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The Cheever Files The Cheever Files Adventures of a Senior Thesis. Secondary blog of @midlife-stoodent.
Had to jump the count a few days because my Senior thesis is due TODAY. I had the due date in my planner as Sunday.
I am nearly finished with it. I turned in my thesis and subclaims into my prof via email, then when I got started, I used the same and wrote out my own words beneath my subclaims (I changed their type to BOLD to keep them separate). It worked! I am able to maintain an outline! I tend to scatter ideas…
I am not asking for an extension. I have asked for them all term and I simply need to get this done. I am 10 pages in, I have three sublaims left to do, and it’s not due until 11:59PM tonight.
I work best when dealing with absolute fear. Don’t follow my example. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 5 notes
The struggle is very real. Still receiving instruction from my prof on my thesis.
At least my tense is correct.
BTW, I work better under pressure. Spending an entire term on a paper has yet to work for me.
LISTENING TO: Our Lady Peace #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 3 notes
D-7. Senior Thesis is due this week. Thankfully I am off of work, so that’s one less thing to worry about.
My digital project is completed (first picture) and that has been uploaded. I am still (yes, still) working on my thesis and subclaims. I emailed a correction back to my prof this afternoon, once I hone my thesis she will get to my subclaims.
Tomorrow I have to drop off my paperwork for my Service Learning, and take the TB test. I don’t know if all of this is going to get done before the end of the term, but that professor has given us an option if we weren’t able to solidify our service learning before the term ended.
I think 60 coffee pods should last me until the end of the week? Last term I went through 80 in a week and a half, and this term is way harder. I may need more… #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#Seniorthesis#starbucks 3 notes
D-15. Rough Draft final draft, if that makes sense. I am truly blessed to have an amazing advisor/professor who gave us an extension (read: mercy) to turn it in for our rough draft workshop. I have until 6AM tomorrow morning to get this uploaded. **weeps with gratefulness**
Did I ever mention the size of my Senior Thesis class? There’s myself, and two other ladies. One of the many benefits of attending a small, private university.
I admit, I did the usual “check-out” in the middle of the term, where I was watching You Tube videos instead of writing. Then today, when the module for Week 8 comes out, we get the admonishment to not check out.
I am reeling myself back in.
Sumikko guroshi page flags for for ultimate win!
LISTENING TO: The Cure Disintegration #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis#sumikkoguroshi#obviouslyilovemycoffee 4 notes
Rough draft time. Have my most excellent feedback from my professor to help, as well as my own lightbulb moment. All I need now is the time to get it written. She did extend the due date for us, which I absolutely love because our drafts go into a workshop for final editing.
I miscalculated my vacation time from work, it’s next week, and I should have asked for this week, or even the rest of the month off.
Oh well. It will get done.
LISTENING TO: Morrissey’s Viva Hate #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 1 note
D-25. 25 days left to go.
Along with my essay, I also have to complete a digital assignment as part of my grade to add to my portfolio. Ovid’s Metamorphoses arrived via Amazon Student Prime today. Yes, Ovid + Cheever=Digital Project. It’s going to be awesome.
Still trying to raise my thesis from the bowels of hell. I was going to discuss the agency of the various rooms used in “A Country Husband” but I realized I needed to narrow that focus, so I am doing the agency of living rooms in the text. Of course, it throws my rough draft right out the window…
I love my Starbucks cup. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis#metamorphoses#starbucks#seemyfilofax? 7 notes
My First Draft is turned in, a minute past my self-imposed deadline of 5AM. I am so thankful my boss let me leave work two hours early so I could go home, nap, and finish this madness. I am not good at first drafts…a final copy I can do, but first drafts? My mind is still a jumble of thoughts and quotes.
After I uploaded my draft, I found an article on John Cheever that said he isn’t taught in schools anymore, if he ever really was. I find that to be a big old shame because the man is brilliant. Needless to say, even though I had already turned in my draft, I am now determined to make my paper a testament to his literary greatness. The man should be taught in schools, students are really missing out.
I am going to sleep the sleep of a student who has been burning the candle at both ends, what with full-time work and three classes to deal with. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 1 note
Literary TheoryLiterary Theory Senior ThesisLiterary TheorySenior Thesis 4/22/16: Over the course of my academic career (so far, it’s only been what, two years?) I have learned working with a printout of a text is much easier for annotating than with a book. I have absolutely no shame in destroying a book in the name of essay writing, but there is less guilt with using a printout. This is my copy of “A Country Husband”, the first and second pages. Yeah, I use Midori stickers to mark important transitions within the text.
I have also learned to SAVE. MY. NOTES from previous classes. Last term, I took Literary Theory, and I need to apply a theoretical lens to my thesis. It is times like these I am glad I am so anal about my notes, as my notebook from Lit Theory is divided by the different theories.
