unicornsoft · 2 years
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Saludcita de la buena a todos 🥃😇🍺 #Sundrink #Minerva #Tequila #LaBuenaVida https://www.instagram.com/p/CoTZI3BsqnW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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illarian-rambling · 6 months
Thanks for the tag @mk-writes-stuff!
Last Line Tag
Unfortunately, the last thing I worked on was my outline for MG book 3, so uh, here you go
E and Av join up with caravan en route to Whitefang (2 weeks). Av tries to get them passage, lowballs tf outta the caravan guy, so E pretends they're his crazy friend (disguised as sundrinker dwarf visiting family) and gets then a ride in exchange for labor. (E POV)
What a wonderful peek behind the creative curtain. I'm not gonna pretent "lowball tf outta" isn't something that wouldn't make it into at least a 2nd draft, to be fair.
I'll tag @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @gothamxwattpad @kbwritesstuff @faeriecinna @starbuds-and-rosedust and anyone else who wants in :)
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thysia · 10 months
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Kasamir Sundrinker - Pixloid Studios
“As long as the sun shines, I live in its light. If the sun is destroyed, I am reborn in darkness!”
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weepingwidar · 2 years
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Lou Stovall (American, 1937) - Sundrinkers are we... The forest, the trees (1971)
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dusksochoard · 1 year
What's the strangest species Vioth has ever come across
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" Strangest species?... Hm.." " While the ones on Alternia are by far the strangest.., They're not at all unsurprising..." "The alternians you can look at their species and know they'll be strange to study..." " The ones that hit me personally as the strangest would be the Sun Drinkers." "Just by looking at them you wouldn't assume they'd be so..., curious." "Part of the research guidelines my kin follow, we relate a species to other creatures, to better explain them to other people." "The sun drinkers act like both a chameleon, and a hummingbird..."
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"And while they're perfectly friendly, and cheerful people.., their anatomy cause me.., discomfort... much more than the alternians would ever achieve..."
(sundrinker belongs to @alterniancongress)
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lorriloo1109 · 6 months
Today in your lightWe basked in the summer sunDrinking in the hope
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Notes Of Book 5 Defender
from September the 30 of this year. Yay I forgot I could use open library 
Chaper 1
Okay damn it, they call him blond, still think of him as brown haired though.
The area seems to be a meeting place of tabinis dead dad.
We meet caljeiri , tabinis son being a bit slow at ateving
Valasi is gonna be rolling a bit in the grave sooner or latter.
Emeritus might be the astronomer who kind of saved the world from Deana Hanks bullshit, thank you.
Oh so now the conservatives want the space shit so badly huh?
Jago and banichi being wonderful as always.
Oh would you look at that they missed a flight.
He is now worried about some strange behavior and potential political bullshit 
So children are not raised by the parents but are Kind of raised by the village, so to speak 
Bren is concerned for the kid because it hits a bit close to home for him. 
he admits that an aveti could hurt him on accident
Everyone is a bit worried due to the new changes.
It's so funny how some poeple are just fighting over who gets to raise tabini's kid.
It "bren scared his computer may have been tampered with time"
They made it to the space shuttle
Chapter 2
Jago helps him with his coat 
Ginny Kroger is back. And holy shit this book has 18 chapters? 
It's funny how ginny says that the islands been wet. also the open library has an book mark thingy that works even after you get logged out?
nearly half a year before he and Ginny spoke
the attendant is apologetic about not being able to provide drinks but bren is okay with that.
ginny saying baji-naji kind of implies that there is humans kind of believe in the chance  
there starship is moving along smoothly in being built
bren thinks that tabini may have gotten his son to maybe meet bren.
i have a feeling this books biggest themes are about relationships with the younger generations can maybe make things better.
its been six years since brens been on the island
its kind of good that things have been a bit better.
they made it to the location
Chapter 3
 its kind of surreal now that i keep seeing vodka this much in a book. 
wow bren really dose not like dealing with the island at all.
Jackson areospace is the island's space port that is also helping get businesses like sundrink and peterson's to the workers of the ships
yeah fuck you heritage party, fuck you.
tom lund have been stuck in office for two months 
there is so many discussions of corporation power struggles that hits a bit to close to home for me.
