redgalaxyarts · 3 years
Friends- Sugawara x Reader
Synopsis: (MxF) Volleyball tryouts for your college are near and you had been a setter in your previous school but are a little rusty at it still, so you ask the best setter you know for pointers, your brother's best friend, Koshi Sugawara
Warnings: Heavy smut, degradation, oral (m/f), praise, slight age gap, choking, language, creampie, bruising, spanking, hair tugging, spit, fluff.
(Will be long, bear with me.)
A/N: I'm so sorry with how long this took me to write, I lost motivation halfway through then got it back. Also, the ending isn't exactly how I wanted to finish it but it's 2:20 AM right now and I'm beyond too tired to rewrite it. Also if you see any typos let me know so I can fix them, this is not previewed so I'm sorry for any mistakes.
It has been ages since you've stepped into a gym, the last time being when you had your Volleyball awards for the last time of your third year. You take a big whiff of the air around you and breathe out slowly and deeply, relishing in the smell of fresh, new, leather volleyballs coming into the start of the new season.
Even though you've never been in your school's gym yet, your feet somehow know their way to the back near the locker rooms and stop right in front of the tryout list. You grab the black pen hanging from a white rope thumb-tacked onto the corkboard and sign your name on the list with your preferred position next to it; setter.
You've heard rumors that your school's previous setter had to drop out of school, and they didn't have a replacement, which left the position wide open for you to steal. You used to be the setter on the Karasuno's female team, and you were quite good, but it's been two years out of practice and you knew you'd need to shape up again before tryouts.
Once you leave the gym, you drop off your aide ID in the front office where you have your last period, community services, which is basically a freebie class as it's just volunteer work, but regardless it was one of your favorites, and you head back to the parking lot to find your car and drive back to your apartment.
You pull into your parking spot a little after 4pm and head into your place. Most people would describe it as quaint, but that was fine with you because it was yours, and it was affordable. The moment you set your things down on your nightstand, you pull out your phone and dial your brother's number.
"Hey y/n."
"Hey Asahi how's it going?"
"Not too bad, I'm just working on some new designs for the season."
"Oh cool, send me a pic of them I wanna see."
"Ha, when I'm done with the first outfit I will."
"Good, anyways I have a favor to ask."
"Anything, what is it?"
"Well, I had signed up for volleyball tryouts today an-
"Oh wow, that's great! I was wondering if you'd pursue it again."
"Yeah, thanks! Anyways I wrote my name down for the setter position and I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with that."
"2 things, you're already a fantastic setter, and I was the Ace. Don't know the first thing about setting."
"No, I know, I was going to ask if you'd give me Suga's number. He told me if I needed to practice to call him and he'd always be down to help."
"Oh! Yeah, I can send you his number."
"Great, thanks Asahi!"
"No worries, love ya, and remember to save me a seat for your first game."
"Love ya too and thanks."
You hang up the phone and get the notification Asahi sent you and click on it to add the number to your contacts. Once you save it, you dial the number and hope someone picks up.
"Hello this is Mr.Sugawara, may I ask who's calling?"
The gentle, yet velvety voice from the man sends a once familiar tingle to between your legs and you stifle it as you remember why you called him in the first place.
"Mr.Sugawara huh? That's what you like being called now."
"Excuse me?"
"I remember how fond of it you were when I used to call you Muffin."
"Hah, oh it's you, hi y/n."
"Hi Muffin, how are you?"
"Good, and how about you butterfly?"
"I'm fantastic now that I'm talking to you. Uh but speaking of Butterflies, I actually have a favor."
"Would you be down for helping me practice being a setter?'
"Aren't you one already?"
"Was, now I'm back and I'm about 2 years out of practice so I need help."
"Well in that case I'll help. Where are we meeting?"
"Not sure yet, I don't have access to the gym after school hours."
"No worries, I'll send you the address to my place, I have a community gym."
"Great, would Saturday afternoon be okay?"
"Sure, I have to finish grading paperwork but I'll talk to you soon."
You both say your goodbyes and hang up. A smile beams on your face from his acceptance and you head off to your kitchen to eat your dinner and head to bed to start the day tomorrow.
You wake up at 8am sharp and do your daily routine of skincare, teeth, hair, and makeup. After doing it all you make your bed and finish packing up a go-bag for the gym later and throw in your pair of volleyball shoes, before you place them in the bag you glaze over the black velvet and smile brightly at the thought of you getting to wear them again. You also throw in your knee pads and head out to your normal breakfast place, the cafe near your house.
A few hours pass and you and Suga are ready to meet. You input the address into maps and head off. When you arrive, the first thing you notice is the large keypad in front of the very large and intricate black iron gate protecting the housing community. You input the numbers he had given you and driven around the bend and pull into a parking lot to which you assume is the gym. You exit the car and grab your bag and things and head into the front doors where you're greeted by somebody.
