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sunghoonsslut · 2 years ago
Cruel Summer (18+)
18+ Content Explicit Smut MDNI
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Genre: SMUT, PWP Vacation au, forced Proximity
Pairing: Vacationing Jake(Dom) x AFAB reader (Sub)
Warning: SMUT 18+ MDNI, She/Her pronouns used, Kitchen sex, unprotected Sex (Wrap it before you tap it), Pervy hyung line(mainly Jake), Oral (Fem receiving), oral fixation, some degrading, body worship (mainly ass worship), rimming, Name calling (Whore, slut, stupid), begging, needy Jake, hitting it from behind, sneaking around, pining, ngl this is mainly smut very little plot like 1/2 of this is just smut 😅.
WC: 9.6k
song rec: Cool for the summer Demi Lovato
preview: Clean sheets, an open window making the curtains sway slightly; it felt like summer Jake follows in behind you setting your things down at the foot of the bed, “it really was an accident,” Jake explains scratching the back of his neck, eyeing over you as you take in the view breathing in the ocean air.
A/N: I finished writing this at like 4am so I’ll edit this later lol but enjoy <3 Reblogs and likes are always appreciated.
“This summer is going to be perfect, a beautiful beach house all to ourselves, an ocean feet away from us, an excuse to laze around on the beach and drink cute little summery drinks for a whole three weeks!” Your friend is elated as she dreamily lists off how perfect of a vacation it’s going to be.
You follow her inside the beach house as she squeaks out words of awe. You’re pretty stunned, to say the least as you haul in your bags for the trip sunglasses resting on the bridge of your nose you look around the entranceway, it’s gorgeously decorated in perfect décor paintings depicting ships and seas a vaulted ceiling above you with a chandelier tying it all together beautifully sprinkled in blue crystals giving a subtle blue tint above. 
You knew your friend had money always seeing her photos of family trips to the Caribbean, Italy, France, sometimes multiple trips a year, so it wasn’t a complete surprise her family owned a private beach house just off the shore of a pretty popular beach and enough rooms for everyone, gorgeously decorated entryway greeting you. 
You’re busy admiring the house as your friend announces your presence “Sunghoon! Come help us with our bags!” She calls out you huff out. When your friend offered up her family's Beach house for a vacation you were beyond elated, already planning out your outfits until she mentioned the catch, her brother and his friends would be using it the same few weeks making you groan out.
“They might be out,” she fishes her phone out of her bag to call her brother but before she can the door swings open, and before either of you can say anything you’re being pelted with water from a water soaker making you both yell out in protest. Freezing as your friend jumps behind you to use you as a shield until the water stops and now your entire front is soaked making your white tank top sheer. You’re met with the shocked eyes of one of Sunghoon’s friends, Jake, who gives you a wide-eyed look, “I’m sorry I thought you were one of the guys,” he excuses pointing the water gun away from you both.
“Really Jake in the house? You could have ruined one of the paintings!” Your friend starts going off on how expensive the pieces of art are as one-of-a-kind renditions from some famous dead artist but Jake seems to only be looking over you eyes going over your body and lingering on your chest for a little longer than he could excuse a pretty flower design revealed on your bra through the soaked fabric of your shirt while you’re distracted cleaning off the water covered sunglasses that will probably leave streaks over the lenses until you can properly clean them.
You groan out glaring at Jake “Forget about the paintings my clothes are sticking to my skin,” you point out pulling the fabric forward with a grimace grabbing one of your bags to run upstairs and change into something dry or maybe a bathing suit, something other than what you’re in now.
“Let me help,” Jake offers grabbing the bag from you, you eye the super soaker he’s got in his other hand skeptical of his intentions, “ah it really was an accident,” he tries to reason handing the weapon over to your friend to prove he wasn’t planning anything, you roll your eyes allowing Jake to grab your bags following you up the stairs to the second level of the house his eyes trained on your ass bouncing beautifully with each step up watching the way you move ahead of him wishing there were more steps to keep watching you until you get to your guest room opening the door for the first time this summer.
Clean sheets, an open window making the curtains sway slightly; it felt like summer Jake follows in behind you setting your things down at the foot of the bed, “it really was an accident,” Jake explains scratching the back of his neck, eyeing over you as you take in the view breathing in the ocean air.
“Next time look before you go around shooting water at people,” you turn around with crossed arms leaning back against the wall still annoyed, and cold from the water.
Jake nods hand going up to scratch the back of his neck he smiles awkwardly “It’s just that Sunghoon said-“ Before he can finish defending himself you can both hear the shouts of your friend downstairs.
“Jake, come help me with my bags too!” You can hear the whine evident in her voice, and you’re almost positive she’s stomping her foot like a child needing to get her way, not wanting to fight her bags up the stairs.
“You should go help her, I need to get changed anyways,” you nod your head towards the door heading towards the bed, and unzipping your luggage to grab something new to put on.
“Okay, I’ll make it up to you though! I promise!” He insists with puppy-like eyes and you practically have to shove him out of the room to finally get him to leave with an “okay,” huffing out you close the door to sift through your things, setting your more revealing swimsuits off to the side not quite ready to show those off, maybe later but not at this moment.
Pulling off your shirt you wring it out water dripping down your arms and onto the hardwood floor making you grimace throwing it into the hamper near the closet, you grab a swimsuit to pull on a pretty tame one a two-piece that covered up your chest and only showed off a bit of your ass.
Doing a quick look over of yourself in the mirror on the back of the bedroom door fixing any flyaway hairs that poke out before making your way out of the room. The room across from yours is Sunghoon’s with the sign on the door reading his name swirls of cursive writing neatly printing it in blue and the door next to his has your friend’s name written in pink on hers. You peek into the guest room next to yours, granted the door was open seeing clothes thrown everywhere it’s obvious someone was searching for something they packed or just messy.
You bounce down the stairs following the sound of voices, spotting the group of guys in the living area everyone but your friend standing around talking. Four pairs of eyes looking your way at the sound of you coming down the stairs.
“Don’t shoot please,” you hold your hands up surrendering seeing they all were holding their water guns minus Jake who looks embarrassed.
“Don’t worry we’ve got better aim than Jake,” Heeseung laughs nudging his friend who is still embarrassed over the mishap. “When did you guys even get back here?” you make conversation wondering how long before your friend joins you.
“Not too long ago, Hoon’s sister called to let us know what happened, and the exact prices of every single painting in the house,” Jay explains rubbing over his forehead at the headache from her going off on the group.
“She’s passionate,” Sunghoon mumbles unsure how she could memorize and recount the price of all those works but still not memorize their parents' phone numbers.
“She’s right here, and I won't hesitate to have any of you guys sent home,” Your friend appears like magic popping up next to you mid-talking with the guy's smile plastered on her face, dressed in a pretty one-piece swimsuit beach bag stuffed with two towels hanging off her arm that’s not wrapped around your waist.
Turning her attention to you she makes her suggestion “Let’s hit the beach a scope out the fish,” she refers to the guys on the beach hopeful anyone cute and single might be out and ready to be caught.
“Please I need this,” you stretch out raising your arms upwards feeling the sets of eyes move over you Jake most obviously since he’s standing directly across from you his eyes stay fixed on your chest with interest tongue swiping over his lower lip at the revealed underboob.
“The waves were great this morning, a bit more aggressive now and there's a slight riptide current so I don’t recommend going in too far,” Sunghoon, ever the expert, explains as your friend mindlessly nods over her brothers’ words uncaring you opt for a polite smile, “Thanks don’t think I’ll be going in today though,” you don’t hear what Sunghoon is about to say arm being pulled you’re being rushed out of the beach house by your friend on a mission to enjoy the sun and summer.
“It’s gonna be a long couple weeks,” Jake mumbles leaning back against the wall and watching the way your ass bounces on the way out with every uneven footstep from being dragged out.
After all the stress of school and finals, this is exactly when you need your eyes closed you lay on a towel taking in the sun while listening to the soft sound of the ocean against the shore moving beautifully in a rhythm.
After the past couple of days of getting adjusted to the house and beach, the sound of shouting interrupts the quiet peace you had you spot the group of four through your tinted sunglasses, tossing around a volleyball running across the beach in front of you both. In a split second you can see the moment Sunghoon steps on the sandcastle you made earlier almost tripping because of it you let out a small huff watching him recover just as Heeseung tosses the ball his way overshooting it, the ball heading your way almost hitting you flying over your head barely.
An almost perfect day you mumble ducking your head out of fear the group runs over, “Can you guys go throw your stupid ball somewhere else,” you huff annoyed Jay ends up scooping up the nearby ball lazily holding it on his side under his arm.
“Aw is little miss princess afraid of a little sand?” Heeseung kicks a bit of sand onto your towel in a teasing manner.
“I’m afraid to get a concussion because of your horrendous aim, who were you even trying to throw it to?” You swipe away the specks of sand off your towel with a grimace, little bits of sand sticking to your fingers much like the guys around you impossible to get rid of.
That comment earns a Laugh from Jake whose smile quickly fades when Heeseung sends him a look to quit it Jake’s hand scratching the back of his neck. “Just go play with your stupid ball, I’m trying to enjoy the sun,” you shoo the group away laying back against the towel you hear them walking away leaving you and your friend to relax.
“Don’t you think that was a bit harsh?” your friend asks from under her umbrella shielding her from the harsh ray unlike you.
“No, this is Heeseung we’re talking about,” you point out before you’re back to relaxing you close your eyes taking in the sun, satisfied.
Only a few minutes into your little catnap you're being disturbed again you feel hands wrap around your ankle and one person on either side of your upper body arms looped under your shoulder, you’re lifted off the ground easily yelping out of surprise you can hear Heeseung yelling out directions fighting to try to get out of their hold as they drag you closer to the ocean.
“Don’t you guys dare throw me in,” you threaten looking across from you at Jay who’s holding onto your ankles hands digging into the skin with his grip keeping you up.
You’re near the water when they stop moving beginning to sway you while you’re struggling the countdown begins “one,” you know even if you manage to get out of their hold you’d fall into the water anyways.
“Two,” you’re trying to reason with Jay across from you to just drop your feet so you can run off “Jay please I’ll do anything-“ you can’t make a quick enough deal before the number three is being counted off.
Releasing you when they collectively say the number you scream out body hitting the cool water and being engulfed in the ocean you had enough mind to cover your mouth and hold your breath fighting the water you manage to sit up the taste of salt in your mouth. 
Raising above the water with a gasp you look over at the group laughing while you wipe the water from your eyes completely soaked head to toe now. You splash water up towards the group hitting Sunghoon in the face with water which he wipes away easily.
A wave of water hits you making you sputter out again shocked at the intrusion, having to sit up on your knees in the water rubbing away the mixture of sunblock and saltwater that's covering you, knees digging into the shell-covered floor of the ocean. Group watching you dripping in water you wipe water from your face.
Jake is the one to offer you his hand and help you stand up your hand locks with his you use your weight as leverage to pull him down the loose sand under his feet and the moving water not helping he joins you in the ocean falling forward on top of you his body pushing you back in the water using his hand to try and not push you too far keeping his body from submerging you.
He coughs up a bit of the water shocked, “Guess I deserved that one,” he pushes his water-drenched hair back and out of his face body resting on top of yours, you look even prettier like this under him and he can see the embarrassment flood your face at the position and realization at how close you both are, his legs on either side of yours crotch resting on top of yours perfectly he regrettably gets up out of the water. You allow him to help you out of the water this time avoiding looking in his direction.
