic mulberry cultivation, is gaining momentum.
12. Biotechnology and Crop Improvement
Advancements in biotechnology offer promising solutions, including disease-resistant mulberry varieties.
Mulberry Market Trends: What's Hot and What's Not
To stay ahead in the Mulberry Market, it's essential to keep an eye on emerging trends:
13. Mulberries in Functional Foods
Mulberries are finding their way into functional foods, including protein bars and supplements, catering to health-conscious consumers.
14. Mulberry Varietal Exploration
Exploration of different mulberry varieties is creating opportunities for unique flavor profiles and culinary experiences.
15. Sustainable Packaging
Sustainability is at the forefront, with eco-friendly packaging solutions gaining traction.
Investment Opportunities
Are you considering investing in the Mulberry Market? Here's what you need to know:
16. High ROI Potential
Investors are drawn to the Mulberry Market's high return on investment, particularly in silk production and value-added products.
17. Diversification Benefits
Diversifying your portfolio with Mulberry Market investments can help mitigate risks associated with other industries.
18. Market Analysis Tools
Utilize market analysis tools to identify growth areas and make informed investment decisions.
Mulberry Market Around the Globe
The Mulberry Market isn't confined to a single region. Let's explore its global presence:
19. Asia: The Mulberry Hub
Asia, particularly China and India, remains at the forefront of mulberry cultivation and silk production.
20. Europe: A Growing Market
Europe is experiencing a resurgence in mulberry cultivation, driven by health-conscious consumers.
21. North America: Exploring New Frontiers
Mulberry farming is gaining ground in North America, presenting exciting opportunities for growers.
Report Enquiry Link: https://marketresearch.biz/report/mulberry-market/#inquiry
FAQs About the Mulberry Market
Q: Are mulberries only used for consumption?
A: No, mulberries have diverse applications, including textiles, cosmetics, and even medicinal uses.
Q: What is the nutritional value of mulberries?
A: Mulberries are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, making them a nutritious choice.
Q: How can I invest in the Mulberry Market?
A: You can explore investment options such as mulberry farms, silk production, or mulberry-based product manufacturing.
Q: Is organic mulberry farming a sustainable practice?
A: Yes, organic mulberry farming focuses on sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Q: What are some emerging trends in the Mulberry Market?
A: Emerging trends include mulberries in functional foods, sustainable packaging, and varietal exploration.
Q: Which countries are the largest players in the Mulberry Market?
A: China, India, and several European countries are significant contributors to the Mulberry Market.
The Mulberry Market is a captivating blend of tradition and innovation, offering a bounty of opportunities. Whether you're a consumer seeking nutritional benefits, an investor looking for high returns, or simply someone intrigued by the world of mulberries, this market has something sweet for everyone. As we continue to explore the evolving landscape of the Mulberry Market, remember that its roots run deep, and its future is ripe with potential. So, let's savor the journey through the delicious, lucrative world of Mulberry Market.
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