melowkeyart · 10 days
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A soft pastel dream of liquid glass
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aimless-aimz · 8 months
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sigh. going back to the crk era (i still like pokeymans tho dw ❤️)
(might change his name to sugarSTONE atlas, bc there’s a sugar glass cookie in ovenbreak, but for now it’s sugarglass)
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skoulsons · 2 years
Terms of endearment typically aren’t thought about, at least in my experience. My oldest brother called me babe or baby (since I’m his only baby sister). When I say goodnight to my dad, he says “goodnight darling/sweetheart/dear”. My mom still calls me babe, too
So to think within tlou and that term of endearment in “baby girl”. How Joel would’ve called Sarah it and not really thought about it every time he did. And how he’ll call Ellie that so soon and not even think about it. Maybe it has been twenty years, but that name, that endearment, was so ingrained into his vernacular as a father to his daughter, and it comes out just as smoothly as when he last said it
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Radium Cookie ( @mothbeasts ) VS Sugarglass Atlas Cookie ( @aimless-aimz )
Read about Radium Cookie here
Read about Sugarglass Atlas Cookie here
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margarine-archives · 1 year
So, we saw the dead s/o… what about Financier with a resurrected s/o?
Revived!S/O with: Financier Cookie !
notes: anon you have wonderous ideas ! I like recieving lots of financier requests !
I am sorry for how delayed this is, I had to focus more on work ! I will be quick next time !
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- she wouldn't even describe this as shock, she feels more than just that. She's frozen in place, wondering if her lack of sleep has truly gotten this worse
- she's wary, she's scared. This is simply fake- a delusion ! Whoever wants the paladin in her most vulnerable state would definitely use such a tactic ! She won't fall for such, it's so.. unnatural, absurd !
- she doesn't believe anything, anything you say. She draws her sword, preparing to fight such foolish cookie who thinks it's funny to impersonate her deceased lover. Yet your voice, the same as ever, so alluring, such a soothing voice of comfort, one to make her fall to her knees in an instant, and she hates how much she needs it right now.
- The feeling of comfort so foreign to her ever since your death, the exhaustion her body couldn't take anymore simply collapses infront of you, as if it's made of fragile sugarglass (and she hates how she feels like fragile sugarglass right now !)
- your familiar touch gently grabs ahold of her hand, and then her face, of how she missed you dearly. She wanted to pull back, to fight the fake that were surprisingly good at impersonation, she wanted to call out to the guards, the consul, anyone, yet she feels entraced by your simple touch of a hand.
- to this she finally drops her sword, hands moving forward to finally embrace your figure. 'This is nothing but a tactic to fool me once more' she thought 'but this time, I am truly fooled' but in the back of her mind, she doesn't care anymore. She's found you again, the missing piece to her sweet heart, with yours as equally sweet.
- and yet she was scared, for the very first time, scared that it truly was just a figment of her imagination, that you weren't the same cookie that she loved ever since. She wanted it to be true, yet couldn't believe that this was real.
- it takes her a very long time, a long while to finally realize: you were the very same cookie to love her, the one to take care of her when she couldn't, the one to motivate her more into working harder, to becoming a better version of herself.
- did the divine light bless her and gave her what she wanted ? or did they simply felt pity for the paladin's dismay. Either way, she felt happy, after what felt like a thousand years of sorrow without you. She felt whole again, she felt complete, and oh so completely loved.
- your kisses, so familiar, and yet she missed it dearly. Warm hands that would hold onto her rough, calloused hands so gently as if it were crumbling the moment you had touched it, and oh your voice, the same voice that felt like the light's gracious melody, engraved into her mind..
- Even so, she couldn't get enough of it. The compliments you'd give her, alongside your tone of voice that's enough to make her stone cold demeanor so warm and soft, your eyes that would glow with the light from above, you looked like the embodiment of light itself (especially loves it whenever it's sunset).
- oh but how could she stay composed when you stare at her so lovingly ? Oh how you were the best distraction she could have, but is it even a distraction to her ? it's more of like a blessing ! even if her reputation almost gets affected.
- could you blame the cookie ? after losing you for so long and now suddenly having a reason of wanting to wake up in the morning feels like a sudden blessing given to her from the divine light.
- and to this she prays, not from sorrow, but from utter happiness. She prays every day, all to thank the lights above for bringing you back to her, for making her feel like a complete cookie again
- this occurrence is very sentimental for the paladin. She didn't know how it happened, or when you truly came back, but all she knew was that she had you again, and that was enough for her.
