#suki loves ominis gaunt
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sukipearl · 1 month ago
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the room did not disappoint
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legacy-boys · 2 years ago
Legacy Characters in a Modern!Non-Magical!AU
Sebastian Sallow
Football (soccer) player
Favorite class is geometry and history
Despite his love for football (soccer) he sometimes skips on practice to go read in the school library
Often in detention for skipping practice
Drives a pick up truck
Bad at English and Science, often asks Garreth for help
Very flirty with the girls, but is non-commital and often rejects girls advances
Joined the astronomy club with his best friend Ominis
Gets a bit too excited when he wins a football (soccer) game
Wears sweatpants and a white t-shirt daily, even tho there is a dress code at school (this also lands him in detention)
Made friendship bracelets for himself and Ominis, and neither him nor Ominis has taken theirs off since they put them on
Doesn’t go to many parties, too busy taking care of his sister
Wants to be a radiologist to better understand the type of cancer his sister has and wants to help
Country boy, doesn’t live in town but on a little farm right outside of it
The jock
Ominis Gaunt
Vice president of the Astronomy club
Enjoys english class very much, enjoying the poems and literature that is often read aloud
Listens to audiobooks and music 24/7
Favorite bands are Marina, Lana Del Ray, Suki Waterhouse, and sometimes he enjoys screamo music to contrast with his normal quiet tunes
Lives in a mini mansion and he hates it, he spends most out of school with Sebastian in his country house
His parents are powerful and well known, which gives him a bad reputation getting him bullied a lot, but Sebastian protects him. If sebastian is not there he has no shame in fighting, but doesnt like to because thats what his parents would do
Always wears his school uniform, making sure its always perfect by making Sebastian check it over
The school gossiper, and has no shame in blackmailing people to get what he wants
He has a crush on Amit Thakkar
Very romantic in his head but clumsy when actually being romantic
Sleeps in class, sleeps anywhere honestly
Was Valedictorian of his year
Wants to be a business owner in the future
Anxiety disorder
Gets drivenl by a personal driver
The quiet kid
Garreth Weasley
Class clown
Socially stupid but academically smart
Extremely good at chemistry, and has a strong bond with the chemistry teacher Mr Sharp
Is oblivious when girls hit on him
Girls are absolutely obsessed with him
A hardcore swiftie
Loves karaoke 
Makes and sells edibles to his classmates and sometimes teachers
Invited to every party thrown, the drug and alcohol supplier
Makes specialty ‘drinks’ for his friends to try: he has put multiple people in the hospital
Best friends with Leander Prewett, at first Garreth pitied him but eventually grew to love him like a brother
Will destroy anyone who screws with Leander
Plays Football (soccer) with Sebastian. They are good friends and unstoppable when together on the field
Is ALWAYS wearing his Football (soccer) uniform at school, he has been scolded many times for it but it's technically allowed instead of the school uniforms so he never gets punished
Always sweaty
Fun drunk - Relaxed stoner
Got caught with girls a lot before getting with Poppy Sweeting
Wants a monster truck but has a van that he spray painted fun colors
Loves Romcoms
In a band, he plays drums
Amit Thakkar
President of the Astronomy club
Great at math and science
Rule follower, terrified of getting in trouble
Took french for about 4 years, and thinks he’s good but can’t even form a sentence
Scared of just about everything
Talks about Astronomy all day every day, literally will not shut up about it if given the chance
Similar to Ominis he is one of the quiet kids, except in math or science, then he doesn’t shut up
Friends with Poppy and Ominis, and by association, Sebastian, though they don’t hang out
Always has facial hair, not a full beard or mustache, but always has facial hair
His uniform is always a mess from being so jittery and clumsy
Loves reading
Sometimes him and Ominis will study together in the Library and they will listen to music together
Busses everywhere
Leander Prewett
No one likes him but Garreth
Gets bullied a lot still
Football (soccer) player, he is a rather good goalkeeper
Mouth breather
Sleeps in history class and snores
Always getting rejected by girls, but Garreth is always there to hype him up
Always in perfect condition, slicked back hair, not a strand out of place.
Always trying to impress people
Goes with Garreth to parties and always ends up hammered
Likes bugs
Average C student
Wants to be a professional Football (soccer) player more than anything
Constantly saying questionable things
Hits on Natty a lot but she always rejects him, but enjoys their little game
Has a motorcycle, but is trash at riding it
Poppy Sweeting
Works an animal shelter
President of Environmental protection club
Hippie 100%
Always telling people to recycle
Best friends with Amit, and constantly calls him out for not being ‘friendly to the earth’
Rescues pets off the side of the road
Bikes everywhere so she doesn’t ruin the environment 
Live in a trailer out in the country
Wants to be a vet in the future
Dating Garreth Weasley, she keeps him on a tight leash because she knows he’s trouble
Loves horror movies, whenever her and Garrreth watch them he always hides under the blankets
Not the best academically, but is passing school
Loves art and enjoys going out on her land and sketching the wild life
Birdwatches, and has mastered every bird call imaginable
Not insanely popular outside of her small group of friends, but people like her
She made her own school uniform by hand because it was more environmentally friendly to hand make it
Natsai Onai
Football (soccer) captain
Queen bee of the school
Everyone is scared of her, but a good scared, she's popular with people
Has a slight crush on leander, his stupidity charm got to her
Member of the Environmental Protection club
Gets everyone together once a month for a get together
Helps her mom grade assignments after school before Football (soccer) practice
Straight A student
Has a mechanic job on the weekends
Has a truck she has been working on for about 5 years that she drives
Wants to be an engineer
Butts heads with Sebastian a lot on the Football (soccer) field
Sees Poppy as a little sister, keeping her from being picked on
Hangs out with Leander and Garreth during lunches
Teases Leander
Doesn’t really like Amit
Could talk about how cars work
Loves history with a passion, and if she didn’t become an engineer she would be a historian
Part of Garreths band, plays bass guitar
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sukipearl · 25 days ago
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sebastian is a sucker for secret doorways
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