who-yawned · 10 years
The rules: 
always post the rules
answer the questions of the person that tagged you
write 11 new questions
tag 11 new people and link them to the post
let them know you tagged them
1. what is your favorite thing about yourself?
I do the best I can. 
2. if you could (as yourself) be in a tv show interacting with the characters (not actors, it’s like you’ve been sucked into this world and it’s now your reality) which show would it be and why?
This is a good one! Oh! I really don't know which one to pick. I just want to enter each show so my ships can become canon and slap a few ignorant fools! I would die anyway because there is some supernatural shit going on there. I guess I have to go with Legend of Korra because I think I can really learn from the characters. The creators always represent actual women and men.
3. what’s your zodiac sign and do you believe it says something about you or it’s complete crap?
Virgo and I think it is complete crap. I've met Virgo's that were 180 degrees different than me. 
4. If you could create your own place that serves food (bakery, restaurant, food truck, etc.) what would it be and what would be your favorite dish on the menu? (I TOLD YOU I WAS OBSESSED WITH FOOD NETWORK)
It would have to a Peruvian Restaurant because my grandfather use to own one and I my favorite dish would be Anticuchos.  
5. Hobby you wish you had?
Know how to play an instrument
6. Favorite musical instrument and why?
Violin, I think the music is always powerful.
7. Which hogwarts house would you be sorted into?
I took a quiz and it says Hufflepuff. Honestly that sounds bad because Hufflepuff have a rep. of being weak and pushovers. Plus, Cedric was a Hufflepuff and where is he now? Made Twilight movies and Dior commercials. 
8. nicest thing someone has done for you?
Told me that I was a good friend and that my life will go on even if we weren't close anymore. Sad story but I think she did once love me equally as I did her. 
9. if you’re following comic con, panel you’re most excited to see (or the one that you’ve already seen that you were most excited to see)?
10. how important to you is your follower count?
Not much. I like connecting with others that follow me but I go on Tumblr because I enjoy seeing Fandoms and people being passionate. 
11.  what brought you to tumblr in the first place? 
I actually don't remember. I remember I didn't know what my blog would be about and decided on fashion. 6 months later, I started to post supernatural.
Now! For my questions!
1. What is the last song you listened to?
2. If you could be any character (tv, book, whatever), who would you be?
3. If Vampires were real, does having the need to drink blood instantly make them monsters?
4. What was the last song that was stuck in your head even though you hated it?
5. #1 thing to do before you die?
6. Do you believe in hell and heaven?
7. What book or movie do you most relate to?
8. Do you think soul mates is crap?
9. What is your pet peeve?
10. What do you like about yourself?
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I compare you to…   Disney: Merida Harry Potter: Lily Hunger Games/ Catching Fire: Foxface  
Keep sending in your photos for me to compare to any fandom! If you don’t say any i’ll compare you to Disney, Hunger Games and Harry Potter
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virgowoman · 11 years
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I hope you are still doing these if not that’s fine but can I have a look alike? 
I only just started doing them again today so don’t worry. You obviously look a lot like Merida with your gorgeous cheeks, bright smile and red curly hair but I feel that it’s way too easy to say. Waaaaiiit, I kinda get a very strong feel of Ariel as well … hmm you’re a mysterious one (I love it!) 
Want to know your Disney look alike? Submit your photo here! 
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theonewith-katie · 11 years
I don't know if you watch game of thrones but I just wanted to tell you, that you look a lot like Sansa Stark in your prof pic you gorgeous person you!
Oh, wow! I don't, but I clearly have the ability to Google and have done so...  thank you very much!!! *Hugs 500 times*
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wecanescapenow · 11 years
14. What makes you laugh no matter what? 
thinking about this time my friend got peanut butter all over herself on the way to an exam because she put peanut butter on a piece of bread and microwaved it and tried to eat it on the way to her test but she didn't realize that peanut butter gets runny when you heat it up
21. Who was the first person you talked to today?
my dad
41. What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
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karenandthababes · 11 years
suis-jebovvered replied to your post: i feel like tumblr is going to spoil frozen for...
it’s fine you go ahead and complain about being scared of spoilers becuz I have to wait a long darn time to go see it with someone and I’m not gonna break that promise to them so that’s my fear too that it gets spoiled for me
the thing is, i have no plans to see it.
no one has been like yo lets go see frozen
:(((( ill probably just dl it when it comes around
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the monster I could see you as is Joffery Baratheon hahaha I'm just kidding I think you'd be a pretty cool like fairy (if that counts as a monster)
ouch, i don’t think i have it in me to be that terrible
haha, maybe like an evil, trickster fairy? yeah i could see that
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sonderei · 11 years
Star Trek
Favourite Female: Uhura
Favourite Male: Chekov
3 Other Favourite Characters: Bones, Spock, Scotty
3 OTPs: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Bones, Sulu/Chekov
Notp: Spock/Khan
Funniest character: Scotty
Prettiest character: Khan or Kirk
Most Annoying Character: shhh I love them all. well except Marcus okay yes Marcus. or Nero I suppose. 