Swimsuit heavy in the newly wet attire pushing your bottoms lower on your hips and top sinking lower revealing more of your upper cleavage.
“Cooled off yet?” Heeseung tilts his head eyes unabashed making their way over your body, you end up leaning down and scooping up water to splash at him, breaking out into a water-splashing fight between you both, you have to cover your face at a particularly big push of water at you as to not get salt water in your mouth and eyes again.
Even your friend is giggling off on the side making you glare out, why were you always the victim of their attacks? “Don’t even think about talking me to the rest of the trip,” you fume turning to the guy just as soaked as you “especially you,” Jake’s eyes go wide unsure why he was the one you laid your attack on.
“Aw come on princess, it’s just a little water,” Heeseung excuses kicking a bit of water your way you want to throw some back at him but you just cross your arms making your way out of the water to head back over to your towel dripping water along the way feet collecting sand with each step covering them in the small grains that get everywhere.
You’re giving your friend the silent treatment for a bit trying to dry off she says words of comfort, ‘They’re just being asses,’, ‘We’ll get them back,’ etc. doing more damage than anything.
“Hey, don’t be too upset, they’re trying to have fun,” she tries again you sit and join her with a huff, you couldn’t ignore her too, she didn’t actually do anything just watch as her brother and friends throw you around.
“Easy for you to say, you’re dry,” you point out the stark difference between you both she applies another round of sunscreen over her exposed areas.
“Yeah because if they tried anything I’d make sure they go home early,” she holds up her phone as her win, unlikely they’d try anything anyways, having always found it less fun to try and pull anything on her, you were just easier and more reactive which made it all the more fun.
 You lay back on your towel feeling the sand in every pore of your body hoping if anything it’d just help exfoliate “I know I just want to relax though, and they keep messing with me,”
“They always do this,” you remind her “Remember Sunoo’s birthday last year and how they pelted me with water balloons and almost shoved a whole slice of cake in my face,” the only reason they didn’t was because Jake had somehow managed to drop the slice before it could collide with your face.
“Yeah I also remember how you pushed Heeseung into the pool,” she points out you aren’t so innocent and you smile at the memory of anger etched across his face when you conveniently brushed into him as he was trying to talk up some girl ‘Oops I’m so clumsy,’ you had said before he ended up chasing you around the yard to try and throw you in.
“In my defense he deserved it,” the memory of how he’d hidden the change of clothes you brought with left you fuming and eager to seek a quick revenge against the then pink-haired guy.
“You two always butt heads, why don’t you just kiss and makeup,” she makes a kissy face at you with a laugh throwing the bottle of sunscreen towards your towel offering for you to use it which you decline with a disgusted reaction grimacing at her suggestion.
“I will never let him near my lips,” you pretend to gag at the thought covering your mouth, you’d never let his probably stupidly soft lips anywhere even remotely close to you.
“Any of them actually,” you look over at the group still laughing amongst themselves Heeseung leans up against the lifeguard tower casually talking up two of the girls on top.
“Are you really not going to talk to them the rest of the trip?” she nudges you, your eyes shifting back to your friend who is looking skeptical raised eyebrow, eyes bouncing between you and the group unsure.
“Not a word,” you vow silence pretending to zip your lips shut with two fingers and throwing away the ‘key’.
Three days of silence. Three days where if any of the four of them entered the room your face would drop, lips would shut and you’d refuse to look at them you keep your promise to each of the guys' surprise.
They’ve made it into a competition at this point to see which of them could get you to talk first, the first one to try was Sunghoon who purposefully stole your shower before you could take one making you bang your fists against the door standing in the hall with your towel wrapped around your body. Annoyed but you still didn’t budge simply glare at him when he left the shower hair still damp not shy to eye over you in nothing but a towel barely long enough to cover your ass with an ‘oh you should have told me you wanted to take a shower,’ earning silence from you, you just brush past him knowing fully well he has a bathroom with a shower he could have used connected to his room and purposefully chose the guest one.
Heeseung tried by holding your phone above his head forcing you to not only jump and try and grab it but listen to his torture “Just say pretty please, princess,” you wanted so desperately to bite back with fuck you but kept resilient Jake eventually came in and helping you get your phone back, hoping he might get a ‘thank you’ but you just ended up walking away sticking your tongue out at Heeseung on the way without a word.
Jay asked you questions trying to get you to answer him with simple questions “Hey, what do you want for dinner?” You have to bite your tongue opting to talk to your friend instead “you know what I’m craving? Some Italian food tonight,” you casually mention to your friend who catches your tactic with a laugh Jay continues to ask questions.
“She’s very dedicated,” Jay laughs sipping on his drink the guys mumbling out agreements group watching the way you and Sunghoon’s sister laugh and take sips of your drinks.
“I mean she’s gonna cave eventually,” Heeseung assures the group leaning back in his chair.
“Three weeks is a long time to not talk to any of us,” Sunghoon estimates it won’t be long, you’d probably forget soon enough.
“She’ll talk in her own time,” Jake points out they can’t make you talk it’s up to you when you do, secretly hoping it’ll be soon taking a sip from the red solo cup he’s been working on for the last hour.
“She can’t be that mad at us, it was harmless,” Jay mumbles out the last bit remembering how you were pleading for him to just drop your legs so you could run with minimal damage, a little curious about what you meant when you said you’d do anything if he dropped your feet, missed opportunity slipped through his fingertips.
You’re drinking pina coladas on the deck with your friend she’s raving about the cute suffer type of guy she had seen at the pier how his long hair was tied back and the tattoos he had were ‘so hot,’ you tune out after she goes on about how she regrets not getting his number. Your attention shifts to the guys nearby talking amongst themselves your eyes going over each of them, they were annoying but you couldn’t help but admit attractive. 
Jake notices you’re looking over and waves over to you smiling, his recently grown-out hair around his face adds to your attraction remembering how close he was in the water, how you just wanted to kiss him for a minute there.
The guys now catching onto you looking over are calling you both over obnoxiously shouting your name and how you can’t ignore them forever, how you’ll crack eventually. You roll your eyes in annoyance, with a scoff they were better when they were quiet.
“I’m going to head to bed early,” you mumble to your friend ignoring the group of guys laughing obnoxiously not missing the stare from Jake following you the moment you stand up till you’re disappearing around the corner not even bothering to tell the group goodnight.
Jake sulks a little after you disappear he’s sipping on his drink disappointed half hoping you’d change your mind and come over, even if it’s just to yell at them.
Heeseung slides closer to his friend seeing his puppy-dog-like pout, “Hey, those cute lifeguards are still up for drinks ya know,” he suggests after an invite the two had gotten the other day to his sulking friend.
“I’m okay, I think I’m going to head to sleep,” Jake’s waving off his friend and the offer to the shock of Heeseung who sips his drink, “You can’t be hung up on her forever, there are so many other girls around,” He’s suggesting to the visibly slumping friend.
“Night’,” Jake shrugs his friend off, Heeseung just accepts it with a disappointed sigh going to finish up his drink as Jake leaves early.
Jake contemplates checking in on you, wants to make everything right, wants you to stop ignoring him watch you laugh, and bounce around. Wants you to bounce around him closing his eyes slumped into his bedsheets picturing you so pretty on his lap water dripping against your skin even if you were a mix of mad and flustered.
It’s early, with everyone else in the house still asleep you’re sat watching the sunrise from the kitchen on a stool snacking on a bowl of fruit. The peaceful sounds of the water makes for a serene morning.
“Surprised to see you up this early,” A voice in the doorway breaks your once again peace and makes your head swivel not expecting anyone to be up for hours spotting Jake in the entrance of the kitchen you give a curt nod he pouts stepping closer into the dark room.
“Still mad at us then?” he asks head tilted as if your silence isn’t an obvious answer you continue to ignore him eating your fruit he sneaks a handful, “Hey!” it’s the first time you’ve said anything to him since the group decided it’d be fun to throw you in the ocean. 
“There we go!” He smiles satisfied, getting a rise out of you plopping one of the cherries in his mouth you roll your eyes bringing the bowl to your lap and away from his reach nose scrunching in regret as you accept your loss.
Spitting the pit of the cherry into the nearby trash he sees you’ve moved the bowl “Don’t hog all the fruit,” he reaches for your lap only for you to move it further away in the hand that’s furthest away from him he’s following your movements now you were both fighting over the bowl raising it above your head only slightly taller using the elevated foot part of the barstool to make yourself taller lifting your bottom off the seat until his hand is enveloping your hip pressing you back down pinning your hips to the chair making you gasp out as he retrieves the bowl.
Taking it in his hand he’s satisfied “Get your own fruit,” you hiss out reaching to steal it back but he’s still got you pinned to the chair with one of his large hands on your hips keeping you in place “you didn’t want to share,” he defends.
“First you try and drown me, now you’re stealing my food,” you groan, completely annoyed at their amazing ability to mess with your summer and vacation, always destroying the little bit of time you had to yourself to relax in any solitude.
“It was not that deep,” he points out how they purposefully chose a shallow part of the water to throw you in as to not cause any real harm just wanting you to have a bit of fun at the expense of you.
You lean your head back with defeat “Still you guys have done nothing but torture me this entire trip,” you cross your arms leaning back in the chair bottom lip jutted out into a pout “Especially you,” reminding him how the first day he ruined your \outfit still sour Jake’s eyes stay trained on your lips and how kissable you look even upset but especially while pouting.
“Aw grumpy, How about I make it up to you then? Like I promised?” He offers with a smile his head moving closer with the question, eyes traveling up to carefully watching your reaction for any hesitation, rolling your eyes at the thought.
“I don’t think you can now give it back!” You shoot your hand back out to grab the bowl, hand tapping against the rim of the glass, almost knocking it out of his hold, something that surely would have ended with the whole thing shattering but Jake is quick to balance the bowl, not letting it slip.
You watch him balance the bowl carefully before he returns his attention to you “I have a couple of tricks,” he licks over his lips his hand sliding down to rest on your bare thigh the shorts you have on barely visible under the oversized shirt you wore to sleep last night. You freeze looking down at his hand tip of his pointer finger drawing shapes over your skin sparking your curiosity, “What kind of tricks,” you let your hand fall to your side relaxing into your seat, Jake leans his lips against your ear and you can hear the low tone in his voice when he speaks.
“I could tell you but it’s more fun to show you,” he pulls away only barely enough to catch your reaction, the sound of the glass bowl being sat on the counter to be forgotten and a second hand slipping over your other thigh sends you into a frenzy, mind running at full speed thinking, imagining the things he can do between your legs.
“Then show me what tricks you’ve got,” your voice is more challenging this time insistent on him doing this your face turns to the side where he is, his face leaning down to meet yours. lips hovering just above yours in a closed smile you can’t help but stare at his lips, “Anything for you,” his lips press to yours after a beat sending you into a rush, and your lips bring the same energy pressing into him, he knew they’d feel so soft.
He’s pushing your thighs apart without resistance so he can stand between them getting closer to you hands grabbing onto your hips to bring you closer right up against his crotch, lips moving against yours tilted deeper and harsher full of inescapable need that's been building up since he saw you that first day. Your hands travel upwards to grip his shoulder pushing your hips forward moving against his shorts against the bulge that's started forming, pleasure shooting through you both he’s moaning into your mouth your underwear damping with every movement. Your legs go to wrap around his torso, his hands slipping under your thighs to lift you up moving you over towards the counter, more solid and higher than the chair with what he plans to do with you, what he’s only imagined to do with you.
