domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
@sun-and-wis​ continued form X
     Ili was rather startled by Sun’s noisy surprise but took a deep breath. Okay, nothing to panic about. It’s just noise... and an amphibian. “Well he’s kind of in the back. I think he’s hiding? Not well but he wont talk to me.”
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
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No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Looking at @sun-and-wis new terror deck themed with monsters. That’s their eye in the background.
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
In the Nick of Time (Ren/Ili) - Notting Hill au
    Part two of my girt for @sun-and-wis ​mun partially at their request and partly because I felt so. Hope you like it hun!
     The car had barely even stopped as Ili jumped out from the passenger seat. Sun and Janis gave of shouts of encouragement as they dashed into the hotel. They barely had any breath left as they reached the reception desk and looked to the concierge.
     “Is the press event with Ren Idimi Zei still happened?” Ili asked between gasps.
     “Are you a registered member of the press?” The concierge asked with a slight frown.
     “Yes,” Ili answered quickly.
     “Do you have identification?” The man asked, sounding rather sceptical.
     “Yes... yes...” Ili repeated as they patted at their pockets trying to think of a way out of this situation. It was the sound of Wis’ voice that took both of their attention as they turned around to see Serif and Wis had made it out of the car and into the lobby. Serif was signing furiously.
    “He said...” Wis began to interpret for the concierge. “We are writing an article on the hotel’s treatment of the mute.”
     “Ah! Pardon me,” The concierge sputtered, turning rather pale. “They’re in the orange blossom room.”
     Ili’s grateful words of thanks had hardly left their lips as they ran off deeper into the hotel. Their eyes scanned the small golden plates as they searched for the proper words. Dandelion... Lupine... Forget-me-not... Just as they began to despair they spotted what they were looking for. The Orange Blossom room.
    Just as they began to reach for the golden nob, they hesitated. What were they even doing here? They could already hear the buzz of the throngs of people within the room through the heave wooden door. Would they even be able to see him? Let alone speak with him. But why else had they come here for except to try? Taking a deep breath, Ili opened the door a crack and slipped in.
    They were almost overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the room; so many that even standing room was almost full. Doing their best not to panic, they moved through the crowd to an open space, all the while listening to what was going on around them.
     “Alright,” the moderator interjected from his seat beside Ren. “We are just about out of time so these will be the last of the questions. Yes, you with the blue tie.”
     “Mr. Zei,” One reporter near Ili spoke up. “How much longer do you intend to stay here?”
     “No time at all,” Ren responded. “I have a flight scheduled right after this event.”
     “You in the brown jacket,” The moderator interjected as another reporter stood up.
    “Last time you were here there were some photographs of you with a local, Ili Non by name,” He asked. “Have you any comment on the speculation on your relationship with this person on this visit.”
      There was a short pause at this question as a momentary discomfort seemed to pass over the celebrity, “They are... just a friend.”
     “Alright, last question!” The moderator piped in again. “You in the blue shirt.”
     Ili felt their heart race as all eyes in the room turned towards them. They hadn’t even realized they had raised their hand to begin with. Their palms began to sweat. They looked about like a deer in headlights when they locked eyes with Serif. He and all the others had made it into the room as well and were all showing their own signs of encouragement. Some more dramatically than others. They took a deep breath and opened their lips.
     “Ah... I was... was wondering...” Ili stammered trying to find what little courage they had. “If you and this fellow, this...”
     “Ili Non,” the reporter near them interjected and Ili did their best to continue on.
    “If you and this Ili...” Ili trailed off as they lost their nerve, only to find in when Ren’s eyes locked with theirs. He seemed to sit more attentive, looking expectantly at them. Ili found their courage. “... Could be anything more than ‘just friends’?”
     “I had hoped so,” Ren responded, never taking his eyes off Ili. “But I don’t believe they would want to anymore.”
    “And -" Ili began before they were interrupted by the moderator.
    “One question per person please,” He began but Ren cut in himself.
