#sulli low quality
fxwitches · 4 months
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old WEIRD F(X) picccssszzz
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pjclub · 4 months
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nostalgia-edit · 2 years
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crayeon · 2 years
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what do you dislike abt high school?
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slutir · 1 year
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twilight (2008)
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strongheartneteyam · 1 year
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Realize where you belong.
Chapter 8
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!human!reader/female!dreamwalker!reader
CW: a whole lot of fluff, intense feelings, angst, self doubt, slight reference to depressive symptoms, crystal appears for the first time (she's reader's best and only actual friend), playful teasing between friends, crystal is a sweetheart, some funny/feel good parts, protective neteyam, neteyam flirting with reader, heated make out session, sharing the same bed trope (idk if it counts lol), cuddling, sexual tension, kissing, mentions of being turned on, moaning, love confessions, neteyam licking reader's neck, neteyam using his fangs to tease reader in a sexual way, reader still feels a bit weird about her deep love for neteyam, bad words, melancholic vibes, reader is gradually letting go of her fears and diving deep into her relationship with neteyam. Lemme know if I forgot anything
Hi, my babies! I hope y'all like this chapter. I only had the inspo to finish it today ahaha comments are always VERY appreciated by this author! 💕 I love all my readers. You guys give me a reason to go on and not give up on my dreams (I think some of you already know I dream of becoming a pro writer one day) even when everything is dark around me.
Slightly proofread.
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Chapter 7
They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange
But I don't have to fucking tell them anything
And I'm gonna write it all down, and I'm gonna sing it on stage
But I don't have to fucking tell you anything
That's the beauty of a secret
You know you're supposed to keep it
Strange Love (Halsey)
Yesterday had been a mess of a day. But it also ended up being one of the best days you had in such a long time. You finally had the courage to tell Neteyam about how you truly felt about him.
Today you were gonna see Neteyam at night again. You two had come to a conclusion that he would spend some time with you in your room during the eclipse. The fact that the both of you would be alone in your room for hours, when you would be wearing only a nightgown (you just were not a pajamas kind of girl) made you feel nervous in a good way. The butterflies in your stomach were flying round and round and they would not leave you alone. It felt good, though. That kind of euphoria made you forget the many things in life that would make your heart hurt way too often.
You were cooking in the lab kitchen and singing to yourself, in a low tone, excited, thinking about seeing Neteyam's beautiful big blue face again, his bioluminescent freckles adorning his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin… He was so perfect. At least to you. You did not care if the other humans found his appearance weird.
Crystal was there in the kitchen with you, her back hunched as she cleaned the floor using a high tech machine that resembled a mixture of a broom and a vacuum cleaner and had green and blue lights that shone in irregular patterns throughout its handle. She noticed how happy you looked and smiled.
"What's up with you, (y/n)? You've been so down lately and now you're singing while preparing food?" She teased you in a friendly way, laughing slightly.
Crystal was such a sweet girl. She was so calm and nice to everyone, even when treated badly. You admired that quality in her.
She was a beautiful asian girl with straight raven black hair and pale skin that contrasted with her hair, making her look angelic to you. Her smile was also so kind. It was her smile that made you trust her and befriend her the first time you both spoke.
You laughed shyly while looking at her "It's nothing, Crys." That was the nickname you gave her "I'm just a bit happy today. You should be happy for me instead of teasing me!" You were now not shy but mischievous "You're the one who's always telling me to see the good in life, despite the darkness. That's what I'm trying to do." You looked back at the meat you were seasoning and thought that Neteyam was the light in the middle of darkness for you at the moment
Crystal approached you and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek "Whatever you say, little bat. I just wanna see you happy. That's truly all I want." She would always call you "little bat" because she told you that you have kind of a gothic vibe, since you're not really that into socializing and prefer your own company most times and you don't really smile at strangers. According to Crystal, that made you mysterious. You thought that was a bit cheesy but again, not your words. Crystal was the one claiming that. You laughed internally.
"I know, my Crys. And I love you so much for that. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."
"See?! You're all sappy! Something good happened! This is not just you deciding to be positive all of a sudden. If something happened, you better tell me, you hear me?!" She teased but you knew she also really wanted to know 
Sometimes you hated how she could see right through you because you didn't always want to tell her all that was in your mind, even though you loved her so much and she was your best friend. Like now, for example. You couldn't tell her about Neteyam. That was something that, at least for now, would have to be kept a secret. You could only hope Derek would be decent enough to keep his word and not tell anyone about what had happened when Neteyam saw you and him kissing.
Even though it was cold, you kept your window unlocked and slightly open that night once again - a small gap, as always - just so Neteyam could come inside your room through it.
When you saw him approaching your window, his dark blue skin looking almost magical in the dark of the eclipse, his big size now exciting you instead of scaring you, your heart started beating so fast, it was just like it was in a running competition.
You practically jumped from your bed to the floor and walked as fast as your nervous legs would let you towards the window. Neteyam smiled at you so widely. Damn, were his fangs sexy… He barely got there and you were already getting turned on.
"Neteyam!" His name came out of your mouth in such a happy tone
"Hi, hi'ì emyu. You look so pretty tonight. I missed your pretty face."