Next thing you know you’re being pulled forward so you’re sitting right on the edge of the kitchen island, you’re finally breaking the kiss out of breath head turning towards the wide open entrance of the kitchen cursing the open floor plan and the very open windows that overlook the beach. A faint light illuminates the kitchen orange and pink colors paint the room as the sun starts its day, your glowing in Jake’s eyes watching the way your mind turns with hesitation.
“No one gets up for hours, it’ll be okay, want to show you I’m not so bad,” he soothes over your lower back lips moving down your body, neck, kiss, collarbone, kiss, shoulder, kiss, arm, kiss, hand kiss; his head finally ends resting on one of your thighs placing a gentle kiss on this inside eyes never leaving yours and you can feel yourself growing wetter at the actions the way his lips drag across your body teasing kisses along the way.
“Please, need to show you I’m not so bad,” his voice is low reiterating his desires, laced in need and the way he looks between your thighs ready to devour you is just divine with messy strands of grown-out hair framing his face untidy from having woken up not too long ago, it’s hard to resist when he wants it so bad eyes pleading with yours.
It's easy to fall into your own desires especially when an opportunity presents itself “Please,” It’s desperate voice shaky you can feel yourself give in to his enticement watching the way he immediately licks over his lips at the go-ahead fingers trailing up to the elastic band holding your shorts up.
You don’t need a cue using the counter you push up with your palms lifting your bottom so he can slide off your shorts which he lets drop into a pile at his feet eyes examine over your underwear focusing on the wet patch that’s already started forming, darkening against the light pink material hiding exactly what he’s craving “And here I thought you hated me?” he tears his vision away to look up at you seeing the way you’re watching him hyper-focused on his movements before he’s back on the task at hand pad of his thumb working against the wet spot right over where he knows your clit is.
Barely applying pressure to the area his gentle movements are almost teasing sending spikes of pleasure throughout your body “Jake please,” You’re attempting to stay quiet pleading only loud enough for him to hear your head leaning back in need, extra breathy and extremely horny, the material dampens further beneath his fingertips your hips searching for more pressing forward in an attempt for more.
“Baby you gotta stay quiet,” reminding you that anyone is fully capable of walking in on the two of you, you give a short nod “Don’t tease me then,” you shoot back down his way, a quiet laugh against your leg sending goosebumps down your body.
“let’s get this off then,” he pulls at the elastic of your underwear right by your hip letting it snap back against your skin jolting you.
Lifting your hips up once more he slowly works the underwear off to reveal your dripping core to him as soon as you’re fully exposed to him he groans out with a deep inhale slipping your underwear fully down your legs, finding himself slipping it into his pocket for later.
He’s practically drooling over the display of your lower half stripped down for him and dripping. Fingers spreading your folds apart watching the way you’re clenching around nothing, needy for something to fill you up, fingers trailing down to your hole he’s slipping one of his thick fingers inside without warning making you groan out pussy flurrying around his one-digit deliciously. Moving his finger in and out watching your face and the way it contorts with pleasure having never seen a prettier sight.
“Need to taste you,” he groans slipping his fingers out of you and listening to the small whine of protest as soon as you aren’t being filled it’s pitiful. Sliding his coated fingers between his mouth you watch his eyes roll back in ecstasy licking his digits clean of your wetness, plopping them out of his mouth when he’s cleaned them. Jake craves more, needs the actual taste on his mouth hands returning to your hips.
You gasp in surprise when he slips your legs over his shoulders so he’s got a perfect angle of your pussy in front of his face shining with your growing arousal arms hooked under your thighs to keep you anchored and open just for him, pupils blown out in full lust, “Fuck you’re so pretty,” he admires letting his tongue fall out of his mouth licking a strip up your pussy easy with how wet you already are cursing out at the feeling breath hitching when his tongue moves over your clit taking his time, “Jake-“ the sound of his name breathless off your lips making his cock throb in his shorts.
He’s drawing shapes against your pussy dipping into your hole, moving over your lips, taste on his tongue intoxicating, unable to get enough with his work tongue dragging against your clit every few seconds driving you crazy with need “Jake!” moaning out louder than you intended when his nose bumping against your sensitive spot repeatedly “You sound so pretty, but you have to keep quiet, don’t want everyone to see how much of a slut you are laid out in front of me, begging,” he reminds you not moving from between your legs air when he speaks right over your legs sending chills down your body.
“I’ll be quiet!” you assure him nodding frantically and shoving your hand into your mouth to muffle any sounds you want to make just wanting him to continue, and like he wasn’t interrupted he’s back diving between your legs sucking over your clit making you bite down hard trying desperately not to be loud, not to cry out muffling any sounds in your flesh.
He relents for a moment seeing the way you’re struggling “Mmmm, you taste so good,” he draws out praises against your hole and you nod “All for you,” you manage to say rolling your hips forward trying to entice him to continue he watched your desperation having mercy on you he’s dipping his tongue back into your heat with a desire to make you cum his nose brushing up against your clit you can’t help but gasp out hands jumping to find their way into his hair digging in to keep him there not that he was planning on moving. He continues to eat you out, licking a strip up your lips tongue flicking over your sensitive spot swirling over your clit sending your head back and arching with a moan already forgetting your agreement.
“Shhhhh,” he reminds you right into your core, the feeling sending a shudder down your body when the air hits over your sensitive heat with intensity, he can see your wetness pooling below you onto the counter. “Sorry, it’s just so good,” You have to bring your hand out of his hair and back to your mouth, biting into your skin again to keep yourself from being too loud as he goes back to work once again, needing to watch you fall apart on his mouth. His tongue is working in and out of you through your tight clenching heat while his thumb plays over your lips giving your clit attention with light movements brushing over your sensitivity. You can feel the build-up in your stomach and every time he moves over your pussy it’s getting closer. Having to keep yourself muffled with your hand it’s almost painful, your teeth digging into your skin but the euphoric feeling makes the pain worth every minute.
You taste so sweet on his mouth like syrup he can’t get enough of it’s like an addiction needing more working on you listening to the sounds you make even muffled it’s so pretty. He can feel his cock straining hard with desire and he delves in like it’s his last meal feeling your thighs on both sides of his head squeeze and shake. He can tell you’re close “Cum for me,” he says into your pussy moaning out once again sounds muffled into your hand.
His thicker fingers are drawing circles over your clit repeatedly now and this is when you feel yourself snap without a warning loud moans drowned out in your hand chest working hard with deep inhales coming down as he takes in every drop. Down his throat and chin continuing to lap at your heat and work you through your orgasm tongue continuing to push in your hips jumping forward you’re whimpering out at the overstimulation from his nose bumping over your clit constantly and he finally removes himself from your dripping core, and you can breathe.
With your release dripping down his face and onto the front of his shirt he’s moving letting you come down from your high pussy clenching around nothing as Jake leans over you. Helping you sit up seeing his smiling face proud of the way he made you cum still sat with your release under you on the counter dazed look on your face trying to come down from your high.
 lips working over yours release fresh on his mouth you can taste yourself, breaths slowly evening out Jake’s head falls into your neck “Need to fuck you, so bad,” He’s practically panting out like a dog cock heavy with need tenting the already loose fabric of his shorts so obviously.
“Need you in me,” you mimic his desperation into his ear, tone light and still semi breathless, he’s groaning at your words pulling away from you his hands playing with the shirt you still have on covering your body.
“Wanna suck your tits first,” He’s pushing your oversized shirt up, you’re glad you chose to forgo a bra the night before because he’s practically drooling over the sight “knew they’d be pretty,” your holding your shirt up in your mouth between your teeth to keep it from falling and blocking him while keeping you quiet his hands move over your tits feeling over them admiring them groping them in his hands, face coming down to meet the newly revealed skin taking one of your breasts into his mouth sucking harshly his hand coming over to play with the neglected boob, light touches swirling over your nipple as he sucks tongue swirling over the hardening bud. Pushing your chest forward closer to his lips at the feeling, your hands grabbing onto his shirt for any sort of purchase.
He releases your breast with a pop mouth moving over to the other one dragging his tongue across your skin avoiding your nipple teasingly while his fingers work over your other one rolling your bud between his fingers making you almost choke out and drop the shirt hanging from your mouth seeing your reaction he’s finally taking your breast in his mouth tongue flicking over your nipple.
He’d usually take his time keep working on your breasts sucking, pulling, pinching until they were sore and littered with marks, until you were begging, if he wasn’t painfully hard needing to be inside you, and with the added risk of someone walking in he just needed to feel release.
Letting your breast go skin covered in his saliva “You’ll let me fuck you, right?” His head pops up voice needy eyes glazed over searching your face for an answer watching the way you shakily breathe out a quiet “Yeah, need you,” shirt cascading down to hide your upper body when you speak.
That’s all it takes for him to pull you up off the counter onto your feet, legs still wobbly from your previous orgasm he has to help you stay up, being worked up he's kissing you, hard, mouth moving against yours with complete need and pure unrelenting horniness hands gripping your hips pressing you back counter digging into your back painfully, sucking over your bottom lip releasing you so he can pull his ruined shirt over his head and off to join your shorts on the ground. You only have a moment to look over his chest before He's spinning you around so your back is to him “Need you so badly,” he’s whispering against your neck his big hands' are pushing you forward and you’re bent over the counter where you just came for him feeling his cock pressing up against your ass.
You're gripping the marble hearing his voice behind you “Such a beautiful ass,” He admires hands working over your bottom spreading you apart hands groping over your bottom. shoving his shorts down cool air from the ac running making him hiss out dick angry and red begging to cum head thrown back.
Squeezing over the skin of your ass and pulling you apart, he’s sliding his cock between your cheeks letting his cock rest there seeing the way he rests between your ass cheeks thick as he moves his hips subtly fucking between them ass squeezing him beautifully, precum leaking out of his slit.
Jake wants to come right there all over your back and make a mess out of you but considering he was too lazy to get your shirt off he knows ruining another shirt would end with you upset again, not that it was so bad. He removes his cock eyes staying trained on your puckered hole looking impossibly tight he knows you’d look so pretty spread out on his cock.
Your arousal is dripping down your thigh. He collects it with his fingers pressing one against your rim unprepped hole watching your body jolt forward clenching hard at the sudden action “you want it back here?” He asks pressing his thick finger in just barely you hiss out mumbling a quiet No “Aw, next time maybe then,” He retracts his finger away landing a slap against your bottom, you moan out at the impact a little louder than planned, Jake's hand comes across your mouth as a warning sending you a shush “Don’t want to wake your friend up, can’t let her see what a whore you’re acting like in her beach house, remember?” you nod against his hand sounds muffled by his hand much bigger than your own adding to the excitement you’re feeling bubbling up in your stomach again.
“Can't do this anymore, need you, Jake,” you’re pushing your hips back towards him begging for him to fuck you he’s gripping the base of his cock thick and solid using his other hand to spread your already puffy folds apart so he can see the way you clench around nothing begging watching the way wetness spills out of you “so needy,” he groans out lowly slipping his dick between your folds coating his cock in your release, you can feel how thick he is only spreading your folds apart knowing the stretch you’re about to feel sizing him up. 
The tip of his dick slips over your clit making your hips jolt back letting out a moan at the feeling “Be quiet,” he reminds you, removing his slicked-up cock and lightly pumping himself to make sure he’s covered and ready to slip into you.
You whine at the loss, panicked, unable to see Jake behind you “I will, I’ll be good,” you once again say to get him to return knowing it wasn’t going to make you quiet but you’d say anything at this point for him to fuck you.
