#success in gov contracting
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smalltofedsblog · 5 months ago
10 Common Traits Among Successful Small Business Government Contractors
As a volunteer counselor over the last 17 years, I have noted common traits among the most successful small business federal government contractors.  The following are 10 of the most prominent traits and tips on how successful small companies developed them.
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justinspoliticalcorner · 11 months ago
Paul Blest at More Perfect Union:
Thousands of workers at a Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee have voted to join the United Auto Workers, defying an all-out union-busting effort from the state’s political leaders and marking a key victory for the United Auto Workers in their renewed effort to organize the South and non-union plants.
Unofficial results tallied Friday showed that after three days of voting, more than two-thirds of workers voted to join the UAW. The win in Chattanooga is the first successful attempt to organize a non-union automaker in decades and comes after multiple failed attempts to organize the plant, including in 2014 and 2019. More than 4,300 workers were eligible to vote this week.  “I can't explain it. It's not like the first times,” Renee Berry, who has worked at the Chattanooga plant for 14 years and through two prior facility-wide votes, told us in the lead-up to the election. “The first few times was hell…now it's like we can roll our shoulders back, because we got it.”  Volkswagen is the world’s largest auto company by revenue, and until today, every one of its plants around the globe has been unionized except for one.
"This is going to be in history books down the road. This is huge—forever huge,” Robert Soderstrom, a worker at the plant, told More Perfect Union. “People recognize for the first time in a long time, on a mass scale, that there's got to be some changes. And some of the power and stuff that's gone to the corporate world needs to come back to us little guys.” The victory in Tennessee continues a winning streak for the UAW, which negotiated record contracts at the Detroit Three of Ford, GM, and Stellantis last year following a lengthy “stand-up” strike. After passing the contracts, UAW President Shawn Fain announced a $40 million effort to organize non-union U.S. plants, largely based in right-to-work states like Tennessee and owned by auto companies based in Europe, Japan, and South Korea, as well as EV manufacturers like Tesla and Rivian. 
Since launching that new effort, more than 10,000 autoworkers around the country have signed union cards, according to the UAW. Earlier this month, workers at a Mercedes plant in Vance, Alabama became the second group to file for an election, which will be held from May 13 to 17. Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey and the state Chamber of Commerce have forcefully opposed the unionization effort, claiming it would hurt Alabama autoworkers—who, even before the pandemic, were making less than they did in 2002 when adjusted for inflation. The same dynamic has played out in Tennessee. Gov. Bill Lee, who denounced the last unsuccessful union campaign in 2019, said it would be a “mistake” for workers at the Chattanooga plant to unionize and boasted about the state’s “right-to-work” law. 
🚨🚨 BREAKING:🚨🚨 Workers at the Volkswagen (VW) plant in Chattanooga have voted yes to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) after 2 failed attempts in 2014 and 2019. #UAW #VWChattanooga #1u
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sonicenvy · 7 months ago
I had another conversation with someone who didn't have health insurance today about ACA that she didn't know existed as an option. Ever since I got my first ACA plan last year after turning 26 I have been a big ACA fan because this piece of landmark legislation is the reason I have health insurance instead of being in thousands of dollars of medical debt. It bugs the ever living shit out of me whenever I see internet leftists saying things like "the ACA didn't do anything because it is not medicare for all." It really speaks to me about the privilege that these people likely have because they're not noticing the amount of monumental positive change and harm reduction that was made by the bill.
The ACA is a bill that is comprehensive, and walks, talks, and chews gum at the same time, and I think a lot of people who are either a.) too young to remember how health insurance in this country worked before the ACA or b.) have not had to get government subsidized health insurance because they have always had either their parents' insurance or employer insurance really and truly don't get it. I am obviously too young to remember how healthcare worked before the ACA because I am under 30, but I do have a mom who works in healthcare and lots of older relatives that talk about it a lot so I was pretty familiar with the concept despite this.
I am low-income, in school, and have an employer that doesn't offer me employer subsidized plans, so the ACA quickly became pretty important to me as a person with lifelong disability, higher than normal cancer predisposition and a need for lifelong psychiatric care.
Also, if you are in your 20s but under 26 and still on your parents' health insurance? Bam! You are directly benefiting from the ACA. Before the ACA you would not have been able to be on your parents insurance plan in your 20s.
Some things that the ACA did:
Made it affordable for people who are above the medicaid income limit and/or self-employed to independently purchase health insurance. Before the ACA premiums for independently purchased health plans could be $500+ for individual plans! If you were one of the many Americans who worked multiple part-time jobs that did not provide PT employees with insurance, you were basically fucked and uninsured. If you were a small business or self-employed, you were also fucked. The creation of the healthcare dot gov health insurance marketplace, which is open to anyone was a massive success of the bill, and millions of Americans benefit from it. During open enrollment (or after a specific life event such as "turned 26," or "became unemployed") a person can log on to health care dot gov, see a wide range of plans, and purchase one. The government then provides you with a premium subsidy (which is what your employer does for you if you have an employer plan) to lower the cost of the premium. Subsidies are calculated based on a person's income so people with lower incomes get higher subsidies.
Obviously there is some nuance, and a coverage gap with ACA plans for individuals who make above $60,000 (and are not a small business obtaining a group contract with an insurance company) where premiums are still very expensive because they are ineligible for the majority of the premium tax subsidy, which is a major ACA weakness, but for everyone in the $30,000-$55,000 gap and for owners of small businesses that want to offer plans for their employees, the benefits are huge. I am able to get a PPO with a low deductible, low OOP for less than $200/mo in premiums! There is exactly zero way that I would have been able to do that if I were trying to get insured pre-ACA.
