#suddenly grey cat jumpscare
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blackcurrant-juice · 4 months ago
why till always gotta have something going on w his neck
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otakugoddes · 2 years ago
🎃Day 5= Cute Costumes (Denki Kaminari)🎃
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DAY 5=Cute Costumes (Denki Kaminari)
Gender neutral Reader (they/them)
Warnings: Jumpscare and the trio being scaredy cats, one or two swear words. Mina, Denki and Sero shenanigans.
Denki was so used to dressing up scary for Halloween, so imagine his surprise when he found out every other costume store sold out and it was only the cutesy ones left. He howled in despair when he came back from shopping, buying more candy now that he didn't have a costume.
He sighed in anguish and sank into the couch, you came up behind him and put your arms around his neck.
"Why is your cute face so droopy...you look like the scream mask!"
"There are no more scary costumes! They're all sold out! Only ones left are the cute...cringey ones!"
You nodded thoughtfully, "Honestly...your face right now looks pretty horrifying so you don't even need a costume!" You cooed at his adorable pout.
He scoffed, pulling your arm so you could jump onto the couch next to him. Settling in his lap he nuzzled his face into your neck and murmured, "Just really wanted to have a sick ass costume!"
You pat his head while he complained into your neck.
"Why don't you just make a costume instead of wasting money on one you're not going to wear again?" You suggested.
He perked up.
Denki always bought costumes, never indulging in the garden task such as making your own costume from scratch. He did however, applaud the amazing effort that people who made their costumes put in, those people ended up winning the costume competitions all the time.
"If I do...will you help me?"
"Duh...I already have materials for my costume!" You scoff.
Denki kissed your check, "This is why I love you! Let's go!"
As you and Denki charged up to your room, holding hands and excusing yourself when bumping into the others, you discussed exactly what kind of costume he was going for so you could help him.
An hour later, Denki ended up with a near perfect scarecrow costume. Browns, greys and mossy greens stitched together like patched up overalls, red painted into them mimicking blood.
"Woah! This is amazing!"
You pat yourself on the shoulder smugly, giving him a toothy grin, "Your praise makes my cold heart melt!"
"I'm gonna scare the kids so bad they'll poop!" He chuckled mischievously.
"Don't scare them too much! They might actually just call their parents and have you detained in jail for harassments. I saw that happen to a kid!" You snorted at his suddenly terrified expression.
He then looked back up to see you still busy with your own costume.
"Your one's not done yet?"
"I'll join you soon! I'll be done in half an hour!” You grinned back and he nodded.
He went to fit on his costume, leaving you to finish your own in a giddy buzz. Denki joined up with Sero and Mina with an extra large bag for candy since he planned on sharing with you the ones you would miss.
Mina was dressed as a retro 1950's singer with neon and bright colors all over her, plus roller skates. Sero just wrapped himself up with tape (very original).
Mina pouted when just he turned up, "Where is (Name)?! I wanted to see their costume!"
Sero patted her back, "Knowing (Name)...they probably want to gave such a cool costume they'd stay behind to make it extra badass!"
Mina and Denki both sighed collectively.
"Well! No point in wasting the night moping, (Name)'ll catch up right?"
"Yeah totally!"
A half an hour later, the trio were in a sugar crazed buzz, going from door to door getting candy but most of the time getting shut down by reluctant people.
Denki stopped along the road and counted the candy in his bag...it was only 1/3 full and the night was still young.
"Maaaaaan! That last could have been more generous with the candy corns!" Mina complained as she looked at the pathetic amount of candy in her bag.
"Those kids were nice to give up peanutbutter cups!" Sero commented.
The three were so into their candy that neither noticed the ominous figure sauntering their way.
Denki was just about to reach for his bag after setting it down before a clammy hand closed around his.
"WHAT THE HECK?!" He started screaming as the hands of the horrible looking undead ghoul thingy pawed at him, Mina started screaming and pushed Sero to save Denki.
As they had their screaming match, Denki pushed the Ghoul away and pushed both of them to start running.
It was like a scene from Scooby Doo where the gang ran away from the monster trying to catch them.
Nobody could tell who was screaming what, only that it was bloody murder.
They had run into an alley (big mistake) in a moment of indecision and were now back up against the wall.
The ghoul thing suddenly cackled.
"Nowhere left to run...little rascals!"
Denki cuddled his two best friends as he mumbled, "Just tell (Name) I love them if you guys survive okay?"
