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dragongirldoll · 2 years ago
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best touhou cosplay ever. 11/10
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tennco · 8 months ago
zun making cirno, the ice fairy, the summer representative, giving her a tan, and pitting her against okina fucking matara is still one of the funniest things ever
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ariane-ashen · 7 months ago
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"C'mon! Get out of bed, Ms. Yakumo!" Yukari was flung from her cool abode into the warm Summer air. How long had it been? Did she even wake during last year's August? She could no longer recall. In times where the thousand painful thoughts and memories in her mind boom at once, all she can do is sleep.
A surprised Ran and Chen could be seen peeking from behind a door, but they didn't feel like they had stop the ice fairy. Yukari's smiling shikigami faded into the distance as an unusually powerful Cirno took the tired mistress by her arm. "What is...?" Yukari couldn't find the strength to offer much resistance, feeling particularly shocked by the energy of the joyful girl in front of her. Cirno simply giggled in excitement.
"Hoy! Didn't you know there's a festival today? The lady with all those doors even let me gain all those powers like before! She said it's been too long since you had some good food and fun! Maybe you'll even watch me beat Ms. Hakurei with all this power~" Yukari couldn't help but be swept up in the emotions of Cirno's sparkling voice, and smiled as she gripped her palm. "Matara...Fufu, what a piece of work you are."
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mayordea · 8 months ago
screw it. i'm not a coward. detailed miitopia crossover blorbo cacophony poster i drew last summer be upon ye
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anyway here's my beloved stinky miitopia party, i've been building up a crossover story in miitopia since i first played the game many years ago, and as my interests have evolved, so has my cast for every replay. (i have genuinely lost count of how many times i have replayed this game)
i'm cringe but free etc etc.... sayaka/lissa/alfred aka aph america have been here the longest (my legacy blorbos, if you will) and are always on my endgame team, so they have immunity. everyone else has been loosely swapped around until it's settled into the form it's in now (and it still might change when i get obsessed with miitopia again). the town/story npcs are not as important or consistent across playthroughs, they're easily swapped around with random characters i find in mii central. the only exception is the great sage, whom i've drawn here. i also think waluigi is my new main dark lord, since he was my first thief before therion entered the picture. never actually drawn him though
cirno is my main protagonist because she is my ultimate legacy blorbo. in my loose story adapting this adventure i like to think she gets the elf class as a mandatory story beat like an fe lord during the arc where the whole gang is getting back together in karkaton. (elf design here is kinda bad, i swear i had a design doodled of it in my sketchbooks but i couldn't find it so i had to improvise)
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i had three other "travelers hub" characters in the mage/imp/princess class but i never got around to drawing them because to be honest my miitopia resurgence kinda faded once i finished these drawings........ but i'll get to them too! all these designs are either loosely based off of existing outfits in the game or ones i straight up pulled outta my ass lmao
i really wanna write fic for this ngl
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clubpenguinkiller · 2 years ago
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Summer cirno!
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year ago
theory: fairies are capable of generating their own belief and non-fairies misinterpret this as them not requiring belief to exist. they're nigh-impossible to kill because they're in a logical loop where they're alive because they believe they're alive and the reason they believe this is because they're alive. they tend to be stupid for the same reason because an introspective fairy could interrupt the belief loop and cease to exist. the three fairies are smarter than most because even if one of them briefly gets existential the other two still believe in the third enough for them to shrug and go "well I exist" and resume the loop.
evidence: in visionary fairies in shrine the three fairies and clown go to visit cirno in the middle of summer. she's a half-melted slush pile at first but they amp her up and tell her she's the strongest and as she begins to remember she's cirno (strongest) she reforms and builds up energy and freezes a decently large part of the misty lake in an outburst of power. she's unique in that she's cirno and she doesn't just believe she's alive but also that she's incredibly powerful but I don't think she's unique in that her self-belief or lack thereof has an effect on her (for lack of a better term) physical form (even if youkai and fairies are more conceptual than physical)
so fairy are just like, minor nature kami. like, right out the gate, let's put that on the table.
the phenomenon that you're actually talking about is something that i've mentioned before, and it's something that's been brought up a few times (mostly by kanako, who's the one actively utilising it) - youkai and kami can provide one another with faith, but not with belief. there's a fiddly but important distinction between those, because whereas faith informs how powerful a fictional entity (kami, youkai, etc.) is, belief informs whether that entity exists or not. you can believe in fairies, but not have any specific faith in any of them, which is how you end up with a bunch of minor nature kami who can't really do anything. the greater fairies (cirno, the three fairies) presumably just have that little bit more faith that comes from having a defined identity and being moderately well-known; and of course, as mentioned, they can provide little bits of faith to one another.
