#sumayyah has 300
hotchley · 3 years
🥀 platonic Reid & Hotch pls!!!
p.s your blog is one of my favourites ♥️
Ah, thank you so much!! I hope these don't suck... I was trying for ten, because you didn't ask for any of the other things, but let's see how many I can actually come up with...
🥀 and a ship (romantic or platonic) and i’ll write some sad headcanons
after Hardwick, they never do a custodial interview together again. Hotch only ever goes with Derek or Dave, and he will always schedule Reid's so someone else has to go with him
Reid was on the team when Adrian Bale happened. It was one of his first cases with the BAU, and he had so much faith in Gideon that when Hotch and Morgan disagreed with Gideon, Reid sided with him. It indirectly led to the death of six agents and Hotch never truly forgot that
there was only one occasion when Hotch told Reid to shut up. Obviously, there were several times when he would gently touch his arm or tell him they didn’t have the time but there was only one time he said shut up. Reid looked close to tears, Hotch felt like absolute shit, but he couldn’t take it back
after Maeve, Aaron drove Spencer home. When Spencer got out the car, Hotch said he was sorry. Spencer just looked at him and said: “Well maybe if you had been quicker, you wouldn’t have to be.” And it wasn’t fair of him, but it was easy to blame someone else. The worst part was Hotch just took it
whenever they had events or seminars or things like that, Reid would ask Hotch to do his tie for him. He could do it himself, but he preferred the way Hotch did it. This stopped after Gideon left
Reid looks to Hotch and sees what a father is meant to be. It means that in his head, Hotch is invincible and can come back from anything because come on, that’s his father figure. It means whenever Hotch does get injured, Reid can’t handle it. He has to leave
a part of Hotch resents the relationship Gideon has with Reid, and then he feels like a terrible person because Reid is like ten years younger than him, he shouldn’t be getting jealous, but he was the one that held the unit together after Boston, so it still hurts
Reid is well-aware of Hotch’s feelings, and then he ends up feeling guilty because he wants Gideon to appreciate everything Hotch has done but he doesn’t know how to say that to either of them
at Haley’s funeral, they sent Reid after Hotch when he wasn’t coming out of the bathroom because he was least likely to snap at Reid. Hotch was sat on the floor, and when Reid asked him if he could do anything, all Hotch said was “I need a parent” and he didn’t mean to, but Reid can’t be that person for Hotch so he just said “I know.”
whenever Hotch is unwell, Reid feels the need to do everything he can to make him feel better otherwise something bad will happen- a habit formed in childhood- but Hotch feels the need to act like nothing happens- also a habit formed in childhood
on the other hand, when Reid is unwell, he’ll reject any and all help because he grew up being the parent and doesn’t know how, but Hotch is an oldest sibling so it always devolves into an argument about boundaries and doubt in capabilities 
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chloerd · 5 years
Gallery meeting #3
The definition of loss:
noun: loss; plural noun: losses
the fact or process of losing something or someone.
We asked ourselves if we want to narrow it down to a certain type of loss, however we liked the idea of it being ambiguous and vague.
We could have modern loss as the theme and then a subheading for each person within the group on how they interpreted it. Would this be too fractured? We would need to talk to Laura about this in more depth.
An ambiguous, unresolved or never-ending loss.
Modern loss. Present loss.
Fred said he had a few sentences written down on how he interpreted it.
A transient condition.
Absent in the present.
Unspecified in the past and future.
Sumayyah said she thought about modern loss like this:
Unless your parents had money to buy a camcorder when they were younger, not many of us have lots of videos of us as babies or growing up. If you compare that to now, almost everybody has a phone with a camera and children these days will be able to watch lots of footage of them as they’re growing up. They can replay their childhood.
Modern loss is always in the present, because anything that is modern is in the now – in the present.
We need to write a rationale for Tuesday to show to Laura, it needs to explain the theme and answer the 6 questions Laura sent to us at the start of the project. It is there to provide a way in for the audience and must consist of 250/300 words.
We read some of the example brief’s that Laura had sent us prior to the meeting, they were for past exhibitions and were quite helpful for us to all hear.
We decided that each person in the group write a few sentences about how they’ve interpreted the theme. This way we can put all of them together, choose 2 people to write up the final one and incorporate everybody’s ideas into one. We will have another meeting at the end of the week so we can discuss it in further detail, we set our own homework for everybody to have a few sentences for the rationale by Friday.
We thought it would be best to establish what role everybody is doing within the group.
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Sumayyah Talibah
Sumayyah Talibah, 37, from Michigan, in the USA – is a poet and jewellery artisan, who has chosen to write a poem for ASLI on discrimination in the USA. We are honoured to have Sumayyah’s voice in our 4th issue on discrimination, privilege and stigmatisation.
Here is our interview:
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am a Black woman from Detroit, Michigan who is an artist, wife, and mother.
What is your artistic/creative background?
I started writing at a very young age, completing my first “book” by age 8. I switched to poetry for years. I am also completely self-taught in the art of bead and wire jewellery.
What motivated you to deal with your chosen submission subject?