Made it so that insurance companies could not discriminate against patients with so-called pre-existing conditions — so basically if you are disabled, the insurance company can no longer: a.) decline to provide you coverage or b.) increase your premiums/ reduce your plan benefits because you have a disability or get something like, oh, idk, FUCKING CANCER. Like there were people who got cancer and found out that their insurer dropped them because they did not want to pay out for expensive cancer treatment. That was a thing that was legal for health insurance companies to do before the ACA, and they fucking did that. The pre-existing conditions clause was one of the biggest benefits that has been touted since the beginning of the bill's conception and passage. Under the ACA, all health insurance companies are banned from denying plan applications for any reason, or from revoking plan coverage for any reason that isn't "patient stopped paying their premium." Made it so that children could stay on their parents' health insurance plans until they were 26 instead of being booted at 18. Made it so that all plans must provide some level of coverage for a list of specific EHBs (Essential Health Benefits) such as "emergency room care," "prenatal and pregnancy related care," "preventative care such as doctor recommended cancer screenings for patients" "office visits with general practitioners," etc.
If you have an marketplace plan or medicare/medicaid, that plan MUST provide you with contraceptives at no cost to you regardless of whether or not you have met your deductible. Democrats also wanted this to be true for all other plans, but unfortunately in 2014, whacko religious conservatives got themselves an exemption for "companies with fervently held religious beliefs against contraception" from providing this coverage in their employer subsidized plans in the bullshit case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., which was decided by a conservative majority vote in the Supreme Court. A case which had other broad and shitty implications btw, and which is yet another example of why allowing weird conservatives to get elected to the presidency is bad for America. btw, in the original intention of the ACA they wanted to also include mandatory coverage for abortion services. Unfortunately, the Republicans (and a group of stupid pro-life dems who suck, and to my knowledge are not in congress now) torpedoed this provision despite Nancy Pelosi's best efforts and refused to pass the bill at all as long as this provision remained in it. Reason #10000000 Republicans suck.
Lots more that I'm not naming here, but I hope you get the idea. My point is that even though ACA was not a medicare for all bill, it was a landmark (and very needed) piece of healthcare reform legislation that changed a lot about the landscape of health insurance in America. Tragically, right wing and far left smearing of it has obscured the truth about the many good things that the bill did do. Was it perfect? Absolutely the fuck not! Even Obama himself admits this. What it was was a major victory against injustices in the system, and a massive piece of harm reduction legislation, and I wish that more Americans credited it for the things it did do.
Dems managed to get the bill passed with the vast majority of their highest priorities still in it despite major republic ratfuckery combined with a minority of independents and dems who sucked. Pelosi walked circles around these fuckers day and night to get this bill passed, and I for one am deeply grateful. Because of the ACA I can get the healthcare that I desperately need as a disabled person with higher than normal cancer risk. I can get my desperately needed medications and see all of my doctors because of this piece of legislation. I was able to get surgery to remove CANCER from my body becuase of this legislation, so yeah, fuck everyone going "the ACA is bad because it's not perfect medicare for all." Girl (gender neutral), I (and many other people) would not be surviving if it were not for this bill, and I for one, think that that is a whole heck of a lot better than all of us dying because y'all want to wait for perfect legislation. Harm reduction is good and is an important step on the road to bigger and better change. Universal health care has risen to more popular and broad public opinion/knowledge because the ACA passed.
Yeah, anyways this is rant about how fucking stupid anti-ACA people are. To deny the gains of meaningful healthcare reform is a clear sign of privilege, ignorance, and tunnel vision that lets perfect be the enemy of good or better.
This is also a post about a clear and obvious way that Dems are infinitely different (and better) than republicans. Voting dem is harm reduction. Not voting, voting third party or protest write in voting is a vote for republicans. And republicans??? They give exactly zero shits about anyone other than themselves. They support stupid and insane religious conservative politics, and look to fuck over the American people (and everyone else abroad) at every turn because they don't believe in helping people; their convictions are all about hate, prejudice, fearmongering, and a right-wing Christian Theocracy. They would rather see millions of people die than give dems a win, because they are spiteful and hateful. They want us to be afraid, disengaged, disorganized and fighting one another, because their ideas, convictions and beliefs are deeply unpopular, and if we organize against them, they will lose.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 2 years ago
This day in history
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Going to Defcon this weekend? I'm giving a keynote, "An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification and Throw it Into Reverse," on Saturday at 12:30pm, followed by a book signing at the No Starch Press booth at 2:30pm!
