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roshin66 · 8 months ago
Dr. Antony J Kannampilly: Best Knee Replacement Surgeon in Thrissur
One of Kerala's most respected orthopaedic surgeons, Dr. Antony J Kannampilly, who is well-known for his proficiency in knee replacement surgery and he is one of the best knee replacement sugreon in thrissur resides in Thrissur. Dr. Kannampilly has made a name for himself as a pioneer in the delivery of cutting-edge orthopaedic care thanks to his considerable expertise in both sports medicine and orthopaedics. With great care and precision, he performs knee replacement surgeries using the most recent methods and advanced technologies. His methodical, patient-focused approach concentrates on minimally invasive techniques that shorten recovery periods, lessen discomfort following surgery, and increase overall success rates. Through the use of cutting-edge prosthetics and precise surgical techniques, Dr. Kannampilly assists patients in achieving notable reductions in pain and gains in knee function.
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Dr. antony Kannampilly makes sure his patients have all the help and direction they need. His all-encompassing method involves working with a group of skilled physical therapists and rehabilitation experts to develop personalized treatment programs that assist patients in regaining their strength, flexibility, and self-assurance in their ability to move around.
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Kannampilly is a passionate community educator who holds talks, workshops, and seminars to increase knowledge about knee health, preventing injuries, and the advantages of knee replacement surgery. His devotion to advancing general health and wellbeing is a testament to his care for both his patients and the larger community. When looking for a knee replacement surgeon in Thrissur, Dr. Antony J Kannampilly is the best option.
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Hearing Aid Doctor in Ahmedabad | Hearing Aid Doctor in Gujarat
Pretty much everybody has a medicinal issue or the like whether it is an issue with our eyes, our ears or some other piece of our bodies. We have made instruments to enable us to battle these issues. For individuals with visual issues, we give them glasses; on account of hearing misfortune, portable amplifiers were made to help battle hearing misfortune. Shockingly, individuals in the public eye are extremely restricted to wearing assistive hearing gadgets; individuals are frequently embarrassed to be found in open wearing their listening devices. There ought to be no disgrace in getting a listening device; they are there to help similarly as individuals with glasses use them to support their visual perception and nobody has disgrace in wearing those. Not just that, on the off chance that we need listening devices on the grounds that our specialists disclose to us we need it, we shouldn't contend with them. With regards to your faculties: great hearing is similarly as significant as whatever else which the reason we made amplifiers to help is. Without the assistance, at that point life will turn out to be considerably more troublesome and there might be torment. Dr. Neeraj Suri is Best Hearing Aid Doctor in Ahmedabad, Hearing Aid Doctor in Gujarat, Hearing Aid in Ahmedabad, and Hearing Aid in Gujarat
Nobody ever prefers to go to an ENT (ear nose and throat specialist) or an audiologist (a specialist who is spent significant time in hearing) who has the agonizing activity of telling a person that they experience the ill effects of hearing misfortune and that they will require a portable amplifier. Numerous individuals will deny it and contend that portable hearing assistants are not required for them; they guarantee it will be excessively humiliating out in the open to wear one. The reasoning behind it is justifiable; however they should see the advantages of the amplifier and not the terrible side. Truly, it is much the same as wearing glasses all with the exception of it is for your hearing instead of your vision. That, yet portable amplifiers are so little since some can even be embedded within the ear; the best way to try and see one is gaze legitimately into the ear and the main individuals who do that are specialists. Any other individual who investigates your ear and judges one contrarily for such is a reason as getting help when required is a woeful individual who you ought to have any worry with. Every other person ought to approve of you regardless and will be happy that you will wear your assistive hearing gadget.
On the off chance that the audiologist or any restorative hearing proficient discloses to you that you need hearing help of any kind from portable amplifiers to cochlear inserts, don't get furious with the specialist; they are not the reason for the misfortune, they are just emissaries. It might disturb hear that yet as a general rule, they are prepared experts and not many individuals truly see how hearing functions. Wearing listening devices does not transform you as an individual; you will at present get up and do your every day schedule. On the off chance that you don't wear the portable hearing assistants, at that point you're hearing misfortune may influence you in everything from associating with companions to work. Hearing is a crucial part to regular day to day existence; in the event that it wasn't, at that point nobody would have made portable amplifiers to help those with hearing misfortune. The innovation is here to support us and we ought not be embarrassed to exploit it to better our lives.
At whatever point the audiologist prescribes listening devices it very well may be extremely annoying to hear. You ought to never be embarrassed about wearing your listening devices. Nobody will probably truly observe them and they will enable you to carry on with a superior life than attempting to live without the help of a portable amplifier. Envision how hard it is have a discussion with a companions or the trouble you would have simply making a phonecall. Luckily, the innovation is better than anyone might have expected as time is passing and society is gradually, however bit by bit is winding up all the more understanding to those with issues hearing. Some time or another ideally it will be as worthy as observing somebody with glasses.