- after reuniting with her lover, financier cookie will be more protective of you, she'll make sure that not even a single crumb falls from your body. Can you blame such actions ? She had been traumatized, fear of ever losing you for the second time due to her lack of protection, and she doesn't think the divine light will be as generous anymore..
- it's quite greedy to ask for more, when they have given her everything that she could ever want. You. Maybe that planned proposal isn't cancelled after all !
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amberinn · 10 days
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She was losing her lifeforce, her spirit down there.
Watching it flow down her arm, her arm, her arm.
She weakly nibbled at the pen.
Grasping it with the weakest tug from her teeth.
Scratching down the answer, her will.
The seconds ticked down on the laptop, in rhytmic synchronization with the enormous puddle growing by Min's body.
A final sound, mm-mm.
The denial of a red beep, the blaring ×
The flick of a lever
(guys help me out, describe to me how you would describe the × sign idk what word it is for this
AND for this! v
like ❌✅
what this called. *Charles Cuevas squinting in confusion sprite*
Preview of what I'm cookin rn
First time writing character death by the way
Never did before
This is like my second or third time writing angst too I'm not someone who writes a lot
I wouldn't say
I think there's like uhhh
56 drabbles on inanimate insanity (not all of them were posted as i do ykyk) + 3 drabbles on charwhit + 1 areden fanfic + 1 testbulb fanfic + 2 amber cookie & sugarglass cookie fanfics
that's all I've ever written really haha
it's a lot still though!!! look 56?
proud of myself
63 things I've written which probably still amounts to like maybe 7 thousand words... ah I don't know just sum up the word counts on ao3
maybe multiply the ii drabbles one by two
that much
so like 10k
woo!!!! :0
already??????? after 3 or 4 years o_O??
It's... Honestly impeccable, amazing that I've been able to write more than 300 words this time around
I'd attribute that factor to the fact that I've well...
Been doing a character analysis of sorts!
Of Teruko Tawaki and her relationship with Xander and Min!
I hope it's cool
And like I've been crutching on the plotline of drdt pretty heavily!!!
so ive never rll gotten that feel "this is where i need to end it off" like i usually do with fanfiction
which I by the way write without any sort of... plotline I guess?
I'm with it the same way I am with planning
If I have a plotline before this It'll go so badly and I'll just take a left turn and then everything will fall apart, because I did not FOLLOW the plan
So I sort of just stare at the blank paper, type in some words and then it just flows out.
No control over it whatsoever just imagination and me trying to describe that imagination in words that give out what I mean best
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chaos-connie · 2 years
we're reclaiming the term snowflake to use against sugarglass ego billionaires like elongated muskrat
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kaouruart · 2 years
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Beldu, master sugarglass smith, renowned for his delicate but effective glass weapons
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microwaveplanets · 10 months
i need to get prop sugarglass plates to smash over my head at work every 6 months or so. just to keep them on their toes
better yet my coworker starts ranting at me and i start eating one of the plates, deadpan, no break in eye contact. maybe they'd start treating me better then
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touhouweed · 1 year
treating my new phone like its made of sugarglass till i get the case and screen protector tomorrow
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tree-noceda · 1 year
I think i might've found my weakness
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Like c'mon, first Abyss Monarch, then Okchun, and now Sugarglass-
Because the costumes on all of them are so frikkin' pretty 😭😭
And they also make me want to have them as my pfp (Okchun currently being my pfp on reddit) which would now mean i gotta do the thing
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aimless-aimz · 8 months
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hnnnngffggg shitfuck extraordinare
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
December 2006
December 3, 2006
yesterday i fell backwards through a window- sure it was sugarglass and light wood.still felt the nerves slip.been sleeping 3 hour nights.i love watching people sing and speak and write about the people and things that they love.it makes me feel regular again.gave up on love when i started seeing about it in gossip rags.gave up on god when i realized one day my father was gonna die.gave up on myself too many times to count- you could trade mistakes for sheepand count me away forever at night.thanks for never giving up on me.even when you truly should have.and most of our incoherrent thought is wasted on whether it will mean more to stay or to go. if we can get home before the light hits our bedroom.