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#20yrsago Print-to-toilet-roll https://web.archive.org/web/20030406045030/http://www.idealhomeshow.co.uk/content/attractions/content.asp?location=32
#20yrsago Ian Clarke is leaving America https://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=73841&cid=6632511
#15yrsago Defunct pizza parlor robot band repurposed for fan music-vids https://www.wired.com/2008/08/showbiz-pizzas/
#10yrsago Lavabit founder has stopped using email: “If you knew what I know, you might not use it either” https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2013/08/09/lavabits-ladar-levison-if-you-knew-what-i-know-about-email-you-might-not-use-it/?sh=745a0549648a
#10yrsago Stephen Fry explains what a hateful, terrible thing is the Daily Mail https://web.archive.org/web/20130812055755/http://stephen-fry-me.tumblr.com/post/57805910021/the-daily-mail-and-lord-dacre-appeasing-again
#10yrsago NSA firing 90% of its sysadmins to eliminate potential Snowdens https://www.nbcnews.com/technolog/nsa-cut-system-administrators-90-percent-limit-data-access-6c10884390
#5yrsago The EPA’s own staff are aghast that Trump is bringing back asbestos https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/10/climate/epa-asbestos-rule.html
#5yrsago Reminder: your state may be purging you from its voter rolls https://a.wholelottanothing.org/2018/08/10/democracy-dies-in-the-darkness/
#5yrsago TSA: the fact that our secret surveillance program hasn’t caught anyone means it’s working https://www.techdirt.com/2018/08/10/tsa-admits-quiet-skies-surveillance-program-is-useless-promises-to-continue-engaging-useless-surveillance/
#5yrsago American Conservative laments market concentration and private property as bad for free expression https://www.theamericanconservative.com/i-was-banned-for-life-from-twitter/
#5yrsago Missouri voters kill the state’s anti-union law with a massively successful ballot initiative https://www.governing.com/archive/gov-missouri-unions-ballot-primary-janus.html
#1yrsago A modest proposal to fix contracts https://pluralistic.net/2022/08/10/be-reasonable/#i-would-prefer-not-to
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I’m kickstarting the audiobook for “The Internet Con: How To Seize the Means of Computation,” a Big Tech disassembly manual to disenshittify the web and bring back the old, good internet. It’s a DRM-free book, which means Audible won’t carry it, so this crowdfunder is essential. Back now to get the audio, Verso hardcover and ebook:
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darkmaga-returns · 22 days ago
By Alex Newman
The government-school establishment and liberal educators were more than pleased—if a little perplexed—with the nomination of controversial former Tennessee education chief Penny Schwinn to serve as assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Education under President Donald Trump.
Numerous proponents of government-funded “school choice” have also celebrated the Trump administration’s nomination, pointing to her history of supporting tax funding for alternatives to traditional public schools. Bizarrely, some touted the 38 percent proficiency rate in reading among Tennessee students as evidence of her “success.”
But many conservative leaders and education reformers are sounding the alarm, urging the president and the Senate to keep her out. Breccan Thies at The Federalist said Schwinn could be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” From massive government overreach to dubious contracts with potential conflicts of interest, red flags involving her career are everywhere.
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kenhaasnew · 3 months ago
Ken Haas New Britain Explores Key Skills for Local Gov Consultants
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In today’s evolving landscape, local government consultants play a critical role in helping municipalities navigate complex challenges, from urban development to public policy reform. For anyone aspiring to join this rewarding field, developing the right skill set is essential. Ken Haas New Britain, an expert in local government consulting, emphasizes the importance of mastering several key competencies to succeed in this profession.
1. Strong Communication Skills
Effective communication is the backbone of successful local government consulting. As a consultant, you’ll often need to communicate complex ideas to various stakeholders, including government officials, community members, and private-sector partners. According to Ken Haas New Britain, the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and persuasively is paramount. Whether you’re presenting a policy recommendation or negotiating a contract, communication is crucial for building trust and ensuring your ideas are understood and accepted.
2. Deep Understanding of Local Government Operations
A comprehensive understanding of how local governments function is vital for any consultant. Ken Haas New Britain advises aspiring consultants to gain experience and knowledge in areas such as public finance, policy development, urban planning, and zoning laws. A successful consultant must be able to navigate these systems and advise on how they can be optimized. Knowledge of local governance, including the dynamics between various public offices, helps in crafting solutions that are both practical and achievable.
3. Problem-Solving Abilities
Consultants are often called upon to solve specific problems that local governments face. Whether it’s addressing budget deficits, improving infrastructure, or boosting public safety, consultants must be creative and resourceful. Ken Haas New Britain highlights that being able to think critically and offer innovative solutions is a skill every consultant must hone. A great consultant will not only identify problems but will also develop strategies to resolve them efficiently and cost-effectively.
4. Project Management Expertise
Local government consulting often involves managing multiple projects with various deadlines and stakeholders. Having strong project management skills is crucial. Ken Haas New Britain explains that consultants need to be able to plan, execute, and monitor projects to ensure they meet objectives on time and within budget. Project management tools, time management strategies, and team collaboration are essential elements of successful project oversight.
5. Public Policy Knowledge
A deep knowledge of public policy and its implications on local governments is a non-negotiable skill. Ken Haas New Britain notes that consultants must understand the political landscape and be able to predict how proposed changes will affect both short-term and long-term goals. Whether working on social policy, education reform, or economic development, understanding how policy shifts impact local populations and infrastructure is critical to providing effective advice.
6. Data Analysis and Technical Expertise
Data has become increasingly important in the decision-making processes of local governments. Ken Haas New Britain points out that consultants must be adept at gathering and interpreting data to inform their recommendations. Proficiency with data analysis tools and software, as well as the ability to interpret trends and patterns, is vital for making data-driven decisions. Consultants who can leverage technology to analyze government operations and predict outcomes will be in high demand.
7. Stakeholder Engagement and Relationship Building
Consultants must be able to work effectively with a wide range of stakeholders, from elected officials to community activists. According to Ken Haas New Britain, relationship building is at the heart of successful consulting. This means actively engaging with all parties, understanding their concerns, and facilitating productive dialogue. Building trust and maintaining strong relationships ensures that the consultant’s advice is taken seriously and leads to tangible results.
As Ken Haas New Britain explains, the role of a local government consultant requires a diverse set of skills, from communication and problem-solving to project management and policy expertise. Aspiring consultants who invest time in developing these key skills will find themselves well-equipped to navigate the complexities of local government and make a lasting impact. Whether you’re helping a city plan for future growth or advising on public policy, mastering these skills is essential for success in the field.