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India No1 Cochlear Implant Surgeon in Ahmedabad | Cochlear Disease Consulting in Gujarat
 Cochlear Corporation, the producer of the Nucleus® cochlear embed, sorted out the multi day show, held in the on the edges of Ahmedabad. There were more than 1,000 participants at the occasion; all were either Nucleus® cochlear embed clients and their relatives. Similarly as with most meetings, this gave a superb chance to cochlear embed clients and their families to meet with others like them and offer their accounts. Kids had the capacity to invest energy with other youngsters, and guardians met with other people who imparted direction and motivation to one another.
Dr. Neeraj Suri, an Ahmedabad doctor, trusted that a "bionic ear", as he called it, might be built up that would deliver hear sensations for the mind that would almost certainly perceive particular sounds. His expectation was to create an embed for the hard of hearing that would empower them to have the capacity to get discourse and other finely tuned sounds. Introductions were given by Dr. Suri himself, and Rod Saunders, the main individual to experience the cochlear embed medical procedure in 1978. This required colossal penance and fortitude of them. Senior Doctor for Cochlear Implant in Ahmedabad, Senior Doctor for Cochlear Implant in Gujarat, Paediatric Cochlear Implant Surgeon in Gujarat, Reconstructive Ear Surgery Doctor in Ahmedabad, No1 Cochlear Implant Surgeon in Ahmedabad, Lowest Price Cochlear Implant in Gujarat,
Another hot session was titled: "Reciprocal Cochlear Implants: How Two Ears are superior to one." Dr. Neeraj Suri, Medical Director of the Dallas Otolaryngology Cochlear Implant Program presented the restorative and clinical research exhibiting the upsides of two-sided inserts. His comments were trailed by a passionate relate by Mark Dashier, a representative of Cochlear, who got a second embed from Dr. Suri. His first individual record gave a genuine look into the benefits of two-sided inserts. Low Cost Cochlear Implant in Gujarat, India No1 Cochlear Implant Surgeon in Gujarat, Cochlear Treatment Center in Gujarat, Ear Reconstruction Surgery Doctor in Ahmedabad, Cochlear Implantation Hospital in Gujarat,
Programming of the cochlear embed, or what is normally called a "Mapping", alludes to the setting of the electrical incitement limits essential for the cochlear embed client to "hear" delicate and serenely noisy sound. Since the Cochlear Implant can just process sounds in a tight range (6-15 dB), it must most likely pack the regular scope of sounds (ordinary discourse is more often than not between 40-60 dB) into this little band. Cochlear Implant Cost in Gujarat, Best Surgeon for Cochlear Disease Consulting in Ahmedabad, Best Surgeon for Cochlear Disease Consulting in Gujarat, Child Cochlear Implant in Ahmedabad, Child Cochlear Implant in Gujarat
Because of the little scope of sound that a cochlear embed is restricted to, CI clients are increasingly delicate to commotion changes. In this manner, "incitement levels" must be set so the sounds prepared by the cochlear embed ought not make inconvenience the CI client. These incitement levels compare to psychophysical (for example tactile reactions to outside improvements) estimations known as Threshold (T) and Comfort (C or M) Levels. Amid the mapping procedure, the "T" and "C" dimensions of every individual anode on the cochlear inserts interior terminal cluster (the winding situated inside the inward ear or "cochlea") are balanced all together for the client to hear the wide scope of sounds that one is ordinarily presented to (delicate to boisterous).
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thinkingaboutblog · 6 years ago
Meiji Tokyo Renka:  Ep. 1 The Unexpected Strawberry Moon
Anti-climatic kidnapping, unflattering pet names and the most unbelievable high school kids I’ve ever seen. 
Series: Meiji Tokyo Renka Platform: Crunchyroll
So here we are, the start of the project, the start of the series. And I realized while I was browsing Crunchyroll that this series is currently ongoing. So I’ll probably add another series to my watch list once I’ve caught up to this one... 
Anyways, what were my thoughts on this first episode? Well, it’s not the worst episode I’ve seen... but it’s not the best. It’s at best laughably rough.  So what happened? 
After a bumbin’ OP (though not even the most stylish or best ones I’ve heard/seen in this genre alone) we are shown a man in silhouette with a young woman running past him.
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Our guy in the cape appears to say goodbye, though his lips never move so it’s possible we’re being duped. The next shot is of the same girl in the embrace of another man, for some reason we’re allowed to see him clearly. 