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not-articulated · 8 months ago
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sweaty cirno in a hot summer day..
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somechubbynerd · 2 months ago
"Gee Cirno, what are wee gonna do this summer?"
"The same thing we do every summer, try to take over Gensokyo!"
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devout-of-gensokyo · 2 months ago
Basics of Gensokyo: The Scarlet Mist Incident / Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
First Incident I'm going over! Lots of basically re-explaining what the wiki says.
The Scarlet Mist Incident, also called by the name of the game, Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, is the sixth known incident during Reimu Hakurei's time.
It's a peaceful summer in Gensokyo, before an unnatural scarlet mist appears without warning and covers most of the land. It's strong enough to block out the sun, causing affected areas to be dark and cold.
Reimu Hakurei and Marisa Kirisame, set out to find the source. Regardless of who the player chooses, the Incident is resolved. They don't interact with each other, but take the same route.
Both girls first come across Rumia, who's wandering around and essentially just a wrong place at the wrong time casualty. The next day, they cross the Misty Lake, where they believe the mist is coming from. Before reaching the island in the middle of the lake, they come across Cirno, who is also a wrong place at the wrong time casualty. (A moment of silence for both Rumia and Cirno.)
At reaching the island, the heroine is attacked by many guards, led by Hong Meiling, who ultimately fails to drive away the heroine, before being coerced to show the way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It's presumed they snuck into the basement, because they make it into the library in the basement, fighting Koakuma and then Patchouli Knowledge, both defeated, of course. Finally making it into the main halls, they come across Sakuya Izayoi, defeating them, before ultimately coming to Remilia Scarlet on the balcony of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Remilia reveals then that she made the scarlet mist, created so that she could be comfortable walking out during the day. She's ultimately defeated, after a fierce battle, and the mist lifted.
In the bad endings, the respective heroine just returns home, noting how nothing is changing, either grumbling about losing or complaining about how it's getting cold out.
Reimu's "A" ending, she's busy cleaning the shrine when Remilia arrives. They talk about the shrine rarely getting visitors, before Reimu wrestles with Remilia, exposing her to sunlight. Remilia threatens to make Reimu immortal with her ashes, at which point Reimu lets her go, wanting "20 years worth".
Reimu's "B" ending has her lazing about due to heat, when Remilia comes over, before Remilia goes on about ghost stories, one of which by herself, all while embracing Reimu from behind.
Marisa's "A" ending has her staying at the Scarlet Devil Mansion for a while, getting Sakuya to serve her snacks. They chat for a little bit, about the heat, rare ingredients, and Sakuya's control over time. Afterwards, Remilia comes in and yells at Marisa for acting like she owns the place. Sakuya tells Remilia that they had her own snacks ready, and calms her down. Remilia complains about Marisa having stopped her plan, and Marisa just responds that she felt like it.
Marisa's "B" ending has her reading a book in the mansion's library, when Sakuya comes up and kindly reminds her that she's trespassing. However, when they hear Remilia approaching, they hide Marisa, and discusses plans for getting rid of "rats" (aka. Marisa) with Remilia, and Sakuya reminds her to bring a parasol when she goes out. Sakuya lets it slip that the rat is still alive.
In the extra scenario, the heroine returns to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, thanks to Remilia ending up at the Hakurei Shrine to see Reimu and Marisa, before noticing that a rainstorm has brewed in the vicinity of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Remilia can't move through the rain as a vampire, so she coerces the two heroines to investigate for her. Remilia doesn't provide even a bit of context on what's going on.
Upon ariving, they find the entire household in chaos. They fight off stronger maids, as well as a more serious Patchouli. They end up fighting Flandre Scarlet, the younger sister of Remilia who is forbidden from leaving the mansion. Ultimately, Flandre is defeated.
Sources / Further Reading
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil/Story | Touhouwiki
Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red/Scarlet Mist Incident | Touhouwiki
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sachi · 2 years ago
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☆ Cirno // Touhou Project “Devil ver.” ☆ Resin kit / Yutaka House ☆ Wonder Festival 2013 [Summer] ¥10,000 ☆ Sculpt Machizou
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fairiesofgensokyo · 5 months ago
Fairy combat
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Not very good in a fight, but good at reading other people's tactics and body language. Her True Lesbian Soul gives her a bonus against men. The maids' queen of Rock-paper-scissors.