But the impact never came as he shut his eyes, only a cruel laugh that sounded more and more normal than the distorted maniacal chuckle.
The ghoul stepped back and pulled off the ugly mask, "Trick or Treat, Suckers!" Only to reveal you with a very smug grin.
Denki hugged you as Mina and Sero collasped from fright, muttering about how they hate you and how good of a scare that was.
"You scared me half to death babe!" Denki laughed hysterically into your costume.
"I had to do something big with this costume...you three cry babies just happened to be my victims!"
"I hate you!" Denki cried.
"That was an awesome scare though!" Mina cheered and hugged you.
"I almost wet my pants!" Sero shuddered.
You bowed to the three of them and picked your mask up again, "Alright scaredy cats...let's go get some candy!"
The three cheered and you four went out on the prowl, hunting for candy like crazed animals.
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haikyuu-sickfics · 4 years ago
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Vomit warning!
“Oh, cmon!  It’ll be fun!” Tooru sang out, both of Hajime’s hands pressed between his own.
Hajime eyes the towering house behind his friend.  It looked just about the furthest thing from fun-- not that he was scared of the faux cobwebs or wood painted to look old and rundown, he just felt like it wouldn’t be the best idea for their underclassmen who were currently stood next to Tooru.
Yuutarou was mirroring Tooru’s puppy eyes, his lower lip propped out in an attempt to convince Hajime to let the group into the house.  Tobio was just standing there, his hand wrapped tightly around Tooru’s jacket, his face pointed to the ground as though he would rather be somewhere else-- probably somewhere involving a volleyball.  Akira looked downright disinterested, his eyes half-lidded and looking at the people walking by the group.
“Pleaseeee,” Tooru and Yuutarou begged in unison upon Hajime’s silence, “If you let us go then you can choose the movie for movie nights for the rest of the year!” Tooru finished alone.
This caught Hajime’s ear.
Tooru’s taste in cinema was… interesting to say the least, and the last time Hajime actually enjoyed what the two watched for movie night was months ago on his birthday when he got to choose.
“Hm,” He looked into Tooru’s eyes, a huge mistake on his behalf.  The lure of numerous movie nights and impossible-to-say-no-to pout finally pushed him to the edge, “fine.  But you’re paying.”
“Yahoo!” He cheered, letting lose Hajime’s hands in favor of giving Yuutarou a double high-five.  
“Stand on your tippy-toes, we need to look 18,” Tooru instructed to everyone once the group was outside the entrance of the haunted house.
Unease was swirling in Hajime as the monochromatic house loomed over him, grey clouds illuminated by the setting sun gathering above, adding to the eerie aura.
“Are you sure this is a good ide-” “Shush Iwa-chan!  There’s no going back!” With that, Tooru grabbed onto Hajime’s hand and pulled him into the dark house, the first years trailing behind them.
Right off the bat Hajime and Tooru were screaming their heads off.  Zombies with poorly done makeup were hopping out from doorways, some even getting caught in the same cobwebs they set up.  Vampires with vibrant fake red blood bore their dollar store fangs, hissing like cats and terrifying Hajime and Tooru.  The first-year trio were laughing under their breath in response, it was hard not to really. Tooru had Hajime’s wrist in a deathlike grip, the latter sporting wide eyes and clenched fists.
They continued in this formation, Tooru’s grip slowly loosening as fear zapped his strength.  Their screams began quieting down to whimpers and suddenly the first years behind them weren’t finding humor in the situation anymore.
The rest of the attraction dragged on.  Jumpscares were scarce, the actors seemingly able to tell how poorly the group was doing and avoiding giving them much of a scare.  Tooru and Hajime were to out of it to be appreciative and the other three were too concerned to even notice.
“Are you okay?” Tobio asked Tooru once they had finally exited the stuffy house.
Tooru whimpered,  his arms crossed loosely against his stomach as fear swirled together with nausea angrily within.  Hajime squatted down, his hands holding his knees as he leaned forward, eyes squeezed shut.
Yuutarou began rubbing circles on Hajime’s back, guilt flooding him and keeping his eyes glued to the ground beside him.
Akira looked pitifully out of his element, standing to the side awkwardly and watching the scene unfold.  There wasn’t much for him to do, Yuutarou had Hajime covered and Tobio still had a piece of Tooru’s jacket in his clutch.