Brens gonna try to call tom to keep him from being a political rival to him. 
sandra Johnsons actually been okay and gave bren some plant cuttings
his femily is messed up as usual.
he kind of sucked at solitaire on his computer while pretending to work.
the stewards gave bren his bullet proof vest and formal coat .
it sounds like the everyone kind of won, bit by bit, the humans got the library of human achievement and the atevi manage to have a pretty great economy  but the ship folk are being a bit grumpy.
it seems like ramirez and shawn and tabini have been able to work together to keep things together.
he realized he forgot his gloves in the hold of the ship, luckily jago is kind enough to be a shield him from the cold. 
kate shugart is waiting to welcome ginny while bren is with banichi, jago, tano and algini.
bindanda is here and cooking as ever. and jase is gonna be with them for dinner.
well brens still paranoid about dying.
wow geigi's place looks sick.
its kind of funny that there is video games and spices in his luggage.
they are just so proud of the robots aren't they?
yo bren, be cool with cajeiri, hes just a kid.
well sandra got married and had kids. neet. oh dammit barb again, its been two years already.
okay false alarm, it because his mother is in pretty bad health.
knowing narani is like maybe a 3 times grandfather is rather funny
well bren did manage to get his staff some stuff, like a Bowl for narani , a old book for bindanda , some letters from families of the smaller staff, books for both tano and and algini with a litter for tano from his father
banichi and jago gave out some things as well perticullerly a florid shirt, to everyone elses laughter to the serious algini, he at first accepted the shirt smoothly then took it off when Jase was coming in.
Jase is wearing his casual's for his meeting with bren instead of atevi formals.
okay so the Astronomer that saved there ass in the second book from deanas bullshit name is emeritus / Grigiji .  
Grigiji and geigi seem to be one of the atevi that are in the ships an apreciated as well
some how bindanda managed to get some fruit up to the ships.
bren explains to jase that there may be something suspicious with the ceremony that tabini gave and might have been a political move.
jase really adores the oceans and have been trying to get a chance when they can.
so it seems like yolanda and jase have been on and off kind of romantic relationship.
seems like yolanda is acting suspicious and remirez is kind of hesitent to get jase to leave his spot on the captian 
bren is gonna talk to geigi tomorrow after breakfast
jase tells bren to go to bed cause he looks tired and bren to himself admits that he missed jase.
he sends a message to toby to try to contact him
even jago admits he needs to sleep and joined him soon after. 
toby dose not call him back so bren is hoping that the help crisis he was told of was solved.
geigi it seems to be there neighbor on the ship and bren likes walking around for the excrsice 
it seems like there was a little bit of conflict with the atevi and the humans , some times kinds of stupid.
so geigi is in the the construction office. thats a little neet.
geigi is just so kind with offering tea to bren and talking about what has happened with Ginny and Jase.
oh my god geigi is trying to recreate a place for fishing , fish hatcheries and even for fish to escape the net.
so it seemed like the ship folk actually agree more with the atevi on fish and fruit stuff then meet.
kaplan is back an a little tired, also ramirez been taken to the hospital , oh crap
well it looks like a gaurd of ramirez named  Mr Jenrette is risking the wraith of bren by denying  bren and geigi to check on ramirez.
Geigi is just so polite and understanding about the situation. banichi and the security of geigi are tense as hell
oh shit ramirez is fucking dead , we hardly knew thee and the on coming shit show.
well the good news for jase at least is that Ogun is gonna take charge. also I think Ogun is african coded maybe due to the skin description and the name coming from an Orisha of african religious origins https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogun
bren has to explain in ragi about whats gonna happen as ogun and jase go with the phoenix to explain the passing.
bren sends a message to those affected by Rasmirez death to visit him if they need to talk.
as he is taking with his staff , it sounds like something is going on down there and no messages are able to get out, great.
oh crap shit might be going down soon with some this gonna be bad. he tells ginny to maybe not talk to her on the phone and maybe talk to his staff instead in case she hears something.