The current political climate (in the United States), while not new, is appalling and “in your face” following the campaign and election of our current Head of State. The things I personally experience, and the documented experiences of others, makes me wary, afraid, and angry.
hands up laid down car stalled traffic stop cigarette in my hand leather wallet in my pants piece of fabric on my hair danger danger everywhere can’t walk can’t jog can’t pray can’t play can’t get enough clean water to get me through the day i’m a thug bringing terror i’m a welfare queen i’m the living legacy of the wished to be forgotten memory of misdeeds school to prison pipeline major sentence lesser crime handcuffed locked in inner city sanctioning i’m a long term prisoner of your blasted lies ripping right on through your rotted broken dream disguise my blood is flowing in the streets don’t you care? danger danger everywhere
– Sumayyah Talibah © 2017 January 24
What is your process when creating?
I listen to a lot of music, but so often, my art springs up, fully formed, from a random thought or news article. Typically, I just turn on a music streaming site, pick a station/playlist, then pick up my pen, my [jewellery] tools, or open a blank document on my computer, and let it flow. Also, tea. Tea helps.
Who are you influenced by within your artistic discipline?
For poetry, my biggest influences came from poets like Nikki Giovanni, Sonia Sanchez, and Maya Angelou.
Who inspires you in general?
My ancestors, and those on the front lines in the struggle today.
What causes and world issues are you passionate about, campaign for, volunteer for…?
I am all for the advancement of marginalised peoples. I don’t follow/campaign for any specific organisations.
What do the statements “art saves lives” and “art creates change” mean to you?
So much art is borne from struggle, from pain. I believe that art is both an outlet of inner turmoil and a medium of processing the world at large. Artists are the forerunners of revolutions because we put into emotions into words and pictures and connect people’s hearts.
Have your artistic and creative outlets saved your life in anyway and do you think your message within them could help create change in the world?
My art, specifically my poetry, has saved my life for sure. I was once asked “why do you write?” and my answer was/still is “to clear the noise in my head.” I can only hope that my words will reach the people who need them.
What are your present and future goals for your art?
Having a poem in an international publication is a start, lol. I hope to write more, to create more works of poetry, to return to writing speculative fiction, hopefully in the form of a completed novel, and to make jewellery that is high is demand.
Have you experienced any form of discrimination; and if so what was it based on and how did you deal with this?
I have experienced discrimination for being short, for being fat, for being Black, for being a (once) practising Muslim, for being disabled.. I internalise a lot, especially as an adult. When I was younger, sometimes I’d let my fists speak for me. As a teen/young woman, I wrote heavily.
What are your opinions on what causes discrimination?
Fear. Fear causes hate. People fear what they do not understand, and what it possibly says about them.
What do you do to actively stand against discrimination and have you ever had to intervene as a witness to it?
I serve as a witness and sometime mouthpiece. I offer resources for education. The biggest thing I do is teach my children how to not be a**holes.
What are your opinions on labels and stereotypes?
Stereotypes come from somewhere, but are often just propaganda. Labels are technically a necessity for identification, as they help folks find like-minded people. In an ideal world, none of it would matter.
What are your opinions on national identity and in your opinion does nationalism create or deter discrimination?
Nationalism forces conformity, in my opinion, because a large part of it ignores intersectionality. It causes internal conflict when opinions and lived experiences don’t match up.
What social privileges do you have? For example: are you white, able bodied/minded, a man, rich, heterosexual, thin… etc.
Hahahaha. Sorry. I’m pretty much the opposite of what most people would consider socially privileged. I’m a short, fat, Black, non-Christian, disabled woman. I have a few passing privileges, but I correct those pretty quickly.
What social privileges of others around you have you experienced and how did this privilege of others affect you?
I’ve watched people receive faster, better service, such as in shops and restaurants. I’ve been reprimanded while watching other people walk away without censure.
How does social privilege affect our world in your opinion?
Our world is largely based on money being the great equaliser, though that isn’t entirely true, because rich people of colour still lose out against their white counterparts.
Have you ever denied your own privilege due to feelings of guilt or misunderstanding?
I have little enough of it that when next to someone who is more marginalised than myself, I do feel guilty for having more. However, that gives me the chance to help someone else.
Do you feel social privilege should be taught at school and if so why and how young?
Social privilege is taught at school, no matter what anyone thinks. It may not be an official subject in the curriculum, but children DO learn it, and quickly. Do I think schools should combat the hierarchy and teach kids how not to be a**holes? Yeah, that’d be great, but it always starts at home.
Have you ever experienced social stigmatisation and if so what was it based on and how did you deal with this?
I was largely a loner in my more formative years so I don’t know. I’ve always had friends. I was never part of the “in” crowd, but I didn’t want to be, so…
Have you ever contributed to the stigmatisation of any individual or group, and if so were you aware you did this and how did you deal with this aftermath?
When we’re young, we do silly things to follow the crowd. I, for the most part, didn’t. I worked with everyone, I talked to everyone. I’ve been known to smile at the people everybody hated.
What are your opinions on political powers and world leaders using stigmatisation against certain groups to further their own agendas, such as with Muslims, Black people, LGBTQ individuals, mentally ill and disabled people?
If there was space for you to hear me rage scream, I’d do it. I think it’s ridiculous. Intersectionality is a thing. Using your examples, I personally know Black Muslims who are LGBTQ and disabled, so.. yeah. It’s ridiculous. Just stop. We’re not going away.