Your heart started beating faster even if it seemed like that wasn't even possible to begin with.
"You're making me blush. Stop!" You laughed nervously as you opened the window for him "Come in." You wanted to call him "baby" or something cute like that but he made you so nervous with his confident but kind and warm personality that you still couldn't manage to do that.
Once he was inside your room, he knelt down in front of you - so your size difference wouldn't be so ridiculously big -, cupped your face with both his big blue hands and kissed your lips quickly. It wasn't a long kiss but it was enough to make your legs feel weak.
"It's late, oeyä tawtute. You have to rest. You should lay on your bed while we talk. I can lay by your side. But only if you feel comfortable with that." He looked you in your eyes, trying to let you know that now he would always try his hardest to respect your boundaries
You thought that the way he was taking care of you was so lovely. It made your heart melt, honestly. And the thought of Neteyam laying next to you in your bed, your bodies so close to each other since the bed would be incredibly small to his na'vi body, made you say "yes" immediately, without thinking twice. You wanted him that close to you so bad. You had missed him all day.
Neteyam was beyond happy with your answer. You walked towards your bed and Neteyam walked right behind you. Soon enough, the both of you were sharing your bed.
"Neteyam…" Your voice echoed in the cold air of your room but Neteyam's warmth was keeping you cozy, his body pressed against yours as you both cuddled in your bed that looked ridiculously small when Neteyam was laying on it, all curled up to be able to fit there with you.
"What, yawntu?" He looked at you with eyes so tender, they made your heart feel warm and you felt truly loved after such a long time not even knowing how that felt like
"I'm sorry I didn't say it back when you said it… but… I love you too. I love you so much. I don't even know how I can feel so deeply for you if I met you not that long ago. It's been what? 4 days?" You looked concerned 
Neteyam touched your face, making you feel the heat of his big hand all over your skin
"Stop thinking too much. Just let it be. Just feel what you feel for me and don't try to reason about it. What matters is what we feel for each other. What matters is that your heart beats fast for me and so does my heart for you." 
Even though Neteyam had just reassured you, seeming to be calm and unbothered, your words did surprise him. When he first told you, in his people's language, that he loved you, you did not say it back. He tried to think it was just you still being overwhelmed with the odd situation that being in a relationship with a na'vi was to you - he knew that the fact that you two were from different species still weirded you out a bit - but he couldn't help but feel insecure. Now that you had finally declared your love for him, he felt like he could finally breathe and that horrible fear of losing you started to slowly go away.
You breathed deep and nodded. You knew he was right. You were a chronic overthinker.
Neteyam gently brought his lips to yours and gave you a kiss full of care and love. He pressed his plump, soft lips against yours and you kissed him back. You both kept your lips together for a few seconds and slowly parted, looking inside each other's eyes. There was trust there. There was something special between you both, a bond, an energy, something that you never found anywhere else before. Nobody made you feel what Neteyam did.
"I wanna tell you something."
"Please do" Neteyam started to run his slender four fingers through your hair
"I was so afraid you weren't gonna come back for me after that night when I screamed at you." Your heart hurt as you admitted that to him, but you tried not to let it show
"Do you really think I would let you go that easily? (Y/n), listen to me. I know, I just know, right here," Neteyam tapped on his chest, right where his heart was "that I will love you forever. Even if I did everything in my power to get you to be mine and I still failed, I'd still love you until the day I die. So, no, I wasn't gonna give up on you just like that. I'm the Mighty Warrior, remember?" You laughed at the silly name Neteyam calls himself as he smiled at you and chuckled "I'd fight for you until the end, hi'ì tawtute." (small human) "That's a war I'm not willing to lose. No way."
"But I treated you so badly…" You furrowed your eyebrows, gazing at him with sadness and guilt in your face
"I know… but to be fair, like you said, you're not used to my na'vi behavior. I came on too strong. I'm sorry. It's just what you do to me. It's all your fault! You're too beautiful!" His expression quickly changed from ashamed - when he was apologizing - to playful, as he got closer to the end of the sentence and he smiled at you, winning back another smile from you.
His smile was one of the purest things you had ever seen. Perhaps the purest one. So precious.
"Can I ask you something?" You spoke
"Anything, yawntutsyìp." 
"Why do you say I'm "more na'vi than human"?" I know you already explained what you mean a little bit back when we first met but… I'm gonna need more than that." You looked at him chuckling softly, wondering, as your eyes showed him how much you wanted to know the answer
"I think it should be obvious to you as much as it is obvious to me." Neteyam smirked, playfully 
"Why so?" You smiled, confused 
"I wish you could see yourself from the outside, like I can see you. I wish you could see how miserable you look living your human life, cooking and washing dishes inside that kitchen. But, when you're in your Avatar… you smile so widely, you exude childhood wonder, your happiness is so, so contagious… It's like you feel truly alive like that, like you feel free and at home. It's so beautiful to watch. That's why I used to always watch you." He smiled looking down, bashful
Some time had passed and it was now getting only a few hours away from the end of the eclipse. You knew Neteyam had to go back to his tribe soon enough. But you didn't want him to go. You wanted him to stay forever by your side, not being parted from you for a single second, as clingy as that sounded. And the best part is: you were almost sure he felt the same way. Okay, if you were to only listen to the rational voices in your brain and not to the voices telling you that you were unlovable, you knew Neteyam felt the same way. You could just feel it in the air when he was around you.