    “No, it’s alright,” Ren said, still looking at them, “Please go on.”
    “Ah, thank you,” Ili stammered, losing their edge. “Ah, and what if they were to admit they’d been a big idiot that doesn’t know how to put together a proper sentence in front of you let alone tell you that they want... that they...”
     Ili lost their words as their cheeks began to burn. Their shoulders fell as they couldn’t find the strength to continue. The only thing that kept them standing was the fact that they couldn’t take their eyes off of Ren’s and when he moved his, Ili thought they’d collapse.
     Ren had turned his attention to the moderator and whispered something to him before the man cleared his voice and spoke, “Ah could you with the blue tie repeat your question for earlier?”
    “Ah, yes,” The reporter responded a little concerned, standing and repeating his question once more, “Mr. Zei, how long do you plan to remain?”
     Ren’s eyes locked back on Ili’s and they thought their heart may have stopped.
     A rush raced through the crowd as murmuring spread throughout the crowd before someone exclaimed, “It’s them!”
     Soon there were camera flashes and a roar of commentary from the crowd. Cameras were being aimed at Ili and Ren but Ili didn’t care, they were only looking at Ren, a smile spreading across their lips and when Ren smiled back, their heart fluttered. The noise swelled and the crowds gathered but Ili just kept watching Ren. That was all they needed. Him and them. Together.
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
First Impressions (Ren/Ili) - Notting Hill au
     A little gift (part 1 of 2) for my dear @sun-and-wis as I continue your cult movie education. They made a request of an au based upon the rom-com Notting Hill and I was happy to oblige.
     Ili was moving at a pace between a walk and a light job. They were ready to get back to the shop quickly as they were quite ready to move on from the strangeness of the day. They still weren’t even sure the past half hour even happened. A celebrity! In their shop. It just didn’t seem real. They almost felt that they would re-enter the shop and great Asra as if it were the beginning of the day. That aside, Ili felt bad having left Asra manning the shop for so long on his own, so they hurried along.
     With both their distraction and their rush to return to work, it wasn’t a surprise that they ran straight into somebody; spilling the contents of the two cups they’d been carrying pour all over the stranger’s shirt. The real surprise was that they had run directly into Ren Idimi Zei. Again! Quite literally this time it would seem.
     “Oh, no, no, no...” Ili murmured as they looked over the damage they had done. Ren was untiring an expletive as he looked over his now ruined outfit. 
     Ili’s face was already bright red as they searched for a remedy for the mistake they had made. It came to them soon after as they looked back at the distressed celebrity.
     “My house...” They began. “It’s very close. You could clean up there and...”
     Ili trailed off and feared they had done little to remedy Ren’s mood as he looked down at his orange juice stained shirt with disgust. Just as Ili feared they really had botched the situation he shook the orange juice off his hands and looked up at them.
     “How close is ‘close’?” He asked. “I mean give me meters.”
     “Ah - about ten,” They stammered, turning to point down the street. “See that blue door? That’s where I live.”
     There was a short pause as Ili turned back to Ren. He didn’t respond for a moment as his eyes ran in the direction the other had specified. As they reached their destination they stalled for a moment before they returned to Ili’s.
     There was a different sort of pause for a moment before Ren said, “Alright.”
     As the lock clicked and the door shuddered open, Ili felt themself cringe inwardly at the mess that awaited them as they entered the house. They felt another blush begin to come on as it looked worse and worse the further the pair went into the apartment until they reached the living area. Ili had seen the room in worse states but they began to grab a few more offensive items before they turned back to their guest.
     “Sorry, it’s my roommate’s turn to clean,” Ili sighed. “He isn’t always the most responsible when it comes to these sorts of things...
     “Ah, the bathroom’s around that way,” Ili pointed out the direction of a small door. “Hopefully the bathroom’s in better condition.”
