fictionkinfessions · 7 months
Here's a bittersweet (mostly bitter) recollection;
There was a brief time when my schedule was hectic, and I needed to take Nanako and Mimiko to a daycare. It was a particularly stressful time in my life between juggling my cult work and providing a fair life for the twins. I adopted them, and it was my responsibility to care for them... but I was working on my own for a few years before my Family started to develop.
So, there was a while there when Nanako and Mimiko had a fairly normal childhood. As normal as it could have been when their father was a psychopathic cult leader.
I had to attend meetings with teachers who were concerned about my daughters' calling other students... names. And I'd have to smile and apologize and soothe the offended parents. Then Mimiko, Nanako, and I would walk away giggling like the fiends we were; promising that if they can pretend around non-sorcerers, then so could I.
In this life, my behavior was repulsive. Teaching my daughters my prejudice was disgusting. But the memories I have of shopping for Nanako and Mimiko's uniforms, their school supplies, making their lunches... The mundane struggles of being a single father. As broken as I was, there was pride in being able to give the twins a childhood that resembled mine (even if I was too lost to see that I was very, very skewed in doing so).
- Suguru (#🎐🌿🐉)
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canonbirthdaywish · 8 months
post on feb 3rd:
happy birthday to all the sugurus out there !! i hope youre all gentle with yourselves and that you do something to treat yourself C:
-ieiri shoko
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
I haven't sent in a confession in a while, but Shoko has been encouraging me to be "emotional available." Sharing memories has been a good exercise.
Satoru... you and I had a conversation about Infinity and the meaning. I started with definitions of the word, and you, in true Satoru Gojo fashion, had to crash through my expectations. You told me that infinity was you. Imagine that? The concept of 'forever' being claimed by a 16 year old. You said it with that cocky, sunny grin on your face. You were right, but I rejected it at the time. I didn't accept it until I died; maybe for some desperate need for comfort in the end.
I'm sorry for rejecting such a big part of you. Such an important part of you. I understand, now, that you probably scared me on some level, but could you blame me? I was also 16. We stood as equals. You, Shoko and I; we were complimentary. Necessary for each other to function.
Anyway, I'm grateful that you were there as my End. Infinity to greet me in my final moments. Everyone has their theories about what you said to me in the end... I wonder if you remember how they felt leaving your lips. What you'd said in Shoko's stead. I wonder if you remember what it tasted like; the ozone in the air and the promise you made.
- Suguru (#🎐🌿🐉)
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fictionkinfessions · 6 months
I miss the times when I could surprise you. When I would lift your glasses and kiss you before you could start to grin. Or the times Shoko would hold your face in her hands, and we would both take turns giving you kisses until you were flushed. Sometimes, I think you had a hard time believing Shoko and I saw you as someone other than a Gojo. You were ours... a friend, partner, fellow student... You were Satoru. I miss the moments we shared together.
Wherever you are, I hope you're well.
Suguru (#🎐🌿🐉)
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
Shoko has been nudging me to send in more memories. I refrain from oversharing on a public platform, but I've already overshared on here. She and my system think it's good for me so—
I've been thinking about Satoru's Six Eyes. About the sensation... I tried to explain it to Shoko, but I couldn't quite grasp the exact feeling. During our first year, I could tell when he was Looking because the hairs on my nape would stand on end. At the time, I'd realize I was being watched and tend to play into his hand. He wanted to get a reaction out of me so we'd fight.
It wasn't until after a mission that heavily established our trust in each other... that feeling his Six Eyes on me became a strange comfort. Even if it was irritating, we established our boundaries... then it became nearly second nature to feel that electric current... of being Seen.
I understood it came from a morbid fascination... maybe an obsession. Affection, maybe. I saw it as Satoru finally taking notice of something outside of his sheltered bubble. Outside of his ego. Something he knew wouldn't harm him for once...
He watched Shoko as well... and a few others. Especially during our second year after the disaster of our first exchange. Apparently, our Shoko never noticed, but I would smooth the hairs on her neck with my thumb. It'd amuse me that her body reacted without her really realizing she was being watched by his Six Eyes. Even Haibara would get twitchy sometimes, and I'd see his skin prickle on the back of his neck.
I wonder if our Satoru realized I could sense him? When I defected, I'd feel his stare at some point nearly every day. When I visited with my Family, having his Six Eyes bore into my back as I left. I never shied away from it like so many others who'd felt that pressure... maybe he grew used to the habit that he thought nothing of it.