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He pats her head and says goodbye as well. The music swells and we get a glimpse of our protagonist... making the dopiest sad face. 
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Hold on both my contacts slipped out and I’m not sure who I’m talking to, are you the one with the dead mom ponytail or the one with only one sideburn? 
It’s at this point I realized all the dudes introduced in the OP that weren’t these two guys stood no chance. Which sucks because best boy is neither of these guys. 
Then we wake from the dream and are introduced to our protagonist  Mei Ayazuki, whose entire personality seems to be: sad and alone. But at least she has a personality. The entire scene of her walking home was giving me Magical Girl Site flashbacks and I already wanted off this ride. 
We’re treated to a flashback to some birthday she had as a child. It’s introduced here that Mei loves roast beef, trust me that’s important. It’s also established that Mei has been able to see ghosts for a while. All of her friends think this is weird and shun her despite the fact they are all still of an age to have imaginary friends. 
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Why are you weirded out? You’re six, you all still have imaginary friends!
Apparently no one ever in the last ten or so years has found the fact she can talk to spirits cool or interesting and she’s been made into a social pariah... which just strikes me as odd because you’re telling me no one at all would think that was cool? Except for one girl: 
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Rest in peace random Background girl, you were the best character in the whole episode.  Anyways Mei continues to be sad and alone for who knows how long, drowning out the sounds of a ghost calling her name over and over again but not saying anything else useful at all. This again will be important later.
Mei wanders into a random street festival in a park for some reason, as far as I can tell Mei is not going anywhere at all. And we’re introduced to this mother fucker: 
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This man scalped the gravedigger from Black Butler and is wearing his hair like a wig! 
Monocle man over here basically harasses Mei into getting into his magic box to perform a kidnapping live in front of an enraptured audience. Seriously, as far as we know, Mei never reappears in front of these people this guy is doing a magic show for. I suppose you could assume that she was a plant but that’s a bold assumption to make considering the magician is saying some vaguely ominous things and coerces a girl who clearly is uncomfortable with this into his magic teleportation box.  It’s one episode in and I already hate this guy.  So Mei gets into his box, blacks out and wakes up (after being touched by the ghost hand of mr. kidnapper) in the park, but the festival is all gone and the modern street lamps are replaced with oil lamps, with like real burning fire in them. Totally normal and not at all something she should have noticed. Also her phone simply ceases to function at all, like glitches out and shuts down. If that wasn’t obvious enough Mei then nearly gets killed by a horse-drawn carriage. Out comes red hair from the opening scene and he immediately begins putting his hands all over Mei, like touches her face, her shoulder, her knee... that last one causing her to freak out. He’s confused by her headphones and Mei is still to dumb to understand what happened. 
Then dead mom ponytail guy comes out too. 
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We are nine minutes into the episode and this guy is already done with everything. Mei’s heart goes doki doki at the sight of him but this anime can't-fool me, I already know she chooses the guy with Loki from Kamigami’s hair. You showed it to me in the opening scene anime! This shot happens and I lose my fucking shit: 
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Thirdwheeling much?
Then Mei just gets into the carriage with these two total strangers, and they also kidnap her. This girl is 2/2 for just getting into random people’s forms of transportation. Also green hair refers to red hair’d guy as Ougai-san. 
So as it turns out Mei hasn’t just been transported to a historical time period (something surprisingly common in this genre) but also has the other genre staple of being amnesiac. The guys decide the best way to help her is to introduce themselves: 
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So Red hair guy says he’s Mori Rintaro but we already heard him get called Ousai-san by the other dude so I’m onto him! He says he’s an Army Sugreon. A likely story. 
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The other guy is Hishida Syunso and he would be the best character in this anime if we weren’t introduced to a few more characters later on. Also if I had any knowledge of Japanese history these names would probably start clicking. 
Anyways as it turns out the ghost that’s been doing nothing but calling Mei’s name tells her name and she tells the guys. How convenient! 
So the guys take Mei to a ball held in the honor of the Russian prince, which definitely sounds like a good idea, considering what she’s wearing. Her knees are even showing! We’re given a shot of the Russian prince who is definetly in on this harem of dudes but doesn’t get properly introduced this episode. 
Then some of the worst Dialogue I’ve had the misfortune of hearing is spoken aloud. Mori calls Mei, little Squirrel. And here’s where I die again. It’s the most unflattering pet name I think I’ve ever heard. Mei has done nothing to earn it. Flower or princess or kitten all would have worked to endear me to this princely type character, that’s my usual preferred archetype in this genre after all, but little squirrel? 