December 3, 2006
“a penny for your thoughts”
im sensing some antidote in the way the world has been speaking to me.but im all heart with these fingers stuck in my ears-playing scenes from my childhood so loud that i cant hear whats happened to me.you cant fly these wings, you cant sleep in this box with me.somewhere theres a backroom for us to be swapping spit in. a ditch for me to be forgotten again."there are plenty of fish in the sea" quip pretty fisherman on boats in stocked lakes and fish farms.do you think about me when you see the moon in the afternoon?"shape up or ship out"im nailed and boarded up in a box addressed to somewhere else.of all gods jokes, i am the most cruel- i will make you forget your headand your rulesand your friendsand your faithwe are bricks on gas pedals.we are the ink on forged checks.i will make you mine and then forget you.my head is too crowded for the company.can we go back to how it was?before there was a world out the front door that got off on being down.stockpiled good fortune and am ready to wait out the storm.i want you in my after 12am veins.lately it all just feels like looking up through ice in a frozen pond at red cheeked families skating, carefree.to be honest, even though im nodding off in airport lounges-id rather lay my head on a curb somewhere with you than any of the rest of it.and the universe doesnt care about luck or headlines.someone whispered "make yourself" in my ear once.steal me away from all of this.make yourself.
12/03/06 Q&A
I was just wondering, how much profanity can be expected on the new album?
not too much more than what you hear in “arms race”- though i have a mouth like a sialor. i tend to write in more hyper sexualized metaphors- nothing that would warrant a sticker or anything tho…
who you like better.. old pete or new pete?
people always seem to be in a constant state of flux. noone stays the same forevr but the change never seems to happen overnight. old pete got grounded alot and stuff but to tell you the truth ive never cared too much for either. in all honesty.
pete, you guys owe the midwest big time you tottaly skipped us on the FOE tour…you arent playing a show in iowa or chicago… =[
duh like wed ever space out on our hometown, like we dont have something super special planned just for you that is NOT part of the tour—- that goes for a couple of places we are “skipping”- have a bit of faith. we try not to let you down…
Push-up bras: in or out in 2006?
im not wearing them anymore this year, so i guess no.
December 4, 2006
i want to fall in love with someone who can speak parseltongue.
- xo
December 8, 2006
minus : bill and teds excellent adventure was almost halfway done when i got home. and i wasted my night thinking of someone who will never understand me.minus/plus:i cut off my hair and jumped through a sheet of glass for our new video. plus: when napoleon eats the huge banana split in bill and teds: ziggy piggy ziggy piggy. i got an igloo dog house and fake snow for hem to play in. way more fun than whatever else i oculd have been doing. going to see panic tommorrow.
- xo
December 12, 2006
i cant explain the feeling that has been exactly the same since the first moment you bobbed your head, had your spit shoot out of your mouth when singing along, or been crush on the railing on the front of the stage.everything else aside. the flashes, the numbers, everything- i hope i am judged and remembered only by how you have felt and sung along.it is a testament to who i wish i was and am always striving to become. because as much as we saved you- you have saved me.the shows feel the same. i was worried. but a smile or a wink reminds me that we are still part of the same machine that noone else understands.sorry if this is corny but these were the thoughts going through my head as i iced my back today after the show. if i fall apart, if we didnt sell a single record- this was still the best adventure story ever written. and i am endlessly grateful for that. ill now go back to being a douchebag.i think youre gonna like the new video.... let us know if youre hearing arms race on the radio by you.... just putting the final touhces on the record- yeah we know its like shopping for presents on xmas eve. but oh well. we dont want to let anyone down, not ourselves or you.xo.sleep fast, dream hard.ps i miss my dog.
- xo
Dec 14 2006 
dear you,
sometimes we get caught up in riding the moment, good or bad. mental health or our bodies. usually its never as bad as it seems in our own heads or in those seconds when it seems like noone else can empathize. but the truth is, as reluctant as we are to admit it- there are strains inside of us that make us exactly the same. together and alone all at once. crashing thoughts like chemistry. playing these club shows has been like heaven for me- its the closest i can get to being that little band again- and i love every minute of it. its exciting and crushing- pins and needles everywhere in anticipation. seeing the same old faces on the barricades but with new smiles. i have high hopes that you will come with us on this record if only because i feel like i/we owe it to you. i listen to the songs over and over again and hope that they hit you in that same spot but in a brand new way.
post video: my back will be okay,so will my hair (haha as okay as it ever was), i am in love with my band more than anything else on the planet. i hope you like the video.
i feel like a hack giving advice to you on the q & a when the truth is, i dont really have a clue to get through life on my own.i havent been able to sleep since we left on tour this week- my question to you- what do you do to fall asleep?
thanks for always being there. even when you probably shouldnt.
it puts me at ease knowing that someone else doesnt get it as much as i dont get it.