“Just need you in me,” he can hear you growing more impatient with every passing second that he isn’t fucking you. “How badly?” he’s just as needy as you but wants to hear the way you beg, want this as much as himself you practically cry out as quietly as you can possibly be with the current predicament.
“so badly, please just fuck me,” your whiny desperate pleas finally have him giving into his desires and you can feel him spread your pussy lips open tip of his cock pressed up to your hole begging to be filled.
He starts to slide in and even prepped, and wet coated in your release it’s a stretch trying to be slow the way you’re sucking him in squeezing over him is heavenly, hands resting on your hips just the tip is enough to have you choking out squeezing down on him.
“Shit, you’re so tight,” he groans out pushing in further, the initial stretch driving you crazy clenching down on him. You feel his hand on your hip as he continues to press into you eventually bottoming out and filling you up the feeling is so good you’re gripping the edge of the counter with a curse “Fill me up so well Jake,” you whine adjusting to the way he feels and fills you up. 
“I could stay like this forever,” he admires almost delirious hands sliding back over your ass and pulling your cheeks apart again to see the way you look spread out on his cock with a groan at the sight he wishes he could take a picture  “Please Jake,” you’re leaning your head forward against the cool countertop “Please move,” you beg moving your hips back wanting more which he obliged just as desperate.
His strokes are precise fucking into you at a steady pace, moving out before pushing back in grip on your hips keeping you in place for him to fuck easier he’s pulling out almost all the way with each stroke before pushing through your heat and all the way into you, you squeeze down on him and he feels like he’s not going to last long.
He’s quickening his pace balls slapping against your skin pushing into you with all his weight making you moan out as he groans “Jake-” Your voice gets caught in your throat when one of his hands comes down to massage your clit other hand gripping your hips pushing into you completely.
Jake is thick, spreading you out completely spreading you open in the best way possible with each thrust leaving you moaning out with the added pleasure from the stimulation you can’t urge yourself to be quiet. He pinches over your clit and you let out a loud moan unable to hold it off.
Noticing your increase in volume he slows down retracting his hand from your clit to your displeasure only making you whine out louder in protest hips moving back to fuck yourself on his cock he’s watching your desperate movements with a low groan. “Fuck you’re so needy, want to be filled so badly,” he doesn’t budge unmoving making you work harder unable to match his pace in your position.
“Please Jake need you, more,” you beg squeezing down hard to entice him into fucking you stupid his name falls from your mouth in breaths of begs.
“You need to be quiet,” he reminds you for the nth time and you cry out uncaring and he has to grip on to your hips to stop you from moving, it’s torturous.
“Can’t feels too good,” Jake leans his head forward between your shoulder blades with a curse pulling open the drawer by your hip in search of something you can’t tell what exactly until a dry material is being shoved in your mouth to your shock with a squeak, a clean rag from the drawer, to muffle your noises. “So cock stupid you can’t even be quiet,” As much as Jake wants to hear you he doesn’t need the others to see you like this, needy, begging, all for him, he wants to keep you all to himself selfishly pounding into you again.
He’s using you like a toy hips roughly slamming into you he uses your hips to meet him squeezing down impossibly good moving with complete desire quickly and harshly shoving his dick fully inside of you with every thrust more brutal than the last time fucking you with urgency. 
With a bruising grip he’s thrusting deep inside of you and he can tell when he brushes up against your gspot, legs buckling clenching down on him with a vice, and the high-pitched noise you manage to make into the rag you’re arching with overwhelming pleasure shooting through you. “Right there,” you can hear the smile in his voice as he relentlessly fucks into you making sure he hits that spot over and over watching you crumble under him your grip on the counter loosening with each pointed thrust every moan caught in the cloth, sound of skin hitting skin every time he fucks into you.
Unable to tell him you’re close with the rag in your mouth he can feel you squeeze down on him thrusting his way through it feeding into his own pleasure and oncoming high knowing he’ll be done soon needing you to finish “cum around my cock,” he grunts out hand coming down against your ass surprising you, you clench down harder he groans out almost busting in that moment but able to hold off hand sliding down between you both to move over your clit gentle movements overstimulating you and that’s when the band in your stomach snaps shaking with a loud moan even muffled in the material it’s audible and you’re coming again squeezing around him sending him almost over the edge head thrown back he tears the rag out of your mouth. 
“Where do you want it?” He’s trying to hold off his release hearing your pretty moans uncensored, teetering on the edge of cumming “in, mmmm’ on the pill,” with that assurance he’s done for fully bottoming out he releases as soon as the words leave your mouth emptying his balls inside of your suffocating heat fucking you through his orgasm.
Thrusts slow down as the high settles basking in the relief with one more thrust you both stay as you are for a moment just heavy breathing sticky in a layer of sweat still leaning against the counter.
“Pulling out,” he mumbles from behind you as a warning, slowly removing himself making you whine out at the emptiness and he can see his cum slipping out of your spent hole, pushing his hair out of his face.
“Fuck you’re perfect,” He spins you around watching the way your legs bow he keeps you up hands on your waist he’s connecting his mouth to yours praising you between catching breaths. “So, I’m not so bad right?” He’s bosting and you shove your hand against his chest, playfully.
“You’re forgiven for now, but try anything-” The sounds of footsteps walking down the stairs sends you into panic mode heart dropping wide-eyed looking at Jake who mimics your expression.
“Shit,” You’re scrambling to shove your shorts back on footsteps getting closer to the entrance of the kitchen fixing yourself up Jake hurriedly yanks his shorts back up and runs over to the fridge to look like he was simply searching for something to eat as you slide back onto the counter covering the wet patch on the counter Jake scrambles to pull his shirt back on by the fridge.
Heeseung spots you first when he steps inside the room, you’re trying to control your breathing trying to take even breaths but you still appear to be breathing heavily, “you’re up early,” Heeseung points out before his eyes fall over to where Jake is taking a carton of milk out of the fridge.
“Wanted to watch the sunrise,” you forget you’d sworn to ignore the group the rest of the trip so it’s a surprise to Heeseung you’re even acknowledging him. He further observes you both, you’re both sweaty to his surprise.
Heeseung walks further into the room reaching into the pantry eyes landing on a piece of fabric sticking just barely outside of Jake’s pocket enough of the fabric to know exactly what it is, underwear, He’s quick to put the piece together of what went down before he showed up with the front of Jake’s shirt wet and you’re visibly shaking.
In the kitchen? Heeseung thinks, how bold of the both of you to do that when everyone is home, and to think he was a few minutes late to what he’s sure was a great show.
“I see you speak now,” Heeseung sets down his box of cereal eyeing your figure noticing the way you’re still a little out of breath the sweat around your face more obvious now.
“Yeah I got her to speak,” Jake points out making sure he knows who the victor is in the silence war.
“Yeah, what exactly did you get her to say first?” Heeseung leans forward on the counter looking at you closer, and the way you awkwardly shift crossing your legs when you can feel Jake’s release spilling out furrowing your eyebrows.
“Uh, I just told him to stop stealing my food,” You point to the bowl of fruit that sits next to you.
Heeseung licks over his lips with a smile making his way towards the coffee maker with a hum “Is that what I was hearing?” he’s bluffing watching the way you freeze up and Jake avoids looking at his friend or you, suddenly very interested in his cereal pouring.
“I mean it sounded like something was happening in here, just wanted to make sure everything was okay,” Heeseung’s having fun watching you both and the tension around him, neither of you willing to admit to what you’d done.
“What were you guys even doing before I got up? Since I heard those noises,” Heeseung’s eyes narrow on you half smile on his lips watching the way you go quiet opening your mouth and then closing it words leaving you as you look back over to Jake who looks just as guilty as you. Before you can come up with some bs answer footsteps descend down the stairs.
“Oh good you’re up!” Your friend is smiling when she sees you coming over to hug you grateful for the welcomed interruption to Heeseung’s interrogation of your and Jake’s actions. You wrap your arms around her shoulders being on the counter gives you the height advantage she’s wrapping her arms around your waist.
“We should head out to the beach soon, while it’s not busy find a good spot,” she nods satisfied Heeseung presses his lips together in a straight line pressing the start brewing button on the coffee maker while eyeing his friend who gives him a nervous smile in return continuing to pour himself a bowl of cereal adding in the milk.
Heeseung picks up the fresh cup blowing on the rising heat eyes continuing to glance back at Jake who looks at you like a dog in love unable to drag his eyes away from you “We could have watched the sunset from the water if you had woken me up,” Your friend groans out seeing the sunlight out against the water.
“You’re always cranky whenever I wake you up before ‘your natural alarm’” You remind her and she scoffs “Whatever, let's get ready,” she grabs your arm pulling you off the counter you grimace uncomfortable, awkwardly getting pulled by her feeling Jake’s release slipping out with every step making a mess in your shorts noting to throw them in the laundry as soon as you can.
As soon as you’re out of earshot Heeseung is turning towards his friend “Can't believe you guys fucked in the kitchen,” he shakes his head annoyed sipping on the mug letting the caffeine slowly help wake him up.
“You just wish it was you,” Jake cheekily says to his friend smiling to himself he takes a spoonful of his breakfast.
“We’ve still got a couple of weeks left,” Heeseung mumbles reminding his friend the summer has only just started, anything could happen.
A/N: I’m sorry I've been incredibly busy this month, this is something I meant to finish up by the end of June but better late than never 💙 thanks for reading likes, reblogs, comments are very appreciated leave me an anon if you want to talk at all!
also if you saw me accidently post one of my drafts... no you didn’t 😅😅
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sunghoonsslut · 2 years ago
Knock Down P.SH
18+ Content MDNI SMUT NSFW
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Genre: PWP SMUT 18+, Boxing AU, Gym trainer AU, College setting
Pairing: (Dom)Boxer Sunghoon X (Sub)Afab Reader
 Warnings: Smut (Minor Do Not Interact), MC is Right handed, She/Her pronouns used in reference to MC, teasing, Handsy/touchy Hoon, strength kink, size kink, fingering, edging, mean hoon, public sex, unprotected sex (Wrap it before you tap it), handjob, Cumming inside, ridding, orgasm denial/control, Mc knows nothing about boxing (and neither does the writer), somewhat manhandling, unspecified but MC is smaller than Sunghoon, name calling (Baby, Slut, Loser), 2 thigh slaps, big dick hoon :) I THINK that’s everything?? Please lmk if you think I missed anything
WC: 10.6k (This was supposed to be a short blurb like 3k max just to slowly introduce myself cnjsdvnwvn but here we are)
Song rec: Sweat by Anthony Watts
Preview : His amused chuckle hits your ear chest vibrating against your back moving any stray flyaway hairs away from your neck “What’s got you so distracted?” He whispers into your ear breath hot against your skin, catching the way you relax into his touch, stepping back slightly, getting closer to him.
“Come on, please I don’t want to do this alone,” Your friend is begging, pulling at your sleeve and distracting you with drawn-out pleads pressing her weight on your shoulder bringing you off center and away from the pile of work in front of you.
“Since when did you want to join a gym? When I suggested it last summer you said- and I quote, ‘I get plenty of dick so there isn’t a use, when I already get my cardio in’ End quote,” You pull free of her grip, smoothing out the fabric she had bunched up with an annoyed huff turning back towards the practically blank document on your laptop.
“I know but now it’s different, we could go together! And look,” She’s shoving her phone in your face so you have no choice but to watch her screen “They're offering two free boxing lessons for new joiners, the student discount is also a blessing,” She rants off the list of appealing offers listed on the gym’s website, swiping through photos to show off the luxury areas they have and how big of a place it is with a number of tennis courts, an indoor and outdoor swimming area, boxing ring, and generalized work out sections depending on what you want to do.