"Hello, welcome to Errice Park Gym, may I see your community ID?"
"Sorry?" You ask the woman with a tilt of your head.
"Apologies, but only members with community IDs may access the gym?"
"Okay, how may I get one?" You ask the lady while leaning your elbows on the desk. You have to hold back a scoff from how uptight all this seems and from the way she is eyeing you.
"Do you live here miss?"
"No, I don't"
"Unfortunately our services are only avail-"
She gets cut off by the large and wonderfully manicured hand that had been placed on the countertop in the commotion.
"She is my guest, ID 352."
"Of course Mr.Sugawara my apologies." She turns to look at you, the look on your face is a mix of flustered and amazed at the same time. "Enjoy your visit." She bows her head to you and Suga nods his head towards the hallway he came from and beckons you to follow.
"Wow, Koshi I didn't think you'd made this much money being a teacher to live in a place like this."
"Perks of being a private school teacher." He says with a rub of his neck.
You take in the features you haven't seen in a few years now. He still has his iconic gray hair and mole with the piercing brown eyes that have always made you swoon, but his physique and prowess have gotten more large and defined than you remember, and it isn't a bad thing. You trail your eyes down from walking behind him and notice his ass has gotten bigger too, doesn't help that he's already in a pair of gym shorts that hug his form perfectly...and the thighs, you have to practically wipe the drool from your lip.
You've never been good at hiding your thoughts about Koshi, he knows it and just about everyone else too, but neither of you have acted on it, for reasons mostly due to him. So, you reluctantly push all your flirtatious comments aside and try to focus on why you are here.
After catching up and making small talk while walking through various hallways, Koshi leads you to a far back door which leads to an even bigger area with no one else inside of it, and itself is a community volleyball court.
"Holy shit this place has everything."
"Mm, just about."
He closes the door behind you guys and walks you over to a few bleachers set up on the side and you set your things down.
"It's good to see you again Butterfly, you look great."
"Thanks, Muffin you do too."
You both smile at each other before he chuckles and pulls you into a hug, which lasts longer than expected. You pull away and tuck hair away from your face.
"I was surprised you called, I didn't realize you kept my number."
"I got it from my brother."
"Oh, how's Asahi doing?"
"Really good actually, his clothing line is really taking off." You talk with high praise of your brother.
"Amazing, I'm proud of him. We haven't talked as much as I'd like but I've missed him."
"Me too."
"I've missed you too."
Your breath feels shallow as you suck in some air from the look he gives you as you notice him trailing your body. He smiles as he does, with his normal boyish charm but you can't help but feel some other sense behind it.
Not wanting to drag on, you and Koshi decide to get on with it and start. He shows you the locker room to change and after you come back out, you both do stretches and begin.
Unfortunately for you, you are way more out of practice than you realize. Koshi starts off slow for you, throwing you serves you should be able to easily set but everything is off; your form, your fingertip placement, your focus, it's just not there. You lost count of how many balls have bounced out of bounds or how many net shots you've set, it's honestly embarrassing.
After this last set, you groan and squat down to the floor and throw your head back in frustration. Suga shakes his head and chuckles and sits next to you.
"Well, to be blunt, you kinda suck." Suga says poking fun at you.
"Yeah, I know." You groan again and throw yourself backward and land with a small thunk of your head hitting the polished wood of the court. You rub the back of your head with your fingertips and hear a snort come from Suga.
You feel soft fingertips rub your bare thigh above the knee as Suga's voice tries to comfort you.
"Hey now, you're just out of practice it's okay."
"I know but I shouldn't be that bad."
"It happens, and that's why I'm here."
He squeezes your leg delicately and you turn your head to look at him as he looks at you. You both smile at each other and he squeezes your thigh again.
"You're cute."
You get immediately flustered and look up and away from him.
You hear him giggle before he pats your leg and reaches a hand out to help you up. You take it and pop up before he holds onto your lower back to stabilize you while you stand.
"Let's do some more exercises okay? Then well call it a day and come back tomorrow."
You follow Suga into the middle of the court and stand in front of him as he instructs you which exercises to do to better your form, he also goes into explaining how they'll help. So far you've done lunges, jumping jacks, toe touches, and now you're onto squats.
"You can do better than that Butterfly."
He says pointing to your high squat and mocks at it.
"My thighs hurt." You whine.
"The burn means it's working." He smiles at you and you stick your tongue out in return. "Come on, seriously I know you can go lower. "
"No, I can't" You tease.
"Yes you can," he teases back. "Be good and get your ass low." His voice changes from playful to husky in a heartbeat. It gives you whiplash and you can't help but feel a tingle in your core. You gulp but as much as you try you can't seem to get lower.
"Let's go Y/n." He says stepping closer to you in that same husky tone.
"I'm trying."
"Not hard enough."