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ejesgistnews · 7 months ago
‘Like He Did Chinese Firm, Amosun Also Cancelled My Ogun Contract’ – Pat Utomi   Renowned political economist, Pat Utomi, on Sunday, revealed how he suffered to pay back millions of naira in loans after former governor of Ogun State, Ibikunle Amosun, allegedly cancelled a contract he had with the state government. Utomi disclosed this while reacting to Amosun’s admission that a contract he cancelled while he was Ogun governor has now led Nigeria to an embarrassing situation in which the country’s presidential jets are being seized in Europe. Presidential Jets Seizure: I Mistakenly Signed Away Ogun's Multibillion-Naira Trade Zone to Chinese Investors, Ibikunle Amosun Confesses   Amosun in a statement published by Naija News said he cancelled the contract with the Chinese firm in 2016 after the Ogun government discovered that the firm’s claims were false.   The Chinese firm Zhongfu International Investment FXE recently secured a French court order to seize three Nigerian presidential jets over its business dispute with the Ogun government.   Utomi in his reaction in a post on X wrote, “The Chinese were not the only victims. One prominent Ogun indigene allegedly committed suicide with similar Amosun action. I too was a victim.   Presidency Opens Up on Claims That a Member of Tinubu’s Economic Council Is Behind Petrol Imports from Malta   “I had leased OPIC land in Lagos in a BOT agreement under Gov Daniel. Amosun stopped all such on being sworn in.”   Utomi said he met with Amosun over the issue and the governor promised to resolve it but it was never resolved. He said he also sought the intervention of Bola Tinubu, who was not Nigeria’s president then, but to no avail.   “I lost my weary SA partners who owned a successful regional chain across Southern Africa and Asia. I licked my wounds and Slaved to pay off the loans. The Chinese had better leverage,” he wrote.   The full statement reads, “So it was Gov Amosun’s violation of contract terms signed by his predecessor that brought the shame of seizure of jets from the Presidential fleet. I hope he is happy at his achievement’.   “The whole matter is Khama at work. The Chinese were not the only victims. One prominent Ogun indigene allegedly committed suicide with similar Amosun action. I too was a victim.   “I had leased OPIC land in Lagos in a BOT agreement under Gov Daniel. Amosun stopped all such on being sworn in. I called him. He said he did not see my name on the list. I went to Abeokuta and he called in Yewandw Amusan who said mine was a straight forward deal they did not include it.   “He asked that all be included but mine be quickly sorted. That began a rigmarole that went on for years. I made another trip to Abeokuta. He drove me back to Lagos at the wheels with my driver trailing along with the escorts and sirens.   “He had earlier asked that I make a request for refund of what I paid even though my South African partners and I had invested 200m in addition to the lease amount at the time.   “With just two of us in the car he advised I make a claim for 100m and write for additional payments the day after I cash the cheque. It was surreal but if I got nothing more it would be better than being in court until we both retire.   “I took the case to APC leader BAT and Baba Akande. No result. Took it to Dapo Abiodun when he took over. Nothing came of it. If this happened to Frieda I wondered what enemies were going through.   “I lost my weary SA partners who owned a successful regional chain across Southern Africa and Asia. I licked my wounds and Slaved to pay off the loans. The Chinese had better leverage.   “They took it and all are shamed. My new book Power Policy Politics and Performance documents a similar case study in Enugu involving SA investors as the gubernatorial batons changed hands. When shall we learn. Values shape human progress.”
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hospitalitybussines · 1 year ago
An Overview of Government Contracting for Companies
Gov Business Review :
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Contracts serve as the business operations framework, defining the parameters and obligations governing the relationship between parties. For both small enterprises and large corporations, understanding the nuances of contracting is essential for mitigating risks, ensuring compliance, and fostering successful collaborations. Clear, unambiguous language is paramount in contracts. Whether it's a small partnership agreement or a multimillion-dollar corporate deal, parties must have a mutual understanding of their rights, responsibilities, and the consequences of non-compliance. Ambiguities can lead to costly disputes, potentially harming business relationships. The scope of work delineates the specific tasks, deliverables, and timelines associated with a contract. Both small and large companies must be aware of industry-specific regulations, as well as broader legal frameworks. Ignorance of compliance requirements can lead to severe penalties and reputational damage. Identifying and mitigating risks is a cornerstone of effective contract management. Small companies with limited resources must be especially vigilant, as unforeseen liabilities can be disproportionately damaging. Large corporations often have risk management departments, but they must remain vigilant in evaluating the potential consequences of each contract.
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[ad_1] A federal appeals court docket has halted the enforcement of a controversial Florida legislation that restricts Chinese language residents from shopping for land, siding with two Chinese language immigrant plaintiffs represented by the American Civil Liberties Union. The eleventh Circuit Court docket of Appeals in Atlanta dominated that the plaintiffs demonstrated a “substantial probability of success” in proving that the legislation, championed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, violates protections towards discrimination, Politician reported. "YO banned China from shopping for land within the state of Florida,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis stated on the Republican presidential debate in December. The laws banned almost all property purchases by Chinese language nationals and China-based corporations. It additionally restricted actual property funding by anybody related to Venezuela, Russia, Iran and different international locations, and forbade the usage of Chinese language capital to fund tasks within the state. However Decide Nancy Abudu, a Biden-appointed former civil rights lawyer, acknowledged that the legislation constitutes a “blanket ban” on Chinese language non-citizens buying land, violating the Fourteenth Modification's safety towards discrimination. Whereas the appeals court docket didn't absolutely block the legislation, it granted an injunction for the 2 plaintiffs, citing the approaching danger of irreparable hurt to their home-buying contracts. Governor DeSantis, who signed the invoice into legislation, criticized the Biden administration for supporting the plaintiffs and reiterated his stance towards “international malignant affect.” The governor's workplace disagreed with the injunction however affirmed confidence within the legislation's authorized place and dedication to combating international affect. Conversely, the ACLU praised the court docket's determination, emphasizing the legislation's unconstitutionality and its aid for the plaintiffs. The legislation, generally known as FL SB264 (23R), limits land possession for Chinese language nationals domiciled in China and never lawful US residents, with extra restrictions on agricultural land possession for people from seven international locations deemed hostile. A number of different states had thought of comparable measures, however Florida's legislation confronted authorized challenges. The US Division of Justice filed a press release asserting the legislation's violation of federal legislation and the Structure, emphasizing its hurt primarily based on nationwide origin. Beforehand, US District Decide Allen Winsor dominated towards the plaintiffs, discovering no intentional discrimination by the Legislature. Nonetheless, Asian American Authorized Protection and Training Fund's authorized director, Bethany Li, referred to as the legislation a transparent violation of the Equal Safety clause, warning towards racist laws that harkens again to a discriminatory previous. —Ted Glanzer [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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latestgovtjobnews · 1 year ago
Kolkata Port Trust offers contract jobs, Rs. 26K-57K monthly. Apply at https://smportkolkata.shipping.gov.in.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/kolkata-port-trust-offers-contract-jobs-rs-26k-57k-monthly-apply-at-https-smportkolkata-shipping-gov-in/
Kolkata Port Trust offers contract jobs, Rs. 26K-57K monthly. Apply at https://smportkolkata.shipping.gov.in.