Do you support or take part in any anti-stigma organisations or charities and if so which ones and why?
I share lots of articles and fundraisers and have probably contributed to some. I honestly don’t keep track of the organisations I follow because there are so many. I’m not exactly a card-carrying member of anything these days, so maybe that’s a “no”?
In your own words please tell us how you feel the arts and creativity can further help to empower, communicate and educate people with regards to discrimination, privilege and stigmatisation?
Artists translate emotion into words, image, sound, movement. We tell stories. We make people feel things. We are the ones people turn to when they hurt, when they burn, when they rage. They read our poems, sing our songs, make banners and t-shirts of our photos and paintings. We connect people’s hearts.
If you would like to know more about Sumayyah and support her work or purchase some of her beautiful jewellery – please follow these links:
  Website  – sumayyahsaidso.com Instagram – instagram.com/sumayyahsaidso Facebook – facebook.com/sumayyahsaidso
To purchase Jewellery by Sumayyah Talibah please visit her shop by following this link:
Jewellery by Sumayyah Talibah
Jewellery by Sumayyah Talibah
Jewellery by Sumayyah Talibah
Jewellery by Sumayyah Talibah
Jewellery by Sumayyah Talibah
If you have any feedback on this article please fill in the contact form below:
[contact-form] Sumayyah Talibah uses poetry to stand against discrimination in today’s political climate Sumayyah Talibah, 37, from Michigan, in the USA - is a poet and jewellery artisan, who has chosen to write a poem for ASLI on discrimination in the USA.
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hotchley · 3 years
🐚and a character and i'll write a few happy headcanons - Hotch please
So funny story, I accidentally closed this tab the first time I tried to do it so here we go again. If some of these look familiar... I honestly don’t know what I’ve already said and haven’t said
he’s a really good ballroom dancer because he wanted to impress Haley in high school but the only time that specific skill is displayed is when they’re at formal events or when Penelope smiles at him
in his opinion, Anastasia is the best film featuring a princess ever made and he knows all the words to In the Dark of the Night and Paris Holds the Key, so Jack takes him to the Broadway show for his birthday
he starts gardening after he retires and it’s an absolute shambles the first year, but the second year his flowers bloom and he takes a bouquet of them for Penelope when he visits
anytime the team go anywhere, he brings a spare jacket with him because they never listen when he says it will be cold and the shivering eventually gets really annoying (also he’s mom)
even when Jack is a teenager, he’ll kiss his forehead when he says goodnight- sometimes he will go to sleep before Jack does and he’ll just knock, wait for permission, kiss his forehead and say: just don’t stay up too late
after Foyet, part of his physical therapy was drawing/colouring to help his hand movements- this eventually evolves into him doing calligraphy for fun and then he starts making everyone’s birthday presents
the first thing he buys after retiring from the FBI is a bright green coat- he had always wanted and Haley had said the one he had through college was perfect but because he was a lawyer and then in SWAT etc, he always had to wear something more neutral
all of his books have cracked spines, dog-eared pages and annotations all over the empty spaces because he loves finding the deeper meaning and symbolism and drawing parallels between events
game shows are his guilty pleasure and he claims he finds them relaxing but they are also the most stressful thing like he loves watching them but the final round stresses him out so much
he gets on really well with the BAU spouses, and he’s even in the group chat that was really only meant for them because it’s just them making fun of the BAU
the best part about the group chat is that every single spouse- even if the person has left- is in it so it’s just: Will, Savannah, Matt’s wife, Kate’s husband, good old James Blake and it’s just them... talking
he sings, all the time, and sometimes he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it but it means the apartment is never quiet and Jack loves that 
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hotchley · 3 years
Congrats on 300! So honored to be tagged in your celebration post! I can't do emojis right now, but I'll take [and a character and i’ll write a few happy headcanons for Hotch] and [and a ship (platonic or romantic) and i’ll write a few happy headcanons for Hotchniss] since I do run a Hotchniss blog. And again, congrats on 300!