You roll your eyes and it doesn't go unnoticed. You feel two strong grips on your thighs right before the hem of your spandex and you lock eyes with his. The normal gaze of flirtation and comfort is replaced by seriousness and hunger? His eyes stay locked with your as you feel his hands push down on your thighs adding weight and you feel your calves and hamstrings almost give out. You grit your teeth and clench your hips where your hands rest but you never break eye contact. When you get to an acceptable squat for Suga, he looks down where his hands are and slowly pulls away.
"Good girl, I knew you could do it." He practically whispers the first part but you catch it as you shakily stand up from your squat.
You can tell that your core is instantly flooded from those words and the way his gaze held yours. You try to subtly adjust yourself by squeezing your thighs together but unbeknownst to you, Suga catches it.
Neither of you acknowledge what was said and start gathering your belongings and cleaning up your mess. After the both of you finish, you begin chatting like nothing had happened.
You two say your goodbyes and give hugs before parting ways as you agree to meet again here tomorrow at the same time. You hide your eagerness to go home and shower and relax and practically speed back.
The next morning comes and you had a rather specific wet dream about your tutor. You couldn't stop dreaming about his hands on your thighs and his words of praise next to your ear, the way his fingertips felt on your thighs. It was unbearable not being able to feel it in person last night.
This morning went by rather quickly as you do your normal routine and change into an acceptable outfit and you made it to the gym rather quick. Suga was waiting for you in the front lounge this time to avoid the concierge, and you both made it back to the same empty court you were in yesterday.
"Hey butterfly, how'd you sleep?"
He asks smiling at you at his smile reaches his eyes as he hugs you and helps grab your bag. His adorable mole catches your eyes in the process.
You think back to the wet dreams you had and throw your hair into a bun to get ut out of your face and you blush as a particular scene you remember comes to mind.
"Oh, uh, I slept well."
"That's good. Did you have any good dreams? I had a few that were really nice."
He says giving you a sly wink and a smirk.
"Actually no, rather uneventful." You lie, trying to avoid looking him in the eyes.
He chuckles as he sets your bag on the bench and takes off his black gym jacket and sets it next to your bag. You gulp as you see him stretch his arms over his head and watch as his shoulders pop and muscles ripple from the stretch and you have to lick your lips at the sudden dehydration you're feeling.
"Wow, you've gotten hotter since the last time I saw you."
"You saw me yesterday."
"Yes, but you weren't showing your amazing arms yesterday. Instantly hotter." You say with a wave of your hand over his body and he just shakes his head and smiles.
"Uh-huh, come on let's stretch first."
You both begin doing the same stretches as yesterday and a few new ones you decided to throw in that you remembered from high school. The final one you do is a toe touch but you just can't seem to stretch all the way down from the cramp in your lower back and Suga takes notice. He gets up from his butterfly squat and walks up behind you and very gingerly grabs your hips, his fingertips barely ghosting under the waistband of your spandex shorts. You inhale a sharp breath when you feel his pelvis against your ass and can't help but bite your lip as you realize what he's doing. He places a hand on the small of your back and pushes you down.
"Suga, what are you doing?" You say flirtily.
"Just trying to help you stretch, you seemed stiff is all."
He says while pulling away. Before he does, you grab his wrist and place it back on your hip.
"No don't, it's helping."
You say turning your neck and smirking at him as he grinds his pelvis into you more and pushes you further down till you reach your toes and hear a pop come from your back and he pulls away with a little disappointment to you. You groan and stand back up and notice Suga has moved a few steps away from you now. A short look of confusion crosses your face but you decide to ignore it for now and grab a ball to begin practicing.
The practice goes by quick with no other distractions and surprisingly no mess-ups from you. You've always been a quick learner so there's been a definite improvement since yesterday. When the session ends, you walk over to the bench to grab your bag to change but Suga's voice catches you before you walk away.
"Hey butterfly, do you have plans later?"
He asks before sipping from his bottle. Your eyes catch a single drop of water slide out from the corner of his mouth and roll down his face to his neck, down to his collarbones, and into his shirt. You've never been more jealous of water in your life.
"Not really, I was just gonna go home and clean."
"Would you like to go out for dinner with me?"
He says topping off the bottle and wiping his forehead with a rag to get rid of the sweat.
"Sure, any particular reason why?" You ask while taking off your shoes to change into sandals to let your feet air out.
"No particular reason, just as friends. Two grown friends catching up."
You chuckle at his tone and nod your head in agreement.
"Oh, of course, my mistake. Just let me know where we are going and I'll be there around 7, that okay?"
"Yeah, I'll text it to you."
You finish getting ready to leave and head out into the parking lot together but before you get into your car, Suga slides his hand underneath your arm and stops you.
"It's entirely up to you, but you should wear something you can move around in, like a skirt or dress or something. They have a dance floor there and I just want you to be prepared you know?"