After a moment or two of them sitting like this in silence, Tooru coughed, bending forward at the waist.  His mouth fell open to let saliva fall onto the asphalt below.  A harsh gag ripped through him.  Tobio backed up with wide eyes just before a wave of sick pushed its way out onto the ground.
Hajime looked over at the sound, his eyes widening and cheeks puffing out.  Looking back at the ground between his feet, he felt his stomach lurch.  Tears sprang to the corners of his eyes as he tried to hold down his stomach.  It didn’t work, of course, and only a second later did a small wave of vomit spill pass his lips.
Yuutarou let a sympathetic gag before steeling himself and apologizing.
‘There’s nothing to be sorry about,’ Hajime wanted to say, but words failed to come as another gag.
A couple of feet away Tobio had his hand awkwardly splayed on Tooru’s upper back.  The latter with slightly bent knees and a left arm pressed against his left knee, and right hand hugging his midsection.
Another smaller wave forced it’s way out of Tooru with a hard cough and a noise which sounded all too similar to a sob.
Hajime pulled himself up off the grown, using his own knees for support and brushing Yuutarou’s hand off.  He stumbled over to Tooru and gave him a chop on the back right under where Tobio’s hand was splayed.
“Shittykawa,” He looked like we wanted to say more, chastise Tooru further, but no words came to mind.
Not that they needed to, Tooru got the memo.  Spitting one last time, he pulled himself upright and looked at Hajime. 
“Rest of the year and all the way through February?” “Deal.”
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ericsonclan · 4 years ago
Resi Madness
Summary: Prisha and Violet go over to Jesse and James' apartment to have a double date and play Resident Evil 8.
Word Count: 3366
Read on AO3:
It was fairly quiet in Jesse and James' apartment save for the faint clicking sound of the PS4 controller as Prisha moved Ethan Winters forward through Castle Dimitrescu to examine different pieces of lore and gather ammo and other essentials by smashing glass cabinets. Slowly she moved Ethan forward, her breath tense as she wandered through the castle.
“You’re doing great,” Violet commented, leaning forward and grabbing some popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table. The strings on her dark grey hoodie swayed gently with the sudden movement as the blonde quickly leaned back on the couch.
James smiled softly at his friend. “I’m really glad that we were able to have this double date,” He snuggled deeper into Jesse’s arms who seemed to be enjoying holding James and the frantic little swears Prisha was whispering under her breath. Prisha’s purple earrings shook slightly as she hunched forward, wrinkling her dark purple single sleeved shirt.
“Yeah, this is nice,” Violet smiled softly as she made quiet sounds to get Theodore over her way. The sphynx cat looked over at her and happily trotted forward, hopping up onto her lap with a mighty leap.
“Yes, I suppose it's not surprising that we both bought Resident Evil 8.” Prisha mumbled as she wandered further into the castle, becoming paranoid about every little potential jumpscare.
“I bet you bought it for a different reason than us though,” Jesse teased which caused Prisha to send a look back at him.
“We bought it for a multitude of reasons, one being that the reviews said it was good,” Prisha stated before turning her attention back to the screen.
“Another being because the girls are hot,” Violet added while giving Theodore plenty of headscratches and tummy rubs.
Jesse and James laughed at that and while Prisha wanted to say something she knew that her wife wasn’t wrong. “Vi, would you be willing to keep me company?” Prisha looked back at her wife with big eyes. Usually Prisha was pretty tough but whenever it came to horror games all of her bravery seemed to fade away.
“Okay,” Violet got up from her spot, making sure Theodore didn’t scratch her dark blue jeans while she carried him forward. “Theo is gonna be joining us,”
Prisha let go of the controller with one hand and immediately wrapped her arms around her wife’s waist. Giving Theodore a few chin scratches, Prisha quickly returned to the game. Jesse couldn't help but laugh at sight.
“Laugh all you want, but now I can easily get through my section of the game before handing over the controller,” Prisha shot him a look then continued forward when suddenly a cutscene played. The three daughters of Lady D appeared and began to speak. At first Prisha was scared but soon got distracted by the blonde one.
“Are you really staring at the blonde one?” Violet’s teasing voice made Prisha glance away at the screen and over at her wife.
“I- you see, that is...” Prisha stumbled on her words. “I just like her character design.”
“Uh huh,” Violet smiled at the small pout on Prisha’s face. “I’m just teasing you,” She stole a quick kiss and Prisha immediately nuzzled her face against Violet’s neck and kissed it before returning her gaze to the TV screen.