You groan shoving her hand away “If I say yes will you stop bugging me so I can finish this assignment,” You cave, knowing she’d continue on like this if you didn’t agree because if there is one thing your friend is, it’s persistent as she sits back in her seat grinning from ear to ear typing away on her form, filling out her information, quiet, finally settling back into your work groove. Typing away on the computer a tedious list of unanswered questions sits on the screen dual tabs opened on the laptop with the curriculum's textbook on the other side of the questions. Scrolling through skimming the lines that blur in front of you until the oncoming headache is too much and the number of questions has at least dwindled down to a mere fourteen instead of the thirty-seven you began with.
Stretching out you close the laptop only somewhat satisfied by the dent you managed to make in your work “Finally,” She swivels her chair next to you bringing out her phone, a lengthy form staring back at you.
“Can this wait till my brain isn’t fried?” You massage at your temples blinking at her phone, too mentally drained to even begin thinking about another screen to answer questions on.
nudging you in the side hard enough to leave a bruise she stays stern “You said you’d do it, no backing out now,” You mumble out a few choice words begrudgingly taking her phone to fill out the form with your information, selecting various options with your friend propped on your shoulder watching you carefully, too tired to swat her away.
It’s going smoothly getting through about half the questions, mostly basic questions about yourself when she interrupts you with an exasperated gasp causing you to pause “What are you doing? Say yes!” Your finger hovers over the No option under the question ‘Are you interested in our boxing program (The first two lessons are free for beginners)’.
“Boxing?” You turn your head to look at her eyes narrowing on her, having never mentioned anything about wanting to try boxing in the past ten years you've known her.
“Why not, it’s free,” she clicks on the yes button for you, freshly manicured nails sounding out against the screen, selecting the Beginners option from the drop-down menu when it asks for your experience level.
You let her do it not wanting to break into another argument, slumping forward slightly “You're not going to flake on me like you did when you said we should sign up for tennis are you?” She scrolls to the next section ignoring the question you asked “See this wasn’t so bad now you just gotta put in your student information for the discount and your card information,” 
You don’t miss her attempt at deflecting, taking the phone back to fill in the remaining spots. Trying to believe she’d commit to this since it was her idea “It’s gonna be great!” She pats you on the back, ‘a fun activity for the two of you' At least that’s how you reasoned it to be only semi-hopeful with her long list of previous commitments that lasted a week tops.
After only three days you’re waking up to messages with excuses of why she can’t join your gym sessions with a suddenly packed schedule; study sessions, dates, sorority events, Frat parties, a lab, you name it she’s suddenly there, there being: anywhere but the gym; making it clear she has no intention to continue using her membership, leaving you to go alone. Having already paid for the first month you might as well get some use out of it. Mentally noting you’d just cancel the subscription before it charges you for the upcoming month.
Today wasn’t any different, phone vibrating in your pocket the second you entered the gym with her ‘So, SO sorry, I really can’t today, woke up sore :(’ text message making you groan clicking your phone off without bothering to reply. It didn’t necessarily come as a surprise her ditching you as she has been the last few weeks but the least she could have done was show up for the boxing lesson she essentially forced on you, especially with a confirmation email a week in advance from the instructor, Sunghoon, and her assuring you that she ‘wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ over the phone the day before.
Setting your bag down by the boxing area of the gym contemplating if you should just leave, you didn’t even want to box in the first place. Weighing your options you scroll through your feed, images of your friend at a party the night before popping up after a few random sponsored posts building up annoyance clenching your jaw swiping through a thread to see the progression of just how drunk she had gotten. The photos get progressively blurry and unfocused with each swipe, the last photo being so fuzzy it’s hard to even recognize her sitting on the lap of some frat guy making out. 
You reach for your bag deciding to leave before the instructor shows up, maybe eat a pint of ice cream and watch some dated movie that aged badly to drown out your annoyance instead of subjecting yourself to an hour of bag punching “Hey,” a voice speaks out drawing you away from your phone to glimpse up at the new voice before you can back out dropping your hand and taking in the man standing in front of you his breathtaking appearance, freshly bleached hair, pointed jawline, and beautiful beauty marks dot his face like a constellation, a constellation you could easily get lost in forever looking at.
“I think one other person is joining us so we can wait a bit to see if they’ll come,” he sets his water bottle next to your things stretching his built arms across his body as if he couldn't get more attractive. You set your head back slightly conflicted, no way you could walk out now, not without a reasonable excuse at least, and it’s not like you could say he had the wrong person with the area being completely empty aside from the two of you.
You look back at him as he’s setting things up before you find your voice “She’s not,” it comes out sounding more bitter than you intended watching the way he raises an eyebrow silently questioning how you could know that.
“I mean,” You take in a deep breath poking the inside of your cheek with your tongue trying to bite back the things you really want to say, “she’s my friend, and sent me a message saying she couldn’t make it.. sick” you backtrack explaining your reaction which softens his features.
“I see, I prefer one on one anyways, easier to focus, you’ve got my undivided attention,” he assures you, pushing his hair out of his face, eyes looking over you, in the matching workout attire you choose to wear, making sure to wear your hair out of your face as he suggested in the email silently glad that your friend canceled so he could get someone as stunning as you alone to himself.
Stretching his arms high above his head, your eyes skim over the definition of his muscles seeing how strong he is watching the faint flex of his arm eyes trailing down to where skin peeks out from where his shirt rises showing off a bit of his toned abdomen shorts hanging low enough on his hips to show the V line, making you sweat without having even started yet “Go easy on me?” voice shifting tone with nerves slightly cracking, you look back over his face, soft smile an antithesis to the rest of his body language.
“Don’t worry I’m not going to throw you around just yet,” he assures you with a wink hearing the infliction in your voice, finding it cute how nervous he makes you.
“We’ll start easy, you want to show me how you think you’re supposed to stand?” Sunghoon motions for you to take the floor and demonstrate, eyes widening at the request, suddenly even standing was a doubtful action.
Raising from where you were sitting you scratch over your neck avoiding looking at your instructor, “So, I’ve never actually boxed before…” you shuffle your weight from foot to foot trying to focus on anything else “I’ve never even watched a boxing match,” You admit, slightly embarrassed having not even looked up a youtube video for the basics in preparation.
He lets out a laugh that echoes off the empty walls of the usual lively gym deserted with classes in full swing across campus, taking a step closer to you, but keeping just enough space so you aren’t uncomfortable, “that’s okay, I don’t expect you to be able to knock me out, I’m just curious I’ll fix your stance,” uncertain you stand with your legs slightly apart and bring your fists up in front of your chest.
Encircling around you his eyes take in the way you’ve stood it feels wrong, especially under his sharp eyes analyzing you making you subconsciously straighten up as Sunghoon goes into instructor mode, “Can I touch you?” His eyes meet yours as soon as he’s done looking over you, waiting for a response before he does anything, your throat feeling hoarse “Y-yeah,” you mentally slap yourself for tripping over your words clearing your throat. Stopping behind you, you can hear his soft chuckle hit your ears, finding the little hiccup “cute,” sending a shudder through your body.
Sunghoon’s hands make contact with your waist fingers pressing in just enough to slightly indent “Okay, now are you right or left-handed?” his hands are warmer than you thought they’d be noting how they sat against your skin bigger than yours as he holds you perfectly.
“Right,” you answer still focused on the mere size difference between you both “We’re gonna bring your right leg back, a little bit wider than shoulder width,” he’s explaining breath fanning over your neck as he starts his demonstration, his left hand continues to rest on your waist, right hand trailing down and cupping your hip applying slight pressure to let you know to step back and angle yourself following his lead. Sunghoon lets you adjust to the new stance habitually rubbing your hip with his thumb as you try and focus on what he’s saying.
“That’s good, This base stance makes you appear smaller so you’re not as big of a target as for your hands you just gotta bring them up by your head and raise your shoulders…” you can’t help the way your mind drifts fixated on his hand rubbing your hip, subtly pressing harder and wondering how they’d feel elsewhere with how easily you fit in his grip hands against your body expertly, eyes falling closed, losing yourself in the feeling momentarily you breathe out a small “yeah,” mindlessly replying mid-explanation without realizing it.
Pausing his instructions the side of his lips raises “You got that then?” He stills his hands waiting for a response knowing fully well he didn’t even finish his entire explanation and you return back to what’s going on “Hm?” You let out confused blinking to yourself realizing you zoned out halfway through his directions.
His amused chuckle hits your ear chest vibrating against your back moving any stray flyaway hairs away from your neck “What’s got you so distracted?” He whispers into your ear breath hot against your skin, catching the way you relax into his touch, stepping back slightly, getting closer to him.
“Nothing, I just..” you try to think up excuses, but the only thing that comes to mind is the way Sunghoon’s muscular body feels pressed against yours, licking over your lip feeling dryer than usual now as you try and figure out what to say.
“Don’t worry it’s just the two of us, tell me what you were thinking about?” He reminds you of the empty area fingers ghosting over your side with feathering touches that feel like electricity driving you crazy.
“It’s just your hand..” You lose your train of thought momentarily when he resumes his ministrations massaging your side as if asking you to continue reminding you exactly why you interrupted him.
Nose presses up against your neck inhaling against your skin “What about my hands?” The proximity makes it difficult to focus, almost dizzying, letting your shoulders drop and relaxing into his body further feeling closer than before, head lolling to the side giving him more access, tempting to kiss over the expanse of your neck that he can reach.
You’re resisting the urge to mewl out with every move of his hands pressing into you deeper with a bruising grip while inching inwards dangerously close to your center “They-” You don’t finish your thought when the sound of someone clearing their throat sounds out against the room “Damn, hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Leaning against the entrance to the boxing area Jay watches the two of you with arms crossed gym bag hanging low off his shoulder, and a raised eyebrow, amused. Sunghoon unimpressed meets his friend's eyes from where he stands behind you looking over you once more trying to memorize the way you look under his temptation in this moment before creating some distance between you regrettably, giving his friend the side eye you’re jolted out of the almost hypnotic trance Sunghoon had on you.
“Just doing a lesson,” Sunghoon grits out annoyed with the sudden intrusion on his instruction cracking his knuckles.
“I can see that,” Jay chuckles looking over you for a second before stepping further into the gym “Hee and I are just gonna spar for a bit so don’t mind us,” He explains heading over to the practice ring in the middle of the room, hiking his gym bag up his arm.
Embarrassment rushes through your face feeling hot with emotion just with how you were acting you bury your head into a nearby punching bag “Get it together…” you mumble to yourself trying to reassure yourself it’s just a boxing lesson and shouldn’t be getting hot and bothered like this from feeling up your instructor.
“Hey it’s okay,” Sunghoon tries to reassure you, pulling you away and off the bag wanting to get back to teaching now that Jay decided to insert himself into things and make things difficult. 
Bouncing in through the door, Heeseung glances around for Jay sight landing on you and Sunghoon, eyes double taking on you. straightening up and walking towards the two of you, not even bothering to look at Jay who’s in the complete opposite direction.
You look over at the familiar figure making his way over to you as if you couldn’t get more embarrassed, Sunghoon sees the way you shy away from his friend and turns to talk to him.
“Didn’t see you guys on the schedule for using the ring,” Sunghoon explains to Heeseung who just gives him a hum more interested in talking to you.