"Thanks for the heads up Muffin."
"Of course, wouldn't want you to be unprepared in case we decide to dance together or anything." His voice drops an octave as he squeezes your arm tighter before smiling and letting you go.
You make it home quickly and shower and lounge around in your towel for a while as you have a couple hours to spare. You decide to clean your house, make some lunch and pay some bills until you're supposed to get ready to leave and you get dressed and entirely ready and head to the location Suga sent you. You put it into your maps and chuckle when you realize he just sent you his address as the location is only a few buildings away from the gym.
You arrive at his place exactly at 7 and knock on the door and wait for him to answer. You can hear various noises coming from inside and then hear some loud banging noise followed by a few expletives and giggle to yourself before the door opens and Suga stands there with a smile.
He's wearing slim-fitting slacks with a loose t-shirt that shows his arms and his hair is neatly brushed like normal and you can't catch exactly where it's coming from but a slight aroma of vanilla catches your interest.
"Hi, muffin."
"Hi, butterfly."
He sidesteps and lets you into his place before you slide off your shoes and place them on the shoe holder next to his door and set your purse and things on the side table. You turn around and see him lock the door before he turns to you and you catch him eyeing you up and down and takes you into a hug. His hands wander a little low but you don't mind it.
"So, the place has a dancefloor huh?"
"Yeah, in the bedroom, hopefully, we'll see it later."
You chuckle at his forwardness and shake your head as he leads you to his kitchen and you slide onto one of the barstools in front of his countertop.
"Thirsty?" He asks you as he slides a glass of wine towards you.
"I am, but how do you know I'm of age? One of the last times I saw you I was only 17." You say joking around.
"Considering that I'm 4 years older and that was also 4 years ago, I'm sure you are by now."
"Oh, that's right, congrats on making it to 25 muffin." You raise your glass to toast to him and he watches you over his glass as your throat bobs to take in the full shute of wine. You wipe your lip with your thumb and suck off the liquid while staring right at Suga.
He coughs and diverts his attention away from you and to his stove.
"Uhm, hungry? I made a chicken alfredo dish."
"Sounds really good, I'll take a plate."
He makes the plates and you both move to his kitchen table and sit across from each other and dig into the food. The two of you catch up with small talk and discover new interests each other has that neither didn't have before. You talk about new movies and things, which then leads to you both laughing as you reminisce over past memories of when he and Asahi were in school together and all the times he'd come over.
"I remember one of the first games you had that you won and you'd look so cute with that smile on your rosy cheeks. I remember how proud your brother was of you." Suga says while finishing up the last bite of his pasta.
"I remember that day too. You know the reason we won was that I took your advice."
"What advice was that?"
"To make sure my team doesn't see any emotion on my face other than determination. You also told me to keep a close watch on the team and get a view of how they're playing and play to their strengths."
"Good advice."
"Yeah, it really was."
There's a short pause between the two of you. You don't know if he remembers or if you should bring it up but you decide to just say fuck it and do it.
"Koshi, do you remember what else you told me that day?"
Suga is caught off guard as you use his actual name. Hearing it fall from your lips makes him want to hear it over and over again.
"No? What else did I say?"
"That was also the day you found out I didn't have my first kiss. You told me that you'd be more than willing to be my first." You chuckle at the memories of teenage you. "I can't believe I was actually going to take you up on that offer within the next couple of days but then Asahi told me you moved away so I never could."
You didn't notice Suga move from his chair, you didn't notice him walking towards you, and you didn't notice him stand behind your chair as it was all happening so soon. The first thing you felt was his hand brush your hair away from your neck, the next thing you felt was his lips kiss your bare flesh. You feel the chair pull out from the table and you see Suga move to stand in front of you. He blocks you into the chair with his arms on either side of you and his hands tightly grasping the arms of the chair. Your mouth runs dry as you see the look of pure hunger he gives you.
"I don't think you understand just how hard I am right now."
You look down to see but before you can he lifts your chin back up to his eyes with his two fingers.
"I didn't tell you to look away from me butterfly. I'm going to kiss you now, and if you don't want this as bad as I do, so help me God stop me now before I can't control myself and rip your clothes off."
You look up at Suga through your eyelashes, and your look is laced with desperation and that's all it takes for him to break control and slam his lips into yours.
His lips feel like pure bliss. They're perfectly smooth and plump enough, just like you'd imagine they'd be. His tongue dances with yours and you can feel each other smile into the kiss as it leads deeper and deeper. His hands retract from the arms of the chair as he sinks down to his knees and drags your face closer to his by twining his fingers into your hair and tugging on them while biting your bottom lip. You both moan into the kiss. The heat radiating off of both of you starts to cause you to feel hot and needy to remove your clothes. Suga seems to notice and he pulls away from your lips and moves to drape kisses all along your collarbone, leaving a few large hickies in the process. He carefully dances his fingertips to under plunge neckline of your shirt and tugs it open to reveal your bare breasts.