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata is seeking professionals for contract positions including Sr. Hydrographer, Second Officer/Navigational Watch Keeping Officer, Asstt. Law Officer (Traffic), Asstt. Establishment Officer (Traffic), Technician, and Electrician. The consolidated remuneration per month ranges from Rs. 26,000/- to Rs. 57,000/-. For more details and to apply, visit the SMPK website at https://smportkolkata.shipping.gov.in.
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata is hiring professionals for contract positions
The positions include Sr. Hydrographer, Second Officer/Navigational Watch Keeping Officer, Asstt. Law Officer (Traffic), Asstt. Establishment Officer (Traffic), Technician, and Electrician
The consolidated remuneration per month varies for each position
Interested candidates can find more details and apply through the SMPK website
The website link is https://smportkolkata.shipping.gov.in
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata is Hiring Professionals
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata is offering contract positions
Positions include Sr. Hydrographer, Second Officer/Navigational Watch Keeping Officer, Asstt. Law Officer (Traffic), Asstt. Establishment Officer (Traffic), Technician, and Electrician
Professionals needed to support the port operations and services
Sr. Hydrographer – Join the Team
Sr. Hydrographer position available with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 57,000 per month
Responsible for conducting hydrographic surveys and collecting data for safe navigation
Requires experience in marine surveying and knowledge of navigational charts and equipment
Second Officer/Navigational Watch Keeping Officer – Navigate to Success
Second Officer/Navigational Watch Keeping Officer position with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 57,000 per month
Responsible for assisting in the safe navigation of vessels and maintaining watchkeeping duties
Requires relevant certifications and experience in ship navigation
Asstt. Law Officer (Traffic) – Ensure Legal Compliance
Asstt. Law Officer (Traffic) position available with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 46,500 per month
Responsible for providing legal support and ensuring compliance with traffic regulations
Requires knowledge of maritime laws and experience in handling legal matters
Asstt. Establishment Officer (Traffic) – Manage Operations Efficiently
Asstt. Establishment Officer (Traffic) position with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 46,500 per month
Responsible for managing administrative operations and ensuring smooth functioning of traffic department
Requires strong organizational skills and experience in administrative roles
Technician – Contribute to Port Infrastructure
Technician position available with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 26,000 per month
Responsible for maintaining and repairing port infrastructure and equipment
Requires technical expertise in relevant fields such as electrical, mechanical, or civil engineering
Electrician – Keep the Port Powered
Electrician position with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 26,000 per month
Responsible for electrical maintenance and repairs at the port
Requires knowledge of electrical systems and experience in handling electrical work
Apply Now and Join the Team
Interested candidates can find more details and apply through the SMPK website
Visit ‘Job openings’ section on https://smportkolkata.shipping.gov.in
Application submission deadline and format mentioned on the website
Exciting Opportunities Await at Kolkata Port Trust
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata is hiring professionals for contract positions
Join the team and contribute to the growth and success of the port
Apply now through https://smportkolkata.shipping.gov.in and secure your future with Kolkata Port Trust
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my-weird-news · 2 years ago
Ex-Puerto Rico Mayor Gets 3+ Years Behind Bars! 😱
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Puerto Rico's Former Mayor: From Contract Awards to Cash Stacks So, picture this: Reinaldo Vargas-Rodriguez, the former mayor of the municipality of Humacao, Puerto Rico, has just been sentenced to a thrilling three years and one month in the slammer. Why, you ask? Well, apparently he was getting all tangled up in a bribery extravaganza! 🎩💰 From 2021 until 2022, this guy Vargas-Rodriguez was the big cheese in Humacao, strutting around as the mayor and the ultimate top dog in the government scene. But wait for it… he decided to add some spice to his job description by diving headfirst into a bribery conspiracy! Yep, you heard that right. He was like, "Hey, two businessmen, if you slide me some cash, I'll slide you some sweet municipal contracts." Can you imagine? The Justice Department must've been flabbergasted! 🕵️‍♂️ So, what kind of contracts are we talking about here? Oh, just your everyday glamorous waste disposal services, asphalt and paving services (because who doesn't dream of paving the way to success?), and even debris removal! It's like he was hosting a municipal contract garage sale, and cash was the currency of choice.💸 Now, brace yourself, because Vargas-Rodriguez wasn't playing for peanuts. He raked in a jaw-dropping $27,000 in cold, hard cash bribes between January and July of 2021. And all he had to do was sprinkle a little contract magic in return. Not a bad deal, right? 💼✨ But that's not all, folks! Hold onto your hats, because while Vargas-Rodriguez was dancing his bribery dance, there was a Puerto Rico Legislator named Maria Milagros Charbonier indicted for a spectacular combo of theft, bribery, and fraud. It's like a corruption fiesta up in here! 🎉 And guess who came to the party to announce the sentence for Vargas-Rodriguez? None other than Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, U.S. Attorney W. Stephen Muldrow, Assistant Director Luis Quesada, and Special Agent in Charge Joseph Gonzalez. They probably needed a red carpet just to fit all those names! 