“So, you’re taking boxing lessons?” Hee asks starting to wrap his hands almost expertly only looking down to confirm it’s in the right places but his attention seems fixated on you.
“Oh yeah, my friend signed us up for them,” You explain looking down at Heeseung’s hands with interest unsure how he was able to do that so quickly.
Sunghoon clears his throat slightly, bringing your attention back to him, eyes finding his “So you know Heeseung?” Sunghoon asks, wondering exactly how much you knew about his friend.
“Yeah, he helped me out with figuring out some of the equipment a few days ago,” you explain the memories and feelings of embarrassment flooding through you as if just a few seconds ago wasn’t bad enough.
Cursing out as you try and figure out how exactly this machine worked having just seen some guy using it not too long ago you sit in a similar position attempting to use it but nothing budging, about to give up and move on to something else, something you know, a treadmill is easy enough to navigate.
“Hey, you need to change the weight on it,” a voice explains, smiling softly and pointing to the weights on the side catching you off guard unaware someone was watching you struggle as you make eye contact with the guy to your side who must’ve been working out close by with the way his hair drips with sweat sides of his face lined with droplets water bottle in his hand.
Burying your face in your hands you shake your head “Sorry… I don’t do this a lot…” you mumble as the guy fixes up the amount of weight looking you over to try and gauge how much you could handle while also getting a better look at how pretty you are.
“Give that a try, let me know if it’s too much or if you need more,” he waits for you to use it, nodding you pull and it moves with a bit of pressure as opposed to before.
You let out a relieved sigh giving the stranger a small nod “Works great… thanks…” you pause having not caught his name as he shoots you a wink “Heeseung, anything at all don’t hesitate to ask,” he offers before running off to finish his own workout.
The brief interaction left you embarrassed hoping to never meet him again purely in the fact to not relive those memories, but as your luck happens to be it was not in your favor.
“You know me always wanting to help out the newbies,” Heeseung nudges his friend but his eyes stay transfixed on you which Sunghoon notices with a clenched jaw he rolls his eyes, “Yeah always so generous,”  he grits out unimpressed
“I’m actually really good, some would even say better than Hoon,” Heeseung gets back on the topic of boxing again making you eye between the two friends Sunghoon’s eyes roll and arms stretching out to show off his arms.
Sunghoon lets out a brief laugh shaking his head letting his hair fall in his face “Is that why I knocked you out last week?” he questions with a head tilt leaving the older to poke the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
“What if we-” Heeseung is about to challenge his friend but doesn’t finish as Jay nudges his friend harshly in his side making a face you're unable to see but it’s enough of a signal to let the taller one know to knock it off Heeseung mouthing what looks like a ‘why?’  towards his friend.
“Okay, you think you can show me the stance?” Sunghoon steps in front of you arms crossed showing off his strong build clearly annoyed by the interruption while blocking your view of his friends forcing you to focus back on him.
It takes you a few seconds to process the question but answer with a “Sure,” trying to sound confident attempting to remember all the things he just told you, you move in slow motion bringing your right foot back and raising your shoulders upwards followed by your fists on both sides of your head looking upwards at your instructor as if asking if it was correct.
Stepping closer to you his eyes bounce from your lips to your eyes and before you can ask if it’s correct his thumb lightly grazes over your bottom lip tugging it down slightly with the motion falling to trap your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. “Don’t forget to tuck that chin, don’t want to hurt that pretty face,” he applies enough pressure with his thumb to have you tuck downwards to your chest, eyes never leaving yours.
“Perfect,” He approves removing his hand, making you ease up a bit letting out a breath only for him to take a step closer making you freeze up faces inches apart, “Don’t let your guard down, and always focus on your opponent,” he reminds you, laughing at the way you silently blink at him words caught in your throat.
“I’m really close aren’t I?” He points out watching the way you hum and nod “Probably shouldn’t let your opponent this close, right?” He cocks his head to the side waiting for a reply other than silence moving a section of hair away from your face to demonstrate just how close he is.
“Probably,” you try and focus on what he’s saying other than the dizzying closeness your eyes lingering on his lips and how if you leaned forward even a little yours would press against his.
“So, let me show you how to get away,” he explains moving away to better demonstrate and you can’t help but miss the close proximity swallowing your nerves and trying to remind yourself this is a boxing lesson he was just doing his job.
“You don’t want to trip so, shuffle backward, never let your legs cross, move the leg furthest back and then follow it with the other leg,” Sunghoon demonstrates shuffling back away from you a few feet then forward and back again signaling for you to demonstrate it as well. You do as he explains moving back by shuffling back foot then front foot until you’re far enough away and then switching to move back towards him easily finding the movement and reaching him.
You do the same exercise but side to side and when you’re back in front of him you stop taking a moment to look up at him and how he’s taller than you making you look up at him “That was easy,” You shrug making him tilt his head and hum.
“Oh? How about this then,” He pauses taking a few steps back before continuing “you get a head start but you have to shuffle away from me and try to not let me corner you,” He challenges “If it’s so easy,” he adds you let out a breath not meaning to challenge his instruction but you accept it waiting for his signal to start unsure how sure you are that you can evade him, your eyes meet his and he gives you a nod giving you to go ahead and just like a game of hide and seek he’s counting down.
From ten you start shuffling away from him backward trying to create enough distance it wouldn’t be too hard to get away and after what feels like less than a few seconds “Zero,” leaves his lips making you look up to see him moving forward almost too quickly shuffling your direction with ease eyes focused completely on you like his next meal.
You freeze with the progress he’s managed to make in just a few seconds causing you to fall behind as you compose yourself starting to shuffle away from him again backing up while you look at him and you go as far as you could until you’re met with cold.
Back hitting the concrete wall behind you, you panic tearing your eyes away to see your options boxing bags on both sides of you before your vision fixes back over to Sunghoon who is significantly closer with his long legs giving him an advantage with how much further he can move, reaching you a few seconds later and caging you between his arms body pressing against you as he lets out a disappointed tsk “Caught you,” he shakes his head as you let out a shocked squeal noise caught off guard.
He glances at the watch on his wrist that has a stopwatch going to see how long it would take “Fifteen seconds? Not so easy then was it?” He sounds disappointed shaking his head, you give him a half smile almost embarrassed you couldn’t last a little longer.
He stays unmoving just looking at you waiting for you to tell him to move “Probably shouldn’t let my opponents this close,” you point out nervously unsure where to rest your hands that were previously at your side.
His face is right next to yours looking at you catching the way you avoid looking directly at him as a hand comes up helping to cup your jaw turning your face to look at him cocking his head waiting on your reply, dry swallowing your anxieties now forced to give him your full attention “Probably,” his lower half is pressed into you one leg slotted between your two making the room spin as if it were still just the two of you pressed against each other pressure on your lower halves clearly affecting both of you wanting to move against his leg for anything more.
“Ah, Fuck,” A thud follows the curse making you look away and just past Sunghoon to see what the commotion was, Sunghoon peering back over his shoulder as well to see Heeseung in a headlock, courtesy of Jay. Sunghoon lets out a sigh backing away to release you.
“Let me go you asshole,” Heeseung tries to peel his friend away, Sunghoon stands with his arms crossed watching the two shaking his head at the bickering pair 
Turning towards you Sunghoon doesn’t let his voice carry leaning downwards to whisper against your ear sending chills up your spine “Things can get worse if you get cornered so just be aware of your surroundings, let's work on some basic jabs and blocks for now,” you silently agree following him over to a punching bag embarrassingly wet with arousal sticking to your underwear from him barely doing anything.
God, of course, he was using the gym at the same time as you, he seemed like the only person you were running into recently. Sitting on a bench with your small weights placed in front of you, getting lost in the way his sweat-soaked shirt sticks to his skin, remembering the way he felt pressed up behind you his silk-like voice whispering against your ear. How he had you caged against him and the wall driving you insane. Now watching the way his muscles flexed with each curl of the weight in his grip wondering how easy it would be for him to just grab you and pin you up against-
“Are you just gonna keep eye fucking him?” Your friend’s voice asks in a sneer making you jump caught off guard and tearing your eyes away from Sunghoon to see her dressed in workout attire hair up and arms crossed in judgment.
Her eyes are jumping between you and Sunghoon across the gym “What the fuck?” You ask, hand over your chest at the sudden intrusion both confused and caught off guard unsure how long she’s been standing there or even how long you were watching him.
“What? Didn’t we sign up for the gym together?” She points out with an almost “Duh” sound following her statement making you scoff at the way she tried to shield blame from herself knowing fully well the shock it is to see her here.
“You haven’t been here in weeks,”  you point out crossing your arms to match her energy, still bitter, having gotten to the point you don’t even bother asking if she’ll go.
She waves her hand off playing it off as the past is the past “And I thought you were actually using the gym not just using your membership to stare at Sunghoon,” she turns the conversation to you, something she was very good at doing recently and especially to get details.
“I am using it, he was my boxing instructor,” you pick up one of your weights to demonstrate you using the gym ‘technically’.
“I know, I signed us up for him specifically,” she reminds you that she made the point of vying for boxing lessons, not that you could forget, still mad at her for ditching you, “You’re welcome,” she adds with a smile and subtle wink you don’t miss.
She proceeds to join you on the bench uncaring that you might actually want to work out and not gossip “So have you guys fucked yet? Or are you playing the long game,” she unabashed asks as if he isn’t a few feet away eyes going wide.
“He’s just my instructor,” you hiss out shushing her looking back over to Sunghoon to make sure he hasn’t suddenly appeared next to you like she summoned him or something.
“So not yet then,” she frowns adding in a “boo,” out of disappointment, she looks over at him eyes scanning over him making you more annoyed as you adjust your seat so you’re in the way of her seeing him uncaring as she catches on to your maneuver.
“If you must be so invasive, no we haven’t,”
“Well you should soon, he’s looking right at you,” She brags making you still unsure if she was trying to get a reaction out of you, giving her arm a very light punch and a nervous laugh not daring to look over too nervous she was lying like she usually does.
“Now tell me about this guy you abandoned me to go fuck,” You turn it back on her tiered of her always questioning you wanting to know the details of what her recent reason has been for avoiding the gym.
Letting out an annoyed groan she rubs over her face, “Don’t get me started on him, he’s a great kisser but he was shit at everything else, I mean how is he gonna pass out after only one round, and didn’t even make me cum?” she lets out an exacerbated sigh as she continues on about her failed attempts to find good dick, and a part of you can’t help but consider this her karma.
“I’m sorry for crashing your plans to nail that girl,” Jay apologizes to his friend who is mid-set curling a weight, strong biceps on full display with rolled-up sleeves a group of girls by the water fountain conveniently all using it watching the two Jay taking note of a particularly cute girl but Sunghoon keeps working uncaring of his entourage.
“Yeah, you and Heeseung are like permanent cockblocks,”  Sunghoon grunts out as he completes a rep working out his frustration from the other day unable to get you in particular off his mind and the way you melted into him.
“You aren’t any better, and you didn’t exactly send a ‘hey guys I’m gonna go ahead and fuck the girl I’m supposed to be instructing,’ text,” Jay tries to argue not that it would have stopped the pair from showing up most likely feigning ignorance.
Leaning down next to his friend Jay decides to explain his reasons for bothering Sunghoon mid-set “But I just happen to have a foolproof plan,” Jay boasts eyes making their way over to a particular duo of giggling girls one happening to be you.
“This isn’t going to be like that new year's party again, is it?” Sunghoon questions skeptical of his friend remembering Jay’s last idea and just how horrible that night ended. Placing the pair of weights on the ground by his feet and letting himself have a small rest period to talk to Jay.