"Fuck your tits are gorgeous."
You chuckle as he looks like a pubescent boy looking at boobies for the first time.
"Thank you, baby."
He licks his thumb before rubbing your nipple with it and you can feel it pebble and get hard and let out some whimpers once he pinches it. His tongue laps over your whole breast before he takes the nipple into his mouth and sucks. Your back arches off the chair and your legs slightly spasm.
"Dirty girl, you like your nipples sucked on huh?"
"Yes sir, especially when you do it, it feels so good." You breathe out.
He nibbles on your nipple and bites it with his teeth and tugs before you wince from the pain and he blows and kisses on it to make it feel better. He makes sure to spend an equal amount of time on each breast before moving back up to lock lips with you.
As much as you want him to ravage you, you've been dying to know what he tastes like for years. You break away from the kiss with a moan and he slightly whimpers when you pull away and don't kiss him back. Confusion crosses his face as you push his butt against the table before the confusion is replaced with pure lust as he sees you crouch down onto your knees, letting your butt rest on your heels, and seeing your hands reach out to palm him through his pants.
His eyes squeeze shut when he feels you palm his dick from his boxers.
"Y/n, warning you now, if you suck my dick I will fuck that pretty little face of yours so hard."
You just smirk up at him through your eyelashes and pull him the rest of the way out. You marvel at his beautifully trimmed pubes that rest nicely above his dick and smile to yourself at how giddy you're feeling for getting to suck his dick.
You lick your lips and open your mouth wide enough to fit around his tip which spills a slow moan from his mouth. You notice his palms grip the edge of the table to the point of his knuckles turning pale the moment you swish your tongue around his tip and over his slit. You can tell he's trying to hold back so you decide to ramp it up by extending your jaw more and sucking in a breath before hollowing out your cheeks and taking all of him down your throat to where you feel him behind your tongue. You gage and your eyes prickle with tears but you don't give up when you hear him mutter a "fuck" under his breath. He opens his eyes and you lock yours with his and that's all it takes for him to lose it.
He releases the table and grips your hair into the messiest of ponytails and tugs before pulling you completely off of him before shoving himself all the way back into your mouth. You gag, and you gag hard but you don't care, it feels so damn good in your mouth and the noises he is making you've never heard before. You reach down to touch yourself but all movements stop and you hear him reprimand you in the slightest whisper.
"Babygirl, I didn't say you could touch yourself. If your fingers even graze your pussy I will bend you over this table and smack your ass till it's black and blue."
You can't speak but you nod your head vigorously in agreement and gulp, with his dick still inside your mouth. Spit is pooling out of the corners of your lips, you probably look so filthy and you actually become a little jealous of Suga for not being able to see yourself like this.
"Good girl, good fucking girl."
He says before he slams his cock hard down your throat again. His head slowly falls backwards as his hands tighten in your hair and bobs your head faster and faster, not even taking the time to slow down or care about the makeup running down your face from your tears. You're enjoying being face fucked a little too much.
His hips are thrusting sloppier and he's loosened his grip but he still is relentless with your mouth and it makes you so desperately wonder what he'll be like when he's actually inside of you. His moans are becoming sporadic and you can barely make out his sentence warning you he's gonna come but you don't care and just brace yourself for when he does. Wanting to help him more, you reach a hand up and cup his balls while using the other to stroke his shaft with your mouth and he moans out too many expletives to count from the tingles throughout his body. His hips come to a stop and you can feel the warm, salty load fall down your throat. You make sure to take it all before shutting your eyes and swallowing it all, making sure he gets a good view of it, and he helps you stand back up and kisses you so passionately.
"Fuck, your mouth is dangerous."
You say with a smile and giggle. He kisses you once more before you both stop and turn your heads to the countertop where his phone is ringing.
"Fuck it, I want you right now."
"No, Suga it could be important, it's okay. I'm going to get some water and wipe down anyways."
"Okay, I'll be quick sweetheart."
He kisses your lips slowly before quickly diving down and giving the top of your bare breast a quick kiss which makes you giggle.
You both separate and go into different rooms for your business. You head off down the hallway into the first door on the right and turn on the light and walk to the sink.
You grab some toilet paper and spit whatever remains of the cum in your mouth, into the paper and throw it in the trash. You then turn on the faucet and cup your hands to grab some water and you take a few slurps before swishing it around and spitting it out down the drain. You wash your hands good before using a rag to fix whatever makeup has smudged on your face and smile at yourself in the mirror when you see the ring of love bites around your breasts and how good your nipples look while swollen.