oh shit they might be a riot soon due to the rumors that the ship that got so badly wreaked might not have been so wreaked.
well he tries to get paulson to get more info on the rumor and holy hell ramirez asked to die when he confessed that the ship they thought was gone was still alive.
well shit jase is already on a meeting and bren warns him the rumor is out.
bren even tells jase that maybe telling the truth will not get poeple pissed at them for the deception.
banichi heard everything and talks with him on his feelings about being lied to a bunch of times.
bren hopes jase comes back with answers
the announcement of the death of rasmirez is announced.
bren hopes there gonna be honest but luckily they are are honest. note to self need to translate "God, Jase, actomen'shi not eshtomeni!" bren was talking about
he mandges to get a message to Mogari-nai about the shit show. also worrying about tabini cuse he is not responding.
welp the political shit is causing bren to panic about potential traiters again, great.
the atevi and him descide to tend to the funeral, with bullet proof vests
bren sounds pissed with how ogun speech to stani ramirez and noticing he has not seen yolanda in the crowd
well shit some one is pretty pissed about how the missing ship reounion is still out there and ogun is refusing to answer questions.
kaplan , you and polano and pressmen are true bros to the crew.
so it seemed like ramirez keep quiet because some one on the missing ship told him to. that is some loyalty right there.
he , paulson, ginny and geigi all agree to meet in the offices of geigi to discuss the shit show. 
bren is just so godamn cool when he needs jase to get confidence about being a leader figure.
oh jennertte in in the meeting with them.
jase is having to smake a meeting about the whole shit show while bren translate into mosphei
trying to figure out why ramirez would not say anything about the shit show is harder then it looks.
since what they know , even tamun didn't know about the secret, would have fucked everyone over if he did.
the offical situation was they saw something while they were surveying a system, whent back and thought the reunion was fucked up then fled back to where we are.
oh shit ramirez wanted the ship built to maybe go back so he got the president of the island and tabini involved to maybe try to go back there to rescue them. that is an ugly feeling for poeple like ginny.
two choices. never go back to that ship or try to launch a rescue.
holy hell ramirez might be a fucking clever dick, he may have lied to everyone but he did tell the truth to the leaders and considering the concept of man'chi for tabini means that the atevi tied to tabini might be more likely to help.
bren this chapter really knows how to make an empowering speech on a fly in this chapter, holy heck is he good.
Bren is now asking for any new messages that may have come. narani says no.
he gets jago, banichi , tano and algini to go to a room with him to explain that the meeting was a success to keep 
some of them are wondering if the captian is gonna try to screw over jase. bren Dosen't think so. it seems like humans are less likly to get jeylious of others taking alies from you.
bren is more worried about the humans rage at being lied to by ramirez because this is a lot bigger then something small.
bren sends a message to tabini that also expresses how worried his messages are even getting to him. he even gets the cousin of narani , I think goes by Nadi , to get the message to tabini as quickly as possible
bren asks Dala if there have been any rumors , it sounds like the man'chi is rather confused by the changes going on . also it sounds like the massage has not been given due to the major Domo eidi who says that some one is there to answer.
bren is having a crisis of faith and scared of being disfavored.
great bren is now convinced that ramirez may have been assassinated.
toby Finnaly called back and it sounds like brens mom is not doing great and oh boy what a nasty argument they are now in.
bren admits he is putting his foot down on being used as a way for his mom as a tool for her and his birth family's emotions .
he makes a letter to barb to be for his mother who he is convined that she is acting this way to get his attention.
during breakfast bren gets a message from jase about voting to try to find the ship that made all this shit go down and to do that they are gonna need to leave the planet.
after the call he asks for his indoor coat that makes him feel so much better. 
it seems like a ship is being sent to them unannounced. suspicious , bren suggests they meet the shuttle 
bren warns Jase about the shuttle
they set up the place to welcome who ever might be in the ship.
bren , jase and geigi await the shuttle on the lift and ogun assumes it ilisidi .
Ilisidi is now here and brought cajeiri along with here. Bren first reaction to the kid being here is kind of funny "A child. A boy. A protocol disaster "
For a good minute that have to save the boy from zero gravity.  Jase thankfully succeeded in getting him down when ilisidis cane fails.