And at that moment, he was showing you how much he needed you in a way that was making you feel things you hadn't felt in so long.
Neteyam was licking the sensitive skin of your neck, making you let your head to the side, leaving more space for him to keep on doing that, as you closed your eyes and moaned, almost too loud, at the way his large tongue lapped on your neck, tasting the skin and massaging it gently. Saying that felt like Paradise would be an understatement. You had no fucking words to even start to explain what he made you feel.
"Oeyä tawtute… my yawne…" he cooed on your ear, kissing the earlobe and using his sharp teeth to nible on it a little bit "You're mine now. All mine, my muntxate." (female mate) 
Neteyam wrapped his tail around your right leg. That felt possessive but in a good way. It made you feel safe. Like belonging to him was not gonna be such a scary, anxious experience at all to you. He seemed to already know you. Neteyam held you just the way you liked it and you wanted him to keep his big arms wrapped around you for eternity. He felt just like an overused, old t-shirt that was already so used to your body that it felt extremely comfy and relaxing on your skin, making you wish you could go everywhere wearing that t-shirt. So familiar and safe.
Even if your brain still tried to tell you it was totally insane to feel like that about a guy - a na'vi - you had just met, you didn't give a damn anymore. Your sick brain already made you suffer a lot in so many areas of your life. You wouldn't let that fucking pink squishy organ ruin your relationship with Neteyam. Not anymore.
"How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?
The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art"
Juliet Capulet - Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)
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snoopy333 · 1 year
Hello thank you for taking my request! Can I request Tsutey’s reaction to nipple piercing? Belly piercing?
What do you look like?
Tsu’tey x Dreamwalker reader
warnings: smut
overview: after dating for a while Tsu’tey finally sees what you look like
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//the description of reader is a description of myself a little cameo for you all♥️🥰
It was a day like any other really. Some of jake and your Navi friends (Tsu’tey,Neytiri, Ka’ani and sa’ayla)had come up to the Hallelujah mountains to chill and learn some human things. Like Neytiri had taken a liking to Jake Tsu’tey had done the same. One thing he had always wondered was what you looked like outside of your navi body.You always tried to explain but it never satisfied him.
“So you skin is brown like trees? and your hair is in permanent braids??” he asked with a confused look on his face. “Yes Ma-Tsu’tey”
Tonight the topic had come up again, Neytiri telling everyone about how different humans look and almost begging to see what the two of you looked like.
You laughed a bit looking at jake. “I mean our bodies are right in there but we can’t interrupt them mid session”. “ Lets put on the projector and show them our logs” Jake said. “They could see us with no mask then .”
You thought for a second,humming dramatically. “Fine” You said shrugging. You could tell tsu’tey was trying to hold back his smile as Jake set up the projector. One of jakes logs beginning to play. He sat in his chair talking about Navi food this log…
(in log)
“So most of the food is grilled over a fire and then wrapped in a leaf. I personally love the stuff but Y/n here isnt to big on the meats, Y/n say hello to my log”
You stood in the back heating up your tea.Your figure was covered with just a thin white cropped tank top and some low rise pajamas shorts. Your long black locs dropped over your shoulder passing your butt as you walked over. Ears filled with black gauges, Arms covered with tattoos. But what stood out the most was the way your nipple piercings poked through your shirt. And the way your belly pierced sat perfectly.
“Hello Jakes log..” You said sipping you tea “Hows everyone like jakes new hair” You joked ruffling his hair a bit “Im sure neytiri would love it” “You need a damn haircut sully “ Grace yelled from the back. “Goodbye log” Jake said laughing a bit “
(end of log)
“Omg y/n you’re.. whats the word jake.. AH! y/you’re hot!” You laugh at neytiris words. “I have to agree ma-y/n” Tsu’tey said his eye’s nearly blown in arousal.
After a while they group ended up watching more logs. And some old earth movies. Tsu’tey kept his arm around you. Ever so often leaving small kisses on your shoulder, Kisses on your neck right where you like them.
“I didn’t know you had piercings in my favorite places yawne, You don’t know how bad i want to bend you over right now do you”. Each word sent shivers down your spine his hand running up and down your thighs.
Once everyone fell asleep of course you two were wide awake. It didn’t take long for you two to be behind a tree with you bent over holding onto that tree for dear life. “Im so fucking lucky..you gonna let me fuck your real body one day baby? You gonna let me suck on those pretty piercings?” That night he was never more confident in fucking you. He had something to prove that night!
The next morning you woke him up in your human body mask on tight. He held his hands over your waist trying his best to not slide them up that shirt….
//sorry for the bad quality in photos 😞♥️ hope the description of myself was cool!
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arisenreborn · 5 months
Okay so it's another pawn lovers guild qotd, but this one... got out of hand. 😅 Took a couple different things and slapped them together for "Meeting the Former Arisen/Arisen Boss Fight".