December 14, 2006
“be my unholy, my one and lonely. (the inside of my head, unfiltered).”
computer broke. back broke. love broke.
but the ship is gonna look pretty at the bottom of this sea.
my memory is a steel trap.
your face has been filed away- to be scrutinized later.
to be despised.
to be loved.
to be sought.
to be dreamt of.
i am the inside of "i dont care".
right in the middle.
staring at you.
i have you read before you even say your name.
except when im wrong
and my whole world tips on end.
"i loved everything about you that hurts".
everything i love about you is a mess- is the reason you cant get through your days.
i keep the tv on loud in hotel rooms so i dont feel alone.
i wear scarves and hoods cause theyre the only poker face ive got left.
in my head i smash mirrors and break palm readers' hands.
i love to write of sex and bodies pressed against eachother- but i am not a closer and never will be, i cant get my mind to shut off long enough to make moves. id rather remember the smell of your hair and the way you faked like you were too drunk to drive home.
id rather break you down.
i dread human contact but cant stand to sleep alone- two parts of me that are constantly at war with each other.
every single mirror is a trick mirror. not just the funhouse ones. we see what we want.
i wish i could live a billion years just to evolve beyond love.
only the science of that doesnt really add up, and besides i am addicted to it.
if you cut me open i am the single most regular person that has ever existed.
it scares me.
it electrifies me.
i have put my belief in god in a sort of holding pattern- i close my eyes hard and want to believe. just because this cant be it. but im not ready to commit. keep flying. one of these days were gonna run out of fuel.
the famous < the infamous.
i want to become better than i am.
i want cures instead of houses.
and hope instead of hype.
only its all so big that i dont even know where to start.
birth and death are just the bookends, no one explains how to find happiness in between.
my mood changes before i finish whole sentences. hence the fragments.
if anyone ever knew the whole truth im pretty sure they would lock me up and throw away the key.
i dont like to talk or play certain songs because they are just an unhappy blur in my life when somewhere inside of me i was sure id be dead before anyone ever heard them.
i wish jimminy cricket was my best friend.
i think hed keep me on track.
its no fun hating someone who hates themself so much more.
youre just an amateur.
you cant complain about your back and then jump off of high things.
well you can but then you just look silly.
my attention span, my temper, my faith and my height are all pretty much just short.
if i ever really had three wishes i am sure id waste them on ruining three peoples lives.
disappointing people is my thing baby, find a new gig, this town aint big enough for the two of us.
i have a love/hate relationship with being forgotten.
i fall asleep on the keyboard all the time, i think it is of some comfort to me.
i cant wait to meet the person i will want to grow old with.
posted by xo @ 12:29 AM
December 16, 2006
Have heart, willing to travel.
- xo
December 16, 2006
come on just let me make out with one of your friends and we'll call it even
caged all the free spirits.lets make them shiny so we see them glisten on the ocean bottom.well take your flaws and polish them as good as new-that is except for jealousy, theres been a recall on that one.expect version 2.0turned the corners of my eyes out as though they were my pockets, as i pass by men sleeping in boxes looking for loose change.fix me or forget me. at this point im going for whichever is easier.im guessing i look like i just got off a bender cause everyone keeps saying "you really should get some rest".like that was the problem.it feels like a surgeon who cant cut himself open to save his own life.going AWOL from ghost towns.look into mirrors-"wipe that smile off your fucking face."my dreams are all backyards in the suburbs and you.and whatever happens in between just make sure our plots are matching and next to eachother.its kind of tough being a people pleaser when you arent too fond of people in general.on steroids for the back- no, not the cool kind. though one of the side effects is dementia.living out of a suitcase changes your outlook on the world.its hard to imagine a time when any of this made sense.a flight.fizz of tonic water.clicking of hotel room keys."ive never done this before"s.you need oxygen tanks to climb the mountains i have made of these molehills.keep me away from the inside of your head.
December 16, 2006
here's to fresh starts
Today was one of the longest ever for me.I have no explanation. Except that relief can come from the last place you'd ever expect.Sometimes the people you expect to be there are no shows. Especially when you're on the tile floor heaving.I am ready to be me again.I miss my puppy. I think you dreamt me alive.