All four of them had some comments to make about the cutscene as Ethan Winters was dangled up near the ceiling of the bedroom by some meat hooks. Prisha audibly hissed when Ethan tore his hands through the hooks. Soon her fear returned as she continued forward. Prisha made quick yelps and frantically screamed at Ethan to move faster whenever she ran into trouble.
After a little while her turn was done and James took the controller. Shifting up from his spot, his black graphic t-shirt with a giant eye in the middle and the words “Eye See You” around it bunched up. It became obvious within seconds that Prisha and James handled horror games differently. While Prisha screamed and jumped and tried to ‘politely’ encourage the character to do better, James remained level-headed. He navigated the castle with ease along with the help of his husband.
Soon all four of them got caught up in the lore of the castle, learning about the truth behind the vampire daughters and of the unfortunate souls that were their maids. James found some of the different masks needed for the exit from this castle as he ran away from Lady D. “That's one tall lady,” James commented as he dodged one of Lady D’s claw attacks.
“One annoying lady. She should just leave us the fuck alone,” Jesse wrapped his arms around James tighter, causing his open red and blue flannel to press against his plain white shirt.
“At least she’s hot,” Violet commented and Prisha nodded.
“I bet I could take her in a fight though,” Prisha mumbled and Violet smirked.
“Really? You can defeat a ten foot tall vampire?”
“If I had the right equipment and motivation, I could defeat anything,” Prisha stated proudly as James slipped into a room with hidden bells. The four of them began to work together to spot the hidden bells. One stood in plain sight while another was hidden within a chandelier and another outside the window of the room. After finding the fifth bell and sharing a soft kiss with Jesse, James ran through the hidden painting door. After a bit more time James offered the controller to Violet who was so focused on the game she didn’t notice that Theodore had wandered over and was now begging for James’ attention.
“Hey, Theo,” James smiled softly at his cat and began to shower him with attention. Jesse also focused on the sphynx cat for a minute before realizing that Violet was in the middle of facing off against one of the vampire sisters.
As they’d learned through a cutscene earlier, cold was their weakness. So Violet threw a bomb towards a crumbling wall to make an opening to let the cold air in and get the vampire weakened. After a few well-timed headshots and some close calls, she defeated the vampire. “Victory Violet,” Violet declared softly as she continued forward.
“That was remarkable, Violet!” Prisha praised her wife and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Violet blushed lightly at the romantic gesture before a confident smile took over her face. Prisha looked back to the screen as Violet wandered towards the rooftop. “It is unfortunate that the attractive characters are dying,”
“Yeah, all for this stale ass protagonist,” Violet pushed the analog stick forward, causing Ethan to wander outside.
“He is admirable though for doing all of this for his daughter,” James commented, beginning to play with Jesse’s hair.
“Yeah, this dumbass is going through hell,” Jesse leaned back against the couch, enjoying the sensation as his husband continued to play with his hair.
“It makes sense. If anything that even came to a fraction of this danger happened and Allison was taken, come hell or high water I’d get her back home,” Prisha’s eyes shone with determination as she spoke.
“Any fucker dumb enough to mess with my kid would wind up in deep shit,” Violet added as she moved Ethan forward. “They’d definitely regret their life choices.”
As Violet continued further onto the rooftop the four of them noticed some flying creatures nearby. “Are those some sort of bird?” Prisha asked, squinting at the screen.
“They’re some freaky type of bird,” Jesse noted as Violet moved closer to them.
“Whatever, we can just ignore these giant ass birds and move-” Violet paused when one of the “birds” moved forward. The creature looked more akin to a gargoyle and based on its design appeared to have been human before. “Not crows! Not crows!!” Violet pressed on the sprint button and ran away, peppering the enemies with bullets only when they got too close for comfort.
After successfully taking those down Violet passed the controller to Jesse who wasn’t fazed by whatever the game threw at him. He was calm and collected as he made quick work of the castle. In fact, the only thing that seemed to throw him off was all the small, encouraging words and compliments James gave him. Jesse could feel his face growing warm at all the praise.
The four of them continued to play through the castle section of the game, commenting on some more lore they had learned about and on how OP Ethan Winters seemed to be if his hand was sliced clean off and he attached it with some healing liquid like it was nothing. Soon the castle was complete and Lady D and her daughters were defeated. It was perfect timing to, as the pizza delivery man had just arrived.