“That… look do you want my help or not?”
Bringing his towel up towards his face to dab the sweat that's built up on his face away “What’s this genius idea of yours?” Sunghoon muses taking in his friend’s annoyance, tipping his water bottle back to let the cool liquid fall down his throat eyes falling over to where you’re sitting across the gym, talking with another girl, laughing.
“I’ll need something from you after but…” He follows his friend’s line of sight over to you, amused. “That can come after,” Jay brings his attention back over to get into the discussion.
“Let’s do it,” Sunghoon can't stand not having you a second longer already intrigued and frustrated, eyes working their way over you not caring that your friend is watching him check you out as he listens to Jay’s plan on how exactly they would get you alone.
Finishing up your set and wiping down your area with sanitary wipes you spot a figure walking towards you out of the corner of your eye moving out of the way so that they could use the equipment walking over to where you set your bag down. Squatting down to find the headphone case you had thrown in haphazardly.
Walking past the cleaned station without a pause making their way over to you. Looking up at the fast-approaching guy you recognize him in an instant in his black muscle tee that shows off his figure arms looking bigger than the last time you saw him, blond hair sticking to his forehead from his own workout, the inescapable Park Sunghoon.
Dabbing away droplets of sweat from your warmup you silently admire the way he manages to look so good even covered in a layer of sweat “What’s up?” You take out your headphones to hear him dropping the case back into your bag.
Looking down at you where you’re squatting down already has his mind turning “I need a practice buddy,” he points over his shoulder towards the practice ring where you’ve watched him and Heeseung go at it a couple of times, always so intimidated by the way they fought always worried one of them could actually get injured.
Going over the request in your head you can’t help the bubbling anxious feeling in your chest “Then go use Jay,” You nod your head over to the mop of Brown hair sitting and gulping down his water on a nearby bench with his head thrown back having just finished his own workout by the way his hair drips in sweat.
“I fight him all the time. I need someone different,” You give him a skeptical look, Sunghoon is a great boxer, and with only one lesson you definitely lacked skill especially to go against someone clearly as seasoned as him, this isn’t like when he was teaching you exactly.
“Don’t you need a challenge? I hardly think beating up a newbie is going to help you get better,” you shove up against the ground to your feet trying to stay resilient and not give in to him.
“Maybe I can teach you a thing or two,” he offers throwing in a “free of charge,” to entice you while dragging you by your wrists closer to the practice ring where you miss the wink Jay sends his friend followed by a thumbs up.  “Besides, there's only so much you can do with a bag, the real thing is much harder,” he persuades as if it made sense to just jump right in his thumbs rubbing against your wrist trying to soothe any nerves with a smile.
“I’ll go easy on you, don’t worry,” he assures you, seeing the hesitation drawn across your face with knit eyebrows and an apparent internal battle with yourself as you stare down at his hands holding yours doing more to send goosebumps through your whole body with memories of the last time it was just the two of you in such close proximity.
You know deep down it’s not a good idea that he probably has some ulterior motive but the way he smiles at you makes it so tempting “Look it’s just us here anyways so no one will even see when you lose,” you look over to where Jay was sitting noting his spot now empty looking up at Sunghoon giving a slight nod of affirmation sealing your fate as he perks up practically dragging you over to where they keep some of the spare boxing equipment.
“You better go easy on me,” you warn, grabbing at the pair of gloves that fit you, Sunghoon’s hand on the small of your back drags your mind away from boxing momentarily almost dropping the gloves.
His laugh fills your senses looking up to watch his smile overtake his face “I just want to help you out,” he walks over to his own bag to pick out his personal gloves. Sliding on the gloves you nervously glance over to where Sunghoon is setting up watching when he lifts his shirt up slightly to wipe off some of the sweat that had stuck to his forehead giving you a better look at his toned muscular stomach hard abs shining in sweat caught up in a daze before he drops his shirt watching the way you stare at him flexing his arms to show off how hard he’d been working. When you’re finally done thirsting over your opponent you close your eyes tight trying to picture anything other than Sunghoon’s gorgeous body, thighs rubbing together out of habit.
“You ready?” He’s in front of you when you open your eyes, stretching an arm across his body, muscles flexing with the move as you stumble over your words.
When you do manage to get out an actual answer he’s helping you into the ring plastic mat cool under your bare feet.
As soon as you step into the box his entire demeanor changes he’s watching you like a tiger prepared for your moves like you’re the latest prey. Yeah, you fucked up, You gulp down the nerves stepping closer which he doesn’t show concern from as you bring your fists up, chin tucked just like he taught you.
“Bring your leg back, remember?” Sunghoon points out so you can adjust before you start, your foot goes back angling yourself just like Sunghoon had taught you nerves already getting to you.
“Ready?” He asks tilting his head before taking a similar stance, you gulp down giving the tiniest “yeah,” and just like that it starts, you stay unmoving waiting to see what his first move will be not wanting to be the catalyst that starts it too nervous to throw the first punch, he starts by moving around the outer part of the ring, you following his lead stepping, in turn, shorter legs moving around closer to the center to keep your distance almost too focused on your legs and not tripping and just moving that when he’s moved forward and is now in front of you it catches you off guard.
Sending one of your firsts forward he expertly blocks it, returning it with his own unexpected punch that lands as you wince at the action rubbing at the spot on your arm where he hit. “Don’t let up now,” he reminds you right when he sends another punch your way, and before you can react he’s hitting you in the chest gearing up for another punch that you’re luckily able to block, letting out an annoyed huff taking a shuffle back “Good block,” he’s quick to praise before shuffling forward, longer strides making him closer than previously as you land a punch on his arm that has no effect on him and makes you stumble more than anything. 
Recentering yourself and getting your footing he takes the opportunity to punch your side lightly, never fully using his strength, still letting out a groan instinctively going to rub it but before you know it he’s shuffling forward, so close that out of shock, you step back, feet colliding together tripping yourself and sending you backward hitting the mat you can feel the air leave your lungs trying to gasp a breath down at the impact.
Sunghoon wastes no time in shedding his gloves throwing them to the side before he’s on top of you pinning you down on the ground too easily only using one of his hands to hold the two of yours down at the wrists above your head while you just attempt to regain your breath from the hit chest moving up and down with each struggling breath gasping for air with his weight on top of you, not completely but enough to restrict the airflow.
“Get off… of me,” you’re finally able to huff out between heavy inhales his body which is slotted in between your legs and on top of you is restricting your already struggling airflow, attempting to pull your hands downwards and free only for his grip to tighten keeping you still, a satisfied smile covering his face enjoying the way you struggle against his strength.
“Are you okay?” It’s an odd question considering that he’s the reason for your struggling on and off the mat, and in any other circumstance it would be a sweet gesture but not right in this moment “I’ll be better once you let me go,” 
You let out a high-pitched frustrated whine struggling to get free, a sound, Sunghoon enjoys a little too much with an increasingly hard situation forming in his shorts you attempt to pull your arms down once again before trying to push up off the mat which is impossible, as your hips meet his keeping you down, Sunghoon has to hold back from moaning at the movement. “What happened to going easy on me?” You pout still trying to get your hands free bulky gloves not helping unable to grip anything so with no luck you lay there under him limply.
“I was,” he wipes the loose strands of hair out of your face with his free hand subtly tracing over your features with every brush showing no signs that he’s tired. You scoff at the claim hints of the strawberry smoothie you had earlier still on your breath which hits Sunghoon’s nose. 
“Since when did this turn into wrestling?” You attempt to push up but his body keeps you in place pressing against his “Since you lasted a minute at most,” he estimates letting you struggle against him rutting up to try and push him off only doing more to make him hard every push forward as he keeps you grounded under him.
You resort to wrapping your legs around his waist for any kind of leverage trying to move him by shifting all your weight side to side without any luck the only thing you’re doing is grinding against Sunghoon’s lower half forcing him to release a low grunt with the stimulation you’re providing, “What do I have to do for you to get off of me,” you give in, laying your head back against the mat in defeat, tired of fighting, wasting the little strength you do have, it’s clearly having no effect on him as he’s not even breathing heavily.
“I have a couple of ideas,” his free hand moves to play with the band of your shorts making you gulp down your throat going dry “If you’re up to it, of course,” he presses down on you further with his hips boner evident as soon as he rolls his hips against yours making you realize exactly what you did in your struggle to get free.
A choked gasp leaves your lips eyes widened looking down between the two of you noticing the evident hard-on he’s developed straining against the front of his gym shorts slowly raising your eyes and meeting his playful gaze “What do you say?” Face leaning in closer to yours, noses now brushing against each other.
A ping of worry hugs your chest “What if someone walks in?” You can’t help but be anxious letting your head fall to the side attempting to glance over at the double doors, vision obscured by a pillar.
Sunghoon cups your jaw bringing your face forward towards him so you have to look at him “Don’t worry, Jay’s making sure no one comes in,” he assures you a droplet of sweat landing on your forehead as he holds your face straight.
“He’s in on this?” If you could hit him in the chest, you would but with your hands tied up at the moment all you’re able to do is look at him dumbfounded, mouth slightly agape blinking up at him.
“Yeah, told him I’d let him beat me to impress this cam girl he’s been obsessing over, so what do you say?” his mouth hovers above yours, lips tempting you.
You can’t deny the way he makes your hormones go haywire with even the slightest proximity and how often he’s been circling around your brain recently especially late at night in your room with nothing but your fingers to satisfy you “Aren’t you curious?” he shoves into you again, any apprehensive thoughts leaving your mind hot breath over your lips.
“Fuck it,” you concede leaning upwards to press your lips to his, difficult with your hands above your head but he presses back forcing you back sandwiched between himself and the mat, lips crashing into yours with haste, working his hands to get the boxing gloves off your hands as you feel lost in his lips working expertly against yours, tongue pressing into your mouth for more, it’s intoxicating letting him take control his lips working with desperation over yours.
Shoving the gloves off you roll your wrists adjusting to the new freedom, Sunghoon’s hands instantly start traveling down your body squeezing occasionally over your curves hands pressing your hips down with a bruising grip keeping you in place and letting you know he’s still running the show.
With free hands you sneak them under his shirt curious touch moving over his abdomen, tracing over every dip and defined line of his abdominal muscles counting as his shirt raises the higher your touch goes forcing him to break the kiss and throw it off for you to admire the body you’ve only gotten teasing peeks at up until now, he’s towering over you straddling your lap “Don’t think I haven’t seen the way you’ve been staring at me, begging like a slut for me to fuck you,” You mindlessly nod biting your lower lip to hide the embarrassing whine you want to let out, reaching out to feel him again, before you can he’s fast to capture your wrists pinning them next to your body making you struggle again wiggling to try and get free and feel him again.
“Wait your turn,” he reminds you that he’s still got the upper hand kissing over your neck painfully agonizing taking his time.
Making his way downwards peppering kisses along your collarbone until he meets the top of your bra eyes fixated on yours maintaining eye contact “Keep your hands off,” he pauses kissing over the top of the bra you’re wearing “Until I get this off,” You let out a frustrated whine but obliged his request nodding, not trusting your voice, letting up his grip on your wrists you resist the temptation to cling to him taking in a deep inhale chest rising looking all the more enticing kissing over the fabric and around, driving you crazy with each avoiding move you distract yourself by tugging your shorts down partially, trying to give your hands something to do until he gives you what you want.