🐚 and a character and i’ll write a few happy headcanons
Hotch hates the sound of silence because more often than not, it means he can’t distract himself from the sound of his ears ringing, so at the office, his door is always open (unless he’s in a meeting) so he can hear the team messing about, and at home, there’s always a record playing
he’s very good at remembering dates and occasions, so every year, on the anniversary of Gideon leaving, he makes sure that him and Reid have a movie marathon, and he gets Garcia a present to commemorate the day she joined the team
it doesn’t matter what he’s wearing or where they are, he always has everything one could possibly need in order to exist- whether that’s a spare pen, sunscreen, gloves, painkillers, he’s got everything, either in his go-bag or in his pockets
he really enjoys playing the piano- it’s one of the things he took up whilst at boarding school and then stopped when he moved back, but he starts doing it again after Haley’s death to help the muscles in his hand and he may not be the best, but some of Jack’s fondest memories are tied into the piano being played
because he’s retired by the time Jack gets to high school, he sort of becomes the second parent to many of his friends- he shows up at events that other parents can’t make because of work, he’ll bring them lunch if Jack texts saying they’ve left it at home and have no money, and all of them know that if something happens and they need him, he’ll be there for them
⚖️ and a ship (platonic or romantic) and i’ll write a few happy headcanons
NICE Hotchniss things?? Oh dear lord this is gonna suck so bad I’m so sorry
Hotch absolutely hates brushing his hair and it always gets really knotted, but Emily loves the feel of doing it, so many of the nights they spend at home involve him leaning against her stomach as she brushes his hair for him
Emily would rather die than admit this, but she does really love the sound of his voice late at night when he’s slightly more tired and a lot less guarded than usual, so he’ll read to her whilst she relaxes in his arms
Hotch would also rather die than admit this, but there’s something about the scent of her shower gel that is just so much nicer and more comforting than his own one, so when he’s lonely because she’s still got a few months left till she can retire, he’ll use hers instead of his (she thinks it’s lovely)
apartments hold bad memories for both of them so they buy a house right before Jack starts high school, and they end up becoming best friends with both the grandparents that live on one side, and the young couple that live on the other, and they’ll have weekly dinners together
flowers are something that also held negative connotations (Doyle, the fact his father would only buy them to seem like the perfect family) so they would both buy each other flowers for the most random occasions- he buys her white lilies, she buys him stephanotis (yes I googled flower meanings for this)
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hotchley · 3 years
🐚 and 🏹 for hotch pls
I need hotch content 😩
Thank you!! And mood.
tw: child abuse, death and grief
🐚 and a character and i’ll write some happy headcanons
coaching Jack’s soccer team reminded him of how much he loves sport, so whenever he has time, and especially after he retires, he tries as hard as he can to at least do some kind of sport every week- he even joins one of those walking group things when he retires (the women are like: Hmmmm, do you think he wants a relationship?)
his comfort piece of clothing is actually a hoodie that Haley bought for herself during his time in Seattle because it’s one of those really cringy tourist ones but it always smells like her
after he retired and all of his health things started catching up with him, he needed to make sure he was using his hands enough to help with arthritis so he took up sewing and as soon as he was able to sew dresses, he started sending them to Penelope (this is actually what my mum does!!)
one of his favourite things to do for other people is reading aloud- his voice is supposedly soothing, and on longer cases, he would do it for Jack, but Spencer would also sit and listen because it helped him sleep
the three people he will never say no to are Penelope, JJ and Spencer, so there are so many days where you come into the office and see that Penelope is testing out some new hair thing on him, or he’s wearing mismatching socks (one black, one grey) because Spencer pouted
🏹 and a character and i’ll write some sad headcanons
sometimes, when he’s playing bad cop, his voice will crack and his hands will tremble. why? because in order to play bad cop, he has to pretend that he’s father, and he’s terrified that one day, it won’t be pretending
for months- years really- after Foyet’s attack, he can’t look in the mirror after a shower, and on the days where he turns up to work with the buttons of his shirt done up wrong, the team don’t say anything because they know exactly why it’s like that
every time he speaks to recruits about the BAU, or does a college seminar, or conducts an interview, he feels a pit in his stomach and an overwhelming guilt because he knows he’s selling a lie and the job just drains you of your faith
after Mr Scratch, he doesn’t quite know what’s real and what’s not, so the team have to deal with him shutting down when someone gets injured and suddenly asking them questions because he needs to know it’s them
he compartmentalises at work after Haley’s death. he knows he needs to show Jack it’s okay to be emotional and grieve in whatever way feels right, but at work, he just needs the distraction and he needs to be Hotch, which the team also get. but everyone has breaking points. his comes in the middle of a case. Morgan finds him in the bathroom, crying. all Hotch can say is: “I’m not a husband anymore.” because Haley did love him. and Morgan doesn’t know how to say “yes you are” so he doesn’t speak.
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hotchley · 3 years
Oops my bad i meant 🥀 Hotchniss
🥀 and a ship and i’ll write some sad headcanons
Once again, if I’ve done this before, then I’m sorry, I genuinely didn’t mean to!! Also these low-key suck, but I’m trying to finish the none drabble things so...
tw: child abuse
when Hotch told Emily that she was going to Paris, she looked at him, with disgust he had never seen on anyone but his father and said that if Foyet had killed him and not Haley then none of this would’ve happened. It changed everything
after they sent her to Paris, he phoned Clyde. They obviously both knew that she wasn’t alive, but when Hotch said that he failed her, all Clyde said was: I know. But hypothetically, if she blamed you for something that happened... she doesn’t mean it, and Hotch knew Clyde had been through the same thing, and he just said: Thank you
he proposed before the whole mess with Doyle, and she said no to protect him. It was in that moment that he realised something was up with her, but he didn’t say anything because he was angry, so when everything fell apart, he decided he was no better than his father
he realised he was in love with her when the same fear he felt every time Haley didn’t pick up her phone as Cyrus told them one of the agents was dead. She realised when he told her thank you after she dropped him off but the timing was never right
he was the one that was meant to go and help her get settled in London, and he got so close to going, but then he knew that if he saw her, she would realise he had never wanted her to go and that is why he sent Derek and Penelope
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hotchley · 3 years
Congratulations on 300 sumayyyah!! That’s a really great milestone and I totally understand why they all follow you! Could I have 🐚 for Hotch, as well as ⚔️ and 🫀 (bau as teachers) I’m so sorry if the last one is a little overwhelming, and I would definitely understand if you don’t have enough time/ don’t want to do that one!
