I'm just going to leave the idea of summary: optimus prime with synth en that he was self-conscious from normal hiding his feelings from his gn!human but with synth in that he needs it so badly that he wants breeding kink until he sees his gn!human completely filled with his transfluid and his belly bulge.
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Now that's an idea! 🤩
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Hi can you write Tarn x female cybertronian reader (smut) thanks if you do
I've got something buried in my wips for Tarn which I'll get to eventually, but yes, there needs to be something smutty for the delicious menace. 😍
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Spinkle of Life Update....
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Morning you beautiful little goblins! I hope everyone is doing well. Just posting this to give some updates about my life and where I'm at with writing. 🥰
Firstly, I just realized I've hit over 200 followers. Like what?! Thank you all so much! You've all been amazing with your support and feedback, and that brings me comfort and warmth. ❤️
Secondly, I know I'm a little slower with posting stories, I just simply have a lot happening in my life at the moment dealing with way too many different things, and for some reason I just can't stop myself or slow down. My own fault. 😅
Thirdly, I'm wanting to try and make a few writing changes with my stories. As much as I do love and enjoy the style, I do miss the darkness. With my remaining requests I'll see if I might be able to do this, just to spice things up. I also currently have way too many WIP's sitting around that I want to work on and I will eventually once requests are completed. 👍
💙 💜 Thank you again 💜 💙
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Linger as long as you like dude. Creative ruts happen to everyone, so if you need to take some time off from writing then do so with no guilt or remorse. I'd rather you rest up and write when you're ready than for you to try and force yourself and hit a bad burnout point.
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✧*̥˚ Update *̥˚✧
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Hi. Yes, like, where have I been? Well, life, that's what. Also I've been stuck in this writers block for a time now, which sucks, because I want to write something but I've got nothing to offer. All my focus has been on different things in my life, and I've been getting back into art lately which has been nice. All my wips are still untouched and lonely but when my spark returns I shall work on them again, I'm just unsure when that will be. I'm still lingering around though so you might see me here and there. Again like always, thanks for your support. Stay safe! ❤️
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Life Update ✦ Wheels are in Motion...
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Hello my beautiful nerds!
So, yeah, not a lot of progress has been made with my writing. I've been distracted with life duties and other hobbies, but least I'm keeping busy I guess. Working off and on through different stories and can't say when they'll be finished sorry. But I'll post once finished, so I'm not running away anytime soon, or ever I hope. Thank you all for your continued support. Stay safe! 🥰
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Small Change of Plans ⟡ New Year Bug
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Well, nothing has gone according to my plans sadly. I've had all this free time for the last 2 weeks before being forced back into the real world, and after being surrounded by all my family for Christmas, I've caught a terrible bug that's been weighing me down. I've gotten no writing done, no motivation and no inspiration. So wips are still processing and will take longer to work on than expected, but that's alright. I feel I've been pushing myself too much for months with life and everything I do here, so maybe I needed to just take a step back to give myself that little extra break. Hope everyone's new year has gone better than mine. Stay safe. 🥰
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Small Change of Plans ⟡ New Year Bug
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Well, nothing has gone according to my plans sadly. I've had all this free time for the last 2 weeks before being forced back into the real world, and after being surrounded by all my family for Christmas, I've caught a terrible bug that's been weighing me down. I've gotten no writing done, no motivation and no inspiration. So wips are still processing and will take longer to work on than expected, but that's alright. I feel I've been pushing myself too much for months with life and everything I do here, so maybe I needed to just take a step back to give myself that little extra break. Hope everyone's new year has gone better than mine. Stay safe. 🥰
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Sorry for the bother but I wanted to ask are ships acceptable for requests if they open?
You're not a bother at all. Currently I'm not accepting requests and taking a break, and will focus on some of my own wips in the new year. Ships are acceptable, and you're welcome to send through anything just for fun or something might spark my interest in the new year, or you can hold out until I'm accepting requests again. 🥰
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Hey broski I dunno if I can ask dis but can u make a
First aid x Non binary reader? With the the start like a normal check up but with a drunk reader? (Starts with Nsfw but ends with sum fluffy aftercare pls 0-0)
Requests are currently closed as I'm trying to finish off the last ones, take a break and hopefully put my focus on some personal wips I've had sitting around for a while. Though I do like First Aid, and non binary would be interesting to write. I'll put this idea aside but can't guarante I'll get to it anytime soon sorry. ❤️
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Can you make noncon!g1!thundercracker x fem!autobot!reader? He's stalking the femme as the femme were put on guard for the base, and yada dada, add some Kinks if you must 🗣🙏(just a little question)
Ooooo interesting. Whoever you are, I now know you stalk me lol. Currently requests are closed however I do like this idea so I'll put it in my pile up. Just a heads up that it won't be finished until the new year as I've got a lot already going on. Yeah things are probably going to get dark in my writing for the new year so buckle up....😅
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I still need to find the time to read your stories so I don’t know if this has been done or not, but I wish you’d write a fic that is PEAK self-indulgence for you.
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Honestly, I have like 20 wips set aside that I've been meaning to finish for months, which I plan to do in the new year after I've done requests. Thanks for sending this it honestly made me smile. 🥰
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I'm so sorry but the second I read the authors note on Silent Heartbeat I just
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Happy Halloween!
It's not often I meet other aussies online. Always fun to greet other aussies. 🥰
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Trying to Get into Writting Mode....
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The week has been full on, but I finally have a day to myself, and I would love to focus on writing. Its having the motivation and inspiration that's the hard part as well, not just time.
Will see how I go today and I'm sorry for the delays for completing requests, was hoping to have more finished by now, but slowly getting there steps at a time.
Needing to search for the smuttiest, sluttiest prompts and ideas for each so I'm not just repeating the same thing over again. Lately I've been into breeding kinks, and eager to discover more within the darkness.
Just wanted to give an update. Hope you beautiful devils are doing well. Stay safe! 🥰
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yiur works and the stuff you reblog make me feral thank you so much
It's a good feeling knowing this. Love a feral audience hehe
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