December 18, 2006
I am sur ei have been loved. I have obsessed over love. the kind of love of getting in and out of trouible. I have hoped for love that is beyond you beiung caught by me or me trying to slip through the cracks. I hope for a love that is like astronomers who desribe distant planets. Even as experts it is a too far off to even properly calculate no matter how much you adore it. And I am no expert. When was the last time you felt proud of me? Ask myself when was the last time I did anything worth your pride? When was the last time I was moved, not like a piece in a board game but truly moved. When was the last time I didn't see the world in an "you always stick your neck out" or "can't catch a break" kind of way. You are the kind they cut off ears for and start wars over. You are a distant planet, noone would get from afar. You are the dream that I can't remember but can't forget. You are the trap door magicians never reveal. You're my last trick. You're my grand finale.
December 18, 2006
“diamonds into coal.”
i am a terrible typer on a sidekick as proven in the previous post.
i hate hotel room life.
i hate doing interviews.
i hate reading interview i have done.
i am overdramatic.
i am overly pessimistic. i only see the worst in everything.
but i smile and nod along anyway.
i dont believe a word anyone says to me.
but id really like to believe in everything.
this list is boring. i miss my dog.
December 19, 2006
being in new york brings back strange memories of fall. i am really excited for everyone to see the new video tommorrow. though i am completely bummed out to see people selling tickets for ridiculous amounts of money for the friends or enemies tour. the whole point of this tour was for us to play some small rooms with our dedicated fans. i dont really think there is anything we can do legally about people who are taking advantage of this. the only thing i can think of is that we will go around venues before the show and try to give out a few tickets for free (i doubt we will have many extra as most have sold out). dont feed into this. we will keep playing smaller shows and secret ones- as well as a bigger spring tour. i promise you will get a chance to see us. we are going to go everywhere. please dont let these vultures get you down.
- xo
December 20, 2006
to only you:there was this girl- a doll. hanging and dancing on strings. black hair and smiling. she lived just off of a town called naivety... some place i have driven through from time to time. and i never had an idea. cut the strings so we could run down the street under trees and roll in the grass. never meant for it to become what it did in so many different ways. never meant to always leave the driveway headed one direction and never knew what waited when i returned. only that her eyes were the lights in the windows that i pulled up to in the snow. slipping off the ends of icy roads at nights racing home through the night no matter what. and the miles got father and farther in between. and i couldnt ever figure myself out to save a thing. but now i cut those strings and she is forever dancing or lying or waiting in the lit windows for vans and buses that came less and less. and i wrote the harshest words and she wrote the harshest words. she turned from a doll into a girl and i from a boy into a monster and back into a boy now and again. eyes always red and puffy. pride always on the line. things were much simpler when she was on strings for her i think. things were much simpler when the van only went so far. before i had to press a picture of her and paste it on dashes and inside of bunks everywhere. i cant explain how i got here. it doesnt make any sense. she could follow the articles and videos or my pieced together stories. or a dog. or a dream. or words that make half sense sent in the middle of the night. and even when im telling the truth it doesnt matter cause the phone is always dead. and i am always 30,000 feet in the air flying somewhere. but i keep the warmest memories close to my heart even when im at payphones and want to cut my insides out,, dry them up and mail them to her. "im sorry" doesnt matter anymore. the words have no meaning. im sorry i cut the strings and ran away. now when i come to look for her i dont know where to begin. its hard to not say "its all my fault" but it goes through my head over and over so i cant sleep with out the AMBIENce of my bed and the puppy. bane songs. boomerangs. badnews. arkansas. goodbye love i didnt know you well or maybe too well.
- xo
December 24, 2006
they say this thing between us is getting old, but i think of it more like vintage love.
im like one of those movies you buy in a hotel with every button but rewind.have at it.your jokes.your ring tones.it doesnt matter.i cant ever get the right words to the right people.lying on the side, tears fall from your left eye into your right.filling it and spilling over. and so on.spilling out. but not pretty like in the movies.phones are always dead.white lights hanging on houses, breath in the air-everything about right now reminds me that i am all alone.and how terrible i am because of the thoughts that run through my head.like im pretty sure i could get some sleep if you were dead and gone.but not in a "drop dead" kind of way, more like you couldnt fuck with my head anymore.a snow day on giving a fuck about anything.sit here and stare at the television because thats what im supposed to do.forget to eat.sit in the roped off corner of a club because thats what im supposed to do.forget to care.and i just want to write a story or a song that makes everyone forget their troubles but im not too sure that i have it in me.hot spots become luke warm.i just want one person to know me completely before i die.i want maternity wards on stage for the delivery.spent the afternoon in an mri- its like preparation for lying in a coffin forever. it was a fear i havent experienced since i was young. the shaking and the sounds and the closeness of it all. everyone loves an underdog. every dog will have its day. top dogs. all dogs go to heaven and such....