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Weak in danmaku, strong in a fistfight. All those years of copying Meiling's training as best she could has made her a hard fairy to hit, and while she doesn't have as much physical strength as a youkai, she's stronger than a human... and has brass knuckles in her gloves.
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Brutal, overwhelming force. Very un-fairy-like, Salty comes at you directly, with no special tactics. Just a lot of Salt, freely manipulating to cut, flay, and suffocate. Her high melting point means that fire is night useless against her. Despite the jokes, she isn't water soluble.
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For a gourd fruit fairy, she's weirdly good at teleportation. She relies on fast respawns and ambush tactics. Open a cupboard, there's Summer with a knife. Open a medicine cabinet, there's Summer with a knife. Turn around after killing her, there's Summer with a knife. You have to restrain her without killing her or letting her take her own life.
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Doesn't like fighting, dangerously prone to getting carried away. Her ability to manipulate Silver is with the same ease that Cirno manipulates Ice. She's sweet as sugar, but unknown to even her she's actually a huge sadist. The most unlikely berserker.
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The Scarlet Devil Mansion's Armoured Maid Corps... I feel like I don't really need to explain this one.
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Eliza is a commander of fairies. She's good at directing them to take on opponents that a fairy would normally stand little chance against. Prefers swift and brutal tactics, taking advantage of every weakness she can feasibly exploit. The most aware of the power of fairies, and their own limitations.
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gensokyogarden · 5 months ago
Actually Cirno and Summer have in common that they're two of the only fairies in Gensokyo who can read. I never thought of that before.
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Hidden Star in Four Seasons
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Artwork by GiantCaveMushroom
Touhou 16: Hidden Star in Four Seasons came out in 2017.
In this game, the seasons are out of whack in Gensokyo! Different places are stuck in different seasons!
• The Hakurei Shrine is in spring, with cherry blossoms abound
• The Forest of Magic is in winter, in a constant snowstorm
• Misty Lake is in summer
• Youkai Mountain is in fall, making it look pretty much like it did in Mountain of Faith
Reimu was actually unwilling to solve this at first, since the Hakurei Shrine was in an eternal mid-spring, so she was cozy enough and got a lot of visitors from it, but Marisa yelled at her enough that she finally realized her own selfishness and went to do her job.
There are four playable characters in this one, each representing a different season:
• Reimu, with the season of Spring
• Tanned Cirno, with the power of Summer (yep, the ice fairy is overflowing with the power of the hottest season.). She and all the other fairies in Gensokyo have gone berserk from the seasonal imbalance, and she's trying to conquer Gensokyo in her madness.
• Aya, with the season of Autumn
• Marisa, with the season of Winter, and a new Frozen Master Spark to go with it.
If you're wondering what the "correct" season is, it's mid-summer.
Uniquely among Touhou games, the bosses in this game are largely unaffiliated with each other, living in completely different areas of Gensokyo. Instead, each of the first 4 bosses have a connection with one of the main characters.
The fans seem to prefer bosses being one big "cast herd", though, and as such this game is one of the least popular games in the series.
Hidden Star in Four Seasons was the first Touhou game to be released for Steam, making it the first game to be officially released worldwide. Previously English-speaking fans had to either buy them secondhand or through piracy. Mostly the latter.
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touhoulostword-journal · 2 years ago
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Glistening Summer Days | Artist: tsukimoto aoi
Story 1 A sunny day sometime in August in the Garden of the Sun. Summer is hot―everybody knows that. But summer is also beautiful―not so many know that. The bright blue sky soared above. Sunflowers stretched up to the sun with glee. Splashes of water leaped up and twinkled in the light. Butterflies danced with grace, flapping this way and that. Soft gusts of wind blew and sent music through the trees. Summer days like these melt all of one's troubles away. As such, a certain youkai could be found, doing something she wouldn't normally do.
Story 2 Wriggle Nightbug is a firefly youkai who suffers in the cold. However, since fireflies are summer insects, she has no trouble in its ferocious heat. She's often seen hovering in the night sky, but today, she's playing under the sun. After defeating the swallowtail butterfly fairy, Cirno declared summer to be her own. Capable of manipulating ice, she does tend to struggle in the heat, but today, she's off to play with a straw hat on her head and a popsicle in her hand. Despite the fierce summer sun, she's full of energy.