     “Thanks,” Ren gave a charming smile that made Ili’s heart flutter. Dropping one of his bags against the leg of the coffee table, he disappearing through the bathroom door.  Ili was left  to look around at the damage all around them. Spotting what was surely a pair of Janis’ underwear, they made a rush to make the apartment look a little more presentable.
     Just as Ili threw a stack of dirty dishes into the sink, they heard the opening of the bathroom door. By the time they turned around Ren had wandered through the living room and Ili emerged from the kitchen to see he had changed into an entirely new outfit.
     “You look stunning...” Ili murmured without thinking. They felt their cheeks begin to burn slightly and they did their best to brush it off as if they hadn’t said anything.
     “Um...” Ili stammered trying to think. “Could I get you a drink? Some juice - well probably not juice.
     “Water... soda...” Ili went on. “Or maybe something hot?”
     “I’m fine, thank you,” Ren replied. 
     “Ah something to eat then?” Ili persisted, doing their best to remember what a host should do. “I did the groceries this week so I know we must have food at least.
     “Let me see...” Ili hummed as they looked within the fridge. “I’ve got pickled apricots, tuna eyeballs, cheese wiz?”
     “You seriously eat that?” Ren said with a laugh. 
    “No,” Ili responded. “The cheese wiz is for Janis.”
    There was a moment of silence as the two looked at each other before Ren finally said, “I should probably get going.”
      “Oh, of course,” Ili responded as they began to turn red once more and they walked Ren back to the front door. At the door, Ren paused for a moment and looked at Ili.
     “It was nice meeting you,” he said with a grin and Ili felt their ears beginning to burn.
     “Ah, nice... you... too,” Ili felt their tongue swell and reaching for any normal set of words to save them they managed a “Good bye.”
     Holding open the front door, Ren exited back onto the street and Ili closed the door behind him. Once they were alone again in their home, they put their burning face in their hands and sighed. That turned into a complete and utter mess. They didn’t want to even think about what Ren must be thinking of them now.
    “Silly Ili, silly Ili,” They sighed but as they turned to re-enter the house, they heard a knock on the door, they answered and Ili was surprised to see Ren at their door again.
     “I forgot my bag,” He said.
    “Oh yes,” Ili moved to allow the other to enter. They closed the door and turned back to him and before they could even respond, Ren leaned in and kissed them.
    As Ren pulled away, Ili knew their face was as red as a tomato. Not sure how to respond and said, “... sorry about, ah, that goodbye, I can be kind of... stupid with words sometimes.”
     “I thought your lowest was the cheese wiz thing,” Ren responded.
     “Would you um like to do something tonight?” Ili managed to ask.
     “Not tonight,” Ren responded. “Maybe tomorrow?”
     Ili had been ready to give a maybe too enthusiastic yes when the front door began to rattle. Ili cringed as they looked at the door and then back to Ren.
     “That’s my roommate,” Ili explained. “I apologize in advance there really is no excuse for him.”
     As they finished their sentence, the front door opened and a young man with a mess of red hair entered the house, taking little note of the guest as he passed the pair into the house.
     “Just wait till you hear this,” he said as he disappeared into the house, “it’s going to make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.”
     Ili mouthed the words ‘sorry’ to Ren but he just gave off a soft laugh.
     “I’ll call you,” He said as he reached for the door and disappeared unto the street, leaving Ili both flustered and over the moon. They almost thought this all might have been a dream but they were soon reminded of reality as they heard a shout from within the house and Ili finally turned away from the door to check on their roommate.
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Update on the current condition of Ili and lads...
     So after the Devil shows up late to the masquerade Ili meets him and tries to scratch out his eyes because they think they can take him because he’s a goat. He’s like “fuck this shit” and just poofs Ili to the other realm so he can actually go about his plans in peace and with his eyes intact. Afterwards the Devil makes it to Sun and he makes the deal with the Devil. 
     Meanwhile, Yuhi is at home taking care of baby Dalaros and senses that Ren is in danger. She takes Dalaros and goes to the palace where some very confused guards inform Nadia that there is a bear carrying a baby outside and she’s like “Well I guess it has to be at least one of the magicians” and Yuhi gets to the others.