Since Rann and Reverie are based on old very powerful OCs, I got a little gratuitous with them sorry. Hey, it's entirely optional! (Just like clicking read more because it's long.)
Quest: “A Dream Apart”
After staying at the Nameless Village inn for a night, there’s a chance for it to be attacked by a Drake. It must be allowed to flee - in the process of doing so it will crash into the mountain and reveal a hidden path. (If defeated, this can be attempted every time a drake happens to attack, but low probability, and can’t be repeated after completing the questline.)
This path will lead through a cavern behind the waterfalls not far from the Nameless Village. Following it further, the path twines up through the mountain to some ancient ruins (similar vibe to going up to Sphinx).
There the Arisen will meet with the Pawn, Avierann, who stands over the remains of the Drake - its loot can be obtained scattered around the area, and he encourages the Arisen to take it. In this area you’ll start to notice a strangeness in the air, a ‘distortion’ quality you can pick up on visually from time-to-time. Multiple options here:
>Try to pass Avierann
He will stop you. This will lead to conversation options, or if you persist, he will engage in battle. 
>Talk to Avierann
He’ll inquire what you’ve come here for. Depending on your answer, he’ll say the answers you seek may be ahead, but if you seek a fight you’ll be shown no mercy. (This can lead to fighting him.) 
>Fight 0 - Avierann
Throughout the fight he’ll often shield himself and levitates around the battlefield often, pummeling the battlefield with both fiery and icy meteors. His abilities are above that of your average Pawn, and his voicelines will mostly seek to deter you from continuing down this route. “Please, don’t be foolish.” “There is a better way.” (If you stop attacking him long enough, it will cancel the fight and you can talk.) Once you get him to his final healthbar he’ll start spamming meteorons and maelstroms so have fun. This is definitely a ‘mini boss’ in terms of difficulty tho. 
Reward: EXP, Wakestone, Moonbloom
If you seek wisdom, he will lead you to the summit. The ‘distortion’ in the air grows thicker, (but so help me it’s not giving you a headache). Before going, he warns you there will be no turning back, and you won’t be able to use ferrystones. Finally you’ll come to where Reverie resides.
*Just made a post about this recently,* but she’s an Arisen of a previous cycle who fused with her Dragon rather than either of them killing one another. She basically looks like a red dragon with a griffins feathers along the upper portion of her body up to the humanoid torso of Reverie where the head would be.
She shouldn’t exist here, and you definitely shouldn’t be able to meet her. Especially not on the Pathfinder’s watch.
She’ll start talking to you like the Sphinx does, and will say *you* shouldn’t be here, suggesting a certain someone (the Pathfinder) would not be happy with his latest toy if she ruined it. (You can take that as her killing you or sullying you with information you shouldn’t have.) Her demeanor is notably a little… well, yeah, Sphinx-like. Not quite the same, but she’s got a monstrous viciousness to her though that’s playfully and carefully restrained.
I don’t wanna get too in-depth about what sort of things she could say that could be spoilery, but it’d probably be a step above Rivage Elder in terms of clarity and direction in what you should do going forward - but still just frustratingly vague enough in perfect DD fashion. 
Then she’ll tell you she’s curious if you might truly be capable of breaking free, and asks if you would amuse her with a fight, suggesting that you, too, must enjoy the thrill of combat Zenos ass behavior. If you disagree she’ll call you boring, but that will be that. She warns that once you leave, you will not be able to return - and you won’t until a NG+. You can talk to her again and accept her offer of a fight though, otherwise you return to the Nameless Village and can no longer reach the path that led there.
REWARD: Minimal EXP, Wakestone Shard
>Fight 1: Friendly Fight
Fast and fierce, she fights much like the Dragon but much more mobile. She’ll grab and throw individuals in the air and then smack them across the field with her tail. She conjures magick arrows that hover around her and will act as a sort of ‘shield’, exploding if you come into contact with them (which also means you could destroy them), and after several seconds will hone in on all targets. Ultimately it does feel rather ‘fun’ and ‘light-hearted’, she is not holding any punches but she laughs and cheers you on, praising you when you do well and encouraging you when you muck it up. 
It’s the effects around the battlefield that are scarier; the world itself will look like it’s beginning to fray at the edges and come undone, like you’re doing something dangerous on the fringes of reality. The summit transforms and the world twists around you, giving you a kaleidoscope of glimpses of familiar and foreign landscapes, of worlds unmoored and worlds rejected from the cycle…
Eventually she will stop the fight and praise you, admitting she isn’t sure if you’ll be able to break the cycle, but she’ll choose to believe you can. 
At this point, you can choose to continue talking for the above rewards, or press the fight with intent to kill. If you continue talking:
She’ll warn you that pushing too hard against the cycle may result in leading to a path like hers - existing on the fringes of the worlds and unable to truly change anything within them. But figuring out just what that breaking point is -how far is too far?- is something only you can decide. She’ll wish you safe travels on your road ahead, and an ending that you can take pride in, before casting you in a light that returns you to the edge of the Nameless Village. You cannot return to this place again until NG+.
Reward: EXP, Wakestone, Dreamer’s Enigma (Magick Bow) A deep red bow formed seemingly from the crystalized blood and flame of a dragon. “This bow seems to be from another world, and exists precariously within this one.” (Noteworthy feature: zero weight cost.)