Jesse paid for the pizzas and gave a tip all while James was holding Theodore in his arms and bouncing him gently to distract him from venturing off towards the outside world. The four of them quickly grabbed some pizza and placed it on their paper plates before wandering back to the living room. All of them sat around and talked about their favorite parts of the game so far while devouring the pepperoni pizza and chugging soft drinks.
Once the food had been decimated and everyone had a chance to stretch and get a bathroom break if need be they started up again. Prisha was the one with the controller once more. She was slightly less nervous due to the somewhat pleasant looking house Ethan was approaching. She soon learned that she shouldn't be fooled by the interior design of places, however, as the psychological horror began to kick in within House Beneviento. Prisha walked down hallways getting frightened by the smallest things.
“You got this, Prish,” Violet called out from the couch she was laying on. Normally she would be beside Prisha during a spooky part like this but she had definitely overeaten and had to lie down for a bit.
“Thank you,” Prisha smiled back at her wife then continued her journey through the house. Soon they entered a room with dangling doll parts and Prisha held her breath as the doll that had descended from the ceiling spoke about wanting her to be part of the family. “There’s no way in hell I’m going to be a part of this family,” Prisha declared a bit too loudly before the room grew dark before the light returned. It didn’t take long for Prisha to realize she was trapped and so she handed off the controller to James. He immediately wandered to the life-sized mannequin made to look like Ethan’s wife.
“That’s fucked up,” Jesse commented as began to put little braids in James’ hair.
“This whole area is fucked up,” Violet added as she cracked open another soda to drink. The four of them worked well to find all the little puzzle pieces within the mannequin and soon they had found a way out. James pushed the analog stick forward and guided Ethan over toward the typewriter to save before he continued his journey. After some time it was Violet’s turn and she began to unlock more and more spots as the psychological horror built and built.
Finally it was Jesse’s turn. His first few decisions caused them to reach the next section of this house as the lights turned out and a dim red light appeared. The door that had once been locked was now open and what looked to be some sort of red bloody wire ran across the floor.
“Time to get the hell out of here,” Jesse got up and walked over to one of the other chairs in their living room to get a better view of the screen. His black ripped jeans tightened around his legs as he sat down. Slowly he wandered forward until a baby-like sound came from the end of the hallway.
Suddenly, there, standing in the way was a giant, bloody fetus. “What the ever living fucking fuck is that?!?!” Jesse’s voice cracked as the fetus opened its giant mouth and let out a series of cries and giggles.
“Aww, a baby,” James’ soft, whisper-like voice drew everyone’s attention.
“A hell baby,” Violet corrected. Neither her or James seemed particularly scared of the monster fetus while Prisha and Jesse were beyond scared.
“Move your ass, Jesse!” Prisha yelled frantically as she stood up and stared in horror at the disturbing sight. “Use the button to do a quick turn around and go back to the room! Surely there’s an escape!”
“Shit, fuck, shitting fuck, shit fuck!” Jesse tapped his foot anxiously as he spun Ethan around and slammed his thumb against the analog stick to move Ethan as fast as he could.
“Move faster!” Prisha instructed as she began to lightly bounce in her seat.
“I’m trying! I’m trying!” Jesse felt his heart racing and he began to panic. After many, many vulgar words thrown at Ethan due to his slow running speed, Jesse reached the section where he should be able to get to the well. Jesse got up to his feet and yelled at Ethan to open the door. “This isn’t working!”
“Well there has to be something!” Prisha rose to her feet and began to nervously mess with her braid as she bounced on the balls on her feet. Jesse turned around to look for another exit but he was met with the laughter and cries of the fetus. He felt his heart freeze as the fetus crawled into the room, painting the floor red with its blood. Jesse let out a loud scream which was met with one of equal volume by Prisha. The two hugged each other in some desperate attempt to stop their fear as the fetus found them and swallowed Ethan whole.
Jesse dropped the controller and collapsed on the couch. “Holy fuck,” he mumbled as he hugged James who rubbed his back tenderly. Soon Theodore hopped onto Jesse’s back and curled into a ball, showing his support for Jesse as he purred loudly.
“You did great, baby,” James kissed his husband’s head which only got a shaky grumble from Jesse who was still too shaken by the reveal of the giant fetus. “I think it's your turn, Prisha,” James smiled up at Prisha. Her eyes grew large in horror. Violet noticed how spooked Prisha was and got up from her spot. Gently taking Prisha’s hands, Violet rubbed small circles on them. “You don’t have to play this part if you don’t want to,” Violet offered with a gentle smile.