December 25, 2006
he said "i brought the hoody back all them other boys dont know how to act"
when i was little i wanted to be max from where the wild things are when i grew up.kind of bonkers, cause he was just a kid too.
12/25/06 Q&A
is it true you and andy had a fight? and now fall out boy is breaking up?
nope. not breaking up anytime soon. contrary to whatever stupid things have come out of any of our mouths near journalists. we are currently doing better than brad and angelina- no break up in sight.
dear pete i hope you liked your christmas i know i did i got the clandestine bag i wanted and tickets to the red hot chili peppers concert i just wanted to say i look up to you because you let me down every time i needed help i asked you because i didnt know who to turn to my older brother being the jerk he is never helped me in any way and you never answered any questions with any substance anyways i dont know how many times i posted my questions but i digress i learned that you cant depend on the people you look up to, to help you out with advice i learned to help myself out and just face my problems and if i make a wrong turn well ill learn from that too so i just wanted to thank you for making me that much more independent i still love fall out boy sooo much too much in fact or so ive been told im not just another fan that listens to you guys and asks you stupid questions i am a fan that loves your music and i know not to depend on you for advice cause you cant help me i can only help myself sorry if im dragging on but im trying to get my point across im not sure if you will ever read this one im pretty sure you wont and im okay with that cause that will prove my point ill give you three trys to answer cause i dont know how your answering process works three cheers for questions with no substance -sincerely me *strike two*
glad you had a good christmas. as far as answering questions- i miss alot of them- either do to timing or that i didnt feel capable of answering or whatever. usually i answer whatever sticks out to me. sometimes goofy ones, sometimes serious ones. we as a band try to be role models the best that we can. im sorry that you felt let down. its great to be independent and i think its awesome that this question wasnt a “fuck you i hate your band cause you didnt answer my question”… it sucks to feel skipped over i know that. im glad that it sounds like youre doing well. hope your family situation has gotten better.
i was watching release the bats and was wondering if your parents had seen it and what they thought of it. i was oddly fascinated yet disgusted. nice job
i think my mom thinks its funny. my brother and me have been doing stuff like that since we were little- so its not too shocking.
Since your famous to some people. Would you ever like Wierd Al to make a song about you and the rest of the band? If so, what do you think he would sing about you and the band?
we grew up on weird al. we’d love the honor of being mocked in a song of his- i think maybe “where is your beer tonight? i hope it is a heineken”
0 notes
Meet Sugarglass Atlas Cookie!
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Belongs to @aimless-aimz
Sugarglass Atlas resides behind a veil in the skies of Beast Yeast. He was baked with an artifact, the Black Sugar Compass in his chest. due to this item being baked into his self, he’s grown some abilities of his own- namely letting out universal magnetic currents, and utilizing them to control Homing Sugarpins- drones which also function as bombs- and will erupt into a fine, sharp sugar dust. He’s a shut-in and stays in his labyrinth in the sky. ..he seems to have some prejudice towards the ancients- corrupted or not.
..anyways, basic information minus story- a legendary class bomber. he’s somewhat on par with frost queen? but he’s not incredibly overpowered/mary sue and all that. half of me giving him that power and such was because there are only four legendaries and all of them are lesbians. girls stay winning but we need a boyfail to accompany them!
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foxgirlwizard · 2 months
sugarglass erection
thats penis brittle
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citrusrecordsuk · 10 months
Latest Single From Sugarglass ‘Spiderman’
Latest Single From Sugarglass ‘Spiderman’ Check out our review and give the song a listen now!
In the ever-evolving landscape of indie music, Sugarglass has once again proven their versatility and creativity with their latest release, “Spiderman.” Following their successful venture into the realm of reimagining popular hits with their ‘Sugar Free Version’ of “Without Me,” Sugarglass returns with a completely original track that takes us on a journey into the whimsical world of superheroes…
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