🎬🎤 The FBI San Juan Field Office was on the case, busting open this corruption piñata. And the cherry on top? This whole ordeal was part of the Department of Justice's ongoing efforts to clean up the act of municipal officials who can't seem to resist the allure of corruption. 🕵️‍♀️🚫 But wait, there's more! In addition to Vargas-Rodriguez's escapades, there's been a whole parade of other officials and contractors getting caught with their hands in the bribery cookie jar. It's like a wild carnival of corruption down there in Puerto Rico! 🎪🍪 Oh, and don't even get me started on Angel Perez Otero, the former mayor of Guaynabo, who was caught accepting cash payments in cars and under restaurant tables. It's like a crime thriller meets a foodie adventure! 🚗🍽️ And hey, guess what? Even former Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez wasn't left out of the party. She got her own dose of bribery charges for her campaign financing shenanigans. It's like everyone's trying to snag a golden ticket to the "Bribery Scandal Hall of Fame"! 🎟️🏛️ So, to sum it up, Puerto Rico's got it all: bribery bonanzas, cash-stuffed contracts, and a cast of characters that could give a telenovela a run for its money. And through it all, reporter Danielle Wallace was there to capture the madness. You go, Danielle! 📸🎥# Puerto Rico's Former Mayor: From Contract Awards to Cash Stacks So, picture this: Reinaldo Vargas-Rodriguez, the former mayor of the municipality of Humacao, Puerto Rico, has just been sentenced to a thrilling three years and one month in the slammer. Why, you ask? Well, apparently he was getting all tangled up in a bribery extravaganza! 🎩💰 From 2021 until 2022, this guy Vargas-Rodriguez was the big cheese in Humacao, strutting around as the mayor and the ultimate top dog in the government scene. But wait for it… he decided to add some spice to his job description by diving headfirst into a bribery conspiracy! Yep, you heard that right. He was like, "Hey, two businessmen, if you slide me some cash, I'll slide you some sweet municipal contracts." Can you imagine? The Justice Department must've been flabbergasted! 🕵️‍♂️ So, what kind of contracts are we talking about here? Oh, just your everyday glamorous waste disposal services, asphalt and paving services (because who doesn't dream of paving the way to success?), and even debris removal! It's like he was hosting a municipal contract garage sale, and cash was the currency of choice.💸 Now, brace yourself, because Vargas-Rodriguez wasn't playing for peanuts. He raked in a jaw-dropping $27,000 in cold, hard cash bribes between January and July of 2021. And all he had to do was sprinkle a little contract magic in return. Not a bad deal, right? 💼✨ But that's not all, folks! Hold onto your hats, because while Vargas-Rodriguez was dancing his bribery dance, there was a Puerto Rico Legislator named Maria Milagros Charbonier indicted for a spectacular combo of theft, bribery, and fraud. It's like a corruption fiesta up in here! 🎉 And guess who came to the party to announce the sentence for Vargas-Rodriguez? None other than Acting Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, U.S. Attorney W. Stephen Muldrow, Assistant Director Luis Quesada, and Special Agent in Charge Joseph Gonzalez. They probably needed a red carpet just to fit all those names! 🎬🎤 The FBI San Juan Field Office was on the case, busting open this corruption piñata. And the cherry on top? This whole ordeal was part of the Department of Justice's ongoing efforts to clean up the act of municipal officials who can't seem to resist the allure of corruption. 🕵️‍♀️🚫 But wait, there's more! In addition to Vargas-Rodriguez's escapades, there's been a whole parade of other officials and contractors getting caught with their hands in the bribery cookie jar. It's like a wild carnival of corruption down there in Puerto Rico! 🎪🍪 Oh, and don't even get me started on Angel Perez Otero, the former mayor of Guaynabo, who was caught accepting cash payments in cars and under restaurant tables. It's like a crime thriller meets a foodie adventure! 🚗🍽️ And hey, guess what? Even former Puerto Rico Gov. Wanda Vázquez wasn't left out of the party. She got her own dose of bribery charges for her campaign financing shenanigans. It's like everyone's trying to snag a golden ticket to the "Bribery Scandal Hall of Fame"! 🎟️🏛️ So, to sum it up, Puerto Rico's got it all: bribery bonanzas, cash-stuffed contracts, and a cast of characters that could give a telenovela a run for its money. And through it all, reporter Danielle Wallace was there to capture the madness. You go, Danielle! 📸🎥 Read the full article
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justinspoliticalcorner · 10 months ago
Sam Delgado at Vox:
It’s been another big week for the UAW. Over 5,000 auto workers at the Mercedes-Benz assembly plant in Vance, Alabama, have been holding their union election vote with the United Auto Workers (UAW); ballots will be counted when voting closes today.
It’s the UAW’s second election in their campaign to organize non-union auto workers, with a particular focus on the South — a notoriously difficult region for union drives. They won their first election with Volkswagen workers last month in Tennessee with 73 percent of workers voting to form a union. What makes the UAW’s recent success compelling is that they’re finding big wins at a time when union membership rates in America are at an all-time low. But each union drive is a battle: With our current labor laws, unionizing is not an easy process — particularly when workers are up against anti-union political figures and employers, as is the case at the Alabama Mercedes plant. So if the UAW can win another union election in a region that’s struggled to realize worker power, it could mean more than just another notch in their belt. It could offer lessons on how to reinvigorate the American labor movement.