If you choose to continue the fight:
>Fight 2: Gloves Are Off
Rann: Reverie… Are you certain? Reverie: Yes… So long as we’re together. Rann: …Very well. Together then.
Avierann fully heals her as the battle begins, hovering on the edge of the battlefield. She sounds sadly resigned: if this is the path you’ve chosen, she won’t deny you - nor will she make it easy for you. Indeed, it’s her job to make it as hard as she can so you can face the trials to come. Rann will constantly cover the field in either Maelstrom or Meteorons, will heal and shield her - taking him down should be the first order of business, though she will viciously defend him in turn. 
You may need to stun her (achieved primarily by attacking her human part), and sacrifice her down time to whittle him down - he will prioritize healing her while she’s downed even over himself. 
“I won’t allow it to end like this.” - If you kill her first Rann will shatter the remaining stability of the battlefield; you’ll be clinging to small bits of viable land in a sea of jagged, pieced-together realities and have to navigate to get back to him in time and break his shield before he resurrects Reverie (half health). If she resurrects the field will return to ‘normal’, albeit with increasingly less safe/convenient areas to stand and maneuver. 
Killing her first is not advised. sorry breaking/reordering reality and resurrection is Rann’s specialty But if you can cancel him before he resurrects her, the battle will eventually end - he will try to keep doing this though. Once you finally get him down he will fall to one knee and fade away, “Very well then, this was what she wanted…”
If you go for him first, on Avierann’s final health bar Reverie will go into a rampage, mostly just increasing the speed and strength of her attacks. She’ll grab and stand on a target with one hand for a frustrating amount of time, or fling them other targets. Once Rann is defeated she’ll let out an anguished scream that creates a stunning shockwave. Regardless of any attacks she’ll go over to pick up Rann’s body and embrace it to her for the remainder of the battle. 
“I knew… I knew it would hurt, but…” She straightens up. “Very well. Together then.”
Her movements will be far less brutal - her attacks mostly continue same as before but she’s slowed drastically. On the final half of her final health bar she has more or less given up and will only give cursory slaps of her tail and retaliatory swipes of her claws. She speaks as if to him, but her words might also guide a careful listener. 
“After countless turns around this world… Time and time again we’ve found ourselves here… But at the very least, we were together… Was there another way? … Perhaps there are as many paths as there are wills seeking to find them… But mine leads only to you… So, surely…”
Finally she will collapse, still clutching Rann’s body and talking only to him. “Perhaps… next time, then.”
If you can divide your forces to whittle them both down at the same time they’ll talk to one another as their health dwindles. Their voices are tinged with both deep sorrow and a sense of burgeoning joy. The embracing of an ending towards a new beginning.
“Reverie… Do you remember when we met?” “What a funny question, which time?” “The first time.” “Well, that’d have to be… Soon, wouldn’t it?” “Hah, yes. Soon.”
Once both of them are destroyed their bodies will disappear in a burst of light that swallows the entire area, and you’ll be left outside the Nameless Village. 
Reward: EXP, Wakestone, Path of the Heart (Archistaff) A dark red stave seemingly made of the twined hardened fibers of a dragons heartstrings, the crown of the staff is half-broken, as if it once held a gem, but a glowing red power energy lingers here now, seemingly in bitter defiance of it’s own fate. (Noteworthy feature: zero weight cost.)
>Fight 0-1: Vengeance
If you fought and killed Avierann when you first met him, Reverie will not talk to you, and will immediately launch into battle. There is no mercy here, no fun. Guttural snarling roars of: “What have you done?!” and “You fool!” Rabid, berserk repetitions of “Why!? Why!? Why!?” 
Along with her above tactics, she’ll occasionally leap to five points around the battlefield, creating huge aoe telegraphs for each element (fire, ice, lightning, dark, holy)  that will erupt in the order she went to them. Staying close to her and avoiding all of the damage can be perilous. She’ll occasionally grab a target and throw them *into* one of the aoe ranges, giving them a small window to run out of it. If attacking her from behind her tail may also smack you into one. 
Similar to above fights, the battlefield is an increasing hazard being broken down and restructured. You’ll see places from DD1, BBI, and others yet unrecognizable. Sometimes she'll raise the ground up to prevent you from running.
She’ll occasionally let out terrible screams that stun anyone too close, it seems she'll keep trying to restore some order and calm down occasionally, but will keep falling back into a despairing rage. At about half health she will start ripping at her human body in a blind frenzy.
“I don’t want to do this anymore! I don’t! I don’t! I don’t! Not without him! I must go, I must go to him!” 
The human/griffin parts of her will be replaced by pure dragon, as the familiar visage of The Dragon comes forth. The music will end and go mostly silent before slowly the harps from DD Main Theme come in and lead into a rendition of Eternal Return. You’re fighting the Dragon now, you know how that goes. His dialogue is limited but:
“A cruel hand to hunt down they who pose no threat. Yet such cruelty may yet be needed to forge the path thou desire. Above exists the watchers gaze, with hands that would strangle the will from thine soul and make a puppet of thee.” And upon death: “Go forth, and bleed the watcher dry, O blessed butcher.”