The rough draft is due next week, already I have the very familiar pangs of self-doubt. Maybe I am placing too much pressure on myself, but this paper is a reflection of me and my scholarship. In no way do I want to come off as pedestrian, but that is my largest fear moving forward. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 2 notes
Senior Thesis, Week 4: Way back when I took Literary Analysis (from the same professor) I kept all of the writing “hacks” she gave us. I printed them all up and tucked them away into a file folder. Turns out she’s using them for this class as well. Don’t know if the drawing belongs to her, but it still makes me laugh. Funny, two years ago when I took Literary Analysis I was very self-conscious of my essay-writing. Now it doesn’t phase me at all.
I am reading Cheever’s “Letters”…the man is hilarious, dark and so right-on with his discriptions of humanity. There’s an entire section entitled “The Suburbs”, from when he moved his family out of the city to upstate NY. The passage I highlighted tickles me, but I have to wonder: how often do we look at the belongings of others to remind us of who we are and where we came from?
My schedule for the upcoming week. My days off are Thursday and Friday, so I begin the fresh week there. Today (Monday) I register for Summer. I have to be at work by 230PM and other than continuing my Cheever reading I have my two other classes.
Our rough draft is due next week, so this is our instruction. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspp#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 7 notes
Got my Prospectus/Annotated Bibliography done, several hours before I was scheduled to turn it in, so that’s over.
This week we will be working on our Digital Project/Digital Presence, so we get a break from writing. Doesn’t mean the fun stops, I still have two other classes to maintain. Above is my weekly calendar, I use it as well as my Ardium Academic planner. My “weekend” is on Thursday/Friday, which is why the dates are wonky.
As for Digital Presence, I really am not worried about it. I cleaned up my social media when I was accepted to uni because I knew there would be a time where I had to do the exact same thing, so I just wiped a whole bunch of accounts. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studysop#spring2016#ELNM#Seniorthesis 3 notes
Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography Work:
This is the current time. Not too bad, as I don’t get home from work until after 11PM, but my eyes are getting tired. I’m indulging in a large mug of black tea, having consumed enough coffee over the course of the day to sink a ship.
I have spent this past week reading and researching. I carry a book or an article with me at all times, because you never know when you are going to have a moment to catch up on some reading. I had a few minutes while at the gas station the other day, so I read a few paragraphs.
You do what you have to do to get it done. :)
My beat up Writer’s Reference book, a university requirement.
No, I don’t have to work tomorrow (sarcasm).
I have my annotations completed, but I need to edit them to make sure all of the commas are in the right place. I am almost finished with the prospectus part.
I did, however, make sure Word was functional on my iPad and the entire project was accessible. WIN. Now I can finish this up at work tomorrow.
It’s due at 11:59 Monday night. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis 21 notes
Day 2: Well, technically I am still running on the original post, but in reality we have passed midnight. Welcome to 2:15AM.
Week 2 is the Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography portion of Senior Thesis. I took notes of the instructions and WON on three academic sources. I need 5 total, including the original text. I could hug my WR 323 instructor right now, because I have become a master of Google Scholar and our library’s online search engine.
I leave this post with a picture of my stapler. This little honey has the capacity of stapling 40 pages at once, and for someone who simply cannot read and retain electronically, this has been a great investment. Oh, and all of the printer ink and paper I stocked up on last term. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#LIT498#spring2016#ELNM#seniorthesis
Day 1: Amazon Student Prime and Sunday delivery for the win. My books came today! I never had a book for “A Country Husband”, all I ever had was a .pdf. I will say, annotating on a copy is a lot easier than in a book. So, I printed out another.
The term just began a week ago, and for that first week we had to turn in an annotated page from two papers we have written during our academic career here at Marylhurst. “Desireè’s Baby” by Chopin was my other choice, but I was sold on Cheever from the beginning. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#LIT498#seniorthesis#ELNM 2 notes A Digital Accounting of my Adventures with my Senior Thesis. @midlife-stoodent here. I am an English Literature and New Media major, and welcome to my Senior Thesis studyblr. Check out my main blog for more studyblr goodness.
I decided to chronicle my path of the Senior Thesis to create a digital footprint of the process. Obviously, my Thesis is on John Cheever, his short story “The Country Husband” to be exact. I chose Cheever because his stories about the middle class intrigue me.
So! Lets get this started! I will be following the usual #studyblr format. #thecheeverfiles#studyblr#studyspo#spring2016#LIT498#seniorthesis#ELNM 1 note
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Like a Wheel - Spissy
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Billy Joel - Pressure
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Around the World - Daft Punk
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Crazy For You (Slowdive)
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Bad Poetry
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Clorofila - Baby Rock Rock
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My Terracotta Heart
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Black Lipstick (Chicano Batman)
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Public Service Broadcasting
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