What’s at stake in Vance, Alabama?
Unionizing nearly anywhere in the US will require some sort of uphill battle, but this is especially true for the South. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, most of the South had unionization rates below the national average in 2023. Alabama resides within one of those regions, at a union membership rate of 7.5 percent compared to a national rate of 10 percent. This is the result of historical realities (see: slavery and racist Jim Crow laws) that have shaped today’s legislation: Alabama is one of 26 states that have enacted a “right-to-work” law, which allows workers represented by a union to not pay union fees, thus weakening the financial stability and resources of a union to bargain on behalf of their members.
Prominent political figures in Alabama have been vocal about their opposition to the UAW, too. Gov. Kay Ivey has called the UAW a “looming threat” and signed a bill that would economically disincentivize companies from voluntarily recognizing a union. Workers say Mercedes hasn’t been welcoming to the union, either. In February, the CEO of Mercedes-Benz US International held a mandatory anti-union meeting (he’s changed roles since then). Back in March, the UAW filed charges with the National Labor Relations Board against Mercedes for “aggressive and illegal union-busting.” And according to a recent report from Bloomberg, the US government voiced concerns to Germany, home of Mercedes-Benz’s headquarters, about the alleged union-busting happening at the Alabama plant.
The combination of weak federal labor laws, a strong anti-union political presence, and a well-resourced employer can be a lethal combination for union drives and labor activity — and have been in Alabama. Recent examples include the narrow loss to unionize Amazon’s Bessemer warehouse, the nearly two-year long Warrior Met Coal strike that ended with no improved contract, and even past failed unionization drives at this Mercedes plant.
Where’s this momentum coming from — and where is it going?
The UAW is in a strong position after a series of wins. First they won their contract battle with Detroit’s Big Three automakers last year. Then they successfully unionized the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in mid-April (the first time a non-union auto plant in the South was unionized in around 80 years). Later that month, they ratified a contract with Daimler Trucks after threatening to strike, securing a wage raise and annual cost-of-living increases among other benefits. Where are these wins coming from? A big part of the momentum comes from Shawn Fain, the president of the UAW. He’s ambitious and a hard-nosed negotiator, isn’t afraid to break from the traditions of UAW’s past, and perhaps most importantly, is also the first leader of the UAW directly elected by members.
The UAW is leading a unionization drive at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Vance, Alabama. Hope it wins. #UAWVance #UAW #1u
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peacetalks · 2 years ago
From the depths of the slack.com discussion of the USA's web-Design System
"On a computer, you can’t add files one at a time. If you drag a file and then drag another file, the original file will be replaced.
On my iPhone, if I take a photo and then take another photo, the first photo will replaced."
This is a good example of something that should be solved on all government sites simultaneously and inherent in the USA Web Design System; what you describe is a true headache for people on many kinds of devices, but it specifically provides a barrier to accurate sharing of information attempted by people on phones and those (like me) who can't afford devices upon which they can see the thumbnails of the images well--they are incredibly small on this Chrome computer and do not respond to zooming in. This is clearly an intentional stumbling block statistically favoring the ACCURATE sharing of information among those who work at desks on good computers, to the detriment of everyone else. Hence, fake news. To be a more successful country that protects its people from exploitation by the IT community--one that is not deeply in dept to the older, more stable economies on Earth--we need a more centralised .gov system that reflects the constutional nature of our country.
My cognitive response to all of the .gov sites is along these lines: If your site is organised in a concise fashion, makes it straightforard to interact with the government and its systems, provides for accountability, and does not promote loopholes that favor some people over others, then I am impressed with your work and your patriotism, and you are saving this country.
I risk sounding like a broken record in order to prevent the perpetuation of a problem on the Internet that is damaging international diplomacy in  a way that is not difficult to resolve: The United States of Americas's government internet systems need to be on a single second-level domain (usa.gov).
The .gov-system-without-a-country's-name-in-the-URL was against the best interests of the United States of America's and Earth's people and governments; it resulted in the conflation of "state" (as in the 50 states in the USA) with "state" (country, in geopolitical terms); hence, the proliferation in usage of "US" without the "A" and government agencies--but only USA government agencies--with URLs that do not identify their countries. This individualized use by USA agencies, cities, and "projects" of the second-level domain URLs came at the expense of all the other countries that also need the second-level domain URL text for their English-speaking websites to include the country's name, in addition to the top-level domain of .gov and their approximately analogous departments and agencies in the "third-level" domains The .gov top-level domain cannot be claimed as being subject to the copyright laws applying to individual contracting companies because it is the logical, concise English abbreviation and thus belongs to the internet's English-language communicators as a whole. However, the UN can endorse the official .gov sites of legitimate countries on their own websites as long as it monitors the internet carefully for fraudulent use of its .gov endorsement on any other, illegitimate sites that attempt to portray themselves as government websites.   Fortunately, the systems in place BEFORE the internet's era kept this country and most other countries from crumbling during this era of confusion, and the USA has been correcting itself, reigning itself in, and stepping back from international aggression, but we have A TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF WORK TO DO TO return the .gov systems to efficiency in facilitating the communications of people and our government. International diplomacy will improve dramatically if people have a straightforward URL system that facilitates our ability to get the official word of each government in a straightforward fashion.
Are y'all having trouble seeing that we have ONLY TWO primary parameters upon which to base government URL structure, so it does not need to be complicated? One is geographic and exists on an unambigous univariate heirarchy: cities are within counties are within states are within the federal government's geographic boundaries. The other parameter--government departmental structure--is also hierarchical, but not on a single axis. We have three legislative branches and the military.