      Asra, Wis and Ren are all like shit somethings going down. Butterscotch meanwhile is sitting by a tree insisting that Ili is right there but Asra can’t see them. Wis realizes that Sun and Ili are now ghosts as he is the only one that can still see them. Ili is tried to a tree because they made another attempt to scratch out the Devil’s eye while Sun realized that now that Julian is there too Dalaros is completely without parents and become completely inconsolable. 
      Summary? Ili, Sun and Julian are ghost while Wis watches and inform Asra and Ren on what is going on while Ren and Yuhi try to care for the baby, preventing Ren from even considering the deal with the Devil. This doesn’t even matter anyways because the Devil’s just sitting in his realm surrounded by a hissing feral child he tied to a tree and two panicking fathers. All that’s left is for the Devil to question his plan and all his life up to this point.
    Oh and Lucio is in Sun’s body.
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Unintentionally hurt the other
     As Asra entered the closet with Wis it was obvious that there wasn’t quite enough room for both of them. The closest was such a limited space, he couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had thought of it compared to Wis before they all decided to play the game. He supposed that they would both just have to make the best of it, but it still bothered the magician that he couldn’t find a way to make Wis feel more comfortable. 
     “Ha, a little tight in here isn’t it?” Asra laughed as he tried to move a little, hoping to give the both of them more space. He felt like he was stepping on their toes! Shifting about wasn’t easy and just as he thought that he’d made a bit of room, he actually stepped on Wis’ toes.
      “Sorry!” He jumped back, a bit embarrassed. It was quickly followed by concern of course. “Really sorry Wis. Didn’t hurt you did I?”
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
“Oh why didn’t you tell me,” Asra sighs. “I’d have put down my book first.”
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Ili: *Looking at snake*
Sun: What is he saying?
Ili: I'm not sure. He has a southern accent I don't recall.
Sun: What does a southern accent on a snake even sound like?
Ili: *hisses*
Sun: Glad I asked...
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Ili: *scared of 80% of people*
Ili: *friendly introduces themselves to a 8 foot reptile without a second thought*
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
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@sun-and-wis forgot to post this one
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
🌊 : Does your muse like the ocean or dry land better?
Asra loves the ocean while Ili is hardly likely to touch a body of water that is more than an inch deep. Think like a cat in water. It’s no or they’ll end up bristling. 
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Faust no! Squeezing Julian is an even worse idea! Just, if you get the urge to squeeze, and Julian's there, go squeeze Arcanimus. She'll appreciate it. ~Sun
Ask the Familiars
     No Squeeze? Faust tilted its head curiously, but relented since Sun seemed sincere in his request. No squeeze big squeeze.
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Hello there Butterscotch, darling. It's Ren. Would you tell your lovely companion Ili that I left them a little gift here beneath these roses? It's not anything too fancy, just a custom leather collar and some sweets, but I would be sorely put out if they didn't see it.
Ask the Familiars!
     Gift? Butterscotch’s ears perked up at the sound of the word. Looking at the percured flowers she began to grow very excited. She’d stick her nose in the pile itself if she hadn’t had one to many accidents in Wis’ rose bushes. Instead she remembered the actual question. 
     Present! Butterscotch let out an excited yip as she ran in circles for a moment before bounding away towards their sibling. She was quick to tell their sibling that there was a special gift just for them. Ili themself was quick to turn a very bright shade of red.
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
Valerius: *walks by*
Sun: I know he sucks but I kind of wanna fuck him
Ili: If you do I'll punch you in the face too
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
“What?” Asra looks confused.”
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domusarcanis-blog · 6 years
@sun-and-wis continued from X
     Janis quickly joined ‘in on the celebrations, a large grin on his face. His looked about the room before looking back to the person who’d invited him in. “Lively day eh? I’m Janis by the way.”
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