#suck sour eggs saddies
I just got bullied for the first time in like, four years since high school and I don’t even know how to feel LMAO
SO, I work in an office currently as a sort of in-between thing before I start my dream job next month, and this one bitchy dude started after me and decided he HATES me for whatever reason
He’s really two-faced and bosses everyone around even though we trained him and is clearly trying to go for a promotion to supervisor or something
A few things he’s done since deciding he hates me:
Saw that I was in a conversation with my favourite coworker who’s also his roommate and legit interrupted our convo and forced her to switch seats with him so he sat in between us, thus ending our conversation
Ignores me every-time I try to start a conversation
I was in the middle of doing a task and he points at a counter and is like “someone should really clean that” referencing me, when he was literally just standing there
Always throws me under the bus
Offered me something I can’t eat in front of everyone knowing I’m lactose intolerant then laughed
Other annoying shit I can’t even remember
And then TODAY, oml literally I reverted back to being an awkward high school girl for a sec before I remembered my great ✨jaskierfication✨ in 2021
I received a phone call from work from a customer with an odd accent and they were being really difficult and then hung up on me
I was like “uh… okay, dick” and threw the phone back down onto my desk
My bitchy coworker and my fave coworker/his roomie (gasp betrayal) come walking down the stairs laughing and walk up to me and say it was them prank calling me
Their vibes were rancid and I was just like “wtf I’ve got work to do” and then they legit said the words out loud, “Omg, so funny, we were literally laughing so hard at you upstairs—”
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