Most badass character: Spock or Sulu
Character I’d like as my BFF: Chekov
Female Character I’d Marry: that one girl on the bridge of the Enterprise in Into Darkness with the white hair mmm yes her
Male Character I’d Marry: I don’t knoooowwww um…I guess Chekov? sweet precious little russian genius :3
Character I hate/dislike/least like: Marcussss
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bravefeelsclub · 11 years
OMG where has this blog been all my life!?!?
hehe glad you like it! Thank you!
Have a Brave-filled day!
~ Laurel
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bringerofrains · 11 years
Thank you Kennedy and your Disney spam.
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im-awkwardly-here · 11 years
If i owned you for 24 hours I would constantly tell you how pretty you are and make delicious deserts for you all day and make sure you go to sleep with a smile on your face :D
 oh my goodness yes! making yummy food, sign me up 
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aholeintheground · 11 years
1.) What’s one thing you do that’s creative? 
 sometimes i write fanfiction when i'm not being lazy :) 
2.) What’s one guilty pleasure?
 I have lots of them, too many! i think the majority of the tv i watch qualifies as a guilty pleasure! maybe watching interviews on youtube after i see something i like. i love hearing the cast talk about it and i like seeing how something i really enjoy was made.
also nutella.
3.) If money wasn’t an issue, what would do for the rest of your life?
 i think i'd do community service, but like different stuff all the time. I would feel like i were wasting my life if i just sat on an island somewhere and read gay porn. i like the idea of traveling and helping people at the same time.
4.) What’s one expensive purchase that you made that you regret? Or what’s one you passed up, but now wish you’d spent the money?
 i don't know, i don't have a lot of regrets in general...once something happens i'm just sort of like ok, i'll just deal with that. i honestly can't think of anything. maybe clothes? sometimes i buy something and i'm like oh i love this and then i get home and i'm like why did no one tell me i have weird back fat in this?
5.) What’s something you do to make you laugh when you’re feeling really down?
 same thing as you! i save funny stuff from tumblr, memes, text posts, gifs, anything that makes me laugh, i even tag it on here with lol so i can find it later. sometimes i watch mock the week, or russell howard's good news, or big fat quiz shows too.
6.) What’s your most played song on iTunes? Is there a story behind it?
 my most played song is the king and all of his men by wolf gang. i heard it on the radio and loved it and then went on a trip and i just remember feeling really happy when i listened to it and like i could just stand in the middle of the airport and throw an impromptu concert and i was really nervous then and it helped me calm down.
7.) Do you have an article of clothing, an accessory, makeup, etc. that makes you feel like hot, badass motha fucka?
 yeah i do! i have a few pairs of boots that like zip and tie and are leather and those are awesome and i have a jacket that's gray and zips and has cool pockets, i feel great in all of those and i feel tough!
8.) What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done?
 i haven't really done anything that rebellious, i think the most radical thing i will do will probably be college. i'm going the farthest for school anyone in my family has ever gone, apart from studying abroad, and i decided to go nursing instead of pre-med, so i guess those were pretty tough decisions that a lot of people weren't expecting.
9.) What’s your signature stance, expression, etc? (mine’s rolling my eye and a sassy contrapposto stance from what i’ve been told)
 smiling. i smile when i'm happy, i smile when i don't know what to do with my face, i smile a sad smile when i'm sad, and when i'm super uncomfortable i just laugh. 
10.) Tea or Coffee?
 COFFEE. i love coffee, i do nothing besides put on my glasses before i get my coffee and i only do that to make sure i actually make it to the kitchen.
11.) You’re given five minutes to evacuate, what do you grab?
 sister, laptop, charger, phone, charger, jacket or blanket. someone else better bring the food.
ok guys, time for your questions!! 
1) what's your go to recipe if you're home alone and are hungry?
  2) song on your ipod that you're embarrassed of and why did you get it?
  3) weirdest dream? doesn't have to be scary
  4) fandom that tumblr made you a part of that you didn't think you'd like but did?
  5) how do you like your fanfiction? (none, fluff, pwp, etc)
  6) how do you calm down when you're afraid?
  7) what fictional world would you live in if you could and why?
  8) if you were famous, what would bring you your fame? (would you be a singer, a criminal, an actor, a hero?)
  9) where is your happy place?
  10) what's your favorite clothing accessory?
  11) YOU ARE STUCK ON A DESERTED DESERT ISLAND of course, and you can bring 10 books only (there's food chill guys) which books would you bring and why?
i'm tagging crinklies, theinspiredginger, thesocialnerd, suis-jebovvered, who-yawned, and blaugrana-heart
tag me in your responses guys, i'd love to read them!!
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oimatchstickman · 11 years
The big four fandom (merida, hiccup, rapunzel and jack frost)
I have not seen Legend of the Guardians or whatever movie Jack's from so I'll just stick with Brave/H2TYD/Tangled
1. bake cupcakes for: The Triplets [Hamish and...others I forget their names]2. trust with the keys to my car: Astrid3. put thumbtacks on the chair thereof: Mother Gothel4. have a crush on: Flynn5. pack up and leave if they moved next door: Merida's family6. vote for President: Rapunzel [?]7. pick as my partner in a buddy movie: Merida8. pair up: Hiccup/Astrid9. vote off the island and into the volcano: Mother Gothel10. wheedle into fixing my MP3 player: none because none of them would know what it is so
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childhoodisney · 11 years
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look alike?
You reminded me of Jane and Roxanne :)
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