Reward: EXP, Wakestone, Ragnarok (A duospear with a staff made from dragonbone, and the blades from dragons fangs, the description reads: “Once a man sought to defy the Dragon and became Arisen. Once the Arisen sought to defy fate and became the Dragon. Once, the Dragon sought to defy all, and turned its fangs on the chains that bind this world.” (Noteworthy feature: zero weight cost.)
So in order to get all of the rewards.... :'D There is ONE more route option I'm imagining where if you somehow manage to leave Rann alive (unconscious) when you first meet him and then kill Reverie, he will then proceed to stalk you through the world, occasionally assassinating your pawns, showing up mid-Drake fight, and just generally wreaking havoc.
There's a similar route for Reverie doing this if you kill him and then turn back without going to the summit - you lose the ability to go back, but she will break into your world for revenge. :'D
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jeanbie · 2 months
I'm so in love with your Jake Sully you write him sooo perfectly! Fantasize is one of a kinda and actually the best fic i've read and i'm so excited for part 3!!!
thank you so much! i've been slowly writing again, just not feeling creative this summer so i'd rather not punch out low quality fics for everyone. but hearing your graceful kind words means a lot to me <3
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luchicm04 · 6 months
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A place to put all my fanarts and videos I've ever made💖
Most of them are some years old, so I figured I'd also post them here. Sorry for the low quality ^w^
If you like them, feel free to support me on Tiktok as @luciacm83, or on Instagram as @plk_8398. That's where I'm posting them.
(Gallery Part 2)
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Edit 1 - You're a loser, baby☔
Edit 2 - Try🤝💝
Edit 3 - Obsession💚💙💜
Edit 4 - Lady let's go💃🕺
Edit 5 - Arabian nights✨🌵
Edit 6 - 紅蓮の弓矢, "Guren no Yumiya"⚔️🩸
Edit 7 - MLB: Transformation Theme🐞🐈‍⬛
Edit 8 - She's homeless🍊💸
Edit 9 - Dumb Dumb💜🐾
Edit 10 - Magnetic🩷🤍
Edit 11 - E.T. 🎵🌟
Edit 12 - Run boy run⌛🍃
Edit 13 - Heart attack💝🎍
Edit 14 - The bidding🔄️💭
Edit 15 - Paradise🔪💛
Edit 16 - Gangnam Style🪩🕺
Edit 17 - World's Smallest Violin🍜
Edit 18 - Danza Kuduro🕷️
Edit 19 - It's Been So Long👩‍🍼🩷
Edit 20 - Waiting for love🌍💞
Edit 21 - Nothing breaks like a heart🔥⌛
Edit 22 - Kings & Queens👑
Edit 23 - Locked out of heaven🌺
Edit 24 - Clocks🗓️🤝
Edit 25 - Symphony🤝💕 - PT. 1 || PT. 2
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Fanart 1 - "She's just there. Like a word about to be spoken..."
Fanart 2 - 🌸💜🍡
Fanart 3 - …Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?
Fanart 4 - "Don't waste your breath. Costumes? Check. On the scene? Check. That makes us heroes!"
Fanart 5 - "Even if I lose my memories, my body will remember that anger that will not leave me until I die."
Fanart 6 - 💚🩷❤️
Fanart 7 - senju tobirama - nidaime hokage
Fanart 8 - tonowari - olo'eyktan of the metkayina
Fanart 9 - Studio Ghibli - All Animated Movies
Fanart 10 - hokage - naruto / naruto shippuden
Fanart 11 - Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Theory: Ollie
Fanart 12 - gems - steven universe
Fanart 13 - Cartoon fanarts - PT. 1 || PT. 2
Fanart 14 - 2001 vs 2023
Fanart 15 - ⋆⁺₊⋆💔⋆⁺₊⋆
Fanart 16 - Butterfly family - queens of Mewni.
Fanart 17 - "Any minute now."
Fanart 18 - LGBT couples icons - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4
Fanart 19 - My Pokémon Challenges - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6
Fanart 20 - aroace icons - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6
Fanart 21 - "It's what you would call The Boredom..."
Fanart 22 - Avatar LGTB flag
Fanart 23 - If I were a Pokémon gym leader...
Fanart 24 - emotions - inside out / inside out 2
Fanart 25 - No thoughts. Just... Pandora
Fanart 26 - "Are there any dead bodies up there?"
Fanart 27 - AFoP is... - PT. 1 || PT. 2 || PT. 3 || PT. 4 || PT. 5 || PT. 6 || PT. 7
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Meme 1 - To be continued...🔚
Meme 2 - It has to be a circle⭕
Meme 3 - Pista de contraseña: hijo favorito // Password clue: favorite child 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
Meme 4 - Cat Hoodie😻
Meme 5 - LitF memes
Meme 6 - Cartoon memes
Meme 7 - What color are my eyes?
Meme 8 - Edgy smile❤️🖤
Meme 9 - Poison💟💥
Meme 10 - Ayanami Rei🩵
Meme 11 - "Even you can become a Crawly Wizard with the right garments!"
Meme 12 - Sully kids🩵💙
Meme 13 - "Look at HER hair!"