Ilisidi is able to help get the kid into cenedis hand to get him down.
Iliside was able to hatch 14 wi'itikiin chick's from where she lived.
Bren feels bad for the boy and is able to introduce him to jase and geigi
Ilisidi is having a bit of a "kids these days"
Yolanda appears with ogun us here and telling ilisidi about the quarters being ready.
Bren is being worried about babysitting a six year old and entertaining a scary old lady.
Ilisidi just says to bren that they are going with jase to the missing station when ever he like it or not.
Well it turns out they knew his message would arrived about the death . So it kind of made the theory of the assassination void.
New theory , yolanda might be planning something. 
He gets his staff to start packing up for the trip to the location.
Bren is worried about how jago and banichi are staring at him.
The robots where wanted for the mission so that they would get fuel instead of humans
They are hopeing that they do not encounter the hostile forces at all during the trip.
Sabin wants more ships before the shit while ogun wants to get to the shit.
Sounds like sabin kind of dislikes atevi
Bren working with sabin is gonna be a pain, ain't it?
Bren was able to charm both captions to tell everyone of the truth about what they are doing.
Sounds like three days is gonna get nasty.
Jago and bren and banichi is gonna have a bad time telling the news about the three days to ilisidi 
Holy hell ilisidi , cenedi and maybe ambitious atevi like tabini teaching method for caljeiri is "sink or swim little fucker" 
He gives orders that narani to stay at there home base to try to protect what they got. As well as tano and algini
Bren feels cast aside by the whole shit show.
Damn the staff are a bit pissed about bren trying to get them to leave and away from danger 
well shit it seems like yolanda may have been the un liked child compared to jase by ramirez favoritism . kind of like what bren when through with his family.
he sends a letter to jase that in case he ever felt like it he could talk to him.
jago and banichi left suddenly 
he gets surprised at his resentful jealousy when he realizes that yolanda is staying instead of him.
he visits with yolanda and feels a little better around her when she tried apologizing for her rudeness
he invites banichi to kind of make him feel better of having 3 people at dinner instead of two.
after dinner he gets her to talk about the shit show after in his office.
 yolanda gets suspicious when she gets suspicious
she admits she is scared of the aiji and bren gives her some advice on dealing with him. having to be cautious and both stand up to him. turnabout 
wow this chapter is kind of like a therapy session for him and yolanda . she is kind of messed up like him. 
yolanda tells him to take care of jase due to him being affected by ramirez kind of rejecting him for yolanda due to him being tied to the atevi.
also jase hates sabin
jagos worried about ilisidi and geigi are up to something.
great there might be more shit.
okay so he finally gets a message from tabini . okay so he is to become the lord of the heavens as well as geigi to be his replacement while he is away. 
so tabini dose not trust jase.
yolanda may have fucked up on the translations.
bren, you are giving me more vibes of a worried wife to a far away husband , please do not give me more reasons to ship you with tabini.
toby sent a message back and have a realisation about his behavior.
barb sends a message and damnit barb , leave him be about that.
gets a bunch of letters by geigi and ilisidi and news from mainland.
bren writes a letter to tabini about what he is planing on doing , worries about the situation and his well wishes to tabini.
he gose to yolanda to try to contact jase.
jase and him agree to meet. 
he sends a letter to barb and toby about what was going to happen.
hes in from of the ship and panicking about the future.
he talks with algini and tano to try to take care of everything and yolanda . the two of them are nervous and flushed with flightiness . this is one of the few times the two nervous.
its a freacking count down of 98%
oh my god the bren hugging Algini and Tano scene , oh my gawd so cute . "one dose not hug a atevi , not as a rule . he broke that rule , for his soul's sake , and embarrassed them." algini hugs bren fisrt then tano
the staff are just fucking wonderful.
banichi and jago resure him of his worries and doubts might not be important
jesus bren has anxiety about airplane , why doesn't he get therapy? hope he gets therapy.
ilisidi and caljeiri are there ,the kid looking anxious as ever.