Story 3 This summer, Gensokyo was struck by a terrible heat wave and was hotter than ever. There was once an incident that disrupted the four seasons and smothered some parts of Gensokyo… but this time around, it was unclear if someone was up to no good or if this was all part of nature's plan. However, considering how the shrine maiden and the magician played in the sun and cooled off indoors while waiting for autumn's arrival, it seems there was no great incident to be resolved. Apparently, there's another world where Gensokyo is in the midst of a never-ending summer. Perhaps the Wriggle and Cirno of that Gensokyo see glorious summer days like today as nothing out of the ordinary. Or maybe not…
Story 4 Beneath the crystal blue sky, cool water sprinkled down on sunflowers in bloom. Perhaps spurred on by the beauty of the summer day, Wriggle was busy watering all the flowers, a joyful grin on her face. Nearby swallowtail butterflies swooped under the droplets and cooled themselves off with a pattering of their wings. But suddenly, Wriggle felt droplets of water slashing on her head."Is it raining? But it was such a nice day!" she exclaimed. Starting to feel like one of the flowers she was watering, she looked up to see Cirno flying above her through the bright blue sky.
Story 5 Munching away on her popsicle, Cirno called down to Wriggle, "Hey, whatcha doing?" The frosty air around her turned to water droplets in the heat, which were raining down and dampening the ground below her. "All the flowers are in bloom, so I thought I'd water them," replied Wriggle with a giggle. She adored the beauty of nighttime but was amazed at just how pretty the daytime could be too. "I see… Well, be sure not to get a sunburn!" chuckled Cirno. The two may not be the closest friends, but their conversation bloomed like the sunflowers around them. Even the butterflies seemed to enjoy listening in as they flapped their delicate wings a little livelier than before.
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thegoldendoorknob · 1 year ago
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Congrats Arthur you get a list
[WARNING! Youtube links. If you're tired of the site, just steer clear or look elsewhere]
Beautiful One Day
Sayonara Rolling Star
Houston Forever
Que Sera Sera
The Royal Academy of Katamari
Smart Race
Pierrot's World Revolving
Elegant Summer
Butterfly Kiss
Cirno Math
Convictor Yamaxanadu
Bluster The Benevolent
Hide and Seek
What's Going On
The Devil Went Down To Georgia
Won't Say I'm In Love
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greatwyrmgold · 1 year ago
Every Cirno day (⑨/⑨, for those not in the know), I like to listen to remixes of Cirno's theme (「おてんば恋娘,」 which has several translations, but I like "Beloved Tomboyish Girl".) This Cirno Day, I decided to share nine of those with my Tumblr followers, in case any of them wanted to listen to Cirno's theme in a weird way.
【東方Violin/Piano】 Beloved Tomboyish Daughter -Quartet-
I'm a sucker for modern music played on traditional instruments.
2. Chirumiru Cirno
The musical accompaniment to what is undeniably the most significant Cirno-based music video in the Touhou fandom.
3. Cirno Awakens To Summer Days!
A sunny and upbeat number for a season I would not associate with Cirno.
5. Cirno ⑨'s Blue Regrets, Blue Tears
The music video is fun, and I'm told the lyrics reflect something significant to Cirno's character. Something about Letty?
6. Cirno's Bizarre Adventure - Frozen Wind
I like a good mashup, and this one qualifies. Shame it isn't longer. And that I have still failed to enjoy JoJo. (Freaking Phantom Blood.)
4. Einfach Einfach
It changes the character of the song, while maintaining the iconic theme. And also being nice to listen to.
3. From⑨Girl
The most significant IOSYS remix of "Beloved Tomboyish Girl".
12. tomboyish girl in pain
Same as "Einfach Einfach," except where it's different. But none of those differences make it painful for anyone except Cirno.
9. Touhou flute cover / Cirno's Perfect Math Class
I don't know what this math class song is, but it sounds like "Beloved Tomboyish Girl," so I'll count it.
I generally try to keep 99 songs in my 9/9 playlist, but due to a combination of videos taken off YouTube and versions I don't like, it's fallen to 92. If anyone has a cover/mix/mashup/whatever of Cirno's theme they'd like to share, I'd appreciate it! It might be one of the other 83 I already have on the list, but it might be #93. (Also, encouraging other people to talk about things they like is fun!)
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