Aah thank youu!! That’s so sweet of you as well!
🐚 and a character and i’ll write some happy headcanons
so his favourite thing about the house he buys after he retires is that he can finally have the home library he always wanted and every shelf is filled with books from every genre ever
his favourite colour is actually yellow, but being unit chief means he has to look professional so it’s not really a good idea, but Penelope knitted him a yellow scarf that he wears every year without fail
although he may not seem like it, he’s really good at giving meaningful presents and all of the team, including the BAU kids are always in awe of just how good he is- especially when some of them don’t even know what they want
one of his favourite things to do is capture the soft and domestic moments of the team because it reminds him of the reasons why they do things so he just an entire album of them (they all know he does this and subtly take photos when he’s being domestic)
he’s not an idiot, so he knows when Jack is only pretending to be asleep, but he also knows he won’t be a kid forever, so he will always carry him into the house no matter how obvious it is he’s awake
⚔️ and i’ll give you an image from my novel board that reminds me of you
I knew what image it was going to be as soon as I saw it was from you, which makes a change
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Because you like Pride and Prejudice, Downton Abbey and this just reminded me of being a hopeless romantic that wants to make things better and light so it was just a vibe <3
🫀 and the bau as *insert thing*
I’m doing the “Core 7″ because I... cannot be bothered to do everyone from Gideon up to Kate, I hope that’s okay!! And I only say Kate because I’m still on season 10 whoopsie 
Also, I live in England so I’m doing it based on those stereotypes (I say stereotypes, I mean I’m turning them into teachers I’ve had)
Spencer: the absolute life-saver of a chemistry teacher. It doesn’t matter what day it is, whether it’s Friday after school or Tuesday morning, he’s there to help you. Will never make you feel stupid for not understanding “basic” concepts because he gets that sometimes things just don’t click and will help you until it does, no matter how long it takes or how many different ways you need to try it. Everyone’s favourite science teacher. Sometimes gives you more detail than you need, but it is always so the thing you’re learning about makes more sense.
JJ: the P.E teacher. But not the normal P.E teacher that literally doesn’t care so long as you make some sort of effort. No, she’s the P.E teacher that also coaches the netball team, and is absolutely obsessed with netball as always. Her favourites are the girls that play netball: she’ll gossip with them, tell them to help the others and get them out of lesson whenever needed. So it’s great if you play netball, but not if you don’t.
Derek: Hehe. Okay, so he’s a design technology teacher, but the really nice one that just supports everyone with whatever it is they’re doing. Really big on safety, but not in a patronising way, in a: guys if someone gets hurt it’ll be terrible way. Everyone loves him and hopes they get him for D.T because he’s just the best. Never judges you based off your abilities, only cares about whether or not you tried and will always use his lunch break to try and salvage your project. 
Penelope: So you know how there are always two art teachers and one of them is always insane? Well, Penelope is the other art teacher that everyone genuinely loves. She really cares about the subject, but she’s not pretentious about it and she encourages the students to do whatever feels right. She loves showing the class photos of her cats, never snaps or shouts when people forgets thing and is always willing to demonstrate how to do something, no matter how many times she’s already done it before. Is an absolute angel, that always gets distracted by other more fun projects, and is definitely dating Derek.
Rossi: Your history teacher that was old enough to have actual memories of the things you’re learning about. Is a good enough teacher, but sometimes you do wonder whether you’re actually learning the stuff you need to. Is absolutely obsessed with creating debates over the smallest things, even though he always undermines the people that actually get involved. Unironically says he’s going to play devil’s advocate and definitely says some stuff he probably shouldn’t.
Emily: The french teacher that is somehow terrifying, lovely and somewhat inappropriate, all at the same time. She’s terrifying if you leave your speaking booklet at home, and if you don’t actually try and put on an accent, but will also bring in snacks for the last day of term and definitely has thousands of stories about the time she spent in France. Will destroy you if you don’t hand in your homework, or if you used google translate, but praises the people that hand it in, no matter how bad it was. Also lets you watch French films- defo makes inappropriate comments if there’s a kissing scene.
Hotch: the other history teacher that nobody really knows where they stand with because he’s a bit of a confusing character, but is deep down an absolute angel and is absolutely loved by the people he teaches. Seems to always be miserable and sad, but is actually just a front because when they like you, or when you’re nice, they get really happy and will willingly/deliberately make jokes, but not at anyone else’s expense. Is younger than the other history teacher but has no idea what pop culture is which means references go over his head. Will mark every exam question you give him way too harshly in preparation, but really does want you to do well. Will not accept people saying they’re bad at history, and is definitely the emotional support teacher for multiple people- doesn’t tell you that you’re overthinking when you cry, but will remind you that he has faith in you and is just an overall bean.
This low-key got out of hand, but I hope you liked it!!
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hotchley · 3 years
🥀 hotchniss (of course🙂)! Congrats on 300!!