“No, I can do this! I can!” Prisha tried to hype herself up. A part of her wanted to impress Violet with her bravery and skill in this moment.
“I know you can. You’re the most badass person I know,” Violet planted a kiss on Prisha’s lips. That seemed to motivate Prisha who grinned happily and stole another kiss.
“That’s right! A fetus can’t stop me!” Prisha snatched up the controller and began to jump up and down to shake off the nerves.
“What the hell are you doing?” Jesse looked over at his friend with confusion.
“She’s hyping herself up,” Violet said in a matter of fact tone as if everyone did this to help prepare themselves for a scary part of the game.
After a few more seconds Prisha moved forward. She had a game plan: she would run forward, find the fetus, turn around and find an escape and look like the badass that she knew she was in front of her wife. With that plan clear in her mind Prisha moved forward, only for all of it to become lost when she saw the fetus.
“AAAAAA, a spawn of hell!” Prisha jumped up and down, making a lot of incoherent sounds as she tried to run away from the monster fetus. Violet found the whole thing to be a mixture of amusing and worrisome as she saw how panicked Prisha was. Prisha made her way into the room but soon found herself to be in the same boat as Jesse when she couldn’t find an escape. Prisha yelled and flung the controller onto the couch by James as the fetus ate Ethan once more. “That was the most terrifying thing in all of the horror games I’ve ever played.”
“For once we agree,” Jesse mumbled as he remained next to James who continued to give his hand a few soft kisses. Prisha moved over and collapsed on the couch. Violet immediately went over and slipped into Prisha’s arms.
“Do you want to hold me or-”
“I want to hold you if that's alright,” Prisha cut off Violet’s sentence as she pulled her wife closer to her. Violet looked up at Prisha before squeezing her hand.
“I thought you did good,” Violet’s words made Prisha glance down at her.
“Really? I wasn’t the complete opposite of a badass?”
“Nah. Don’t worry, when it's my turn I’ll make sure that hell fetus knows not to mess with my Beauty,” Violet whispered so softly that only her wife could hear it. Prisha beamed at those words before kissing Violet.
James tried his best but he learned a bit too late that you had to stand behind the table and run around the fetus to get back into the hallway. The fetus gave happy, disturbing cries as it ate Ethan yet another time.
“You did great, baby,” Jesse kissed James and wrapped his arms around him once more.
Violet was next and cracked her knuckles as she was ready to face off and show the fetus that it was messing with the wrong blonde. She ran up toward the fetus, following what the four had now discovered was the umbilical cord. Turning around sharply, Violet remained calm as the others gave their advice. Jesse and Prisha were more frantic with their directions while James remained calm.
Violet successfully tricked the fetus and got back into the hall but soon learned that she needed to get through another section to get the elevator working. She pushed the analog stick forward as Prisha continued to give encouraging words. Soon however, Violet got caught during the second getaway from the fetus, making it Jesse’s turn once more. Jesse gave some choice words to the fetus as he ran toward it before turning away but soon he devolved into a scared mess as he tried to find a spot to hide.
“The bed! Hide under the bed, baby!” James yelled and Jesse desperately pressed the crouch button and hid.
“When do I know when to fucking leave?!?” he grumbled angrily as the fetus continued to cry and laugh.
“Just wait a few moments longer,” Prisha suggested and Violet nodded.
After a few seconds Violet spoke up. “Just go for it. Run like your life depends on it,”
“My life may really depend on it because of how much this shitty hell spawn is making my heart race!” Jesse left the safety of the bed and sprinted forward, turning the corners that Prisha and James instructed from their memory of the map. At last Jesse was able to make it to the elevator. Getting the elevator working again, he frantically pressed the buttons, waiting for the elevator doors to open. “Come on, come on, fucking come on, you shitty- Ha!” Jesse got into the elevator and a cutscene played of the fetus desperately trying to reach him but failing.
All four of them cheered while Jesse double flipped off the TV screen as the elevator moved up. Once it got to the top and the autosave icon appeared, Jesse paused the game. With one shared look it was clear that they were done with playing Resident Evil 8 for tonight. After a minute or two of discussion they settled on watching the Lion King instead . The movie instantly started up and the two couples became lost in a world of cuddles while Theodore settled down on top of James’ stomach. The four enjoyed the nostalgia of the movie as it began, allowing their hearts to calm down after a thrilling, heart-stopping double date.
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