You shut off the bathroom lights and close the door behind you and walk back into the dining room where you left Suga. On the walk there you fixed your shirt as the intimacy has worn off a little and you started to feel awkward having your tits out and nothing else. You step in the room and see Suga has fixed himself as well and he's cleaning up dishes.
"You need some help baby?"
You ask while moving to stand to his side and help him.
"No, its-I'm alright I got it."
He says rather quick and moves from you to finish grabbing the dishes and placing them in the sink.
"You okay Koshi?" You ask concerned at his sudden attitude change. "Bad phone call?"
"Uhm, no, it was a good one it just...was your brother calling."
"Yeah, it was nice to hear from him but it made me feel like shit to betray his trust like that. I'm sorry y/n but can I walk you out?"
He says slowly turning towards you with an extremely downturned smile.
"What?" You ask stunned. "Koshi, what trust? You want me to leave? I'm so confused."
"It's nothing, it's fine. Look I just need a moment to process what had happened and it's getting late and I don't want you to get be late for class tomorrow."
"Oh..yeah..right, of course."
You don't say another word and quietly grab all of your things and walk over to the door to slip on your shoes. Suga is quiet the whole time too but he still walks over to the door with you while holding your phone for you.
"Are we-Can we still meet up for practice tomorrow? My tryouts are at the end of the week."
You ask him without meeting his eyes.
"Yeah, of course, I wouldn't bail on you like that. I'm sorry it's just th-
"Stop," You raise a hand up to his chest and smile. "It's alright Koshi, just stop before it gets worse. Goodnight and thanks for the lovely dinner tonight."
"You're welcome, thanks for being a great friend and guest."
Friend, that word pings your heart and makes it teeter-totter inside of your chest, almost like it might fall straight out of it.
You don't say anything more and just brave a smile and head out before getting back into your car, pulling out, and storming home.
In all honesty, the trip from Suga's house to yours shouldn't have taken you an hour but it did. A normal ten-minute drive turned into an hour from you having to pull over more than a few times from having to deal with the overflow of emotions coursing through you. You also had to stop yourself a couple times from turning back around and giving him an earful but you decided to let it go. In actuality, you weren't even mad, you weren't sad, you weren't even regretful over what happened you were just utterly confused the whole time. However, you decided to stop racking your brain trying to figure it out and gave up once you pulled into your parking spot and walked home into your living room.
You dropped your stuff off into where they belong and you make your way to your room and strip off all your clothes before throwing them into the hamper and heading to the en suite to take a shower and disregard the whole experience.
The word brings such a bitter and useless taste to your mouth when you heard it fall from Sugas lips. That word, you thought of it the whole time you were in the shower, and you scrubbed your body so hard to try and get the "friendzone" off of you.
The shower stops and you step out and dry off before not even bothering to change and head to bed naked and plug in your phone, set an alarm for tomorrow, and shut off the lights and fall into an anxious sleep.
The morning comes too soon at the detriment of the bags under your eyes. You snap your alarm off and rub your temples before stretching and getting out of bed. You quickly get dressed and back your go bags for school and practice afterward and finish all your necessities of getting ready and you head to class bright and early.
Your classes run through quicker than normal and now comes the part you were trying to postpone doing, seeing Suga.
Hesitantly, you send a text to Suga making sure it's still on and he replies with a thumbs up before you shut off your phone and head to the gym.
The ride was brutal due to the thoughts running laps in your head. Conflicting memories of last night combine together and now thoughts of further rejection pierce your brain and you can't deal with it. You arrive at the gym and try to shake off the thoughts but they don't budge. So you do the only thing you know how to do to get rid of the bad thoughts, you confront what's making them happen.
You shut off your car and grab your keys and phone, not even paying a second mind to your bags in the backseat. You walk into the gym and just give a side-eye to the receptionist and strut straight back to the gym and push the double doors open with a flourish.
You're about to start yelling at Suga to give him your two cents but notice the gym is empty. You look around confused but then get a notification on your phone and see that he sent you a text saying he's still at his house and running late.
You walk out the same way you came in, get back in your car, and drive to his apartment before stopping, getting out, and knocking on his door.
"Hey, I was just about to head out."
Suga says as he opens the door.
You walk in without saying a word and place your shoes and things into a bin next to his front door and turn around to talk to him as he closes his door.
"What the hell Suga?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Last night, what you said. What happened when you called my brother, what did he or you say? What trust did you break last night?"
You ask while placing your hands on your hips.
He drops his head before wiping his face and walking towards the dining room as he talks to you.
"Nothing, honest. He didn't even know you were here he was just calling to catch up and stuff."
"So why push me out all of a sudden? What trust Suga??"
"Damnit, y/n the trust of a dude and not going after his best friend's little sister. That kind of trust."
"Seriously Koshi? I get what you mean by that but we are adults now and as far as I know, Asahi has never had any ill feelings about us being close or being together."
"No, I know but it's an unspoken rule type of thing."