bren is miserable to the title of lord of the heavens. wishes he was back in tobys boat.
geigi asks if yolanda favors fish , bren says she perfers fruit instead.
ilisidi after saying good by to geigi is mad about jase be not there. jase is in a meeting but meets them soon.
ilisidi seriously threatens caljeiri with out supper if he dose not behave about asking about where the ship is steered.
bren notes that the atevi would see pairs or twos as really unerving.
he drags jase back to thank him for the design and to give him the message from yolanda.
this whole chapter is another kind of odd therapy like session exept for jase.
well crap the tape they need is with sabin from jenrette. the other one they may need in in a deeper part of the archives . 
holy hell ilisidi might be able to delay the shit to give them time.
Ilisidi , banichi , cenedi , jago and 3 of cenedi's men. 
poor kaplan, having to explain that sabin isn't found in any where.
sabin is pissed  there are on the bridge of the ship.
Calms down when bren is telling her that ilisidi has invited her to suppor . Cheeky bastard is a description sabin gives bren.
Bren is already missing his estate now.
Bundles of stuff floating around in zero gravity and the staff trying to control the scene is kind of funny
Asicho in a bathrobe is a scene I hope some one is able to draw.
He sends a rather sad letter to his mom 
Asicho she helps bren get dressed and ribbon in his hair.
Thanks to bren being the lord of the heavens jago is in a official like relationship with him.
He is around in ilisidi diner with those around him .
They are waiting for jase to come by with sabin and the kid is with them. 
Remembering that they are in zero gravity makes so much of the scene just kind of funny that a bunch of them have to float around.
Sabin being disgusted by being offered a pillow.
Wow ilisidi is being Blunt about wanting the tape jase seeks from sabin, even though jase finesse the situation.
Young rascal of a grandson, what a descriptive word for caljeiri from ilisidi
Well the kid thinks it's funny sabin thinks he is 16 instead of six.
Well crap shit starts to hit the fan when he notices a white globe 
Ilisidi did you just give sabin some of the alkaloids that got to bren in the first book? You sneaky fuck
 Jase is upset at how ilisidi and bren may have used the sauces to give her food poisoning to give him a chance to get what they want.
They are getting sabin to the sick bay and bren advises them to give her treatment.
It kind of makes me really happy that bren keeps telling the humans that they are the aliens in the situation.
Holy hell that speech he gave to sabin , is is considered a badass boast , a reason you suck speech , heroic motive speech or a blase boast? 
Jase gets kind of control of the ship .
Revels was trying to keep jase from talking to jenrette about ramirez.
Manages to get sabin to not be be a complete pain and to get the truth about shit going down. 
They are at the bridge and bren talks to jase.
They comment that sabin kind of could try to repay the favor of inviting sabin to dinner first.
He misses Bu-javid,  the clutter of things.
Even though he is going to a whole new thing, he is very relived for the first in a long time that no one wanted to kill him.
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eyebuggd · 3 years
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・゚。.☆.* art fight week 1 ・゚。.☆.*
stitches (art fight: ghoulboy)
ellie (art fight: notwhoyouthink001)
leon (umberarts)
clementine (art fight: sundrink)
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Character Interview
Aisling (pronounced ASH-ling)
REAL NAME: Caoimhe(Pronounced Keeva) Maeve Aisling of the Harvest Moon Drinker Clan
SINGLE OR TAKEN: Single, wants to mingle but is afraid of getting that attached to a lover ever since Emmerich.
ABILITIES / POWERS: She’s a Faerie Goddess of the Winter Moon, Of Nature, Languages and Histories, and Healing. She eats and converts the light of the Moon and Stars and the Aurora Borealis into energy and magic. She can conjure any plant and make it grow at will or merely by her tears hitting the ground. Her Blood and the berries growing from the holly wreathe about her head, can heal any wound. No matter how long ago the wound was obtained. With the right magical agents and a very Ancient Spell Song she can even regrow limbs if she has the person’s DNA or regrow a body from that DNA. Or with a few other Old Ones, give a mortal Immortality. She can control/ mind meld any person if she knows their real name. She makes light arrows and Ice crystal Gae Bolg spears at will. She can change her size from her smallest(5′5′) to her biggest (25′-big enough to fill the whole sky). She can call up the ghosts of the dead~ And Call up The King of the Wild Hunt. Condemning a soul to eternal torment with the Wild Hunt, or send them on their way to the next Journey. She can spell a person, or persons into a sleep.