The executive branch was intended in the constitution to be the least powerful of the three and is the administration of the White House in any given term. It should function to prevent radical decentralization of the government and provide rational international diplomacy. The Congress works to keep the constutional legislative system accountable to and helpful for the people--hence, taxes (some also go to the military, but in recent years the military has been remarkably thrifty). The Congress is the House and the Senate. It is designed to be the most powerful branch, because it is represented by a wide range of citizens--the core of representative democracy. The Judicial branch checks both, and they are actually all supposed to mutually keep each other in check and prevent people from harming and exploiting one another. The military has to operate much more rapidly to save lives, so it is semi-autonymous. A lot of this protection is also the responsibility of local law enforcment, which is directly attached to the geoGRAPHIC heirarchy described above (it is not geoPOLITICAL;it is heirarchically univariate, not multivatiate). The states have their own nested government heirarchical structure that reflects the same branched strucure as the federal government.
Congress has to approve of wars before they are fought, unless we are literally attacked. When I was in school, the President was only the Commander in Chief during war, but then the govenment started waging wars on concepts, which LITERALLY never end conclusively, by default--this was a mistake--and which do not exclude the possibility of threats that are mostly internal geographically. (part one).
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seasnipper · 2 years ago
statehood is a pipe dream. most of the people who favor statehood living on the island are US state bootlickers who have an elementary-level understanding of economics, due in no small part to the spilling over of the cultural liberal consesus from the US mainland. almost all the issues which we face (brain drain, debt forcing gov austerity measures, repression/co-opting of leftist movements) are a result of the colonial relationship we have with the US.
the basis of this relationship is economic. it is a structure that represents a significant stream of revenue for private enterprise, both local and USAmerican. locally, we have a highly-developed petit-bourgeoisie who came about as a result of the successful settling of PR (because PR IS a settler-colony; its indigenous population was displaced/forcibly integrated/enslaved/killed off by mostly Spanish and French settlers in the 17th-19th centuries), and align themselves with the US ruling class. they benefit from being able to outsource material/labor costs as the petit-bourgeois in the US do, and serve to reinforce liberal ideology through cultural dominance. nothing like a sizeable chunk of small business owners to defend the interests of big capital.
we have a constant stream of millions of dollars of federal funding always destined to line the pockets of private corporations in one way or another. PR is infamous, as many other failed liberal democracies upheld by the West, for its corruption in doling out government contracts, wherein a project whose cost is estimated at $25 million gets done (if it even gets done) for half as much and twice as poorly because a big part of that money is skimmed off the top (needlessly, not as part of operating costs) by the heads of this or that construction/logistics company or advertisement/law firm and the politician who gets kickbacks from throwing the project their way. all the costs of materials or rent of equipment/land are being paid with federal money, just to generate revenue for a handful of capitalists whose companies produce deficient public infrastructure/services, anyway. (it's not just those directly working on the project, either. capitalists who produce the materials/equipment gain from this, as well)
this is the US state department functioning as intended: public funds are funneled into padding private companies' profit margins. this is taxpayer money, money taken from US workers who, just like workers here in PR and most everywhere else, are already being paid pennies on the dollar for the value of their labor by the capitalists, being given to private companies with little to no oversight on how they follow through their projects. in the process of this wealth extraction, public education suffers (e.g. all the public schools closed here on the island in the last five years; constant teachers' strikes/teachers leaving to work in the US because of attempts to cut benefits), the environment suffers (coastal erosion as well as construction in protected beaches/wetlands here in PR, despite regulations that are in place, has remained mostly unaddressed), public health suffers (just as in the US, Covid was handled terribly by the government and the media outlets always centered discussions about lockdowns on the complaints of revenue loss of small business owners; numerous dams in need to cleaning/repairs; mental health services being nonexistant or inaccesible has caused a mental health crisis; domestic abuse on the rise), and, obviously, culture suffers when we are exposed to a wholly commodified, fictitious pastiche of our identity (just look up the "Live Boricua" tourism ad campaign) with the aim of compelling us, or foreigners, to consume our culture instead of allowing us to transmit and dictate it organically.
point being: our colonial relationship with the US has countless contradictions. very few of them would be solved by us becoming a state (i think quite a few new, perhaps even messier, contradictions would arise, as a result).
If I have any Puerto Rican followers, please tell me what you think the future of the island should be because I'm honestly conflicted/curious.
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smalltofedsblog · 2 years ago
10 Common Traits Among Successful Small Business Government Contractors
10 Common Traits Among Successful Small Business Government Contractors
“SMALLTOFEDS” By Ken Larson “As a volunteer counselor over the last 14 years, I have noted common traits among the most successful small business federal government contractors.  The following are 10 of the most prominent traits and tips on how successful small companies developed them.“ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ “Commercial…
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chuunyaz · 4 years ago
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corruption/gravity fiend chuuya au
some au brainrot under the cut
okay more about this cause i have lots of ideas for a skk csm au 
so in this au arahabaki is a very powerful devil either a corruption devil or a gravity devil i cant decide (would have said violence devil but we already have a violence fiend in csm) that many countries fought over, similar to bsd the gov wanted to experiment creating a fiend they could control so they grabbed chuuya and experimented on him and then killed him so that the devil could possess his corpse, they were partially successful, chuuyas personality is more present than that of the devils but like in bsd canon he cannot remember his past. at some point he ends up as a public safety devil hunter and dazai is his buddy
dazai is a human in this au but he has a few powerful devil contracts still working on which devils he has a contract with but he gave his right eye in one contract probs 
also i cant remember if fiends age or not i mean they are possessed corpses but for the sake of my sanity and cause i hate age gaps etc i will say they do in this au
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