#suna rintarou girlies rise up...
lovemeafterhrs · 11 months
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living with suna rintarou - two / dinner with the team
word count: 1k
warnings: smoking/alcohol consumption, rintarou being dumb and jealous
“you have got to stop mixing your laundry with mine.” she could hear the gravelly whine of suna’s voice before she caught sight of him in the doorway. a lacy black thong dangled from his index finger, and she was greeted with one of his trademark scowls. 
“also, i can’t find my black tie. did you manage to steal that too?” he took another step into the room, dropping her sorry excuse for a pair of panties on her bed. 
“actually, i think so.” her confession earned her another scowl as he watched her rise from her vanity. after catching him staring, she couldn’t help but do a little twirl for him before she grabbed his tie from the closet. 
“what do you think?” she questioned, even though she could tell exactly what he thought about her outfit without having to ask. his wandering eyes and flushed cheeks told her everything that he wouldn’t. 
“hot. aran’s going to shit his pants.” he gave her a thumbs up, eyes partially glazed over as he admired every little detail about her. suddenly without the ability to control himself, his mind was starting to race with thoughts that he could only determine as inappropriate. he was only pulled out of his daze when a strip of black fabric hit him directly in the face. an unimpressed frown fell over his features as he moved to pull it under the collar of his shirt. 
with eyes averted far away from temptation, he tried to keep himself from thinking too much about skipping the dinner entirely. he scoffed at the youtube video he was watching, utterly confused at where he was going wrong. it didn’t help that she was staring him down the whole time, and he started to feel the back of his neck getting warm under her piercing gaze. 
“do you need help with your tie?” she teased, watching him struggle to figure out how to replicate the video tutorial on his phone. it was cute, truly. watching him be so entirely helpless was doing something to her, and she couldn’t keep herself from smirking as she rose from the bed with her arms crossed. 
“no. it’s just been a while since i’ve done this.” he frowned, grumbling under his breath as he tried again. “it’s kita’s fault for choosing this fancy fucking restaurant.” 
“are you sure you don’t want any help? we’re gonna be late at this rate.” she took a step closer to him, clearly entertained by his many futile attempts. 
“fine. only because we should’ve left about fifteen minutes ago.” she snickered at his detested tone, reaching for the black silk as she pulled the knot tight against his adam’s apple. she could feel it bobbing against her fingertips as he gulped, her perfume wafting into his nostrils as she admired her work. her hands slid over the fabric of his white button-up as she tapped his chest reassuringly. 
“there you go, handsome. now let me get my shoes, we’ve got about ten minutes to get to the restaurant.” not even allowing him a moment to digest her choice in pet name, she pulled him towards the door and threw his jacket into his arms. 
nervous hands fidgeted with the rings decorating his right hand as they waited to speak to the chipper hostess. the restaurant was far too crowded, and every table bustled with patrons from the moment that the pair walked inside. servers whirled around the room with platters of drinks as they spotted the twins in the back of the bar. she offered him a shrug, taking his hand as she led him towards the large table. 
he recognized his old teammates seated together, looking a little more mature than the last time he saw them. friendly faces occupied the surrounding chairs as they greeted him with bright smiles. introductions were brief, but filled with curiosity as rintarou explained their current living situation. just like that, she was brought into the conversation like she’d known them for years already. 
just like suna had assumed he would be, aran was very clearly impressed by his old teammate’s plus one. he’d even gone as far as to buy the first round of drinks and make sure she got plenty of embarrassing stories to use against her roommate later. 
the first hour was filled with the clinking of glasses and the laughing of his old friends as they caught up on the last few years of their lives. dinner was served, and he found himself taking notice of just how familiar his roommate had already gotten with his old team. it seemed that the captain had caught her attention, and he could feel the pit starting to form in his gut as he watched them interact. 
“suna.” osamu started, only to earn an immediate glare from his friend. “you’re staring daggers right now.” 
“hmm.” was the only response he received, not missing a beat as he motioned for the waiter to bring him another drink. across the table, his roommate’s giggles could be heard as she rested her hand on his old teammate’s shoulder. 
“kita’s not that funny.” he huffed as the waiter placed his third drink of the night next to his long-forgotten dinner. 
“chill out, she’s just trying to make friends.” his huffing caught the attention of the other twin, whose words were just as hushed and playful as his brother’s.
“doesn’t look very friendly to me.” suna bit back, rolling his eyes as he caught her gaze from across the table. she looked so good, too good. he had enough competition, the last thing he needed was kita’s addition to her list of potential boyfriends. he took another drink of his cocktail, mind swirling with a tonic of jealousy and arousal that made him almost sick to his stomach. within moments, her phone was vibrating in her lap as she looked over at him quizzically. 
“you’re impossible.” she mouthed, holding back a snicker as she felt her phone vibrate again. 
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lovemeafterhrs · 11 months
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living with suna rintarou - one / daily routine
word count: 1k
warnings: smoking, flirting, sexual tension.
suna’s ears perked up when he heard keys jingling from the other side of the doorframe, and he hid the small smirk pulling over his features as the front door swung open. 