Her true form is that of a Huge Short Eared Owl with a holly crown on it’s head and moonlight on it’s wings.
She can sing very well, and enchant a person with her voice if she so wishes.~ The list goes on. She’s a Goddess.
EYE COLOR: Gold and colorless. Her right eye is not real.
HAIR COLOR: Tawny Brown
FAMILY MEMBERS: Abusive Father(dead), Grandfather (sleeping in his barrow wight), Mother Jean, her sisters Wynne and Frangag, Her little Brother Seamus. Her Brother King Infernum. Her Brother in Law Adham, Sister in Law Jackie, Her Nieces (Araminta, Rory, and Averie), And her Nephew Xander. Her Daughter and Heir Rhiannon(Rhia).
PETS: Her Dogs and animals were all Killed. Including Oisin her White Elk.
SOMETHING THEY DON’T LIKE: Iron, Manticores. Big Cats that attack her.
HOBBIES / ACTIVITIES: Cooking, Singing, Baking, reading, Gardening, Sparring, Wrestling, Sex, Parties, Dancing in the rain, Fishing.
WORST HABIT(S): Letting herself get hurt to protect the ones she loves, Working herself to exhaustion. Pettiness.
ROLE MODELS(S): Her Mother Jean and her Grandfather Raemon.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pan with a preference for men/male presenting people.
THOUGHTS ON MARRIAGE/KIDS: She’s always wanted that. Always wanted to be a Wife and a mother. She wanted a chance to break the cycle of abuse her Father started. And wanted to be Loved by someone with their whole heart. So she could love them back with her whole heart. She had that with Syro until he was Murdered by a Sundrinker that wanted her for his own. She thought she could have that with Emmerich but he betrayed her. 
She’s starting to think that Love is not her friend.
But she has a Daughter now because of King Infernum. Rhia is the light of her life and she would give her life for her if she had to. 
FEAR(S): Losing Rhia, or any of her loved ones. Manticores. Sphinxes.
STYLE PREFERENCE: Mediaeval to somewhat modern clothes depending on her mood. Prefers dresses but likes that some pants show off her amazing Ass. 
SOMEONE THEY LOVE: Rhia her Daughter, Her family, Azamir (Shh, she hasn’t admitted it to herself yet)
APPROACH TO FRIENDSHIPS: Will want to spend as much time as she can with them. Cook for them, Laugh and cry with them. Time and Acts of Service is her Main love language. Though touch is a close second.
THOUGHTS ON PIE: She doesn’t really like cherry or peach pie. You haven’t lived if you haven’t tried either her Apple pie or Spiced Mutton meat pie. 
FAVORITE DRINK: Hard Apple Cider, Elderberry/Current Wine. On the Winter Solstice it HAS to be Moon Peach Wine.
FAVORITE PLACE TO SPEND TIME AT: Forests, Tundras, Any Garden.
THEIR TYPE: Someone who likes to have fun now and again. Who is patient/gentle with children. Is willing to get to know her and understand that she’s pretty broken so it’s going to take time for her to get used to serious relationships. Someone she feels safe around but is also a little wild and dangerous where it counts (Sex, and protecting what matters most, looks). Someone who makes her feel needed and wanted but doesn’t try to control her, and shows that she can trust them. Someone who likes Cuddles and affection. Doesn’t have to be all the time but likes them.
CAMPING OR INDOORS: Both. But the Indoors need to have nice big windows or she get’s nervous.
Tagged by: @frostymuses
Tagging: @distoretion
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talesofillaros · 2 years
Major God-Pairs
Domain: Life and Death
Personality: Meditative and commanding, if it deigns to speak at all
The only unpaired deity, Morid collects the souls of the dead and recasts them into new forms in the Center Forge.