"Koshi that's bullshit, if that was true then you wouldn't have invited me on a date here in the first place."
"It was just supposed to be as friends."
Vomit, the word makes you want to vomit.
"There's that word again. Friends, Koshi, really?"
You move closer to the kitchen table and towards him. You look up at him and a smile comprised of lust and anger stretches onto your face.
"Friends don't grind on each other during Volleyball practice. Friends don't tell other friends to wear skirts for easy access. Friends don't kiss and swap spit on this very chair. Friends don't get down on their knees, push you up against this table and blow you till you're busting a load down their throat."
You take a breath and swallow while you notice the tension in the room and him walking closer to you with a determined look on his face.
"Tell me how we're just friends, after all that Muffin."
You say the nickname as a jab at him, with both of you knowing damn well either of the nicknames were what you used to flirt with each other.
He moved closer into your personal space, chests only inches apart but neither of you moving to touch the other quite yet.
"You're right butterfly, we're not just friends. Because during your whole little rant, I couldn't stop thinking about how I want to break this table by fucking you on it."
"What's stopping you?"
"Absolutely nothing."
The tension wire snaps and the moment it does you both are on each other like dogs to a bone. Your tongues mesh with each others in perfect sync. You don't know where your hands are at this point, all you know is they're stripping off every piece of clothing each other is wearing. The second everything is off of your bodies, Suga picks you up and gently places your ass against the cold wood of the dining table, and gets down onto his knees.
You're about to protest but the moment you feel his warm, wet tongue lapping in between your folds like a man starved, all knowledge of how to speak completely dissolves from your brain. All you managed to say is a jumble of "don't stop" and "fuck that feels so good", but in all honesty it sound like baby babbling. Your hands knot into the grey locks of the hungry man underneath you and you tug as hard as you can when he nips at your clit and your legs, embarrassingly, start to spasm already.
"Ho, God, fuck."
You moan out.
His tongue swirls endless circles around your clit and he sucks and bites and blows at your clit, leaving you speechless. It's not until you feel two fingers prod at your hole that you really start to shake. You crave him so much, even your pussy practically pulls in his fingers as he rests them there against the hole. He starts out with slow, shallow pumps before he speeds up the pace of his tongue and fingers and goes knuckle deep inside of you drawing out the most guttural moans you've ever made.
You've never had your legs spasm so much from oral before. You feel your core start to tighten and flex and you feel the sweat form on your brow and upper lip as your hair falls out around you from the thrashing of your body at the pleasure. Your hand tugs harder and you're worried you might be hurting him, but if you are he absolutely doesn't mind it. Your mouth runs dry and the dam breaks once you feel him scissor you while being knuckle deep in your pussy. Your orgasm echoes through the house as you shake around him and as his delicious tongue helps you through it all.
"What a good fucking girl cumming for me like that. I'm so proud of you baby."
"Holy fu- fuck. Th-thank you baby."
You just barely speak as you pant to try and calm down, but not for long when you feel him place one last kiss on your pussy before standing up and trace kisses from your hips all the way up to your breasts, showing each endless love, and moving to your lips and letting you taste yourself all over his face.
"You taste yourself right? Taste how fucking delicious you are."
He says while opening your mouth forcefully and spitting into it, which is then followed by you smiling as you swallow it and show him. He laughs so lustfully before wiping the corner of your mouth and placing the two fingers he used in you into your mouth and chokes you with them. You gag and gulp after swirling your tongue around them and when he pulls away he uses those fingers to open you up again before leaning you back down onto the table and stepping closer to line himself up with you.
"Are you on the pill? Want me to grab a condom?"
"Yeah I am, and no, I want to feel all of you."
He agrees with a kiss and bite of your lip and neck before he takes his hand and pumps himself a few times and spits in his hand and rubs his cock before using his other hand to open your lips and he teases your clit with the head of his dick and you both moan at the feeling.
"Fuuck stop it baby I want you so bad."
"I know baby girl, just be patient for me."
He chuckles as he feels you squirm under him when his tip hits a sensitive part of your clit and he uses an arm to hold you down and distract you before he lines up and slowly stretches you out, letting you adjust slowly.
"Holy fuck."
You both say in unison, but with different breaths, as you both feel the pleasure of finally being connected together. He slowly starts to rock his hips into yours and bottoms out inside of you while letting your pussy adjust, and when he thinks you have he pulls out and slams back into you. Your body and the table jerk as he does and you wrap your arms around his shoulders as he has both hands around your head and is looking into your eyes as he fucks you.
It's pure ecstasy. The two of you, this position, its everything you've wanted. All the years of pining after your brother's best friend. All the repressed feelings you've had for him. All the times relationships or one-night-stands couldn't do it for you cause all you thought about was how it would be if your childhood crush, the man you loved, was the one doing it to you. And now you know. Now you know just how blissful it all truly feels. It's better than you imagined.
