#such pretty colors. i love reddd
b1adie · 7 months
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When I’m happy, you’re screaming. When I’m angry, you’re crying. When I’m sad, you’re smiling. You’re like a face staring at me. I… I’m not Sparkle. No, the one in the mirror, that’s Sparkle.
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laurelp · 5 years
Tag Game
i was tagged by my bestie @drunkduncs and i love doing stuff like this so here we go!! 
rules: answer the questions, then add one of your own! tag 5 people to do it too!
1. who is your idol(s)?
As far as kick-ass people i’d love to meet, Stevie Nicks has got to be my number one. Aside from being completely obsessed with her voice and Fleetwood Mac, I also love her personality and her vibe. 
2. if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I would loooove to go to Greece. That’s like my number one vacation dream, its so frickin pretty. But my family might have a Europe trip coming up in the next few years where we would probably go to Ireland and Scotland to learn about our ancestry, so that’s exciting!
3. what decorates the walls of your room?
A shadow box with pictures of me and my family and friends throughout my life, it was a gift from my mom for graduating High school.
A big Himalayan salt lamp, not only is she purifying my air, but she also had a pretty orange glow.
A picture of a family dog and I. Her name is Weezer and she’s absolutely rotten.
A hanging plant in a yellow pot.
4. favorite color combination?
 I really love seeing green and purple together. I don’t know why but it always looks pretty to me
Black and white too, its so clean and simple.
5. what’s on the top of your bucket list?
To go skydiving or bungee jumping. I’m terribly afraid of heights so I’d also be conquering my fears but they both look like so much fun
Also go to Montana and do a cattle drive. I rode horses for 15 years of my life and that used to be my #1, I’d still really like to do it one day. 
6. height?
5′2″.... 5′3″ on a good day. I’m so short.
7. favorite animal?
Domesticated animal, dog or horse for sure. Wild... probably a Lion. They are so beautiful and powerful. 
8. what’s the last song you listened to?
Circles By Post Malone
9. how many/what kind of pets do you have?
I have two dogs and a cat. The dogs names are Winnie, she’s a Labradoodle, and Duckie, she’s a Chocolate Lab. The cat;s name is Daisy and she’s an outsider in the family. 
10. last movie you saw in theatres?
Double Feature, Aladdin and The Lion King.
11. comfort food or favorite food?
Probably a Kentucky Hot Brown. I request that my Grandmother make them every year for my birthday. It truly is made with Southern love. 
12. why did the chicken cross the road?
To avoid this joke. 
13. book you’re currently reading?
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
14. your favorite season and three things you like about it?
This is extremely hard for me because the ocean lover in me screams Summer... but I am the biggest hoe for fall. Big sweaters, changing leaves, HALLOWEEN, Thanksgiving, and just like Mia.. Hocus Pocus. It’s really a no brainer. 
15. you are about to get into a fight, what song comes on as your soundtrack?
Jeez.....uuuuuuh probably TNT by AC/DC. That song always riles me up. 
16. (+1) if you won the lottery tomorrow, what is the first thing you would buy yourself?
Cry???? But in all honesty I’d pay off all my mom’s debt, buy her a house, and a new car, donate some to charity, invest some, and then try and save as much of the rest as I could. 
17. (+1) what fictional world would you want to live in?
Also Just like Mia... I want to be with Vampires but instead of Twilight I’d like to be in The Vampire Diaries world. Give me Damon or give me Matt and I’d be a happy girl. 
18. (+1) if you had to learn a completely new language, what would it be?
I would love to speak Spanish. My High school courses taught me absolutely nothing and also really like to learn french, it’s such a romantic Language. 
19. (+1) if you could only choose one celebrity or athlete to make out with who would it be?
Tom Holland. Period.
20. (+1) If you could choose any career path or job in the world, what would it be?
I’m tagging @c-hartwriteshockey @kjfields13 @ferdajello @reddd-1998 @captain-mcdavid
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julzjulzjulz · 5 years
Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
I was tagged by @reddd-1998
Favorite color: Blue 🦋
Top 3 ships: When Pretty Little Liars was still on TV I was a HUGE Hanna and Caleb (Haleb) shipper. The only show that I actually keep up with right now is Riverdale and I will admit I’m a big shipper of Archie and Josie. And then I have to ship my favorite hockey friendship in the entire world Travis Konecny and Nolan Patrick.
Lipstick or chapstick: This is actually a really hard one for me because I tend to layer them so uhh can I say both.
Last song: Love You More by Chelsea Cutler
Currently Reading: Right now I’m currently reading three books..... The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and After We Fell by Anna Todd.
Last movie: Honestly I think I rewatched To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before. I was suppose to go see Five Feet Apart but that never happened.
I’ll tag @iwont-givein @disney-prince-johnny-gaudreau @josierosietea @int3rn3t-kid @hartsypeach @harrythewalkingtardis @patty-wagon-nols @write-write-fanfiction-write @c-hartsy (don’t feel obligated to do this lol)
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