Meme 14 - A year and a half left...
Meme 15 - Rude hackers
Meme 16 - Hazbin Hotel Cursed
Meme 17 - Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan✨
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Gif 1 - Inside Out 2 ❃ ENNUI
Gif 2 - Inside Out 2 ❃ SADNESS & EMBARRASSMENT
Gif 3 - Inside Out 2 ❃ JOY & ANXIETY
Gif 4 - We love our kids just the way the are
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Cover 1: 森の中 での損失
Cover 2: 目は独自の言語を持っています
Cover 3: 目は独自の言語を持っています · V2
Cover 4: Oe yerik ulte pivängkxo lu sasyä
Cover 5: Oe yerik ulte pivängkxo lu sasyä · V2
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thricedead · 5 months
are u into svsss bcoz i've been meaning to ask someone who knows: what the fuck goes on in there question mark
I would not say I'm into it because it rests extremely low on my danmei rankings list, but I did read it (and own the oficial english TLs)...
Brief plot summary: Shen Yuan, a fan of male power fantasy xianxia webnovels reads a novel that it so intensely bad and insufferable it causes him to suffer a stroke (?) and die on the spot. He ends up isekaid into that very webnovel, reborn in the body of the protagonist's extremely bad tempered and violent shifu, Shen Qingqiu. At that point, the protagonist Luo Binghe is still a somewhat scatterbrained and puppy-eyed young teenager, but Shen Yuan/Qingqiu is aware that Luo Binghe will later end up a hardened and ruthless man who rises to power as emperor, kills his abuser (IN THIS CASE SHEN YUAN HIMSELF) and goes on to rape thousands of women and kill thousands of men. With the help of an inexplicable deus ex machina system of instructions, Shen Yuan realizes that he has to change the plot of the novel and raise Luo Binghe into a kinder man to evade his own death. He starts treating Luo Binghe with some basic human decency and gentleness, but this causes the boy to fall obsessively in love with him. Luo Binghe turning gay fucks up the novel hierarchy and throws the story off course, the characters exit stasis and the story begins evolving changed by Luo Binghe's ardent affection, and Shen Qingqiu's reluctant reciprocation once they reunite after Luo Binghe grows up. The plot itself and the background characters failed to be really original and intriguing compared to MXTX's following two works, so I'll skip through the majority of it unless you or anyone is REALLY interested in order to address the truly unsavory romance that really sullies my very beloved concept of "metafictional awareness alters the course of the story" that I wrote abt both academically and privately. Binghe/Qingqiu is a really grating relationship even for a reader like me who can stomach a lot in terms of unsavory BL, since Binghe has an extreme teacher/student kink and that sort of play (which I find mortifying as a victim of teacher SA I'll be real) extends thruout their encounters and well into their marriage, but I also hesitate to blame the older Qingqiu for this dynamic because he is more or less just constantly being assaulted and harassed and having sex acts he doesn't enjoy performed on him. Book 4, or the collection of extra side stories, is pretty much just Binghe assaulting Qingqiu in 1000 ways and it's supposed to be cute because Qingqiu doesn't hate it as much as before LOL. I would have been sick to my stomach reading it if MXTX's quality of writing at the time were not really poor and flowery in a way that reads as hilarious, one can only read about Binghe's meteorite-hard pillar of jade finding a hidden jewel within Qingqiu's hidden cavern so many times before becoming desentisized and just liveblogging it on tumblr for 3 likes.
Despite it all I don't regret giving this pillar of western danmei enjoyment a read because it offers a solid BG for critical analysis of MDZS and TGCF, novels which I enjoyed as leisurely reading significyntly more. "SVSSS is a parody" was uttered in its defense too many times to count, but I fail to see how that statement holds water considering it was (at least in western danmei circles) taken very nearly completely at face value, and considering that equally absurd and discomforting sexual power dynamics are very present in MDZS and TGCF. Looking at MXTX's entire opus its kind of insane how much of her pussy she put into putting that Enstars post thats like "if the younger person manipulates and abuses the older person in the couple, is it still a problematic age gap?" Into practical action LOL bizarre woman
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pjclub · 9 months
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val-of-the-north · 1 year
You know, I won’t argue that the Raging Wolf set isn’t cool or anything, because that shit kicks ass... but it is kinda sullied for me seeing as it’s the armor of some other guy within the setting. It wouldn’t even bother me that much if it was like the Elite Knight set from Dark Souls, worn by Oscar and Ricard both, because at the very least that’s just a commonly-used armor in their world... but the Raging Wolf set is just completely unique to Vargram!!! It annoys me!!!
So this got me thinking... is there an armor set that would fit better as THE default Tarnished look so they aren’t taking the drip away from some other guy? Well, there actually is! Once you get to the Roundtable Hold, you can purchase this set from the Twin Maiden Husk:
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It looks really good I think, I especially love this color of blue. But style alone isn’t why I’d pick this one as the “default Tarnished set™”, but some in-game art seems to suggest as much too. Remember the little pop-ups we find at the start of the game and inside the Cave of Knowledge? They all depict the player character as wearing this exact armor right here!