🥀 and a ship (platonic or romantic) and i’ll write some sad headcanons
there are letters hidden in his home office drawer- one for Jack, Jess and every member of the team, past and present, just in case something happens to him before he can say goodbye. Emily is the only one that doesn’t have one because he cannot say goodbye to her and every time he tries, he breaks down
he never told her that he remembered everything Foyet did to him. He was going to, but in that moment when he lied, he needed that distance, and then one thing after another happened and she just never found out
being forced to listen as Benjamin Cyrus beat her was one of the most painful things he had ever been forced to do, and when Hotch is in pain, he completely detaches himself from the situation, but Emily never learnt to stop pushing him so when they got back, she pushed until he shattered and said that it felt like he had been killing her
after Doyle, she was angry and hurting and weak and he was there, an easy target that wouldn’t stop apologising, so she looked him in the eye and said that she hated him, that he was just another coward like both their parents. She asked JJ to apologise on her behalf, but JJ knew Hotch would never accept it, so instead she said that Emily couldn’t remember anything that she said (she could)
when Hotch told that woman that he would tell her husband and son to wait because he knew she wasn’t going to make it, it terrified Emily because she knew what happened to people with such unfailing humanity. It was why she said she needed to know she could be human- to force him to become Hotch again- but it still hurt more than it helped
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hotchley · 3 years
First off, congratulations on 300! You deserve it.
🥀 Morgan/Hotch (platonic or romantic, your choice, I love them equally) - break my heart please and thank you!
🥀 and a ship and i’ll write some angsty headcanons
Haha, the funniest thing about these is that I think that you can read some of them either way, depending on how you want to see them...
Hotch and Morgan trust each other more than Aaron and Derek do, and by that I mean, Morgan will follow Hotch’s reasonable commands, but Aaron doesn’t always believe Derek when he says they’re friends (and that he loves him)
nothing is the same after Doyle, because the realistic and logical part of Morgan’s brain knows why Hotch didn’t say anything- because he couldn’t- but the emotional part cannot reconcile with the man that let him believe one of his closest friends bled out in his arms before running
the biggest argument they ever had was after Foyet’s attack. Morgan said it was stupid that Hotch wasn’t staying with him, because what if Foyet came back- he knew how to get in. Hotch said he wasn’t going to let his home be taken from him. Morgan said he was being stupid, and Hotch told him to get out. Morgan did, and Hotch sobbed
Hotch was an absolute wreck after Mr Scratch- obviously, who wouldn’t be- but the person he was the worst around was Morgan, because Derek died in front of him, his blood splattered onto his face, so he just completely shuts down if Morgan gets injured
Morgan knows that a part of Hotch is always going to love Haley, and he doesn’t have a problem with that- he thinks Haley’s life and memory should be celebrated, but Hotch hates that he can’t give his whole self to Morgan, no matter how many times he’s told it’s okay
Hotch knows it’s stupid, childish and unreasonable, but sometimes he resents Morgan’s personality because he’s good, and gentle and still so loved by everyone and he can form personal relationships and Hotch is... not like that
The first time they touched after Foyet’s attack was when Morgan pulled him off the body. And in that moment, he knew that everything had changed. That Hotch wasn’t perfect. That he was closer to the line than anyone was willing to admit
Morgan is the one person that can and will call Hotch out on his bullshit. Why? Because Morgan needs the control and Hotch needs to know someone will do it. But after New York and Kate Joyner, Morgan hesitates and it actually breaks Hotch
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hotchley · 3 years
🎆 Aaron hotchner
Your profile picture is so cutee!! I love!! Okay, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ONE I WAS HOPING FOR IT!! 
🎆and a character and i’ll give a song that reminds me of them
I have an entire playlist of songs that remind me of Hotch (it’s now entitled looking long into the abyss because it became more CM) so I’ve picked a few... (I know I said one, but that was too difficult so I’ve picked three instead... and even that was difficult)
Song One:
I just... it’s about the vibes and the fact that nobody wants Hotch to blame himself for Haley, or Kate Joyner, or Gideon or JJ leaving or Emily but it’s also so, so difficult to not...
And the vibes too!
Song Two:
Do I really need to say anything? He closes himself off to everyone and everything, never lets himself feel anything other than joy (and anger during a case) and is just so, so close to falling apart.
Song Three:
Okay am I still stuck in my Electra Heart phase? Yes. However, this particular song just reminds me so much of a Hotch going off and coming back from boarding school.
So much to the point that one of many WIPs, set during the time he spends at boarding school, is actually entitled Teen Idle. Do with that one what you will...
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hotchley · 3 years
🥀 jj & hotch (romantic or platonic, up to you!!)