“what’s up, fellas?” her syrupy sweet voice rang through the living room, and she hung up her jacket with a little hum as she approached the set of plush couches. 
“hey. how was your day?” osamu asked, pulling buds off a large stem with his fingers. he had a grinder on one thigh and a controller on the other, an amused smile on his face as he greeted her. 
“it was alright. better now that i’m here with you.” a teasing smile pulled at her plump, red lips as she carded her manicured nails through her roommate’s hair. she leaned against the back of the couch and leaned further into rintarou’s personal space while simultaneously flirting with his best friend. 
she was always doing stuff like this… touching up on him just to test his resolve. it seemed like she was always pushing his buttons to gauge his reactions, but he couldn’t bring himself to express his discontentment about it. probably because a part of him enjoyed it far too much to admit out loud. 
“you guys look like you’re having fun.” she stated, pushing herself away from the couch to get a better look at the sight in front of her. 
calm music poured from the speakers of the television as she mused over their choice in video game. atsumu was the only one currently playing, absorbed into the storyline as he waited for the other two. 
seated between the twins, suna gave her a little wink of recognition with a blunt in hand. his tongue dragged over the seam of the tobacco leaf, and his eyes didn’t leave hers as she leaned down to pull off her shoes. 
“yeah, you came home just in time.” he offered her a little smirk as he ran the flame over the wet wrapper. he watched her lean down to unbuckle her heels, and his eyes raked over her cleavage when her gaze was everted. 
“sweet, we can smoke while i get ready.” she looked legitimately delighted at the thought, clapping her hands together as she fell into the plush cushions next to atsumu. 
“where are you goin’ tonight?” the rambunctious blonde’s eyes finally left the television as he gave her a quick up and down. she didn’t catch suna’s roll of the eyes at his friend’s behavior, but both of the twins gave him a little snicker as he sparked the blunt. 
“me and a couple of the girls are going to the club.” 
“oh, yeah? so we shouldn’t expect you home tonight?” a playful smirk fell over rintarou’s features as he exhaled, before passing to osamu. 
“probably not until the early morning.” she shrugged, watching smoke plum through the room as the blunt made its way around the circle. atsumu choked down a laugh that was barely hidden by his coughing fit. 
“going out to cause trouble, then.” osamu replied, followed shortly by a cough. she gave him a knowing look and took a deep inhale of smoke with a teasing glint in her eyes. 
“well, you know me.” her reply caused her roommate to look between the pair suspiciously, eyes scanning for his friend’s reaction. he didn’t like what he found, watching osamu’s cheeks turn a bright pink under her gaze. 
content with osamu’s flustered image, she averted her eyes back to the screen as she passed the blunt to suna. “so, what’s this game all about?”
after a drawn-out explanation of their current adventure (including gameplay and smart-ass comments from the trio), she finally made her way to her room to change. after about an hour in front of her vanity, she was back in the living room to put on her shoes. her black skirt swayed with her hips as she walked over to the couch with boots in hand. 
“you boys have any plans tonight?” she questioned, leaning down to tie the straps in place. this gave the men an opportunity to stare without shame, eyes bulging at the sight of her ample chest. 
“you’re lookin’ at it.” suna’s reply seemed almost far away, focused entirely on taking in every inch of her appearance. 
“cute, i’ll see you tomorrow then.” her eyes looked up to his, catching his stare with a little smirk. she rose from her seat, heels clacking against the hardwood as she leaned over to press a kiss to rintarou’s flushed cheek. 
“we’ll be here. if you see me crashed on the floor, mind your business.” atsumu gave her a salute with his playful remark, and she returned it with a grin. 
“alright, i’m heading out. don’t have too much fun without me.” 
“wouldn’t dream of it.” suna replied, a smile tugging at his lips as he watched her gather her purse and coat. 
“are you sure you don’t wanna smoke before you go?” the silver haired man’s voice caught her attention, and she turned to address him. suna could’ve sworn he saw hearts forming in her eyes when she looked at him, and he grimaced. 
“that’s really sweet of you to ask, but i’m already late. smoke a fat one for me, alright?” 
“anything for you, baby.” osamu drawled out, eyes falling on the bare skin above her stockings. his choice of words earned him a smack on the shoulder from his brother and a pointed glare from rintarou. 
as soon as they heard the door slam closed, the twins had already set out to annoy their friend further. 
“god, your roommate is so fucking hot.” atsumu’s quip did not go unnoticed, earning an eye twitch from the dark-haired man. 
“shut the fuck up.” 
“nah, he’s got a point.” osamu shrugged, effectively making the situation worse. the twins could hear a discontent huff from the other side of the couch as he dropped his controller against the cushions. 
“osamu you don’t get an opinion on this ever.” he snapped, side-eyeing both of them as he reached for the grinder. 
“why am i not allowed to have an opinion on your roommate being attractive?”
“because you totally want to have sex with her, idiot.” rintarou scoffed and grabbed the rolling tray off the table, motioning for atsumu to pass him the papers off the other side of the table. 
“well to be fair, i kind of already did.” before osamu could stop himself, the words were falling out of his mouth as his friend’s eyes widened. 
“what did you just say?” 
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