Finally, his hand is pulling at the zipper in front, grateful you chose to wear a sports bra with easy access. It feels like forever as he unveils more of your chest until you feel the fabric separate, cold air from the air conditioner blasting hitting your chest making you shudder. a low groan from Sunghoon “fuck you’re perfect,” follows as he’s quick to make contact with your chest lips wrapping around one breast making you mewl out eyes shutting struggling to shrug off the fabric arching upwards towards him assisting only by lifting your back upwards closer to him and his mouth making you whimper.
As soon as your bra is shoved off your needy touch clings to him, like honey you’re a fly trapped in his presence grabbing onto his broad shoulders his tongue swirling over the hard bud making you moan out loudly, bouncing off the walls of the empty area. Core dripping with arousal rutting against his thigh subtly to try and get more relief, impatient, not going unnoticed by him.
Releasing your breast with a pop he shoves the shorts you got half off all the way down with one strong yank “What were you saying about my hands the other day?” He asks, kissing up your jaw to your ear fingers ghosting over your clothed core in a teasing manner making you shudder with anticipation.
“Mmmm, they feel so nice,” you recall the moments before you got interrupted, overwhelming thoughts now coming true better than you imagined.
“They do?” He presses down against the fabric of your underwear, feeling how wet you’ve already got them, hips bucking up for more pressure making you whimper “You’re soaked,” he remarks letting your head nod yes “for you,” you desperately breathe out needing more pushing your underwear deeper seeping in your desire.
You’re groaning out at the teasing wanting him to do something about to whine out for more before you feel him pulling your underwear to the side he can feel exactly how slicked up you’ve gotten two fingers teasing your folds purposefully ghosting over your clit until you let out a loud complaint “Please Hoon!” You beg, trying to buck your hips for just a little more, Sunghoon’s low laugh hitting your ears, “Please what? Sluts know what they want.” He stills his movements completely making you cry out, pathetic over Sunghoon.
“Your fingers, Please, Please, need them in- '' You moan out when you feel him press two digits in, arching upwards sound of your skin lifting up off the mat previously stuck to it from the mixture of heat and sweat. Starting at an agonizingly slow pace working his fingers in and out of you listening to the way you let out pathetic noises pulling his fingers almost fully out before sinking back into your heat occasionally spreading his fingers out for more of an impact “More, please, Hoon, I need more,” giving into your begs he changes up to a brutal pace, fingers moving in and out quicker than you can register thumb moving over your clit making you let out incoherent babbles he knows exactly what he’s doing watching the way you turn into a puddle under him letting out pretty high pitched noises.
Curling his fingers to hit different areas you’re a mess, wet noises sounding out with every press inward trying to contain your high mouth biting down on his shoulder, you practically yell out when he finds your sweet spot, “Right there,” he angles his fingers to hit that spot repeatedly you’re squeezing down on his fingers with a vice “Gonna cum-” you mumble out against his neck your mind going fuzzy begging to reach that familiar high which is so close a series of whimpers leaving your mouth until the minute he retracts his fingers making you curse out “no, no, no Stop playing with me,” You’re pathetic begging dripping in sweat desperate for him to let you win arousal leaking out onto the mat under you, lips grazing over yours looking into his eyes with the most pleading look you can muster your nails dig into his back.
He presses his lips to yours for a brief kiss before he’s speaking against your mouth “Losers don’t get to cum before me,” He points out taking no pity on you with a jutted-out lip gripping onto his back, nails probably leaving marks as you nod “Take your prize then” your hand wanderers downwards between you both pausing over the evident bulge straining against the fabric of his shorts your finger trails over it teasing him as he did you while sizing up just how big he is gulping down. “Open,” Sunghoon tells you watching the way you almost instantly open your mouth, the fingers he had just taken out of you pushing into your mouth for you to lick clean of your own arousal. Starting to palm over the fabric making him curse out lowly when you squeeze over the base unsteady breaths leaving his lips as he watches the way you move your hand over his underwear working up a pace, strokes getting progressively quicker while sucking on his fingers at the same time, it feels sinful. 
“Keep going,” he encourages hissing out when you slip your cold hand into the material wanting to feel him completely, heavy in your hand and warm you work over him. He’s bigger than you thought as you tease his tip where precum is leaking out making him throw his head back a low groan leaves his mouth, muscles tensing, and he pulls his fingers out of your mouth dripping in saliva.
Hand wrapping around your wrist to still your movements looking up at Sunghoon, raising an eyebrow at him “Why do you want me to stop?” You question, face coming closer to yours  “Because I want to see you ride me,” he pulls your hand out of his pants wanting to avoid cumming in his pants before he even gets to feel you.
Pushing his shorts and boxers down in one movement, letting his dick hard and aching for release rest against your stomach making you gulp down seeing the mere size you let out a whimper satisfying him as he lets out a soft chuckle, “Not even in you yet and you’re making all these noises.” he taunts pulling your underwear that wasn’t even coving your core off to join his.
“You can take it, be my good little slut,” he kisses the tip of your nose dick pressing against your stomach showing you just how deep he’s going to be in you making you clench around nothing but needing him “You’re so big,”.
Maneuvering the two of you so that you’re on his lap straddling him “Show me you can take it,”. You grind down on him which elicits a moan as you smile to yourself before positioning his dick at your entrance slowly taking your time to sink down on him as you moan directly into his ear while he starts to suck on your neck. He bucks his hips up ever so slightly on purpose making you let out another surprise moan.
“Fuck Sunghoon, you’re huge” you pant out holding onto his shoulders to steady yourself and prepare yourself already squeezing down on him barely halfway in. Hands gripping your hips he uses his thumbs to rub soothingly against your skin trying his best not to fuck you from below.
He watched the way your face contorts gasping out with every inch eyes squeezing shut in preparation “Pussy keeps sucking me in asking for more,” He eyes stay trained on where the two of you meet watching the way he’s almost fully inside feeling the way you squeeze down on him, it’s addictive.
“Almost there,” he’s impatient wanting to let you adjust but his hips jump up and he’s fully sheathed inside of you making you gasp out at the deepness hugging onto his shoulders to steady yourself resting your forehead against his.
He’s rubbing at your side smiling “wanna see you bounce,” he says after giving you a few seconds to adjust still squeezing him tightly still shocked at the way you managed to take him all.
He’s assisting you with small movements starting with rocking up and down “Just like that baby,” he lets you take over the movement feeling the way you wrap around him when he fills you up, you’re moving up and down more still trying to work up a quicker pace.
It’s not like you’ve never ridden anyone before but it’s been a while and never anyone nearly as big as Sunghoon who seems to be reaching new places inside of you.
You keep your small bounces Sunghoon’s hips moving up to meet yours making you clench down hard letting out a noise that’s somewhere between shock and pleasure, a sound Sunghoon only wishes he could record and replay over and over.
“Making me do all the work? Come on baby show me how much you want it,” you don’t fight him as you just continue to bounce on his cock working yourself up higher before coming down you can feel yourself starting to sweat, legs wobbly as you continue your movements rising and falling working you both up.
Sunghoon whispers words of approval reveling in the feeling of you and how deep he presses into you tightness engulfing him in pleasure. You’re caught off guard when you feel his lips wrap around one of your buds making you stall your hips stilling momentarily trying to focus on Sunghoon. A sharp sting on your thigh follows making you hiss out at the pain, a part of you loves it though squeezing down on him with the sensation.
He lets out a curse at the feeling head falling back slightly “Keep going,” he soothes over the spot he slapped as lightly as he can frustration building as you start to bounce struggling to build up a rhythm again.
“You can do better than that,” he encourages hands resting on your waist assisting you to ride him, taking him deeper and faster as you shake your head no with a choked-out sound with your hands on his shoulders trying to use him as leverage to bounce.
Hips jumping up to meet yours he impatiently fucks up into you, your legs shaking with every bounce “Going to have to work those legs out more,” he makes note eyes watching the way your bodies connect taking him, getting sloppy with louder whines “Please Hoon, I can’t” you’re begging for mercy  head shaking that you can’t keep up.
“You’re not going to like it very much when I’m pinning you down again making sure you can’t touch me,” he grunts out with a particularly rough up movement making you release a choked-out noise legs on the verge of giving up on you hips stalling once again.
Slowing down you shake your head “Sure Sung-“You’re caught off guard when he follows through with the threat hands previously on your waist sliding down looping under your thighs swiftly changing up the position so you’re roughly knocked back onto your back with your legs pressed up against your chest Sunghoon still inside you maybe even deeper with the change-up.
“-Hoon!“ you gasp out a breath, air knocked out from the sudden impact saying he took your breath away, literally, was an understatement. Struggling to catch your breath his hips start to move again not leaving you any time to adjust as he’s almost pulling out completely before plunging back in making you feel the full effect of him gasping out. Catching your breath his pace is faster with one leg over his shoulder you try and find something to grip onto, but nothing is available pushing you deeper into the mat with every stroke.
“Don’t test me, this is what you wanted,” he grits out continuing to fuck you out of breath heavy breathing filling the air your hands finding purchase on his back arching up with a cry “Feel so good, so full, Please Hoon-” your eyes try and focus on his face and the intensity of his eyes drinking you up as he fucks into you eyebrows knit and a vein along his neck protruding.
Sunghoon’s fingers find their way to your clit applying barely any pressure having you react  hips jumping forward and clenching around him harder with a loud gasp “fuck just like that, begging for me,” He moans lips attaching to your neck sucking over the skin adding to the sensitivity you’re feeling only adding to the build-up feeling yourself coming closer hands falling down to his arms holding onto him.
“Please, Hoon!” Your nails dig into his bicep surely leaving a mark for him to see later as you’re inching closer to your release applying more pressure every bit more making your mind fuzzy with pleads and begs.
“I-Mmmm,” you feel the words get lost in your throat but he can tell what you want to say with the way you’re squeezing down on him impossibly hard making him work extra to fuck you through it droplets of sweat building across his brow.
“Wait,” he warns voice deep you are practically in tears trying to hold off your release shaking your head no mumbling out incoherent words begging for him to let you cum knowing that the tears would start if you attempt to hold off any longer.
You’re shaking your head with rough breaths “Please please please, it’s too good, can't hold it,” and you can't as you snap before he allows you to letting your release wash over you as Sunghoon is fucking you through your orgasm hips crashing into yours thrusts getting sloppy before he presses fully flush against your hips emptying his balls and cumming with shallow breaths.
Neither of you speaks for a moment too intense, trying to catch your breath and come down from both your highs staying as you both ended the only sounds are from both of you breathing and hearts pumping and pounding in your ear slowly subsiding, “Fuck,” is the first thing you say earning a small laugh from your instructor who pushes his hair out of his face to look at you better before he lightly slaps your thigh making you jump still sensitive, “That’s for cumming before me, loser,” He slowly slides out of you hissing out at the feeling.
Legs still shaky after your previous orgasm Sunghoon watches the way his cum spills out of you down your thigh onto the mat below as he takes a finger pressing some of his releases back into you making you whine out still sensitive. “Couldn’t help it, you’re too good,” You try and sit up groaning at the soreness you can already feel laying back down.
“Fuck Hoon,” You’re able to get out head falling to the side to look at him.
“So you want a round two then?” he cocks his head to the side smiling so you can see both his canines' lines of sweat framing the side of his face
This was my first time kinda publishing smut so go easy on me thx XOXO -SunghoonsSlut
Also have never boxed before in my life 💀 and have had this in the drafts since like September so if it flops pretend you never saw this because I’ve just been up and down with my motivation with writing this one 😬
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