🥀 and a ship and i’ll write some angsty headcanons
I’m aiming for platonic, but if any of these come off romantic, I’m sorry, I literally have no idea how to write JJ’s character
JJ’s comment about Hotch being a bully was said in a moment of anger because she was hurting and he was there and it was easy to blame him, but nothing was the same after that and he pulled away even more after that
he blamed himself when she was kidnapped because even when she came back for Emily, he knew something wasn’t adding up and that she was hiding things, but he was so caught up in his own head that he never pushed
Aaron was the one that told Jack that Haley had gone to heaven, but JJ always felt like it should have been her because so much of her job revolved around delivering bad news
after JJ left the team, Hotch always felt guilty that he hadn’t appreciated her enough because her job was difficult, even when it was split between two people
JJ went to Paris with Emily because Hotch felt guilty that she’d been the one to tell the team that she was dead, so whilst Hotch did the difficult side of getting things approved and informing Emily of the plan, JJ got to see her when she was better
so remember in season 7, when Hotch said: If you want to blame someone blame me? Well JJ did- he went to see her after the case to see if she was okay and she lased out. The worst part was, he just took it
JJ’s comment about how we all eventually become our parents cut him deeper than he was willing to admit but he never said anything and when she realised that was what hurt, she felt terrible, but the damage was done
Hotch worries everyday that, in the same way he got Haley killed and left Jack motherless, he’s going to do the same to JJ and Henry. JJ worries the same thing about Hotch
Hotch wasn’t in the country when JJ became a profiler, and by the time he got back, it was too late to do anymore than sign off on it because she was good, but he was terrified because she had always said she didn’t want to do that and he didn’t want her doing it just to come back to the team
he’s used to the others hiding things from him, but JJ had always been different in the way that they were more alike than they cared to admit and she looked out for him the same way Derek did, so when she didn’t even tell him she was pregnant, he got it, but the timing of it made it worse because it was almost like she didn’t think he was worth telling because of the whole Kate looking like Haley thing
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hotchley · 3 years
🎆 my queen, Emily Prentiss
♣️hmm I’m less confident with ships but currently a fan of Jelle
🔀 your all’s favorite, Mortch
🎆 and a character and i’ll give you a song that reminds me of them
Leave The City- Twenty One Pilots
This is purely because I was writing the date last night so now season 7 Emily is the Emily I’m thinking of. It just fits her. At the start of the season, she’s already thinking about leaving because she never really came back but she needs to know that both her and the team are okay. That they’re alive.
♣️ and a ship and i’ll give you a song that reminds me of them
I’m going to be completely honest, the only person I ever really saw JJ with was Will like I prefer penemily over jemily and the only knowledge I have of jelle comes from tumblr so this is literally just going off the vibes but for some reason:
Lookalike- Conan Gray
Maybe in a universe where Elle broke up with JJ right before she left because if she goes down, she won’t drag JJ down with her. But she keeps tabs on the team to make sure they’re okay and they’re safe. She sees JJ with Will and finds the parallels between the two of them and selfishly wonders if Will is just a substitute for what she’s lost.
🔀  and a ship and i’ll shuffle my music and give them an AU inspired by that
You know the last time I did it with Mortch, it was completely ironically and it was the dumbest thing. I also remember getting mirrorball that time and constructing a college AU. This time...
Getaway Car- Taylor Swift
Friendly reminder that I do like Hotch, but he is flawed. So I’m thinking...
Hotch is a prosecutor that never joins the FBI. Morgan fought like hell to become a college professor. They meet when Hotch comes to give a lecture. Because Morgan has his law thing (that’s canon right?) he attends out of curiousity.
The two of them hit it off right away, and they go for coffee. Aaron is a flustered mess the entire time, it’s actually quite cute. Hotch isn’t happy in his relationship- for reasons, it isn’t Haley, but some other woman, and Morgan sort of becomes his reprieve from that.
Morgan won’t let him cheat, but he does support Aaron because sometimes, relationships don’t work out and that’s okay, it’s part of life, but he won’t do anything if Aaron is still with this other person that he isn’t happy with anymore.
Hotch does eventually break up with said person, but then his fear gets the worst of him and he ends up leaving Morgan because he’s terrified of ruining either of their careers and he ends up getting back with the ex because they fit the conventional and appropriate image a prosecutor is meant to have.
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hotchley · 3 years
congrats on 300 🥺 could I get a 🎆 with tara lewis? (🎆and a character and i'll give a song that reminds me of them) ily and don't feel pressured to do this!!!
Thank youu!! And I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but I love the icon!! Season 1 Aaron Hotchner Supremacy (back when he had floppy hair and the weight of the world was not on his shoulders but I digress)
🎆and a character and i'll give a song that reminds me of them
Okay so I’m still on season 10 which means all of my knowledge of Tara comes from fanfic and the internet so this may be horrifically off but from what I’ve heard about her...
I ended up choosing two so!
Song One: 
Which is for when she’s being badass and cool and pretty and just an icon- like when she said Guess again bitch or just in general
And Song Two (which isn’t actually a song it’s an instrumental piece but I had to include it):
I just... it vibes and I can see her being all badass and stuff and it just reminds me of her for some reason? Idk there’s not really an explanation for this one.
I hope this lived up to your expectations!!
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hotchley · 3 years
congratulations on 300 sumayyah!!! you are definitely one of my favorite blogs and moots i’m so happy for you! can i get a 🥀 for temily, 🎶, and ⚔️!