Then again, our Satoru was an idiot, and I'd never told him that I could physically feel his gaze. I love the man, but he was overconfident even at the best of times =v=
- Suguru (#🎐🌿🐉)
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
it's kinda funny seeing x reader fic of me, it's a little flattering I guess but I only had eyes for satoru -suguru #☀️🌑
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fictionkinfessions · 8 months
hey mpc pls post feb 3rd thanq!!
happy birthday suguru !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha. id do anything to pull an all nighter in your room, our limbs tangled together as we played games until midnight. when the alarm rang on my flip phone, shoko and i would run to get the cake we snuck out and bought (the ones we tried to make all failed, haha, but dont worry ! shoko made sure i didnt buy those disgustingly sweet cakes!!). we’d sing you a song, i think, and make you close your eyes for a wish before letting you blow out the candles. youd cut each of us a slice, and i would devour the leftovers. in the morning, if i can wake up that early, we’d take you for soba, then wander in the city!! i like the way they turn to look at us when we march in a row…
i only really celebrated two of your birthdays with you. but, really, every year on this date, for the 10 years after and then some, i’d eat some soba, and buy a cake. sometimes i shared with shoko. if i could see you now, i think id bring you to a theme park. i want to hear your crisp laughter on the rollercoasters. hng.. stay safe, suguru. and happy birthday. have a wonderful day. know that im thinking of you!
yours, satoru. #🌌🌊
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Glad to have you back, Satoru. I love you. I’m sorry. I’m not, really. But I am sorry for loving you all this time. You did the same, no matter what I told you. I love you.
- Suguru.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
(Spoilers for JJK223) Nothing will ever, ever bring me as much satisfaction as knowing Satoru actually did it. He got out of the box, learned the rules and moral code he had been following meant nothing to the people he hated, that times had changed and he actually fucking did it. He killed the higherups. Slaughtered them. We waited so long for a change to come and, per the usual, he is that change. I only hope now Gege will allow me my body back, since there’s no one to insist upon my execution now. We deserve a second chance, my love. Don’t die fighting Sukuna.
Your one and only, Suguru (#⚫️☀️)
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canonbirthdaywish · 8 months
happy birthday Suguru!!! Congrats you old fart for surviving all us shitheads! Here's to another year of trouble making! Doot doot!
[suggested tags jjkkin, jujutsukaisenkin,]
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
About the found canon game. In all my canons, only 2 persons meant more than anyone else ever did (except for my current partner)
As Suguru, it was obviously Satoru. He was my best friend, my lover, my one and only.
Shoko was my closest friend, my daughters meant the world to me, I loved my parents, but Satoru was simply different. What I felt for him was more than familial, platonic or romantic love.
For some time he was everything to me, and I was nothing without him.
I have seen many people saying he loved me more than I did, and it makes me happy to think it's true.
As Ghost, it was Gary. He was my world. The last thing that made me feel alive. I called him my husband (nothing legal, I was legally dead)
I somehow struggle to remember him exactly. I can't remember his face or the exact sounds of his voice...
However I know he has freckles, he drank his coffee with an awful lot of cream, he laughed too much even at unfunny things,
He had selective mutism, and every time he spoke to me, I drank his words like ambrosia.
My biggest regret from this life is that we haven't been more selfish. Sometimes I wish we didn't pursue justice, and instead retired together, and died old and happily.
I wish I could've stayed by their sides, just a little bit more. But I am grateful to just remember them.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
gender and sexuality ask game for all of us :]]!
bakugou - genderfluid/bigender, she/her &he/him pronouns, unlabled sexuality and ace
toga - demigirl/nonbinary, she/they, polyamours and demi-bisexual
wilbur - transfem, she/they/it, bi
suguru - nonbinary, they/he/she, gay
scaramouch - in their canon they were a system so we;re just gonna put all of their identities here. anyway-
scaramouch - transmasc, he/him, bi
kunikuzushi - girl, she/ze, aroace
balladeer - agender, it/its, aro pan
the sixth - genderfluid, any prns, aro pan
wanderer - gendervoid, voi/they, gay
-himiko #🌻💾
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
hhhh there are so many people that i'm kinsidering. like. i look around and there are so many different people who could potentially be me. but on top of that i also have the fact that im demonkin ad well. fun times everybody, fun times.
-suguru/wilbur #🌻💾
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