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There’s many more of these types of images (excuse the low quality, there aren’t better quality ones on the Internet :\ ) and unless it’s specifically about stuff like sorcery, this guy is the go-to for depicting the player. So, as cool as the Raging Wolf armor is, I vote for this being the default Tarnished look.
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slutir · 1 year
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barbarism begins at home
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bucketsofgiggles · 2 years
Wait tell me something about commercial aviation safety that sounds cool.
okay so like, the engines being Important is an obvious statement right? because not only do they make the Plane Go but they're also the plane's electrical power plant. it's why you've got cabin lighting and A/C and flight attendants can make you food of various quality, and also, ya know, let the pilots have instrumentation. and modern aircraft can fly safely on only one engine! granted, your pilot will be landing that thing at the closest suitable airport ASAP, but it'll all in all be a fairly standard landing, probably just earlier and likely at a different place than you were planning.
but what if you lose both? like US Airways Flight 1549? i mean, beyond the fact you're now in a Giant Glider, the pilots are now flying said Giant Glider without all but the most basic, analogue instruments, right?
nope! (unless your pilots panic/are busy trying to keep the plane in control/incapacitated, to which then you have Bigger Problems, Sorry). there's the Ram Air Turbine, which will deploy automatically and use the air blowing past it to make electricity, though it'll be prioritized for cockpit instruments only. there's also the Auxiliary Power Unit or APU which has to be deployed by the pilots, but gives them even more power than the Ram Air Turbine because, if you've flown, i guarantee you've been on a plane that's used it, because that's the plane's power source on the ground when the engines are off, such as when at the gate.
if Flight 1549 sounds a bit familiar, that's because it's better known as the Miracle on the Hudson, AKA the A320 that landed on the Hudson River in NYC in 2009 after losing both engines to bird strikes at low altitude. and among the many brilliant things Captain Chelsea "Sully" Sullenberger did in that accident was almost immediately start the APU, which gave him and First Officer Jeff Skiles way more instrumentation a lot faster. in fact the emergency checklist made after Flight 1549 (because checklists for dual engine failure before it assumed you were at higher altitude, and thus assumed you had much more time to troubleshoot/try and re-start the engines) is pretty much just everything Sully and Skiles did based on pure instinct during that emergency, with starting the APU one of the first instructions. it's colloquially called the Sully Checklist for that reason.
anyway here are some more links to Wikipedia articles about really interesting air accidents (FYI none of these have fatalities so don't worry if you're sensitive to that sort of thing!):
TACA Flight 110: Proto-Flight 1549 effectively, a 737 loses both engines during final approach into New Orleans after hail ingestion into the engines. Captain Carlos Dardano (who is worth a look up on his own, this dude is a badass) safely brought the airliner to a stop on a levee.
British Airways Flight 5390: First Officer Alastair Atchison lands a BAC One-Eleven alone after Captain Tim Lancaster is partially ejected from the aircraft after the cockpit windscreen on his side is blown out due to improper maintenance. to an airport F/O Atchison is unfamiliar with. while also overflying London, some of the busiest airspace in the world.
Air Canada Flight 143 AKA The Gimli Glider: another loss of engine power, this time due to incorrect fuel loading due to Canada's then-recent switch from Imperial to Metric. pilots landed the plane safely at a closed down airfield that had been converted to a drag racing course. one of the most famous airplane crashes.
Federal Express Flight 705: (TW: attempted murder-suicide) okay this is technically a cargo flight, but it's one of the most badass displays of flying ever. a disgruntled Federal Express employee attempts to hijack the flight and crash it for life insurance payout and also revenge (he was targeting Federal Express' hub). despite inflicting all three pilots (this is old enough that this plane still had a flight engineer) with severe head wounds, they all fought off the attacker and landed safely, while also flying a fully-loaded DC-10 frighter like a fucking fighter jet to throw the attacker off-balance.
i also recommend the Mentour Pilot YouTube channel. it's run by an active 737 pilot who's also trains new pilots, so there's tons of good insider knowledge and he breaks down complicated aviation concepts into plain language very well. his videos are very well done and i always learn something new, even with accidents and incidents i've read extensively about.
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golden-redd · 2 years
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ᕯ crack post - w/ z-dog
ᕯ crack post - w/ z-dog & Wainfleet
ᕯ crack post - w/ z-dog, Wainfleet, Admore, and Quaritch
ᕯ Crack video - w/ Mansk, Wainfleet, Prager, Ja
ᕯ Crack post - w/ oc, wainfleet x quaritch implied
ᕯ gif pack of the recoms - Low quality
ᕯ Recom mix up
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ᕯ BANSHEE TAMING - Lyle Wainfleet After Quaritcn had tamed his banshee it was now the corporal's turn to tame his own Ikran.
ᕯ Family sticks together. - recoms & oc Where the recoms have a medic that caters to them, but during the battle between the Sullies and Metkayina clan they realize he's gone missing and goes to look for her.
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ᕯ How I think some of the recoms would act - HC
ᕯ How I think the recoms refer to their lovers - HC
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ᕯ Lopez X Mansk - Drabble (?) Lopez loves Mansk and Mansk loves Lopez, but Mansk won't follow his heart until Lopez is sitting next to him and begging for the recom to let him into his heart.
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