Anyways a waiter walks past with a plate of roast beef and Mei being weirdly obsessed causes hijinks to ensue, which is how our cast of secondary dudes get’s introduced. Mei knocks the plate out of the waiter’s hand, which is then caught by Kyouka Izumi:
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I promise you the bunny is important, no I am not kidding. 
Who then immediately tosses it away because it turns out he’s a massive germaphobe and also an asshole.  The plate is then caught by Otojirou Kawakami, who I literally do not remember a single thing about aside from the fact he’s a stage actor: 
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Mei mentions the rabbit on Izumi’s shoulders and we learn that not everyone can see it, which somehow means she gets roped into discussing ghosts which brings the best boy out of the woodwork.
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You can’t tell in this image but this man has heterochromia and it is glorious.
Yakumo Koizumi, as it turns out, has a special fascination with ghosts and he gets so very very excited when people bring it up. He’s also an author and secretly princely. He is a dork and I love him. 
Mei spots Gravedigger hair in the crowd and runs after him. Then he exposits the plot of the show to her. God I hate him. 
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Then he magics the lights out and a fox ghost shows up, Mei chases it through the ball as it wreaks terror and bunny boy Izumi also goes after it and we’re introduced to the most ridiculous boy yet. 
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This man is pointing his corporeal real world sword at a small adorable fox ghost and I wish I were kidding.  This man is Gorou Fujita and he threatens the fox. Mei jumps in front of his sword, the lights turn back on, everyone is confused and Gorou then points his sword at Mei because he’s just that guy.  Then Mori grabs hold of Mei, lifts her to her feet and Gourou calls him Mori Ougai... so I guess that mystery is solved. Then he tells Gorou not to threaten his fiancee, Mei. And I am screaming at my monitor about how he’s known her for literally 2 hours. 
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So that’s a good sign. She says sarcastically, already regretting the life choices that brought her to watching a pretty anime boy claim a young high school girl against her will. 
And it pretty much ends there. Mori has just claimed Mei as his own in front of a ballroom full of people and Mei has been left flabbergasted by his declaration and I silently plead that this anime doesn’t have one of the characters lock her in a cage “for her protection” because I can already see it heading that direction. 
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kashaorthopedic123 · 3 years ago
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Best Orthopedic Sugreon in Hyderabad – Dr Srinivas Kasha
Dr. Srinivas Kasha runs Hyderabad ortho care and he is also done a fellowship in joint replacement. Dr. Kasha is the Best Orthopedic Surgeon in Hyderabad & he expert in all type of surgeries. More: https://www.drkasha.com/profile.html
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moth-from-hell · 2 years ago
that would be so cool
but there's one thing i am confused with and is that new character they teased for 6 which is a sugreon i think?????
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whatever this thing is
so uh
that chapter huh
I swear to god I lost my SHIT at Choo Choo Charles showing up, and the following the Spider to Spider communication GDHASKJGHJKGHAS
QUITE A BIT of rewriting gonna happen for the Hortus Infernal AU (Cuz, in fairness, that AU actually tries to take itself seriously gdhas), but I gotta have how the canon martial still absolutely makes my brain BRRRRR with all the off the wall shiz ghJDKSGAHk X'D
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Also I absolutely cannot wait for the Kittysaurus bootleg merch to start showing up, I LOVE DINOSAURS AND I LOVE CATS, I LOVE THEMBDJSAGHDASGDHJ
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fourletterwords · 3 years ago
“We control our reasoned choice and all acts that depend on that moral will. What’s not under our control are the body and any of its parts, our possessions, parents, siblings, children, or country—anything with which we might associate.” -Epicetus , Discourses, 1.22.10
I've been spending more time, going back and forth to doctors during this third part of what I'm calling "The 2020 Trilogy."
As I prepare to meet with another sugreon this coming week to figure out why I didn't respond to 10 days of powerful antibiotics for an infected cyst, and why a particular wound won't close, I'm resolving to stop asking myself what I could've done differently to change the trajectory of my healing.
I'm also reminded once again of what either Ander or Alexis said in that one episode of Elite: "A disease is not a punishment, and a cure is not a reward."
Just let the doctors sort it out. That's what they're paid the big bucks for anyway, right?
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episiruscientifica · 5 years ago
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Who is "Cardiothoracic Sugreon"? follow the link: https://heart.episirus.org/ Contact at: [email protected] 2020 World Heart And Cardiothoracic Surgery Conference (202WHCS) Episirus Scientifica #2020whcs #2020esevents #episirusscientifica #cardiothoracic #Cardiovascular #Cardiology https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Q_u3whvUw/?igshid=1el4dcw2kkw3e
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lifeaestheticsindore · 5 years ago
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Plastic Sugreon In Indore- Dr Ashwini Dash
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space-cadet-imani · 12 years ago
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