🥀 and a ship and i’ll write some angsty headcanons
So I’ve not actually watched season 11 but Tara Lewis is my only motivation to get there but I apologise if these suck
Tara Lewis is one of the strongest and bravest people Emily knows but when she breaks down, it’s the most terrifying thing. The worst part is she never knows what to do
for professionalism, Tara and Emily try to keep their relationship as private as possible but there are times when all Tara wants to do is let everyone know just how much she loves this woman but she can’t and it kills her
whenever one of them gets injured in the field, the other has to send someone else to the hospital with them. It’s an agreement they have because they never want to see the other so weak (they just won’t be able to)
where Emily’s anger is loud, explosive and designed to hurt as much as possible, Tara’s anger at her loved ones is quiet and repressed and subtle to the point where she doesn’t feel like she’s allowed to be angry because that’s who she is
neither of them wants to hold the other one back from anything in life but sometimes, all Tara wants is for Emily to retire instead of working herself to the bone but Emily would never so she has to settle for quietly saying “I love you” instead
it’s an impossible promise and one nobody can make but on every case, they tell each other they’re going to come back safely and the first time one of them gets injured badly enough to end up in the hospital, the other can’t even look at them because the mortality of their loved one is terrifying
🎶 and i’ll give you a song from my library that reminds me of you with a short explanation if it’s more than just vibes
Okay hear me out. I’m not saying you would say this at all, or that you’d be in this situation...
But I find this song weirdly soothing? Like it’s comforting, if a little bit haunting but the vibe of it just matches the way your blog makes me feel.
Especially with the new theme (which I am absolutely in love with!! It’s just so calming!!)
⚔️ and i’ll give you an image from my novel board that reminds me of you
Tumblr media
I don’t really know why, but this just vibes and I think part of it is the new blog theme and the fact that you ship jelle that I’m just imaging badass, make fun of men kinda vibes.
It’s from Camilla’s section. She’s the Asian girl that does whatever it takes to piss off Tristan, and she was probably my favourite to write!! She very much did whatever it took to get her point across and I don’t know, I’m just attached to her...
You’re one of my favourites too!! Anyone that loves Haley and is willing to entertain both my Mortch scenarios and my Hotch/Haley moments is just an amazing person and I love you so much 💕💕
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hotchley · 4 years
The Intro
Hi, I’m Sumayyah!
You’ve reached the Aaron Hotchner Is Not Cold Headquarters. Here, we appreciate Aaron Hotchner and understand that as a human, he did mess up and we should understand that, but that he’s not cold.
Also, soft!hotch rights.
There will be no Haley Hotchner or William LaMontagne Jr slander either. I love both of them so much and they both deserved better from the writers and the fandom.
My asks are currently on and I love talking to people so please don’t be shy! 
Just keep it SFW. And please don’t send me anything relating to suicide, I’m not sure I’m able to answer those properly right now.
And if you want an emoji, go ahead and tack one on to your ask!
I currently have a 🐨, 🦄 and a ☀️ anon, but everything else in on the table!
I write things! If you want, you can go read:
original writing
in which you can find my original writings blog and the novel i published on wattpad earlier this year
in which hotch gets hurt a lot but most of them end with comfort... not all, but most
baby hotchner au
in which a case going wrong leads to hotch being turned into a child with vague memories of his life up to the age he is
in which there is little plot but lots of random moments, sadness, a small amount of comfort and introspection
in which each member of the bau attempts to help hotch’s grief after episode 100
the conversations series
in which the conversations we were robbed of on the show are written by me, so don’t expect the world of it
in which, you realise that the reason they exist is because i am too lazy to turn them into proper fics or drabbles
criminal minds ships as taylor swift songs
in which i give me totally unprofessional opinion on what taylor swift songs remind me of random ships
in which the lovely @ablogofthecriminalmindsvariety gave us the most beautiful prompts for a week worth of hotch-centric fics
sumayyah has 300
everything from my 300 celebration! (or everything i’ve done so far which is admittedly not a lot whoops...)
I will tag any and all triggers that you need! You can either send an ask, on anon if you want, or a PM. Nothing is silly or stupid! I want this blog to be a safe space for everyone, and that includes you! Current triggers, which follow the system of tw [trigger name] are:
implied child abuse, child abuse, abuse, food mention, food, major character death, death, blood, suicide, implied suicidal thoughts, implied suicide, suicidal thoughts, grief, cancer, child murder, child death, murder, alcohol, self-harm, guns, gun mention, pregnancy, miscarriage, csa, religion, religious trauma, homophobia, stalking, drug addiction, disordered eating, weight, hospitals, panic attacks, medication, ptsd, unhealthy thoughts, trauma, trauma responses
I know the list is long and daunting but it’s everything I have ever talked about on here, so please don’t be afraid, and keep yourself safe!
My personal tag is #sumayyah stop so if you would rather not hear about my day or “personal” life, feel free to black list it
My asks are now being tagged with: #people talk to me if you would rather not hear me ramble about Hotch’s emotions or say even stupider shit than normal.
When I liveblog what I’m writing, or share excerpts/snippets from current projects, or answer asks relating to WIPs or my novel, they will be tagged with #sumayyah talks writing
If something has a ship in it, I will tag that ship for the purpose of filtering!
This blog uses tone indicators in an attempt to be more accessible. The most common ones I use are/probably will be:
/s: sarcasm, /j: joke, /lh: light-hearted, /nm: not mad, /lu: little upset, /nbh: nobody here (probably if I go off on one about the way a character is treated by the writers and fandom)
I will also try and remember to add image descriptions to pictures- bear with me on those because I’m not very good at knowing what is meant to go in them
If there is anything you would like me to do in order to make it more accessible, please feel free to send an ask or a PM! I want everyone here to feel safe!
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