Mas Kalir and Mas Duran
Domains: Honor and Strength (respectively)
Personalities: A quick witted and cavalier swashbuckler, and a gruff, heart-of-gold tough guy. (respectively)
This pair is mostly worshipped by Sundrinkers. The two are seen as what all warriors and adventurers should aspire to be.
Bur Kanam and Bur Shotak
Domains: Function and Art
Personalities: A fast paced schemer and a calm, fatherly figure.
Mostly worshipped by artisans, this pair represents both parts of a craft.
Hil Towab and Hil Harit
Domains: Celebration and Luck
Personalities: A beautific diva and a fickle gambling man.
These two are prayed to at weddings, births, starting craft, and other such occasions. Together they signify good luck, though apart they stand for debauchery and chance.
Gal Brelev and Gal Rusach
Domains: Slaughter and Protection
Personalities: A terrible beast and a loving guardian.
They represent both aspects of war and are prayed to before and after battle, both for success and forgiveness.
Wra Prasa and Wra Tentor
Domains: Family and Home
Personalities: A sweet but fierce matron and an innovative tinkerer.
Widly worshipped by immediate clans with kids and by city officials, as the city is a dwarf's home just as much as their house.
Daj Semat and Daj Kopri
Domains: Patience and Silence
Personalities: Both are inevitable and solemn
This pair is worshipped mainly by scholars of all sorts. The stricter adherents usually take a vow of silence.
The Cult of the Hidden Third - Daj Enai
Domain: Vengeance
Personality: Cold and calculating, but they can be vicious if angered.
This cult, who are spread throughout the Alliance, believe that Daj Enai is the child of Daj Semat and Daj Kopri. They are considered to be heretical by most, but their followers grow by the day. In order to join, one must swear to kill another who has wronged them, with magic gifted by Daj Enai. After that, you will possess great power, but will belong to Daj Enai entirely.
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unicornsoft · 5 years
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Hora de beber como Duende Irlandés ☘️🥃🦄😎👍 #DrinkingUnicorn #MagicalDrinks #Alcohorn #Sundrink https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Smzu-HN9k/?igshid=kf6lfy4axi23
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lilaiamoreli · 6 years
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(via Poetry: The Sundrinker)
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scrobblr · 5 years
Liked on YouTube: The Sundrinker - Smuténka https://youtu.be/ykDVMYNigmM
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dusksochoard · 1 year
Many sweeps ago for vioth?
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"Hm." " I suppose I should tell how I met the SunDrinkers..." "I had been injured and ended up crashing on their sanctuary..." "It's a giant ship that travels space." "I had been already studying their population for signs for them to be purged. However they passed and I was preparing to leave my station." "At the time, my programming was malfunctioning, much like the rest of my kin..." "I was found by one of their field workers.., and he took me in her care. It's because of the Sun Drinkers that i no longer have the desire to purge any signs of violent and xenophobic species." "I learned much of the sundrinker kind.. and those that share their sanctuary. A new appreciation was developed for their way of life..." "It's... my strongest memory.. all the rest feel.., fuzzy, to be honest..."
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denisyakovlev · 8 years
SUNDRINK коктейль для загара http://bitly.com/2jgOhzB SUNDRINK коктейль для загара
SUNDRINK коктейль для загара http://bitly.com/2jgOhzB SUNDRINK коктейль для загара
— ☆ Denis ☆ (@denisbeta) January 28, 2017
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Keeva's Family: Part 1
Her mother and 2 sisters.
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Keeva's Mother Jean. She's the Clan Leader and is a very Strong lady. Raised her 4 children to be strong as well. Her Owl form is that of a Barn Owl. She raises Ice and Snow Horses. Keeva looks the most like her.
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Wynne. The Oldest. She's quiet and calm. Her hair is a golden brown and she grows all sorts of gorgeous flowers. And all the fancy Fae weddings feature her arrangements.
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Frangag the next oldest. She's married to a Welsh Sundrinker and has 3 little girls. She's a musician and a better seamstress and pastry cook than Keeva. Though she's shy and just occasionally does the treats for family get togethers.
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