His hips are pistoning into yours at a ridiculous pace and you start to feel a burn from your legs being spread wide open but you don't care. It feels too amazing to quit. Moans never stopped flowing from either of your lips and his fingertips burn holes straight into your skin from how tight he's gripping you, like you might fly away if he stops. Without missing a beat, he switches positions by gripping the back of your thighs and pushing them into your chest to where your ears kiss your knees and you see your feet shaking in the air at an unbelievable pace from how he's fucking you. This position makes it impossible to not cum. You feel the familiar tightening and spasms and pants as you're being drawn closer and closer and you can tell he is too as his pants have become more sporadic. He bends down and pushes your thighs further into you, going deeper, and kisses your lips and smiles before whispering in your ear.
"Your cunt feels so fucking good wrapped around my cock baby girl. You're doing so good at taking all of me that I'm about to cum in that pretty pussy of yours."
"Ohhhh.....fu-fuck Koshi baby please."
"Yeah, baby? You want me to fill that beautiful hole of yours? You wanna get filled with my kids? Become a mommy, is that what you want? My kids?"
What he's lacking in breaths, he's making up for in confidence, and it's driving you crazy. You just about cum from his words right there.
"Yes baby fuck, fuck Koshi baby I want you to make me a mommy so bad. Fill me up baby, I wanna be filled by you so badly."
You whimper and whine and he loses it.
Koshi slams harder and faster and your vision goes white as the last thrust had you seeing stars. Your orgasm absolutely wrecks you as you cum around him and you can feel his cock release inside you and fill you to the brim with his cum.
He stays inside of you, letting the cum fall from around his cock in you and he slowly drops your legs to not hurt you and he leans down to place an endless amount of kisses all over your lips and face. You hear a few words like "beautiful" and "thank you" but they all go in one ear and out the other as you calm down but the one you hone in on is the words "love".
"Y/n, baby did you hear me?"
"No I didn't, what?"
"I said I love you, I don't know to what extent or how long I have but I just remember how much I cared for you when we were younger and it all came rushing back. I love you, baby."
Tears threaten to spill but you hold them back.
"Oh Koshi, I love you too."
You both kiss each other deeply and he pulls away and both of you whine when he pulls out of you and you feel the cum drip out of your hole and Koshi growls to himself at the sight before going and grabbing a wet rag to wipe you down.
He comes back a few seconds later and wipes you down while giving you kisses in the process and discarding the rag somewhere and picking you up gently and walks you back to his bedroom and gently place you down onto the mattress and cuddles up next to you.
You both whisper sweet nothings to each other before finally dozing off and enjoying the beautifulness that is sleep.
You hear your boyfriend yell to you from the bleachers while you're playing your match. You hear the rest of your family yell along in unison with him, even your brother, in cheer for you to keep your morale up.
It's your final match before nationals. Your team managed to beat every team you've battled against and everyone's trying their best but this match is neck and neck-literally. You've never been so short-necked with a team before but this college is good. Your team is only one point ahead, and you only need one more point to win this whole thing and make it to nationals. It all comes down to this moment, this volley.
You focus back on the game and notice the ball ahead coming for the net, the player in front of you tosses the ball high in the air for the spiker to hit, and they do, but not before it's being received back to them by your other teammates. You hear various calls of "got it!' and "Mine!" but the blood rushing to your ears entirely drowns out everything when you realize this is up to you, to set the perfect ball for your Ace to hit and win the game. No pressure.
You think back to the first training session with Suga all those months ago. You're so thankful that he picked up that phone the one day you called. You're thankful for it all and everything that happened afterward.
The overwhelming emotion of joy surges through you and you finally spot the perfect shot, the perfect opportunity.
"Azumane, Y/n, It's yours and open!"
Your captain yells to you as she bumped the ball towards you. You remain quiet and get into position and hone in on the ball. You turn and see your Ace making her way closer, and closer, and closer, and- NOW!
You set the ball into the air and watch as time slows as you see her hand connect with the ball.
Time stops.
And when it resumes, chaos ensues.
The crowd erupts into thunderous cheers and the buzzer rings to declare a winning team, yours!
Your teammates go wild, some fall to their knees and kiss their hands, some jump up and down into each other's arms, some run to their significant others, but you remain still. You take in what happened till it finally hits you that you won, you did it.
You scream out in victory with your hands above your head and you cry tears you've held in all day.
You feel two strong arms wrap around you and look to see your boyfriend with the widest smile on his face squeeze you and kiss you all over in awe.
Even though no words are said, you both understand everything.
You kiss each other and pull away as your team calls you other to celebrate and you join them but not before sneaking one last kiss to your boyfriend.
"Thank you for being a good coach, Muffin."
You wink and walk away.
"Anytime, Butterfly."
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