hellschimera · 4 years
You remind me of the times when I knew who I was
Closed Starter for Stiles
Theo had decided to go for a walk after work, texting Lori, Allison, and Nicola asking if they wanted to make plans. Lori was going to pick up dinner after work, he was meeting Nicola and possibly Allison for lunch. He just had to pull himself out of the depressive funk his conversation with Stiles’ had put him in. 
He decides to walk near the preserve, keeping an eye on the edge of the woods for anything abnormal, he appreciated everything Scott had done and wanted to return the favor by keeping an eye on things. Even if Stiles’ told him that no one wanted him there, he knows they don’t need his help. 
But after everything he had done it felt right, like he could give a little bit back by making sure the town was safe. Turning away from the woods to cross the street Theo stopped when he hears a stick crack somewhere to his right. 
Suddenly Stiles shifted into view, coming out of the woods with his baseball bat, a wooden one from the looks of it. It made sense, he remembered hearing Mason talk about Stiles’ leaving him his metal one. 
“Hey, Stiles’. You scared me, thought you were a demon or something.” He laughed. 
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blackshxxpkai · 4 years
“your feelings matter too! i can’t help you if i don’t even know what’s making you upset!” [ from Nicola ]
“You can’t help! You’re just trying to trick me like the rest of them! Aren’t you? Aren’t you?!”
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betaisaac · 4 years
“listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.” [ from Stiles for the pure reason that he gets to call him an asshole lol ]
(First off, rude but I will take it)
Isaac laughs through the pain, “You’re gonna carry me?” He winches at the pain in his gut. “My feet are gonna drag the whole time there. Where’s Scott he can actually help. How are you supposed to get me up a while flight of stairs?”
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hxllxway · 4 years
“I will always protect you, you have my word on that.” (Nicola, I'm sobbing)
“Your word doesn’t me anything to me right now, nothing you say...nothing you say holds any merit because you’ve proven that it doesn’t mean shit to you, either,” Nolan replied, coldly, still angry about the events of the weekend before. He was well aware that this could cost him his home and his friend, but...maybe it’d be better that way. At least when he was living with his coworker, he didn’t have anyone to abandon him. For as much as he hated loneliness, it was easier to know no one. It was easier to choose to be alone than to let people do it for him.
“I don’t need protection. I don’t need anyone to save me from the world. I’m an adult. I’m not some useless kid you need to coddle. What I needed was for you to be there when...when you said you would be and you weren’t.” 
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ofdivinechaxs · 4 years
“Sometimes we have to do things we don’t want to.” (Stiles)
“And sometimes we can just ignore it until it goes away. Like you. How long do I have to ignore you until you go away?” 
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raynedays · 4 years
“I’m not a terribly good person.” (Nicola)
“I think that entirely depends on what you define as good. To me, good people are those who surpass what life has set in their way and still manage to respect others and the world in the process, and I think you’re terribly good at doing just that. You’re allowed to consider yourself every now and again, you know? It’s not selfish to want something, you just have to be willing to accept the way other people feel about your decisions. Life - unfortunately for me - is hard to predict, but it’s not what you’ve done, it’s what you do that defines you.” He replied, putting a glass of water in front of her and joining her on his couch. “I don’t think a terrible person would be as worked up about this as you are.” 
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wknahq · 4 years
Hello? Yeah, jokes on Theo, he’s pushy, a shit kisser and probably a sex addict and my girlfriend is gonna kick his ass!
“Good evening, cheater- I mean- Stiles. All I’m hearing is that you even know what Theo’s kiss is like in the first place... I think Lydia should kick both of your asses. ” ( @hellschimera @sunnysxrcasm @mcgalomaniacs )
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Claudia wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, behind the counter in the kitchens was hot with all the ovens going full blast. Flour is left behind on her forehead as her hands are coated in the stuff. She was kneading dough when she heard the bell from the front door of the bakery shop jingle. “Shit.” She mutters under her breath before calling out, “One second, be right with you.” Getting to the sink to wash her hands off she comes around out of the kitchen wiping her hands with a towel. “Sorry about that. What can I do for you?”
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ofconfusion · 4 years
( 🔥┊closed starter for @sunnysxrcasm​ / nicola )
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“ i brought food ! and i have good news.” peyton looks in much better shape than the last time she had seen nicola, beaming quite literally from ear to ear. “ just wait until you hear it, how’s your day been ? “
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jergilbrt · 4 years
cont. from [x]
“Fourteen years and you can’t think of a single moment, right now, that beats me blabbing on to you about how you’re cute? Oh my god, how dumb am I?” She shook her head in disdain at herself, but a smile remained. “I’m not drunk, if that’s what you’re implying. I’m hardly even tipsy, but I have enough liquid courage to say you’re hot all the time, not just in a suit and not completely regret it.”
"quite the opposite.  it was all so super embarrassing that they blur together.  do you know how lucky you are to have certain ones that stand out?  it's so much worse this way, i promise.”  jeremy laughed.  the only things that were coming to mind were super sexual in nature and he was absolutely not about to share that with a girl who thought he was hot.  “well, i’m gonna chalk that up as a win for my self-esteem, then.”  jer leaned in closer, the rest of the party and the mikaelson mansion fading into the background.  “for the record, i don’t need the liquid courage to say that you’re also very hot all the time.”  but it certainly helped.
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hellschimera · 4 years
Closed Starter for Stiles
Theo had gone back alone after the disaster that had been his first visit, he’d been too emotional, too eager to leave. So he’d come back, to properly say goodbye to his best friend. Without Liam by his side the task felt daunting but he knew this was something he had to do. 
As he approached the casket he took a deep breath, closing his eyes. When he opened them he took a step back, his heart clenching in his chest. 
Penny was beautiful, ethereal just as she’d been in life. But he’d been here just a few days ago and she’d looked nothing like this, she’d looked dead. Something wasn’t right, it gave him a weird feeling in his chest. 
Pulling away from the casket he ducked out of the room and called Stiles, when the other finally picked up he heaved a sigh of relief.
“I kinda need your help stealing a dead body from a funeral home.”  
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blackshxxpkai · 4 years
“Is it okay if I lean on you?” (Nicola)
“Me? You want to lean on me?” Kai asks with a tilt of his head trying to figure out her angle. “What like some kind of cozy couch scene?”
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betaisaac · 4 years
“Hey!! What was that for?!” (Stiles)
“I don’t know but I’m sure you deserve it or you will soon.”
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lechangelin · 4 years
Closed starter for @sunnysxrcasm​ (Stiles)
Allison told herself she didn’t want to interfere with Lydia and Stiles - but as she walked past their place and saw Stiles coming out of it, she couldn’t help herself walking towards the house. “Stiles, hey!” She called, coming over to him. “Everything okay?” 
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ofdivinechaxs · 4 years
“No one in this world is truly fearless.” (Nicola)
“What about that crocodile hunter guy? He seemed pretty fearless to me,” Liam countered, flipping through the catalogue of flower arrangements Nicola kept in the shop to show customers. “Most people in Australia have to be pretty fearless, they live in a hellscape with giant spiders.” 
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petrovakath · 4 years
closed starter. @sunnysxrcasm​ (Nicola Maxwell)
As much as Katherine loved a good party with enough booze and some pretty faces, she could always add some fun to the night. The opportunity showed itself when Katherine noticed Nicola alone in a corner. After making sure the Gilberts were nowhere to be seen, she approached the other with a smile and a glass bottle. “Blondie, I didn’t knew you did parties! I would offer you some bourbon but you will think I poisoned it or something.” 
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